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@Frank no worries. I live (and was born) in Halifax, which is a Boston fantown. And rightfully so. I'm just not a Boston fan for hockey. Or basketball. Or baseball. I am a Pats fan though, which is close to Boston.
@mbraedley stupid haaaaaabs
Mind you, it's not like I like a team that does moderately well. My only hope is that my local junior team picks up good people and rebuilds
@AshleyNunn Every time you menion the Habs, I think of the book The Martian.
I need something to watch or play.
@fluttershy that is not a book I am familiar with.
@OrigamiRobot Do you like JRPGs?
@AshleyNunn It's about a guy who gets stranded on Mars. He lives in a "Hab," and it gets mentioned frequently. :P
@OrigamiRobot On?
@Fluttershy On whether or not I like the game.
@OrigamiRobot Oh. Well... I can't really recommend something then. <_< I was gonna recommend Child of Light.
I like Chrono Trigger and Legend of Dragoon. Those are about the only JRPGs I've liked. Not that I've tried many others.
@OrigamiRobot Didn't like Chrono Cross?
Never played it.
@OrigamiRobot D:
It's a direct sequel to Chrono Trigger!
I believe the proper response to that is "kinda"
But what do I know?
@OrigamiRobot Both good ones.
@OrigamiRobot It's totes a sequel.
Others that I decidedly did not like include: Final Fantasy 2, 3, and 7 and... something else
I remember the commercial
Lost Odyssey
@Frank Thanks for reminding me that I'm going to see Lindsey Stirling in June
ding what a beautiful sound
Q: Skyrim :Legend. Acheivment

user75629In skyrim the legend achievement for defeating a legendary dragon I know I have to be lvl 70 at least to encounter one but what dragon mountain should I venture to find it at no matter what its revered dragons.

Yeah! Go sports team! Sport your best!
@mbraedley what is the actual score?
@AshleyNunn 3-0
I hate CPU coolers
on an unrelated note mine's installed, wee
@BenBrocka I get to go through that pain sometime soon. My mobo and CPU are shipping
What cooler?
@BenBrocka stock intel, or maybe the aftermarket one I have in my HTPC, but that's probably more pain than it's worth.
Oh, that's easy modo
stock intels are awful coolers, but they install like a dream
this was a 212 evo I've been meaning to install for a while
If you know not to rotate the pins like the arrows indicate
what'd you do, unlock it then set it upright?
@BenBrocka no, the pins just popped, so I tried and tired again
3 or 4 times
@MBraedley Boooooooo
I had it out of the case at that point anyway. Generally easier to work with.
@AshleyNunn :D
running Prime95 and my GPU is still hotter than my CPU
@BenBrocka does Prime95 have a GPGPU mode?
And can't you force it to CPU only?
I don't think it does any GPU stuff I always used furmark for that
my GPU just idles warm. And does'nt heat up much in use
@BenBrocka I need to get a new one.
The cooler master 212s are fantastic. Pain ton install, but great cooling, takes up to 2 120mm fans. Much better and quieter than anything stock
dirt cheap too, can get 'em for $20 frequently after rebate
Oh man. I haven't installed one in ages, but my last one had bands that hooked into clips that were impossible to reach. If you didn't pop them in just right, good luck getting them off.
Speedfan is...wildly diferent from my motherboard's software. Should I assume speedfan is wrong?
@Fluttershy yeah that's the one I have. Comes with a spare bracket to mount another 120mm fan if you want. The Evo ships with a pretty good fan too
@Fluttershy that's the same or very similar to what I have in my HTPC
My processor shipped with a crappy fan.
if it's got >1k reviews and 5 eggs on Newegg it's usually pretty damn good
Q: Does collecting all the keychains do anything for me?

