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@Fluttershy did you figure it out? Are you still in the first area? basically, touch everything, you'll get the idea
(Mini Metro is now out on Early Access; Paris is an awful awful city.)
If you preordered, the Humble page has your Steam key
@badp I wonder if that game has a projected release date yet....
@Wipqozn You are googling so hard, you capslocked "GOOGLES" and shift-locked "GOOGLE"
Hospitals are boring.
@Sterno Boring hospital stays best hospital stays
Hospitals are where people are made. Gross!
They're also where people are unmade, usually. Sad!
@badp Most of the time they are just unpacked there, the making happens earlier and on other unspecified places.
@Sterno Just go home. Come back after the child is born.
I ahould make a baby unboxing video.
I saw one of those on Youtube. not the best thing I've watched.
@MattЭллен You haven't watched the right ones.
@Sterno I'd be fine with this so long as that's what you called it. I'd never actually watch it mind you, but the title would provide me with amusement.
@badp I guess there must be varying quality between creators
@badp Hospitals are where people are. Gross!
Home with the kids today
@SaintWacko you have kids?
@Wipqozn Yep
@SaintWacko Age, count, gender?
Well, technically they're my girlfriend's
@Wipqozn male, 3; female, 5
@MattЭллен Best unboxing videos ever.
@BenBrocka I'm getting the hang of it. I found Harriet in one of the worlds.
I'd be watching them right now if I weren't in low-internet mode
Also, Rise of the Tomb Raider's exclusivity was just confirmed to be a timed exclusive.
She's away inspecting a hotel, so I'm working from home and keeping an eye on the kids
@MattЭллен Watching these videos is mandatory. Failure to watch those videos will result in death or a fine. For more information please reread.
@Fluttershy I've found maybe 10 of the...worm things? Some areas are very difficult/obtuse to properly figure out though
But at the start just focus on visiting all the areas. "Visit Home" brings you to a place with a portal to each area
@badp how high must the watching quality be to avoid the fine?
@MattЭллен High enough to satisfy the Calculator Watching Calculator Unboxing Videos Watching Commitee of Watching Unboxed Calculators
I suggest watching them thrice, back-to-back, just to be on the safe side.
Is @badp now also the duke of Calculator Unboxing Videos?
@badp I shall calculate
Wow. The local college has provided specs for laptops for their Technical Communications course.
It's a gaming laptop.
@KevinvanderVelden No, just somebody who appreciates the Fine Arts.
@Frank Now you can do Powerpoint presentations at 60fps 1080p!
@badp I know! It's such a waste!
@Frank Anything less than that will give people headaches and break immersion
sage nod
@badp For a Tech Comm course, I don't think immersion is required.
@Frank People will count the pixels in your textures and judge you sternly by the quality of the antialiasing on your A's
Expect members of the audience to walk to the projector with magnifying lenses and one of those awesome passenger counting clickety-clackety things they use on airplanes
@OrigamiRobot Hahahahahahaha
> One, two, three, ..., ten seventy-eight, ten seventy-nine... I KNEW IT! GUYS! THIS PRESENTATION IS A FRAUD! IT'S JUST 1079p! I WANT A FULL REFUND!
@badp I'd be changing slides too quickly for them to keep up.
@Frank Good, good, show off that framerate.
@Frank On the plus side, that may help you convince a scholarship/work to buy you a gaming laptop :D
@OrigamiRobot Yeah, that would be way too many
@SaintWacko It's not for me.
And I don't want a gaming laptop.
@Frank Oh, okay
MY current laptop is a gaming laptop
But my next one will not be
/me roomowner dances
@SaintWacko That was a close call!
@badp Oh, haha
Not a fan of gaming laptops?
I'm actually not a fan of laptops, period.
@SaintWacko If you want to pay more for the tag "gaming", sure...
The only reason I have one is so I can sit on the couch with my girlfriend and play
I wish I could use a console version of Sublime Text over mosh
But now that Steam in-home streaming exists...
@SaintWacko Move couch.
My next computer will be a self-built high power desktop, and a normal laptop
@SaintWacko Maybe do run a test of how well the in-home streaming works before you commit to that plan
@badp It works... alright. I'd like to upgrade the router and see if it works better
My girlfriend doesn't have a gaming laptop, so she uses it
I tried desktop-to-laptop, but the router is on a different floor and had significant latency trouble... with Faerie Solitaire
It worked really well at first, but it hasn't worked as well lately
