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@GnomeSlice Sounds awfully like Victoria 1.
@Doc I would assume because it's harder to get stuff that's good for the basegame since those probabilities are weighted towards expansion-only stuff.
@Doc The game just doesn't feel complete anymore without the expansion. Which is annoying. I've never seen a non-freeplay stuff pay-us-more this much in your face.
> An action game where you wrestle jeeps until the universe explodes.
@Yuki Except it's not. None of the loot I've found has been expansion only with the exception of some blacksmith upgrade items - which aren't used by basegame any more so doesn't really matter
@Arperum You didn't play DA:O, I guess?
> A simulation game where you invent livestock until you're bored
So, Spore?
@MartinSojka Nope. The whole LOOK PAY US MORE. thing feels free-to-play runescape to me.
@Arperum The ONLY part in game that makes you realize there's more after expansion is that you can see another upgrade for the blacksmith and will occasionally find the items needed to upgrade it.
A: Foiled Game Singleplayer?

GnomeSliceFoiled is a 2 player game only. Sorry.

@Arperum and I suppose the occasional books you find that mention the Crusader order, which doesn't have any effect on gameplay, it's just more lore.
@Doc No. You find crap, including legendary crafting stuff. The templar is in the character selection screen, jeweler has the same trhing as the blacksmith, you have an option in the menu for playing the other mode, but you can't select it because expansion only.
> An adventure game where you stop breathing if you don't find humans through terrorism.
And there is something about bloodgems or something on the bottom of your inventoryscreen.
@Arperum Yeah, the Crusader in the character creation screen annoyed me.
@Arperum They're treating it like an MMO shrug Play WoW without the expansions, or any other subscription based MMO with expansions where you haven't bought it. same shit, different game. Nothing especially different about Blizzard's handling of it in D3
@Yuki The whole part of EXPANSION BUY NOW thing annoys me to no end. I preordered a physical copy, stop pushing it in my face goddammit.
> An MMO where you herd numbers because aliens.
Because aliens.
Because aleins.
@Doc And it isn't an MMO. So it shouldn't be treated like one.
@Yuki Immigration: The game?
> A real-time strategy game where you overanalyze rappers and you hate every single minute of it.
That is the source of every single problem with D3. Blizzard is treating it like an MMO, and it's not
@SaintWacko The state of non-expansion D3 post-expansion is going to be terrible.
Especially since the new way items drop means you can't find items as good as you could before the patch.
@Arperum Dragon Age: Origins had an NPC (Levi Dryden) in your party camp (where you could go to chose party members and have sex) whose only role was to sell you DLCs. He is even marked as giving you a quest, but says basically "Sorry, you have to pay us $$$ to follow this quest." unless you have the DLC installed.
It's most obvious on weapons.
Wasn't vanilla D2 post-LoD kinda sucky too?
@Yuki Yeah it was awful.
But it wasn't broken, which current D3 is.
Maybe they'll fix it as they realize, though.
@StrixVaria This. D2 without expansion is perfectly playable. Sacred 2 without expansion is perfectly playable, Titan quest without expansion is perfectly playable. I'm not saying better or anything, just still perfectly viable option.
D3 without expansion is perfectly playable too. So there's some things you can't do. Hiding it wouldn't change the fact that you can't do it...
Add the expansion and it gets better.
@Doc When items drop now, they roll at the level of the monster you killed. Since monsters now scale to your level, the highest monsters you can see are level 60. This means the highest item level that can drop now is level 60. Items used to be able to drop up to level 63. On weapons, this is a huge decrease in base DPS, to the point where new weapon drops are terribad. This will be fixed by getting the expansion, but if you don't get it it's still broken.
@Doc No. There is no base D3. Since everything is expansion.
@MartinSojka That's horrible
It took them 3 years to add synergies in D2.
@StrixVaria No. I'm pretty sure it's deliberately broken. Because BUY THE EXPANSION YOU MORON.
@isthisbetter CC @IanPugsley
@Arperum The example I just gave might get fixed. There is definitely a huge amount of in-game advertising to try to push the expansion, though, which I don't like.
That means 2 years after the expansion.
I made a new Minecraft world (amplified) today. Look where I spawned:
@OrigamiRobot I still think synergies ruined build customizations.
I don't even.
@StrixVaria Yes. I hate the blatant advertizing. having a single mention about DLC/expansion stuff in the menu is acceptable, everything else is just cheap.
@TheGuywithTheHat Right at the very top.
@TheGuywithTheHat Looks like a perfectly viable spot to build your castle of doom upon.
@TheGuywithTheHat agreed with @MartinSojka, perfect castle of doom territory
@MartinSojka Nah, that's another world.
@OrigamiRobot Because it went from "I want to use Fire Wall, so I'll put 20 points in Fire Wall and I have 100 points for other things" to "I want to use Fire Wall, so I'll put 20 points in Fire Wall and 20 in Fire Bolt and 20 in Fireball and 20 in Inferno or whatever the other skill was called and now I don't have other skills for other things."
So I hear that Microsoft is trying to increase Xbox One sales by including a free copy of Titanfall (albeit a free download not a disc).
My friend hosts a server that has a much better place for castles of doom.
@Arperum Will not keep me from enjoying the expansion though.
@isthisbetter It's been a while so I can't remember how this goes to pick it up safely
@StrixVaria Nor will it stop me. I just hate the way they are bringing it.
@StrixVaria It didn't make pre-synergy Fire Wall any worse. It only gave you the option to make it better.
@isthisbetter Answered
@OrigamiRobot It made all non-synergy-focused builds obsolete.
@StrixVaria It made more builds viable than obsolete.
@OrigamiRobot It made all my builds obsolete, and none of the viable ones were interesting any more.
Except healing Paladin, which even I admit was terrible despite its novelty.
@Arperum I'm mainly disappointed that they've made all these UI changes so long before it's even available
@GraceNote You around?
@StrixVaria That was terrible pre and post patch.
@SaintWacko I'm disappointed that they made the UI changes to the basegame. Keep your expansion stuff in the expansion dammit.
@OrigamiRobot It was less terrible with synergies.
@Wipqozn Yes'm?
I'm confused at what builds you were using that didn't benefit from synergies.
@GraceNote Could I make use of your magical powers of knowing more than one language?
@OrigamiRobot Remember how Pokemon got bothersome for you when you learned IVs and EVs were a thing and how you could determine that your Pokes were "not optimal"?
Copod by Ben Perry is now available for only $4 - Save 20%: https://indiegamestand.com/store/887/copod/
fishy roguelite
@Wipqozn Yes'm?
@DarkcrowShin お問い合わせありがとうございます。召喚協力を成功しても生者に戻れない仕様です。逆になぜ生者に戻ったのか分かりませんので、お手数ですがサポートの方に詳細を教えていただけますでしょうか。調査させていただきます。http://www2.fromsoftware.jp/p/darksouls2/inquiry/
Relevant to an answer of mine. someone one reddit said what it's about, I'd prefer a more trusting source than areddit user I've never talked to before I update my answer.
This looks really interesting.
@Wipqozn I'm going to need background such as "What answer", and what this even is all about.
Q: How can I restore my HP pool?

