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That's true for so many things.
Morning, Bridge
"Manage this SQLite instance manually? HAHAHAHAHA installs ORM library"
In other news I wish the second FF6 Overworld theme loop was much longer
Q: Why don't more people run BloodKnight?

Shelby115I recently obtained the card Bloodknight (for the second time, the first time I automatically scrapped without thinking about it). Now I know I've assumed it was bad but after thinking some about it I honestly can't find a downside to it (at least for me). Uses: Remove Shields: Removing enemy...

Q: Which follower to use for Crusader?

fr0stdudeHello I am new to D3 and I am wondering what the best choices would be as to followers. Should I be changing them constantly depending on the situation? Should I be changing them depending on the difficulty, or the class? What is the best way to determine what follower I should be using. I am cur...

yesterday they played a performance of the FF7 suite on the radio
Best explanation so far
now to find out what it's actually called
@badp Which?
@PanicBomb It's, um, the one after you save/lose Cid I think
@fredley Ah, that's clever
@badp I assume "HeartBleed" or "FF7 Symphonic Suite"
no, FF6
@PanicBomb No, the one after that.
Yeah, I like that one too.
@PanicBomb yep, that one.
Mother 3's soundtrack so far is overall better than FF6's, but this one is very nice.
It doesn't sound quite the same on the GBA, but yeah, it's good
@PanicBomb oh dear the GBA version sounds criminal
apparently there was an actual bug on that version that made the music sound different
or at least, so claims the patch that "restores" the sound on the GBA version
Oh? I thought it was just due to the difference in hardware.
> This hack replaces the music with the original music from the SNES version (gone the aggressive fuzzy instruments, rhythm errors and missing flats and sharps). The opera songs are now sung by true opera solists, and the major part of the opera tunes are played by Tokio’s orchestra. Apply this patch to Final Fantasy VI Advance (U).
@PanicBomb The version thus modified has "Oh Maria" from the GBA version and "Searching For Friends" from the SNES
@badp Last time I tried one of the FF Advance games, the emulator I was using lagged on it.
It might just be an emulator thing, but they both sound okay
@Powerlord Nexus 7 2013 + My Boy runs FF6 advance and Mother 3 smoothly
I haven't tried other ROMs, emulators, computers or combinations thereof
Unfortunately with Mother 3 you have to choose between flawless playback that messes up your combos (frameskip 2) or music with a few gaps here and there you can combo to (frameskip 0)
@badp Oh weird, I didn't know about the missing accidentals
...and the music in Mother 3 is something else
Then again, when I played it on GBA I had the sound low most of the time
@StrixVaria I usually get the idea by seeing the side by side comparison on the Coffeescript website
@badp Well, in this case it was on my PC. Granted, vba is kinda under development again these days, so maybe vba-m fixes it.
@Wipqozn I'm confused why YouTube hasn't developed the technology to allow me to open a spacetime rift in the video and punch the guy who keeps yelling shit in the background.
@ShadowWizard We did some testing on this in Minecraft, the community team will be walking 'round the place holding wheat in our hands and the unicorns will follow us. — Tim Post ♦ 2 days ago
@Powerlord Oh, Visual Boy Advance. I thought you meant Visual Basic for Applications and I was going to choke somebody for bringing that back
(just kidding)
@TimStone It's a mystery to be sure.
No matter what happens, I'm bringing my giant "S"! And I'm gonna use it! — Jeff Atwood ♦ yesterday
Job I turned down came back with more money.
So, they are giving me what I wanted, along with an extra week of vacation.
So overall, not bad. Not bad at all.
Q: Can enemy ships have Augments?

Niet the Dark AbsolWhen flying the Zoltan ship, if you get an event with boarders it sometimes justifies bypassing your Super Shields by saying "they must have a Zoltan Shield Bypass installed on their ship!" Which makes me wonder, is this just a flavour text excuse to justify an otherwise contradictory encounter,...

