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@TZHX Well, you see I'd like to stick to free software with nice cool animations like that as I'm making a presentation about marketing executives. Thanks in advance ;)
user image
cc @Yuki
All the roads are closed again today
@TZHX What about this: powtoon.com I'll think, thanks anyway ;)
North of us they haven't had the plows on the road for three days
new link
Good morning, Bridge
morning Frank
@Lazers I'm pretty sure this is a, "Why did they design it that way?" question.
Jay Hanlon on January 29, 2014

If you can’t read the rest of this post, it’s because I’m not talking to you. Which is a little weird, since I can’t even read this without help from our Brazilian Community Manager, Gabe, who’s been kind enough to help me write this in Portuguese.

Depois de semanas em beta privado, nós temos o prazer de anunciar que hoje vai ao ar o nosso primeiro Stack Overflow internacional. E não se trata de um clone em português do site original, mas sim de uma comunidade completamente nova. Uma comunidade que vai poder decidir como ela quer ser, e como vai poder ajudar os desenvolvedores de língua portuguesa. …

Dear weather channel: Nobody cares that you're naming winter storms, stahp.
It's getting annoying.
@fredley Hey I heard that was in the pipe
Took a while though
@RedRiderX It's now out of the pipe!
Oh No! Snowpocanado!
3 hours ago, by The Stack Exchange Blog
Jay Hanlon on January 29, 2014

If you can’t read the rest of this post, it’s because I’m not talking to you. Which is a little weird, since I can’t even read this without help from our Brazilian Community Manager, Gabe, who’s been kind enough to help me write this in Portuguese.

Depois de semanas em beta privado, nós temos o prazer de anunciar que hoje vai ao ar o nosso primeiro Stack Overflow internacional. E não se trata de um clone em português do site original, mas sim de uma comunidade completamente nova. Uma comunidade que vai poder decidir como ela quer ser, e como vai poder ajudar os desenvolvedores de língua portuguesa. …

