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The Paladin Shield is pretty amazing though
(no not try to uncurse it in the dino forrest)
@BenBrocka "Dualcast → Ultima → Ultima"
yeah but hardly necessary or worth the trouble, unless you're getting it for ultima
although I can't have dualcast and the cursed shield
Maybe for the least behind team.
I don't think even dualcast ultima quick ultima ultima will kill brachiosaur in one turn
(quick is in 6 right?)
@BenBrocka yep
It won't, it's got 46050 HP
but it's weak to ice. I dunno how quickly I can get blizzara going on the rest of the team
I'd just do the imp method unless it'd take a while to get equips. A team of imps will slaughter the more common T rex and just run from brachios
Genji Glove + Master's Scroll + ice weapons?
IIRC it's like a level a kill or something crazy
I have 2 ice shields teaching blizzara at ×5, plus Shiva teaches it at ×5
so I just need 10 AP for that
I suppose they'll be then doing 2k damage/attack to the brachiosaur
That's 16k/turn if the brachiosaur is rare enough
probably less because I'll need to heal
so... about a 4/5 turn long battle?
4 is the "you may die" turn for brachiosaur, get it under that if at all possible
But, luckily, if you save after every battle, you only need to "get lucky" a couple of times for everyone to jump up in levels
Then things start dying faster
@BenBrocka I'm kinda more concerned about a snort in turn 3
@badp you can just run from a snort. Ultima can wipe and disaster, without 4 ribbons, causes all sorts of problems though I forget exactly what
To be perfectly honest I'm abusing save states with wild abandon
I'm lagging out pretty good right now.
@badp Don't save IN battle without a backup. Don't want to save into an Ultima
also tomorrow I have to wake up at 5am
pre-trip nausea is worst nausea
I should be here all giddy at the perspective of 36 hours spent in Venice and all I can think is, "I could be waking up tomorrow morning at midday"
@badp getting an early start I see
@badp breath in... Breath out
Q: What's the term for the feeling of anguish one feels before leaving for a long trip?

badpI often get a growing feeling of anguish and discomfort and why-did-I-put-myself-into-this-perhaps-tomorrow-morning-will-be-a-day-like-all-other-days-ever on the day before leaving home for someplace else. It's like preemptive home-sickness. This occasionally spreads to my familiars. This typical...

every time
trips only bother me a day or two in because I'm rarely able to sleep outside of my own bed (and only with great effort can I sleep in it) so I'll have like 4 hours of sleep by day 3
Do you not have any imp equips though? Even if you have other strats for leveling, steamrolling baddies with imp gear is fun to do at least once
hmm let me check
@badp Also, wonder about the stuff you've forgotten to pack
no tortoise shield
this reminds me I should pack for my trip in a week. vegas, business thing
@badp arg. Without that you won't end up with 255 def/mdef
oh right, it's a Dragon's Neck sort-of-trading-quest thing to get some of it
Finally! 6% crit chance on helmet, after it took a million gold per reroll.
No Impartisan either
although some items might have changed names with the GBA version
I think they're the same. T rex drops a couple of the items actually I think
Imp Halberd was the old name, Impartisan is the new one
And D3 froze again. Bloody hell.
oh, right
It drops the impartisan all right
@Frank Hell froze? Over!
I'd be surprised if they had a pun that good in the SNES translation
I'm happy I chose the music-fixed color-fixed GBA version
Wide-screen, way better font
There's a music fix for the GBA version? Crap
The lower resolution still bugs me a little though :(
but I have such strong attachment to the original game, no port could probably satisfy the level of nitpicks I would have
I now can't stand the original's old-school-Macintosh font
Aside from removing the "son of a submariner" line (which was a unique so-bad-it's-good) the translation is universally better though
Yeah, I think the original translation was serviceable, but it certainly wasn't perfect
The SNES games were dreadful examples of 90s Nintendo of America censorship
Looking back I don't know how I could play Chrono Trigger with that font
"Pearl" spell, cafes, edited sprites
Did the SNES version have Humpty and Dumpty?
Q: Which characters are in Broforce, and whose spoof are they?