@Frank Fantastic. Staying tough paid off.
@Wipqozn I suspect they're hard up for a candidate.
@Frank Or you're just so awesomely awesome they needed you.
I wasn't staying tough because I wanted to hit them up for more. I was staying tough because I know what I'm worth, and that wasn't it.
Yeah, I know.
I wish talking about salaries wasn't so taboo. That whole culture just hurts individuals and helps companies.
Although in a setting like this with regional differences it probably wouldn't accomplish anything anyway.
@StrixVaria I don't mind talking about it. But it's not really comparable over the scale of the internet.
@StrixVaria This
Early on at my company I found out that after 3 years there, with glowing annual reviews every year, I was making less than some fresh-out-of-college new hires
I make $1,000,000 a day.
They corrected the issue but if people hadn't been secretly discussing salaries I never would have known
@Wipqozn So uncool
@Wipqozn And only have to pay back $999,999 of it.
@Wipqozn I would move to Halifax for a few days to make this kind of money.
$1,000,000 wasn't even cool ten years ago
@StrixVaria Man, if only. That would be great.
@Wipqozn Working from home for only 15 minutes? I think I saw an internet ad about that once.
I would put up with Flappy Bird death threats for that kind of money.
@Sterno At my old company I had the exact same job responsibilities and level and everything as someone else and was making 25% less than him.
I only found out after we both left and told each other our old salaries.
For my area, living costs are pretty low. So my salary may be a little low, compared to others here.
For my interview, I asked for $65K. Roughly an intermediate/senior coder role.
@Frank And I'm the reverse. I probably make a lot (although I don't actually know for a fact) but the cost of living here is stupid.
Yeah, I learned a long time ago that comparing salaries on the internet is almost impossible
They came back with $50K, and even that was pushing it. Which is what I was making at my last workplace.
I wasn't willing to do it for the same pay.
So they just called me back, and offered me $60K. Which is exactly what I wanted.
@Frank Congrats!
@Frank You go girl!
@StrixVaria For a comparison, I'm living on Employment Insurance, which gives me just under $900 every two weeks.
And I'm fairly comfortable with that.
Q: Can I force remove mods in minecraft forge?

SuperCyberI want to remove some mods after I played and build some mod's stuffs (like pipe in buildcraft). If I just delete mod, minecraft launcher will get error at start (It say something like missing block ids or can't map block ids or something like this.). Is there any way to just remove it or replace...

Easily able to make ends meet, and have a little bit of spending money at the same time.
I could barely pay my rent with $900 every 2 weeks.
I wouldn't be able to pay rent and student loans, though.
In Nova Scotia your salaries are low and your living costs are high. Why? Because fuck you that's why.
Yeah, that's the problem. Cars are essentially required where I live, too, because mass transit doesn't cover much of the city, and bicycling in Arizona in the summer is for crazy people
...$900 biweekly is more than I'll be making this summer by about 2 times (though that includes free food and lodging)
I have all the bills, apparently.
$1700/mo rent, $500/mo student loans, $300/mo car, $100/mo internet, $100/mo phone. Then I have to eat.
@StrixVaria Bills are the worst.
Also holy poo.
I don't want to ever get old.
Oh and electricity which ranges from $70-$250 depending on the time of year.
Fuck that
When I see what some other peoples' student loan costs are I sort of feel like I dodged a major bullet with how much mine are costing me
$400/mo train ticket so I can actually get to work.
I've accepted the fact that I'm going to be in debt for the rest of my natural life
Like, hearing people who went to law or med school talking about $100k+ in loans
I'm slightly hopeful that I could pay off my student loans and house at some point.
And then I would have all the money.
(Note: I don't have a house yet.)
And here I am, sitting on 400 ... 700 ... 850€ ... HOLY CRAP, I MAKE 850€ A MONTH?
I haven't done the Math in a while ...
Put that in terms I can understand
Like $1400/month I think.
Although it doesn't really work out that way.
€ stands for cookies
I'm happy I don't have any student loans. Not being thousands of dollars in debt is great.
Euros are worth more compared to US dollars but things tend to cost the same number dollars and Euros anyway.
True, because Europe
Whatever that means
grumble grumble health care grumble
Oh also apparently the average hospital bill for having a baby (which I have coming up) is ~$3000 after insurance.
This baby better be worth it.
@StrixVaria It won't be. Babies are the worst. They smell bad, the cry, the throw up. It's horrible.
Lunch time!
@StrixVaria Closer to $1.2k, but yeh, the cost of living makes this the equivalent of ~$900.
I make ~€1.350/month (after taxes)
@StrixVaria ~$600/mortgage, $150 car payment, $50 phone, $90 internet.
Then hobbies and others.
I do have a car and phone from my job too.
@Frank Your internet is pricey o_O, I pay 26 euro/month
Internet is pretty expensive in North America.
@PanicBomb Clearly.
Internet is also pretty crap in North America
I'm guessing it's partially due to geography, but it's also not particularly subsidized (as far as I know) and good old fashioned monopolies don't really help
@Arperum I have the best internet that can be offered here, short of taking the ISP's TV package as well.
Once all the things about buying a house are dealt with I'll go looking for a better paying job though. I feel underpayed based on what I hear from friends who did the same bachelor as me.
@PanicBomb Monopolies are the rule problem.
I would be living in a house next year, if housing didn't just shaft everyone that isn't a fifth year
google fibre has proven that ISPs could lower prices and still profit. Whenever fibre strolls or, or there's a whisper they might, ISP prices take ahuge dip.
@Frank I do have the cheapest option though. And no TV. I have ~30MBPS internet and have a datalimit of 100GB
@Arperum Ew. Bandwidth caps.
HATE those.
@Wipqozn I don't know if it's just Verizon being Verizon, but FIOS prices here are more expensive for the same speed of the cable internet I have already
@Frank I'm not using more, so I don't care, for ~€60 I can get unlimited IIRC.
@Wipqozn Because competition exposes ISPs for what they actually are: lazy, money-grubbing monopolists uninterested in competing.
And double the speed.
@Frank Yes.
As much as we love to hate on EA, any ISP is much, much, much worse.
If EA were an ISP, they would probably be better than TWC
@PanicBomb ...from what I've heard, creation of the US telecoms was heavily subsidized.
@StrixVaria I'm sitting rather pretty, all things considered. Student loans gone, car almost paid off, mortgage pretty cheap.
@Powerlord Right, what I was sort of trying to get at was that I don't believe there's any real ongoing subsidies for providing internet access to citizens, including low-income and rural households. They may have had some help getting the infrastructure laid down, but I don't think they receive too much on an ongoing basis.
I could be entirely wrong, but that's what I recall was the case, given that wider subsidy bills have been proposed in the last couple of years
Oh, look, The Avengers is on our-local-netflix-equivalent.
Guess I know what I'm watching this evening.
lol, even the teaser text leaves out Black Widow.
We do NOT edit answers to make them correct. That's what downvotes are for. Editing is for clarity. If the answer is wrong, downvote it, not correct it. Leave it to the answerer themselves to correct their answers. — Frank 5 mins ago
This needs comment upvotes, to drive the point home.
Q: Where do I get tier 3 (Survival affinity) promotion item Forest-Honey Cake?

