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Ugh I should have brought my laptop, I want to play pioneers
I haven't bothered with most cards.
I have lots of games with eligible card drops if I really cared.
@Raven you haven't then; if you had hit the hotel, you would know. (It is pretty early on, too.)
If I get them I sell them
Selling cards is basically the way to make your own sales
Ikaruga for €5? eeeh. Ikaruga for €1.5? Yeeeeh.
selling cards is the best way to buy other cards
I like badges they are pretty
I hate when I buy a backgroundthen make the badge then get the same background from making the badge
why cant i post to reddit now
@GnomeSlice This is why you don't buy backgrounds.
Even though they're dirt-cheap.
I think my android reddit client is just fuct
I forgot who Invader Skoodge is on Steam. I'm surprised you haven't crafted a steam sale badge as you have all 10 cards in your inv.
tried three times, then did it through browser and it worked
@Powerlord @StrixVaria
@Powerlord Didn't realize I had all 10.
Willing to trade #1 for any other game card.
@StrixVaria I only know because I was trying to see who had what cards to see if I could trade to complete another badge. :P
@Yuuki I just sold mine :(
and I was checking people currently online and was like... wait... Invader Skoodge doesn't need any!
@AshleyNunn Oh. I meant I have #1. And I'm willing to give it away for any other game card.
@Yuuki ah :)
Woo Internet points.
I should get on that.
@Ullallulloo Where do you get those stats?
Enhanced Steam?
@Yuuki yes
well, the last one
Q: Ping level in League of Legends

vasili111Different types of games have different requirement to the ping. I am new to MOBA and interested in its ping requirements. Particularly of ping requirements of League of Legends. What is the maximum acceptable ping level for comfort playing in League of Legends? What ping level is generally con...

