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well, back to Vivaldi!
@agent86 As a colourblind person I take offense to this.
I'm just happy my type of colour blindness allows me to see that. You monster.
So that I know how much of a monster you are.
@Wipqozn well, rest assured that my loathing for you is not at all secret.
@agent86 True!
and I'm enjoying every delicious additional color that you are unable to see.
@agent86 Maybe this was made by a colorblind person specifically to trick non-colorblind people into thinking they could trick colorblind people with this "hidden" message.
@Wipqozn You devious monster.
I prefer to think you on-colorblind people are the ones seeing the world wrong.n
@StrixVaria That does sound like something I would do.
@StrixVaria only @Wipqozn could be this devious and mysteriously mischievous.
@Wipqozn One of your letters moved half a sentence.
@Arperum ssshh, no corrections, only typos now.
@Wipqozn my bdoy is ready
@agent86 pffft, you wish.
I'm not falling for your schemes! I know you've got, like, 10 kids. You just want child support!
@Wipqozn I specially like how you noticed that it was missing, and then just edited it in on the end.
@Wipqozn I'm not even sure there really is a color-blindness type that can confuse red and yellow
3 mins ago, by StrixVaria
@agent86 Maybe this was made by a colorblind person specifically to trick non-colorblind people into thinking they could trick colorblind people with this "hidden" message.
@Arperum yeah man, that's totally what happened. All my typos are intentional in order to make the rest of you feel better about not being as perfect as me.
@StrixVaria Repetition is mandatory
11 secs ago, by badp
@StrixVaria Repetition is mandatory
hmm, I keep seeing good deals for games, but I have a lot of games already.
17 secs ago, by Wipqozn
11 secs ago, by badp
@StrixVaria Repetition is mandatory
I could get AC4 today OR batman AO for $14 or $10, but I just bought titanfall :/
@agent86 Scumbag games, always going on sale.
@agent86 Both games will probably go on sale for cheap again.
Also isn't AO supposed to be terrible?
I guess it's not the easiest thing to read.
I'm pretty sure colorblindness != black and white vision.
@badp Still very noticeable.
@StrixVaria it can go all the way to B&W vision
@StrixVaria One kind of colorblindness is ... DAMMIT
I mean, even stripping all color information it's still there. I guess SECRETELY is more like SFCHETIY
@StrixVaria I've met people who honestly believed that when I told them I was colourblind.
@Wipqozn You know, that's kind of what "blind to colour" means literally
I also had one person made me "prove" I was colourblind by asking me what colour his shirt was. when I got the colour correct he called me a liar and said I obviously wasn't colourblind.
@badp If that was the case then you couldn't see anything.
@Wipqozn You can still see luminosity, and red and yellow are wildly different there
Not seeing any colour would make you just see nothing but black, making you effectively blind.
@Wipqozn that's not how the eye works I think?
I recall there being distinct luminosity, red, green and blue receptors
and the combinations of lack of those leads to the various types of color blindness
@badp It kind of is. when you see something you're seeing the light just bouncing off of it. Different objects reflect different parts of light, which is what gives an object it's colour.
@Wipqozn Right! Red and green are just different shades of shitty green that you learn to distinguish from each other.
i.e. blue things are blue because they reflect blue light and absorb the other colours.
@Wipqozn but you don't see red or green objects as black
(or do you?)
Or something like that. I'm not physicist!
@badp AFAIK this is correct.
@Wipqozn Yes, and the different receptables in your eyes register the different colors.
@badp I'm not 100% sure how colourblindess works to be honest, so I can't answer that. Also, remember that when something reflects a "light colour" it's not just reflecting green, it's reflecting light which appears green. If I can't see one of those "shades" inside the "colour light" then I'd see a different colour, but not black.
I'm just guessing on that part though, since, once again, I'm not 100% sure how colourblindness wokrs.
not sure if it's actual "I can't see this colour" or "I just see colours differently".
