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ALso: Hi there full screen of @Lazers
@Arperum hi
@Arperum how ya doin?
@spyder I just got out of bed and already received a stupid mail that I have to respond to in a way that makes them think it was not the worst mail in history.
@Arperum stupid mails... Sometimes I do not get any mails for a whole day, and sometimes mails are falling each hour to my two inboxes.
Oh, so cute:
Morning @Arperum, @spyder
@5pike g'morning
@3ventic o/
Morning @KevinvanderVelden, @3ventic
Morning @3ventic, @KevinvanderVelden
morning people
@Blem Maidan?
@spyder title was "Star Wars in Ukraine"
I think that Ukraine must be divided to two parts – western and eastern.
People of eastern and western regions differ too much for peaceful life.
it has been going on for a while
last article i saw had estimated cost $300k
Q: Are the winter map files still accessible?

JutschgeMaybe some of you guys remember the winter map from league of legends that was released in 2012 or 2011 (and earlier, but that was an older model). Now I remember searching for special files when it was somehow easier to view the content of the game (around 2011) and I also found some Icons of It...

@Blem 8 trillion ISK == 200 000 USD
more or less
the article i saw to day had $284,000
@Blem The estimate had only one significant digit - not eight.
@JasonBerkan D:
@badp hi
@spyder Breaking!... 2 days ago...
I know :)
@spyder There was a disclaimer on one of those EVE posts
user image
EVE feels like MS Excel in space
I played about one month and uninstall it
@spyder Sounds riveting.
I got a 30 day free referral
@Blem I refuse to play any game with a subscription.
@Blem I mean, I understand that it's to keep the servers running, but the incentives change when making the game to get you hooked in and keep you paying your subscription.
@fredley The incentives for F2P games are much worse. Too many of those mostly just annoy the non-paying players until they pay or leave
@MadScientist I don't play those either!
@MadScientist I know one good F2P game – WoT
I started playing Hearthstone, and the F2P aspect doesn't bother me there. But most F2P games are just terrible in my opinion
PlanetSide 2 is pretty nice as well. The power-ups you get (which aren't all that overpowered; your FPS and MilSim skills are still way more important) are easily and quickly acquired just by playing.
@spyder tagpro is good F2P
@spyder WoT is (or was when I played it) heavily pay to win
@KevinvanderVelden why?
Q: Counter Strike 1.6 Configurations

JunzyWhy are User configs so important? I have seen lot of players on lan and general buzz on internet forums too as to what are the most optimal settings for counter strike 1.6. What is the difference between server "rates" and client "rates" ? Why is it so important to ensure all my settings are...

@spyder because for real money you could buy golden (I think?) ammunition which was waay better than regular ammunition
@KevinvanderVelden you can buy golden (HEAT, APCR) ammo for credits too
@spyder that's new then
Free-to-play games where the only thing you can buy are cosmetic things are the best.
@KevinvanderVelden and APCR and HEAT has some disadvantages (HEAT is weak against armor skirts, APCR loses penetration at long ranges)
@3ventic Like Path of Exile.
The only non-cosmetic things you can buy are extra characters and extra storage, and you get ~20+ character slots to begin with. And enough space if you don't start hoarding like a madmen.
Q: What's the formula for merchant price?

NiteCyperUsually, merchants do not sell things at the price that you buy them. How are these inflated prices calculated?