@badp At the house my girlfriend and I are looking at, the office, where the computers would be, is right next to the living room
it would be perfect
@OrigamiRobot What about people who call them labtops?
@BenBrocka So I should focus on opening all the areas instead of trying to finish one and then move on?
Also, Harriet stopped following me. Did I lose her permanently?
I eventually want a new laptop that doesn't suck but the problem is I need it to also be cheap. (I want a better one for work, if nothing else.)
@AshleyNunn Make sure it's got an SSD.
Bunny Must Die, Hittogata Happa, Gundemonium Recollection and Gundeadligne are in the Steam Japanese games sale! http://store.steampowered.com/sale/japaneseindiefestival
those are all damn fine games
@Fluttershy no, they end up in Home after you leave the area
there's one worm per area
and yeah just make a quick trip through most of the areas then go back and complete things, as there's a portal to each explorable area. Though some areas will require you to complete them/get the snake/worm before you can progress anyway, and that's fine
@BenBrocka What do you think about the current Humble Weekly Bundle? I mean I kinda bought it at the highest tier without looking too hard into it and might end up regretting it but...
@AshleyNunn /r/suggestalaptop suggests wuggee for laptop searches and this seems like a reasonable start.
heart it's worth it simply for astebreed
PJ shooter is also fantastic
I kinda watched you play PJ Shooter so I'm not planning to play it myself
@BenBrocka How much is Bunny Must Die in the Japanese sale, as it was already $5 in the weekly sale.
(and I just bought it on Monday)
It's $5 again, very much worth it
I haven't gotten that far in as I played it Monday night before going to bed and didn't play it yesterday.
Use a controller if you have one
I can help you if you get stuck. It'll be hard the first time, but you get the hang of techniques and where to go
@BenBrocka Did you end up finishing your LP on your channel?
no, I'll just restart some time
Hah. Kids are obsessed with Call of Duty. Father takes them to Israel to meet and talk to actual soldiers.
Kids no longer play Call of Duty.
Mission accomplished, I'd say.
@Frank That's awesome
What if I'm obsessed with Team Fortress 2?
@Powerlord then your father will take you to a hat factory
@KevinvanderVelden Why would that stop me? :D
@Powerlord do you not know the horrors of hat factories?!
> The BEST of HORROR ADVENTURE "Corpse Party" is now ready for iPhone&iPod touch!
5PB has best time Engrish number one
their Phantom Breaker description is ridiculous too
> Smooth animation of retro 8-bitGraphic is highly evaluated, and player is increasing even now. Moreover, it has attractive game system of (Maximum)four on-line and off-line simultaneous co-op game play.
@BenBrocka The original or the remake?
@KevinvanderVelden Bring us to an unusual hat factory and we'll talk
> Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare
Wasn't that already the name of a CoD game?
@BenBrocka That's the "original" one. The remake is more like a first person dungeon crawler.
@SaintWacko no, that was modern warfare
@BenBrocka Oh, okay
That's right
they're finally realized modern military shooter is a bit too boring
I can't wait for Retro Warfare
The original is more like a visual novel with a bit walking around, but it's a damn good one.
@BenBrocka Steampunk victorian?
After every shot you have to stop and reload
If they did that I might actually be interested in a COD
@BenBrocka That would actually be really cool
Though The Order seems like it'll be pretty good for steampunk, if it plays well
Steam powered gatling guns
Dungeons of Dredmor is so much fun
I own it on three different platforms
@BenBrocka Thoughts on WiLD?
@KevinvanderVelden oh, right, you can't, you haven't come out yet :P
sorry for asking!
Hey, when someone talks about a new FPS game, my new response is going to be "Yes, but can you dance in it?"
@badp oh NO NOT AGAIN
DAMNIT @badp
@Powerlord You can in Destiny!
@KevinvanderVelden just because I haven't had much internet it doesn't mean I could forget
@badp I had forgotten
@Fluttershy Looked really cool until I heard it's some sort of DayZ like
Adventure? Cool. Survival? Iffy. Other players are the main threat? Nahhh.
> Language and math have always been part of the core public school experience in the US; science, by contrast, has often been considered an optional topic.
@BenBrocka OH :/
Really? So, all those science classes I took in High School were supposed to be optional?
@Powerlord You sucker!
@Powerlord no. Science is mandatory
@KevinvanderVelden Well, it was in the school district I was in. At least through grade 11.
Q: How to solve problems with launching? (Win 7)

