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Q: Have we completed Diablo 3 in 9 hours?

user76835Me and my friend decided to play some Diablo, because we were bored. And we played for almost 9 hours straight and killed Diablo, in lvl 41.. Have we missed something or? We just think that 9 hours is kinda short, for a game like this... And why are we only lvl 41? Is there more story? PS: We h...

I bought my daughter a pony. But it's okay, because she still loves her Cthulhu more.
@Lazers Why do I feel like people asked this just to brag
Also, there's something very odd about that pony's mouth.
@Sterno Agreed. Also, the Cthulhu is super cute :D
@Fluttershy someone was toying with me for about 6 rounds, leaving me at 1 health. I should have conceded earlier.
Which pony is that?
@StackExchange I get points for not knowing its name, though.
If my daughter likes ponies, I'll get her ponies. I think that's okay. I'm not buying them for myself.
It's Applejack.
@Sterno ^
I want to see the Cthulhu
I'd been guessing Apple Blossom. I'm guessing that's not even a pony.
@OrigamiRobot It's in that picture. It's pink.
The mouth flaps are hard to see in the pic though
as is its tail
Ah, I see
and wings
Q: High ping on games while streaming

WalkerJetBatI'm streaming with Elgato Capture Card to Twitch. I get high pings on games while streaming (1700kbps). How can I decrease pings while streaming? Here is my bandwidth:

@Lazers I don't think that means what you think it means
...unless of course you didn't assume 1700kbps was the ping
Q: How is the Fez number cipher intended to be solved?

thejoshwolfeEvery walkthrough/guide/faq I've found for FEZ just has the answer to the number cipher, but not the steps you're supposed to take to solve it on your own. How is it intended to be solved?

Portal 2 please cooperate
pictured on the right: the invisible wall preventing me from continuing
@Frank Picked up the new Kylie Chan. Haven't started it yet, but I figure the rest were good, so.
oh... wait. Is it because I've somehow managed not to get the potato?
or do I pick it up later?
oh this is the exit of that area
that's why.
@badp I don't see any problem ^ :/
This is the map
Feel free to guess which is the intended route and which is what I did
@badp mad paint skillz
I need to catch up with news faster...
there you go
I'm sure this makes my display of mad skills clearer
@badp having the screenshot under the MAD PAINT SKILLZ helps a lot :P
These humble daily bundles are getting worse. <_<
@Fluttershy even worse?
...yes. Even worse.
@Fluttershy Hammerwatch is available for 3.99 in humble store, which makes the bta tier even more ridiculous
@badp Today's bundle is: One game.
@Chippies but the three copy pack is less than $11.96!!
@badp yeah, the three copy pack is the only thing that's a good deal there
but how many of us really needs 3 copies of that game anyway?
personally I weep for the average not being $8
although I'm sure that the 3 copy pack is what keeps the bta high
I might throw them one penny for the soundtrack
@badp I think the art soundtrack thing is pwyw, so average is lower than it could've been
Hopefully the single penny sends the message
Q: Minecraft Xbox - Golems only spawning with player in certain range

Michael BlakeI've noticed with my iron golem farm that if I am standing near it, iron golems will spawn. But the problem is, if I go to my house and wait, I don't get any golems. According to the wiki iron golems do not rely on players to spawn. I should add that when I test this, I always have the same amoun...

@Lazers that seems normal to me
@badp I sent a single penny, but paypal decided that 1 american penny is worth 2 canadian pennies. Such scam.
Never use Paypal's conversion rates
unless your bank is even more scammy than paypal
@Chippies haha
My bank's been using actual market conversion rates on my account
@badp can you choose not to if you're using a credit card through paypal?
@Chippies yes, there should be an option in the purchase page
hm, I should look out for that next time
because paypal conversion rates have been pretty bad lately
@badp you mean your bank isn't taking a profit from currency conversions? That's not very bank-like of them
@MBraedley ...last I checked transactions were being charged at rate
Q: How do the Bonus Reward skills/items interact with each other? (JP Up, Exp Up, More Money, Growth Egg and Golden Egg)

ReafexusThere are 3 skills and two items that boost experience, jp, and pg rewards at the end of battle. They items are the Growth Egg and Golden Egg. The Skills are JP up, Experience Up, and More Money. How do they all interact with each other?

