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Oh man such options!
@BenBrocka Well, it's not like anyone anywhere had a choice between TWC and Comcast.
Even in those markets where people have choices, it's never between those two. They have zero overlap.
I think there are literally 2 internet service providers around where I live. TWC and Cincinnati Bell.
Here there are a few, Bell, Rogers, TekSavvy, a couple other tiny ones
but really most people assume that Bell and Rogers are it, for, well, obvious reasons
And I ran the numbers, the TWC package is cheaper given the specifications I was given to search by.
Q: What is the difference between city-state markets?

OmegaI've begun playing with the markets in Realm Reborn. The active help says that all markets are connected, so items sold in one city-state can be purchased from another. So basically it's a global pool? And the only difference between markets is the tax fee paid depending on the city the item was...

> Reading this book won't help you win a colored belt or an Olympic fencing medal, but it may be invaluable if a knife-wielding thug ever comes crawling through your bedroom window one dark night.
And you happen to be carrying a sword*
@StrixVaria Well, why wouldn't you be carrying your trusty Personal Defense Katana at all times?
@Ullallulloo (cc: @Sterno)
@Lazers When did @StrixVaria get FFXIV?
@Fluttershy That's not @StrixVaria
Confused me too
I know. :P
3 hours ago, by StrixVaria
@LessPop_MoreFizz wat
14 mins ago, by LessPop_MoreFizz
@StrixVaria Well, why wouldn't you be carrying your trusty Personal Defense Katana at all times?
@LessPop_MoreFizz you need to learn of this:
@LessPop_MoreFizz I cant even.
@AshleyNunn She won a gold medal! She's allowed to dance!
@LessPop_MoreFizz Is it just me or are like all of the female olympians this year really cute
@GnomeSlice Well, considering that they are generally women between the ages of 16 and 30 who have devoted their entire lives to perfecting the capabilities of their bodies through intense physical training, that's... kind of unsurprising.
Yeah, actually, when you put it like that
I'd be more surprised if they were all horrifically ugly, tbqh.
Although being cute is more of a face thing
@LessPop_MoreFizz Which event was that?
Snowboard something, obviously.
I haven't been watching much this year.
@GnomeSlice Halfpipe happened today, so probably that
@LessPop_MoreFizz Dude, I would be totally dancing.
@GnomeSlice Doesn't stop them from showing photos of Lolo Jones in a skintight bodysuit at every opportunity.
I saw the women's moguls, and some figure skating
I love the way she just busts out.
@GnomeSlice Yes, I'm aware.
Having a name like "Lolo Jones" is a hell of a hurdle to overcome if you want to be taken seriously though, tbqh.
Heh. Hurdle.
@GnomeSlice idk, I call everyone cute when they are cute for whatever.
@AshleyNunn Different people use it differently I guess.
@GnomeSlice Then again, I am a weird judge of cuteness, because there aren't many people I can't find some sort of cute attractive bit of
Woah, my blizzard thing got another star?
When did that happen
also, why
I've basically spammed that link here lol
@Ktash It was starred when I got here.
So, a while.
yesterday, by Unionhawk
"Why did that get star--" "Because Bridge."
@LessPop_MoreFizz Misandry!
I love it
@LessPop_MoreFizz Something looks very wrong about the anatomy in this one
@GnomeSlice The anatomy looks fine. Her face on the other hand...
@LessPop_MoreFizz I dunno, her leg looks like somebody might have messed up with the photoshop. I mean I get that it's a low angle, and these women have huge leg muscles, but still, it looks kinda messed up somehow
maybe not
@GnomeSlice I think it's just the perspective.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Many of them have funny faces
And yeah, maybe a bit of awkward clone brushwork on the top of her thigh
@GnomeSlice You would too if a man was squeezing you and spinning you around in a leotard.
@WorldEngineer I think his face might be even odder in that particular situation
room topic changed to The Bridge: General gaming chat room, wherein we breathe air and celebrate the diamondification of three suckers [+rep-buddies-forever] [-context] [jin-fanclub] [lazers] [murder]
@GnomeSlice Fox News is not known for being either factual or left-wing
> First it was the Muppet's movie, remember they used an oil baron as the enemy.
@WorldEngineer Left what?
awww, simple english WP not oneboxing :(
Wait, wait.
Are they actually implying that political preference factors into actors chosen for a film
or something
what the fuck
@GnomeSlice This should not even surprised you even a little
I always thought the people railing on fox news were just haters
I've never actually watched it
this is terrible
@GnomeSlice haters? oh no. The railing is called "sanity".
@GnomeSlice You should never assume this.
I mean like its FOX, so it is partially crazy bunk, but people have used film in all sorts of ways, and choosing actors for reasons like that is totally a thing that has happened, will happen, and will likely happen again.
@AshleyNunn HI!
@AshleyNunn I like this idea. From now on I am going to link gnome to Simple.Wikipedia for this sort of thing.
it's owned by Rupert Murdoch. Anything owned by him tends toward the right and the sensationalist.
@spugsley Ello! :D
