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@origamirob that's ~500m up
Approved. Phew.
@union congratulations!
Basically I'm on "don't screw up again" status
Did you poop in the fountain?
> We just did the same thing yesterday. And by same thing, we mean fell asleep on our couch.
Bah, Steam, why you gotta do this while I'm playing BL2
Q: How can I make a chest Unbreakable in Minecraft?

Steve ShipwayI have a 1.8 world for people to play in 'Survival' mode. In this world is a chest, which is locked by a key (new 1.8 feature). In theory, players should work hard elsewhere to obtain the key object, then they can open the chest and pillage the lovely, lovely loot. In practice, they whack the ...

@lazers get on it dinnerbone
Chicken, rice, veggies, gravy, awesome. :D
@Unionhawk Tweeted away :D
@Unionhawk This isn't possible already?
Or maybe what I'm thinking of need adventure mode
Needs adventure. There's a way to allow a player to break specific blocks, but nothing I'm aware of to disallow breaking something.
@AshleyNunn Slow Cookers are like magical deliciousness transmutation cauldrons
@LessPop_MoreFizz This is so true. So very true.
And it was nice to come home and just have to make some rice in my slow cooker and then bam food happened
Oh hey Lauren Bacall died. :(
@BenBrocka I have no idea what I'm doing.
In Hohokum.
@Fluttershy Solution: Stop not knowing what you are doing, and instead listen to The Thrilling Adventure Hour, since I guess it is now my new quest to convince Bridge People to listen to it.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Shit, really?
@AshleyNunn Yeah. Massive stroke.
She was like... 89 or something, so not that unexpected I guess.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Damn.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Yeah, I guess, but still.
@AshleyNunn Yeah. Still, I feel less awful it is less shocking than... well, yeah.
So Hohokum is cute as hell. But it's also really... really weird.
@Fluttershy What is it?
@AshleyNunn It's a game that just released on PS4/3/Vita... But other than that... I don't really know. o_o
@Chippies Flyff
@GnomeSlice played it, it's way too repetitive with not much to do
@Chippies Scarlet Blade if you can handle truly awful character design.
The gameplay is alright.
@Chippies I started playing Defiance today. Lots of fun.
@GnomeSlice the screenshots make it looks quite crappy
@GnomeSlice Defiance looks alright, but it's not really an MMORPG
Yeah it is
I was surprised how much of an MMO it is
quests and open world and you can see other players and all kinds of shit
@GnomeSlice MMO, but not MMORPG
or is it?
It has a pretty deep progression system
you should try it
I would consider it an rpg
do you level up? get xp from kills? have a skill tree?
@Chippies Yes, yes, kinda.
You get perks and a few skills
mostly perks
and it has loot and shit
plus you can drive vehicles
@GnomeSlice that's a plus
not really what I'm looking for, but I might look into it anyway
@Chippies Path of Exile?
@GnomeSlice don't like it
it just doesn't feel right
I only played a few minutes, but didn't really like it either
maybe I should try Rift
@Chippies Dofus
although I don't see myself playing Rift for long
@GnomeSlice I've played that when it was in beta, it's not that good
@Chippies it was pretty good
I sucked ass at it though
@Chippies Spiral Knights
it was very single-player like
@GnomeSlice isn't that an arena brawler type of thing?
haven't played it myself
I think so though
I need something to play with @Jennybeans
@Chippies What kind of game are you looking for exactly?
@Fluttershy idk, a fantasy mmorpg
free to play
@Chippies FFXIV has a 2-week free trial offer.
Oh. Hrm...
we used to play Tera Online, but kinda stopped
@Chippies oh, how about themightyquest.com/en/welcome
we also played Runes of Magic, that was fun for a while
@GnomeSlice not an mmorpg
it barely even has multiplayer
it kinda doesn't even
that stinks
there was this one I played for a while that I can't remember the name of now
you have a castle, you put traps in your castle, you invade other people castles in a diablo'ish like fashion
that's all there is to "multiplayer"
tbh when I asked for suggestions, I didn't really hope to find anything, because we have played like, majority of half-decent f2p mmorpg's already
@Chippies en.allods.com
that was it
@GnomeSlice I played it for a tiny bit, I also heard it's gone extremely pay2win lately
I think we might just play Rift
from what I've heard, it has a decent cash model and it was considered a wow killer at one point
@Chippies I played that for a while, my friends told me it ripped off a lot of WoW skills (I've never played WoW so I dunno)
@FAE yeah, Runes of Magic was very much like WoW, but f2p
it was a fairly decent game, but it had one area in game that allowed for extremely fast grinding, which made majority of the pre-endgame obsolete
@Chippes there's a new EverQuest in the works
@Chippies I played some Rift in its open beta, it was fun enough. Not enough for me to pay for at the time though.
@FAE it went f2p
a while ago
a long while ago
@Chippies Yeah I know, but I mostly had negative interest in it.
@Chippies I hate games with GCD.
@FAE yeah, I'm not really sure if I want to play it either
@FAE gcd in what way?
@Chippies Global cooldown
@FAE oh, I googled GCD and got "Greatest common divisor", lol
oh, haha
what kind of global cooldowns are we talking about? I haven't played it yet
@GnomeSlice TSW isn't fantasy though, strictly speaking
@Chippies like the one that puts all your skills on cooldown in order to rate your skill spamming
@FAE That wasn't a requirement
@FAE I'm not sure if I've ever encountered such a thing in an MMORPG
@GnomeSlice yes, yes it was
3 hours ago, by Chippies
L>suggestions for a good and fun f2p mmorpg
you lie =[
9 mins ago, by Chippies
@Fluttershy idk, a fantasy mmorpg
@GnomeSlice after you exhausted all your non-fantasy options, I had to be more specific
@GnomeSlice you can't do that with 2 people
This is hard to play, but you can be like anything ^
@FAE what, sure you can
can't you?
You can play it with just one can't you
@GnomeSlice Not that easily. I don't think that's really what he's looking for.