I think the whole point why see the linear spectrum of light frequencies as a triangle of red green and blue is because our eyes have separate red, green and blue receptors
@Wipqozn What type are you?
@OrigamiRobot the handsome type. also I have no idea. I can never remember.
I think the types are just generalizations anyways.
@Wipqozn What colours can't you distinguish?
Blue and purples give me trouble, as do green and browns.
although I'm still not convinced you guys aren't just all liars, and that blue and purple aren't really just the same colour.
@Wipqozn do any two of those look black?
(I'm sorry it had to come to this)
I probably should've numbered them
@badp No. The bottom right one looks black.
If there's a number in that can't see it.
Hell, I can barely see that number.
@Wipqozn ...and do any two of those look alike?
I think there's a 20 in there:
@Wipqozn Almost; 29
I can see tat one just fine.
by the by
@badp The top riht and bottom left one look similar. Top right is blue, bottom left is purple?
here's those last three in B/W
or is the bottom left one pink.
I think it's either pink or purple.
@Wipqozn blue and pink
I guess the 12 one is kinda awful for the rather obvious reason.
I can't see any numbers there.
I can kind of sort of see parts of a 12.
It's more like the faint impression of sort of partsof a 12.
@Wipqozn That's the bad part. You are not supposed to be able to see anything if it's any good at distinguishing colorblindness.
The orange dots making the 12 there were offset to the bottom
that's why you can still see the 12
@Arperum Part of it is our brains working as awesome pattern recognition engines.
And what @badp said
Here's finally the previous numbers in gray and orange for @Wipqozn's benefit
(a few spurious small green dots along the borders were kept to keep things intesting :P)
Finally, I'll point out that @Wipqozn is the only color blind person I'm aware of knowing. Certainly this can't be right.
(Knowledge is mandatory)
I'm not colour blind, but one of my co-workers is. He vets our UIs where colour is important.
Let's switch gears and talk about this other crippling disability
I think it's called "scottish accent"
@badp Oh, he pronounces Newfoundland weirdly
Still my week's listening
But beware the annotation overload
I guess they want you to go to the store.
It used to show you the price in the email.
Like, it did yesterday.
Marketing, whee
@Unionhawk Yes I know how to YouTube.
this is awesome
@GnomeSlice what is it?
@Alex Inkjet cartridge
@Alex Animated 3D video explaining how inkjet printers work
The video is awesome
Ah, finally, time to play some Dark Souls II. Later people!
Our Linux apps, built on a server running 64-bit RHEL as 32-bit apps, won't work on a very similar server running 32-bit RHEL.
And we only discovered this today.
@MBraedley Ew... is it being linked against the wrong library or something?
@OrigamiRobot Not sure what you mean.
Q: Do you get a 5000 bell reward everytime you provide the dream suite with a new version of your town in animal crossing new leaf?

user3403557I have updated the dream for my animal crossing new leaf town a couple of times and each time I do I get given 5000 bells as a reward. At first I thought it happened when you hadn't provided an update in a while, but lately I seem to get rewarded even if I upload again the next day.

@Powerlord we're getting a floating point error
@StrixVaria A normal developer would maybe link to that article on their site.
@Krazer Parker has enough places to pop out and attack me already. He'll pop out from under the coffee table or the holes in the couch to attack people sitting there
@BenBrocka Carter doesn't even hide, he just runs and jumps at me.
Parker does that too
Sometimes if you're walking around he'll run up, dropkick you and use the momentum to bolt off in the opposite direction
Carter just tries to intercept you as you're walking, but since he's not sneaky, you can just stop when he jumps and he'll just jump past you.
Zynga lost half its active userbase in one year http://deve1op.net/1lbHHTr
@OrigamiRobot Parker usually stops if he notices you've seen him. He's just like "yeah I'm just casually sitting here in this ready-to-pounce pose what of it"
@BenBrocka actually, that's in 3 quarters. They gained 1 million back last quarter!!
