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Hm. Was hoping Tom Wijsmmin was here.
in Gaming Town Hall Chat, 1 min ago, by Rebecca Chernoff
The Town Hall Chat will take place Tuesday the 16th at 10pm UTC / 6pm EDT.
Thanks @RebeccaChernoff. Unfortunately, I'm not going to be able to make it.
same, working
Can't win 'em all.
@RavenDreamer we'll be happy to take your responses to the questions and add them to the digest that will be posted on meta afterwards.
@RebeccaChernoff woo
Nope. But c'est le vie.
@RebeccaChernoff Okay, sounds like a plan.
Just add them in the THC room afterwards / the next day.
Darn it, Tom, get in Chat!
(just use explicit replies please so they're linked to the question you're responding to to make it easier)
(if you don't, I'll be forced to kill you)
Heya, @TomWijsman
@RavenDreamer Here now, you seem to disagree with that tag?
Glad you got my message.
We shouldn't be promoting as a tag, because we don't want to promote game-balance questions in the first place.
@RavenDreamer: I agree that they are indeed are not questions that are based on an actual problem; good point.
I just noticed that there were more questions about it, given 9 pages of questions containing 'balance'.
@TomWijsman - Apologies, but I don't understand your first sentence at all.
So, I thought it didn't hurt to tag them. But now, I guess I can better go and vote to close them? :)
Okay. Yes. @TomWijsman I'd definitely vote to close some of them.
@RavenDreamer Corrected that sentence, I'll look into them after a pause.
But only those that are directly asking about balance, not a question like, say...
Q: Are melee and/or unarmed builds more useful now than in Fallout 3?

JavadocMDI recall the general consensus being that in Fallout 3, melee and unarmed character builds were practically useless due to the lack of very good weapons and armor. From anyone's experience, are things different in New Vegas? It seems as though, generally speaking, the developers tried to balance ...

That question has an objective answer.
Would a question about the current status of the Wing Commander series be valid?
Q: What level do I need to be to purchase Tier 3 runes?

Nick TI just hit level 20 and have lots of saved IP that I was going to use to purchase the tier 3 runes, however apparently I can't. All the runes in the store still say "level 20+" in red, and double clicking on them or whatever else does nothing. I've re-logged and it's just the same. Do you need...

Is the Town Hall Chat on?
@TomWijsman In 21 hours as far as I understand: wolframalpha.com/input/?i=10pm+UTC+on+Tuesday
Ah, woops, that's from last year...
You should be able to see the local time on the event: chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/info/269/…
@CruelCow: Yeah, I saw like the chat and I was like are they busy so I scrolled up to see the start, but apparently Rebecca just added three messages at the bottom. Seems I got to be there at Brussels 00:00.
There wasn't a time everyone could do it...I did the best I could. (:
So, @RebeccaChernoff: I can be there.
"Starts in 21 hours (in your timezone, that's 18:00 on Tuesday), lasts 60 minutes. "
@RavenDreamer hey whaddya know! (;
@WorldEngineer what do you mean? (re: wing commander)
I know EA released a XBLA type deal in 2007 but since the no activity
and the old ones don't appear legally available
outside Privateer
@GnomeSlice - I disagree with that guy, for the sole purpose that he didn't mention the Super Smash Bros (N64) commercial
@RavenDreamer Why did I never see this.
Because your google-fu is weak, grasshopper!
I still think the Meat Boy retro ad captures that era better than many of ads at the time
I never really thought to look.
I'm always amazed at how often valve screws up tf2 updates
Apparently they just completely broke windows dedicated servers :\
I've been looking for an hour thinking that I updated my server wrong. Gah
Indie Game Links: Iconic Creators http://t.co/t5doMh3
Oh, FYI... Apparently the Steam Beta client also has some other fixes.
"Fixed offline mode not working if there was no remembered password"
Apparently that's why Offline mode worked for some people but not others.
@DaveMcClelland btw, did you install the second server update?
I don't know about Windows servers, but there were two Linux server updates today.
@Powerlord Yep, both updates are installed. I hope a third update is on the way :/
How about announcing the Town Hall Chat in the site notice?
I just realized that I need to go onto a TF2 server that has the plugin to spawn the HHHH so I can melee him as a Demoman at the last second and get the haunted metal.
On my alt account that is.
That way, I can craft a clean version of one of the Halloween hats.
Q: Baldur's Gate: once I replace a party member, can I ever get him back?