Probably not
@Chippies Are you looking for a sandbox MMO or a themepark MMO?
@Chippies you just want a clickfest right
@GnomeSlice that looks quite poor
@Chippies It's what Notch did before Minecraft
it's pretty old
@FAE not sure what a themepark MMO is
@Chippies no u
@FAE ...Notch made Wurm?
I played it way back, with some SA goons
@GnomeSlice yeah :o
hahaha what
It was too hard for me to get into
Tera Online was great, but after getting one or two characters to max level there wasn't much left to do
I've never played Tera
endgame content was pretty much unavailable without getting into a decent guild
But I guess I should.
I was turned off by Tera's artstyle
and leveling new characters wasn't that much fun
@FAE big booty bitches etc?
I remember they took a lot of flak for that early on
are the guys dumb looking as well?
@FAE the extremely original half-naked people artstyle? that most fantasy MMORPGs have? :P
@FAE Don't ever play Scarlet Blade.
@Chippies Just because it's common doesn't mean I have to like it
@Chippies Make more characters
@FAE not saying you do, but with such demands, I doubt there's many mmorpg's you'd like :P
2 mins ago, by Chippies
and leveling new characters wasn't that much fun
Defiance doesn't really have that
@GnomeSlice Defiance isn't fantasy either
and it's a shooter
it was fun at first, but after you've grinded for hours and hours to level one character, it's not as fun to do with another one
@FAE You were just talking about MMOs in general
@FAE shooter rpg
you can be a chick in defiance
I feel like fantasy mmorpg's are a dying breed right now
there seem to be plenty of sci-fi'ish mmorpgs though
@GnomeSlice @Chippies was noting the artstyle is common in fantasy MMOs
that seems to be the new cool thing
@Chippies there've been so maaaaaaaany
though Archage will be coming out soon
@FAE way too many, but only few were good
or Archeage, however you spell it
@Chippies Yeah, I'm kind of burnt out on fantasy MMOs. There's only so many ways you can play yet another half-elf.
I have a lot of interest in scifi/cyberpunk though.
@FAE I personally wouldn't mind a non-fantasy mmorpg, but @Jennybeans isn't much of a shooter, unless it's a bow
@chippies in that case, check out the secret world
@Chippies Defiance really focuses on accurate shooting too, they touted their "pixel accurate" system.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I said it first
@FAE yeah headshots are pretty tricky
@LessPop_MoreFizz isn't that buy2play though?
It's really good, and the quest content is top notch. Tons of great puzzles.
Yeah, but there's a trial and it's worth it.
@LessPop_MoreFizz is grinding viable as well?
@GnomeSlice I passed on it because my friends are in the US so I'd have to play on US servers and I could feel the difference in responsiveness between EU and US servers, so :/
Not really...
@Chippies Believe so, yes
@FAE You could play by yourself
I find grinding to be relaxing, whereas quests frustrating
More to the point, grinding in TSW is a lousy experience.
@GnomeSlice I don't solo MMOs
I can only do so many quests until I get bored...
@FAE I thought you were in the US?
@Chippies Flyff
TSW quests are unlike any MMO quests you've ever done.
@GnomeSlice ...I live in the Netherlands
They're much more akin to a point and click adventure game, with occasional combat.
@FAE I have always played on US servers, anything under 200ms is great
Like, serious major puzzles.
@FAE ...ok.
and even in Newfoundland, CA I still get only slightly under 200ms most of the time
@Chippies There was definitely a difference in responsiveness for the Defiance servers.
@LessPop_MoreFizz my issue with paying for mmorpg's is that I am very likely to stop playing after a week or two, or three
@FAE Defiance is a shooter, I can see that making a difference moreso than a fantasy mmorpg
@Chippies Yeah, like I said, they have their "pixel accuracy" system, where it matters, so I was like "noooope"
@GnomeSlice I mean like, how do you not know this? I talk about being here all the time.
@FAE You and @Fluttershy have acted like you were in the same room at times
@GnomeSlice We've been over this before. :P
On mumble. During Risk of Rain.
@FAE usually, I just suck it up, because all my gamer friends are from north america
it's either suck it up and get good to cover up the slight latency and have fun or don't play at all :P
I wish I had more friends...
@Chippies Yeah, I do too, in general, but shooters aren't my forté in general anyway and I figured Defiance would go f2p (which it has)
yeah, online shooters aren't my thing either
you lie
Warframe is an exception, although Idk if I'd classify it as a shooter
even though it definitely is
you always want to play recon arena
and Xonotic
@GnomeSlice I thought you were unable to dream
I am
I mean you played it with me a bunch
and that final rush game
final rush was/is shit
so is recon arena
Xonotic is good, but competitive games don't keep me entertained for long
how about fuck you, recon arena is the shit
remember the rockets in that KAS clone
recon arena is shit, I agree
@GnomeSlice that was also horrible
@Chippies read it again nerd
@GnomeSlice recon arena is a specific shit
so shitty, it is THE shit
y u do dis
you're making me want to play it again
maybe I should dl Defiance
@Chippies Wanna play Recon Arena?
and tell wife to keep playing Sims
@GnomeSlice no, I never do
@Chippies Oh come on it's been quite a while
we had some fun with that game, you can't deny that
@GnomeSlice the longer, the better
did you really not enjoy those sessions at all?
I loved playing that with you. I had a lot of fun. The broke assness was just part of the charm.
sorry, there's only so much I can play something that bad
it's funny how bad it is
but the novelty of "it's so bad, it's funny and fun" wears off fast
and then all that's left is just bad
I see.
@GnomeSlice is defiance good?
I'm downloading it right now...
@Chippies Yeah I played it for several hours today
really enjoyed it
I was a little leery, since it's based on a TV show. or maybe the show is based on it.
@GnomeSlice They were released concurrently.
how is everyone tonight?
same lol
Q: I need help with Starcraft question. I'm newbie.. (about "BRONZE")

