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I don't know what's happening right now but I DO NOT LIKE IT.
I broke space and time:
LIFEHACK: instead of expending energy climbing stairs, use an elevator or escalator instead
LIFEHACK: stairs are faster than escalators, but treating escalators as stairs is even faster!
@Sterno LIFEHACK: Missions accomplished!
WALLHACK: Keep walking on the bloody escalators like you were meant to
LIFEHACK: I think I used too many black tea leaves because I cannot taste any apple at all.
LIFEHACK: hang your coat inside out so it won't get dirty should it fall on the ground!
Q: PLEASE HELP - Is anyone willing to spare 3 moondrop flowers?

hellaI know this is probably off topic and a long shot but I am really getting desperate over here, I am just so done I just want to freaking complete this renovation plan.

LIFEHACK: when driving and unsure where to go, roundabouts are the perfect chance to reconfigure your navigation aids!
LIFEHACK: This is fun.
LIFEHACK: if you get a mention on Twitter while driving, read the tweet from the pulldown email notification so you don't have to change apps!
LIFEHACK: If you want your daughter to be popular amongst gaming communities, name her after a video game.
LIFEHACK: name your son Zelda for free admittance at comic cons.
@badp The part where you merge as late as possible is actually turned into a law here, if you merge to fast you could get fined...
@Arperum wat
@Sterno LIFEHACK: Post porn to be banned from The Bridge!
@Arperum Isn't merging too early just called "changing lanes"?
Wouldn't it be better to merge as soon as you know you need to merge?
@Yuki Not if one of those lanes ends in a couple hundred meters...
One thing I hate about car accidents on highways in Italy is that there is no guidance whatsoever on what lane you should be merging into (leftmost or rightmost)
That feels like an unenforceable law.
LIFEHACK: When in doubt ping @uni
> "Sir, do you know why I pulled you over?"
> "No."
> "You merged too early."
> "Merge? I was just changing lanes."
@Yuki That is probably only a problem if the early merging causes a car accident
@badp The law is pretty vague, and somehow it seems like merging early causes all the cars to go onto one line, which causes deadlocks. because way too many cars.
the problem is, you need to know what lane you should merge onto, or you need to know you should be merging to begin with
Yeah, improper lane change is what they cite you for if you cut someone off and cause an accident.
@Arperum the cars still need to serialize into one lane at the end anyway
I guess that if everybody merges as late as possible you can't take advantage of the othewise empty lanes to speed past 500 cars or so
@badp Yup, but if the people of the line where everyone is going to have to slow down somewhatso they create gaps where you can easily fi into, so everything is only slowed a bit, and not standstill because Belgium traffic is horribly unfriendly.
what really happens is that smartasses decide to use the emergency lane and get in a car accident there
so now you potentially have to merge all the way to the left first and on the right then
The whole thing only stands if everyone and everything happens to follow the rule perfectly. And that never going to happen here.
attn @d3-nerds
You should totally join the in-game Arqade chat channel when you start D3
traffic in Belgium isn't exactly what i'd call safest traffic ever. Speed limits are things most people do if they know that a controlpoint is ahead.
@badp arg, can't find the right "what if Zelda was a girl" image
@Sterno invite me into the community then.
@Sterno switching between party chat and Arqade chat is a huge pain
@OrigamiRobot solution: always talk in arqade chat.
@Sterno I do that.
Q: Number of trophies recieved determination

user68706So I have been playing clash of clans for a while now and have noticed that the number of trophies recieved on a win greatly fluctuate. By this I do not mean for a full win only. I am talking about winning with 1 and 2 stars mostly. Does anyone know if the percentage of destruction on the enemy v...

@Sterno LIFEHACK: Join the Arqade chat channel in D3 and you don't need to use the bridge to talk to your bridge friends!
@Wipqozn No one is ever on it :(
@OrigamiRobot YOU'RE A HUGE PAIN
12 secs ago, by Sterno
@OrigamiRobot YOU'RE A HUGE PAIN
@Arperum I do not possess that capability.
@SaintWacko I almost always join.
@Sterno LIFEHACK: Thanks!
I don't like that the blizzard launcher decides that it always need to show my friends on EU who are online, even if my selected region is US.
okay I give up
@Chippies no, not the one I'm thinking of. I found it, but now can't link it
how come you can't link it?
@Chippies because I'm on my iPad ATM
ah, I see.
@Sterno Seems likely
Feb 28 at 14:24, by Arperum
For fucks sake. STOP TRYING TO KILL MY WINDOW. Stupid retarded bird. How many times do I have to shoo you away?
The stupid animal is still going at it.
@Wipqozn if you get DS2 on PS3, we wont be able to play together. :(
@Arperum Remove the window.
Origami Robot: Problem Solver
@OrigamiRobot I've got an RL friend I can play with it should I wish to, but I probably won't.
@OrigamiRobot remove the window, leave your head as an offering to appease the bird.
I prefer playing Dark Souls solo. It's kind of the point.
@OrigamiRobot I opened it for most of today because I was annoyed at the noise. The bird didn't comein.
@Wipqozn Did we play the same game?
@OrigamiRobot Yes. Getting help from another playing joining your game is basically cheating. It also makes you literally worse than mobile hitler.
@Wipqozn Who said anything about helping you?
there we go
@OrigamiRobot ah I see.
@Wipqozn Yes, I want to invade you. Or vice-versa.
@OrigamiRobot Gotcha.
Still, point is, PS3 all the way for my Souls fix.
What a monster.
Who even owns a PS3?
Monsters, that's who.
I own a PS3, but rarely use it. Am I a monster?
I do the same thing, so no.
Yes, @MBraedley is a monster. The only reason @TimStone isn't is because he has had his cootie shot.
@MBraedley no
Ah, that makes sense too. Whew!
Best I've got is 128 so far
@fredley I just got 128.
This game is pleasingly hard
Pleasingly hard things are pleasing
Just got 256
256 with 3164 score
@Chippies 256 score 3244
256, but I really need to return to wokr.
wokr indeed
wokr sucks
Q: Torment vs. normal for legendary farm

