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6 hours ago, by StrixVaria
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you freaking kidding me... TPP made it to the newspapers?
6 hours ago, by FEichinger
@StrixVaria Yeh, the SZ is pretty up to date on stuff like that ... and willing to cover it, too.
According to the translation on Reddit, they also managed to succintly and correctly explain what Twitch and an IRC bot are, at least in the context of TPP.
As ridiculous as it may seem, they manage to cover Internet phenomena in a way that doesn't want me to strangle both author and editor. Which is pretty impressive.
write an article @FEichinger doesn't end killing somebody: mission accomplished
Q: How can I do multiplayer using Minecraft on iPad?

Mystery GamerI play minecraft P.E. on my iPad Air, and I have a friend who does as well. My other friends say if you are near eachother while playing, it will work. For me it clearly doesn't. I was wondering if you could help with this problem. So, is multiplayer possible on the iPad minecraft P.E.

@Spugsley that bundle has Iesabel in it.
Evening, Bridge.
Hello Bridge.
Q: Clash of Clans Linked but not

ClasherMy brother has an iPhone 5s and I have an iPod 4, we use the same gamecenter and apple ID. My brother plays clash of clans so I decided to make a new village on my iPod. So when i start up my new game (this is the first time downloading clash of clans on this device). When it loads up it loads up...

I am cold, tired, and NEVER want to move a couch down a half-kilometer driveway in deeper than knee deep snow EVER again
@AshleyNunn Ew.
What happened?
And how'd your interview go?
Q: wow fire crossbow how to

user69492iv been trying to figur this out for a while IV looked it up for 3 days now so there is no lack of research it's pretty simple how do you fire a crossbow in world of Warcraft thanks!

@Frank My sister and her friend are moving to a house in the middle of nowhere, and one of their mutual friends was like if you want this couch you must GET IT TODAY so first we had to take her car to her boyfriends (40 min drive), then bakc to the city (40 min) then back to the house (30 min) and then my sister was like "oh yeah we never got anyone to blow out the driveway" but we had this couch and had to get it someplace
So we dragged the fucking thing through the snow
and then had to do the car stuff again in reverse to get her car back and then we went home (this whole thing, with all the stops, and lunch or dinner or whatever meal that was took 8 hours)
I don't even know.
Also, I think my interview went okay
it was super short
@AshleyNunn Bleh.
I am super sore and tired now
I helped a friend move a couple pieces of furniture yesterday, but we didn't have to go through knee-deep snow to do it.
also, since I had been told this was just us going to her new place to clean, I wore runners, thinking it wouldn't be bad out
@Lazers Dupe of his own question.
so....I am lucky I have feet left
@AshleyNunn That sounds somewhat mean. She should've let you at least put on boots or something.
@Frank I likely should have asked to get my boots, but the whole thing was such a fucking disaster I just stopped caring
also there was like whiteout snow for part of it, while we are driving a giant (like seriously, bigger and higher than most) truck with SUMMER TIRES
I am happy to be home
@AshleyNunn No doubt. That would've sucked at the best of times, but sounds like you got hit with the Murphey bat.
@Frank Yeaaaah
I decided I am not helping her with much more there til snow melts
Q: wow dungeon tips

user69492Hey I'm a level 10 human warrior part of the alliance on world of Warcraft. and soon at level 15 I'll start doing dungeons with friends. what I want to know is does anyone have any tips or info so I'll know what's ahed? Thanks.

@Lazers This seems rather open ended.
@TrentHawkins It really does.
And a dupe, I believe.
Q: Can game data be transferred to another game cartridge?

xKiYoMiNaTiONxOkay, This may have been answered already, but I need to know the answer before I end up crying in a ball of tears. Apparently, I kind of lost my Nintendogs 3DS game cartridge... It's somewhere, in my house. I looked high and low, but still can't find it. It showed me streetpassing with my si...

Any of you guys do any gaming on a touch screen device? (Android or iOS)
Depends on what you call "gaming", I suppose.
What's the real question you have? ;)
I am looking for games with classical button patterns like holding a run button and timing jumps
Something where there are expected to be three inputs even if one of them is a tap.
like mario, hold a direction, hold the sprint button and then jump over a gap
Three simultaneous touch screen inputs is fairly rare.
Which is why I am looking at how that would be translated into a touch environment :D
But my randomly selecting 'platformer' games from Google Play is not giving me any games that do this
Its only move and a single action at a time
@James I do.
@James I haven't seen any games that do this.
And I've played a lot of platformers on iOS.
Q: Can I negate the life drain from blood rage?

