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What is a fine line
@Stizzle84 The people who are close to suspending you for that comment ...
@GnomeSlice It's the Australian hand-wave! Upside down!
@ManishEarth Heh
because it's so random xDDDD
@Mana ಠ_ಠ
Sorry please forgive me
Oh. Ok. I'm good, then.
@Mana ... You just made me drop my pen.
@FEichinger You should grip your pens tighter.
Don't need to shout anymore.
Q: Any Tips on Improving TF2 Scout Gameplay?

user69402I wish to learn how to aim better as a scout in TF2.

@OrigamiRobot I see what you're doing there.
I do not approve.
@OrigamiRobot I think you misspelled penis
@StrixVaria SHOUT
@FEichinger Good, I was trying to be really obvious.
@StrixVaria I get it.
Can u suspend laser
8 hours ago, by FEichinger
user image
@Stizzle84 Lazers is a bot in the feed that just posts new questions on the site so that we can see them.
It's not a real user.
@Stizzle84 Lazers is a bot. Lazers cannot be silenced.
It posts automatically.
@Stizzle84 No. Lazers is a robot. Lazers is our friend. He posts questions so that we can answer them!
@FEichinger Duh . . . I got it. I was being deliberately obtuse.
O darn it
@FEichinger ...yes it can :p
@Stizzle84 You can ignore.
@ManishEarth Well, yes, but that would be cheap and brutal.
@Stizzle84 is being very anti-robot.
@OrigamiRobot Anti-droiditic?
@FEichinger heh
I'm going to go simulate crying.
No! Don't...
If u r a robot show me you in a pool
My gif is better than your gif
@Stizzle84 Is that a challenge?
@FEichinger I THINK IT IS
Apparently it is.
@GnomeSlice Yes, but if you remove all of the 'i's from that sentence, THE TABLES THEY DO TURN.
@Stizzle84 That doesn't even make sense. He's a robot made out of paper!
@LessPop_MoreFizz s?
That is not u
@DavidM Well, technically that's not true ... Or may be true ... Well, sometimes it's true.
@Stizzle84 If there is an autocorrect/spellcheck feature, turn it on.
@Stizzle84 How do you know?
What web browser has an autocorrect feature?
@GnomeSlice You can also add an apostrophe for increased clarity should you need it.
@DavidM And do not use leet speak. It kills brain cells.
@Brant Chrome does, I believe.
@Brant Safari
@Brant Safari under Mac OS X!
Because bmo is on tv
@Brant I built an autocorrect in AHK
Well... the internet built
@Stizzle84 Are you saying @OrigamiRobot is not on TV?
@OrigamiRobot is so famous
No he is not
@Stizzle84 Sure he is! Everybody knows who he is!
@Stizzle84 Dude, I keep a picture of him on my nightstand. He's totally famous!
@Stizzle84 confirmed @fredley, commence de-diamondification.
(Except me. Because I don't watch Adventure Time.)
That is creepy david
@Stizzle84 Mission accomplished.
He's a really creepy guy, so, it works out.
I keep a picture of @fei on my nightstand.
Then how would u know it is adventure time
Considering the pictures on my nightstand, I can indeed confirm that that is creepy, @David.
@OrigamiRobot Wow. Now, THAT is creepy.
@FEichinger I... er...?
Spoiler alert: I don't own a nightstand.
I'm sorry, what?
@Unionhawk ♥
@Stizzle84 @OrigamiRob's fame is a well established matter of public record:
@OrigamiRobot You don't own a bed. Robots don't sleep.
Sep 12 '13 at 12:50, by OrigamiRobot
@fredley I'm so famous.
Aug 21 '13 at 21:28, by OrigamiRobot
@JasonBerkan I am so famous.
Aug 9 '13 at 13:56, by OrigamiRobot
I'm famous!
So nice.
May 21 '13 at 13:52, by OrigamiRobot
I'm famous!
Every time I google something, OrigamiRobot shows up somewhere!
@DavidM Technically a bed is not a prerequisite for a nightstand.
@FEichinger Technically yes.
Aug 20 '12 at 3:22, by OrigamiRobot
Wow, I'm famous!
just as a desk is not a requisite for a desk chair.
I will bet u my life oragami robot is not a robot
Technically is the best kind of ally.
4 mins ago, by Frank
@DavidM And do not use leet speak. It kills brain cells.
@Stizzle84 Careful, you don't want to bet your life . . .
@Stizzle84 ... That's risky.
He is not a robot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@Frank What is leet speak?
@Stizzle84 How do you know?
well this is a new kind of Turing Test
Technic Ally.