Barta TamásI played the current version of Broforce, and started unlocking the characters, and I didn't find them all very obvious. Looks like I'm not that educated in action movies. I want to know the original characters (and the films they are in) behind the characters in the game. Who are they?

It's not Nintendo, but my favorite example is Grandia where there's a guy who's passed out in an alley behind a "cafe" due to too much "coffee"
no it has "Vicks" and wedge
That's the most risqué I've seen in this game
and that'd fit in a Disney movie nowadays
There are some mildly revealing female sprites like Chadarnook and stuff
In retrospect, removing the alcohol and butts and leaving in the cold-blooded killings is a little messed up
That's Murika for you
Would be a bit hard to explain FF6's plot without killing though
I love how many of rarities episodes just revolve around her learning that she was awesome before, and that she shouldn't try to change herself.
but then again I grew up in the heyday of violent action movies so maybe I just didn't really notice
@Wipqozn because she IS awesome
@BenBrocka She is!
Rarity is one of the best ponies.
I wonder if they put son of a submariner back in FF6 mobile
They occasionally keep/put back funny things, Spoony Bard is still in GBA FF4
I love that episode where she gets kidnapped at the start of the episode, and by the end of she's turned her kidnappers into her diamond mining servants who carry her around on a throne.
Rarity kicks ass.
I really hope Square gets around to retranslating FF7 at some point, because it's probably the only remaining game that really deserves it that hasn't gotten one yet
I'm really glad I decided to skip that pinkie pie episode in favour of that rarity one. IT was great.
@PanicBomb Haha, yeah...FF8 doesn't get enough credit for being the first properly translated FF game (not counting remakes)
FFT had a pretty dodgy script too, but they more or less fixed that
Even if it did make it even more difficult to understand
is War of the Lion's script improved? I have it but haven't played it...I recall the grind. And the fact that my save file was bugged so the grind was meaningless (I couldn't buy items, the item shop didn't scroll)
@BenBrocka Over the PSX version, yes, absolutely. Got rid of all of the "weird" "quotes" "usage" too
But it changed the voice of the writing to be much more "olde english" and so it's a lot more dense
I don't even recall the specific issues...bad scripts were simply the norm
Thinking back on it, their PSX translations were really on-and-off
Is FF8 worth playing?
how so? FF7 was better than SNES, but not good. FF8 and FF9 were basically flawless IIRC
FF7, FFT, Xenogears: rough. Chrono Cross, Vagrant Story, FF8, FF9: good.
@badp I know a very great deal disagree, but it's easily one of my favorite FFs
user image
@badp it's more angsty high-school people with enormous swords and teen drama. then it gets batshit crazy. then it's over.
@badp I like it a lot, but it is weird in that it's very different than the other games
@PanicBomb Boo. FF7. Not bad, not not very good.
I don't know if I should get it off Steam and cope with unskippable everything and save points or get it on an emulator and... ummm... err... miss out on mods Square Enix doesn't want you to use anyway??
it also has crazy long summon animations from what I remember, and you can summon constantly for little to no penalty if I recall
so enjoy watching that 30 second summon video for the 9,000 time
@badp you're going to have to fix the shitass music if you get the steam version
the original has very good music btw
the number of charges of what magic you have determines your stats, so there's a lot of drawing magic and then not casting it because it will hurt you to do so
it's weird, essentially
I don't hate it, but it's far from my favorite
fortunately you don't need to summon too much outside of boss battles, but yes summons get old. And they made not-skipping a gameplay element since you can bost them
the battle system is also ridiculously exploitable in the late game, even moreso than most FF games
If you have 100 of a spell it doesn't hurt too much to cast several times
Yeah what I've read about their "esper" system doesn't really excite me
@badp I actually really like the junction system for learning abilities, it's really cool
I thought FF9 was better, personally. more of a return to the series' roots
and makes switching characters no big deal, since most of the abilities/stats are on the summons not players
I loved the story bits of FF8 that weren't [final boss] or squall's teen angst--the whole Garden thing is pretty cool and I love Esthar to death
boosting summons is the worst implementation of a QTE everrrrr
Woo! Set pants. Only Blackthorne's, but still an upgrade.
I do resent the lovestory thing, but if anything FF7 started that being a major part of the game
yeah, the plot was just a bit too over the top teen drama for my liking. there was too much of that sort of stuff in FF7 too.
Did FF12 or 13 ever shake the love story crap?
Hmmm, I wonder if I can find an android emulator of PSX that doesn't suck
at least in FF8 they didn't use funky character models out of battle from what I recall
FF8's models were a huge upgrade from 7
that was like "omg grapix"
super GNES spoiled me
@BenBrocka FF13 sidesteps that problem by making every character unlikeable until near the end of the game
But then they mostly become tolerable
I kind of liked FF12's battle system, although I think I was in the minority
FF13 can die in a fire
@badp I've had almost no issues with fpse. You may have to spend like 2 euros to buy it or something though