Panic BombEvery time you die in Dark Souls 2, your maximum HP decreases slightly, and it continues to decrease more and more after each death until your maximum HP is reduced to about 50% of its normal value. In addition, your character model becomes more and more decrepit ("Hollowed") as this penalty incr...

Basically, in Dark souls 2 when you die you turn into "hollow form". You can return to normal by making use of an item. some people have reported returning t normal by playing in other players worlds, but it's inconsistently. supposedly this tweet is from the dev stating that's a bug, and shouldn't restore people to normal.
Ads for Chroma Squad, in Japanese style.
@Wipqozn Google Translate's icky translation would seem to support that.
@JasonBerkan The icky part is where I don't like google translate.
also clicking the link to the review from google gives me a Titanfall trailer as the intersital ad
@Wipqozn I know, but the main sentence it returns is "It is the specifications that do not return to the raw's even successfully summoned cooperation" and you can click on"raw" to get an alternate translation of "living", which if you squint says what you said.
@BenBrocka And people wonder how game budget costs have raised so high over time...Yay marketing!
@GnomeSlice Like the visual style. Not sure I like the camera pan effect
@BenBrocka It's still early, but I know what you mean. It's a little strange.
@Wipqozn From what I can gather, I can't parse part of it but what I can parse is that the tweet is asking for them to send information to their Support so they can look into the situation.
Q: Dropping Quests in Hearthstone

BlackVegetableIn Blizzard's Hearthstone, you are given the option of "dropping" a quest one time (per quest.) This will replace it with a "random" quest. The trouble is, some quests are worth 40 gold, others 60 and one is 100 gold. My question is, if you drop a 60 gold quest, will you always be given another...

