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(Seriously, that Fargo trailer is amazing and you should watch it.)
@spugsley nice.
@MichaelFrank yuuup this is happening next week for sure budgetbytes.com/2011/01/spinach-lasagna-roll-ups
@MichaelFrank mmm
Also, apparently everyone that reads her blog hates touching raw chicken... o.O
@DavidM How I Met Your Mother.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Has that aired yet?
@MichaelFrank really? Idgaf about that
just wash your hands
@spugsley I know, right?
@MichaelFrank So if I read her blog, I'll suddenly hate touching raw chicken?
@Yuki You could try it. I won't be sure if I do or not until I get home tonight.
omg I'm almost crying
@spugsley Cheer up, buttercup.
@spugsley Deep.
@DavidM RyeBread's question comment :P
I know the bridge knows stuff first, but just in case:
> Not an Answer flags go into /review/low-quality, just like Very Low Quality flags already do. (source)
Also if I could call it Battlestar Housework I would clean my house more ;)
@AshleyNunn I didn't see that! Hahahahahahaha
Q: Do you "compare eggs with prunes"?

julesJust come across the eggs/prunes bit in a book. Is "to compare eggs with prunes" an idiomatic expression meaning "to juxtapose totally different things", or just a licencia poetica by the author?

@DavidM How's rethinking your existence going for you?
@AshleyNunn Oh, I'm deeply entrenched. The guy asks a question that borders on asinine, and has the nerve to get upset when I tell him the answer.
@DavidM Yeah, it is kinda ridiculous
@AshleyNunn Some people get sooooooooo upset over that shit.
@DavidM I saw this and I love it!
OK. Time to hit the gym.
sees clock dammitwhyisis2AMagain second to last day of being 25 started some bit ago Suddenly I feel old.
Time for bed. goodnight bridge.
@davidm airs in April.
@LessPop_MoreFizz How is Boyd my 2nd favorite character?
@spugsley ...
@MichaelFrank I thought it was fake
I don't think it is
@spugsley The issue with news-hound is that there's no source.
@MichaelFrank Ooooo good point. Time to do some digging
yea, snopes has already debunked it: snopes.com/inboxer/hoaxes/googleearth.asp
@origamirob because he is complex.
Reverse image search points to fake
@spugsley It also didn't help it's credibility that they switched between first person and third person at random.
@Arperum hahahaha a fair point
You're supposed to be in bed! :O
@origami also because he knows how to use a rocket launcher.
Nothing will ever beat the story of the person recovery divers found alive on a shipwreck at 30m as far as "holy shit unbelievable" goes, for me.
@LessPop_MoreFizz True. I am watching the S1 finale now.
@spugsley Also, Google Earth launched in 2001, how could you not know about it in 2007?
@Ori that was fast.
Might I suggest using Eastbound and Down as a spacer between season? Because Kenny Powers rules.
Actually, scratch that, the fact that they found and safely surfaced him is just... Unbelievable.
@Unionhawk Ahh yea, that was the cook right?
He could hear sharks eating his crewmates. :<
Oh wait, they used a diving bell and decompressed him that way.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I think you overestimate how much of a social life I have.
(the physiological implications of staying at depth for an extended period of time then returning to the surface are... interesting. And require a great deal of control)
@origami or your sleep schedule.
@LessPop_MoreFizz 10 hours of show in 3 evenings isn't that much.
Technically 9 hours since I watched the first episode Sunday night.
3 hours a night? My wife does that before I get home at 5.30pm!
Q: How do I perform a shoryuken motion?

SlowpokeI know the shoryuken motion is denoted by the following image: My question is, how do I properly input this motion? I've tried tracing the z-shaped indicator but I can never seemingly pull off any shoryukens at all. I find that the most common time I've ever pulled one off was randomly mash...

Q: What virtual reality kits are available to the average consumer?