@MBraedley I'm looking through my transaction history. There seems to be a very slight fee. On May 1st I paid $10 and was charged €7.32, whereas the "actual" exchange rate appears to be €7.22
So that's within error of ~1% "interbank fee."
Q: Can systems be replaced once all rooms are occupied?

lxgrWhat happens once all available rooms on a ship contain a system? Can a new system replace an old one, or will it become impossible to change systems (except for the medbay and the clone bay)?

The deal you get from Paypal, if memory serves, is way worse
@badp yeah, a 3% difference between buy and sell rates is typical, from what I've seen. Which is to say ~1.5% above/below actual rate.
Let's see. Paypal offers me to convert $25 to... €18.84
That's +/- 3%
YMMV, obviously.
Huh... DayZ is on sale.
@Fluttershy does that mean you're considering buying it?
@MBraedley Not really. It just surprises me when Early Access games get sale prices. <_<
If someone is getting a gateway time out on a site - what's the issue?
@AshleyNunn the site is not working properly?
Alright, just wanted to know who to blame :P
blame away, with caution
It was more "do I need to chase down my work devs and be like "it's broken" or not"
@AshleyNunn 502 could technically be anywhere between you and the target server.
Usually it's just the server nopeing out because it's busy, though.
Wait half an hour and try again.
@FEichinger Ah, okay, that's what I thought.
Good to know.
(I'm going to get yelled at.)
free stuff is free! HOARD ALL THE FREE STUFF!
@Chippies I bought the game on a Steam sale :P
@Chippies on origin is a deal breaker
@badp either I didn't see that sale or it was priced higher than I was willing to pay :>
If I wanted the game for free that badly I'd pirate it
just saying :P
> The late game difficulty has been increased to prevent infinite games.
> A overcrowded station will be automatically upgraded to an interchange if one is available when it times out.
Q: Umm. No posts for a while. Was the game discontinued?

KALAFUTNothing is happening on the DEV front. Did they drop programming this little gem?

> Standalone builds have fullscreen support, and support for different window sizes. Resizing mid-game is not supported yet.
@FEichinger it's already hard enough!
@MBraedley To be fair, they said they were planning a casual mode for infinite games, but right now it's still pretty ... short.
@FEichinger What game?
@Arperum Mini Metro.
Uuuuuuugh, why isn't it next weekend yet? :(
I don't knooooow
@Fluttershy what's wrong with this weekend? I mean I used some flex time and have Monday off for a 4 day weekend
@Fluttershy Good question. All in favour of just skipping next week say 'aye'.
I am working til 5 today, and 8-5 tomorrow, is whats wrong :P
@TimStone aye
Voting is now closed, the ayes have it.
@AshleyNunn tomorrow is a holiday!
@MBraedley This weekend doesn't have The Stomping Land in it.
@MBraedley Not for me.
@AshleyNunn are you at least getting time and a half for it?
(Some people gotta work, and I am one of them. We ain't ever closed.)
@MBraedley Nope.
(Guys, I am a contractor, for a business that never closes. I work weekends, holidays, whatever. I don't get time and a half, I have no benefits. I think that is all of the usual questions.)
Then are you at least getting a day in lieu?
@MBraedley Nope.
I get my two days off this week tues/thurs.
That really sucks
I really don't care - its not like I would have done much with the weekend anyhow
And I picked this job, and I like it.
I mean it's not like I am doing anything all that brain-intense.
Well, it looks like I'm going to see Godzilla tonight with friends.
Ooh, let me know how it is :)
From some of the stuff I've heard, I'm not expecting anything more than a popcorn flick.
Sometimes that's fun though
$18 on a Sunday night!?! I guess it is IMAX 3D on a long weekend, but still.
That's about what IMAX 3D costs down here. S'why I don't go to them. <_<
I'm not going to pay an extra $9 for a 3D movie when I can't even see 3D.
@AshleyNunn Godzilla has more of a siderole, he's some kind of moving decor :(
@Fluttershy I can see it, but it makes me puke. So if I can't see a movie in not-3D, I generally don't.
Q: Hotkeys for Age of empires II HD?