@DavidM Do you really want me to answer that?
@Mana Actually, this is the original test Alan Turing had in mind. But, then he couldn't get it published.
Because i live next door to him
@Frank Sadly, yes.
@Stizzle84 I doubt that.
Leet (or "1337"), also known as eleet or leetspeak, is an alternative alphabet for the English language that is used primarily on the Internet. It uses various combinations of ASCII characters to replace Latinate letters. For example, leet spellings of the word leet include 1337 and l33t; eleet may be spelled 31337 or 3l33t. The term leet is derived from the word elite. The leet alphabet is a specialized form of symbolic writing. Leet may also be considered a substitution cipher, although many dialects or linguistic varieties exist in different online communities. The term leet is also ...
Wanna bet
Technic ENEMY.
@Mana Well ... we seem to be stuck in a loop. The last time that happened, I was talking to an IRC bot.
@Frank I never knew the "proper" term for that annoying shit.
brb, knocking on all my neighbors' doors.
@Stizzle84 I thought you said you were in Florida?
@Stizzle84 My chances are pretty good on this one, you know ...
Wait david u told me not to cuss then u cuss
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh SNAP david what are you going to say now.
I was in florida on vacation
@Stizzle84 I never said not to cuss.
Apr 26 '13 at 14:54, by OrigamiRobot
user image
@OrigamiRobot waiting for the bus
@Stizzle84 So you complained about not getting snow in Florida during your vacation?
Plus I'm 25 years older than you claim to be.
classic @DavidM
@DavidM Pulling the age card? Really? I thought better of you.
@FEichinger It's the only card I have left.
But david u said not to cuss someone recall it
@DavidM That's deep.
@FEichinger Not really. The depth of character card is long gone.
I think you missed that one and will appreciate it a great deal.
Clearly @Stizzle84 is somewhere around 30. Why else would he have 84 on the end of his name?
@Stizzle84 Please, for the love of God, type out the "you".
I am 13 84 is just a number
Man... Broken Age makes me feel all nostalgic.
@LessPop_MoreFizz OMG!!!!
@Stizzle84 It's not just any number!
@DavidM It's the Lion King title at the end that seals them
I just convulse laughing every time it hits
O then what is it
The Hannibal Lechter one was weak.
It pleases me that I can strictly speaking pull the age card on 2 people in the room currently.
Instead of my usual one.
(you know who you are)
Or at least, I hope so.
I am 13
@Stizzle84 We've established that you claim to be 13.
Yet, you are clearly 84.
I'm 21 I think
Has anyone in here seen the Lego Movie?
No i am not u r clearly 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999‌​9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 years old
I took the kids to see it last weekend.
Feb 18 at 13:26, by Sterno
I am physically younger than @JasonBerkan and mentally younger than @FEichinger.
I have seen it
Have any of you played Dogs of War Online? It looks pretty cool.
It was a turd!
F2P on Steam.
Worse than Frozen (cc: @yuki)
If origami is a robot he should have a computer inside himself
@FEichinger I have 12 storage barns and I'm still getting "close to capacity" messages :(
has anyone played any really good and difficult platformers recently? please don't say Super Prison, everyone's played that
@OrigamiRobot More houses, then.
@Stizzle84 That's not the definition of Robot.
@Stizzle84 No, myself is inside a computer.
Frozen was terrible
@Mana Angvik
@Mana Flappy Bird?
@GnomeSlice nah, wasn't that great
@Stizzle84 cc @Yuki
@Mana Super Prison.
@FEichinger This is a statement that I do not agree with, for various reasons.
@FEichinger haha damn it you're right, guess I'll go play that again
damn what a great game.
Then how do u nock on peoples doors if u r inside a computer and i thought u were paper
@Unionhawk But @Sterno very nicely explained it!
Feb 18 at 13:27, by Sterno
I have, to date, never yelled at kids to get off my lawn. So @FEichinger has me beat.
I need to watch The Departed again.
@Stizzle84 You obviously have no idea how the world works.
Stupid Netflix not having any good movies.
19 mins ago, by David M
@Stizzle84 If there is an autocorrect/spellcheck feature, turn it on.
9 mins ago, by FEichinger
@Stizzle84 Please, for the love of God, type out the "you".
Wow. He sure showed you.
@Stizzle84 We already do these things.
@Unionhawk How dare you defy me!
Anyone want to utilize their diamond tipped sword yet?
Is this what we're doing now?
@StrixVaria Such a good movie. :3
I refuse.
I decline
@DavidM Is that a euphemism?
@OrigamiRobot Yup
@FEichinger I'm a pretty daring person.