@AshleyNunn I managed another snow picture for today! :D
@spugsley YAAAAAAAAAAAAY share
TIL: I'm apparently a monster.
@DavidM Entirely possible! What did you do?
Well, my wife called me up to complain about a problem with an easy solution, and she got upset when I gave her an answer.
So, apparently I'm wrong.
@spugsley Nice!
@DavidM Jewish wife?
@DavidM :(
@WorldEngineer Of course.
then the Jackie Mason rule applies
I honestly don't know why we Jews bother to reproduce.
I got nothing.
@DavidM I don't know why anyone bothers to reproduce
I seriously get to the point where I'm ready to say, from now on, hold your phone to your ear, and talk. Just don't bother calling me.
It will save a step.
Before I get accused of misogyny, I want it to be clear that I'm a misanthrope, not a misogynist!
NAH MAN WHALES ARE REAL I SEEN ONE RT @SeaWorld Blackfish is propaganda. http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BgIcHPACcAAYfkt.png
@DavidM As long as you know your place ;)
art shows are stressful people
shows in general are stressful
@LessPop_MoreFizz Fuck the what is that about?
I still have a ticket quota to me so I can keep all my sales :/
that's been the hardest part
Blackfish is a 2013 documentary film directed by Gabriela Cowperthwaite. The film premiered at the 2013 Sundance Film Festival on January 19, 2013, and was picked up by Magnolia Pictures and CNN Films for wider release. Blackfish focuses on Tilikum, an orca held by SeaWorld, and the dangers of keeping the species in captivity. Synopsis The documentary focuses on the captivity of Tilikum, a killer whale involved in the deaths of three individuals, and the consequences of keeping killer whales in captivity. The coverage of Tilikum includes his capture in 1983 off the coast of Iceland, pu...
though I did order my business cards and prints yay! :D
@spugsley hug
well I enjoy an audience so there's that but still, I find the logistical bits terribly boring
@LessPop_MoreFizz Orca is good eating . . .
@spugsley Mostly because it's fun
@spugsley Who does your prints?
@spugsley Yay!
@DavidM I am with an online professional printer (I had to prove I was actually a professional before I could sign up)
they do good work :)
@spugsley MpixPro?
@DavidM yup :)
@spugsley I've been using Nation's Photo Lab. But, I've considered using MPIXPro. I have enough portfolio to satisfy them, but I don't do a lot of volume.
Do you let them color correct for you?
@DavidM I think the port will be enough. I seriously love them. I get my prints almost overnight. Though you do have to order at least 15 dollars worth every time through their ordering system
@DavidM no. I never let anyone color correct for me
I edit to a very specific tonal scheme. If anyone messes with it, it wouldn't feel like my work
@spugsley I do all of my own, too. But, I think I'm looking at it wrong. I think their color correction services are actually making the print match the sRGB thing you send them, not actually adjusting it . . .
Steam tags is a terrible idea
Yay! MT @avestal: Luxuria Superbia is a Garbage Casual Erotic Psychedelic Vagina Sex Beautiful Flower DOOM Clone. http://t.co/lqDiARYOMa
@DavidM I can't take that chance. Eventually I'll find a local printer who can proof my work first. I'd feel safer then
I'm not selling enough to do that currently though
@GnomeSlice It's also a simulation.
@LessPop_MoreFizz No it's not.
@spugsley I'm probably going to try it out next time. I've noticed too many of my prints come out dark despite my using their ICC profiles, etc. I think they can correct for this.
It's none of those things.
Although, erotic might be fitting.
I'll let you know how it goes.
@DavidM let me know how it works for you :)
@GnomeSlice I was referring to the tag list.
@GnomeSlice I dated a girl like that once . . .
I have heard the game is kinda vaginal in a really vague way.
But still. Those tags.
What a terrible idea, Valve.
@spugsley MPIX and Nations use the same ROES system.
@DavidM yeah. I think WHCC does too
@GnomeSlice how...does that work?
@spugsley Watch the video I just posted and see what you think.
@DavidM If we can use psychadelic to mean "batfuck crazy" then yes, I also have done this ;)
@GnomeSlice ummm....pass?
@spugsley I think what I'm going to do is send in a few photos, and let them color correct and see how they compare to what I'm seeing on-screen. Their ICC profiles are just not doing it for me
@AshleyNunn Yeah, ditto.
@spugsley Just do it.
@AshleyNunn Is there any other interpretation?
@DavidM trippy?
@DavidM Amen to that.
@DavidM now I'm worried my show prints are gonna come out wonky
@SaintWacko When referring to a woman . . . /missthejoke
@spugsley They will be amazing :D
@spugsley They won't. You've used them before.
@DavidM you're right :3
In fact, MPIX does that whole 8 photos for proofing so you can calibrate to them, and they don't have to listen to you bitch.
@DavidM I have had the best customer service with Mpix
I didn't know I had to crop beforehand when I first started using and they sent me the picture as it was shown on the website and I complained
@SaintWacko I still wonder why it worked on hte people that she kissed, and not like....on her
@spugsley Yeah, you're the second person who's told me about them being awesome.
the nice guy explained how to do it and they STILL sent me no prints at new charge overnighted
and I was like...you don't have to it was my mistake!