Ashley NunnAs much as I like collecting the keychains for the heck of it - do they actually do anything for me? Collecting the sun stones at least opens levels.

all procs ship with shit fans, with rare exceptions (for instance the completely ridiculous 200W+ TDP 8 core AMD has that comes with a liquid cooler)
@AshleyNunn I'll let you know as soon as I find out why not. In the meantime, you can call me Cherry Silver Coat.
@Coronus I'm Peachy Snowy Head. :D
That's awesome. :D
Is that even possible? 30 degrees C drop the instant I turn prime95 off. Figured it'd take a few to cool down
@BenBrocka how high did it go?
61c, dropped to 30 in about a second. Fan almost immediately died down too
And room temp is?
~25C (which the CPU is suspiciously close to, that doesn't seem possible)
well that's what my thermostat says anyway it's probably a bit colder in here. Case is cold though, might be accurate
I'd expect it to hit 35 pretty quickly, but not 5 above ambient
@Fluttershy What?
OK, Elders React got boring. I need a new thing
I am eating kimchi and sausages while playing Kirby like a total adult. i am not sure I am good at advising.
Your comment on that. I posted that exact same comment a month ago, and it got deleted. :(
@Fluttershy I totally did steal that.
@AshleyNunn Why not?
I remember now.
@OrigamiRobot Because I would likely say something cute and fuzzy
I think the thermostat's just overestimating the temperature because otherwise my CPU is currently at ambient temp
Armello is so pretty
@AshleyNunn I'm still not seeing the problem.
Haha okay then :)
What are you looking for? Something to watch? Something to play?
@AshleyNunn Either
@OrigamiRobot FMA: Brotherhood
Hm. I have been on another Miyazaki spree lately, for watching
@Fluttershy I've already seen that!
@OrigamiRobot Orphan Black
Fairy Tail?
I can't believe I'm going to say this: I agree with @GnomeSlice
The most productive solution would be for someone to play something with me.
@MBraedley What is that supposed to mean? Do you just assume I'm wrong about everything?
@GnomeSlice you recommended something. I don't generally follow your recommendations due to differing tastes.
Q: Anno 2070 Deep Ocean Expansion cannot advance researchers to geniues

Reality ExtractorAnno 2070, continuous game, Deep Ocean expansion is present (i.e. I have build functional food factories, I have the thermal power station available to me). I have over 5,000 researchers who have all their needs satisfied yet they are not advancing to the Genius level. What am I missing?

Q: Show radiuses of other buildings

ColeIs there a keyboard shortcut or ability to show the radius of other buildings (market, gathers, etc) while you are placing a new building? I haven't seen anything in the keyboard options and would like to see them for building layout and placement.