@OrigamiRobot This is the Bridge. Of course it's a euphemism.
@DavidM Nope. That's earned.
Defying someone who is around a year younger than I am
@AshleyNunn I was instructed to blame you.
Well that was an awkward initial revision.
@Unionhawk Eww.
I thought I typed it right the first time, apparently, horrifically wrong.
@Unionhawk @FAE would ship it
31 secs ago, by FEichinger
@Unionhawk Eww.
@Ktash Of course she would. It's @FAE.
Is there anything she wouldn't ship?
@Stizzle84 DENIED
@Stizzle84 well played
I'd give it a C+
Denied for what
@Stizzle84 Buh . . . I . . . have nothing to say.
Boo yah scu doosh
Please do not ever do that again.
Scu as in scum
43 secs ago, by David M
@Stizzle84 Buh . . . I . . . have nothing to say.
@Stizzle84 You are only from one of those generations...
Boo yah scu doosh
@Stizzle84 Kung Fu Panda? Really????
Yeah, I feel like even my patience is reaching a critical point.
This is how I feel right now.
1 min ago, by David M
@Stizzle84 Buh . . . I . . . have nothing to say.
@Unionhawk There is a button that will fix this.
This room is worse than TPP.
Boo yah scu doosh
@Stizzle84 Now this is approaching spam.
@Stizzle84 Ok, annoyance at max.
I'm flagging the next one of those.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I am aware. I'm about to use it, I feel (I usually reserve that for... about this level)
... we don't need another diamond rush
@Stizzle84 That sound is the sound of 15 people hitting ignore all at the same time.
@DavidM Surprisingly: Not me!
The problem with the ignore button is that it's usually best used on people who completely disrupt the room, and then you can't even follow what's going on with that individual ignored.
@DavidM I always forget that as an option
If only there were an ignore button that worked for everybody...
@FEichinger I am highly offended that you are more willing to ignore me than this.
@StrixVaria It's called "suspension", I believe.
@Unionhawk You're a repeat offender with your three-letter-pinging.
@Stizzle84 for the record I never said you should swear, I said our culture allows for it. I am not your mother, I didbt give you permission. Stop being an annoyance, take responsibility for your actions.
Ignore what
@OrigamiRobot ... So he didn't like Frozen. I swear, I've gone over this before.
@StrixVaria Hellbanning should be a thing.
At least twice.
30 mins ago, by FEichinger
8 hours ago, by FEichinger
user image
(And, to be honest, I just want to see where this is going.)
It's like a slow-motion trainwreck.
@FEichinger OFFENDED
I love dumb and dumber
@Yuki I paid Frozen a compliment. I said that it wasn't as bad as the Lego Movie.
@StrixVaria No, no ... if the joke had gone over my head, that would've been an explanation of the flagging system. What I posted there was just sarcasm.
@Stizzle84 This is the best thing you've ever said in this room.
@Frank It kind of is. If everyone puts somebody on ignore... the person on the other end is effectively hell banned! It's like magic!
@StrixVaria Could potentially be the best thing ever said in this room.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Except we won't ever get someone ignored by everyone.
@DavidM It's weird how they see fit to cc me whenever someone mentions they didn't like Frozen. I honestly don't care what other people think about the movie. I like it and that's all I care about.
They r coming out with dumb and dumber 2 this november
Which is the whole reason we have this big a problem with people disrupting the room in the first place.
@Yuki I cc:'d you myself.
@Stizzle84 Again? It came out years ago.
It was called Dumb and Dumberer
@DavidM I'm including you in "they".
@DavidM No, they came out with Dumb and Dumberer, which was by a different crew with a different cast.
@Yuki You don't just like it. You're obsessed with it. :P
Now they're making "Dumb and Dumber To" with the same directors as the original, plus Jim Carrey and Jeff Daniels.
Yah the new one is still with jim carrey and the other guy
@FEichinger True. And yet I really don't feel like changing anyone's mind about the movie. That's a good thing, right?
@StrixVaria Because Jim Carrey is still funny . . .
@StrixVaria This almost makes it sound like a porn parody, out of context ...
@DavidM I still like him.
@StrixVaria I actually liked Yes Man.
@DavidM I felt like Yes Man was a less interesting Liar Liar.
Me 2 i like jim carrey
@Stizzle84 "the other guy" ... The name is right there.
@StrixVaria I was just going to say the same.
1 min ago, by StrixVaria
Now they're making "Dumb and Dumber To" with the same directors as the original, plus Jim Carrey and Jeff Daniels.
Show some effort, will ya.