Nations has been good to me, too. But, I like the paper MPIX uses. They have a flat paper that is not a matte finish, and not glossy either. It's a Fuji product.
@DavidM I do like their paper
@spugsley Do they have Kodak's metallic paper?
If not, you have to use Nations and try it!
@DavidM idk if it's Kodak but they do have a metallic option. I've never looked in to it too much
she just bought a ticket to my show even though she can't be here because she is so supportive and wonderful and amazing and I LOVE HER TO PIECES
@spugsley Now you are makin' me blush, lovely lady.
@spugsley It's a really sweet paper. It has a silver metallic underlay instead of white. Makes things look very 3D. I've used it for 3 photo projects.
@AshleyNunn Now scalp the ticket.
@spugsley Where is your show?
@DavidM In Charlotte
@LessPop_MoreFizz Electronic guest list, apparently.
I just wanted to help, is all!
@AshleyNunn You's a sweetie.
@DavidM she really is
Hey if I get this job I have an interview for next week, money might be less of a problem!
And I just want my friends to have awesome stuff!
@AshleyNunn You deserve it!
@DavidM It's for like a pool and spa place, selling stuff, the hours don't suck and it would be full time. :D
Also, thank you :)
@spugsley Getting back to the metallic paper. It would go really well with the tonality of your work. It makes the reds pop especially! (IDK why?!?)
Metallic paper? curious
@AshleyNunn Working for a paycheck rarely sucks.
@DavidM Oooo that does sound fun. Is it very expensive?
@DavidM Amen to that
@spugsley Maybe 3x the print price. Not ridiculous.
@DavidM oh yeah that's not too bad
Unfortunately, they don't have a good example online.
@DavidM wow their prices are pretty good
Anyone know any good, dead simple, in browser text editors?
@Ktash address bar
@spugsley Yeah, not bad at all. But, they charge shipping on top. It's usually an additional $7
@DavidM yeah I try to catch free shipping promos when I order
@OrigamiRobot ??
thankfully for my show I ordered well over the min for free shipping so that was a plus
@spugsley Have you looked at the terms for Millers? (MPIXPro's parent company)
@Ktash The place you type in URLs
@DavidM yeah. They were too...fancy? for me. I don't know. I thought their prices were crazy high when MpixPro already has fantastic quality
@OrigamiRobot Yes, I've heard of it. Rumors and tales. What about it?
It's in your browser.
You can put text in there.
@spugsley Yeah, but they have a few products that are not available other places. But they will only service much larger accounts. They referred me to MPIXPro.
It doesn't really have very many features beyond that.
@DavidM ah ok. I don't think I ever got that far with them. I inquired about pricing and it just seemed a little high since I'm selling at such a small volume right now
I was up front that I don't make my living from photography, but I am not a snap shooter, either. They were very helpful customer service-wise
I'm looking more for something I would put into a website, so users can type and submit text to me...
well, that's good at least
@Ktash Well be more specific!
@Ktash <textarea>? It doesn't get much simpler than that
@murgatroid99 Well, was looking for a bit more than that :P
I think I'm just gonna go with CKEditor. Not the cleanest, but it works, right
@DavidM prettty
I did a print of that one on the metallic. It looked incredible.
oooo fancy
It's a 1954
I have a 1932 Rolleicord Art Deco, but I never did any photos of it.
I just got a whole box of vintage cameras for Christmas from my stepmom's dad. I need to take a picture of all of them
I collect TLRs. And, I develop the film myself.
Someone bring me some soup.
I am stranded
@DavidM I love the graininess of old film cameras. I use texture on my digital photos to get a similar look
@spugsley I do that with my B&W work.
You saw my NYC shots, right?
@DavidM yes :)
[One of my fav photos I took with the R-flex ](dropbox.com/s/b4bod2468a8t49z/Paris%20Rollei-001.jpg0)
@DavidM error :(
Hold please.
OK, it works now.
@DavidM so cool
It's hard for me to pick an all time favorite photo
@spugsley They're your children. That's not hard to understand.
@DavidM I feel so emotionally connected with them. Like I can feel how I felt in that exact moment; proud, frustrated, etc etc. Haha sometimes I feel like every new photo is my favorite
@spugsley That's good. It means you are expressing your soul in your photos. People would kill to be able to do that.
I think it's the reflectivity of the sign.
@DavidM I like the motion.
the people moving is really visually interesting
@spugsley Yeah! I hate the van, though. It was an odd shooting position. That was the only angle I could get.
well I believe I will try to sleep now
Ohhhhhhhhh . . . which pic did you choose for the flyer?
@DavidM oh!
a closer crop on this one
@spugsley Oh, cool!
@DavidM the lines and coloring worked really well for the design they had
I thought it was really indicative of my style :)
@spugsley It is!
Although, I still love the one in red leaning into the pond! Especially with a crop!
@DavidM me too :) it was a contender
and to bed I go now
@DavidM My brain is trying to take that out of context.
Go to bed!
I might be back
if I can't sleep
@AshleyNunn You and your brain meats! LOL
@DavidM lol its a scary place in there
Q: What are the times and medals for each Imperial Level?

