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Q: Should a Freezing Trap a return a stolen minion to my hand

JehofI had a Freezing Trap in play and my open has stolen a minion (Scavenging Hyena) from me by the card Mind Control. He attacked me with the stolen minion and the minion was returned to my opponents hand. I expected that the minion is returned to my hand, cause I thaught that I´m the owner of the ...

oh god why unskippable cutscenes why
Because decelopers hate you
Decelopers are terrible
Yep, alt-tab through cutscene, game crashes
worse than deceloraptors
I don't know what a deceloper is. Why would you say such a silly thing?
1 min ago, by Sterno
Because decelopers hate you
Normal-user-powers-by-a-mod ABUSE!!!
Oh, wait
@badp Super meat boy gets corrupted forever if I alt+tab... Only thing that fixes it is complete uninstall + redownloading it.
That's at least 1800 milliwats
@badp I think you might have confused milli with mega o.o. HOW DOES THAT HAPPEN?
poop shell
It's a hectowat.
In my estimation.
Did you mean... hellawat
so this game has unskippable logos that take a minute, alt-tabbing during those crashes the game, and it's a bloody RTS
why do I have it?
oh Humble Bundle.
I'd also have accepted: Steam Summer Sales
Q: Referees in Dota 2 matches

coiaxWatching the International qualifiers, there are green named referees, talking to players about why they're pausing (and maybe other powers that aren't so visible, such as allowing a team that calls gg to end the game early?). Is this a special Valve only feature, or is it possible to get it in ...

@Unionhawk why
@Unionhawk No it's not. It's a Monday morning on Tuesday. Nothing's great about that!
@Unionhawk LIAR
I have a status meeting in a bit, that's terrible.
You're all entitled to be as miserable as you like.
@TimStone The status being that you're no longer using a single UPS for redundancy?
@Unionhawk You are my favorite person now!
Stop pushing your cheer on us!
@MBraedley If only it was that easy. :P
@Unionhawk Don't mind if I do!
@Unionhawk I'm having the time of my life being miserable thank you very much
No, I said stop.
@OrigamiRobot BE HAPPY ROBOT
@OrigamiRobot Well, what are we supposed to talk about?
@KevinvanderVelden AND LOUD APPARENTLY.
I might be happy when it stops being morning.
@KevinvanderVelden @UNI is shouting, that is not autocad, that is just Wrong.
room topic changed to The Bridge: General Arqade chat room, wherein you are hereby allowed to be Wrong on the Internet so long as you're not any more awful than Wipqozn, and that's a tall order. It's true! [-butts] [-context] [-fun] [lazers] [lifehack] [murder] [wrong]
@badp What!? No butts allowed :(
@Arperum Randomly capitalizing Words that are not proper Nouns makes me Twitch
@PrivatePansy Did you mean... YouTube
This is just a horrible day and we should all ping @FEichinger so he knows about it
@PrivatePansy It was done to emphasize the importance of the word.
@KevinvanderVelden GO AWAY.
@FEichinger NO
@FEichinger CHAT.
@FEichinger admirable response time for a busy person
@FEichinger It is possible to close the tab you know
Let @FEichinge work!
@FEichinger Are you autocaddering too now?
@Arperum NO, BUT I'M ANGRY.
@badp SHUDDUP.
@FEichinger I am only replying to your posts, I didn't start it.
Q: What is the best way to level up in Clash of Clans

SparowHow do I gain levels quickly and effectively?

@Lazers Wasn't something like that asked yesterday too?
@badp Wow, such German
@Arperum The tag page suggests no.
Coworker showed me this today. It's pretty cool.
Q: Mathematically, as a Zeus, should I max Static Field or Arc Lightning after Lightning Bolt?

TonySniperWhich skill should I max by level 10 for more damage output? Arc Lightning seems better than static Field, because it does more damage against heroes with low current health compared to Static Field, but I am not sure about the numbers. Can someone deliver the math on which skill would deal more ...

and suddenly I have three guns in this one run of ToG
@KevinvanderVelden not if you don't want a bunch of sad faces when you next appear
Morning, Bridge
Morning @Frank
Gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo‌​oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood Morning @Frank!
@Wipqozn Somebody's super cheerful. Good!
I thought it was a "good morning Vietnam" reference.
@MattЭллен No, I'm just a cheerful person.
good to know :)
> Phil Spencer, contends that unbundling Kinect will actually lead to more Kinect sales overall.
Just finished a long weekend. A weekend full of business and fun. I'm tired.
Not technically wrong but hilariously optimistic
It was expensive, too.
@BenBrocka Well, if they make it mandatory for new games, then yes.
For hot sellers like Kinect Sports Rivals you mean
@BenBrocka They can shoehorn a feature into any game which "needs" kinect.
I kinda doubt it. People hate them enough as it is
@BenBrocka Yeah, it was just a joke.
Q: What are the pros and cons from removing a province from the HRE?

