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@marcgravell @StackStatus Out of curiosity, how did http://chat.meta.SE end up redirecting to Area 51 of all places?
I'll post about it once the read-only goes away.
@Arperum hm?
What's wrong with that one?
My team lead hasn't responded to the email I sent him last night, so I don't know if I should bother going in today or use some of the flex time I've built up.
@3ventic Some info is outdated.
What info?
I don't see anything wrong with it..
@3ventic Look harder. To the link on that page.
Links to meta, so what?
@3ventic Look harder.wrong link.
Links to meta.currentsite, seems fine
@3ventic Trying to enter chat gave me that link too though, and not the meta.SE link as required
Trying to enter chat redirected me to area51
6 mins ago, by Braiam
@marcgravell @StackStatus Out of curiosity, how did http://chat.meta.SE end up redirecting to Area 51 of all places?
in Tavern on the Meta on Meta Stack Exchange Chat, 15 mins ago, by 3ventic
I was redirected to area51 when I tried to open this chat..
This was ~4 hours ago when going to chat.
Sent the email, I'm taking today off. Extra long weekend ho!
@Arperum and now it's fixed of course...
still read only :/
chat is going down?
@Braiam I'm still here
At least I think I am. CAN ANYONE HEAR ME?
@MBraedley what?
@MBraedley No, we're all deaf
@3ventic what?
Okay, at least I'm not shouting into the void
Random comment #rand();
What is chat not working?
@RedRiderX You didn't notice the downtime of multiple hours?
My timezone is not conductive to being awake untill like now
@RedRiderX Lucky you.
oh Quora Quora. Thank you Quora. Look out for a Quora Digest Digest in a yank friendlier timezone. They, too, should get to experience the joy of your favorite moment of the "week".
@badp Ohhhh. Waited all "week" for this.
I know! Me too.
@3ventic why didn't Ok, Panic catch that
Because panic doesn't exist
@badp Probably because the bots aren't/weren't activated again?
we're LAZERS-less?
in Tavern on the Meta on Meta Stack Exchange Chat, 10 mins ago, by Martijn Pieters
Turns out our "independent" power feeds which we built full redundancy behind all went to the same (now failing) UPS. One. Fucking. Job.
in Tavern on the Meta on Meta Stack Exchange Chat, 8 mins ago, by durron597
@BrentO Both of our "redundant" feeds went through a single UPS path (which we were lied to about), we're...having words at the moment.
@badp Read-only mode. Lazers wouldn't work, right?
no I mean all the feed posting bots are not working?
Lazers would work but they'd have nothing to post
but Okay Panic does have things to post.
@3ventic Yeah, that.
@badp Not sure, I was just taking a wild guess.
bots are down...
Ah forget it
@badp According to the data it is identified as Butsutekkai
@GraceNote butsutekkai... bot sotekkai... bot... so... tekken... no I'm coming up empty.
I'm just happy it's not one of the 15 yesterday. (I figured Ikaruga would've been too obvious of a pick)
(did I mention I made a small effort to try and learn a few words of japanese earlier this month? It didn't go too well)
(now all I really learned is that there are some combinations of sounds of which I ought to know the meaning of but can never remember and that's going to destroy all enjoyment from all japanese songs you guys ever subject me to forever and ever)
(I brought this on myself.)
guys, we are moving out!
in Tavern on the Meta on Meta Stack Exchange Chat, 1 min ago, by Martijn Pieters
@durron597 Let's just say we're moving June 4th
that means we'll need to redirect our LAZERS power from scorching the earth to moving
in Tavern on the Meta on Meta Stack Exchange Chat, 2 mins ago, by balpha
for completeness we should mention that the move was planned before
in Tavern on the Meta on Meta Stack Exchange Chat, 3 mins ago, by Bart
Booo for completeness @balpha. Totally takes the drama out of the situation.
My main fear at this point is that Lazers will post everything it's missed in one huge display of power
@fredley MOAR POWER!
@fredley He didn't miss anything, the sites are read only...
@Arperum It's a race
@3ventic Ouch. I wonder who's job it was to do that.
Someone's who is not too happy right now, probably
Jan 30 at 13:39, by Arperum
Animated gifs are still cancer.
SE sites are back, Arqade, MSE and SO still read only
@StrixVaria Maybe actually get work done? :P
I just got to work and now it's back.
So that's out the window.
@Frank Not an option, to busy panicking.
We are in the process of moving operations back to New York.
@OKAY,PANIC. That was some panic right there.
posted on May 16, 2014