SlowpokeWhat virtual reality kits are available to the average consumer? I'd like to sometime get into Virtual Reality, but from what I've heard, VR kits from Occulus have to be for developers only or something. I know that Sony announced a new Virtual Reality headset, but is this strictly limited to...

Q: How can I fix this "hangman" pause style?

jACOB Today I go to Dawnguard and I saw like this... Look like a hangman... Almost ALL NPCs of Dawnguard raise(?) their hands like this a.) When I press E to talk b.) When they are standing This happens to Serana too, which makes me irritate. How can I fix this? PC Skyrim(latest) +DG+HF+...

@Lazers That's the Elder Scrolls syndrome.
Arg, there are too many Star Citizen backers who don't know that rotation/translation controller pairs are actually a thing, and have been since before Apollo. Finding useful threads for buying/building a translation stick is nearly impossible.
I Googled "hangman pause style" and was happy to have come upon this question. — oscilatingcretin 7 mins ago
@Unionhawk ...
"i haz teh codez" ... who was that again?
Guys, Titanfall is so much fun. :3
@Fluttershy ooooh is it? I was thinking about grabbing it.
@OrigamiRobot Boyd is everyone's second favorite. He wasn't supposed to make it past the first episode, but the fans liked him, so they kept him around.
@MichaelFrank I love it. I haven't had this much fun with a competitive shooter since CoD4.
@Fluttershy oooh wow.
I've been playing a fair bit of Insurgency lately.
Q: Explaination of Borderlands 2 One True Vault Hunter Mode

SuperNewI recently beat Borderlands 2, and moved on to One True Vault Hunter Mode. Even though I googled it, I am still confused about it. If I beat a side quest in normal does it not show up in OTVH? Can I switch between normal and OTVH regularly without any problems? I read that I shouldn't complete an...

@MichaelFrank Not sure if best dad or worst dad ...
I tried that with my wife once, except it was Gnomoria... and she let Orges into my fort. :/
@MichaelFrank I want my money back.
@OrigamiRobot It was free. Stop complaining.
No, now I need to clean the stink of reddit from my soul.
I feel like this is a legitimate question, but I'm sure some of you will definitely disagree
Q: What virtual reality kits are available to the average consumer?

SlowpokeWhat virtual reality kits are available to the average consumer? I'd like to sometime get into Virtual Reality, but from what I've heard, VR kits from Occulus have to be for developers only or something. I know that Sony announced a new Virtual Reality headset, but is this strictly limited to...

I'm pretty sure that asking about game-specific hardware is fine, am i correct?
I don't see why people are calling my question "Not vidya related" or "way too broad; too many answers"
And I'm sure people that are looking for VR kits may find the question extremely useful
It is too broad. If you have a question about a specific piece of hardware, that'd be much better suited to our site.
"Usefulness" is not a hallmark of a valid question.
@slowpoke it's an itemized list/hardware rec.
Then where do I go from here? Yahoo Answers? Quora?
I find it hard to understand why asking "what options are available to me, a gamer" is so frowned upon on a gaming-related site
It is, I'm structure, no different from "what games work with [insert VR headset here]", which is much more obviously off topic.
@slowpoke same reason we don't do game rec.
Also "well what other site should I go to then" is possibly the worst argument in favor of doing a thing that you could possibly make.
@LessPop_MoreFizz But a game rec goes along the lines of "I'm looking for x genre of game, anybody have any suggestions?"
A: So, what actually is a game-rec?

Grace NoteSo, your typical game recommendation is a question that has two qualities. A shopping recommendation - shopping recommendations are considered off-topic because of being too localized, often subjective, and tend to attract discussion. These kinds of questions solicit opinions of what is a good ...