NixI play as Venice, which is not part of the Holy Roman Empire (HRE), but is surrounded by provinces that are. Conquering those provinces will not remove them from the HRE, but you can do it manually. I know it will "upset the Emperor", but not by how much. If I remove several provinces, will the ...

But it wouldn't surprise me if they do something like that
@BenBrocka They could let EA do the dirty work, you know.
Well Nintendo does it. And that's worked "well"
Actizzard would probably also go for it, for the right price.
Many people's only criticism for SM3DW is the awful gamepad gimmicks for some side levels
What kind of games work well with kinect?
If Titanfall didn't have Kinect (and it shouldn't have) I doubt we'll see required Kinect in any standard fare from Activision/EA
@FEichinger Busy time over now?
@Arperum Yes.
@MattЭллен Er there's. Well. I mean. Technically...
@FEichinger That was fast.
the dance games seem to do well. There's some indie games that use it for the weird BS it is, but no one buys those. That's about it.
@Arperum Half an hour.
Sports Rival's flop seems to indicate the fad is well past over
Interesting. Oh well.
@Arperum Dammit Bridge, that one didn't even contain any innuendo... STAR BETTER.
@kalina the sad faces were for you maybe not returning (and also for not having talked to you in a while)
@Arperum Anything is an innuendo.
On the plus side, PS4 camera is selling well (>1 million units despite all of like two games currently supporting), so it's possible multiplats will include some voice command stuff or even barebones camera stuff
@OrigamiRobot saucy!
but the skeletal modeling and super fancy crap Kinect does will likely go unused because the PS4 camera doesn't do that
and if it wasn't amazing in Sports Rivals it's...probably just not actually amazing tbh
Eh, I don't know about that, they could have just done a shitty job on their own.
@KevinvanderVelden uhuh
Doesn't mean it'd be widely applicable regardless, but.
@BenBrocka yeah. I can't think of a reason to model someone's skeleton. It sounds cool, but I can't think of how to put it into a game I want to play
Is it too late to sadface at @kalina?
@TimStone This was the third game in (a previously very successful) series, and Kinect has been Rare's thing since it came out. If they can't do it it'll take a miracle
@OrigamiRobot Your face is an innuendo.
Media Molecule might be able to make use of it. But uh...heh. Anyway I'd rather they work on Morpheus than Kinect anyway
@OrigamiRobot psh, the others are sadfacing because I barely use chat anymore, we chatted like last week, why are you sad?
hell, we watched a tv show together
@OrigamiRobot is just always sad
@BenBrocka Especially when @Frank and @Wipqozn point him to the fact that it is morning, or even a good morning.
@kalina Everyone else was doing it. I just want to be popular.
@BenBrocka OK, this is the first I've heard of morpheus. do you think it beats occulus rift?
@MattЭллен only if you take the red pill
@MattЭллен Not quite--people who have used it said it's about on par with Crystal Cove (the current OR proto at the time). But with PS4 it has a dedicated standard computing platform, a controller designed for depth sensing, and a camera designed for VR from the get go (Sony confirmed the camera and DS4LED were designed with VR in mind)
So OR might have higher res, FOV or refreshrate in the end, but Morpheus will probably be capable to say the least, and it's a holistic, easy to understand platform. And you'll probably be able to just buy a PS4 + a morpheus/camera bundle, so it makes buying it easier. If they market it well I think it could turn out really well
I'll turn you out really well!
I'd sad face at @kalina, but I'm also going to end up on chat a ton less this summer, so shrug
I'm a bit soured on OR since it sounds like they're already changing tracks to Facebook's weird social bullshit and I'm sure that will impact the final HW's design. Hoping some open standards and competitors appear on the PC scene
@Unionhawk we should meet up in real life and became real life chat deserters
@BenBrocka ah! so good synergy with the platform. people just need a way to link those stationary walking and turning things (do you know what I mean?) up to the console :D
spend the day at the beach or something
@BenBrocka for example?
@BenBrocka yeah, the link with FB is kinda weird. I hope FB are hands off, but I guess they probably won't be.
@BenBrocka I still want them to combine OR with that fleet of drones they bought to create the most badass social game ever. Of course, being able to turn your head will be a series of microtransactions.
@MattЭллен well PS4 has motion controls (Move, which works better than it's given credit for). It doesn't have an Omni treadmill like thing if that's what you mean