O well shit
@Stizzle84 That added quite a bit to the conversation. Thanks.
U r welcome
Can i request android hell
@Stizzle84 No.
@Stizzle84 Okay, see, now you've made it to my ignore list, too. Enjoy the ride.
Y what is so bad
@Stizzle84 It's not a room for actual chatting. It's a dumpster where we throw trash from this room.
About android hell
Like I just did.
I know
@LessPop_MoreFizz Thanks bro!
It was annoying even me who reposted it.
@Stizzle84 When you request access, it Pings, (and in turn, annoys) everyone who has the 'keys' to throw things into that dumpster.
@DavidM And now you know what it's for!
@LessPop_MoreFizz Yeah
(Sniff) (cry) :,(
Office rerun on in background: Karen: You can't give paperclips to a baby. He could swallow them. Creed: It's ok I have tons of them.
Oh my god. It's so quiet.
Talk about random
I can hear myself think
@Stizzle84 Random is the lack of order that is associated with concepts like entropy . . .
@Stizzle84 Basically, you aren't a moderator, or a deputized trusted longtime member of this community. (Which is what a 'Room Owner' is, since you asked earlier) You don't need the keys to the dumpster, and we aren't going to give them to you, so repeatedly pounding on the dumpster doesn't help you get in, it just makes people angry at you for no good reason.
Do you want people to be angry at you? It seems like a waste of effort and energy to me, but then, I've never fully understood trolling...
Was that what you had in mind?
Anyway, I am going to bed. Play nice children.
I dont want to own the room
Randomness means lack of pattern or predictability in events. Randomness suggests a non-order or non-coherence in a sequence of symbols or steps, such that there is no intelligible pattern or combination. Applied usage in science, mathematics and statistics recognizes a lack of predictability when referring to randomness, but admits regularities in the occurrences of events whose outcomes are not certain. For example, when throwing two dice and counting the total, we can say that a sum of 7 will randomly occur twice as often as 4. This view, where randomness simply refers to situati...
@LessPop_MoreFizz That's because you are a monster!
@Stizzle84 Then you don't need access to the Android Hell. Access to the Android Hell is a thing for Owners to help them do their job.
Watch this
Look at your screen for a few minites
I am going to go to sleep. Being a robot, I don't need to sleep. I'm just giving people fuel for their conspiracy theories.
(For the record, writing access in Android Hell doesn't actually let you write anyway. The room is frozen. It can just be used as a move target.)
@LessPop_MoreFizz Are you feeling better, BTW?
@FEichinger I'm well aware.
@DavidM Eh, still congested, but nothing awful. Nyquil is magic.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Just pointing it out.
@OrigamiRobot You are just powering down as a means of conserving energy. Duh.
Oh for heaven's sake.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Good. If it gets unbearable try Neosynephrine nasal spray.
@Unionhawk Our friend just banged against the door again.
1 hour ago, by LessPop_MoreFizz
@Stizzle84 MOD VOICE: You've been asked repeatedly to stop requesting access to the Android Hell. It is annoying many users and is bordering on behavior that I'd consider spam. If you continue, I'll have to suspend you from chat for a while, for the sake of the sanity of everyone with permissions for that room.
I didn't want to have to do that.
Have a nice evening.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Later bro.
I knew @LessPop_MoreFizz was going to be the best mod.
I'd call mod abuse, but I support this abuse
(even though I muted him a while back)
I was between him being either the worst mod, or the best. I'd say best now.
@Ktash Mute doesn't help us Android Hell owners, sadly.
@Ktash Isn't that self-abuse? Oh wait ... that's different
@DavidM I'm a little disappointed. The entire genre of BDSM flavored innuendos available, and instead you choose to go that direction? For shame
@Ktash Eh . . . who doesn't like a harmless masturbation joke.
@DavidM The BDSM guys, who prefer harmful masturbation jokes.
@Yuki I stand corrected.
@DavidM ... Why are you standing in front of your computer? Unless you're using a tablet, I guess.
@Yuki When I was corrected, I stood up. I thought that was clear.
@GnomeSlice Super Prison quote of the night: "I held back tears as I sheard her last words..."
@Unionhawk The subtext on that one is cute.
thankfully the chances of anyone seeing that line are really low
oh god I really didn't check this block of text
"Her shead twisted back as the gun fired...and then static."
To do gender neutral text I was just running a simple "replace all occurrences of 'he' with 'she', 'his' with 'her' " algorithm
@Mana D'oh
I was too lazy to fix it properly so I just wrote dialogue that worked around it
but I think I got some line revisions from my girlfriend and forgot to check them for that
Alright folks. I'm out.

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