igiHow i can move people in AEO2 II HD with hotkeys? I know to do this with right click with mouse but i want to move them with keyboard? I tried to search on Google but not found anything that can help me with this problem. Thanks

I see Blizzard isn't the only one pulling this shit:
@badp This form of login security is bullshit anyway. Anything that's secure enough is easily forgettable, anything easily remembered is easily determined by others.
@MBraedley It's just a glorified password you can guess through social engineering
Mind you, not actually asking the question takes it to a whole new level
@MBraedley Pray you do not lose your Blizzard Authenticator.
Q: Can gang power go lower than 4%?

GuyIn Spiderman 3 for the PS2, there are gangs that control parts of the city, and each gang controls a certain percentage of the city. When you do the "crime patrols", this percentage goes down and some power is returned to the police. I did crime patrols on every spot I could find for the "Dragon ...

(don't worry it isn't happening)
Q: Where is a reliable site to get Divine RPG mod?

MoetheShmoeI've been searching and could not find a 100% reliable site for the Minecraft Mod " Divine Rpg"

So I went out to the flea markets today
Scouting for some ps2 games
But from what the dealers say, I got there too late, there was another guy that just got a ps2 and he was snapping up everything
But I did get Defender
And a demo disk that has Shadow of the Colossus and Okami.
And hitman
And a tomb raider game too I think
But wow Shadow of the Colossus does an amazing job of creating atmosphere.
I just spent way too much money at Keycon.
Like, an amazing job.
But wow how do I finish that first Colossi?
I see people just jumping on the unarmored foot, but I can't get that to work
Including a giant Tardis cardboard that was used for the Day of the Doctor movie.
@Frank pics or it didn't happen
@MBraedley You really want a pic of a cardboard Tardis?
@MBraedley I can vouch for it. It is pointlessly not bigger on the inside, as there is no inside.
@Frank all I wanted was proof, which @TrentHawkins has provided
@MBraedley So we're good, then?
I mean, if you really want a picture, I'll go downstairs and take a picture.
The person I'm playing with got on his leg first try
What the heck?
@RedRiderX maybe you're just bad at this game
But I don't want to be bad at it it's SotC!
Q: Is there a way to skip the saving before Wonder Trade?

Shadow ZorgonI enjoy spamming Wonder Trade to get rid of Masuda Method leftovers. But, it takes a long time because I must save before each trade. Is there a way to go without saving?

@RedRiderX a lot about SotC is knowing what to do and you can't know what to do on your first try
the person you're playing with probably has played the game before
Yeah they haven't
I know that
They just watched me do it that's it
And I told them they need to jump on the foot
@RedRiderX Well, that could do it. They just might be better at playing such games :P
@Lazers ಠ_ಠ
or he could've got lucky
@Chippies This is what I choose to believe.
the first collosus moves a lot and you have to find an opening to climb on his foot
sometimes it can happen earlier, sometimes it might take a while
so he may have had a luckier run
Q: What are the best places to invade hosts and get a kill?

BlueTrinUsing cracked red orbs, I would like to know where are the best places to invade hosts and manage to get a kill eventually using monsters and traps to get tokens of spite. I am not very good at duelling but would like to practice so I need to get a kill to join the brotherhood covenant.

@RedRiderX NO
I think it's $35 on Origin.
@Fluttershy That is not Xbox One
@Fluttershy everything is cheaper on PC
@GnomeSlice Thanks, Captain Obvious.
Has anybody figured out how to paypal on google play yet?
I think there are some console gamers in this chat, so figured why not
Oh, nope. That sale is over. Disregard. It's $60 on PC.
@GnomeSlice I just use my debit as a visa, so I never looked, but I can try to figure it out
@GnomeSlice Here's how. ANd I checked, it is available in Canada, so you should be able to follow the steps and get it working
@GnomeSlice No, it's better
And anyone who thinks differently is wrong
I am singing this song in front of a large audience in a few hours
Now I have to try to get that out of my head
Okay, T4's a bit much for me.
@AshleyNunn that's actually how I just paid for my movie ticket online.
@MBraedley Nice!
Number of times I toe'd my computer out of power: 1
now that my toe knows how to do this, I expect this counter to skyrocket
@GnomeSlice Are you sure?
Shadow of the Colossus is great!
I just finished the demo!
Q: How to make use of JC Denton's (and other character's) voice?