Our data center racks in New York unexpectedly lost connectivity. There was a failure in the UPS feeding our equipment that went undetected by our provider. Here is a timeline of major events so far: 06:43 UTC - The UPS feeding our racks in the New York data center stopped feeding utility power and failed to provider backup power 07:04 UTC - We learned the nature of the UPS issue and began fai

@fredley yessssss
@fredley You were WRONG. It was not @Lazers who flooded.
@nickscode That's the Oregon address for Stack Overflow and most sites
I guess I should look into filtering tweets starting with an at-sign?
Hrm. It's a Google Apps Scripts thingadongdong
I have no idea what the hell this language actually is
on a second look, it's probably js
if you have an android phone/tablet, you can make off with ~$15 to the amazon appstore if you don't mind clicking some buttons and getting a bunch of free apps. kindle users get a bonus of GTA:SA kindle fire edition free via this method - cheapassgamer.com/topic/…
@badp Except possibly @replies to specific accounts
@agent86 I am intrigued.
I guess it's more like $22. I mathed bad.
@MBraedley It's a jumbled mess of regular expression hell that somehow deals with @-replies by not showing the @-replied person in the feed, but no RE actually has the character "@" in it
dunno if it's US only though
@agent86 it is. Well it's not available in Italy anyway
suck it, rest of the world!
@badp okay. got it, thanks. this one is just superfluous.
@agent86 You are most welcome, good sir, have a nice day.
@badp awesome.
I've done worse than that
@hugedz It was a IPTABLES configuration issue we have on a list to resolve before the next run there. It's not you, it's me.
@badp I've seen @Lesspop do worse too. can't remember when or what though.
so um
      while (tweet = re.exec(alltweets)) {

        url   = tweet[1];
        when  = Utilities.formatDate(parseDate(tweet[2]), "UTC", "EEE, d MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss");

        tweet = tweet[5].replace(/<\s*(div|span|b|p)[^>]*>/gi, "")
                        .replace(/<\s*\/\s*(div|span|b|p)[^>]*>/gi, "")
                        .replace(/class=".*?"|rel=".*?"|title=".*?"|target=".*?"|data-expanded-url=".*?"|data-query-source=".*?"|dir=".*?"|data-scribe=".*?"/gi, "")
                        .replace(/\s+/g, " ");
results in
<title>StackStatus:  It was a IPTABLES configuration issue we have on a list to resolve before the next run there. It&#39;s not you, it&#39;s me.</title>
<pubDate>Fri, 16 May 2014 07:16:33 +0000</pubDate>
<description><![CDATA[<a href="https://twitter.com/hugedz" >@hugedz</a> It was a IPTABLES configuration issue we have on a list to resolve before the next run there. It&#39;s not you, it&#39;s me.]]></description>
/cc @origamirobot
so there doesn't seem to be an obvious way to say "this tweet is a mention"?
I would have to catch <a href="https://twitter.com/ at the start of tweet
that sounds super-brittle
Strip html tags and then check if first letter is @?
@AshleyNunn I just had the worst dream.
@3ventic There's a javascript function for that?
I guess this RE would work
^<a href="https?:\/\/twitter.com\/(\w+)" ?>@\1<\/a>
Q: Strip HTML from Text JavaScript

BryanIs there an easy way to take a string of html in JavaScript and strip out the html?

