In the course of my travels, I lived for a summer in England and a summer in Czech Republic. Both were excellent experiences. But, Prague was 10,000 time the awesome factor.
There is a way to "cheat" in order to alter moon phase in the game, by adjusting settings. If you do, you will only get 99% completion rate, or so people say. I have yet to play through the game. (Currently waiting for next dark moon phase)
How do they know I fiddled with settings?
I'm an iOS ap...
I'm thinking of looking for a good tutorial on armegetron advanced or minecraft. Is that superuser or arcade? Could it be asked in either one? I know that tech tutorials are usually superuser. Thanks.
I completed the game, a while ago, on the easiest setting. Now, how do I play again at a higher setting. I don't see it in the menu. I really want to try with regular. I mean this mainly for CODBO2. Does it appear if I try it on a different memory slot?
I've been looking for a way to take down a UFO without doing any (or little damage) to it as possible. I haven't found any research that would help me either. My question is, is there some weapon that I can research that will act like an EMP against UFOs? It's quite difficult to get elerium-155 i...
Etymonline gives the etymology of testify as
...from testis "a witness".. + root of facere "to make"... Biblical sense of "openly profess one's faith and devotion" is attested from 1520s. Related: Testified; testifying; testification.
In Biblical times, to swear a most sacred oath, the swea...
When I got a new login it set my username to my email, so now when I try to log onto servers it says that is unable to do so because my username is over 16 characters long. Does anybody know how to change it?
When I enter the world of skyrim, I realise that skills and levels are a big thing here. I want level up and boost my skills quickly to take on my enemies with ease and generally, just be successful in the game.
Do you have any tips in levelling up quicker and boosting my skills faster?
In normal play mode:Every card you take cannot exceed 2 and you don't have infinite card in your hand.
So, in this condition, which turn you can win if you take the enemy down as quick as possible in hearthstone?
@Jin Is there a 3D model? I would totally print that :o
@DavidM but isn't the knee under the thigh? I would have thought that genitals were above the thigh not below/under it. excuse me if I seem quite ignorant and clueless, but maybe they misunderstood it
Relatively early in the forest of the lost giants you climb up a ladder and there sits a white night beneath a tree. He looks like an NPC, he does not attack or react in any way, but there is also no talk-prompt for me to use. What's up with this guy?
Proposed Q&A site for people looking to start or find redistribution networks for sharing cars, homes, clothes, tools, toys and other items for low or near zero marginal cost.
@KevinvanderVelden If someone offered his phone with the game on for sale on ebay for a couple hundred dollars and collectors jumped on it and turned that into 100k, that person hasn't done anything wrong, he just hit the moron jackpot.
So, I'm just being curious here: how fast does one get the summoner class in Bravely Default? I could look it up, but I don't want to get SPOILED ( so please, no SPOILERS ).
For reference, I just finished ... let's call it Clocksville and am now on a ... fashion quest.
Thanks for the input
In some English versions of Final Fantasy elemental spells are named Fire, Fire2, Fire3 while in other they're named Fire, Fira, Firaga (or Thunder, Thundra, Thundaga).
At first I thought it was due to bad English translation, but the English translation is flawless. What does "Firaga" stands for?
In other news, it's my birthday today. @spugsly and @AshleyNunn have both wished my a happy birthday, therefore they are morally superior to al of you.
@Wipqozn I HOPE YOU HAVE THE UNHAPPIEST BIRTHDAY EVER. like, I hope someone follows you around singing "it's a small world after all" and taking all your presents and smashing them. then they sit on your cake and throw bits of squished cake at you.
@Wipqozn well, the first draft was a little blue-er. Then I was like "I should probably not say some of these things." so yeah. it could have been worse, but I have standards.
I joined the "Way of the Blue" covenant and my understanding is that I need to wear the "Blue seal" I received in order to get help if invaded. What I'd like to know is: do I have to wear it before the invasion starts or it will work even if I wear it when the enemy is already in my world?
So I recently asked a question about the new Diablo expansion. I know that the content isn't playable yet, but it's already in the game (files). I personally got a flail which is one of these items (not really useable but available) and I even mentioned in the question itself.
What I don't real...
@LessPop_MoreFizz Yeah, it's interesting. Feargus was at KRI in Moscow last year, maybe Putin challenged him to an arm wrestling match and forced him to work with Dmitry Grishin when he lost.
Are ghost-type Pokemon formerly Pokemon of other types that have come back as ghosts, or were they born as ghosts?
The fact that they can breed with other ghosts in the daycare center and have ghost eggs would imply that they are born as ghosts.
On the other hand, the Pokemon tower in Lavender ...
@LessPop_MoreFizz Especially when the site says: "EVOLVING BATTLEFIELD. As an online game, Obsidian Entertainment will continually release new gameplay modes, military vehicles and weapons, upgrades, base expansions and more in Armored Warfare."
I know that miracle damage is affected by faith, but does upgrading the sacred chime also increase the damage of miracles? The item status says it inflicts lightning and dark damage and this stat is increased by upgrading the chime, but does this mean the actual miracle damage or the damage done ...
The assignment says, Destroy 5 attack air vehicles with Rocket Launchers Do all rocket launchers count?* Does the enemy have to be present in the vehicle when you blow it up with a rocket?**
*I could have swore I already have a few kills on choppers with AA rockets
**You still get vehicle des...
Eh, technically downvotes can be used for things that are "unclear" or "not useful". Even if it's correct, people could find it "not useful" if it's that sort of answer.
@FEichinger The problem with questions like this is it's asking "is my fan theory correct?" There is no guarantee that there is any reference to the fan theory anywhere in the canon.
@StrixVaria There could be a different explanation that is addressed, though. If that's not the case, sure, no references possible. But it's definitely possible to make good "No." answers. "No." answers aren't inherently bad.
If a question can't be answered, we close the question. That's what we do. I still do not see how closing lore questions that can't be answered is any different, or special, or wrong.
Or why it requires political statements to the contrary.
@StrixVaria If 5 of our most trusted users decide that the question cannot be reasonably answered to our standards, the question is closed. It's how the site works.
On the contrary, if somebody on the comments says that we're idiots and there is an answer and it's this one, we can reopen