@slowpoke and here you're saying "I'm looking for x category of hardware! anybody have any suggestions?"
What's the difference?
(Don't say objective criteria, because we've thoroughly established that that isn't worth shit.)
@Slowpoke AFAIK; VR headsets are only now becoming a viable thing. The two your question mentions are still under development. interest in VR took a nose-dive after Nintendo's Virtual Boy, and the technolgy and desire to develop the device have only recently hit full steam again.
I'm not asking for suggestions, I'm just asking for a basic rundown of what's available to me, no opinion or bias needed (nothing along the lines of "well I think x is totally better than y")
@TrentHawkins So can I buy a Oculus or something? Or that new morpheus thing?
@Slowpoke afaik, not yet.
@slowpoke I'm not asking for suggestions, I'm just asking for a basic rundown of all the RPGs featuring muscle bound wizards available to me. No opinion or bias needed.
We don't allow that sort of list for games, because whether you ask for it or not, you get it, it distorts voting ('one per answer', et al is absolutely toxic, and whether you call for it or not, you'll get it), and they are just not the kind of questions that Arqade, as a site, is built to answer.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Musclemages are the best.
@Slowpoke You can technically, I think. You can pre-order Development Kit 2 from their website, but they do caution that the Dev kit is not necessarily the final product.
@LessPop_MoreFizz But people can have differing opinions on who qualifies to be a SWOLE wizard?
@TrentHawkins So how did developers get the first Rift? I have some TF2 friends that have the Rift virtual item in-game, but as far as I know, they haven't developed games at all
@slowpoke okay, fine, I just want a basic rundown of all the RTS games in which the only units are animals.
The level of 'objectivity' of criteria is irrelevant.
@Slowpoke Traded for them?
@MichaelFrank Untradable and Ungiftwrappable
@Slowpoke Not entirely sure - Much of the first batch were from the kickstarter.
If you are asking for a list of all the things that meet your criteria, whether it is games or hardware or whatever, it is not a question that is likely to work well.
@TrentHawkins So if I had supported their kickstarter or whatever I could have gotten the first kit without being a dev?
@Slowpoke I think so. I'm sure it was one of the reward tiers.
I voted too broad for a reason.
Not because currently there are tons and tons available, but because this list would become infintiely long.
Everyone and their mother is slowly jumping on the VR train.
@TrentHawkins kickstarter.com/projects/1523379957/… - $275+ rewards
The list grows without limitation in two directions: a) Manufacturers and b) Device iterations.
@Slowpoke In either case, I'd wait a year or two for the commercial product - they're still refining the thing, might as well get the full experience.
@FEichinger Either one works tbh. It's a textbook hardware rec afaic (point number 2 in Grace's meta answer up there ^ )
@TrentHawkins But I secretly pine for Virtual hats to show off my not-so-extravagant wealth (which I currently do not own)
@Unionhawk But it could be scoped differently to work. In my mind, closing as off-topic implies that the question doesn't belong on the site in the first place, so it would need to become an entirely different question to be reopened. too-broad on the other hand just requires limiting the scope.
Something as simple as "compatible with Source games" would already be enough in my book, because it limits the ways the list can grow to a very clearly defined restriction - at that point it's just maintenance to update it whenever something is added.
But "all the VR devices out there!" is too broad.
Duplicates stay, Off-Topic gets deleted, and Bad-Format gets edited and reopened.
As a general ideal to shoot for, at least.
@LessPop_MoreFizz For what it's worth, I'm really glad you got elected.
@LessPop_MoreFizz This is a very true thing.
Somebody found the star button again?
@FEichinger While I see your point, I'm not entirely sure this would be 'enough', depending on what you'd consider a 'VR kit'. If the VR device isn't much more than a glorified set of monitors strapped to your face, then as long as it accepts external video input, they're all compatible with source games anyway.
@FEichinger except that it doesn't belong on the site in the first place. as a community, we established a long time ago that this sort of itemized list - no matter how narrowly restricted, which yes, means even "compatible with source games" - is a no go. The fact that it's a list of devices instead of a list of software that runs on those devices is immaterial. It's a red herring and a waste of your time to go down that path.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Link to what you're talking about so I can disagree with you?
One of these days, I will figure out how to stop my iPad from replacing all of my commas with exclamation points.
@slomegnice just scroll up.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Your message is decidedly not as humorous as I was hoping when you made that statement.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Something something letter/spirit of the law
@LessPop_MoreFizz Oh.
I think I'm with you on this one.
12 hours ago, by Frank
Feel free to owner me, and I'll clear out the stars.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Wait, if they mentioned the source engine it's on-topic because Valve
@GnomeSlice ...I don't think I follow that logic.
@AshleyNunn It was a joke. :P
@GnomeSlice It's funny because
@feichinger in this case, you're the one on the side of the letter, I'm afraid. The spirit of the law is we don't want questions that result in itemized lists of things. The letter of the law is "no game recommendations."
@Unionhawk Right!
@GnomeSlice Ah, okay, I am slow tonight :P (Also watching Star Trek and cross stitching so my brain is divided)
Q: AOE Multiplayer between versions