NovargWith new patch(2.0) you have different difficulties and despite which difficulty you are on, you are guaranteed a legendary drop when you finish the quest for the first time. And you can reset quests to get this first-time reward. Also, it seems that all legendaries can roll a lvl 60 stats(got a ...

@fredley What was your score?
Love the look of this game
@BenBrocka That looks cute, but I have no idea what the goal of the game is. <_<
@Fluttershy I think you mostly fly around and explore and stuff, but they haven't shown too much gameplay I guess. Getting it on release regardless
@SaintWacko I have no idea
17 hours ago, by DragonLord
@badp: And I've added a post-commit hook which automatically replaces the save files in the Steam userdata folder whenever I switch branches.
@badp just a quick correction: I meant post-checkout.
128 is easy. The difficulty starts with getting two 128's together to morph with your 256
@FAE You about?
@BenBrocka This looks so weird and neat.
@GraceNote Hai.
@FAE Can I drag you over to this room for some time to discuss things about GameOn? I thought about email but figured this didn't particularly need email exchange.
@GraceNote On my way.
@fredley 4912 and counting, on my first try
> where's the triple A bro? INDIESTATION OR WHAT?
people are awful
I scored 3124 points at 2048, a game where you join numbers to score high! http://gabrielecirulli.github.io/2048/ via @gabrielecirulli
@KevinvanderVelden Wow
That's impressive
That was mostly button-mashing
@BenBrocka Not everybody plays indie games.
I died, now I'm gonna race some cars :)
@GnomeSlice Yeah but that doesn't mean they have to go out of their way to bitch about indie games' very existence at every possible opportunity
@BenBrocka Yeah, that's certainly true.
I hate people like that
@BenBrocka also tulpagame.com
These people are also ignoring tons of non-indie games coming to the platform. Kinda wish the dudebros would just buy the Xbox and go away though
@KevinvanderVelden Beat you :)
I would play this more if I weren't at work.
@Arperum you big meanie =p
Now I have to play it again!
@Arperum Indeed. A Sixteen In The Middle attack killed me there
@StrixVaria same here
enhancedsteam.com is down :(
...or very slow
@Wipqozn Actually that's a lie. If I were home I'd play D3 instead.
@StrixVaria 3 more hours :(
@OrigamiRobot I leave work in 2 hours but don't get home for 3.5 hours.
@StrixVaria If I had a 1.5 hour commute, I would die.
@KevinvanderVelden Another 6k run barely though :(
I don't want to visit my parents because they live an hour away.
@OrigamiRobot I am on a train for most of it, so I can play 3DS or read.
If I had to drive 1.5 hours I would die.
@StrixVaria Eek, I'd much rather drive, personally. Safer too.
Than a train? Driving actually...isn't very safe
@BenBrocka I'm talking about personal safety.
As in fewer creepers and guys trying to harass you on public transport.
@FAE Driving requires me to focus on driving for the duration.
Trains require me to be present on the train and do whatever I want otherwise.
I personally don't have to worry much about creepers, luckily.
@StrixVaria Unfortunately, a lot of women don't get that luxury. :/
It sucks not to be able to just be left alone for the duration of a train ride.
@FAE Does that actually happen?
I very much prefer driving, as I don't have to deal with that, and I enjoy driving anyway.
@GnomeSlice Yes.
@FAE wtf, that's terrible
Even if you're sitting there with headphones in and reading a book.
Not making eye contact.
I... don't remember witnessing women harassment on commuter trains in my six years of commuting
but it could just be me being blind to it?
Typically everybody is really tired, or sleeping, or absorbed by their mobile or tablet or papers, or (rarely) chatting with friends.
I actually don't mind driving as much anymore if I can put the top down.
@badp In my experience, it occurs more often in the US, same with my experience with street harassment. Anecdotal, but.
Well, North America, happens in Canada with about the same frequency, from talking to my friends there.
While I enjoy driving as well, it's way more dangerous, expensive and annoying
Streets have got people in them!
People being actively people.
The closest thing I've had to harassment is someone yelling "SEXY HAT" at me
Well you DO have a sexy hat
In Israel, the equivalent of harassment is when an uber-religious guy sits next to a female on a bus. (This is the equivalent, in the uber-religious guy's eyes, to fondling her).
Also, I just assume they were making fun of me.
People in the middle lane have the left blinkers, people in the left lane have the right blinkers, people in the right lane are blocked by the people in the middle lane not giving up enough room for maneuvre