HanI've been trying to promote both my Wookie and Tarentatek to tier 4 but they both need Forest-Honey cakes to promote. As Forest-Honey Cake is only a tier-3 promotion item (green color), I've played the Survival Promotion Mission (epic difficulty) in Special Missions multiple times but yet to com...

@Frank Wait? They tried again? I rejected that too today.
I rejected a very similar edit a few days back on a different question.
@Arperum And it was approved, too.
@Frank I didn't reject this specific edit though it seems.
@Arperum Nope. And we need to make the approvers aware that that approval is not kosher.
@Frank Congrats way after everyone else!
@Arperum Wrong Alex.
@Arperum Pretty sure that's not a Bridger.
Yeh, wrong Alex
Dammit Alex's don't all have the same name!
@Arperum Well, he could go back to awrxrwhatsisface
@StrixVaria Better factor in diaper costs pretty soon!
@FEichinger At least that would be honest.
@Sterno Thanks!
Guess my lazy days are coming to an end.
@StrixVaria I don't know your area but I found that house payments in Indiana were actually cheaper than an apartment for a comparable living area.
@Frank Have a post-@Sterno late Congrats too!
Comparable quality and location, anyway. APartments tend to be much smaller
I'm going to pay ~100 euro less for having a loan then renting something dirt cheap.
ANd I get a house for it, and not an apartment as you usually do with the rent I have (my rent is stupid low for the place I live in because the owner is a friend of my parents)
@StrixVaria You've avoiding daycare, though, right? Because that's another grand a month right there.
Now you've all made me sad about my expenses.
@Arperum Woot!
@Sterno Higher cost of living where you are, too?
@Sterno You're also not just throwing your money away with ahouse. you'll eventually own the house, and won't need to pay mortage anymore.
@Wipqozn I have an acquantaince that is sure the economy's going to collapse any day now, making our money entirely worthless.
So buying a house is a lost proposition.
@Frank I assume he thinks we'll all start using Bitcoin instead?
@Frank I doubt it. Not relative to @StrixVaria, anyway
@Wipqozn So much this. renting feels so stupid to me (even though I'm currently doing it myself)
@Frank Wouldn't that make a house even more valuable?
@Arperum There are SOME advantages to renting.
As @TrentHawkins knows.
@Sterno If you don't have a mortgage, yes.
Renting is a huge advantage if you don't want to be tied to a location
@Frank Eventually we all die, so living is a waste of breath when you look at it that way.
The main thing that's stopped us from buying has been not having a down payment put together, but we're on track to be able to buy something towards the end of this year
@Frank But if money becomes worthless, it should be really easy to come up with enough to pay off your mortgage
@Sterno You could probably get GnomeSlice to watch Skydrift, he's always raving about how awesome she is.
"Here's an apple. Thanks for giving me the $200k to pay off my mortgage"
@TimStone Frightening
@Sterno Super-inflation is one way to work it to your advantage.
Depression, however, is the opposite.
That's what he thinks is going to happen.
That makes money the opposite of worthless!
@TimStone @GnomeSlice would make the best babysitter.
@Sterno I tried arguing with him, but this was a couple years ago.
So I could be misrepresenting his side.
@Frank Well, now your argument can be "You said this was imminent. It's been years. I win."
Since I sorta discarded it after we finished the topic.
Really hoping to get my condo sold this month
All that's left is hoping the appraisal doesn't value it less than the agreed purchase price
@Sterno We did that, actually. He believed the economy would collapse. I believed it wouldn't. We agreed to see how it was in a couple years.
which I have a pretty big fear will happen
That's been and gone.
I'm still waiting for those supposed FEMA concentration camps to open that they keep warning us are coming any day now
I decided to play some Diablo over lunch
Anyways! Since I have to actually go somewhere today earlier than expected, I'm jumping into the shower now!
but now that it's time to go back to work I think I might just stay here
Daycare for 2 kids next year is going to be about $35k
I need to start stripping for cash.
Q: why can't I join any of my one friends worlds?

