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the two events are sufficiently disconnected that unless you're trying to piece together a comparative calendar, your understanding of the one has no impact on the other.
So far, 3 of 5 Infinity Gems have been shown and Guardians is the only film that has stated in a non-post-credits scene that it even is an Infinity Gem and that Thanos is a thing.
The avengers had Thanos in it at the end I believe.
@SimonL "non-post-credits scene"
@OrigamiRobot Yes. Which is important for how well you might understand future Marvel films, but, has nothing to do with whether or not you will make any sense of Guardians.
Which is exactly what I said.
meh I still agree with lesspop, you really don't need to see any of the other marvel comics before watching guardians of the universe.
If you wanna say you can enjoy Guardians without having seen any of the other movies, sure. But saying "it stands 100000000% on it's own" is what I'm contesting.
As of now, it exists in it's own bubble of an independent timeline. You'll probably want to have seen it before seeing some other future film that has not yet been released which may or may not be a direct sequel to it, but there is no prerequisite.
@OrigamiRobot It does. It won't when some future film comes out. But for now, it absolutely does.
What lesspop said^
@LessPop_MoreFizz I disagree. There is an event that places it after Thor 2.
Knowing the timeline of the marvel universe does not impact watching that movie in any way.
@OrigamiRobot Which is a chronological, not narrative statement.,
5 mins ago, by LessPop_MoreFizz
It's like saying to a student of world history that they shouldn't move past the fall of the roman empire until they've doubled back to the fall of the Mayans.
2 mins ago, by Origami Robot
If you wanna say you can enjoy Guardians without having seen any of the other movies, sure. But saying "it stands 100000000% on it's own" is what I'm contesting.
It stands 99.9999999999% on its own.
Guess what! You're both right.
@OrigamiRobot the narrative does not intersect with any other narrative in any way. There are however, events that allow you to contextualize it in time.
being able to place something in chronological context does not mean it doesn't stand on it's own to the degree I stated.
@RedRiderX You are half right! Because @OrigamiRobot is wrong!
@LessPop_MoreFizz Except it does.
Guys just got a new profile pic
I thought i did
Chat will take a while to update
We meet again
If I got a new profile pic, people would not be able to recognize me by my spaceship.
So hows your "robot parts" working huh
Btw simon awesome spaceship
Blam new profile pic updated
Are we really arguing about whether or not a movie requires prequel information to appreciate?
@Frank No, because the answer is 'it doesn't.'
Goodnight guys
@stizzle84 Someone else has that exact image.
I got this of of google
Off of
Well im going to bed
> The billion was, "I can't fucking believe it." Literally, I was sitting in front of a computer, naked, hitting the refresh because we were close, waiting until my net worth hit that billion when the stock price got to a certain point, and then I kinda screamed and jumped around and then got dressed."
Mark Cuban on the day his net worth cracked the billion dollar mark.
Q: What's the name of the song that's played when you die in Pitfall?

PanzercrisisWhat's the name of the song that's played when you die in Pitfall? My understanding is that the song itself (not specifically Pitfall's recording of it) is an old thing that nobody holds any claim over, and I'm trying to search for a free copy to embed into some software. Thanks. [There is no ...