@3ventic I don't think this is running in a DOM.
yeah probably not
I'll try ^<a href="https?:\/\/twitter.com\/(\w+)" ?>@\1<\/a>
Q: PS3 Problems Again

MTAanddrop2299Ok so I just got my Playstation working last nite, it wouldn't turn on, every time I turned it on, it will beep 5 times, blink 5 times, then turn straight back off, I got it fixed by unplugging it for 10-15 minutes and when I plugged it back in, I let it sit there for like 5 minutes. Then I turne...

@Yuki oh?
@AshleyNunn I was getting to go to what I assume to be a party. Apparently, it was going to be a big party and I was bringing the drinks. I was all excited and for some reason dressed up in Dark Souls cosplay.
I guess it was a con party or something?
Well, I was on my way... until I got pulled over by a cop.
The entire rest of the dream was me being processed.
I swear, my subconscious does this all the time. Last time, I was about to go skydiving and then got stuck in a hospital waiting room for the entire rest of the dream.
For reasons I can't recall.
that is just rude
I had a dream that I was hired by SE, but then dream-me realised that it must be a dream.
Then my 8-month old woke up an hour ago and I still haven't had coffee. UNACCEPTABLU.
I keep dreaming about sports
but they are weird messes of sports
I can't remember my dreams most of the time, but in the cases I do they are kinda weird.
Q: What happens if a Pokémon hits multiple evolution criteria at once?

KaiThere's several Pokémon that have branching evolution paths - Slowpoke for example can be evolved into Slowbro by level-up, or into Slowking by trading with King's Rock held. In most cases, these branches can't conflict, but there's at least one where 3 conditions can be potentially met at once....

Damn, I really need to be able to read Korean today....
@AshleyNunn Calvinball!
Success! Ok, Panic will no longer show mentions
(and perhaps other stuff, too)
@badp Well, where is it?
@5pike you beat me to it. I'm preparing it
It is very tough work. Digesting those digests isn't something that just happens at the snap of a finger.
You've got to crawl through the digest, then digest it carefully.
@Yuki haha yeah that's what it feels like
The digested output must be rearranged into proper shape and function!
All of this work goes in creating your favorite moment of the "week":
@badp "week" alright
Welcome to another edition of the Quora Digest Digest!
The Quorest of the Quorest, handpicked just for your fine tastes.
Is there coffee served at this event?
(I left my coffee at home and this is making me a sad bean)
This might be considered for the following "weeks"
but alas! Let us not delay the climax of the Quora Digest Digest any longer!
Onto the Question of the "Week"!
> What's the best-looking CV you've ever seen?
...and the honorable mention goes to:
> What are some of the best sarcastic quotations?
This has been the Quora Digest Digest! I hope you enjoyed it because your "week" is going downhill from here and @AshleyNunn still doesn't have any coffee!
@badp Doubt it, work is over in 17 minutes.
Now I'll die in a car accident on my way home ... Thanks badp
And Quora, who made this possible
This "week"'s edition of the Quora Digest Digest, ladies and gentlemen, is brought to you by Phoenix Wright.
Stack Exchange systems are fully online at this time, we are contiuing to monitor on our side.
I can't tell if the office is for real cold or if I am just tired and undercaffeinated and headachy and thus I feel cold
yessss Okay Panic is not totally broked
@AshleyNunn How about some warm relaxing tea?
Can you get some of that?
@badp I think there might be tea in the kitchen on this floor. When there stops being a million bajillion egames forever I will check :D
@AshleyNunn ALL of the sports television sports benbrocka sports call of dota
@badp seriously. like I counted at least 20 dota matches, plus some sc2, and an lol match I am 99% never actually happened.
It's not bad, except when people can't agree on who won :P
@AshleyNunn In all cases: You won, because it got you something to be payed for!
@Arperum Yeah, that's what I tell myself. And I really don't hate it - because searching for this stuff makes my day zip by. I just wish that there was like an espn of esports that was reliable and regulated.
@AshleyNunn but then you wouldn't need to be awesome
it would just be ctrl-c ctrl-v menial busywork
In a way you are creating the ESPN of eSports.
@badp I am pretty awesome :P
> It did the same listening thing before the Xbox One even launched by taking out the requirement for the console to be online once every 24 hours. While this appeased privacy nuts, it stripped some nice features out of the console.
Wait, what?
I wasn't too concerned about that, but I'm also unclear what features not requiring that somehow removed.
@BenBrocka ...
@TimStone game lending iirc
But did they actually have that to begin with?
Yeah, with the always online drm you could lend your games to other people
I thought it was "Well, we'll be able to do that..."
I love that people are still doing the "vocal minority" thing when PS4 sales numbers are almost double Xbox One's
I can only assume in their little heads people bought PS4 because Xbox DIDN'T have always online DRM
I wrote a letter to the chairman of the FCC so he can have one more person to ignore when he fucks us all.
@KevinvanderVelden Right, I just wasn't sure if they had actually implemented that for release.
@StrixVaria I thought fuck-us-all passed yesterday? Didn't they approve "fast lanes"?
@TimStone well they scrapped the online drm bit before they released the xbone right? I've no idea if they actually implemented it
@StrixVaria I am tempted to do the same but I am Canadian so I never know if there is an actual point
@BenBrocka they approved a vote for it
@BenBrocka They kinda did? I mean they said it was approved for vote
@BenBrocka It goes for 120 days of public comment now
120 days of "Fuck the FCC" I hope
@TimStone so put on your best yelly voices
Then they have to actually draft the final proposal on which to vote.
@AshleyNunn I think there's still something to be said. The USA is a pretty big deal, so this would probably have rippling effects to the entire world.
It was so hard to keep the tone of my letter respectful because Tom Wheeler is such a fucking asshole.
@StrixVaria Yeah I am pretty sure I would just devolve into a screaming mess
@Unionhawk Well said. co-signs letter
@Unionhawk signs
@Unionhawk *signs*
cat storage and transport device
Q: How to make an enchantment with more than standard allowed max level?