that was the end of the series for me, big ol' nope.avi
I played Legend of Legia the whole way through
rented 12, found combat, hated it, stopped. Never looked at 13
I will probably get ff 15 and it will probably be my last unless turns are brought back or something drastic changes
Yeah, I was just hoping to get more mileage from the emulators I did already buy
I'm not sure what to think about FF15 since it doesn't really even seem like an RPG anymore
One for SNES, another for GBA
Not having nearest pixel approximation is a deal breaker for me. Stretching 300x200 or whatever on a 1080p display linearly just results in garbage
@PanicBomb I have to fight/have Leviathan after that trailer. I'll be surprised if I like the combat but who knows. Some people love 13's combat
Is 13 the one with the 75 minutes long boss fight of extreme menu fiddling?
@badp you can upres in FPSe
@ben I guess it makes sense on consoles drawing actual polygons
@badp 12. Or X. Or X-2. I think all super bosses are now 60+ minutes of menu fiddling actually
RIP actually fun superbosses
I laughed when I saw that killing Penance is required for the platinum in FFX HD
@PanicBomb IT'S WHAT
10,000,000 HP, go!
yeah it's a trophy
The trophies for both of those games are actually really damn serious
Nevermind, reality surpassed my imagination
Penance actually has twelve million
Are the X-2 superbosses as bad?
What's the damage cap in that game?
but with quick hit you can do a lot of damage per "turn"
Uhm, so that's 120 99,999 hits
@BenBrocka I haven't done them, but the wiki seems to say that the HD version nerfs one of the exploitable strategies from the original version, so maybe
also he heals for over damage cap
They don't seem to be lengthy in the same way though
I never beat that stupid desert thing in FF X-2. Then again I didn't know of the catnip trick
I think FF12 has the msot offensively long fight though doesn't it? Not counting the MMO bosses
hahahaha I forgot that there's also a trophy in FFX HD for maxing out the sphere grid for every character
so at that point you might as well just kill Penance while you're at it
I hope those games have like actual store-purchasable recovery items that don't suck
l it sounds like you'd need a full stack of full party restore items with that boss
@BenBrocka I loved Legend of Legaia! :3
@Fluttershy one of my fav PSX games actually
@PanicBomb christ
Mine too. Right up there with Suikoden and Suikoden 2.
I've only found one Megalixir in FF6 and I'm not sure there's a second
@PanicBomb Yeah... I'm currently working on that.
I have all of the lock spheres cleared. I just have to get stuff to put into the empty nodes.
@badp it's stealable from the least likely enemy finalfantasy.wikia.com/wiki/Land_Ray_(Final_Fantasy_VI)
By the end of Chrono Trigger I was burning through those at alarming speed
...and also Kefka, the most likely enemy, but that's no good
@ben O__O
you can also steal Ragnarok from Kefka, which was a sick joke in the original but a boon in the GBA release (because of continuing after the ending)
You can equip in battle
you can? Still, not too useful since IIRC it's only on his final form
best use at that point was to throw for, I think, 9999 damage
Yeah but being able to get second copies of (essentially) unique items and then take them back out of the dungeon was always sort of weird
Ragnarok is doubly so because then you can have your cake and eat it too
I think you just need to select it from the item menu
or you can dual wield Lightbringers and be a total boss
After watching the ending and the credits (a good 20-30 minutes), you'll be
prompted to save your game. SAVE YOUR GAME ON ANY FILE. When you reload it,
you'll be back on the Falcon with Setzer as the only party member. There is NO
New Game+ option in this game.
"Continuing after the end" is not what that sounds like
It is. You can go into the ship and configure your party just like nothing happened
...ohhh. I thought that sentence meant the ship was empty except for Setzer
so you were stuck with him "forever"
that'd be a pretty strange postgame I will admit
Setzer's Quest
If a site is using CC-BY-SA, does that mean I can take a screenshot of a table there and use it in an image here, so long as I show my source?
I wish we didn't have to screenshot tables...
@badp I wish we had a decent table thinger in our markdown. :(
@flu Reddit and many other sites have a table markdown syntax
Markdown technically has a table syntax defined.
but tables have always been declined because they "destroy layouts"
Not sure how much truth there is to that, I'll be honest
@badp Which is unsurprising, what with SE still using a table-based layout.
They could probably write a Markdown parser that prevents unintended side effects, but "it's not worth the effort" is usually the go-to answer at that point.
Is there anything inherently terribad with nested tables?
At the very least, it'd probably cause problems on mobile. But that's not necessarily the end of the world
I can see trouble rendering tables with the apps
"Reddit is fun" just strips away the table markup
Dammit. D3 keeps freezing.
besides the main reason for wanting proper table support is embedding pictures in them
and there things can go south really fast, I reckon
(or maybe your table just doesn't fit in 80 characters)
Wow, D3's being super unstable right now.
Ok, that's it. Three freezes in a row. I give up.
TIL the ancient Romans used lead to line their aqueducts, among other things.
@MBraedley Lead poisoning was very prominent in ancient Rome.
@Fluttershy well I know that now. Not sure why that wasn't in any of my history classes
Q: Is there any way to control my corsair vengence M95 with third party software?