Emily WalkerI can't join any one of my friends worlds. I don't understand because we've both got wifi on, multiplayer on, have full version, she can connect with me but I can't connect with her . This is so weird as never had problem before. Also we are both on HTC but different models (HTC desire and HTC o...

@Sterno Jesus fucking christ that's ridiculous.
@Sterno any phat lewt?
@Krazer A puzzle ring which I'll never wear
@Sterno shame your follower can't wear it D:
@Sterno Ouch. Just...ouch.
It's okay. 5k of it is tax deductible so it's like.... 1k less overall!
Yay government!
@Sterno I fully expect my government to pull a solid third of my paycheck, everytime.
@Sterno What?! Christ
@Sterno Yeah, that sounds about right for here also, if you have the down payment to buy a house.
@StrixVaria You only need 3.5% for an FHA loan
Although I think those are shittier than they used to be
PMI that doesn't go away at 20% or something
Right now my budget for a house is $300k putting 5% down.
@StrixVaria I spent less than half that for my place.
It's hard to find houses here for $300k though.
That aren't falling apart.
@StrixVaria Yeah, that whole cost of living thing.
My condo was only $114k and it was pretty good for 2 adults and mostly okay for 2 adults and 1 child.
Makes me glad I am where I am.
That's what I get for living near NYC.
Built in the 70s though so had some issues
I kind of want to stop looking for houses and start looking for townhouses since they're significantly cheaper and still nice.
We'll get more for our money, except that we won't have our own yard and we'll still share walls with neighbors which both kind of suck.
That sharing walls thing didn't bother me at all until I had a kid. Then it was the worst.
@StrixVaria Yeah, those are sort of the two major benefits of a house over an apartment/condo
@StrixVaria Simple: make your neighbors scared of you.
Because the last thing you want is some asshole neighbor waking your kid up. Or waking you up when you're on the "3 hours of sleep a night" plan
Problem solved. They'll be so quiet.
@Frank Let's be honest, here. The kind of person who hangs out in the Arqade chat room typically isn't the sort of person who their neighbors are scared of.
I'd consider it an upgrade if I had somewhere to put a grill, though.
I currently can't have a grill at my apartment, which means I can't ever eat home-cooked grilled food, which is the worst.
@Sterno Very true. A blood-covered chainsaw can help with that, though.
Unless it's the "stay away from my child" sort of scared.
People who hang out in here are exactly the sort of person they should be afraid of. /s
I'm super duper awkward at in-person social interaction, so I don't know if they're "afraid" of me, but none of my neighbors talk to me.
@StrixVaria I've lived here for almost six years, and I still don't know my neighbor's names.
I can recognize one of them, but that's it.
Yeah I never talk to and barely see my neighbors either
@Frank My dad tells a story from when I was a kid, how he only knew one neighbor's name, so every time he saw him he would make a point to say, "Hey, Phil!" And then after 15 years he found out the guy's name was Walt.
@StrixVaria Whoops.
Mercenary Kings is coming to Vita too (with cross buy)
@Frank I finally have One-Eye on farm status. :3
@Fluttershy Woot! Got your Triple AP weapons yet?
@Frank Just need Auron and Kimahri.
Then I can farm gil for Wings to Discovery to put Triple Overdrive on them. That along with Overdrive > AP, and I should be done in no time.
@Fluttershy More than I got. I just had Tidus, Yuna, Wakka, and Auron.
And Yuna's was just two slots.
@Frank I already have an OD>AP weapon with Auron, but it doesn't have Double/Triple AP, so I'm not sure I wanna keep it.
Ooh are we talking about FF10?
@StrixVaria No, 10-2.
Oh :(
I was talking about FF10. <_<
Totally kidding!
I'm so glad I played FF10 with a friend because I did not have the patience to dodge 100 lightning strikes in a row.
@StrixVaria I still have to do that and play Blitzball for my last two weapons.
@Fluttershy Blitzball can be simplified fairly easily.
It will take a little bit of work to do so, but the Sigil's the hardest part.
@Frank I know. I'm just trying to figure out who I want on my team.
@StrixVaria That's amusing.
Cleanup script didn't get it, for some reason.
One-Eye has stopped giving me Triple AP weapons. What a jerk.
FFX HD was $30 somewhere recently, almost got it. WOuldn't have time to play though
how's the image quality (anti aliasing etc)?
@BenBrocka Some audio/visual desync, but otherwise it looks great.
really? Odd
just scripted events type stuff that's off on occasion or is it just everything?
@agent86 Is there a way to give things a brown star? Cause I think this deserves a brown star.
@James you can imagine a different color, if you want.
or you could edit the CSS properties of the star.
@agent86 smart cat. less smart lady
@agent86 Too early in the morning for that :(
@agent86 and now there's 718 of them and several are gods and/or capable of destroying vast swathes of humanity! Have fun now!