No. 7892142I recently dug up Anno 1503 again - German version, Königsedition. Well, it doesn't work (Win 7). I spent last evening looking for solutions to the problem, i.e. installing as Admin, installing in a different location, compatibility mode - no luck. On launching the executable there's some second...

@KevinvanderVelden Yes. Science must be done on the effects on students of insufficient exposure to science. Although it's more fun to be in the control group for this one.
@OrigamiRobot on the plus side you can apparently play as the animals?? But I have no idea how it works due to CG Trailer Syndrome
Granted, I still took core subjects in my final year, too.
What they showed was pretty cool. But I'll need to know a lot more before I consider it after hearing it's some sort of online multiplayer survival thing
@BenBrocka I'd be fine with it being a less buggy DayZ.
@Wipqozn 7 DAYS TO DIE
Speaking of, Day Z is also apparently coming to PS4...I wonder if the console version will be more polished
@OrigamiRobot Oh right. When that leaves early access, I might play it.
@BenBrocka I doubt it.
On one hand, I doubt it'll be more polished than PC, on the other, I guess it's a fixed platform
Also I wonder how many years it's going to take them to actually port it, given rate of development
I don't think DayZ will ever actually be finished.
@OrigamiRobot I assumed, but I'd rather just wait until it leaves early access.
Playstation is allowing paid betas, so that's probably why DayZ is coming. But presumably there's still a fair level of QA involved
@BenBrocka I like the survival genre, so I'm pretty excited about Wild. I'll play a crab or something and just annoy people. :P
@OrigamiRobot Interesting
@Fluttershy craaaab peeeople
If you can play as that giant eagle I want to be one
if there's some sort of cooperative/nonPVP mode I'd be a lot more interested
OK, seriously... my employer needs to widen the field for job listings. I say this because I'm looking through the list for Information Technology Programmer/Analyst 11 positions and it cuts off at "Analys"
@KevinvanderVelden Apparently, every creature in the game is playable. Then again, you could do anything in Fable.
Ugh Xbox Live Gold is $60 now?
(I don't have the experience for a 12 position)
Maybe I shall check it out earlier than I had originally planned.
@StrixVaria all the more reason to never buy online games for XBOX consoles.
Yeah that was dumb of me.
@OrigamiRobot: So is 7 Days to DIe just DayZ made by a more competent developer?
It'd help if they sorts ITPA positions anyway, since despite the name "Programmer/Analyst" it's the generic code for IT positions.
'cause I'm not looking for positions as a Windows server admin (for example)
@OrigamiRobot When does it release?
So... I do wonder how Silent Hills will turn out.
@Powerlord The Lalilulelo will invade, and pyramid head will hop into a giant mech to stop them, saving Silent Hill from Kaiju.
Oh, and Doug Jones will be in it.
Note to all developers: If you are creating items that need to be run on a regular basis, for all that is holy, do NOT run them under your personal account.
Hmmm, good, they don't seem to have posted that position yet.
Now I have time to polish my resume.
@Frank So much this
I'm still cleaning up bits and pieces of the old programmer's scheduled tasks.
Things are breaking in strange and odd ways due to the insistence of using an actual account, and us then disabling said account.
It's all part of her plan, either you disable her account and everything breaks, or you don't and then she breaks everything later
@KevinvanderVelden *her
GOSH @KevinvanderVelden
@Rapitor Give-o-meter: 0 [.|.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.] 1 SHIT
@badp basically me too, but a LOT of people were complaining about it for whatever reason
@badp website has fullpage ads before loading, Give-o-meter: 0 |.:.:.:[.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.] 1 SHIT
aww I missed the flag
@badp We've run out of bacon. 0 [.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:|] 1 SHIT
Meanwhile on Steam on launch day:
I'm wondering what was in that pastebin now. But I'm at work, so I'm not risking it.
