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Q: Buyers in Eve Regional Market

Michael GoldshteynSometimes I am able to see buyers in the Eve regional market from many jumps away. Othertimes, it seems that I have to be in the system to actually see all of the buyers in that system. I would have thought that all buyers for an item in your current region would be shown. But, it doesn't seem ...

Q: Leveling up in solo-play?

Shelby115I prefer solo play, and I'm asking this question mostly as a follow-up to my previous question: Crime.NET Offline. As many have pointed out in the my previous question, my main problem arises from being low-level and preferring to play solo. Does anyone have any tips, tricks, mission lists that ...

@Frank I thought they were. They were just affected by what difficulty you had on at the time you got them, not when you opened them.
@Yuki Nope.
A bounty bag has the same chance for everything, no matter what difficulty you acquired it in.
Q: How much pokemon is there in Pixelmon 3.0?

DuckTummyJust need it. Stares at somebody like they farted evilly

@Lazers ...
Just wat
@Frank Oh okay. And just for super verification, I found a blue post on the subject.
Anyone want to join me for rifts/bounties?
In which case, I have posted the correct answer to this question, assuming the mods aren't lying.
A: What determines the quality of loot in horadric caches?

YukiAs of now, difficulty does not affect Horadric Caches. Originally, there was a bug which allowed Imperial gems to drop from Caches on Torment difficulty, but that has since been patched. As Horadric Caches are not affected by difficulty, they also cannot drop Torment-exclusive legendaries. This i...

@Yuki That's a dangerous assumption
Mods always lie
@SaintWacko this statement is false.
On the one hand, "she shouldn't have worn that dress" is a terrible line of thought to go down...
@Chippies haha, I always love that picture when it comes up :D
@James :P
@Chippies Don't you point that thing at me. I do not know where its been!
@James It's for the best if it stays that way. :P
@Chippies Stop that!
@James :( :P
Okay, I'll stop :(
@Chippies :D
Strange, I just noticed our neighbourhood community centre has a Korean restaurant and a microbrewery attached to it
@PrivatePansy this sounds like a wonderful community center.
I haven't had Korean Fried Chicken in ages. I ought to rectify this.
There's a restaurant that specialises in Korean fried chicken in the shopping center opposite of the community center
@isthisbetter I'm here now, what's up.
@GnomeSlice made my own EP. :)
it sucks though
@isthisbetter :o
really short and harsh though
album art sucks
Oh, drone stuff, nice.
Do you know Sabled Sun?
@GnomeSlice no
@GnomeSlice cool. Most of the drone I listen to is metal like Sunn and Earth.
Yeah, I'm seeing that now
I got a second set item
It's another Tal Rasha's Brace
Worse than the first one
@isthisbetter you should put it on bandcamp
@Saint Woo! Salvage fodder!
@GnomeSlice eh I am going to make a new EP first. This one is really too short and sucky .
I'm up to 800k and counting to get Crit Chance on my helmet.
@isthisbetter heh
probably going to tone down the drums
You never know. Some idiot bought my album. :)
@GnomeSlice :)
@GnomeSlice what do you use?
@GnomeSlice lol
dang dude, not even I call my customers idiots
@isthisbetter I used Musagi for the chiptunes, and Sunvox for the other stuff.
I have like FL Studio and shit but I've never really been motivated enough to really learn how to do anything.
@AlexM. Ahoy
@GnomeSlice FL is easy as shit
@AlexM. Did you check out that other mix?
not yet
just hard to make anything good in it
it's uh kinda hard for me to stop listening to one thing that I like
@isthisbetter So I hear, I just don't really feel like putting in the time.
and try something else
Making music is kinda stressful for me anyway
I'd much rather just listen.
This is pretty much all the music I've ever made: gnomeslice.newgrounds.com/audio
@AlexM. Heh, I do that too.
@GnomeSlice really? for me it's a stress release
I'll listen to the same song all day sometimes
@isthisbetter Listening to music is a stress release for me... trying to make it stresses me out more
@GnomeSlice If I try to make it good I get stressed out. Probably why my music sounds like shit :)
Yeah, my problem is I need it to be good
yeah with drone you can take a few liberties
I have no idea why, but the arqade is the hardest site for me to find questions I can answer
probably because it could be used as a guide for what games are trending today
I can almost never answer shit on Arqade anymore since I stopped playing Minecraft
I play too much oldies I guess
I play shitty obscure indie games
almost exclusively
@GnomeSlice I still play Minecraft and I can almost never answer shit
Everything is "MINECRAFT BROKE HALP :("
A: How do you get the different color birds in flappy bird?