Proposed Q&A site for parkour enthusiasts, trainers, and other traceurs.

Currently in definition.

@BenBrocka Mostly the latter. It's not super common, but there is still quite a bit.
@James why brown?
@badp Cause as a star it would seem to be a disapproving color of sorts
@Sterno wat
@StrixVaria You have to pay to have a baby? :O In Europe they pay you!
@Chippies Crazies
I have my last on campus exam today of my undergrad. Then it is just a few projects for my DE class and I am done. Aaaaaaa
@AshleyNunn yay!
I am freaking he hell out because like everything in my life is starting to come together
@AshleyNunn I could freak out to that too
@Chippies The US is stupid.
@Chippies Do they really? I haven't heard about that.
@StrixVaria it's scary how you have to pay for EVERYTHING in US
How else would companies make money?
@Wipqozn that second season show about the mysterious mushy things are circulating if you're interested. It's on number 2.
@Arperum well, it's free to have a baby and then you get money to support the baby or whatever. Probably differs from country to country, but I doubt there's any country in Europe where you have to PAY to have a baby.
I don't have to pay the government. I have to pay the hospital.
@StrixVaria Yeah, I understand that.
It's still stupid.
You don't have to pay the hospital in Latvia (and I'm assuming in most civilized European countries as well), the government pays it
@Chippies The amount you get isn't even close to enough though. And it's not for having ababy specifically, it's for having kids of any age.
@Chippies "civilized" ... heh.
@Arperum They also give you money for having a baby though, along with the kids money thing.
If you can't afford the fee, do they repossess your baby?
of course it's not even close to enough, but receiving something is better than having to pay something :P
@Chippies That bit is new to me.
@GnomeSlice I'm not sure what exactly happens if you don't pay the bill. I'm sure they don't take the baby away. The hospital just probably has to file collections against you like any other bill-collecting agency, which would then adversely affect your credit and possibly go to court.
I guess the baby bonus is in countries where they encourage population increase
@Chippies I would hope so--there's lots of countries where that would likely accelerate problems
@Chippies Yea, reading about it.
@BenBrocka Yeah, I can see that...
@Chippies Belgium seems to have it too. I learned something new today.
@Arperum Time to mass produce babies as a job!
that probably wouldn't go through too well...

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