HAHAHAHAAHAHA the "you need jesus" comments are starting to come in now.
I created quite a mess
lesson learned: don't write about religion :p
why do we need that guy
@spugsley on your article?
@AshleyNunn bahaha yeah. The comments are so ridiculous it's not even making me feel bad
@Ktash Not sure what you are referring to here.
I've been called a whore. Apparently, waiting until I'm 21 and married to have sex makes me a whore ;3
@spugsley Good. They shouldn't. You wrote a very good thing.
@spugsley Oh shit, then what the hell am I
Like Whore New Game +
@AshleyNunn It's funnier when you can pronounce it Jesus instead of Jesus
@spugsley I just came to the computer, so Idk if you mentioned it before, but is there a link to your article?
@AshleyNunn omg I love you so much
@spugsley thanks
@spugsley wooooo :D
@AshleyNunn Do I have to play that one to get all the achievements?
@spugsley I am halfway through the article and I am also trying to think of what word is the opposite of "whore"
@Ktash Yes. Otherwise you will be stuck at 99% forever and that would be sad
@Chippies "Prude"
@AshleyNunn Dang it! I hate it when that happens
Or so society would have you believe.
@Fluttershy I kinda hoped the opposite of "whore" would sound nicer than "prude"
And I'm already achievement hunting right now
@Chippies "maiden"?
Also... I need to sleep. I stayed up too late discussing job stuffs. x_x G'night, Bridge.
@Fluttershy heh, I can't think of that word without thinking kinky
let's not be sexist here
@Chippies really? I think of "iron"
@Ktash oh my
@Ktash I shove that thought away, because it makes no sense usually
@Ktash a band, a torture device, and something that has been adapted for kink play! <3
@Fluttershy Good night! Sleep well!
@AshleyNunn Nope.
@AshleyNunn haha I'll take that as a dirty comment. Much better than the reality of the fact that I am, at this moment, achievement hunting in Halo
Fun fact correction incoming!
@Ktash oh, see that is less fun, I thought we were still talking about New Game + :P
@AshleyNunn I mean, now I'm going for that
Wanna boost some achievements with me? ;)
@spugsley It's a great article, thank you for sharing! :)
@Chippies no problem :) I like sharing
@spugsley "This emphasis on purity (only for women) is just an effort to control women and ends up making them feel horrible" One of the people on that article made this comment, which is 100% true. Religion was written back when women had no rights. The fact that the church continues to promote these types of regimes says everything you need to know about religion.
@SimonL you're right. A lot of the comments are fantastic and the article has actually sparked some really neat discussion. That's like 95% of them. And then there's the people who call me a whore :p
@Chippies There isn't really one, since a 'whore' is specifically defined by a thing she does, so the opposite is... well, everyone who isn't one and doesn't do said things.
Not every word has an Antonym!
I wish I could buy that as a giant banner ad on English.SE
@LessPop_MoreFizz The opposite of whore is "the-opposite-of-whore"
@Chippies bahaha
@Chippies "Not a whore" to be more colloquially accurate.
The Bridge After Dark never disappoints.
@LessPop_MoreFizz that lacks emphasis
@Ktash Perhaps, I do like gaming the system
anyone's who's not a whore is "not a whore", whereas only the more emphasised "not whores" are "the opposite of whore"
@SimonL Eeergh.
@Chippies "Emphatically not a whore".
Please to not confuse religion with religious institutions
@LessPop_MoreFizz "not a whore" means you're lacking the "whoreness", whereas "opposite of whore" means you are on the opposite end of the "whore spectrum"
@Chippies there is no spectrum. There are women who accept financial renumeration for sexual favors. And there are women who do not.
@AshleyNunn In!
@LessPop_MoreFizz don't bring logic into this!
mango, strawberry and vanilla yogurt!
@spugsley What kind?
@spugsley mmmmmmm
I need to join the religion where trolling people on the internet is doing God's work.
@Sterno in
@Sterno I think that's called Anonymous.
@Sterno I was about to say Judaism but I think this monstrous jackass is serious. :(
Oh my
Genocide is totally okay when it's people I don't like.
@Sterno There actually is something called the CODE. in eve, where people bump miners and suicide gank them. minerbumping.com/p/the-code.html
That doesn't seem to be a religion. That's a business.
Anyone can troll for profit. I want to troll for God.
I wonder how many hours of sleep @StrixVaria has had in the last 4 days
@Sterno troll for profit, build a church, troll more
there are 4 others they have done, as well. Anyway they don't make a profit off of the ganks they do (if they do, its very minimal) - they make all their money to do their ganks by donations from other players.
@wipqozn I am going to start reading that book. I am super unsure if I will like it or not, based on the description.
Woo, working for 48 more minutes then sleeeep and I have tomorrow off and that is just yay
technically I have to work tomorrow but I can mostly blow it off.
and the boss is buying dinner and it will be delicious smokey bbq
@AshleyNunn yay!
@LessPop_MoreFizz That sounds like yay
I am hoping that maybe this week one of hte jobs I applied to thinks I am awesome and wants to interview me'
Because if nothing else I also now want a job that pays me reliably on time
@LessPop_MoreFizz I want this whole menu.,
@AshleyNunn What? The company that wanted to pay you in Bitcoin is behind on paychecks? QUELLE SURPRISE! :(
@AshleyNunn That said, it is a thousand times easier to look for a job when you already have a job, even an awful one.
Also, document document document any late or short checks because when you are ready to walk out the door, I am sure Canada has some equivalent to small claims court wherein you can demand the moneys you are owed.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Well, they're not super behind, they just suck at paying me - supposed to get paid the 1st and the 15th and often it is many days after that
which makes rent paying and such sometimes weird
@LessPop_MoreFizz Trust me I am documenting everything forever for a myriad of reasons
@AshleyNunn Refer to previous statement re: 'The Company That Wanted To Pay You In Bitcoin...'
Working my way out, as best I can
at least this time I don't have to worry about a roof over my head
and people wonder why I work for a publicly traded behemoth.
@WorldEngineer Ditto.
@AshleyNunn I remember you mentioned right after you got the job that they had offered to pay you in Bitcoin and I just remember that being a massive glowing radioactive red flag
@LessPop_MoreFizz Yeah, trust me those red flags have only multipled in number
If you will permit me this tiny schadenfreude, I am happy to see that my instinct was correct.
@LessPop_MoreFizz oh shit, no seriously, this is a giant "I told you so" shitpile.
Like I am very much only staying because options to get elsewhere haven't presented themselves as of yet.
@AshleyNunn At least you have an easy answer for interviews as to why you want to leave your current employer; "I suspect they are criminals, and I am tired of not being paid in a timely manner."
Q: Amnesia: A Machine For Pigs doesn't run