Missyhey there… i don't play star craft II but i have a special friend who does. I wanted to know what the significance of the word and term "bronze" means to someone who plays as a "terrin/terran"? is bronze a good thing for this player? can someone please explain….THANK YOU (sorry for the improper u...

@LessPop_MoreFizz HAI
@GnomeSlice someone noticed!
every time @spugsley says
7 mins ago, by spugsley
I read it like
3 mins ago, by GnomeSlice
user image
@Chippies :3
@LessPop_MoreFizz omg ;_;
He is trying so hard!
that's so adorably sad
(Yes, I know he's probably just trying to wash his nose. But the anthropomorphized explanation is so much more adorable.)
Yeah. 'Art'.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I am very confident he was trying to save the fish and you can't convince me otherwise!
Q: How does Armor Penetration works with Critical Hits?

RandomizerI'm wondering if there is any advantage obtained with Critical Damage having Last Whisper as item. Will the Armor Penetration work directly with the total Critical Damage? Or there's some calculations to pass through? I've been using Shaco almost 7 out of 10 ranked games atm to get to Platinum ...

@chippies well he is doing a terrible job of it! :(
@LessPop_MoreFizz HE HAS NO HANDS!!! D:
or enough water to really help much
but he's trying his best with what he has!
amazing stuff :o
Does anyone know of a way to edit posts using vim? As in have vim embedded into a browser?
I figure this is a good opportunity to learn given how poor the capitalization is.
@TimStone That is excellent
@LessPop_MoreFizz Democracy isn't free, it's built on the backs of canines and $12 fundraisers.
Also thank goodness that BuzzFeed used its capital wisely and managed to shove that many pictures into what amounts to a one-paragraph story.
@TimStone some of them are Gifs!
@LessPop_MoreFizz Well, honorary mayor
This isn't as good as Cookie Waits, but it's pretty damn close.
@ashleynunn cookie waits rules.
@BoltClock Microsoft paid through the nose for that
#SHARKFACTS RT @pollyNYC: @darth important: pigs dressed as sharks wearing pearls http://instagram.com/p/rkqopSHDxp/
Tweet delivers on it's promise of shark facts.
I just tried this thing called a "Raspberry Pillow cookie" and I never want to each anything else ever again
@spugsley oh?
@AshleyNunn it's a soft sugar cookie filled with raspberry filling
and it's like...wow soft. Like a pillow in my mouth :D

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