GnomeSliceYour bird is randomly assigned a colour every time you start playing. When you die and start over, you get a new colour. The colours were not available at launch, but were added in a later update. Your friend may have an older version of the game. Since the game is no longer available for dow...

+20. Easy mode.
minecraft ain't got shit on divine divinity
@AlexM. "some piggy little human"
did you know? divine divinity got its retarded name because of some silly CEO's or something idea
because Sudden Strike was really successful, they decided it was because of the name
and the new RPG had to have an alliteration in the name
DJ Vanish wished me a happy birthday on facebook
because fuck logic
@AlexM. wait "Divine Divinity"? Seriously?
I believe it.
the original title was Divinity: The Sword of Lies
I've probably heard dumber game names
Horrible Horror
Happy Happiness
Stupid Stupidity
the sequel is called Beyond Divinity
the sequel of the sequel is Divinity 2: Ego Draconis
and there's a new Divinity game coming soon, called the original sin or something
@GnomeSlice Hugo's House of Horrors.
well, beyond divinity isn't really a sequel, more like a game set in the same universe
@TrentHawkins It's not just alliteration, the two words have to be like, the same
aka divine divinity
divine divineness
amnesic amnesia
> Long story short - contract had Divinity: The Sword of Lies in it. Publisher revised it to Divinity: The Sword of Lies (working title). The day the contract was signed, we were informed the new name was going to be Divine Divinity, courtesy of the CEO who just made tons of cash with Sudden Strike and now figured that any new title needed to have an alliteration in it, or so we were told.