Suhel De CorserI have installed the SKIDROW version of Amnesia: A Machine For Pigs and I have cracked it just as it was said. Now whenever I play it the screen goes blank and then it crashes. There comes a Black Box dialog box with the crash report. Below is the content of the hpl.log file. Hope it helps. ***...

@LessPop_MoreFizz Yeah.....
(I am tempted to take my contract to the ministry to see what tehy would say)
(aka I am pretty sure it's not entirely good.)
anyway, that is enough whining about my job :P
@Lazers Pirated content
What in the world.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I am really not sure.
@AshleyNunn ...omg I just drank a huge fucking smoothie and I would drink the shit out of that right now
@spugsley I know right? I want a blender SO bad so I can make magical things like this
@LessPop_MoreFizz Oh thank god, they are actually doing something.
@AshleyNunn No they aren't.
He was convicted years ago and hasn't been extradited
And yet, people trusted him with their money anyway.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Because people are dumb.
> Finding a bullet for a gunshot wound, meanwhile, can be particularly baffling. Melinek says her favorite is “bullet embolus”: “A slug enters the beating heart at just the right spot and with precisely enough momentum to get flushed into the circulatory system, then surfs through smaller and smaller vessels until it gets stuck somewhere far removed from its point of entry.”
This is a thing.
> In one case, a man was shot in the chest, but the bullet was found in his liver.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Yep, totally a thing :)
Medical Examiner reminiscing about the most memorable deaths.
> And she has a final warning for New Yorkers who live alone with cats: the urban legend is true. “Your faithful golden retriever might sit next to your dead body for days, starving, but the tabby won’t,” she writes. “Your pet cat will eat you right away, with no qualms at all. I’ve seen the result.”
The manhole dude... :(
I didn't read the article because we are within the "2AM sads and nightmares zone"
@AshleyNunn Smart girl
@LessPop_MoreFizz This one took me a while to learn. Ask @WorldEngineer. He knows.
(If you do have nightmares, it means you have Ebola.)
> The first sign of Ebola is a general feeling of being tired right after you wake up in the morning. The disease can also cause you to be anxious or stressed, particularly about money or co-workers. The Gold Standard of Ebola diagnosis is detecting if you have a nightmare where you die. This is caused by your body’s immune system trying to warn you of the viral threat.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I think I have Ebola.
@AshleyNunn Well it's a good thing the article I linked includes a treatment plan!
@AshleyNunn As someone who saw Jurassic Park at a friends house at like 9 or 10 and then was awake for the next 57 hours in a state of terror, I know this all too well. Not so much now.
@WorldEngineer Oh god.
I more meant you have seen me with 2 am sads a lot :P but hot damn.
That just.
> You will also need to pressgang friends and family members to play doctor. Young children are often enthusiastic to play the doctor, and while this is cute, you absolutely need a male adult for this role. Children are more suited to clean the crap bucket. The doctor must wear a white lab coat (make this out of curtains or tablecloth — be creative!) with a stethoscope (headphones connected to an oven knob or pog) and clipboard (placemat and rubber bands).
> The doctor’s responsibility to come in once a day, look at your chart (graph paper with a downward line drawn on it) and frown, then tell you you’re going to die.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Oh yay!
Wooo, done my stupid late shift. Time to curl up with my cat and my thwomp pillow and try to wind my brainmeat down
@AshleyNunn Can't sleep, cat'll eat me.
@LessPop_MoreFizz If this is a thing relating to clowns I am not clicking
@AshleyNunn it's a clip from the simpsons of little bart being scared by a clown bed
and then rocking back and forth chanting "Can't sleep, clown'll eat me"
@LessPop_MoreFizz Okay, yep, that's a no go.
It's the origin of that particular cliche.
(I am not good at clowns. I am good at teh rocking and repeating though. I am a pro at those."
@AshleyNunn Remind me when you are not in nightmare fuel zone to link you the article about the clown convention I saw the other day it is actually a pretty cool read.
@LessPop_MoreFizz As long as there aren't a lot of pictures.
Morning Bridge!
Q: What's the difference, content-wise, between the "Sorcery!" mobile games and books?