FabiánI see many video parodies of Deus Ex, and looks like the game uses some sort of text-to-speech system (like how microsoft sam works). But when I google it I find nothing. Is there a way to extract that and use it as an alternate voice pack in windows or any program that uses voice pack? If I c...

Now I feel a rising need to buy it immediately.
@RedRiderX It's pretty much one of the best games ever made.
Do you have a PS3?
I just got a ps2
Ah, you can probably find it on eBay then. Or at a store that sells pre-owned PS2 games.
I realize ps3 would be better, but I don't have that
I got my PS3 off of eBay for ridiculously cheap. Might be something to consider if you ever have the money to spare!
I got a 320GB system with a controller, HDMI cable, and 7 games for $130.
I got the ps2 for $5, so....
Two of the three pieces of the set I need.
It was sort of a whim thing
One more for another +15% lightning.
@RedRiderX Easily worth it!
Well actually I don't think I physically could have left it there at that price.
If you're a fan of JRPGs, I'd recommend Suikoden III and V.
Yeah I was looking at stuff like Persona 4, but don't really like JRPGs
I couldn't finish the first encounter of FF3.
@Fluttershy Tell me you've played Valkyria Chronicles.
@Fluttershy Is Suikoden the plural of Sudoku?
@Frank I have not.
@Fluttershy Get it.
I cannot recommend it highly enough.
It was a sleeper hit. And any fan of JRPGs needs to play it.
@Blem looks interesting
@Frank I'll add it to my backlog!
@Fluttershy What else is in the list?
@Frank Demon Souls, Heavy Rain, Beyond: Two Souls, Ni no Kuni, Catherine, inFamous/inFamous 2, Ratchet and Clank, Sly Cooper, Jak and Daxter, Tearaway, and pretty much everything I've gotten from PS+.
@Fluttershy I can't say I've played much of those, sadly. If anything, check out the demo, and figure out where you want to fit it into the list.
It has a very unique art style.
I like that the daily humble bundle is up to $7.60 for the game or $8 for the game+3pack
@Blem For a game that's only $4.
makes it even better :)
@Blem because people luckily realized that buying the bundle for 1 game is madness
nn people, time to get some sleep
Trying to register classes on this connection is going to be a fun time.
Ah crap, AT&T has materialised it deal to acquire DirecTV. I hope that gets shut down.
Buy all the companies
"AT&T acquires DirecTV, rebrands as DirecFU"
Day 2 living in the keys: also they like stacked two lofted beds on top of each other so I'm not secure and I get to wake up to a face full of ceiling.
It's scientifically 50 percent as effective as coffee
cc @spugs
That was something like six legendaries in a single rift. Me likey.
Q: What buildings can I leave unprotected without problem?

Fredy31Are there buildings that I can leave outside my walls, unprotected, without having to worry about them? Basically, what buildings have the smallest impact when they are destroyed in an attack?

Q: When do monstars change direction and when do they fall?

Colonel PanicWhen a monstar/goomba reaches to the end of a platform, sometimes it changes direction and walks back, other times it walks off the edge of the platform and falls. What determines that?

Hmm how much craft foam do you have to put on these Rock Band drums to mute them?
Bitcoin allows people to add small snippets of arbitrary text to transactions, so somebody put a 25-year-old DOS virus into the blockchain and everyone’s antivirus is freaking out
@Brant :D
> Sadly the first option you gave won't work: "Samples must be less than 10MB", the blockchain is at 16.6GiB right now.
Simply submit a less-than-10 MB tool that downloads the blockchain.
@badp As if Bitcoin owners were smart enough to a) do that and b) not use Windows in the first place.
> "Let's hope Microsoft gives this the attention it deserves. This could put off a lot of people from running a full Bitcoin node." Ok. And the downside?
Q: Which cards can affect a stealthed minion?