@GraceNote If that's the case it could go either way. You shouldn't revive at all, or you should always revive. In that case I'm not editng it into my answer.
Thanks for the help @GraceNote.
...someone seriously saw the above advertising and said "it's really more about 5 hour energy than titanfall, you're just fanboys"
Q: What do you lose if you decide to play offline-only?

GeeoI'm wondering what in-game experience you may lose if you decide to play offline-only in Dark Souls 2. Of course you can't invade or be invaded or request for help but I'm more concerned about the story / NPC / secrets. Do you lose something by playing offline?

@BenBrocka Welcome to the internet! Stupid people everywhere you go!
I wonder how much their ad push cost. I finally saw a Titanfall ad on Twitch the other day after like months of PS4 ads and zero 'bone ads
@BenBrocka a general rule of thumb I was told was to take the production cost, and marketing would be around .5-.8 of that cost
@Wipqozn Remeber that Vaxo's amulet I found?
@SaintWacko No.
@Wipqozn Maybe it wasn't you. Weren't you talking about stuns on your wizard?
New crazy taxi is:
Free to Play
On Rails
user image
@SaintWacko oh, right. Yeha.
@BenBrocka Probably monetized out the wazoo.
@Wipqozn Well, I have an aoe skill that one of the runes makes it stun enemies. So now, when I use it, not only does it do the AOE and stun, it also guarantees me two shadows that attack with me
@SaintWacko You've got that amulet, too?
@Frank Already going to guess there's energy mechanics probably, and certainly upgradable for-pay taxis you have to grind for
@FEichinger are you here?
@SaintWacko Nifty
@Wipqozn Best to wait for confirmation of what the fix is, yeah.
That way you only have to update your answer once.
well, that was a waste of time =[
@Frank I'm jealous of your set items
@GraceNote Yeah, the reddit post specifically said they claimed the returning normal was a bug. I'm glad I decided to get confirmation.
please post the AU fastest 10k users list link :-)
@AvinashRaj I think you're in the wrong chat. This is Arqade, not Ask Ubuntu!.
in Ask Ubuntu General Room, Feb 15 at 16:48, by Braiam
12 hours ago, by Frank
user image
@Wipqozn Well, yeh, but I'm not on AU anymore.
@FEichinger Maybe I'm missing context then.
@FEichinger thanks :-)
Either way, dark souls 2 is great.
@Frank Damn that's nice
hadn't seen some of the screens, unsure if they're new
@Wipqozn I'm being chased because I'm an SE search wizard and know how to find this crap within seconds.
Q: Which is better: vampire lord or werewolf?

user71739I personally am a werewolf fan, but the vamp lord is ridiculously op when you get the perk tree relatively full. The werewolf seems to be less powerful in comparison, even with the perk tree almost full. Which one is better?

@SaintWacko It even has lightning damage, and with Sweeping Wind's Tornadoes, that's what I'm focusing on.
So +to lightning will make my build all SORTS of silly.
@Frank My current build silliness is due the bow I have
@SaintWacko Yeah, I remember that.
@BenBrocka That game looks great, but I'm still kind of shocked at how successful the kickstarter was
I recently tried using a bow that gave +22.3% damage over the crossbow
IGS had the developer in for an interview on Stream a while back
Still didn't deal as much damage
Also, Swedish Fish are delicious
@GnomeSlice KS success is largely dependant on how much press coverage you get
@BenBrocka That is certainly true.
Design Challenge #2: Build an asymmetrical plane. Winner of Design Challenge #1: @GnomeSlice
@GnomeSlice Oh snap.
That's fantastic.
Here, have a pin.
Hahaha, it's like the least impressive achievement ever
Q: Towerfall Ascension

Jason Adamshow do you get the yellow triangle in the Moonstone level of the Trials mode? I can't seem to find it. All I can see is the glowing arrows that show right, right, down. I tried a bunch of things but nothing seems to work.