idan315Due to obvious reasons, not 100% certain this is the correct stack exchange for this, but here goes. I've been playing the "Sorcery!" mobile games for a little while, and while the first one ("The Shamutanti Hills") has some minor difference (mostly expanded introduction and dialogs), the second...

Q: Are all weapons unlockable?

imulsionBy which I mean is it possible to unlock every weapon in the game without ever paying for one, or can some weapons only be obtained through microtransactions?

According to wakatime, I spent 19 hours on incraftmental last week...
morning @Arperum
@fredley That's quite some time.
@Arperum Yup...
Q: How players with 10 victories can be 25 level in League of Legends?

cadmyI noticed some players with a very few wins but their level is about 25. How is it possible? Do they play with bots? Or they really win almost never? Or they play incredibly great?

List of things I want to do right now:
End of list
@badp I expected murder and destruction to be in your list.
Not right now
Right now I don't want to do anything let alone go out biking for upwards of two hours
And get back home at 1300 only to have lunch immediately
@badp Why? For "fun" or for just getting to somewhere else?
Biking is one of the most fun things of its category
Gotta go fast
and coast about half the time!!
but the timing is terribad
(Yes it's for "fun")
Q: Where to find the secret monolith

SysDragonIn Rymdkapsel for iOS, when you enter the Game Center there is one achievement about finding a secret monolith "lost in space". In a normal game I can only see the basic four monoliths. So, how can I find it the secret Monolith?

@badp Quoted fun best fun
Scare quotes best quotes
Repetition meme redundant meme
Incorrectly applied meme worst meme
[adjective group] [noun] [best|worst] [noun]
Q: At what point can i start playing Naxxramas successfully?

Philipp SanderI recently started playing Hearthstone. Today i tried the first Boss in Naxxramas and got really smashed. What do i need before even trying to beat the bosses?

Q: Is Kingdom of Hearts in Anyway linked to Final Fantasy?

Nathan TaylorMy girlfriend and I have had an argument over this and I was wondering is there any aspects of Kingdom of hearts that is directly copied from Final fantasy as I am sure Chokobos are used in both, the way in which the cutscenes activate are similar and the ways in which the enemies disappear is th...

Q: Does the 3DS have an automatic start-up mode?

nintenWith the original DS, you could turn on the auto start-up mode and the console would load the game cartridge without going through the menu. As I install new games/apps, the menu of my 3DS is getting slower, so I keep pressing 'A' impatiently for some valuable seconds until the game starts loadin...

Q: How to change default pilot?

MołotWhat happened to me yesterday: I made a rocket Put Bob in it Start Crash Revert to vehicle assembly Fix crash reason Start And then I realized Bob wasn't there, Jeb was piloting my ship! How can I stop that? How can I prevent Jeb from pushing his butt into my rocket if I haven't invited him? ...

@fredley These were some very motivated police officers.
> Tortoises can run as fast as 1mph (1.6km/h) "if they really want to," Mr Wilfong said.
Yes, I know, I read the article.
Q: How to place objects in the showcases?

JCalcinesI have built a house in Skyrim and I am docorating it. So, I have crafted some showcases but I think it is too complicated to put objects in there. Is there any easy way to put objects in there? I've tried to grab the objects and drop in the showcase but the result didn't like me because I ca...

Q: Tiny Deathstar crashes while loading

CatherineWhen I tap on the Tiny Deathstar icon everything seems normal. The loading screen popps up and the gamecenter welcomes me. As soon as the loading bar reaches about a quarter the app crashes. This happens everytime and I habe only been playing since yesterday. Anyone here who can help me?

