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Suggestions for Tags for the meta-question? I've got "Design"
@RavenDreamer That's probably fine.
Q: Are we happy with Gaming.SE 's current Logo?

Raven DreamerIt's been mentioned in chat a few times that the logo for our site is... potentially ambiguous at best. The Favicon being a heart has caused a stir -- apparently some people think that, because of the Favicon and the logo, we're some sort of dating site. Clearly, we're not. However, I do think ...

What dimensions are Favicons supposed to be, anyway?
Q: Starcraft 2 race usage statistics?

AardvarkPreviously in the beta I heard Blizzard was making balance changes based on the usage % and win % of each race. I have no idea if this was true, but the idea intrigued me. Are there statistics available to the public? I am very curious what the usage statistics for each race are.

Q: Are we happy with Gaming.SE 's current Logo?

Raven DreamerIt's been mentioned in chat a few times that the logo for our site is... potentially ambiguous at best. The Favicon being a heart has caused a stir -- apparently some people think that, because of the Favicon and the logo, we're some sort of dating site. Clearly, we're not. However, I do think ...

@RavenDreamer If I remember correctly, the favicon file format actually supports multiple sizes in the same file, 16x16, 32x32, 64x64, etc.
This allows the icon to size up if needed and supported.
.ico files support various resolutions, but website favicons can be in any image format.
Paint has granted me the ability to produce: i.imgur.com/L6Ap3.png
browsers try to retrieve /favicon.ico by default unless a different one is specified in the markup.
@RavenDreamer If that isn't a dating or adult site, I don't know what is.
Well, there's a reason I'm not a graphic artist! :P
Oh, my mistake, it can be 32x32 according to wikipedia
That's right, I meant the .ico format specifically.
I don't know what browsers will do if they're given an .ico that only contains a 128x128 image, though. Probably just ignore it.
What 'about that? Does that look like an adult/dating site?
@RavenDreamer It looks a little more like a dating site.
Two hearts is definitely a dating site. Three is either a life bar or something to do with polyamory.
I would think the hearts should be of the same size.
In some games they are, in others they aren't.
I think Zelda specifically has the current "top-most" heart pulse slowly.
That could be an argument for anything.
Hence, I made the 1st one bigger.
the problem is, technically you would want the heart to represent something like +1 you gained a new life
but then you're singling out games that actually use that interface
Wow or CoD don't use hearts
@IvoFlipse I don't follow
Also, we've got a heart now. Saying three hearts is bad because hearts are bad does not make any sense.
I'm saying the current logo was designed, because it doesn't represent any game
Maybe a half-full heart would work, but I don't think we'll escape the dating site confusion with any heart-based favicon
changing it, would probably make it look like A game
To a certain extent you can claim that any variation of a heart could be mistaken for a dating site, though... where does it end?
which would 'favor' that game/platform, which we don't want
the logo should be game-agnostic
the only thing I'd like would perhaps be a +1 on it
just to match the upvoting scheme
Gamers looking for their +1! Create your profile TODAY!
@Brant Now in 32x32 pixels ;-)
Ah, design by committee. Works every time.
I think "Lifebar" would be a pretty cool name for a site.
also I think there should be a creeper in the corner because I like minecraft
I think it'd be even more "OMG THAT"S A DATING SITE" however.
Also, I think there should be some guns in it, because people play games with guns.
And wheels, because there are racing games.
I don't want to hang out in a bar @RavenDreamer
Gun with wheels:
Hmm.. okay so I'm getting "Heart with wheels wielding a gun and pickaxe, wearing a wizard hat"
Maybe make half of the logo in one portal, and make another portal on the right side of the page with the other half. People play Portal after all.
slow down, I can't keep up with you guys
@Brant Needs moar portal.
You need Angelina Jolie in there too.
Just draw some lips.
wheels with guns
Creeper watches you date, I mean game.
Why on earth would you strap your arms to wheels, and your legs to the chassis?
As soon as you start moving forwards BAM you've been dis-armed.
I guess crunch would be more likely, actually.
@Brant +2 for thre creeper.
Don't forget the shoulder-mounted rocket pods
@RavenDreamer That's how twisted it is! 2!
Also you totally need a guitar.
The creeper should be playing it.
Hell, put the whole system. People have asked Rock band questions here.
Okay, screw you guys, I'm going back to writing user interface code.
@RavenDreamer Axel IS the chassis. Twisted Metal is really weird.
Q: Kinect: Can it be used to play DVDs and videos

JonathanI just kinect and its pretty cool, a few minor irritations for a technology as cool as this its well worth it. (irrittations such as a small lag in game, but then the sensor is only 50cm from the floor and not in the specification, and having told you hand up forever before it selects the menu, ...