I'm pretty sure winning an internet competition is the highest point a person can reach. It can only go downhill from here.
All planes are asymetrical, if you cut along the correct axis.
That's the game, by the way. It's pretty neat.
@GnomeSlice grats
I don't win anything
I think I'm just the only person who actually bothered to make a plane that would do it.
@GnomeSlice twitter.com/liftthegame/status/442648675680927744 says there were at least 61 entries?
@badp Those are different.
The design challenge isn't one of the in-game challenges. It's just like a message at the top that asks you to build a plane that does a certain thing
I didn't see any other ones in the published section that did it
Nobody else bothered
There's already some for #2 though
So nobody else was skilled enough?
That would require me to not play dark souls 2.
Also I'm at work.
it has fizziks
Also my friends are huge jerks and all thought hanging out tonight was a good idea, so I can't play dark souls 2.
Being loved is the worst
@GnomeSlice Why do you keep pasting this shitty gif and spelling physics that way at the same time?
It's fun to spell it that way
@GnomeSlice Are you suggesting Physics isn't fun?
also pretty sure that's like the second time I've pasted that gif
Because Physics is awesome.
Q: Why are they fighting each other?

isthisbetterSo I was playing Foiled for a while and then switched to something else for a while. When I came back Gold was backed up against a wall and Red was repeatedly hitting him with no success. Is this one of those "neglect" things where it returns to this after not playing for a certain amount of time...

whoa, how do you enable the physics laser things
@Frank If you want that, there's a different legendary fist weapon that comes with +25% to lightning skills.
@Frank Since you already managed to get enough to pay for RoS from the AH, are you still planning to get it or is the way the Mystic works going to dissuade you from even that?
just curious does not want to start another argument
@StrixVaria I already bought it. I'm not a fan of how they're working the Mystic after I found that out, but I think I'll still play it.
Since I didn't really use my own money for it in the first place.
Being able to just run through barricades and boarded up doors is fun
Q: How to install mods in minecraft if i dont have Bin folder

Erivanel Diasmy minecraft.exe came without a bin folder and i want to install a mod and all the pages in the internet say that i have to delete Meta-inf in Minecraft.Jar but that is in the Bin

@Doc That...looks like my Nagelring.
Yeah, uploaded the wrong img, lol
@SaintWacko It is the best.
@StrixVaria What's so bad about the Mystic?
Apple rejects Tank Battle 1942 for depicting Germans and Russians as "enemies" http://www.pockettactics.com/news/ios-news/apple-rejects-tank-battle-1942-depicting-germans-russians-enemies/
History is offensive
So I do this online MtG trading thing. You mail cards and get points based on the value of the card. Then people can send you cards to get points from you.
@Yuki @Frank and @OrigamiRobot don't like that you can't reroll secondary affixes into primary ones. I think it's a good idea. I've decided not to argue about it any more, though.
@StrixVaria Fire Walkers ftw
@StrixVaria That's not the only part of the issue.
The rest of it is all the secondary affixes are crap.
Yeah, that I will 100% agree with.
Secondary affixes are worthless.
Motorsports & Performance Tuning

Proposed Q&A site for racers, engineers, tuners, mechanics, and DIY'ers; to discuss technical topics related to anything ranging from F1, circuit racing, road course, drag strip, autocross, drifting, street-applications, etc.

Currently in definition.