KatustrawficThe active gem Blood Rage drains a small % of your max hp as Chaos Damage per second depending on gem level. Is it possible to cancel out/negate that drain with enough life regeneration?

Three touch inputs probably isn't used very often, if at all
Well, it doesn't make much sense for three simultaneous inputs. You usually just have two thumbs on the screen and that's it.
@FEichinger Yeah but that is not something I can change
I just have to figure out how to do it
and I am told Tons of games have done it so far
Dropbox TOS change. Hmm.
Its just me who is having a hard time
@badp Yeap, that's one I'm going to want to read through.
@James Ask for actual examples then, because I really can't recall a single one.
I'm sure it'll be covered to death by online media
I'll wait for the Ars Technica coverage.
@GnomeSlice Whats this have?
@James It's just a platformer.
Probably not really what you're looking for.
Nothing really comes to my mind.
I'll keep thinking though, I've played a shitload of iOS games.
If I come up with anything I'll let you know.
@GnomeSlice Appreciated man
I have tried Lumber Jacked, Mermaids (puzzle game) BADLAND and now Ill give this one a go
Then Cog Hopper
@James What you could do, is make the sprint button a toggle. Or so that when you press it, you keep sprinting until you stop moving, and then you have to press it again.
So you only have to press it when you want to start sprinting.
And then still only use 2 inputs for running and jumping
@AshleyNunn Man, screw those people.
I had a half hour long hot as can be shower and I am still cold
Yeah but the problem just gets larger from there man.. Thanks for the thoughts and all but well consider other games where you need to have a thumbstick going and then 3 buttons pressed at once, hehe.
@AshleyNunn Snuggle.
Friends do not make friends haul couches in knee-deep snow.
@James Yeah, touch interfaces don't really work for that kind of stuff.
@badp I have no one to snuggle
@James Things like that make me hate things.
@AshleyNunn Referring to her mutual friends as "those people".
@Yuki Yeah, I am just like.....what the crap
also, the couch was soaked by the time we got it in there
between all the driving and the snowstorm and just everything
@AshleyNunn So now it's going to be a moldy worthless piece of junk.
@Yuki The one girl thinks it will dry, and says it is just surface wet but I am not convinced
If one of my friends wanted a couch I had, I wouldn't tell them to "GET IT TODAY" if today was blinding snow.
@James I think I played a game at one point where there were separate buttons for 'walk' and 'sprint'.
I can't remember the game though.
Like you can move left, or sprint left
@Yuki Well, it wasn't snowing this morning
@GnomeSlice GTA 3
I am playing it right now but it looks like on the iPhone all of the inputs are exclusive of each other except motion + 1 action
But yeah, the girl was like "my mom is bringing new furniture today so you need to take it"...and apparently said girl had known for a while but "forgotten to tell us"
@James Wasn't that.
@AshleyNunn ...
@badp tl;dr version: This doesn't impact you in any meaningful way, unless you are a business, and use Dropbox for Business.
That's how I read it, anyway
Needless to say I am in very much a "everything is dumb" mood
Honestly, I can understand forgetting because I have no memory, but then I'd keep that couch in my house until more hospitable moving weather came around.
Because it would've been mostly my fault they didn't get it earlier because I forgot.
Can you get serial vote reversed if you vote some posts up and others down, all by the same user?
I was just going through questions and casting some votes and that question popped into my brain.
@StrixVaria I don't think so.
Build A Greenlight 5 coming tomorrow! http://youtu.be/lt6JA9VC8Mk curated by @xxdanlongxx http://groupees.com/bagb5
You may be interested in this.
It just came out.
Q: How do stats if equipped work in Diablo 3?

Jamie HutberI am a little confused by this preview of the dam that could be done in Diablo 3 Dire Span is reporting to give me +1076 to dmg When equipped however it in fact reduces my overall dam by nearly 1.5k. So how is this calculated? Is it only a problem because of the % that is added on these weapo...

@Fluttershy This has Brothers - A Tale of Two Sons
@Ash have a free hug rebate coupon
@GnomeSlice geddit
@Fluttershy I can't spend any more money right now. How much is it normally though?
It's like $20 or so isn't it?
Not interested in any of the other games either.
Takedown is supposed to be really bad.
@GnomeSlice $15. I got it for $7.50 during the Winter Sale.
@badp Yay
Argh, I just realized I have to take my garbage out. Boo. Rawr.
@Fluttershy blugh
I really need to get this print shop job
Q: Enchanted weapon wasting all of its energy

DarkthunderI did a enchantment on my ebony sword that absorbs 150 points off life at first it worked right but after the first few recharges it wasted all it's energy in the first hit does anyone know why this happens and I'm level 72 in enchanting and I used a fortify enchantment potion that I created by...