user69178Sorry if this is the wrong format to post this in. I'm trying to find out what the Imperial resources costs and rewards are. If anybody can help me complete this table, it might be of use to somebody else? Interrogation Recon Droid, 10min, x2 Medals, 145 cost Armor Upgrade, 30min, x2 Medals, ...

Q: How good Bitoomba casino games for you?

user13428Bitoomba was established in early 2013, it is known for having a cryptocurrency online casino that accepts Bitcoin and Litecoin. Bitoomba uses a Bitoomba Software and runs an RNG for all games offered in the website. All transactions are clear and depositing and withdrawing are instant. With th...

Q: How do I defeat the Spider Woman on Samurai VS Zombies?

GuestI'm on about level 22 in Samurai VS Zombies Defense. I've restarted the game again once I got fed up with being stuck on the same level (yea i know) so this is why I'm asking this question in advance. You know that spider woman that appears somewhere in levels 39 - 45? Well, I remembered how har...

Q: Does the game have exit option in menu?

user69209After exiting the game it remains in cache memory. That's why I need to find the exit button.

@Arperum morning
Q: What are ways to train ones lasthitting skills

JutschgeSo I'm a high elo player and I only play Support since I can't really keep up with the farm in High elo. While I have 160 - 180 CS on average in 20 minutes my opponents are at around 180-220 and this is just a huge gold advantage which is pretty fatal in my elo. Now I've already tried farming in...

Q: FTB direwolf20 1.6.4 crashes when installing ICBM mod

elbaslitoI have been playing FTB Direwolf20 1.6.4 for a couple of months while adding mods to it, though it seems that when i added ICBM ftb crashes as it loads in the "MOJANG" screen. Also note that i saw in the crash something wrong with block of concrete, but I don't know how to fix that. Can someone h...