If, say, LoH or something was a secondary affix, I wouldn't mind as much.
I have barely been paying attention to the Mystic, though. To me the Mystic is going to be a meh addition on top of all of the other amazing things in the expansion.
@OrigamiRobot Or there were at least some secondaries worth taking.
@Frank Only sockets.
As far as I can tell, the only ones that might be worth it are resistances, for the monks focusing on a single resist.
The only thing I'm interested in about the Mystic is Transmogrification.
I hope that they realize secondaries are trash and add useful secondaries at some point.
@Frank Yea, but with diamonds, that's not even a big deal.
I wonder if thorns damage is secondary...
Don't really care about the Enchanting part.
@StrixVaria I think it is.
@OrigamiRobot Hence making it even more worthless.
The only bad thing about Fire Walkers is that breakables broken by the flames don't seem to drop anything
+% dmg modifiers for skills are secondary, as are the % chance to blind/freeze/etc
@StrixVaria This is how I have been
both of which are useful-ish
I've noticed from my Wizard's belt that blinds are actually really good.
@Doc First one, slightly useful, second one, utterly useless.
I never gave them a chance before.
Things die way too fast for it to matter, for me.
@Frank at the higher diffulties?
@Frank Yeah, on Torment 1 it's irrelevant, but on Torment 2-3 it's great.
@Doc According to the forums, skill modifiers are primary.
@OrigamiRobot Take a look at the profile I linked earlier. Several pieces of gear have %dmg modifiers in secondary slots
Like the belt giving + Deadly Reach dmg
eh, "several" - I apparently switched out my pants that gave +% dmg, but the belt is still an example
Oh, individual skill modifiers. Yes.
So like +% damage to Sweeping Wind is secondary, but +% fire damage is primary?
I thought you meant like +X% to [element] skills.
@StrixVaria correct
So skill damage is at least 1 useful secondary.
I can't think of others yet.
@StrixVaria + (element) resist?
not super useful but
Hey, for all I know, the 4/2 split is outdated.
Specific elemental resistances are at least not worthless.
Globe pickup radius is pretty bad except for very specific cases.
@StrixVaria With Diamonds, they mostly are.
But that rolls on almost every item, I've found.
@OrigamiRobot Sockets being a primary (are they?), they're not as valuable as they used to be.
@StrixVaria I still say things like +x% chance to blind are useful, certainly in higher torments
Diamonds are significantly better in armor than primary stat, on average, though.
We'll see how the secondaries go. Maybe they're better than I give them credit for.
@StrixVaria Armor sockets are primary, but weapons sockets are secondary.
Which is really backwards to me.
Yeah that's strange.
I can see it always being primary.
Armor sockets being secondary would be too good with diamonds existing now.
WTB 2-socket weapons
The always 4/2 split is my main problem. If that turns out to be outdated, I'll reconsider.
@Sterno There's a legendary crossbow with that (unless they changed it with the patch).
IMO 2-handers should get 2 sockets
@Sterno That would be OP with the new crusader passive.
I'm actually kind of torn about the new Crusader passive because of that.
@Sterno Agree. The main advantage to dual wielding is 2 sockets.
They make 2h weapons relevant, but only for the Crusader, and now they can't make 2h weapons more relevant for other classes because that would make the Crusader OP.
@StrixVaria But the new crusader passive kind of sucks without it, so it sucks either way
@StrixVaria They could add 2 sockets as an option for the class specific 2-handers.
@OrigamiRobot True, that could work.
Or they could just make 2-socket 2-handers an option always.
Then Int classes lose out though
Since the Crusader has to use a shield his damage is still kind of limited.
Besides, it would fit Blizzard tradition to make the new class OP
@Sterno Oh buuuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrnnnn
I just want Daibos to have Dodge/Block. It makes sense thematically and would make me actually consider using one.
I've actually heard that Crusader is far from OP - and is rather a little UP
@StrixVaria Tell that to Smite Pallies
@Krazer Very different game.
I'm not sure why anyone is getting excited about currently-found gear being good to modify from the mystic, since even an awesome result will suck compared to level 70 gear
I want RoS to not suck like D3
@Sterno This.
@StrixVaria That.
Maybe when they actually do a ladder, it will have open trading. It won't happen, but I can dream.
They hinted at a ladder again recently.
Also, in case anyone forgot since the last time I mentioned it 30 minutes ago I want to go home and paly Dark souls 2.
They can keep gold BoA, I don't much care about that.
@Yuki People are dumb.
@StrixVaria Ladder for traders, non-ladder for filthy casuals self-founders.
Make everyone happy.
@Wipqozn Unfortunately, due to the way the Chinese legal system works (read: doesn't work), this is a common practice in China.
@OrigamiRobot As someone who doesn't enjoy trading at all, I would also play on the ladder.
To the point where people refuse to help other people out of fear of being sued.
I love the idea of starting over new self-found characters with nothing.
@Yuki Yeah, I know. It's fucked up.
The Chinese legal system is... kinda backwards.
@StrixVaria NL being self found only would actually fix a huge problem with NL. The fact that everyone is super geared.
It wasn't too long ago that attorneys used to be criminalized for protecting their clients. The logic was "this person is guilty, why are you defending him? If you are, you must be a criminal too".
The US needs a law where if your lawsuit is deemed suitably ridiculous, you're banished to Canada.
@Sterno Specifically, to Nova Scotia to live with @Wipqozn.
@Sterno Here, if you lose, you are responsible for all the court fees. Makes you less likely to sue a big corporation unless you are sure you will win.
@OrigamiRobot but then the number of ridiculous lawsuits would rise!
@StrixVaria Also, you can do that on NL too.
@OrigamiRobot Where they all get priority to play DS2 over him.
Well, I guess you'd keep paragon levels
@Sterno You're a monster
@OrigamiRobot a fate worse than death :o
oh god
Dark Souls 2 has become my SkyDrift.
@OrigamiRobot In theory the Ladder would reset my gold and Blacksmith levels and stuff, and give me a separate empty stash. It makes a difference.
I do need a name for my son.
@spugsley Hello.
I'm not sure Dark Souls 2 has the right ring though.
Question: what's the fastest way to grind for experience on D3?
@Sterno Name him Wipqozn.
I've finished the campaign, so I don't really care about following the story anymore.
@Sterno omg I am great at baby names. My first child is going to be named Dick Skeleton Pugsley
@Yuki By playing Dark Souls 2 instead.
@StrixVaria Yea, I forgot about all the stuff shared between characters. It's easy to forget when you only have one character.
@spugsley So sad for him that the name WILL ALREADY BE TAKEN BY ME
That's okay... your son can be named Dick Skeleton 2. Or DS2 for short. That should make @Wipqozn happy.
@spugsley Are you getting RoS?
@Sterno Are you getting DS2 on PC?
I had a lot of other ones but I don't remember any of them. Someone work their chat search magic and find out what I wanted to name my first child. Go!
@OrigamiRobot I already bought it for PS3
but maybe :P
What a monster.
Q: How to get xbox one to read from dlna