azeraPlaying BG1 in BGT When I meet a new npc and he ask me / i ask him to join the party, if my party is full I can remove one of the previous member. But while some stay wherever I left them, other just leave out of the screen (Khalid for exemple), is there a way to get them back later on if I want...

Q: How do I get past level 8-4 in The Last Rocket?

splattered bitsI have stared and stared and stared at level 8-4 of The Last Rocket and can't for the life of me figure out how to get to the exit. I've flown from each corner of the left and right wall. I've tried walking and flying through what looks like an opening to the right of the bottom fan. I've tri...

Can we get one more close vote here?
Q: Starcraft 2 Patch 1.1

ElpezmuertoStarcraft 2 Patch 1.1 Details came out, in a nut shell Blizzard is trying to balance out damage against armor units and to provide players with better rush defense/counters. How should I start preparing for these changes?

@WorldEngineer Whoops. :x
best I could do
fair enough
flag it as ot?
shrug Personally I don't use flags to call mods to close things, but I guess you could.
you've enough rep to vote to close, I don't here
I know, but I think someone else with over 3000 rep will find it soon.
only site I've got even close to that is Programmers
my taste in games tends towards the odd and the old
it's not an easy number to get
@Manaಠдಠ Had already cast a vote on it :/
Good night all
I like this more than I probably should.
@GnomeSlice Mind to throw another close vote on the SC2 Patch question up there? It's localized.
nvm it's closed
@Manaಠдಠ Uh... oops.
Yes... I didn't cast any votes of any kind... reopen or otherwise.
> reopen (1)
I think balance questions can be closed anyway, even if they aren't local since balance is typically subjective or even if statistically backed, the stats are often flawed/overly-simplistic
god damn it GnomeSlice. ;_;
that's politics chief
@Manaಠдಠ Hey, isn't that usually where the close button is??
Yes. Yes, it is.
It's not my fault it was a reopen button this time instead...
Damn it, I'm pretty sure this is the first time you've brought tears to my eyes. Tears of laughter but regardless.
this is disregarding all the tears I sobbed during that last agonizing month of comp sci with you
jk it wasn't that bad
Yo @simchona
Hey @Mana. Decided to straddle EL&U/Bridge again
Tad quieter this evening compared to last time. It's mainly me and my dwarf lover @GnomeSlice
Also WorldEngineer. HI WORLDENGINEER.
there's a space there you know
I tend to forget when I get lazy with tab-complete.
Great music video, or greatest music video?
It's classic.
It's creepy.
I'm with Gnome on this one
I'm sort of frustrated! I got DSL installed at my house but it was put on the wrong phone or something and it doesn't work.
@Manaಠдಠ Did you install phone filters?
@Manaಠдಠ Oh - I'm afraid I've gone through my entire catalog of debugging DSL connection issues then
@WorldEngineer Don't get me wrong. I love it.
I wish they'd do a FF8 and 9 in HD
with voices and all that
I mean the FF7 fans have had their nostalgia milked
I wish to have mine milked
Have your what milked?
for final fantasy 8 and 9
Q: In Yakuza 3 does the Tokyo Ishun magazine become unavailable?

James SkempI'm in chapter 12 in Yakuza 3 and am trying to access the hidden menu options in restaurants and bars. However while I may have once seen the magazine necessary to unlock these items I seem to be unable to find the magazine at any of the M stores I've visited. All I can find online is that I sho...

So speedtest says I have 17mb upload right now. Yet a 15 minute 1080p Youtube video is taking approximately 9 bazillion hours to download.
@Manaಠдಠ yeah, that's what I was trying to say
@Mana, don't you think sjohnston should meet aedia?
@simchona Love at first sight.
Q: Cloth bags from pig tails?