@Lazers wall of text
@5pike No, wall of error.
@Arperum wall of error text
@5pike Bah, I blame more then half asleepness.
@spyder \o
@spyder o/
Can I go back to bed?
@KevinvanderVelden No
@5pike well there go my plans for today
I'll guess I have to work then
@5pike Can I go back to bed?
@Arperum no, you have to play minecraft
I just used . as a string concatenation operator. I feel so dirty.
@fredley Why would you want to do that? Using php is awfull.
@KevinvanderVelden Wrong! I have to work. And stuff.
@fredley only thing worse than . as string concatenation is .. as string concatenation
@Arperum I'm using Python now, but last night I had to update a very old site that I made in PHP
In a time before I knew what a loop was
A time before I understood sessions
@fredley That sounds like a terrible time.
A time of $_POST
@fredley aah, that time was so much "fun"
@fredley Oh god, I can see the abominations.
@KevinvanderVelden if($_POST['var1'] == "False"){ ... } if($_POST['var2'] == "False"){ ... } etc...
@fredley kill it with refactoring? Pleaaaaase?
@KevinvanderVelden I want to, but what's there works, so why bother? I only have to touch it every few years, and usually that's just to add another if($_POST['var23']){ ... } block.
@KevinvanderVelden However it's exactly this kind of "if it ain't broke don't refactor it" approach that has vast amounts of bank software running in COBOL etc.
I think we're going in repeat territory here but: shudders
@KevinvanderVelden You could've quoted yourself there. You overactive person!
@Arperum hmm, plausible
But meh
meh I SAY!
35 secs ago, by Arperum
@KevinvanderVelden You could've quoted yourself there. You overactive person!
@5pike aah first comment:
> So what the guy is deaf big fucking deal

edit: didn't even bother to read don't even know why i'm up this late
If you don't know what he did - He coerced a guy to write music, by threatening that he would kill himself.
@RedRiderX I think I've got a way around deleting users on db reset!
@RedRiderX However, the db has been reset to allow this
@Frank Make that a two-man boycott. Double the effectiveness!
@Arperum I just see to it that EA doesn't get my money.
@5pike So that makes it three! Efficiency!
Q: How can I recover a disconnected Warcraft 3 multiplayer game?

michaelcWhen playing Warcraft 3 multiplayer maps, there exists the option to save the game. The caution is given that only the original players are able to rejoin the map. I have discovered that a map saved after a disconnect does not permit them to rejoin. The only solution obvious to me would be to ed...

@Arperum I feel dirty for playing/enjoying EA games, though.
@spyder Holy shit.
rm -rf will be the best counter-sniper weapon :D
@spyder for untrained snipers, yeah.
@spyder as opposed to what?
@KevinvanderVelden Android, obviously.
@MartinSojka I said opposed to, Android runs on linux
Mhh... I remember reading about a scope that uses android for tracking, or calculating...
> I am so childish behavior exhibit sympathetic
> google converter used
"Language" "good" and "google converter" should never be near each other.
He couldn't even get that right
> can look you in you
@5pike I like to take such translations and try to guess what the proper sentence in the original language would have been. Sadly, my Turkish is way too bad for this case.
Google translator gets some languages really well, and some languages very wrong
@MartinSojka How much punctuation is used in Turkish?
Because Google translate usually doesn't remove those.
@5pike About average, I'd guess.
@MartinSojka Same, my Turkish is nonexistent though.
@MartinSojka So, I guess that this person doesn't really do his mother tongue good either.
Snowman level: Canada.
@3ventic Google translator mostly gets the part wrong which is hard for humans as well: Dialogue. That's because of all the context that's missing from each individual "sentence" (or non-sentence; after all, "Very." is a valid line someone could use in English dialogue). Then you feed it languages which use this kind of "implied context doesn't need to be articulated or written down" stuff everywhere, like Japanese, and it gets hilarious.
Not that Bing translator or tools like Atlas have any more chances there ...
@KevinvanderVelden About time. Onwards to Advanced Ecological Engineering and Organic Superlubricant!
I should play more galactic civilizations II
Also, I should preorder Galactic Civilizations III
@KevinvanderVelden looks at to-play-list ... glares at minecraft
@Arperum hey! At least galciv III isn't actually out yet
@KevinvanderVelden But GalCiv II is somewhere on that list already.
@Arperum GalCiv II is pretty damn fun, also really old
@KevinvanderVelden age of a game is visible most of the time through the graphics. If the gameplay is good enough, I don't care about that.
Also: break! goes minecraft for a little bit
@Arperum age or graphics of a game shouldn't be a damning factor.
@Arperum you are meab
@5pike Exactly!

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