DevonIs it possible to play multiplayer between AOE II: HD Edition and an old AOE II: Conquerors ? HD uses steam, and Conquerors is too old for that and seems to only have the LAN options.

@AshleyNunn Yay for Star Trek!
@LessPop_MoreFizz Nonsense. It has "hardware recommendations" just as well.
@FEichinger I think targetting the spirit of the law is precisely what LessPop is trying to do here.
@GnomeSlice @WorldEngineer got me watching it, and I am quite enjoying it.
@AshleyNunn The original series?
@GnomeSlice Yep. :)
@Yuki did you notice Flynn and Rapunzel in Frozen?
Right. And the letter says 'reccomendations' and you're arguing that if it's specific and objective enough,it's not a recommendation. That's using the letter to defeat the spirit - no lists.
@Ktash Yep.
@AshleyNunn Hah, awesome. The Next Generation is my favourite I think. It's also the one Gene Roddenberry said was closest to his original vision of Star Trek, if I'm not mistaken.
@GraceNote Except the spirit isn't to kill everything that's a list (this would apply to so much more). This is the same "every question must have one, and only one, answer" crap that I've been complaining about all the time.
TOS was groundbreaking at its time though
@FEichinger That isn't the direction he's going in though.
@Yuki I missed them entirely. I knew there had to be an easter egg somewhere, but I didn't see them either time I watched it lol
@feichinger no. No it isn't. At all.
@LessPop_MoreFizz No, I'm arguing that the list would be reasonably bounded not to cause the primary problem of a list.
@FEichinger The mods say you're wrong, so you're wrong.
The size of the boundaries isn't the problem here though.
@GnomeSlice Don't.... just don't say that. Please. Ever.
@GraceNote It was also a joke. =[
@GnomeSlice Yeah, I didn't know where to start, so he suggested with the older stuff. I like it, even if its dated. (The creature that was just a dressed up dog, in the episode I am watching now, amused the heck out of me.)
@AshleyNunn Some of the costumes in the original series are pretty awesome. Wait till you see the Gorn
He problem is the nature of the question promotes a counterproductive style of answer (itemized, one-per etc.) which makes for a poor fit with our established system.
That said, I'm sick of arguing shit on the Bridge. BAI.
Having this sort of debate from bad keyboard mobile chat in bed was not my finest idea.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Can you like play letterpress with me
@LessPop_MoreFizz Are you at least not wearing pants?
@Ktash There are quite a few easter eggs.
And that is my exit cue.
And a lot of foreshadowing.
@Yuki So much :D
@GnomeSlice I am trying to figure out the point here and I just find myself very confused
Like a ridiculous amount of foreshadowing. Heck, the first song pretty much details the main plot.
@AshleyNunn To creep people out I guess? The effect is neat.
@GnomeSlice Creepy
Like, there are a lot of things that I am wrong about sometimes, or at least things where I disagree with people, but see where they are coming from and understand that we have a legitimate difference of interpretation, but if there is something that I think I understand about SE and Arqade in particular, in a real, and deep, and meaningful way, it is what constitutes a 'recommendation' and what does not and what is 'good subjective' and what is just a bad list.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Fucking play Letterpress with me!
@LessPop_MoreFizz I would agree with that assessment, your points tonight proved that.
@GnomeSlice I don't think yelling that at him will help.
You're probably right.
@OrigamiRob why are you so concerned with whether I'm wearing pants? Is there something you'd like to tell me?
I'm slightly disappointed that wasn't a mod edit
@LessPop_MoreFizz I'm just trying to gauge how sorry I should feel for your predicament.
Huh, look at me. I was so eager to watch Justified, I'm still wearing pants.
@OrigamiRobot That's impressive.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Do you know Tycho?
It's a good show.
There are a lot of indie games deserving of praise. much more than any award ceremony could contain. @wtrebella @McFunkypants
Q: my shaders mod is not working please help!