@Arperum wait wait wait, you can play games and not hoard everything ever?
@KevinvanderVelden Some people can do that. I can't.
I've never been able to sell anything from "unique" quality or the like. Except in Sacred 2 I ended up selling a couple really crappy low level unique rings because I owned them 10+ times.
Aah, always fun, "Unique" items you have duplicates off
And due to some bug in the game they kept dropping like nothing with every new character you made... It was basically Make new char -> do a couple quests ->goddammit, more of this stupid rings.
Because you'd normally get a set item every so often you completed a quest, but the frequency was way too high, even after they tuned it down a lot. And before lvl 15 there were no set items, so it dropped random uniques, and the list of really low level uniques was pretty much limited to a couple stupid rings.
@spyder Do want.
user image
just wanted to share that here
@Blem Animated gifs are murder.
@KevinvanderVelden Hoarding in a game with a carry weight limit is the worst. I usually end up armed to the teeth but slow as a snail.
The avatar fits pretty well
@5pike Welcome to the club. I've learned to throw the stuff worth least out in skyrim.
@5pike ... and that's why when I play Oblivion with any character, I make it a point to get Umbra ASAP (so around level 2 or 3). Weightless end-game sword with near the maximum damage of any melee weapon which can steal souls? Yes, please.
I have windows taskbar on top of my fullscreen game..
@3ventic I have no game.
That game is running in fullscreen..
@Arperum Never had much problem with TES games (regarding the weight limit), but as soon as there are guns - my inventory is full with at least one of each.
Played STALKER recently - ended up carrying 2 pistols, 1 smg, 2 assault rifles, 1 sniper rifle, 1 lmg and ~20 grenades.
@KevinvanderVelden random metal of the day.
Also: random clip.
@spyder oh my god, that lambda example looks awful.
@badp it's C++11, just be happy it has lambdas =p
@KevinvanderVelden The second line also makes me cringe.
What is the end pointer for?
@KevinvanderVelden I won't be happy until they have closures.
@badp it loops through the iterable v and counts how many fit the lambda (i.e. how many values are 42)
@KevinvanderVelden Yes, but what is the end pointer for?
Why do you need an end point to iterate over v?
@badp So count_if knows when to stop.
@badp cause C++ std iterators require a stop point
What @MartinSojka said
@KevinvanderVelden Why?!
@badp it has advantages (you can also stop partway through a iterable) but I don't know why there isn't an implicit end argument
@badp start counting. tell me when you run out of numbers
@MattЭллен Hah, what if I want to do that?
@badp then you give it an end point that doesn't end
@badp ... I don't know
a basic loop is for ( it = start; it != end; it++ ) If end never equals it then your golden
@badp Then you picked the wrong language. Try something like R.
@KevinvanderVelden but why doesn't a self-respecting iterator interface have a builtin way to say "okay I am done emitting values"?!
@badp because it's templating magic and not a build in feature of the language (it's a builtin feature of the standard library though)
@badp Maybe because he has no self respect?
Why would unsorted data structures like hashtables even have a .begin or .end members?
bah, nevermind me.
@badp we never do, don't worry
You never nevermind me? Awww, that's so sweet.
@badp you wish
@KevinvanderVelden How are your chances of not failing that driving exam in a couple days?
@Arperum good, I hope
@KevinvanderVelden I just wanted to remind you that there is a Van Canto gig on stake :p
@Arperum I know! :D
I've already arranged for me to borrow the car so I just need to get the bloody piece of paper plastic
Jay Hanlon on January 29, 2014

If you can’t read the rest of this post, it’s because I’m not talking to you. Which is a little weird, since I can’t even read this without help from our Brazilian Community Manager, Gabe, who’s been kind enough to help me write this in Portuguese.

Depois de semanas em beta privado, nós temos o prazer de anunciar que hoje vai ao ar o nosso primeiro Stack Overflow internacional. E não se trata de um clone em português do site original, mas sim de uma comunidade completamente nova. Uma comunidade que vai poder decidir como ela quer ser, e como vai poder ajudar os desenvolvedores de língua portuguesa. …

@TheStackExchangeBlog D:
Q: I can't recover my Borderlands 2 saved game

user67945I have made a Xbox live account, and it has somehow meant that my game in Borderlands 2 has has been removed?? It has changed my profile name automatically. And know when I go into the game my rank is back to one. When I look into my system folder my game is still there, on level 31, but I can'...