@Powerlord I would expect you to give significantly more than 1 shit about bacon.
@Frank Pastebin is blocked where I work anyway.
Which is why I clicked Not Sure
@badp Which of those launched today?
Also, it bothers me that COD is on the best sellers list despite not releasing for 3 more months.
@Powerlord Dunno about "today" but the elephants in the list are at positions #34 and #35
@Powerlord yeah that's annoying. I also thought PC players didn't buy remotely as much COD
I guess "added to store date" and "launch date" are not the same
@BenBrocka Oh, well I missed that this was items 31-40 too.
Apparently now it's off the top 100
oh, yeah I assumed it was top ten too
I suspect 1-10 are mostly on sale games.
If the top sellers on Steam were weapon packs I would be very very afraid
Incidentally, I need to stop listening to friends when they say "buy this multiplayer game and join us!" they never play said game again
(I'm talking about PayDay 2 if that wasn't obvious)
Likewise, I have Killing Floor currently installed for the same reason, but at least that I already owned.
@Powerlord I lost count of how many times that happened.
Sometimes, I had the game in advance, but they still never played a single match.
@Powerlord BL2 was about the only time this worked out well for me
not liking to play with randoms means pretty much all multiplayer games are iffy at best for me
@5pike At least it still gives people a reason to buy games on launch date. If a game really needs coop to shine I usually am very hesitant
Risk of Rain single-player turned out to be just as miserable an experience as I expected
helps that BL2 doesn't require co op, though I only did the boring catch-up stuff solo for the most part
@badp I seldom buy at launch anymore, because the first week usually is pure chaos.
co op rogue like?
I haven't had too much trouble at launch. I don't buy EA games though...
@5pike I do, but only for certain games and rarely (if ever) multiplayer games.
@5pike I bought Portal 2, Serious Sam 3, Runner 2, Freedom Planet and Mini Metro at or before launch without issue or regret
Portal 2 was the last Steam game I got at launch.
I plan to do the same for Isaac Rebirth, too
Portal 2 doesn't require co op...actually I never even finished it's co op
oh you just mean in general
I still sometimes buy console games at launch.
and by "console" I really mean "3DS"
@BenBrocka co-op is where the real puzzles are in Portal 2
@badp I probably get that.
eyes Layton v. Wright
I preordered by first console digital games because Playstation has preloading now--and I got a discount on a couple too
I was disappointed that I couldn't preload Freedom Planet, but it was about 90 MBs anyway.
was going to get hohokum no matter what, and couterspy looks cool. And they happened to be part of a preorder promo anyway so why not
The Swapper was also included which would have been tempting but I played it quite some time ago
great game though
@BenBrocka Not only did I get Portal 2 at a discount, I got a second copy of it! Of course, the second copy was for doing the Valve ARG which involved spending a lot of hours in 13 unrelated games.
Actually re: Isaac: Rebirth I'm kind of nervous about how difficult that will be
I got the potato sack but barely played most of them
Edmund has shown some of the larger room, and they seem to be distinctly un-fun
I think a couple were cool and most weren't really for me
@badp I like a challenge.
"Here is a large square room with 20 double-flies and a few champions! HAVE FUN!"
@badp I thought that was just for level editing?
no that does not look like fun
@badp Since I don't like BoI, I'd normally insert a "just like the rest of the game" comment here.
Those items in Rebirth though
properly combining items will be amazing
@badp Pretty sure that you'll get the tools to deal with such rooms.
@Powerlord There is a distinct difference between "more difficult because better enemies" and "more difficult because there's 100 of the same enemy"
One is actually a greater challenge and that's fun. The latter is just glorified grinding.
Q: CS:GO skins and crate problems