Carter just thinks he's invisible I guess.
He's really bad at stalking.
Our kitten usually forgets about having a tail
So you'll sometimes see a tail from around a corner
@Powerlord so the app is compiled for kernel version 2.6.18, while the second machine has version 2.6.9 installed. Would that do it?
@BenBrocka why did that happen?
@MBraedley ...hardly?
@badp Yeah, didn't think so, but it's going in my SO question.
unless some of the calculations happens to involve numbers fetched from the kernel, I mean.
I mean, if you have context switches at every floating point operation you make, you have bigger problemsâ„¢
no, no direct kernel interaction, other than sockets and file I/O, but even most of that is abstracted away
@Alex mobile games don't usually maintain popular for long
@BenBrocka Zynga's games aren't really... mobile per se. At least not the ones I'm thinking of.
Sure, they probably work on mobile devices, but they're all web games.
Zynga's crap is more or less the same on both
Here;s a good example of standard-ish drop offs: google.com/trends/…
cc @kalina
@OrigamiRobot Why waste time posting your plans for the game on your game's website when a fan community will collect all your information for you?
@BenBrocka there's also their social casino push, which see like an all or nothing sort of approach
@BenBrocka Hm, Kinect sorta follows the same trend
I guess we won't be playing Mega Man X with Kinect for very long
It still annoys me that account-bound items are basically Blizzard DRM against other people selling items. "If we can't make money off an Auction House, no one will!"
@GnomeSlice If I remembered every game that you mentioned in here, I'd have to not remember other important things... like eating and breathing.
@Powerlord It's a game a lot of people in here used to play.
(Oh and yes, that last bit was a VGCats reference)
@Sterno No, no, no, it means you have to "earn" your items!
@Krazer I thought they abandoned the real money gambling thing
I miss the days of frantically clicking at Baal's feet to try to steal items from autopick bots.
@GnomeSlice I remember that game.
@Wipqozn Yeah!
Apparently they're still working on it.
In other news, I'm really handsome, just in case anyone was wondering.
@badp fairly standard fad curve
though Kinect, unlike almost any social game, actually has multiple spikes of interest unlike the single explosion and rapid, permanent dropoff
@BenBrocka well of course it does. Remember when the XBox One was first announced?
Most of those games don't bother trying to make a brand out of it like Angry Birds (for good reason)
@badp No one could forget sports TV call of duty
I heard the relevant parody twitter accounts are still going strong.
@fredley four circles' sequence of doom strikes again
Free for all loot was always a stupid idea
@badp The circles aren't where I lost
@Sterno I concur 110%.
You were either a sucker or an asshole. There was no middle ground.
If you're playing with friends you just keep an eye out for the loot other people wants anyways.
@fredley huh, yes it is. Green and red line had three circles, a diamond and another circle before the first triangle
Except once in a while it would be good for both of you.
If you're not playing with friends then I have no intention of sharing my loot.
@badp eh
I wonder if you couldn't have lasted a little longer by having, say, the red line skip straight to the diamond.
BRB, contacting Blizzard customer support to request an all-sloth rift level
I don't mind free for all loot but I only ever play looty games with friends
I mean, this kinda stuff always happens.
stuff always happens*
Stuff is mandatory
@Sterno Man, you old folks are so mean to robots.
is the "send feedback" thing no longer working on Youtube? It sends me to a help page now
To sign up for google music from another country you need a credit card from that country
Q: Do the fetishes spawned from Fetish Sycophants match elements with the skill?

z  -Fetish Sycophants randomly spawns fetishes when I attack, do those fetishes match the element of the Fetish army skill? I am using Tiki Torchers since I have + fire element gear.

Even if it's the free option
@BenBrocka it still works
@RedRiderX weird...licensing issues maybe?
@RedRiderX Canada doesn't have Google Play Music?
@badp huh...maybe they just don't like me then
Apr 20 at 12:57, by RedRiderX
Dear Google:
Take Newstand back, we want Music.