@Ullallulloo Really? Mine doesn't show me number of card drops remaining.
Or any of the first three lines.
@Yuuki I guess it could all be then.
any1 want to play a game of Pioneers (pio.sf.net)? (~= Settlers of Catan)
@Promi I might be interested.
@Yuuki I got two potential players ( = 3 player game)
@RavenDreamer ... why
just why
@Yuuki More interested in "How". I thought 5 was the limit.
@RavenDreamer Not for the summer badges, it seems
@badp Stupiiiiid.
At some point cards were €0.12 each. That comes up to a clean €4,000 if he bought all of his cards
If he bought them at a higher price point, because, well, when you buy so many you just aren't going to be getting bargain prices on them all, that's somewhat below the €7,000 point
(or around $9,000)
That's not even enough to buy a car!
Well, a brand new car.
All for internet points.
@Promi Still trying to figure out how to get it.
Well, he owns 2,567 games.
It's, like, tough for him to throw any more money at the screen
@Yuuki shouldn't be hard? what os are using?
windows is carmouflaged as "MS Windows " ;D
@Promi OS X 10.9.
ok, i don't have a mac, but it should work there as well iirc
I have to do a few finicky things.
join us now and free the software @Yuuki ;)
share the software that is
but seriously pioneers is a lot more fun than the orginal online game from the publishers
@Promi oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god
@badp drawn together?
You should never give that link without a clear warning about the recording causing permanent brain damage
the free software song is bad ass
brain damage is evident ;D
I have just gotten around to trying all of the reddit clients I downloaded on android
android is not free software anyhow
this is the order in which I would rank them
CC @StrixVaria
@GnomeSlice BaconReader 4 life
bacon reader would be higher if it wasn't so slow, reddionic is nowhere near complete, but might be very good when it's done
Uh it's not too slow for me on my N7
@RedRiderX Reddit Now is basically bacon reader with a better menu and less freezing
RedReader is my preferred. It's similar to reddit is fun, but no ads, and better looking.
reddit prime sucks
Diode is better than I thought it would be.
@GnomeSlice What does it's dark theme look like?
needs a few clicks to change subreddits and things, but nice full screen views of things
Also Bacon reader looks pretty nice.
@RedRiderX sec, I'll look
It's fine, I could install it and see
@RedRiderX The thing I don't like about bacon reader (and reddit now) is that they show the subreddit in a little pane on the left side, so you can only see like 2-3 things at a time. The other ones all show a much larger list, so you can see more posts at t time.
@GnomeSlice reddit is fun only has ads as an option
You can turn them off.
If you pay
Redreader is still better anyway
@GnomeSlice or if you don't
@GnomeSlice Ah okay
@Yuuki You still there?
@GnomeSlice You can turn that off.
Ihope that's the pioneers game you're talking about
That's the "tablet" view right?
@Promi Currently installing command line tools.
@RedRiderX I guess. I'm using a tablet.
Yea I suppose it would be different.
Yeah it's totally an option
Diode looks to have a phone interface, now that I think about it
And it doesn't do that on my phone
reddionic is missing a ton of features, but it already pretty slick
Even without ads, redreader > reddit is fun
reddit prime just sucks
no sorting options
shitty menu
@GnomeSlice nope, it aint't
it looks okay but it doesn't have features
@Promi sadface. You should try it.
Hmm no gallery swipey view in RedReader is a bummer.
oh you're talking about the catan clone
I really like that in Bacon
@RedRiderX yeah, that's kinda neat. Took me a minute to figure out what it is.
@GnomeSlice there is no linux version is there?
I dunno if Reddit Now has that
under a free license?
I prefer using image based sub-reddits on my tablet instead of desktop because of that.
@Promi No. =[
Reddit Now is pretty similar to bacon
redreader is pretty similar to RIF
@GnomeSlice That makes it none existant to me than :P
@Promi that sucks. =[
Also BaconReader's icon is one of the prettiest.
@GnomeSlice Free Software version of GTFO ;)
idk, most ofthem look okay. diode and reddionic are pretty ugly icons
I'm a lost cause for those proprietary software developers
> Also Bacon... is... the prettiest
answers phone Hello? Would I like to work for Fox News?
Eh, baconreader looks pretty good, but so do the others
I reallylike RedReader
also you can make it not red if you don't like red
RedReader doesn't embed the image on image link posts?
It seem pretty cool though
yes it does
pretty sure
what's a good image subreddit
idk r/gifs ?
I thought that someone called "GnomeSlice" would be using GNOME desktop environment
I use Windows at home
if x then return 0
else if y then return 1
else if z then return 2
else return 3
Who writes code like this (except the author of the book I'm reading)
@GnomeSlice Really?
@GnomeSlice Why? Windows is not the solution it's a problem?
When you go to the comments I mean
@Promi eh, works for me. My adobe shit runs on it and I can game on it
@RedRiderX Let me see.
@Promi eh, works for me. My adobe shit runs on it and I can game on it
@badp Um... uh... um... people who appear on The DailyWTF?
@RedRiderX huh, maybe not.
I hadn't noticed, I pretty much only use r/gamedeals and /r/chiptune
@Powerlord now now this is not quite DailyWTF material
@GnomeSlice I'm sorry for saying it, but Adobe is a gready "I'm the standard" company those always desever to be kicked ass
There's not even a brillant Paula bean
maybe it's not the best client for everybody then
For gaming I prefer free software solutions, because well they are free ;)
@Promi If you say so. I use After Effects and Illustrator for work.
Do the other apps have nice widgets?
I don't know, I haven't looked at widgets.
Bacon has an okayish one
When I first saw the nane "GnomeSlice" I thougt you were a GNOME supporter
@Promi Listen, I'm sorry, I dual boot Linux, I like Linux, I really do, I especially love the command line and the package manager, Linux won me bread for six months. This however is a videogame community. You can play videogames on Linux -- most of them closed source ports -- but if you want to play games, you just have to have Windows installed.
I can look if you like.
Q: How do I get rid of these excess goat corpses around my Science Hole?

agent86Okay, so I may have abused my demonic powers a bit: I was trying to increase my combo by adding some targets that I could lick or headbutt between aerial tricks. However, it seems to have backfired. There's this massive pile of goat corpses littering the area. Every time I rotate the camera...