@OrigamiRobot I'll play The Stomping Land with you!
@Fluttershy I wish
Oh, there is a new Adventure Time. That will keep me busy for 11 minutes
@Fluttershy Have you seen the new trailer?
@GnomeSlice Yeah. I watched it when @OrigamiRobot linked it earlier.
I missed an '
I don't suppose @OrigamiRobot would like to give me one of his extra copies. I don't think he likes me any more.
@AshleyNunn as in he's not in rehab?
@MBraedley He got turned away at the border, no one knows where he's been since. His brother swears he is in rehab, but, well.
@MBraedley According to his lawyer, he is in rehab, in some unspecified location.
The end.
Bored again.
@OrigamiRobot Factorio.
@Frank This
What is that?
Logistics heaven.
If you like playing things like Anno or OpenTTD, this is along the same lines.
I might check it out
I have no idea what those are or what I just watched, but no Alphas
It's pretty darn robust for an alpha.
Haven't run into a bug yet.
@OrigamiRobot Great Permutator
A game I suck at
It's harder than spacechem
Also, I can't play games like that because analysis paralysis
It's pretty fuct
I tried to play Prison Architect the other day, but there's so much stuff now and it needs to be perfect.
@MBraedley I'm a little late for this, but let's be honest, no matter how much you love the Jets, they suck eggs.
yesterday, by Frank
user image
@OrigamiRobot It's moderately buggy too, which is a slight issue.
Sweezy Gunner is so fun
It's like 5 times better than I was expecting it to be.
@Unionhawk It's an issue I never get to because I never actually build anything.
I just use the planner.
I had a poor guy stuck in handcuffs for years after his sentence was up because the guard AI fucked up
For hours
If you have that problem, download a $1million large map from the workshop.
@Unionhawk How will that help?
Then you can build stuff and not worry about fucking something up, and then know generally what works
@Unionhawk I know generally how it works, that's the problem.
@OrigamiRobot Well, I probably can't help you then.
@Unionhawk I can't start building anything until everything is laid out perfectly.
Whoo, earned two Yearling badges in one year for the same site!
Meh, I mean, I sort of do that too. Or at least, I should, because otherwise I end up with some ridiculous layout because I was like "screw it, holding cell here"
That was my budding research base.
That promptly became too complicated.
@Unionhawk Nooooooooooooooooooooo
I'm sort of waiting for them to do more with the game, because right now, the best path for success is strict as possible. I tried a Norwegian style once, and it was terrible.
Steam, y u no let me review sweezy gunner
Empty net goal puts this away. Habs up 2 games to 1
Or whatever country had the "everything is included in your cell yes even a tv and your own shower" thing
@Unionhawk Last time I actually played, tunnels had just been introduced. Not dogs yet, just tunnels.
@OrigamiRobot Yeah, that would be annoying. I didn't have a ton of luck with the dogs, myself. Maybe I just didn't understand how they worked, but the only time I found tunnels was when I did a full shakedown.
Oh, I would love to be on Peel Street tonight. But alas, I'm about 1000km away.
Also: why the fuck do they let prisoners on the bus/truck/whatever with keys? I caught so many incoming prisoners with keys right at the start.
@Unionhawk I always put a metal detector at the entrance.
@OrigamiRobot I know
It also usually catches escaping keys prisoners too, which is nice
And at most entrances
For you, @GnomeSlice, since you're still playing DaS1.
I just need something to keep me occupied until it's time for bed
Because the guard right there is just like "search that dude... KEYS WTF handcuffs", and it's miles more reliable than expecting that dude to catch him normally.
Then allows me to stop and sleep.
@Yuki ahahahahahahahahahaah
Anyone used an Ultrawide monitor?
The game needs some work, to be sure, but they're doing some good things with it (armed guards, and nonlethal weapons for regular guards too, more recently). I just kind of want to wait until some more stuff happens, and, in particular, until education becomes a more viable option.
@GnomeSlice I love how he just whips out that giant f--kin' hammer.
Just imagining the thoughts going through the other guy's face.
I can never get enough of this
> "Oh. Oh, f--k."
I <3 Elite Knight Armor
@GnomeSlice Yeah, that's what I'm wearing right now.
Classic Souls armor.
@OrigamiRobot Brilliant.
@Yuki My 108 knight has it too. It's like maxed out.
I am just watching it on repeat now.
If I want to intimidate somebody I switch to gwyn's robe, eastern helm, and guardian boots and gloves
@GnomeSlice I've switched out a few pieces for Alonne Knight (I'm assuming it's the Black Knight analogue for DaS2) mostly for the fire resist since I'm in Iron Keep.
Which is basically a fortress sunk into a volcano.
My noob-invader in dark souls looks like this:
Level 18
I try to help people as much as I hurt them, but waiting for summons is boring...
Golem hat best hat
even though it lowers stamina recovery
Acceptable sacrifice for the scariness
I should play Dark Souls. Almost more like it's some sort of obligation, or something.
@Yuki Xanthous hat best hat
Circus Kirby is weird.
can you guys do me a solid and upvote this steamcommunity.com/id/GnomeSlice/recommended/295730
@Yuki hahah the blue guy just standing there
I want to watch this but I want to play sweezy gunner too
@GnomeSlice The best part is when one of the red phantoms gets too close.
@Yuki hahahaI just saw that
"back the fuck up pal"
Hahaha he's using the plow
@Yuki I am laughing so hard at this
Whoa, where do you get the channeler dance?
@GnomeSlice I think it's the 2H strong attack for the weapon they're using.
@Yuki Don't think so, he had a butcher knife didn't he?
@GnomeSlice He also has a Channeler's Trident. You can carry more than one weapon.
Pretty sure that's the pitchfork the packrats from the DLC use.
He was doing the dive attack with it
@GnomeSlice Considering how much stamina that guy has, I'm not surprised if they're carrying three or four weapons.
@Yuki Why can't I stop watching?
@Yuki Yeah they do have tridents
this guy sucks at pvp
I love how the blue and red guys are fighting each other
look, it was a silly flag and it wasn't in the bridge!
@GnomeSlice It's really funny when they get a kill by bumrushing someone though.
And they are using weapons that absolutely terrible for PvP.
Well, maybe not the cleaver guy.
But Channeler's Trident kinda really sucks for PvP.
The cleaver is pretty bad too
And the plow is awful
@Yuki What armor is that?
Oh, maybe.
@Yuki Hahahahh undead rapport
^ hahahahahahahaha
I have tried four times to beat this level and get all the sun stones and I always miss the same one. Kirby Triple Deluxe, you tricky.
@Yuki omg watch that one
Hahaha when he come out of the pot dancing
lmao he's killing his summons too
Also, am I like the only person playing it? Asking all the questions!
Q: How can I build a boat?