> Build you a website just for developers who speak Portuguese no longer need to use English to learn new things!)
Yesss, just what the world needed. Next up, let's translate the Python API and keywords to French or something.
Let's just translate everything so that when the next generation tries to communicate with each other, they can't, because they only know their own language
déf vider(fôo):
  pour clé en fôo:
    barrez fôo[clé]
Let's just all talk dutch for the rest of the day
Goed plan toch @FAE @Arperum?
@badp I don't think those are words in any language
(It's been a while since I've last been in Amsterdam)
@badp both en (and) and betalen (to pay) are words! Good job
@KevinvanderVelden The important words stuck.
So: betalen, prijs lijst, gefeliciteerd...
@badp important words indeed =p Also mustn't forget "Waar is de wc?"
@KevinvanderVelden Usually signs are there for that. Also, English.
@badp jeah, english is a safe bet in holland, I think like, 90%+ of people speak it
(Or well, of currently working people at least)
Oh, even 80yo's in Amstelveen speak English well enough
That's the beauty of languages: you don't have to have perfect understanding to make out meaning from them
@badp true, but it's not 90%. Still pretty high though
My grandparents would certainly be completely lost if you try talking in English to them
Q: how to get 100 fps in cs 1.6

user1402536I am cs1.6 steam user. I am trying to get 100 fps in my system.I have checked numerous sites to increase the fps .But non of them were helpful.Please suggest me some idea.currently i am getting 40-60 fps but in game it drops to 20 fps. My current system conifg is -: system-ibm thinkpad Proce...

@Lazers hey! It's not a terribad minecraft question. That's something I guess
@Arperum uugh, I'm just glad paypal doesn't have my creditcard data
Mostly cause I don't actually have a creditcard
I don't see a problem with people having localised communities for learning of CS topics. Making sure they speak multiple languages should be done way before that anyway, ideally by their parents in the first years of their life.
Q: Dead Space 3 Crashes Upon Load

JBurnhamEvery time I try to load dead space 3 on my pc, the game will start, the screen goes black etc. But after about 2-3 seconds of loading, the game instantly crashes. I have searched around for a solution for quite a while but cant seem to find anything, I've tried reinstalling multiple times withou...

@Arperum I have only heard bad things about GoDaddy
> The thing is, GoDaddy allowed him to keep trying until he nailed it. Insane.
Q: Can me and my friend play minecraft together?

Asking12345678910I'm wondering if i could play minecraft with my friend..A modded minecraft only me with mods and him without mods.Is it possible?

Ok, well, time to get me some Domain names
fuck, they plugged the nofollow hole.
@Lazers ... Just ... what?
Like ... what?!
Everything is terrible.
@badp everything is spiders
@KevinvanderVelden Everything is everything
@Lazers I should answer mostly-crappy questions more often, I got 40 rep in 6 minutes from this one
can i overclock refresh rates — user1402536 3 mins ago
mind asplodes
@tombull89 yeah, just. No.
@tombull89 "I suck at the game and now I blame low FPS" ... Yeh ... Just ... no.
Some displays seem to be able to adapt to the input, but they have a set max value too
@3ventic that's just the videocard outputting the same image again if it doesn't have a new one
Or probably the other way around (just keep displaying the same image until you have a new one)
> .BTW when my system was new it was great 100fps constant.. i was feeling like pro ... now i feel like noobest
I mean, my monitor says it switches to 30Hz mode if I select 1920x1080x30Hz from game settings
Does he men, when his thinkpad was new?
i was feeling like pro
when my system was new
i was feeling
like pro
when my system
was new
now I feel
This thinkpad
like noobest
Ever reaching 100 fps
@5pike like noobest.
@Arperum The NOPEST
@5pike ME PRO MUCH system noobest
Just to double check: I'm not in a 4chan chat room, right?
@MartinSojka You would have seen way more dicks...
@MartinSojka Are those things that exist?
@MartinSojka not enough f-words to be 4chan.
@MartinSojka I bloody well hope not, otherwise I'm just gonna run away now
@MartinSojka Just pinging you.
@kev is a noob
@Arperum Why, thank you sir.
All the pings to Martin Sojka!
@Wandang I am not, I am awesome
@MartinSojka At least I got a reply! bows
@3ventic if you are editing my posts. please correct my bad english
i was in a hurry writing this at work :/
I was using my fancy new ability to make tag-only edits inline
I don't currently have the time for a thorough look at the posts
@3ventic yeah you do. you are in chat
you pinged me here :p
All the new pings to @3ventic!
Q: Why is an autoexec.cfg used in Steam games?