calebkitti have downloaded shaders mod but it is not working for my it gives me [Shaders] Error: Invalid program gbuffers_textured_lit and i have tryed just about everything. and i need help with the lag i have a 8GB of RAM compuder but it keeps lagging. and my water looks like this! PLEASE HELP ME! 1

Ahoy @GnomeSlice!
@DavidM Avast
@GnomeSlice I shan't
Also please don't flag me for pixel nipples
@GnomeSlice Avast is one of the most overused and least understood nautical terms!
@Yuki Yeah, I saw a few, but I don't remember any throwbacks
@DavidM Enlighten us
All it means is stop
@DavidM Oh.
Also, tweets from GDC so far are pretty great
There was definitely just a vagina with puzzle game pieces all over it on the big screen. "This is where puzzle games come from". #GDC2014
Also, for anyone who has the Wreck-it-Ralph bluray: Go stick it in, start the movie, and then hit pause. Greatest thing ever!
Avast me hearties means . . .Hey guys, stop a minute and listen.
@GnomeSlice Hahahahahahahahahahaha
@DavidM That was going to be my question.
Q: In Wizard101, what is the most powerful spell?

Bosspvz2 What is the most powerful spell in Wizard101? My friend says it is Heck Hound...... with damage over time with power pips. But is the spell storm owl or tempest???? I really want to know! I did search it up.... but I also need to know if damage over time counts in this category?

> Heck Hound
Who wants to watch Shakespeare in Love with me?
@Unionhawk Click it... The format is way more ಠ_ಠ worthy...
@MichaelFrank Oh I saw
@Ktash <raises hand>
@Yuki Sweet. Movie night then
Just finished Frozen, popping something else in
@Ktash Meeeeeeeeeeee
@AshleyNunn You can join too :)
@Ktash E
@GnomeSlice F
@Ktash whoosh
@GnomeSlice Or I decided to go in a different direction, Ringwald
Or something.
@Unionhawk I can't remember what game it was, some sort of ironic game a la Bard's Tale, where one of the enemies was a Deus Ex Machina. So, the tag line was Out of nowhere a Deus Ex Machina pops up and vows to destroy you. Clever.
World cheers as woman who stole art gets an award over the thousands of female developers working hard for decades. Thanks #GDC !
Anita Sarkeesian won some kind of award
@DavidM Please tell me this has some downvotes.
@Yuki Not bad. Thanks for sharing it.
At the Valve dinner at GDC and thinking of ordering "Half-Life 3" for my entree just to see what happens.
@OrigamiRobot I up-voted it. I liked it.
One down vote.
@GnomeSlice He can order it, but it'll never get there
Words cannot describe how disappointed I am in you.
@Ktash laughs
Q: What do the map colors mean?

BrianIn Wake, each room on the map has a specific color. What do the different colored rooms on the map mean?