user76025How do you you build a boat in minecraft that moves? I am having trouble building a moving boat in minecraft on my ipod I have tried nothing

Q: How do I get the second Sun Stone in level 2-4?

Ashley NunnI have tried this level 4 times over now and I can't for the life of me figure out how to get the second Sun Stone in level 2-4. I think it might have something to do with the Ninja ability, but I am not sure. How do I get this Sun Stone?

> I have tried nothing
@Unionhawk Probably somebody butthurt over effort requirements of SE.
He probably meant "I have tried: nothing". As in nothing works
Great a spilled Cheerwine on my carpet.
That's pretty much insta-stain
@fluttershy what is it?
@AshleyNunn Tokaido: Collector's Edition. It's a super fun board game about traveling across Japan. :3
Interesting. :) goes to look it up
@Fluttershy I like the part where that guy backstabs and then taunts. And proceeds to get shot in the face.
@fluttershy omg want. The board game sounds amazing.
@AshleyNunn It is so fuuuuuun!
@Fluttershy That build probably wouldn't work in the DaS2 though since they nerfed Poise quite a bit.
@Yuki Does DaS2 have Iron Flesh?
Because that's what that build used.
@Fluttershy Yeah, that's I thought too. But I'm not sure if it provides enough Poise to not stagger after that many attacks in DaS2.
@Fluttershy Also, this is why people need to get Profound Still.
@fluttershy it sucks that even if I got it I wouldn't really have anyone to play with.
@AshleyNunn Same here. :(
@AshleyNunn Well, looking at the site, we could play it online.
Oh good, Twitch is all Call of Duty: Oh God Not Again Advanced Warfare promotion
Oh hey, Zed is streaming DS2
@Unionhawk I've been thinking about streaming DaS2, but I think I'm right on that edge of boredom when it comes to Souls streaming: not terrible to where watching me is hilarious, but not good enough to where you're awestruck and/or watch to learn how to play.
@Yuki Yeah, he's streaming a first playthrough.
@fluttershy I like that idea!
Omg this chat
So many people trying to tell him how to do something and at least half of them are probably wrong or otherwise misinformed
@AshleyNunn There's a bar here where people bring board games to play.
@Unionhawk Also, who is Zed?
@Yuki Zisteau
@Unionhawk Welcome to Twitch chat.
@Yuki I usually watch speedruns, so backseat gaming is a non-issue.
@Unionhawk What's his Soul Level and what has he cleared so far?
@Yuki Dunno
@frank wish we had something like that!
Dark Souls is a game that's not at all conducive to a LP, but it works extremely well in a stream.
@AshleyNunn I only learned about it a couple weeks ago.
And we're getting a coffee shop board game place nearby, too!
@Unionhawk Kinda sorta. It's one of those games where stream enjoyment occurs at the tail ends of the skill bell curve
@Yuki I mean, sure, but a Let's Play of Dark Souls would be painfully long. Streaming, you can sit down and watch a four hour stream (or I can, anyway) and not realize it, or jump in and watch a part of it.
Random note: I'm kinda getting tired of all the superhero prequel/origin stuff coming out. Gotham sounds exciting-ish, but I'm sure I'm gonna be bored of it after awhile.
Just for once, I'd like to see a post-superhero TV series, a la Batman Beyond.
Also: A local car company is advertising on Twitch. Apparently.
@frank that sounds pretty awesome. We have a couple places that kinda do coffee and board games but like no one ever plays
@Unionhawk I usually either watch a speedrun, or a blind run. :P Those are usually the only ones that I find entertaining.
@Fluttershy Yeah, pretty much
If it's a marathon, I can accept non-speedruns/non-blindruns
How did I not know there was a new Gardening Mama game out? How is that even possible?
I suspect the answer is "because no one else cares so no one reports on it, because you play silly games'
@AshleyNunn I thought you were the one in charge of updating us on these things?
@GnomeSlice I dunno where you're seeing $1. It's $6 on Steam.
@Fluttershy reclick
Er... $7.
@Fluttershy If you refresh again and get $8, I'll laugh.
@Fluttershy That's retail, but this is a PWYW (which apparently has a $1 minimum)
@Unionhawk Yeah. The first time he linked it, it was the Steam store page.
@Fluttershy Ah.
@unionhawk I fail in my duty. But hey, now I can play Gardening Mama. (because I don't need sleep what is that even... (aka I had a three hour nap earlier))
@AshleyNunn Well, you're clearly awake enough to be able to balance your parentheses. I think you're good.
@yuki yaaaay, then I shall play away without worry :p
fuck the steam download scheduler is so broken
as soon as you try to adjust the list order it ignores the times you set until you restart steam
And I mean I also don't work til 11 am tomorrow so that means I can even get sleep if I stay up
@Unionhawk $1 if you want Steam, less if you just want standalone
Sweezy Gunner steam backgrounds are actually decent
Q: PS3 Skyrim/Hearthfire