@Blem pls
I have been administered "fun"
@badp "Fun" rating?
@KevinvanderVelden Free food!
@Arperum but I have tostis to eat
Why would I want pigeon =/
@KevinvanderVelden Extra meat?
@Arperum but but, tostis!
@fredley mandatory out of five
@KevinvanderVelden pidgeon toast
@KevinvanderVelden With extra meat!
It burns
My skin hurts
The sun too much sun
Cycling in Italy in August? Sounds like a "fun" day for all the family.
It burns and itches and dries and ages
@badp Sounds like the solution is to do less of it
Q: Can logistic pipes craft items when an item comes into my system?

Tom HartI have 3 logistic crafting tables setup to turn cobblestone into triple condensed cobblestone when I request it. Can I make my system automatically craft it when cobble enters my system?

@fredley a reasonable person would reach that conclusion indeed
This is why the outlook isn't good
The outlook is quite negative indeed
Negativeness of the outcome is increasing nonlinearly
@KevinvanderVelden D:
good afternoon, all
Morning bridge
@KevinvanderVelden I got to kick a pigeon a couple times on Saturday if it makes you feel better by proxy
@FAE this was a well behaved pigeon though
It just walked around and didn't even poop on anything
@KevinvanderVelden it just... flew in?
@FAE it just walked in
It wasn't a wild pigeon, it was a carrier pigeon probably
@KevinvanderVelden Clearly not a pigeon. Good thing you didn't try to kill it, it might have activated some kind of superweapon.
A pigeon, a tortoise and a sloth walk into the bar ...
@FAE: Which is your favourite?
@FAE also, I'm juts imagining you stalking a pigeon and kicking it repeatedly
@Wipqozn Middle one. Black and purple == yay.
@FAE Okay.
Payback for the time when the pigeons were oppressive dinosaur lords.
@Wipqozn Yay!
@KevinvanderVelden Oh yeah, I forget you have those here. We passed a bunch of trucks full of them on the highway once.
@FAE to be honest, I don't think I had ever seen one before
It's mostly a hobby of weird people
@KevinvanderVelden I've never seen them either, I just know that they apparently exist here in large enough numbers to see like over half a dozen trucks going down the highway full of them.
Now I need to decide between these two, which is @GraceNote:
Apparently there are a lot of weird people, who knew. looks around at everyone here
@KevinvanderVelden What, carrier pigeons? Training them is basically a national sport where I come from, along with Skat.
I was originally leaning towards the right one, but I thnik I will go with the left one...
@Wipqozn Do me next!
@MartinSojka Skat?
Skat is a 3-player trick-taking card game devised in early 19th-century Germany. Along with Doppelkopf it is the most popular card game in Germany and Silesia. Skat features prominently in Günter Grass's novel The Tin Drum and leads a trail connecting the plot. It is also played by many soldiers in Remarque's novel All Quiet on the Western Front, and was a favorite game of Richard Strauss, who included a hand in his opera Intermezzo. == History == Skat was developed by the members of the Brommesche Tarok-Gesellschaft between 1810 and 1817 in Altenburg, in what is now the Federated State o...
@OrigamiRobot You're not in the party. You weren't around last night. You were in my party in EOIV though.
I feel so betrayed
@MartinSojka Huh, neat.
@OrigamiRobot You should.
@Wipqozn Did you end up picking ninja or druid?
@RonanForman I still have no idea what you're going to be.
Is the decision that difficult?
@RonanForman Yes.
I'm considering doubling up on either Zodiac or Arbalist, so all my damage dealers are in the back row. Good for the buffing from my prince.
@FAE Since somewhere last week it is possible to even bet on the racing things in Belgium... And the chinese are paying big money for some of the better pigeons out there (in one case €310k ...)
@Arperum Holy shit.
@Wipqozn left?
His 530 pigeons sold for € 4.346.500 in total. That's completely insane.
Oh, Zodiac isn't effected by Attack order
Gladiator, Ninja, or another Arbalist.
@Arperum That's insane
@Wipqozn you can read the existential dread in their eyes
Q: Minecraft Shader Help

SpAreAxWhen I join the server ot my singleplayer world my whole screen turn black I tried everything I updated my drivers but nothing can anyone help I am using SEUS shaders