AaronLSWhat are the steps to go from pig tails to cloth bags? The wiki says the process plants/thresher skill is used to turn the pig tails into thread. I used the spin thread task, and my dwarf that has plant processor enabled has never gone and done it.

Q: Any benefits to running minecraft in a 64bit environment?

Alexy13I'm wondering if I was to run minecraft in a 32bit or 64bit ubuntu server; would there be a benefit (speed improvements) or something else, or just the same? Downsides?

@GnomeSlice You'll understand soon.
@simchona Is this going to be one of those Matrix things? Because I don't really like pills. Or having the veil of comforting false reality stripped away.
So far, Revenge of the titans is probably my favourite game from the humble bundle
That or Crayon Physics, but I'd played that long ago.
@sjohnston Nope.
Yay! Aedia came!
@aediaλ UNICORNS
@sjohnston YAY!
boom, screen-capped
@sjohnston, @aedia we'll let you two frolic in the rainbow fields
You should have tried to get z7sg for a threesome.
@simchona It's night here, so I'm actually frolicking beneath the swirling starscape of the milky way.
@sjohnston Come over to EL&U sometime for coffee with @z7sg and me!
@aediaλ Sure
jumps up and down Yay, yay, yay, unicorns!
saves unicrons.png
What is this, Transformers?
@GnomeSlice I haven't referenced Transformers: The Movie in a long enough time
@GnomeSliceツ Like microns but even harder to see.
also, Bah Weep Granah Weep Ninni Bong
...On second though.
@GnomeSliceツ I have a fully functioning horn!
@GnomeSliceツ Unicrons are the time-dilating particles produced by unicorn rainbows. That's why unicorns appear to be running in slow motion, multi-colored manes cascading in the wind, hooves lingering above the churning loam. And so forth.
@Manaಠдಠ <3
@Manaಠдಠ It's like a very localized April fools day
@Manaಠдಠ Awwh.
@Mana We're like unicorn matchmakers! "Making the impossible happen"
Hmm, dang. I don't think I'm going to be around for the mod election town hall
@sjohnston I probably won't be trolling it this year either.
@GnomeSlice I present to you my latest work of art. Ponycron.
I don't even want to~
@Manaಠдಠ You just wasted 15 minutes of your life.
@Gnome The Movie Unicron, not animated series Unicron
@GnomeSlice I know. But it was so worth it.
See, I don't think it was.
I think its cute ^^
@simchona It devours worlds. Entire frickin' planets. But yes, it is cute IMO too
@Manaಠдಠ I'm a girl. I just care about the cute part.
@simchona That's... no.
@GnomeSliceツ But...but...but I want it
@GnomeSlice If I said I want your body now, would you hold it against me?
random dubstep interlude
@Manaಠдಠ Yes, Britney, Gawd.
And you quoted it incorrectly anyway.
@Manaಠдಠ Jeez, how many people in here are you dating?
@simchona All the people. shades
@GnomeSliceツ You remind me of the starfish in the Charlie the Unicorn 3 video
@simchona Is that good?
@GnomeSliceツ Well, he goes through a song...let me find it
I like this already.
I can't even remember what happens in Charlie the Unicorn 2 or 3.
@simchona That's a shitty recording.
@GnomeSliceツ It was the top Google hit. Bite me.
@simchona nom
@GnomeSliceツ Did you find the starfish?
I like this starfish guy.
I can relate
@GnomeSlice Take it from me, that's how you approach the ladies. And the gentlemen. Both of them. Everybody.
@GnomeSlice Man, I don't think they could have chosen a better image for that song.
@Manaಠдಠ Me neither.
This was right next to it.
@simchona No. No.
You really can't beat the original music video for that song
Yes, it's the song from the game.
Robot Unicorn Attack.
Well it was FEATURED in the game.
oh man, what is it about that song. It's so ridiculous, and yet every time I hear it I just want to listen to it on repeat for hours
@sjohnston Which one?
@sjohnston Don't get me started.
The official version
I got just over two hours into this.
@WorldEngineer YESTHIS

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