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@BenBrocka that cats face is totally mental
@BenBrocka I wuv dis kitty :3
I'm trying flesky's transparent keyboard feature and it is going somewhat better than I would've expected. I mean, so long as you don't try and hit buttons behind the keyboard...
That said the previous sentence took a while to punch in...
Probably not worth it after all
@spugsley Hi Spugsley
Q: Ask the same question in at least two different ways on at least two different sites

AlexI have a question that I feel I can ask on at least two different stack exchange sites in slightly different ways. One of the questions would be a software recommendation type of question and the other would be a "how can I set this up" type of question. The problem revolves around some software...

should i ask my question about finding an os x alternative to curse client on the gaming stack exchange site?
it's also about getting the existing curse client to work on the latest version of the operating system
@spugsley yawn butt!
Q: Curse client on os x mavericks

AlexThis is related to a post I made on the stack exchange meta site Ask the same question in at least two different ways on at least two different sites On windows I use an application called curse client to manage addons for world of warcraft. In the past I have used the same application on o...

@spugsley I think it's his fetish.
wonders how much @FEichinger loves butts
stops wondering
@Alex No, no you should not.
That's a software recommendation.
@Alex This, though, might be something we can help you with.
@Frank: Gal Civ II?
@Wipqozn Gal Civ's ship designer is absolute balls.
@Frank You could try Stars!
I've heard good things.
and by good I mean it's supposedly fantastic
@Wipqozn Eh? I can't say I've heard of that one.
I've heard great things about Aurora as well.
Stars! is a complex turn-based computer game based around the management of planets and fleets of spaceships following the 4X game model (eXplore, eXpand, eXploit & eXterminate). The game has been around since 1995, and still has a strong following. Developer and publisher Stars! was developed by Jeff Johnson and Jeff McBride ("the Jeffs") for their own use, and initially released as shareware. A retail version was later produced for, and published by Empire Interactive, although the shareware version continued. More recently the game has been sold as part of the Xplosiv budget games ...
In the Gameplay of Stars!, each player begins the game with a small fleet of starting ships and one planet (or occasionally two, depending on Primary Racial Trait and universe size.) From these beginnings they develop their empire until they come into contact with the races of other players. Players initially send scouts out to scan the planets around their homeworld. These scouts determine the environment and also the mineral concentrations. When a planet with a suitable environment (one that matches the environment settings defined in the race wizard) is found, coloniser ships are co...
Star Ruler is another choice, and also Masters of Orion II.
Warning: I haven't played any of those four, but I've heard good things about all of them and have considering getting into one of them enxt time I;m looking for a 4x space game.
@Krazer And just how long did it take to make that? The UI is horrible.
@Wipqozn Make sure to add SE V to that list as well.
Supposedly Aurora is considered the "Dwarf Fortress of 4X games"
Looks like a 95 spreadsheet game.
It's old as hell, but /r/4xgaming loves it to death and it still has a following today.
Has play by email too I believe.
I'd take a gander at Star Ruler.
Woof. That's so bad.
I hear it's main focus is on combat, though.
@Wipqozn I think I tried that one.
Bridge, I have beer. The world is made of amazing
It was cool, except that it more or less managed everything for you.
@Frank Yeah, not supposed to be pretty,but supposed to have oceans of depth.
@Frank i have made enquiries with the moderators at the software recommendation site already and they have confirmed that I can ask that question on that site. they also mentioned that it would be valid to ask the question on another site, such as this one, but instead of asking for an alternative, asking for a way to get the existing version to work with the new operating system
@Alex for WoW, have you tried WoWMatrix?
@Frank Sins of a Solar Empire?
Supposedly a good combat focused 4X.
@Alex That's exactly what I said.
If you ask us how to get the existing thing working, that could be something we can help with.
@Frank i am trying to decide whether to ask the question on the gaming stack exchange site or if i should ask it on anothe site such as ask different or super user, since it would be on topic for all three
If you go, "I want software that does X", I will click that close button for all I am worth.
@Wipqozn I have this. I've heard really good things about it, but I haven't played it yet.
@Frank that's exactly what i said also in my original question on stack exchange meta
@Alex Which you've already done.
You don't need to crosspost a meta post, any more than a regular one.
@Frank I haven't asked it yet
@Wipqozn No ship design at all.
Which is too bad, as it's rather pretty.
@Frank That's silly.
@Frank i dont believe that i have cross posted, i did not assume that people looking at stack exchange meta were the same people looking at gaming meta
Always seems strange when a space 4X lacks ship design.
@Wipqozn Yeah.
@Alex You're asking, "Where do I post this?" in two places. That meets the definition of cross-posting to a tee.
@Krazer i have not tried it
And you're not getting a good response here. Personally, I downvoted because you crossposted.
Hamstare @Wipqozn
@Frank i didn't feel that it was a cross post at all, i felt that it was an enquiry for clarification to an existing question to a specific audience
@Alex take a look at it
@Alex I disagree.
Apparently, @fredley's script is turned off.
stares disapprovingly at @Wipqozn
@Frank if you must
stares approvingly at @Wipqozn
@Krazer thank you very much, that could be just what i'm looking for
@Krazer have you used it before?
@Fluttershy Don't encourage him!
OKAY So. Now that I got a tablet for my birthday, I need new books to read so that I can buy digital copies :DDDD
@Wipqozn Can you find any pictures of combat for Aurora? Everything I try comes up with non-combat and other games.
@spugsley The Waking Engine!
@Fluttershy @FAE @everyone else who reads fantasy
@Alex it's alright, but it has a dubious history
I'd prefer something with a little bit of plot driven smuttiness involved :O
@Krazer yes... i was concerned about that
@Alex WoW Interface, the only other game in town, seems to have been in limbo for quite some time
so your options are limited
@Krazer what do you know of it's dubiousness?
@spugsley You aren't on Steam, so I cannot help you at the moment!
i guess i could just install them manually
@spugsley Do you seriously want recommendations from me?
@AshleyNunn says I'm a rather bad influence. :P
@Frank if it is fantasy, yes
@Frank :o why
@spugsley His recommendations in a nutshell: Brandon Sanderson.
but i'm so used to using the curse client on windows, i dont fancy doing it by hand
@Fluttershy nope and nope :p
@spugsley I tend to load down people with a giant list of books.
@Frank do you have a good reads account?
or whatever that site is called
that I never go on
found this:
@spugsley Nope.
it's 5 years old
@Frank You should get one. It's neat!
I just have several bookshelves stuffed to the brim with actual books.
(Seriously). I should actually have twice as many as I do. If not more.
@Alex sucks down bandwidth from sites like Curse and WoWInterface and displays its own ads
@Frank do any of them have any smuttiness involved with the plot? Think Terry Goodkind, Patrick Rothfuss (but not 245723 pages of it)
@Krazer oh... so it doesn't have it's own repository
@spugsley Er? Some do, but they tend to be a minority.
i wonder if they could use github for that
i mean, the addons are all open source anyway
@Frank I just like instances. I don't like reading 4 gigantic novel series and having zero romance involved
it bores me
i imagine that in these modern times, some of the addon authors are already using github anyway

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