kacalapyI put my usb stick into my asus router and enabled the content to source as dnla How do I get the xbox one to play movies shared as part of the dnla share?

Jan 23 at 17:49, by spugsley
@LessPop_MoreFizz lol I'm absolutely naming my first child Rick Spugsley Pugsley
Aug 26 '13 at 1:54, by spugsley
I think I want to name my first child Strangelove
Apr 20 '13 at 3:16, by spugsley
I think I'm going to name my first child Bonerman
Jul 31 '13 at 16:52, by spugsley
Brilliant. I have another name for my first child: Penishugger
HAHAHAHA I'm fucking amazing
Your poor child...
@JasonBerkan It's ok, Ian has a little more sense than that.
I really really really want to name my first child Chippies :( but Ian won't let me
Chippies is the most adorable name
Name your first child @GnomeSlice. With the @ and everything.
@spugsley TIL @spugsley actually plans to have children.
> A real-time strategy game where you touch cyborgs in the future.
@Wipqozn only so I can give them fucking amazing names. But then I'll abandon them. But I'll make sure they have their nametag on so people know what to call them. "Hello. My name is Bonerman."
@spugsley You're going to make such a good mother
You can name your loot goblin Chippies
@Wipqozn I know. That kid will grow up and be like "How fucking amazing was my mother to give me the greatest name in the world? I'm proud to be Penishugger."
@Sterno I already abandoned him
@spugsley You're a horrible person.
I wonder if anyone has named their kid something with a hashtag yet.
@spugsley What colour is the sky in your world?
He's cold and hungry and lootless somewhere.
@JasonBerkan sky? We have no sky here.
@JasonBerkan What's a colour?
I know there has been a kid named "hashtag", but I don't know about "#awesomebaby"
@Sterno he only picks up white items and I never find them so he's stupid and pointless and the worst
@StrixVaria I overheard some music teachers talking about their kids asking if what hashtags they should play in the key of G.
Name your kid "null". Watch government databases everywhere blow up.
@JasonBerkan #F
Q: where to post DotA2 features request!

LongTTHI would like to suggest a lot of features which I think wonderful to dota2 dev team, where can I post it ? I checked dev.dota2.com but there're no sub-forum in that for post feature request.

@Lazers ... Not here.
@Sterno Governments don't have databases. They just have big rooms full of unsorted filing cabinets.
@JasonBerkan Really, though, this kills me.
@StrixVaria I, being the pedantic computer scientist, pointed out that hashtags and sharps are different glyphs.
@StrixVaria Governments don't have big rooms full of unsorted filing cabinets, they just have massive basements filled with Chinese graduate students instructed to memorize long lists of data.
@Yuki flagged
@Yuki Oh, so that's where you work!
@Wipqozn Used to work. I tripped up and forgot one line of data.
Apparently, this "Barack Obama" guy is kinda important and forgetting his info got me canned.
@Yuki Barack Obama? Sounds like a muslim terrorist who hates freedom! I DEMAND TO SEE HIS BIRTH CERTIFICATE!

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