KyleI am unable to see the skins and crates I get from the drop from playing a game. I see what I get from playing a game, but I go to my inventory and its not there.

This video was actually showing off something different (and very obvious) but there's no way I could consider clearing that room "fun"
@badp oh, hm. Hopefully they're rare
@badp Ok, that's just plain evil
And no fun at all
@BenBrocka Yeah, I hope so. Well except this is a seeded run so if you like fart noises I hope you also like that room.
It's going to be there every time
I wonder how much shit Matt is getting because LiquidWeb was (is?) offline.
@badp We don't see what happens when you clear it, though. Maybe it will be worth it?
(I went to High School with the CEO of LiquidWeb)
@5pike I do hope so. If it dropped an item I would consider that worthwile.
I doubt that's the case though
@badp Yeah, and item would be much. Maybe a guaranteed key/bomb/card/pill drop or maybe those rooms are freaking rare. We'll see.
I do find it interesting that Wikipedia says LiquidWeb was founded in 1997, since Matt Hill was in the 1998 graduating class.
@5pike With 500 items, a large share of them are bound to be "meh" enough to be eligible for a "large room" drop list
@badp 500? Damn.
Actually I dunno about the actual number
but yeah it's a lot.
Of course, the list includes...
@badp Ahhh, HELL NO!
Well, you can't have ~500 good items.
@5pike These were demoted to trinkets thoguh, so that's something.
@badp wouldn't Wiggle Worm and a hoard of Options be pretty useful though?
@BenBrocka They can be useful regardless; consider for example the enemy type that fires blood lazers-alikes from their bellies.
The rest of the time, tears are just really really slow and have smaller effective range
If you're going for Isaac or ??? you might as well restart.
@Arperum Also you can hold the map button to unequip trinkets
well ringworm is awful, does wiggle worm actually lower range though?
I'm just glad I wont' have any more chocolate milk + brimstone situations, that took the fun right out of my run
Nom Nom Galaxy coming to PS4, PS Vita: http://bit.ly/1prNBT3 A co-op genre melter from the creators of PixelJunk
Q Games is back on the console bandwagon full-force, kinda surprising
(I don't really like nom nom galaxy so far but haven't played much)
@BenBrocka Ah, that looked kinda weird.
Not sure I like the art style.
It's like an arcadey Terraria, right?
yeah, but building has a strict purpose. It's...well yeah, kinda weird
@BenBrocka If range is based on distance traveled then yes. I believe that's how it is given how homing tears behave
does Ubisoft not have a press conference this year?
is Valve just selling merch at gamescon?
I dunno, I only watched the MS and Sony ones
Sony's the only one that takes it particularly seriously. Most just have a few new trailers
I dont' think valve has anything to announce. They might be there next year for steam machines or something
was hoping to see more on The Crew, The Division, and Rainbow Six...
@BenBrocka They did kinda release Source 2 onto the world
@badp Maybe @BenBrocka missed that. It was hidden in DOTA2's Workshop Alpha after all.
I heard about the Source 2 "launch"--isn't DOTA2 the only one though? Not really important either IMO, doesn't DOTA2 run on a toaster and not especially benefit from an improved engine?
Unless there's a new game or third party partnerships I'm not sure that's enough to make a conference out of
@BenBrocka Source 1 DOTA 2 has significantly higher reqs than TF2
@BenBrocka Right, but what game was Source 2 being written for? Hint: Ends with a 3.
(It also starts with "L4D")
The current Source 2 version of DOTA 2 also has significantly higher requirements than Source 1 DOTA 2 apparently?
@Powerlord they had to evolve Source at some point. And yeah L4D seems a more likely culprit
@badp No, starts with ½
Isn't that about the last of their multiplayer games that hasn't been hatted/market'd?
GoldSrc was written for HL1, Source for HL2, it makes perfect sense that Source 2's launch title would be HL3.
gameplay footage of Until Dawn--looks like Move is 100% out of the picture now
Moving is awful.
Also, why are Tortoise installers so stupid that they won't install without a reboot as they try to kill explorer.exe even if a directory window isn't open?
brb, rebooting
Q: Old Knight Greatshield hidden passive?

slow_excellenceI was fooling around on dark souls 2 last night and I read the description of the Old Knight Greatshield which states: An undated ancient greatshield Wielded by a warrior from a time so ancient that there exists no record of his endeavors. Has extremely low durability. Sometimes, just as a thi...

@Powerlord It would with old Valve. Not sure about current valve
@Powerlord oh you use Tortoise too? I'm glad we're not on Source Safe but it's not the msot stable/reliable program
I still find VSS files in old projects from time to time
git shell or bust
so.. IF we were doing Isaac themed items for TF2 what kind of hats/accessories would you all LOVE to see made?
@Powerlord source launch title was CS:S
followed by HL2 shortly after
Q: missing mods for ets2

Jordan Stalybridge Celtic MortI've added mods to euro truck sim 2 and only accessories have loaded like lights rims and cowbars but my trucks haven't so do I need to start a new career in order for them to work I downloaded them from etsmod website

@BenBrocka I have several of the Tortoise utilities installed. TortoiseSVN and TortoiseGIT mainly.
Also, yes Windows Firewall, I do want to allow Java SE to access the Internet.
Especially since it's the one I launch Eclipse with.
(It's the copy with the SDK it blocked)
we're on Tortoise SVN
Well, TortoiseSVN will go away from this machine as soon as we complete an SVN to TFS conversion.
...most of my current office is a Microsoft shop. :/
@Powerlord yeah we are too. Major exception is a PHP server (running on windows server though, which occasionally makes php extensions painful)

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