We told them that was a stupid idea. They didn't like us telling them it was a stupid idea and they were also the ones checking our milestones so eventually we had to shut up, especially when inevitably
> most people thought it was a porn game
the cover didn't help much
Rated T for cleavage
Yup, T rated porn game. Because fuck logic.
It should be rated Y for cleavage
...because Y looks like cleavage
in any case, I recommend it to anyone who hasn't played it yet; it's essentially what you get if you mix Diablo 2 with a fantasy world inspired by Tolkien's, and with a story deep enough to be Elder Scrolls-tier
You now know the sound of a thousand faces facedesking all at once.
@AlexM. Have you played Age of Decadence?
hehe, not sure what tastes you guys have
@GnomeSlice no, ask me after I fix my gpu
@GnomeSlice Just by name alone, I thought this had at least something to do with desserts.
@AlexM. It looks pretty great. I've never been a big RPG buff but every now and then I see one that catches my eye.
@Unionhawk Yeah, it takes place during the roman empire and you have to collect desserts and reach a certain BMI to get a disability pension
@GnomeSlice To be fair, the romans probably had that
I have a hate towards anything roman or greek in RPGs though
probably because of titan quest which seemed like the blandest game ever to me
@AlexM. Tell me when you fix your GPU
They have a review by Chef Boyardee
seems legit
@AlexM. It's only inspired by the roman empire
the hate is still there; it's enough for me to see architecture
if I'll try a H&S after I get my GPU fixed, it will be PoE for sure
@AlexM. H&S?
hack and slash
oh nice
@GnomeSlice @Sterno
age of decadence has turn based tactics
woot, that's interesting
also reminds me I'm supposed to actually play shadowrun returns
and buy wasteland 2
@AlexM. Have you played Expeditions: Conquistador?
I hear it's good.
I suck at RPG games though.
@AlexM. Is that the first person one with the dildo?
didn't play it, I'll try to get it
@GnomeSlice no
What am I thinking of
It's not Saint's Row, that's third person with a dildo
shadowrun returns is a successor of this
|genre = Action role-playing |modes = Single-player |platforms = SNES |media = ROM cartridge }} Shadowrun is a cyberpunk-fantasy action role-playing video game for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES), adapted from the tabletop role-playing game Shadowrun by FASA. The video game was developed by Australian company Beam Software and first released in 1993 by Data East. The game is loosely based on the novel Never Deal with a Dragon by Shadowrun co-creator Robert N. Charrette and set in the year 2050. The player takes on the role of Jake Armitage, a man suffering from amnesia...
to me it's currently the only game with a turn based combat tactical enough to rival ToEE's
shadowrun returns only managed to get $1,836,447 on kickstarter
guess it makes sense, baldur's gate was more popular
still, project eternity got $4 mil wtf lol
@AlexM. You can blame this for that.
I even forgot that game ever existed lol
this is a project by a guy who isn't exactly a regular at gamedev.se but anyway: kickstarter.com/projects/vavel/…
we generally thought he asked for way too much money there with little to ensure that they'd be well spent
He's asking for way, way too much
what do you guys think?
Especially if they are asking for that much, and expect to get it, they should do a breakdown of where the money is going.
@PrivatePansy you around?
@AlexM. For 2mil they could at least clean up the reward tier side-bar. yeesh.
yeah, seems kickstarter doesn't allow you to change that
@AlexM. I can kinda understand, don't want to chance the devs pulling the reward-rug out from under the backers. But it certainly makes you question the quality they're capable of.
@JoshPetrie you're not stalking me, right?
I've gotten a bit ahem paranoid, of late
neat neat :D
I have four rooms on my favorites list. You appear to be in three of them currently.
(That Kickstarter's never going to make it though.)
@TrentHawkins my advice to him was to try to make something smaller or at least try to plan the money better
his explanation was "gamedev requires money :x"
or something
@LessPop_MoreFizz Did you see my erudite response to your accurate comment?
in Game Development, Apr 7 at 23:03, by Mikolaj Marcisz
2mm is no money in terms of gamedev
in Game Development, Apr 7 at 23:07, by Mikolaj Marcisz
Making games costs
yeah, like this
@JoshPetrie what do you think of that?
By the way, @davidm, since you are somehow fond of the awful and monstrous over fondness for neologisms at ELU....
depending on how much the other developers invested, it's all for nothing
Game development does cost money, but it doesn't have to cost two million dollars.
Without seeing an accounting of where they arrived at that figure I'd never give them money.
@JoshPetrie since you know better, how realistic is it to start working on a MMO with a minimal budget, work on a limited number of servers, and increase the server count as you raise money for the project?
it seemed to me like he wanted to buy a truckload of servers right off the bat
That's probably a poor use of money.
the first or the 2nd?
The truckload of servers.
@LessPop_MoreFizz That would be very funny if the comments section wasn't filled with d-bag suggestions!
yup, that's what I thought
One of the hardest parts about building a MMO is the network architecture scalability. It's hard to know how to do that without having already done it. If you know how to do it you can start very small.
If you don't you will need to start small but figure out how to scale up without actually needing players.
@davidm they are public radio listeners, what do you expect? I suggest providing better suggestions than them.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Eh ... I'm tired.
You have 3 weeks to work on it.
@JoshPetrie Heck, many of the industries biggest names have a difficult time accounting for the scale at launch.
That's the cutting board project mark II
@badp pokes head in whacha want?
Much better than Mark I
I was about to make a chessboard joke but thought better
@Brant I play chess differently than you.
@trent I don't think it's difficulty accounting for scale at launch, so much as it's a conscious decision not to plan their entire architecture around a launch day traffic spike which is way out of line with the load thereafter.
Also, sometimes the launch "scale" issues are not at all what you'd think.
Sometimes they are problems that would be solved by "buying more servers," as the players often assume.
@LessPop_MoreFizz fair enough.
@josh maybe if you fed the hamsters running around to power your servers with a fully organic diet, you'd have fewer outages!
(Also, maybe mix in some cocaine. I hear that works well.)
Turns out they work better if you...
Hah. I was going to make the same joke.
Low hanging fruit and all that.
Speaking of cocaine, I'm going to recommend Review again. Because it is a very good television program.
woot, I was able to answer a question
but just because it was about the first fallout :\
@PrivatePansy javascript counselling. Mostly of the compassion kind
@LessPop_MoreFizz haha
@Gnomeslice A MILLION STARS.
Go right head
@LessPop_MoreFizz You goin crazy like a cocaine train
No, go left head.
Q: Skyrim Whispering Door quest help!

user74221I am pretty far into the game, and I chose stormcloak over imperial. Doing this made the first jarl Balgruuf go away and the new one replace him. I didn't know about the quest at the time, therefore I didn't get the quest done. Is there any other way to obtain the artifact and do the quest now th...