@Brant Oh and the kinect, let's not forget about it. The creeper should be doing ballet.
@RavenDreamer yvettesbridalformal.com Here's an excellent example of meticulate design.
Oh god, my eyes.
You've blinded me. You've literally blinded me with chaos.
See if you can find the media player to stop the music.
@RavenDreamer Try the goggles!
Our site should look like that
And wait till you see the 'roap-map' detailing 'directions' on how to get to their new site.
I want the questions to each appear in a div at a random location instead of in a nice list
Hold on, I'll find you a link because you'll never find it on your own.
@GnomeSlice you know so much about it, did you design it?
@badp Sadly no. I reviewed it as part of a project in web design class.
@Badp Ze goggles, zey do notzing!
I think I had the words "eyeball-raping" in there somewhere...
There it is.
I see Skeet in there.
Ooh, sneaky.
Those directions are super easy to follow. Just find the part of the ground that's purple.
What? You mean Texas and Florida aren't really Pink?
All in favour of scrapping the heart for a guitar-playing car-driving ballet-dressed creeper say aye!
(Don't drive and ballet.)
With guns!
What about fighting games?
@GnomeSlice The guns are mounted on the car.
He needs a sword
@StrixVaria You punch creepers, that should be enough fighting.
@StrixVaria Think Bayonetta. Gun-swords!
Or Squall's gunblade from FF8
@badp That should be our slogan. " Punch Trees. Get Wood. "
Creepers asplode, so that covers physics sandbox games too.
@GnomeSlice Well, that'd bring "Is it an Adult or Dating site" back into question. :P
@RavenDreamer I suppose you're right.
I have wood for sheep.
Have Sheep, need wood!
Punch Sheep, Get Wool.
That sentence is literally the only thing I remember about how to play Settlers.
does anyone play WeRule on the iPad?
@IvoFlipse I used to have it on my iTouch, but got rid of it.
I don't have any iThings
@StrixVaria Adult site warning
I like Catan now that I got that sea-faring expansion for one reason only.
It comes with a frame, so that the board pieces don't shift all the damn time.
I've never seen a Catan set without a frame...
Maybe early editions?
Then again, I can never get two other people together to play it, so that's pretty much €60 wasting away in a cupboard.
I've never seen one with frame, actually
This is the normal version.
@ArdaXi I have the same problem with "Diplomacy"
Ah weird. I don't think the newer editions are printed like that.
That game requires at least 5-6 people, and I can count on one hand the number of times that's happened.
thank god you said people not friends, else more of us would never be able to play it ;)
Dinner's up. Ciao.
bon appetit
@IvoFlipse It's Diplomacy. You may start the game with 6 friends, but you leave as 7 strangers.
And now I too, am off.
I dislike stir-fry.
I can't believe how well that video assignment turned out, considering how little I had to work with.
Must be my magical editing fingers.
@RavenDreamer Wait, you add someone? How long does that game take?!
Arda > 6 friends + you = 7 people.
@GnomeSlice I was joking, but thanks.
My bad.
R.I.P. Bubble man. He had somethin' to say. :(
"From your favorite 'Mechanical Narwhal-Inspired Equine Quadruped Assault' game comes this beautiful creation. Always."
@LessPop_MoreFizz spamming "Add to Cart" as we speak
That's pretty awesome.
I've never actually played Zelda II, but now I want to.
^ Heh.
Also, you should play Zelda II
Yea, it's kinda the Black Sheep of the series, but it was a really creative game for it's time and it's actually pretty awesome.
although having the final battle spoiled like that video does kinda sucks.
@lesspop > Spoiled? You mean by the vid?
That wouldn't have surprised me.
the last boss of Zelda II comes completely out of nowhere, and it makes perfect sense given the structure of the game and it's really pretty fantastic.
@GnomeSlice It wasn't a cliche back when Zelda II did it.
It happened in Ocarina of Time. Which came later, but I've played it.
Oh well, if I ever get around to playing it, I'll have forgotten it by then anyway.
I still like their Megaman II song the best.
Point is, that final battle turns the whole narrative on it's head, and reframes it from 'journey to save the world' into 'journey to save yourself' and casts a whole new light on everything that had come before and it is awesome.
Q: Starcraft 2 -- legitimately download?

RCIXI bought a copy of Starcraft 2 from Amazon, and while I'm waiting for it to arrive, I'm curious: Is there a way for me to legitimately obtain a digital copy of it immediately?

Q: Proxy games (udp+tcp/ip) through a remote Ubuntu server

EloffI want to run a game client on my windows machine, but route the traffic through an Ubuntu server located in another country. I know this will likely hurt latency, but that's not the main concern here. What software should I install and how should I configure it on the remote Ubuntu server to ma...

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