AssylumIn Hearthstone, there are several cards that have stealth, which means you cannot target those minions. What puzzles me, is that some AoE cards seem to not affect some stealth cards. Did I run into a bug or is this intended and what are the combinations that affect each other? While the minion...

@OrigamiRobot The foam isn't working!
How much am I supposed to put on?
@Chippies Nailed it
I dont understand.
I don't understand.
@yuki I am used to Castle being at least a little tricky that now I am watching a different show (Rookie Blue) and can predict how things will be connected and I am a little disappointed
@RedRiderX may I ask the meaning of this exchange?
@Chippies I'm just curious, why did you post this animated gif?
@Alex I am referring to the reaction of the subject in the replied-to gif.
@Alex Because interesting?
@Alex I think the world should know what government is hiding from us, that's why.
@Chippies sounds deep
it's the unedited version of the gif
@Alex only as deep as that lake in the gif
@RedRiderX hmmm, so please forgive me for being thick, ignorant etc, but I can't see what exactly has been "nailed" please tell me what it is, you mentioned the subject in the replied to gif, is the gif a reply to something or what?
@RedRiderX it is
@Alex In specific, I am referring to the fist-raising of the main character at the end of the gif, and commenting on the referred to reaction.
@RedRiderX that makes sense
That was something like six legendaries in a single rift. Me likey.
@Alex ?
@RedRiderX sam tsui
Samuel "Sam" Tsui (born May 2, 1989) is an American musician and internet celebrity who rose to fame on YouTube. He is best known for covering songs by popular artists like Adele, Britney Spears, Jay Sean, Justin Timberlake and Bruno Mars, as well as for his original songs, medleys, and mashups. Life and career 1989-2008: Early life Sam Tsui was born on May 2, 1989. His father is from Hong Kong, and his mother is from Iowa. Tsui has a brother Kent Kevin. Tsui grew up in Blue Bell, Pennsylvania, a street away from Kurt Schneider, his producer and accompanist, with whom he attended Wissahi...
@RedRiderX His last name sounds like a sneeze
Q: Bad kerning, oh my!

SchismThe kerning on the text used on user pages for questions and answers is not great. It's very noticeable with lowercase c's. Normally I wouldn't complain about this (it's pretty trivial), but the effect is a bit more... prominent with the cl digraph. Could this be fixed? It shouldn't take more...

Q: How to install skyrim using wine?

linuxfreebirdI used the following commands from to install skyrim on linux using wine sudo apt-get update sudo rm -rf ~/.wine WINEARCH...

@SepiaLazers “It shouldn’t take more than five minutes”
@Brant To be fair, it really shouldn't.
Oh dang
Yeah, that’s… a shame.
@Brant Wouldn't surprise me. Google could use better streaming tech and twitch could use less ... outdated means of delivery.
@Brant Wonder what that means in terms of anti-competition?
Content ID and Google+ for everyone!
one ring
@Brant Content ID (at least as it is right now) doesn't catch live streams, and goodlordshutupaboutG+already.
I'm making a thing. What do people think of the name Parrowdox?
@Ktash Depends on what kind of thing you're making.
Q: Where to hunt for pigs in Far Cry 3?

k0pernikusI want to craft equipment that requires pigs' skin. Yet I cannot find any pig on the map, only boars. Where to look for them?

@Ktash It feels kinda awkward
@FEichinger Game. There is context behind it, but I don't think anyone but me will get it so... yeah
@AshleyNunn Fair enough
Q: Bounty rep return?

GuySo quite a while ago I opened up a bounty question for 50 rep, but never received an answer. What I never understood was that if I ever got any of that bounty rep back. 5's dwindled in, but I think that was upvotes the question was receiving. So do you get an type of refund at all if a bounty qu...

@Ktash Then it's a definitive "No." ... It sounds forced.
Hmmm, gonna have to figure out what to call this thing then
@Ktash parallax
@Ktash Now I am curious :)
@AshleyNunn I'll probably post it in a bit
it could use a sanity check anyway
@Ktash I am not sure if I am qualified to check the sanity of anything but I wil ltry
I officially believe that drops in hardcore are better by default
I've found way more junk in softcore than I have in hardcore
@Chippies big numbers
@Alex the bigger the better
Anyone know a good (free) icon set?
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