<3 RRX
@BenBrocka I think you need to allow it a little time to load the relevant js that intercepts links so they don't go straight to the support page
@fredley Well now I'm a little perplexed as to the best way to go about this.
@RedRiderX oh btw
@fredley Ooooh
I should be able to work on that a bit this weekend
@RedRiderX Cool
@badp Oh...that's...weird. Never had it not open the feedback page before but it's definitely a deferred loading thing
maybe a request timed out
I've frozen the code for this version at /v1/, but it's not like it's difficult to push updates
My for reals google account has my Canadian Google wallet stuff, and Music is all Lol nope even when I use a UK VPN.
But my totally-legitimate-don't-even-question-it account is fine
@RedRiderX Create new Google account, destroy old one
And I don't have any wallet stuff on there
@RedRiderX do you have a large collection of music that Google Play Music doesn't have? because that's kinda where Google Play Music shines
No it works on some pages but not others. Helpfully, it doesn't work on the page that has the bug
@fredley downvotes
Spotify has a lot more videogame music than Google Play Music, for example, but I can upload what I have to Google Play Music and start radios that have both built-in and uploaded tracks.
@Wipqozn BETTER NOW??
If you want radios on Spotify, OTOH, it's just stuff Spotify already has.
@badp Yes
That is why I want it
@badp So much why I want it
@fredley uh, sure.
Also Spotify isn't in Canada either.
I feel like I'm missing a reference or something.
@Wipqozn GOOD
oh, kill mobile hitler
got it
@RedRiderX :(
but I don't have an Android. stupid work, giving me free blackberry and paying for all the bills instead of a fre android!
Actually I will have an android at some point. Once the blackberry contract expires.
@fredley oooh, play store link
@badp Indeed
I like what I see.
I'd suggest changing the "script" button to "logs"
I'm 95. If I get arrested 4 smoking pot, how long could I possibly get anyway?
@badp Noted
@Blem actually in Italy you can't be arrested if you're older than 75
(ask Berlusconi)
not sure if other countries have similar age limits
I think in the US it's more of a "cops have nothing better to do" limit
@RedRiderX the free tier is kinda useless anyway.
I'm glad I don't have to buy music.
during the first month of so of availability of the service, if things go like they have in the US or Italy, the subscription will be 20% off or so indefinitely
If I'm at home, I just use YouTube. If I'm in the car, I just listen to the radio.
Radio stations are woefully understocked on video game music so I end up using my own stuff
I still need to get my stupid car's head unit replaced
@badp Ah really?
been using my phone's awful speakers
@RedRiderX The free tier is just music you upload and buy
What I want right now is an online locker for my music
So I don't have to move my music back and forth from my mobiles
yeah if you bring your own music it's fantastic
The subscription also gives you access to all tracks on the service for your "I'm feeling lucky" needs
My car doesn't have an aux jack :(
@OrigamiRobot Same here :(
(Consider that Google Play Music limits you to 20,000 tracks uploaded)
@badp I'm pretty sure I won't hit that limit
It would be nice for podcasts.
But is there a music locker alternative?
@SaintWacko I'm kind of a casual collector and I'm at 4,313 songs.
Mine has an aux jack fortunately, otherwise it's all CDs or (gross) radio
if you have a cassette player you can use it like an aux jack though
I'm personally okay with the radio for those semi-rare times I drive anyway
Too new for cassettes, not new enough for aux :(
ah, truly the worst time for car audio
@OrigamiRobot do you at least have a CD player that can read MP3s?
@BenBrocka I have taken the completely sane option of bringing an external speaker into the care and plugging my device into it.
But I have a 45min commute
in Maid Café (メイド喫茶), 12 hours ago, by Eric
Every problem with YouTube is @Mysticial's fault.
Luckily I can just be happy with radio. I have two stations that do music in blocks so when one is doing commercials, the other is usually doing music.