FML it was pouring rain when I went to take the garbage out
today is not my day
I found this while researching for my exit project.
Q: where to play Miner 2049er?

Peter SalazarThere's an old game from the 80s called Miner 2049er. Anyone know where I can play Miner 2049er online, or install it for OSX?

@Lazers Is that on-topic?
Cool i guess
@JeffreyLin No, it's like a game-rec, but not. I forget what we call those. Off-topic though.
@JeffreyLin No, no it's not.
@BenBrocka Okay, this is getting out of hand.
@GnomeSlice It's already out of hand.
@Unionhawk This.
The fan art is fantastic
The golden ratio in the Omanite at the top is great too
Futuridium gifssssssssssss
CC @BenBrocka @FAE
I love how he's talking to Mr. Fuji from above.
so is the removed timer for Safari Zone a sure thing or what? We'll probably hit Fuschia within a day
It's the drooling bulb of hope.
an i'm back
will never be a vileplume though
Enough FF14 for today! Back to Lightning Returns!
I absolutely love that Chrome's spellcheck knows pokemon
@BenBrocka Never say never.
We evolved Eevee.
we were trying, pretty hard, to evolve eevee. Despite best judgement
save us SS ticket
Awww, Cabbage is down.
oh man I forgot this maze
can't be worse than rock tunnel though
Are you challenging TPP?
Of course it can.
It's pretty short and no ledges though, that I recall
We are approaching the end of the game (i.e. the Safari Zone).
Bird Jesus can't keep them alive forever, though.
only need to last to the poke center. I'm not sure how many trainers there are tho
bird jesus with the OHKOs
yep still a seed pokemon
I'm impressed we've resisted democracy and it's evils
Well, with start9 as the filibuster, I can get why nobody really wants democracy anymore :P
did they successfully get Start9 to happen?
@BenBrocka There may or may not be some Eve players that are spamming Start that may or may not be apart of the SomethingAwful forum.
Well as long as they're not Eevee players
@BenBrocka Anarchy is restored through successful start9 spamming, yes.
ubisoft sale on steam... mmmmm.. Anyone played The Settlers 7?
Bird Jesus is a wreckingball
@SimonL Nope, only the pre-Ubisoft ones here.
@BenBrocka what level is BirdJesus now?<
@Fredy31 49
God damn the grind is real
Update: Bulbasaur is a SEED pokemon
This whole thing is starting to have its own damn weird convoluted language and it is really, really weird
@AshleyNunn Yes. I am totally over it at this point. The internet ruins everything.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I was never really into it, but now it is just...approaching strange new levels of obsession that make my brain hurt a little
@LessPop_MoreFizz I noticed the questions, but not the answers.
Dude needs to spend some time with like a wiki or a how to or something...though I thought the game explained some of this.
@AshleyNunn It explains all of it.
WoW does more handholding than any other game I've ever played.
Who the F is that guy
@Fredy31 An idiot who I suspect is not 13.
But can't prove it.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I thought so, from the bit of time I spent on it before the whole keyboard + mouse thing started driving me mad, and then I kinda got bored.
I remembered it telling me a lot of things, and that was even a few years ago.
Half his contributions are negatives... god damn
@AshleyNunn His duplicates of his own questions and constant THANK YOU!!!!!! comments are my favorite part.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I am not even sure why he asked it twice.
In any case.
@Fredy31 the fact that he has 50 rep is proof positive of the power of sympathy up votes. :(
I just find the whole thing confusing.
@AshleyNunn Because he was too dumb to understand the answer he got.
And/or he was too dumb to find his original question and he forgot the answer.
I think both are equally likely.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Oh bullshit. Some of his questions got edited into something reasonable. Nothing to do with magical sympathy upvotes.
@FAE Probably PS3 due to largest library and better PS+ benefits. But portable vs console is a big difference
@FEichinger Yes, but even as reasonable questions, they don't deserve the massive number of up votes they received. Even the 'good' questions are terrible by normal standards. (They're no longer incoherent, but they're still dumb and show no research effort or understanding of the subject matter, which are hallmarks of a good question.)
@LessPop_MoreFizz This.
I also love how we frequently get told "Be nice! It's a new user, help them and stop talking behind their back." when a user is contributing only nonsense, and now we have mods rattling about a user in public. Really fucking great.
@FEichinger Please don't conflate things I say with things other people have said in the past.
I am a unique and special and separate person from those other people.
You guys are now blue. Act the part.
Is it just me or has @FEichinger been a lot more confrontational recently?
@FEichinger Not saying it's a bad thing. Debate is healthy so long as it's civil, but whenever I come on the Bridge these days you seem to be in an argument with someone half the time.
@Yuki Nothing new, really. Frank has been getting on my nerves over time, and the election showed me some parts of the site that I could really have lived without. And, yeh, that's pretty much it.
@FEichinger That's understandable.
Because I thought the game told you all this stuff
@FEichinger I wasn't trying to be rude or anything, I am just for reals confused
Stupid website!
@Unionhawk Done.
Second day in a row it was not letting me log into the bridge from home
Wow, that was a TERRIBLE time for my net to fall apart.
@AshleyNunn I was talking less about you and more about LessPop, but the point still stands - can't tell the community not to go on about Guilo or the like when we have moderators doing the very same thing.
/me thumps TheBridge on the head.
Anywho, Thanks for all the help earlier guys that capability has been backseated for now :D
I.... think I'm under a tornado warning... O_O
I kinda agree with FEichinger - calling people dumb etc is a bit over the line IMO.
@Unionhawk Have fun! I just survived one. You're probably getting the same system now.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I love this game!
@Fluttershy From the creator of EnviroBear 2010!
Wait, I think I might be just outside the warning box. Technically.
I don't know where the shit I'm supposed to go in this building.
@Unionhawk Might be a good time to sort that out :)
This just won my best video of the night.
The warning box is to the northwest, I think
Yeah, it's off to the northwest. I think my living room is about as safe as I'm going to get without going out of my way to hide in the hallway of the ground floor, or something.
@LessPop_MoreFizz This game looks amazing. o_o
@Fluttershy Which, Envirobear?
@LessPop_MoreFizz This is the first I've heard of it, sadly.
Q: How can I clear the current command?