DevCardudeIs there any way to control my corsair vengence M95 with third party software? I find the GUI to be quite confusing for when I want to assign my buttons to something like a macro or keystroke. Thanks, let me know if I need to clarify anything.

@MBraedley Oh man, is this history fun fact hour?!
I love history fun facts!
I hate history fun facts ... They're never "fun".
@FEichinger How about this one: Oxford University predates the Aztec civilization.
As a European, that is not "fun", it simply causes smug superiority because Americans don't know how young they are.
@FEichinger I...what? I'm not sure what smug superiority and Americans have to do with this at all.
You're the one that sounds smug.
@wip yes that's the point
@RedRiderX WTF?! They were tweeting instructions for avoiding the turkish DNS block only weeks ago
@FEichinger I'm European and I don't know much about history, because I find it boring, so the "fun" facts are actually "fun" for me :>
European history is mostly a list of famines, wars and border changes :P
@FEichinger You're not fun.
9 hours ago, by Unionhawk
user image
@badp I think the real point is that History is awesome.
Fun fact: Europe as a whole, afaik, has never been this peaceful.
@badp Lots and lots of border changes.
Maybe the late Roman empire got close though
So Earth:2066 is apparently everything you should never do in a game.
@fei good old Prussia
Also Italy. Oh god Italy
@badp Well, since Yugoslavia, it had been pretty calm. Until Crimea happened.
About eleventy thousand countries between the Roman empire and The Italian Republic
Something in the eleventy thousand range, sounds right
This is why US history is so much easier; it's shorter
The British and The French have been begrudgingly getting along for 60 years now
Much, much, shorter, and a narrower scope
@Frank I have no diea what that is, but I will in a few minutes!
@union you had what maybe three wars in total?
Such a nice new user we have.
@badp More than that, but not much more than that.
@badp They have a lot of imaginary wars.
Revolutionary, civil, vietnam, and our current situation right off the top of my head
Oh right I guess independence also counts
The British won it and then they lost interest, kind of?
The French probably sneezed
Oh wow, one fo the AI players was just destroyed before I even met them.
Somebody paid 75 cents or something silly for a card on steam
@badp Load your battery
Some of us like to live dangerously
I was watching youtube on my Nexus 7 yesterday when I noticed I had 1% battery left
That's weird; I get an obnoxious full-screen alert when I get below 10%
€6.99 in my wallet and nothing of note to spend it on
Save it :p
I'm constantly spending my spare wallet cash for CS:GO stuff
Such as?
Pretty much just keys
Q: Mine Craft Xbox 360 Edition

LoiterI can't find a village what do I do?I searched everywhere but still can't find one

Good old crate systems
It's been a while since I last played TF2
Bought maybe four or five keys
Got an unusual
I'm happy
Q: Getting old updates for minecraft xbox edition

user3487713Is there a way to get old updates on minecraft Xbox edition? I want to be able to play the minecraft xbox version of beta 1.6.6 for a non-laggy nostalgia rush.