@davidm oh hey another "Fuck real answers, let's coin neologisms" thread. This is why I can't stand ELU.
@OrigamiRobot It was a throwback to a simpler time.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Yeah, you get really offended by those.
I cam following too many people on Twitter.
A: What is a word to describe a statment that seems meaningless

David MTwaddle has lately been my favorite term for statements like that. It means exactly what you've asked for: Insignificant, trivial nonsense in speech or writing.

They're not always coinages.
We're stunned, you guys. This is incredible. We couldn't have won this without you. The audience choice award is dedicated to you. #KSP
Ouya to make free-to-try feature optional in April http://sbn.to/1eU6zZY
Q: Cock is a euphemism for God?

ermanenEnglish has a lot of surprises. When I was checking the etymology of "cocksure", I found this entry in Oxford Dictionaries: 1 British A male bird, especially of a domestic fowl. Below is another definition from "An Etymological Dictionary of Modern English" By Ernest Weekley (original...

CC @BenBrocka
@DavidM wtf
@davidm I mainly get offended because there usually is an actual answer. As there is to that question.
I think I have a new favorite title!
@LessPop_MoreFizz I'm OK with coinage as long as you declare it to be so.
Unfortunately, it's drowned out in noise from idiots that want to insult the citizens of Hong Kong in the name of making an unfunny joke about a football player I've never heard of.
@GnomeSlice It's a real question!
@LessPop_MoreFizz Yeah, that was pretty stupid.
And, from a guy who usually posts quality.
Bitch going down on my pipe, I call her flappy bird.
Q: Is the Tall Tale (Play 1,000 rounds of Versus mode) trophy for Towerfall Ascension (PS4) broken?

cusmanWhen checking my stats, I can see I have already played more than the 1000 rounds of versus mode per the trophy description but it didn't unlock. I also see the statistic of the Tall Tale (Play 1,000 rounds of Versus mode) trophy at 0% (meaning no player has unlocked it). Could it be just the tr...

That's probably enough spam for one night.
Do the stardates have any logic to them, in the original Star Trek?
@AshleyNunn Someone took a long time to make them make sense, if I remember correctly
Fans, I mean
Q: How do stardates work?

PureferretI've seen various answers to how stardates relate to real dates. But is there a general consensus on the correct/most valid answer that holds for all of the various media?

@Ktash Fascinating.
Hm, I wonder if the 3DS eshop rolls over with releases right at midnight. Because if it does, I can pick up Pokemon Battle Trozei in a few minutes, with credit I have left over from Christmas :D
I've decided the correct answer to every http://scifi.stackexchange.com question is "who cares?"
@LessPop_MoreFizz SciFi.SE is the Zoidberg of the Stack Exchange network.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Tonight, I care. About this one singular question. :P
"We've got lots of great sites with expert advice... and SciFi.SE."
I just find SciFi so confusing because it doesn't really have a clear goal - they take...everything.
Noooo Nintendo y u make me wait
I wanna give you my moneys
Retrovirus is pretty cool.
Q: What time of day are games released on the 3DS eshop?

Ashley NunnIt's technically the release day for Pokemon Battle Trozei, seeing as it is after midnight where I am. I went to the eshop, however, and while I can find the game and view its details, I can't actually purchase it yet. That makes me wonder - is there a specific time of day after which games tha...

A: C**k is a euphemism for God?

David MThere are a few sources of this online, but none give anything more drilled down than the ones you've already quoted. While skeptically allowing that they may all be working from the same flawed sources, the logic seems to be this: Cocksure, cocks wounds, etc. were oaths and phrases from a time...