@GnomeSlice Nah that's fine
Also -- open source software is not necessarily free as in beer
@GnomeSlice I guess I could :P
but calling yourself Gnome*something* that is a disgrace to the whole free software movement
open source software is also often pretty shitty, as my dad says
@Promi are you trying to start a fight?
There is a clear distinction in the two and Stallman strives to make this extremely clear
@Promi I... what?
I'm not going to change my username just because you don't like it
@Promi what?
@GnomeSlice That is not the point, but I really was disappointed by your nick name :\
Lol my dad says that open source software is made by people who aren't good enough to make money off their code so it sucks. He's a bit bitter, but he's also really really good at what he does.
Whenever his company goes looking for OSS to do something they need he just writes it from scratch before they can find it.
@Promi Sorry.
I'm not looking for a fight, but I thoght the name GNOME was for more then it actually is
@GnomeSlice Congratulations on having an awesome father who works in a niche enough area that reinventing the wheel is better than finding another wheel, but I don't feel like we should get in this kind of argument
@Promi Congratulations on championing the movement of FOSS while getting several crucial details wrong, now please drop this argument.
you should considering changing your name as it is misleading
@Promi Please stop; this is your last warning
@Promi Please don't push this
@badp Argument?
@RedRiderX Looks like the only other one with a widget is Reddit is Fun
@Promi not once have I thought @GnomeSlice had anything to do with Linux, so you may want to re-think what you're saying
@GnomeSlice Ah interesting.
@Promi how about you consider changing the chatroom you're in because you're pissing me off
@GnomeSlice I'm already handling this, please back off.
I'm sorry but I thought that the name did imply something
Oh dear :P
I was completely wrong
also, all fantasy writers should rewrite their books, because gnomes are misleading
I just thought it was funny because it sounds like 'homeslice' hah.
I think it's best to drop it now. It won't end pretty.
I'm going to ignore GnomeSlice for now
I came up with this years ago.
@Promi Wouldn't be the first.
@GnomeSlice Heh same for my name
I don't think I've really used any other for any long piece of time.
I should rename myself to "FreeSoftwareFoundationIgnoranceGuy"
I thought about changing to 'SelfImpersonator' a while ago but that's too angsty.
also GnomeSlice 4 lyfe
I've used my nickname for the last 10 years and recently I've found out it's a slang for promiscuous women.
@GnomeSlice It does sound angsty
@Promi This is a repeat of your final warning because I'm so generous.
Chippies? Really?
I am sorry, but that does bring a tear into my eye right now
When I hear your username @Chippies I think of cookies.
@GnomeSlice well actually Chippie, Chippies would be the plural, whereas in my case, Chippies is the singular form
@Promi Feel free to cry your heart out; see you tomorrow.
Chippy, wouldn't it?
which is also why I don't like being called "Chippie" :P
@Chippies It's also a chip company (shocker there) chippies.net
@badp you didn't have to ban him
@RedRiderX hah that's cool :P
@GnomeSlice What are warnings worth if I don't actually follow up with them?
He said he was going to ignore me, that probably would have solved the issue.
I guess
stubborn people with strong opinions can be a huge pain in the butt sometimes
Reddit clients
RedReader/BaconReader are the way to go I guess
How 'bout em
Lemme rearrange them a bit based on @RedRiderX's feedback
@GnomeSlice what exactly do you do with reddit clients? how are they better than actual website?
Well it depends what you want.
If you like widgets BaconReader is probably a bit better.
@Chippies They work on mobile
Reddit mobile is meh
@RedRiderX ah, so mobile clients
yeah, android reddit clients
@RedRiderX Do you use a phone or a tablet?
I use RES on desktop which does add a lot of changes though
@GnomeSlice Both
But Bacon is pretty slow on my phone
@RedRiderX Try Diode on your phone
But then again my phone is pretty slow :P
@GnomeSlice Hmm okay
I only have Reddit is fun on my tablet
@badp RedReader is RIF, but better.
The only feature I'm missing is a live stream of comments as they're posted
doesn't have that, sadly
you have to refresh
Yeah, it's not a platform feature so you'd have to poll frequently
some of the clients have auto refresh settings though
diode seems like it would be really nice on a phone
@RedRiderX and it has a dark theme
@GnomeSlice Kewl
@JensMühlenhoff ?
Oh wow. Android Wear watches are already on sale in Italy from Google.
I didn't think they'd come here so soon
@RPiAwesomeness Just join the game :)
@badp btw, have you tried Ramble Planet on Android yet?
@JensMühlenhoff Promi? or red?
PRetty sure you'd like it. Maybe.
@GnomeSlice No.
IT's free.
@RPiAwesomeness boht in a kind of sense g
Looks ugly in the screenshots, but the game is sick
@GnomeSlice It's... interesting.
@JensMühlenhoff :D Ah
I still haven't solved all the puzzles
@RedRiderX it's so good
@GnomeSlice The screenshots remind me of Paranoid Android.
Hmm, can you collapse comments in Diode?
@badp I'm not familiar with that.
@RedRiderX try tapping it
@badp I'm not familiar with that.
I did
I might've gotten the name wrong
Oooh a long tap
I probably did
It's that game where you are a robot taking over a ship full of robots?
Each robot has a three-digit number designating their class (stats, weapons, etc.)
You can take over the ship by either taking over other robots in "hacking" minigames or using your robot's current weaponry
Oh, it's called Paradroid
I guess they don't look similar at all. ANYWAY
huh, yeah, looks like a imilar style
the game is probablydifferent though