@BenBrocka Yeah, crazy
@RedRiderX How's TNG goign?
@3ventic And therein lies the genius.
@Wipqozn That should be happening soon tonight.
Still on season 2?
@Wipqozn Yep
Which episode ar eyou on?
Q: Dota 2 crashes suddenly

Dota2 playeri have this problem with dota 2 , it crashes suddenly (no specific time for the crash , might be when i join the game , checking the stor or even loading) , it just exits to desktop with no error messages what so ever , but i found out something interesting when i tried another internet connectio...

@Wipqozn I'm starting S02E11
@RedRiderX So a little underhalf-way through season 2.
Planning to move on to DS9 next? You should, it's the best STar Trek.
@Wipqozn I hope to
@Wipqozn You mean after TNG S07?
@RedRiderX Yeah
Or does DS9 start earlier?
DS9 actually starts at abotu season 5 I think, of TNG
The four newest treks all overlapped.
ACtually not sure if voyager overlapped with enterprise.
I thought there was a early 2000s one
That was like a prequel series.
Yeah, that's enterprise.
Welp, since D3 has decided that crashing is the in thing to do right now, I guess I go play more X-2.
the "new" ones are TNG, DS9, Voyager, and Enterprise.
OMG Crash and Spyro can be downloaded to Vita now
It looks like everthing can even PSP DLC or demos if they're in your download list
DS9 is a real love it or hate it kind fo thing, because ti focuses a lot more on character than the other series. The SciFi takes a backs eat. Well, except for the first couple seasons.
I, for one, love DS9. Only Trek that I own on DVD.
I've thought about buying TNG though.
I've heard it's pretty nice
With a more gritty tone as well?
Q: Can legendary mats drop on Normal difficulty?

BunyipAm I able to farm for legendary crafting materials on Normal difficulty, or must I be on Torment (1-6) for these to drop? Here is a list of the materials I mean: http://www.diablofans.com/forums/diablo-iii-general-forums/diablo-iii-general-discussion/83094-guide-legendary-crafting-materials-...

@RedRiderX Yeah, it's a lot darker than the other series.
Well darker might noit be the right word...
It's more willing to show the galaxy as not some happy go luck place, and show that people are often more shades of grey rather than black or white. This applies to humans too.
@BenBrocka I picked up all of the Crash Bandicoot games, and all of the Spyro games. Along with Tokyo Jungle, because... well... Tokyo Jungle.
Also, how is Luftrausers on Vita?
Q: Minecraft Server Multi-Version Compatibility

Agentleader1So, this isn't necessarily a problem though, but more like a I-NEED-HELP situation. So my server is Currently running Spigot 1.7.2-1.7.5 and I was wondering if there was a way to have my server be compatible with multiple versions of Minecraft. For example, I'm running CB 1.6.4 and others on rela...

Oh I had crash and spyro for years, But they didn't work on Vita until just recently, at least you couldn't download them
I just wish the PSN store would get Suikoden 2... :(
@Fluttershy Not really any different than PS3, haven't played much though
@Fluttershy That, and Ape Escape are the two I would like most.
wow, big picture mode just crashed on me
Also, I've lost my Teslagrad save, which does not make me happy
Teslagrad is a weird game. The controls feel too floaty for a platformer.
@Fluttershy luftrausers protip: Use the shoulder buttons to boost not up
@BenBrocka That... sounds incredibly useful.
yes, I have no idea why up is even suggested
Wow Geordi is getting beat up.
@RedRiderX What is the episode about?
3 mins ago, by RedRiderX
That describes so many episodes.
*Computer Virus
@RedRiderX narrows it down a bit...
Oh, is that the one with the genius dude that is like "Wesley, you're a rad guy"
@RedRiderX ooh. gotcha.
Oh that one!

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