RolaCan you re-marry if your spouse is killed in battle? I tried wearing the Amulet of Mara again while around the house-carl Gregor from Dawnstar. So far it did not work. Any suggestions?

Q: Game compatibility list?

row1Is there a full list of Vita games compatible with the Vita TV? I have looked on http://asia.playstation.com/sg/en/regional/game?platform=psvitatv , but it doesn't seem to be correct e.g. Disgaea 3 is missing.

Q: What does ranking up Investigator improve?

DISREGARD MODS ACQUIRE REPCan't find anything in the wiki What does ranking it up to 5 net me in terms of improvement over the initial rank 0? I don't want to waste Fusion Cores only to find out there's no change at Rank 5 to Rank 0

@GnomeSlice Sad but not unexpected.
Towns has had problems ever since the release on Steam.
I just got a Klout perk for... Cat litter. Not sure what that says about me.
@GnomeSlice The fact that they're considering a Towns 2 before they've even finished (which they aren't going to) the first game just invalidates any excuses brought up in that post. I have no sympathy for them.
Interesting dancing stuff from 1944
Can we all close this question for regarding dev intent?
@DISREGARDMODSACQUIREREP No because it doesn't ask about dev intent?
Like, if it was a "why" question, sure, but it's asking about a game mechanic and how it works. Not why it works the way that it does.
Morning bridge!
Woohoo, waiting for 300k+ rows to copy between DB's is boring.
morning people
Q: Blast protection of doors and doorways (Rust)

Marco GeertsmaSo i was browsing the rust wiki and i noticed the amount of blasts needed per base item. I listed them below. Wooden doorway : No blast amount stated. Wooden door : 500HP 2HP per Rock - 250 Hits 1HP per Stone Hatchet - 500 Hits 2HP per Hatchet - 250 Hits 6HP per Pickaxe - 84 Hits 600HP ...

Q: Difference between different ammunition

SysDragonWhat is the difference between this types of ammunition? I have less of the second one, so it's supposed to be better, but I usually have far better results with the first one, and I think it deals more damage.

Q: Contacting Players Outside the Game for LOL

GeorgeI was just wondering if it was possible to chat with players and add friends without entering the game, like through 3rd party sites perhaps? Like through lolking, for instance.

@Blem Morning Blem!
@Lazers therres an android app called LoL chat
@Alex If it does what he wants, I think you can write an answer/comment.
@5pike well i just googled for league of legnends chat and it was the second result
there seems to be another one on there called lol messenger
Well, a comment would be nice.
Morning bridge
ANd now we wait again...
Stored proc is running for 1-2 hours.
thank you @Arperum and good morning @KevinvanderVelden

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