@LessPop_MoreFizz I'm honestly considering a u-turn myself
@PrivatePansy are you on Steam?
@badp at that point, I'm not sure we're talking about heads anymore.
On my phone. My PC is asleep
I'll go wake it up
it's fine
this is a function with input between 1 and 999 and output between 1 and 50. Its complexity is O(n^f(x))
as in, it runs in 1 millisecond if the result is 1 and it runs in 45 minutes if the result is 31
do you have any idea what the hell it's doing?
@LessPop_MoreFizz The Racism one is pretty funny
I'm looking at it. It looks needlessly complicated.
@gnomeslice they're even funnier when you realize that there is a continuous narrative thread across his many reviews; you are literally watching his life fall apart.
Heh, sensitivity training
I mean, I think my brain goes into total meltdown when I see you trying to call a returned function immediately, twice over
@LessPop_MoreFizz You've seen those old Terry Tate ads right?
And what the !@#$% is that ternary operator doing there?
I mean, I see what it's doing. I just don't see why it has to be there.
This is machine generated, right? Please tell me this is machine generated
Oh god recursion wut
Ur a recursion.
@badp Who wrote this? Please the person who wrote this. Please.
My team was too heavy. :( My back couldn't handle it.
@LessPop_MoreFizz You really loved the "culture vulture".
Any recommendations for games that run on Linux natively?
@МикроПингвин What genre?
Q: Can I play Black ops 2 without playing the first one?

user74086I have black ops 2 and havent played the 1st one. But i dont wanna play it if i dont know the story is. Is there like a quick summary for the 1st one so i dont have to play it and understand the 2nd one?

@Lazers Is there even continuity in these games?
@Unionhawk Some of them.
Q: HL2 Crashes when i open a map

MrPyberI bought the orange box(yes, they still sell it). I turned on the console with-console and enteredmap push_pro it loads the map but when I press w hl2.exe crashes! What is going wrong?

Okay, I don't know why I was thinking Tomb Raider.
I'm guessing I just riffed off "Smuggler's Cove".
@Ullallulloo Any
@МикроПингвин store.steampowered.com/browse/linux
Oh. Recommendations, not what games... <_<
Don't Starve, Fez, The Swapper, Guacamelee, Bastion, Psychonauts, Rogue Legacy, Legend of Grimrock, Broken Age... and that's just off the first couple of pages!
1 hour later…
@Fluttershy пффф
Thanks lul.
Morning bridge
The one thing about Good Friday is it guarantees a long weekend
@KevinvanderVelden Halestorm was amazing.

Proposed Q&A site for people who have good humour. Questions must be answered humourously :)

Currently in definition.

@NewlyOpenedProposalsforEntertainment Name me a single non-subjective question.
@KevinvanderVelden And my neck barely hurts from the extensive headbanging. I'm not quite sure why that is a thing though.
@Arperum "What are the reasons this site should exist"
There is a simple objective answer, "There aren't any"
@KevinvanderVelden True enough. But that question wouldn't be a good fit for the site.
Q: my minecraft wont let me play mods

BlazeI have installed the recommended version of forge and I have installed a mod but it still wont let me play and I've been told to go into my mods folder but I don't have one

2 hours later…
Q: What use do Skyshards have?

ヴァイシャリI have found about two Skyshards. I tried searching but am too immersed in the game. What can Skyshards be used for? So far I have 2/3.

Q: How do you morph a skill?

ヴァイシャリWhile playing Elder Scrolls Online, I get a message saying skill X can now be morphed. What does morphing a skill do? How do I go about morphing said skill?

@МикроПингвин what is this?
Q: How to find out what characters you have on what servers?

NinjakrebornI use to play Conquer Online. I had a total of 5 different accounts. Now that I have come back, I reset back to my permanent email address, an updated all of my account details for my first account. How do I see all the characters that I have for each account? The only way I have seen is to logi...

@LessPop_MoreFizz oooph, half a star :/ dang.
I'll half you a star!
Also Hi

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