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Or rather, it's not compatible with mine, anyway
> Available on Nexus or Google Play edition devices with Android 4.4 (KitKat).
My problem with GO is you can't search "launcher" without seeing 4 million themes for GO Launcher.
whaaaat? I thought the whole point of it was to slaughter awful carrier/OEM launchers
Yay, I can make calls over the office wifi
@Yuki The one little girl upstairs is singing along to the Frozen sound track and it is hard for me not to sing along too
@BenBrocka I dunno, but it definitely isn't compatible with my phone.
I should be getting an upgrade to 4.4.2 within the next week
I'll likely never see anything past 4.1 until a device upgrade.
@Powerlord That was cute.
@Unionhawk Yeah, I am likely stuck at 4.2.1 until I get a new phone
Hey this phone wakes up whenever I pick it up, neat
i don't have to press the power button
"Our goal is to have everyone on board by May 9"
So in a perfect world, I'll have it tomorrow.
Q: What code do I have to input at the end of You Have to Win the Game?

murgatroid99At the end of the game You Have to Win the Game, a code needs to be entered to win. I have already found the secret word: and the secret symbol I tried inputting the secret word directly and applying ROT13 and then inputting it, and neither worked. So, what is the code and how am I supposed...

@Unionhawk you can still download the apk from the interwebs
you'll probably find it is in fact compatible
(or not. I don't know)
@Chippies Awwww @FEichinger was talking about my butt again
@spugsley *all the time
@spugsley When he goes to sleep and his butt touches your butt through his bed, it's always a magic experience
"through the bed"
you know how the underbelly of the bed lowers when you get onto it right?
I cant decide if it is sad or awesome that I am kinda having fun with the fact I got asked to pick up an extra 4 hours today because a coworker is sick....I really do like my job
what if they don't like that
@AshleyNunn Awesome. It becomes sad when you start having dreams about your job.
@AshleyNunn there are a little too many subordinates but do enjoy your honeymoon for as long as it can possibly last :)
@badp omg I love you
@spugsley Are you?
@OrigamiRobot ....no but I don't think my work is worth 100 dollars an hour :O
@badp little too many subordinates?
@spugsley Psh, I doubt that is true
> I can't decide if it is sad or awesome that I am kinda having fun with the fact [that] I got asked to pick up an extra 4 hours today because a coworker is sick
@badp facedesk Gosh, so picky
@badp Well it's not my fault you are limited!
@spugsley If you weren't worth it, they wouldn't pay it.
@spugsley Your photographs are amazing
@OrigamiRobot The robot has a very good point
@Fluttershy omg I know right
@AshleyNunn check your unbounded privilege!
@spugsley I have super important news for you!
@Fluttershy TELL ME
@Fluttershy You're coming to see Lindsey Stirling?
@badp Check your face.
@badp ...
@AshleyNunn I need to do that more often
@FEichinger do you like when our butts touch?
1 hour ago, by Unionhawk
I have no words.
@OrigamiRobot I picked up Lindsey's new album last night. it is awesome
@AshleyNunn Stirling?
Poor @FEi
@AshleyNunn You still have time to come~
@GnomeSlice Yep
@OrigamiRobot You will just have to enjoy it for me
@Unionhawk You're just jealous of all the action @FEi's been getting
@spugsley All that subletting action
@badp he doesn't get action with my butt
1 min ago, by Unionhawk
1 hour ago, by Unionhawk
I have no words.
@KevinvanderVelden You still awake?
He's basically got a residence under his bed
@spugsley Yesss! It's going to be awesome! :D
@Arperum I am never awake
[citation needed]
@AshleyNunn I have good news for you
@KevinvanderVelden COuld your sleeping self check this festival then? ANd tell me if you would go or not?
This week's humble weekly is nothing to get excited about
@badp That is excellent news :)
@Arperum I want to! Sabaton and iron maiden
But unfortunately-ish I will be in portugal then
Unless! you like games with numbers in their names
because oooh boy aren't there numbers in those game names
@badp Likely not.
@badp It has System Shock 2 /cc: @AshleyNunn
@KevinvanderVelden If I go, it's the third ticket for sabaton this year for me >_<
@FEichinger for $9
that's a rather terrible deal
it's been much cheaper very often in the past 6 months..
System Shock 2 is €3 on the Humble Store - humblebundle.com/store/p/systemshock2_storefront
@AshleyNunn Oh, you're here... I didn't notice you with your WRONG GRAVATAR.
DRM free, Steam keys, yadda yadda
I should get a new gravatar, speaking of
@FEichinger ....I hate your face
I have had this FOR WEEKS NOW
@Unionhawk Just force @Lazers to change his again.
@AshleyNunn @FEichinger just doesn't notice anything but butts
@FEichinger I think that translates to "If you could accidentally a copy of System Shock 2 in my inbox that would be excellent"
@FEichinger should change his gravatar to a butt
@KevinvanderVelden @FEi: This is what you have created, you know that, right?
@Unionhawk Technically whoever noticed the butt emoticon is responsible for this.
And his name to @ButtGuy
@badp noooooooooooooooo never ever
@Unionhawk When @spugsley and @FEichinger collide the entire starlist fills with butts
@AshleyNunn whyyyyyyy it's an unironically good game
@FEichinger Technically nothing, you responding to every ":3" with an all caps "BUTT" created this.
@badp Because last time I watched videos of it I HID UNDER MY DESK
Kasra Rahjerdi on May 08, 2014

Earlier this year, we announced the release of our Android application and the public feedback was fantastic. Well, it turns out we offended our designers by not doing an iPhone application too. So, after spending the last few months apologizing and bribing them (turns out designers love moleskins in pantone colors), we’re excited to announce the release of Stack Exchange for your iPhone.