Dmytro TsiniavskyiI've seen a lot of lets plays and vanilla servers where players used swords with, for example, Sharpness X (but max allowed level is V). Or, also, I saw modded severs where you can donate and buy Nano Sable from Industrial Craft with Sharpness XVII. How can I get such enchantment with in game met...

Q: What is the most fast/cheap/efficient way of killing unneeded migrants?

Daniel VartanovI try to run a fortress with just seven dwarves inside which never go outside. Literally they are sealed inside. The question is how to deal with migrants. I want every migrant wave to clear mess after the previous wave, sort corpses and spare belongings to stockpiles and die quickly (so they do...

@Lazers pfffhahaha
@spugsley I wrote a few-sentence outline for chapter 22 before I started writing it so I could reference it. Now that I'm 3/4 done writing it, I glanced back at the outline and I did the opposite of almost everything I said in the outline.
bleh, 30 minutes left, and completely out of energy.
Tomorrow I'm seeing a couple bands again! So that's good.
We're still online and running from NYC, pending a power status update from @Internap (hint, hint)
excellent ad choice
Q: What to beware of when dwarves are reliably sealed in a fortress?

Daniel VartanovOnce I walled up all the entrances and thought that I'm safe. I managed to make the fortress quite stable, i.e. resources are replenished by dwarves and they always stay happy. But eventually I started to lose dwarves faster than they breed. This is a list of causes of deaths in a sealed fortres...