People in between sell fake roses to all of the other people
@GnomeSlice People can say, "Well, just tell them to go away" but it can be scary because you don't know how they'll react if you say you're not interested. Are they going to yell? Call you names? Get violent? Decide to follow you when you get off at your stop? It creates a pervasive fear and anxiety that makes it easier to just try to take it/ignore it, but it still means you have to hear it.
Transit would be much more enjoyable all around if not for all the people
I had a really disturbing bus ride once where the guy sitting next to me had these plastic knives in his bag he kept making sure everybody could see (the kind designed to get through metal detectors, weapons), and then this rough looking black guy came and stood in front of me and started talking to the guy, and then he started like shouting in my face at me.
@GnomeSlice Here, it helps that 95% of the bus drivers were tank drivers earlier in their lives. So they will kick the shit out of you if you do something like that.
They drive like they're driving a tank, too.
He wasn't being like aggressive, but it was still unnerving
I guess that's what I get for dressing urban
I'll have to use some form of public transit or taxis probably in Vegas when I'm there, yuck. UNless everything's in walking distance, I really haven't planned it out
I hate that today my brain is unable to write out a sentence without eleventy errors in it
Yep brain is broken, better get a new one
Public transportation must be really weird in the States; here there's hardly any kind of those sorts of problems.
@BenBrocka Yeah, that graph doesn't make sense
Also one time this really cute girl came up to me on the bus and started talking to me and then was like 'Oh I thought you were my friend' and I made a total fool of myself
especially on my toaster
@Garan Unless you're in a densely populated large city, infrastructure's fairly poor for public transport.
@OrigamiRobot because it's barf part of an "infographic"
Bundlestars presents the Indie Capsule Bundle 2
@FAE That's not very weird.
@FAE 91% of Israel is urban or suburban.
That's a good one
though it actually has just enough room
@3ventic That game is so made for RNG play.
even Rome's public transport is pretty awful
Milan's kinda decent
Probably even with a soft VI behind it.
And meanwhile Israel's is the 5th largest in the world. For a country the size of NJ.
@badp Well I mean like, you can probably count the number of cities with decent public transport in the US on one hand.
What's your bar for decent?
I've never even been on public transportation unless you count school buses or tour buses.
@badp Reliable enough to be willing to use it for work.
@BenBrocka wat.
Oh, good old Windows Normandy
@BenBrocka Um, that doesn't look like English. Or any language for that matter.
@FAE NYC has good public transport within the city (if you can wrap your head around the labyrinth that is the subway system), but getting into/out of the city is a nightmare.
@StrixVaria Isn't there a subway line that goes to Jersey?
@MBraedley There's the PATH
That's what I usually take.
Oh, and I've been on a monorail at a theme park.
@MBraedley Probably memory/storage corrupiton
chgose Start Wandows Ngrmadly
@MBraedley It goes to Newark...kind of.
Newark sucks though.
> Bit 3 is sometimes flipped, which turns "F" into "N", "," into "$", "o" into "g", and so forth.
@BenBrocka "Safe Mode wath Fetwgrkifg" doesn't sound very safe.
@Ullallulloo Why only bit 3?
My options for getting home from work are 1) Subway -> NY Penn Station -> Hopefully my train that goes home isn't delayed or 2) Walk a half mile to the PATH -> Jersey City -> Another PATH train -> Newark -> The same train I would have gotten on anyway, which is hopefully not delayed.
@Yuki I wouldn't want to fetwgrkifg without a safe mode, to be honest.
I'm not complaining about my commute, but the PATH doesn't make sense.
(for me)
That's better for people who work downtown, by the World Trade Center.
@StrixVaria Where in NJ do you need to go? I'm from there and have travelled to and from the city a few times.
@Garan Right now I live along the NJCL NJTransit line.
@MBraedley I guess only that small part of the RAM is bad?
@StrixVaria The bus from Port Authority an option?
@Garan Technically yes but I get motion sick on buses :(
Trains are a smoother ride.
@StrixVaria Ah. Oh well, for me it's usually either that or the PATH depending on where I need to go.
As far as I'm aware those are there only options.
The commute is tolerable.
@GnomeSlice points to yesterday or this morning or something too lazy to search the transcript.

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