abdiI have a level 2 GTI VI upgradings 555555 What will be the perfect tune for this I've try these Nitrous: 3.445 Final drive: 1.87 1st gear: 5.00 2nd gear: 3.516 3rd gear: 2.942 4th gear: 2.52 5th gear: 158 6th gear: 1.929

@GnomeSlice ah, it doesn't even have voting or hiding buttons
how do you even do anything?
Swipe the post left or right to quickvote
if you long press anything you can get a context menu of all actions though
redreader doesn't want to display my post about gnomoria on gamedeals. strange. every other thing I've ever posted hsa worked fine
i had to post it through android chrome too
I like reddit is fun better still.
reddit is fun is pretty close
they're really similar
use whichever one you like
Is this a good design for a tavern wall?
Just a heads up it's uneven on purpose.
But maybe it shouldn't be.
@GnomeSlice do you know how to go from my comments list to the thread where I commented?
In which client?
I guess you can't
I think you can in Bacon but I can't be certain off-hand
ACtually, yeah, there is a comment thing that annoys me in redreader I think that might be it. If you go to it, does it not show all the other ones?
@RedRiderX shouldn't be
Yeah, to vote on comments I have to open the menu. nty
@GnomeSlice Ah okay
hm. oh yeah, you have to long press to rate comments
k I guess it's not the best client for everybody
it's still beta
no worries
reddit is fun is the closest one to it. IT behaves much the same
> lsh (left hand side)
@badp baconreader has the nicest comment reading of all the ones I tried
it colour codes them
@GnomeSlice Oh yeah I love that
tablet interface ahoy
hm, yeah, redreader doesn't let you go from comment to thread. that's an issue
@GnomeSlice It's pretty nice, a lot like some HN readers I've tried
It's like a dev/startup/technology focused reddit
There is also Designer News
do you guys see a post about gnomoria in the 'new' posts on /r/gamedeals?
for some reason redreader won't show it. and the icon in my profile has an x through it
did it get deleted
@Braiam That comment about voting to close..... facedesk
Seriously.. I sell my extra summer cards, buy summer card 2 from Steam marketplace to finish the badge, then create CS:GO badge from the cards I had and get summer card 2 out of it -_-
I think I fucked something up with that reddit post
it doesn't show up in any of my mobile clients
shows up in browser though
technology is so great
@3ventic :D
At least I sold it at a profit!
The prices are going a bit up again
@badp diode lets you go to full thread from comment
It's got a phone interface though. it works on tablets, but it's a few more clicks to do anything
oh okay, somehow I hid the post in redreader.
I didn't even know you could hide posts on reddit
funny thing. midori, a rather modern webkit-based browser doesn't work well with this chat. but good old opera does.
open source bruh
magic. :p
@Vektorweg Are you actually using a very old version of Opera?
Because if not, I have some bad news
@Vektorweg Opera 12 or the newest?
@GnomeSlice This is the one thing I want in reddit is fun.
Q: Reduced resolution Oculus Rift, effects on super-resolution and perception

alan2here Background I'd rather be able to assert this more authoritivly, it's unfortunately based on my own experience. When I tried the Oculus Rift, the game world resolution seemed dramatically higher than the screen resolution of the device, appearing as retina resolution for my eyes and I have par...

@Ullallulloo Uh, tap comment, tap ... icon, "view thread"
@badp oh, right. I was thinking "View parent comment."
oh. okay

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