@Powerlord You may proceed to cross-examine the Quora Digest Digest.
@badp presses every statement
@Powerlord makes funny noises in response to each of those
I am tired and grumpy.
that is all.
@agent86 I am tired but not as grumpy as I was. (I have settled into work with my blanket and my tea and my hoodie hood up and all the egames are less AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, so things are pretty good)
@AshleyNunn I want a work blanket :(
And really, I would be less tired if I had willpower and not played Doctor Life til stupid time (thanks, @gnomeslice ;) )
@agent86 shares
@AshleyNunn wooo! canadian blanket share!
@AshleyNunn When is it stupid time?
hmm, it just occurred to me that I can buy a buttload of kairosoft games with this amazon credit
@agent86 dooooo it
you wil not regret this
(except the soccer ones and the racing ones and the horse one, those are less fun. Still okay, but get the better ones first)
yeah, I crushed dungeon village a couple of months ago, with the last amazon credit I had.
beastie bay was just all kinds of great though, and free.
I tried twice to get into dream house days and just couldn't do it
Updated timeline of events since our last update on the #stackoverflow and #stackexchange outage this morning: http://stackstatus.net/post/85915411384/outage-update-may-16th-2014
I have a year, so I probably shouldn't binge, just in case some awesome new one comes out. but maybe I'll pick up one this weekend for the trip.
@agent86 Magazine Mogul is pretty good.
posted on May 16, 2014

We are currently only line and running operations from the New York data center again after the power outage earlier this morning. We are in a holding pattern since the UPS system serving both our primary and backup power feeds (yes, we’re very excited to learn this too) is still being worked on. At 11:59 UTC The decision was made to move operations back to New York and risk a few second

Left4Dead, the arcade game.
@AshleyNunn I will check it out!
@Krazer :o
@Krazer one of the cards in this video reads "survive or die" - yeah, that kind of covers it...
also I think watching things on the internet has permanently skewed my impression of what japanese girls sound like
@agent86 at the moment it looks like it's using a modified VEWLIX cabinet with what looks to be a standard mouse and a Nintendo Wii Nunchuck controller, as opposed to the specialized Half-Life 2/Cyber Diver cabinets that were used on previous FPS games that Taito had done
@Krazer man, that's... weird.
@agent86 Yeeeeah, that about covers all bases
@Unionhawk later there's "RUN and SHOT!"
When discussing real people, it is impossible to get more ambiguous than "survive OR die"
@Krazer huh. okay. weird, but I guess it works. also, that character model is a lot more .... endowed than I remember the PC L4D2 models being.
most arcade (had to stop myself from using qa there) controllers have to be pretty durable compared to PC/console counterparts, though. odd that they'd pick something that didn't require custom hardware
wtf, klout
Q: How many souls are in Dark Souls 2?

Jeff GohlkeUnlike the original Dark Souls, Dark Souls 2 has a spawn limit on all enemies in the game. This means that there is an objective, exact number of souls which are available in the game. More importantly, it means that that number is limited -- no more infinite soul farming. Hence, the question:...

Q: How do I contact sony?

MTAanddrop2299I am having problems with my Playstation 3 and I would like to know how to contact Sony Entertainment to see what is wrong with my Playstation 3.

@BenBrocka Dem Roombas.
@Krazer griefing at work?
@BenBrocka Roombas where you are the controller
@StrixVaria Like a physical letter?
Kinect: You are the controller A patch of skin sloughs off and reveals an A button A nail falls off, d pad Dear god what is happening to you
@OrigamiRobot An email.
I actually wrote him another one just now to follow up because I'm so angry.
> If you do not endorse true net neutrality, then you personally will have the legacy of having ruined one of the most profound inventions in human history.
He keeps saying "Don't worry guys, we wont let them be shitbags"
@OrigamiRobot Yes. Because the government has a great track record of being a watchdog.
@OrigamiRobot too ez
The government's so good at it, there aren't civilian watchdog groups. Oh wait.
@StrixVaria not enuff profits
@OrigamiRobot I'm afraid they tried and the supreme court said they didn't get to do that?
or they said they were doing it wrong.
@badp The supreme court said the way they did that was bad, but that they thought that it should be done.
Then the FCC was like "lol well shitbag time I guess".

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