I just need to buy a new head unit...but the aftermarket replacement ones are $500 and I have no guarantee it'll work. No one seems to know what the audio problem really is
@RedRiderX Dropbox
@OrigamiRobot that is provably false at and about the top of every hour
Isn't there a thing that you can use to broadcast your music over some unused radio frequency?
@fredley Free option isn't really big enough
And I'm cheap :P
at :59 virtually all stations are playing ads before the news section at :00
@RedRiderX Bottom paid tier is insanely cheap
@fredley actually Dropbox is kinda the most expensive option of the "big three"
@badp Oh no wait, it's Google that's insanely cheap
Wait now that I think about it..
I have 15GB with google drive
Add 100 GB for $1.99/month
@RedRiderX there was something in ham.se about that...
It's kinda sad that I rely on Dropbox for most of my documents but pay for Google Drive instead because it's so much more space for much less.
yeah Google just had a massive price drop
the others will/are following but I don't think Dropbox has yet
Google cares more about sticking it to amazon than dropbox I think
Amazon only recently introduced its Drive equivalent though
@badp they made other cloud services cuts too not just personal Drive space
well, yes.
@RedRiderX Play Music is nice for the interface (for access from your phone/browser anyway)
I thought Spotify also had an HTML client?
Its phone/tablet apps used to be for-pay only, but at least for tablets that's no longer the case
@badp Wow
@badp "limits"
Also, Morning, Bridge
With my current spending habits I can foresee hitting that limit in my lifetime, and there's no way to increase that limit.
Ugh iTunes
@badp Likewise. Still, that's only a quarter of the storage, and how long have you been collecting?
refusing to download shit from Match since forever
@SaintWacko as long as Humble Bundle exists.
Plus, that limit is only for uploaded songs. Songs bought from the Play Store don't count against it
for some things even longer than that
@BenBrocka There's some music I want that's only available from iTunes :(
And I categorically refuse to install iTunes
@fredley this is awesome BTW ;p
@JourneymanGeek Cheers
@JourneymanGeek It was just a weekend hack with @RedRiderX
@fredley: do you take feature suggestions/requests?
The sidebar is such an amazing upgrade
@JourneymanGeek I do! Please put them on github otherwise they'll get lost in the transcript :P
@SaintWacko Surprisingly little code actually
@fredley Link? I have a few
@fredley: linkie? I added it in with my review
More stars, and ping notifications
Q: How can I shift queue commands to a group of meepos?

Cheeseburgerand quick thanks to all, especially WizLiz, for prompt answers to all my previous dota 2 questions :) So I'm currently learning Meepo, and having great fun in the process. I came to dota from starcraft and am happy microing different units with control groups etc and find meepo particularly chal...

I suppose there probably isn't any way to have push notifications on it?
@SaintWacko Ping notification almost certainly not possible
@fredley Aww, okay
Due to webviews not running JS in the background
I'm almost certain anyway
@fredley: done ;p
You fixed nearly everything that drives me nuts about SE mobile chat ;p
@JourneymanGeek Cheers!
@fredley: I'll likely be fixing up my review for 5 stars once thats worky ;p
@BenBrocka they're #2 (mostly thanks to Zynga Poker) right now though they have a 11-15% or so market share atm
@3ventic I see you chose Swordsman as your starting class in DS2. I also chose Swordsman. What do you think of it?
@JourneymanGeek No problem. I've got a couple of JS tweaks to push
@GnomeSlice Have they added new stuff?
@Fluttershy Slash, roll, repeat.
Or is it just able to be playing from the desktop now
That's pretty much my understanding of it
@3ventic Pretty much. Though I've found a quick double-tap of the right bumper kills pretty much anything early on. I only had to roll twice in the tutorial area, and that was to dodge arrows.
I usually dodge arrows by sidestepping instead of rolling
I tend to save rolling to situations where I have to dodge fast and running won't do
That also gets me killed a lot more than if I did roll more.. ^

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