"I am an extraordinary person of extraordinary abilities with extraordinary tasks and I can fucking fly. FML."
@Wipqozn clearly the one with the text underneath
Yay the kids on the boat are complaining about having to cook and clean.
@Unionhawk Existential dread for everybody!
Can't wait until anchor time
@Wipqozn What are these?
@fredley Class portrait for Etrian Odyssey 3.
Etrian Odissey III it would seem?
"Hey guys you have to pull up the anchor" "WHAT NO YOU DO IT"
@Wipqozn I am using mobile chat and have a ten second bonus for all BEAT YOU TO IT purposes
@Wipqozn I beat you to it!
@badp My message is before yours in my browser.
So you lost!
@badp Oh, that's fair.
Q: how to get a "iron mine" or "cole mine" in "a dark room"

schulbrezelI try bad to get a "I" (Iron mine) or a "C" Cole mine in the nice game "a dark room". Can anyone tell me how to get a mine?!

Plus I have the mobile connection bonus, the sicily bonus, the moderator bonus, the king of Dictionary bonus, all in all I think I've beaten you to it by a forthnight
@Wipqozn Etrian Odyssey?
In case you're worndering a forthnight is a fourth of a fortnight.
@fredley man Wipqozn is just the slowest
@Unionhawk If you have to do everything, does that mean you also get all diving equipment? I'm not entirely sure, but diving without equipment is a pretty serious niche thing.
@fredley Yes. It's a video game.
Which is a game in video form.
I'm their Divemaster, my job is pretty much that of an underwater lifeguard, and everything else is done by the kids. The equipment for the most part is rented anyway
(that's seriously the best way to describe my job ever)
@Unionhawk Sounds like this bunch is going to be a thankless group though. Good luck with them!
@Wipqozn I see
@Unionhawk so in the best case scenario you stay underwater a bunch and that's it.
What does one do in said Video Game?
@fredley You feel existential dread by proxy.
If your life does not have enogh existential dread in it, try videogames!
@badp What if life is just a video game? What happens when I stop playing?
@fredley you cannot feel existential dread if you don't exist.
You might be able to feel existential envy, however.
"I remember when I used to exist all the way to school, in the London smog, uphill, both ways, with the existential dread of a self-aware mammoth in a zoo."
This group is from NY. I blame @lesspop for everything.
@Unionhawk so the real question is, are you using mobile chat underwater?
No. You kidding? These guys aren't done cooking breakfast.
@Unionhawk How many hours do you expect them to take to properly destroy the food and give up?
Well, captain got impatient, so they're cooking eggs while under way
does anyone here play clickcraft
We have a drawbridge to catch
@Unionhawk I bet those kids are wishing they were in Italy and breakfast meant coffee and milk
@fredley You introduced me to clickcraft, but i am having issues with it, i can't seem to do anything with the crafting table
@RonanForman yes that clickccraft
@Flaunting tommedley.com/incraftmental is the new version.
same makers?
@Flaunting Yeah, @Bat is working on it, with some help.
@RonanForman Help from @fredley @KevinvanderVelden and you IIRC?
@Arperum Yup. I was just checking.
@RonanForman is there any starter guide to it or is it simply trial and error
@Flaunting Trial and error.
If you play minecraft it's all the same recipes.
ok cool thanks, well thats todays work out the window time to hammer this game
@badp man now I want a Cuban café con Leche from that one place
@Unionhawk You're on a boat.
You know what's nice? When you can do half of the work that is planned for 2-4 days in 15 minutes because the system you are using still contains a shitton of copypasted code in comments that includes the required new functionality.
@Arperum Oh man that sounds like a not wise decision :P
@badp It basicallyu means, that the whole part where I have to handle possible user input and figure out the crappy old system is skipped by uncommenting a couple lines. All I have left to do is make it appear on the front end.
@Flaunting It works pretty much the same as click craft early on. When you get to villagers it's a bit different, and afaik the exploration stuff isn't written yet (you can move around the map but you can't do anything yet)
It also means I don't have to modify a DB that is running a live website. Because having a test-enviroment is useless or something. And listening to the people who do the code writing even more.
@RonanForman What do you think this is, the puzzle in the second room of the Shadowgate remake in Master difficulty?
@fredley im on the original version of the game atm, is there a trick to crafting iron tools i cant do it atm
(I've complained about said puzzle having no hints on Master (read: hard), haven't tried it on Journeyman (read: medium) and the hint is in plain sight on Apprentice (read: easy))
The hint is there, but on Master, you can't see the hint until you've already completed the puzzle...
@Flaunting Don't forget that you need 10 iron INGOTS per ingot in the crafting table (both versions)
Today may be the day I catch up on the MCU

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