You are not alone!
@Unionhawk I just saw that on Reddit.
Also, I'm happy that I'm now cc'd on Frozen images.
I just saw it on Facebook... and am now scared that that person is potentially on reddit >_>
@Yuki Do you need more cc'ing?
@Unionhawk Entirely possible they got it from someone else who was on Reddit.
@Unionhawk Actually, that's just the song ending.
do you want to bleep a snowman?
@tombull89 :) yea, have seen it :)
@JasonBerkan Nope, it's actually lowering the volume at random. I turned it up, and a new song was playing.
@tombull89 I wanna stuff some <BLEEP> in my mouth!
@tombull89 People <BLEEP> better than reindeer...
@fredley :O
@Unionhawk Yeah
@Yuki they missed out Come on lets go and *bleep*
@fredley Heh, that's been around for a little while now
But yeah it's already like 80% of what LDD was back in the day
WebGL is da bomb
Do people still use LDD?
@Frank hope i met your expectations now
10 mins ago, by Frank
@Lazers I'm pretty sure this is a, "Why did they design it that way?" question.
I don't think we can really answer that.
@fredley Omigosh they have a full mobile version!
we can tell you what autoexec.cfg does... but beyond that, yeah, I tend to agree
Poached eggs are like the most delicious thing ever.
@Frank It got self answered.
@Frank it is not a question about design. maybe my english is way too bad but "why" could ask for the reason people use something too
@Arperum And I don't think it actually answers the question.
should i rephrase to "what are the advantages of using autoexec in steam games?"
@Wandang You want to know why Steam uses an autoexec.cfg; the answer is, "Because they designed it that way"
@Frank I agree on the off-topicness though. It does look like why did the dev code the game to use this file?
@Frank no i do not
@fredley FU
@Wandang Then you'll need to explain what you do want to know better, since that's what your question is currently asking.
the question is derived from my thought of "why do i see so many autoexec.cfgs"
but my english is just to bad :/
2 mins ago, by Wandang
should i rephrase to "what are the advantages of using autoexec in steam games?"
Or "Why do people use autoexec.cfg in steam games?"
Is autoexec.cfg a Steam file? If so, then the answer is, "Because Steam puts it there", which still seems like a design question.
instead of downvoting you could have commented on the question as "do you mean why valve designed it that way? then it is off topic"
@Frank come on frank...
I'm trying to figure out if there's something we can actually help with in there.
@Frank It's a file source engine uses
@Wandang "Because steam games (in particular Valve games (source engine specifically?)) use autoexec.cfg, which does <function>"</lazy>
i wanted to explain this for @3ventic
so i made an q &a post
@Blem :D
@3ventic Only source engine? Not every Steam game?
@Frank Yup. Source engine specific
i was not sure about that one since steam is an overlay
for example shift + tab opens steamchat etc
@3ventic See, that I think we can answer. As it stands, though, the question seems to be asking for every Steam game ever.
Well, it's for gold-source too
but the engines used by Valve anyway
There, much better.
@3ventic you need to help me out because frank has no clue what its about
@Yuki unfortunately the pacing of the joke works better "upside down"
@BenBrocka Yeah...
well i have no time for this at the moment. i guess i will get another -100 rep and later today when i want to fix it it is gone
@RedRiderX TIL Mobile chat sucks.
@3ventic Hmm...
That's strange
@Wandang If you want to reword this question more to, "What is this autoexec.cfg, and what does it do?", I think we got something we can answer.
@Yuki it is fine, it is just @RedRiderX that sucks
@Blem Wait, wait, wait. You're saying mobile chat is fine?
Did something break?
It's all alien green
You probably didn't change the color
Hmm okay
The default ones are "random"
Oh gosh now I need to think of good colours...
I use #aaa for names
and #ff8c00 for mods
Not the best
and I can't test the contrast as no mods are presently talking
@RedRiderX Well, vote for me and you can test it out!
@RedRiderX Oh lord the colors
@RedRiderX Quick, vote for me.
@BenBrocka ty
@RedRiderX Nono, vote for me
No, I think he's actually like "Oh lord the colors" - since he's a UX mod
The latest Eve war began...because of a missed payment. Wow.
Good afternoon, all.
@FAE Good morning
@Unionhawk That is also what I thought
@FAE Afternoon!
Hmm. Not convinced by dark.chat.SE
@Frank Eventually, an EVE war will be started because someone stubbed a toe.
Ugh it's hard to come up with a dark background colour pallete off the top of my head
@RedRiderX I'm going to take the soda dark colour scheme from sublime
@RedRiderX Can I make it purple?
@fredley Oh right
That flag was entertaining.
@RedRiderX not enough contrast
thanks for correcting me
yolo swag ho!
@StrixVaria This just in: Other rooms have stupid flags
next time i do not open question & answer combos on work
Had to resist the urge to mark that valid
so i have more time to phrase
@fredley I wouldn't want us to have a monopoly.
Story recap for Lightning Returns. In 16-bit.
Well, Math had (has? Iunno, give me like, a 4k bounty and then I'll know) a pretty good run on dumb flags,
Eh it'll work
@Frank wat
@Frank The game has a story? That's news to me
@5pike Convoluted and all over the place, but yes, it does.
@5pike pretty sure it's a dressup sim
@Frank Convoluted indeed. And buried deep within the in-game glossary.
@Yuki "Thanks Obama" is a weather forecast?
@Yuki That's missing Canada, which is even colder.
@Frank Canada doesn't exist in most Americans minds.
> Continental United States
> Missing Canada
My neighbour was on a business trip flight in the US and explained where he lived, using the descriptor "North of North Dakota". The woman beside him interjected - "Son, there ain't nothin' north of North Dakota."
@3ventic It's a pretty consistent Floridian forecast.
@5pike AKA par for the course for Squeenix
Oh hey, I've hit the limiter
@FAE This is a pretty neat video, though.
@Frank Well, if you want the US to have jurisdiction over Canada, by all means go ahead.
@Frank I actually want to finish FFXIII at some point, so I didn't watch it for fear of spoilers.
@FAE Fair enough.
@FAE Do yourself a favour and don't. It's painfully dumb.
@StrixVaria The car on fire is just hilarious.
@Yuki When people say, "It's cold", I automatically think they don't know what they're talking about.
Although North and South Dakota will have roughly the same weather as us.
@Yuki that caught my eye too, I must know how that happened
oh sry @3ventic i did mix up you and @Ullallulloo
@BenBrocka There was that video a while ago where someone's BMW caught on fire because they didn't have traction in the snow and just kept gunning it.
@FAE Watch it from 4:08, if you want the XIII-2 recap.
@BenBrocka Clearly the car had built-in temperature control.
It got too cold out, so it adjusted accordingly.
@BenBrocka You can back up PS3 saves to your PC using CMA, right?
I want to play more dota 2, but I can't stand the size of the hud :(
@FAE PS 3? I don't think so, content manager is for Vita
PS3 just backs up to an external HDD (or cloud saves)
@3ventic size does not matter
hats do
Q: When I click on the ? people in Tiny Death Star it changes to a number

user67959When I click on the ? people in Tiny Death Star it changes to a number. But on my wife's game she can take the ? people to any floor. Is this a glitch? Can I fix it?

@BenBrocka Ah okay. Friend of mine's brother's PS3 just died and he said it was something with the soldering and since the PS3's HDDs are encrypted to each individual console, he lost all his saves. I'm trying to figure out A-if that's a thing and B-if he's really screwed or if there's anything else he could do.
Or could have done.
@FAE Fat PS3?
@Frank Yeah, first-gen backwards compatible one.
@TimStone It's not fun when that happens with a truck.
Sadly, each hard drive is encrypted to it's own console.
It's completely unreadable by a PC.
You want that data, that PS3 has to be resurrected.
@Frank That's so dumb it hurts.
@3ventic The traction part, not fire.
@Sterno Welcome to Sony!
@Frank Damn... that sucks.
@FAE I'm stuck in the same boat.
My PS3 is totally dead.
I have a slim, is that different for those?

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