I just spent $10 to answer this question. But, who couldn't use a book about swearing in the English language!
@DavidM The title got edited. :/
@DavidM That sounds like an excellent investment.
@GnomeSlice I know . . . weak sauce.
Anyway, I'm going to bed
@GnomeSlice Enjoy!
@GnomeSlice Sleep well
@DavidM no homo
Goodnight everyone. :)
I should sleep but my brain is like TRAINING TOMORROW
@AshleyNunn What time?
@DavidM 10 am
so I have to leave here 930ish
So I gotta get up 9ish
If you have enough time to sleep, then I recommend whatever small amount of alcohol will calm your brain meats to sleep.
Not too much. Just enough to turn down the volume.
@DavidM I think the only alcohol in my house is a mostly full 200ml bottle of brandy I have had for....at least 3 years? Maybe more? that I cooked with a total of once.
Not sure if it is drinkable or not. I know little about these things
@AshleyNunn Like a shot's worth . . .
@DavidM I am mostly curious if like....it is eternally good
@AshleyNunn I have tons and tons of beer left over from my party, you should probably take some.
@AshleyNunn I believe it stays good for a loooooooooooong time.
@TimStone I would happily do so!
@DavidM Well then. :)
I don't even remember buying this, but I know it was when my wife and I were still together and junk. So that's the best way for me to know it's been around for a while :P
Now, the next question. Do I still have a shotglass anyplace.
Use a medicine cup
like for nyquil
Wait I went to bed
@GnomeSlice Oh, that I know I have, I opened a thing of pepto bismol the other day, so I should have that one still
@GnomeSlice grins I know that feel
@AshleyNunn We have plenty of those too!
@TimStone So basically, I should just come over. :P
I hear it's where the cool kids are at.
Also, random baby picture time!
Well, you're there, so it must be true@
@TimStone OMG that facial expression
@AshleyNunn sunglasses
@TimStone Your remote is on the floor. :(
@AshleyNunn He has daddy's serious face.
@TimStone It is a most seirous face.
@Fluttershy I wish I didn't have to use it at all, I need to see if I can get the TV to directly control the soundbar volume |:
@AshleyNunn He also has a fake tie on his onesie because stylin'.
@TimStone He is one classy babycreature.
Q: How do I back up my pokemon y cartridge

PotatoOk so I want to do a wonderlocke challenge on my y version but again I don't want to lose my data because I have a pokedex of 425 can someone help.

@Lazers You...can't, short of emulation-y junk, I think.
@TimStone Is this a random baby?
Oh noes, I'm on my last bottle of New Belgium Trippel. Sadface.
@TimStone That does sound like a sad thing.
@OrigamiRobot I mean, he is my son, so I guess that he's probably kinda random.
@TimStone But at least you know who he belongs to :P
Bye @Uni
@AshleyNunn Yes! I am very happy that they started selling New Belgium at my local store, yummy.
I feel super unclassy in my pjs with my brandy in my medicine cup :P
Nonsense, that is peak classiness.
Also, apparently I don't like brandy.
@timstone keep an eye out for various lips of faith sours.
They are the best thing new Belgium does.
(1554 is decent too.)
Will do
@LessPop_MoreFizz Have you ever been to Czech Republic or Slovakia?
@davidm nope. :(
When/if I get paid from this job, I am going to treat myself to alcohol that is nice and lovely and doesn't taste like the devil pissed on my tongue.
@LessPop_MoreFizz As a beerosieur I recommend going there at your earliest convenience.
My eurosperience is restricted to a single road trip across mostly France from Normandy to just inside the German border from Belgium over a decade ago.
A: Word for "best known function"

David MAs a single word: purpose. An items best known function is its purpose. The best purpose for harvesting timber is to make lumber. In context, you might also use the term derivative. The most useful derivative of timber is lumber.

Was this a dick move in comments?
(Best school trip ever.)
@LessPop_MoreFizz Nice!
Yeah, the one great thing I got out of my first college before flunking out.
@DavidM I don't think so.
I took a course taught by a polisci and history prof on WWII, and instead of having a spring break, we went to Europe and had class on the road.
@LessPop_MoreFizz That sounds awesome!
@LessPop_MoreFizz That is rather awesome

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