StrixVariaWhenever I perform any action that involves building or planning something, the act of left clicking changes its function (generally to mark that I am indeed building something in the said location). After I set one of those things, though, my cursor is still replaced with the new command. I don'...

Genius move:
@LessPop_MoreFizz I loved the Clerks animated series.
For those that don't get it: she set up shop outside a marijuana dispensary.
Sold 117 boxes in two hours, apparently.
@LessPop_MoreFizz This is the video I was watching! I must play this gaaaame.
@Fluttershy well it's free enviro-bear.com
@BenBrocka Just downloaded it. :3
TPP is about to faint.
@Fluttershy Dude in this video needs to learn to throw a fish or pinecone on the gas pedal and just steer.
@FEichinger they won the fight though
@BenBrocka Poisoned.
They're not getting out of this one.
yeah but not a wasted battle...they healed at the pokemon center right?
I'm not sure how the "last pokemon center" warp works
@Yuki I hate that they're just boosting their service in the markets where Fiber is there to compete, and not boosting it everywhere.
@BenBrocka Pretty sure they didn't.
@Wipqozn Boring!
I'm not even sure they have a new home pokemon center. Did they even enter it?
@StrixVaria Unfortunately, the FCC is pretty much in the pockets of the big cable companies so that kinda sucks.
All of this is moot because we're in Fuchsia city, home of the Safari Zone. We are at the end of the game.
And of course, democracy is winning because "hurr durr can't win without it" ...
TPP is over.
@Yuki Hate.
@StrixVaria Well, they were planning to cheat on the Safari Zone anyway.
@Yuki Dear TWC: Fuck you. <3 @Uni
@StrixVaria Hopefully I will see direct benefit of this soon.
@OrigamiRobot Hm?
@StrixVaria I live in Charlotte
Around here, the top internet plan is 100 megs, and it's approximately infinity dollars a month.
@OrigamiRobot I know that.
I've sent you real life mail.
@StrixVaria Google Fiber is looking into expanding into Charlotte.
@Fluttershy Ah, so that is public.
If only Google Fiber could come to Canada :(
I had to pretend not to know what you were talking about because I didn't know if everyone knew :P
They need to come to St. Louis, dammit. They're already in Kansas City. It wouldn't be that hard. :(
@StrixVaria Another reason for you to move down here.
@OrigamiRobot If only I could work remotely every day.
Anyway, I need to read. G'night, Bridge!
@StrixVaria Work for Microsoft with @IanPugsley
@OrigamiRobot ew
No offense @IanPugsley but you work for the enemy.
@StrixVaria So do I.
Microsoft is not the enemy.
Different enemy.
But, yeah.
Apple is the enemy - have you seen XCode IDE?
@SimonL Working for Google, Microsoft is kind of the enemy.
A little.
Fainted before they got democracy.
@fei is the enemy
dammit all the way back here
@BenBrocka Yep. 'cause they didn't enter the pokemon center and went straight for the gym instead.
eh, I like Google less and less every day and I like Microsoft more recently.
They got through that route pretty quickly the last time (given their recent track record), and now most of the trainers are done.
@SimonL I'm not going to try to convince you which one is better or whatever, just explaining why Microsoft is the enemy to me.
I think democracy is broken. I just saw the line on the other side of the threshhold.
@OrigamiRobot I would laugh if he disabled democracy but kept the bar and the voting to give the democrats false hope.