Feed Me, Seymour

At the heart of our mobile applications is The Feed which gives you a deeply personalized selection of content customized to what’s relevant to you. …

"all butts all the time" - @FEichinger
@AshleyNunn the videos are just a super-concentrated version of the experience
There's still inventory tetris and stat minmaxing to be had in between moments
@AshleyNunn Yeah, it has it's moments.
@badp I will stick to Gardening Mama 2 I think
System Shock 2 is not sixty hours of constant scare jumps. It's just that the gunplay is awful and you must use your guns.
but it's awful in a fun way, if you know what I mean
> You can ask, answer, comment, and vote, and there’s even a built-in Markdown keyboard.
The gameplay actually really turned me off
I think iOS lets you add an extra row of buttons at the top of the keyboard in an app doesn't it?
@BenBrocka Yes, but the gameplay being bad in a number of ways reinforces the actual experience
@TheStackExchangeBlog I thought they said they would announce it early next week..
If you had reliable guns that shooted in a satisfying and predictable manner for a satisfying amount of time, all the tension and dread of crawling through corridors would vanish
If the sound in the game worked in a way physically sensible, you wouldn't spin in circles for ten minutes terrified to find a killer robot sneak from behind a corner when it really is upstairs
I guess, but I think Fatal Frame did the "awkward combat" in a rather satisfying and unfrustrating way and Dead Space, arguably, was enjoyable enough to play AND to experience
I haven't played the former but I can see what you mean by the latter
Silent hill does the "hard to fight" thing but it never feels quite so...wrong
Fatal Frame, especially 2, is fantastic
That said I only played Dead Space to - I think - the first boss fight
the big guy on the bridge or the Leviathan?
I think the thing that grabs you by the leg down several corridors?
Oh you actually fought it? That's fairly far in if you killed it
I didn't kill it I think. I got to the start of the sequence and closed the game
leaving it for another day, and another computer
Oh right PC. Def play with a controller I hear it's a bad port
nah, it was fine with mouse and keyboard
I don't think you fight the boss in nearly the same chapter you first find drag tentacles though
Huh, I heard it was a bad port but only played 3 on PC, was fine control-wise
I have been playing many games with a controller since I bought one to be completely honest
Except they used a generic crosshair by default, not the laser sights. Like, what?
@OrigamiRobot passes that on to the people who gifted her hers
I had laser sights in Dead Space
Might have been a "feature" introduced in 3
actually no I think DS2 did that even on PS3. Was stupid, those laser sights were PERFECT for the cutting gamepaly
I mean the laser sights are kinda odd but I can see why they're necessary
I can't imagine trying to dismember without the laser sights
And they make the plasma cutter in particular so satisfying
Yay, there's the KitKat update.
I want to hope that at least the generic cross sights changed with gun orientation?
It's sad how few phones have Android 4.4
@badp ...kind of, but they're just dots painted on your screen. They correlate with absolutely nothing other than the exact center of your screen. It made no sense
(guns in dead space will almost never actually hit the dead center of your screen)
@OrigamiRobot Wow, thanks
Also lots of guns like the cutter, line gun and pulse rifle have super weird AOEs that the lasers are perfect for
for stuff like flamethrower and ripper it would be okay I guess
Now I want to play Dead Space again
What guns had you tried when you stopped playing?
hm, hard to say
let me just restore my Dead Space steam backup
you have to try the ripper, flamethrower and force gun. Contact beam is extremely satisfying but sadly impractical. More practical in DS2
I didn't make a Steam Backup of Dead Space.
Javelin gun is fun as hell, but unfortunately takes the focus away from dismemberment. But it makes some of the most satisfying sounds ever
With 12 GB of data, that was a mistake
Once my computer is built I might just wipe this whole hard drive clean and just put Ubuntu on it
Q: HAV Operation Dust 514

Micheal WoodallIs their any reason to train hav operation above skill level 1 ? This unlovks the only HAVs shown in the market. I have read about other tanks but I cannot find them. Does this have any benefits?

@SaintWacko How's SE V treating you?
Aww, now I have to buy Swype :(
@Frank I'm enjoying it. Haven't had much chance to play yet, but what I have done has been fun
@SaintWacko If you ever fine a planet with a little stonehenge-esque icon on it, colonize it.
It's one of the only ways to get some technologies.
Such as planetary shield generators.
@Frank Yeah, I've found a couple, but I can't colonize them yet
Of course, what you get is rather random. You might get a unique tech like that, or just a few levels in existing techs.

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