@BenBrocka yeah, the omni treadmill
but I think Omni is more of a curiosity, I don't think the majority of people are going to want to actually walk around while they're chilling out
@BenBrocka true, but I don't see how you can take account of the disassociation between what you see and what you're body's doing otherwise. although it won't account for flight...
@MattЭллен It really sounds like the head movement is the biggest thing. It's never going to be perfect until it's directly stimulating electrical impulses in your brain
maybe it won't be as weird as I imagine
@BenBrocka eh. It sounds awful - but let's be honest. What game dev/publisher wouldn't dream to make that?
@badp any dev that realizes anything that has a BILLION PEOPLE is a complete generic snoozefest devoid of any sort of creativity life or personality
@MattЭллен Everyone will be seated in a chair and Facebook updates will come by. If you nod, it likes the post. If you shake your head, the post bursts into flames.
@MattЭллен I haven't used one myself, but basically everyone that uses a modern VR headset (that doesn't get sick) seems to come out a believer
@TimStone killer app!
But yeah, I'm not sold on VR either without something that supports movement without you walking into walls or running out of cord.
Oh man the old painless is probably the best gun in ToG. Too bad it's actually a pickup
It's Cave Story's level 3 minigun
I want OR to start shipping the second dev-kit, I wanna play with mine
@TimStone I think it'll be fine without physical movement. That would extremely limit game design
your gameplay options would basically be Myst or...yeah basically just that
Decades later, buttons still feel damn good. I'm sure they still feel good in VR
I dunno. I guess I'm just not convinced of the immersiveness if I'm still just playing with a controller. But I haven't experienced it, so I suppose I can't judge.
Think about it this way--visually and aurally, you're in another world. Does it seem possible for interaction in that world to be different?
I don't think perfect realism is the real goal--we already have that. The goal is something new and unique you can't experience here in the real world. And tying input to your physical abilities is another limit on that
Think about Mega Man X4. You're not Zero. You can't physically do those moves. But buttons let you experience being able to do them
Anyone who physically recoils or says "ouch" when their character gets hit in a game is a pretty good indicator of who really immerses themselves.
@BenBrocka Can't think, kitten repeatedly scaling my chest with her needle claws.
@GraceNote Ha ha those..silly...people that do that
@BenBrocka ...
Silly commentary is silly
@badp I should play that more...when do you unlock that gun?
Hm actually I think the dev might have sent me a 100% unlocked save file I neglected to use for the LP
I should really try to do that for any rougelikes, they're less interesting at first most of the time
@BenBrocka This one is actually a pickup I found during the game
I can scroll-wheel between my two guns
This one is what I was talking about when I mentioned the cave story+ level 3 minigun. Jump, shoot down, float upwards.
WTF I found hard mode and you found a different gun? I never got a gun pickup
I skipped three difficulty+ badges along the way, yes :P
@BenBrocka Yeah I think it's pretty rare. It's called the Old Painless
It might be new to last night's patch tbh
you people and your looking at items before you pick them up
Spoiler alert: it makes the final boss a complete joke
@Arperum Mornings are always good.
I can't even imagine using the cave story machine gun level 3 in first person
That's what it looks like
So I've found out that the only time I can play Child of Light is in the morning.
you might want to look for spikes on the ceiling beforehand though
do you typically get that many health and jump boosts in one playthrough?
Q: Where are the magic bushes?

TonySniperIn both jungles I heard there are special places between the trees that you can put your ward in order to block the neutral camps, and the ward is placed in a place where is difficult to access without skills or items that cut trees. These spots are known as magic bushes as far as I remember. Ca...

The music and atmosphere make me fall asleep when I try to play it later.
I need to get that eventually...they finally did Vita remote play right so I wanted to reward that
@BenBrocka not sure. This is my first endless run, and the old painless makes it easy to find secrets
yeah secrets seem to usually require major lateral movement

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