well didn't actually take them that long to get there, they'll probably have the badge before I get up tomorrow
@StrixVaria you guys need to get together and stop being enemies
@OrigamiRobot I think it needs to be fully past the dotted line.
@SimonL Not my call to make :P
@FEichinger It was.
@OrigamiRobot No, it was still half-way on the line.
I could see the dotted line on the left side of the solid line.
I mean, could you imagine how good a web browser would be if you took Chrome's... well thats a bad example just take Chrome over IE every day.
@FEichinger Now it is, but I saw it distinctly past the line. 100%.
There was white space between them.
Huh, interesting. Didn't see that.
I'm assuming the display was just inaccurate.
Either way, way too many people spamming democracy just because anarchy messed up. Well, guess what, that's the whole friggin point you idiots!
Now they're heading towards Cerulean.
They should pick up Fly while they're here.
That would be a way to get back to Fuchsia, too (albeit unreliable and possibly damning)
There are actually 3000 people working together purposefully just spamming the start button on that t witchplayspokemon stream.
@StrixVaria noooooooooooooooooooo
@StrixVaria Right, because navigating the pokemon list for Fly is such a good idea that's totally going to work. :P
Hopefully I wake up to the first new badge in like 5 days.
@StrixVaria Play Banished yet?
Or watched videos?
Oh, they got past the Tower? How did they handle Snorlax?
Alright, tornado system has officially passed, I think.
@Unionhawk oh good
@GraceNote ran
@AshleyNunn Do you see a flag on the site atm?
The counter is sitting at 1 no matter how much I refresh but I can't see it.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I see a counter, no actual flag
@BenBrocka ...from the Snorlax. They ran from the Snorlax.
@GraceNote Waaaaaaagh
@GraceNote yes
it was a valiant struggle
@LessPop_MoreFizz I see what it says to be a flag but... no flag.
@GraceNote Okay, good it's not just me. I'll leave you to harass whoever is appropriate as needed, if needed. I am going to bed.
I think I'll just pop into the employee room and shout "HELP! GHOST FLAG ON ARQADE"
@GraceNote This sounds like a perfectly cromulent course of action.
Apparently the ghost flag is due to caching.
Apparently the ghost flag everything is due to caching
That is the rule about Stack Exchange. I believe there might be a secret tooltip somewhere that says that, too.
... I see, we've had another star cleared. sigh
@FEichinger I'll clear your star.
I discovered Netflix has a show that is entirely about cute kittens and puppies being cute.
This has made today awesomer.
@FEichinger oh god...
@FEichinger SAVING.
@TrentHawkins Now take a second to think about how the anarchy/democracy split would be represented in demeanour.
3 mins ago, by Braiam
@FEichinger oh god...
@Braiam Precisely.
@FEichinger ahahaha
(Also, we're just four strips away from XKCD 1337.)
I think they're taking longer the second time
WANT! - and it's less than $20. Packed full of basic exact clones of all the old / popular NES games.
@TimPost Does it come with them? If so, is there a list?
So after being up for 29 hours, I crashed for 12 1/2. Now I feel oddly refreshed.
Almost like I could do it again.
Nooo dont do it
it will be bad for you
because eventually you will end up on a weird schedule of day/night
Or never sleep again.
Like me.
Which is going great for me.
No problems at all.
It's 7am, I'm awake, and the world is beautiful.

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