WandangI see a lot of configurations for Steam games (specifically valve games) and i wonder why it is used instead of the config.cfg that is already in the game folder of each Steam game.

bye for now!
Q: 1.7.4 minecraft launcher problem

juderay1i go onto minecraft and this comes up Bootstrap (v5) Current time is Jan 29, 2014 4:22:39 PM System.getProperty('os.name') == 'Windows 7' System.getProperty('os.version') == '6.1' System.getProperty('os.arch') == 'x86' System.getProperty('java.version') == '1.7.0_45' System.getProperty('java.ven...

@Lazers jeah! We haven't had any of those yet today
@Blem you should do that, reverse image search was failing
it is T-shirts
@Lazers someone voted this up...
that's what I thought.
@TZHX well I downvoted it so the world is safe again
Praise the maker.
Q: How to increase merchanidising revenue in Football Manager 2014?

MasterFI'm playing a game with Steaua Bucharest and my eventual goal is to win the UEFA Champions League. The problem is that I really need to increase my revenues in order to afford the top quality players. Currently, my merchandising revenue is pretty low (around 150k euro per month if I remember corr...

@TZHX All hail the Flying Spaghetti Monster!
@Blem Flagged for blasphemy.
Penne Paste Pantheon f.t.w.
@TZHX pew pew pew?
@TZHX He boiled for your sins!
Q: minecraft error upon launch

1233asdwhen i open minecraft it says:(Title)There Was An Fatal Error starting up minecraft and FML. (under title): Minecraft can't launch in it's current configuration. Please Consult the file (blah blah blah blah) for further information.The file i have to consult's info: mediafire txt file link:(sorry...

@Lazers I like how 90% of these questions are related to being unable to download the files
I like how minecraft technical support questions are 99% crap.
@TZHX oh c'mon
@Lazers Yay!
Easily a 100%
I wanted to leave some room in case there was one I'd not seen that actually had some relevance outside of new-user-of-the-day-7.
@TZHX Good Minecraft technical support questions are mostly stuff for GameDev.SE.
@MartinSojka no, we don't support that there
Yeah, the reading the log is something GDSE could do, but it's still off topic
reading the log is something the user should do.
@KevinvanderVelden Mod development is GameDev.SE territory, so technical questions like "How can I add a new horse armour?" would be still there.
@MartinSojka uuh yeah, but I don't see that falling under the category technical support question
I see that falling under the category... mod dev question
(The answer is "By throwing away Minecraft's horse code and making your own", by the way)
And rather than horses, make them ponies. With magic and wings.
Most of technical support that people need for Minecraft that I see deals with mods and their incompatibilities and how to make Minecraft do stuff (granted, I might be hanging out too much in #minecraftforge and #mcp on IRC ...)
@MartinSojka well jeah, it's mojang. That's the answer to anything modding related in minecraft
Cause hardcoding is fun y'all!
And it's not like there is a giant modding community for this tiny game that sold 5 and a half copies
if you're making a game, I think hardcoding stuff could make sense for efficiency. I think for a lot of people, though, minecraft isn't the game that mojang make.
@TZHX hardcoding is more efficient than datadriven code. However this is not performance oriented code, this is equipping horse armor, setting the model variable and increasing the health. Efficiency is not a concern in here while maintainability and dependability is.
So the only reason to hardcode this (IMO) is if you are creating a prototype, not for the actual proper release code!
@TZHX If variable dereferenciation costs worry you, you are probably worrying about the wrong thing. Unless profiling tells you otherwise!
It's more time-consuming to design and implement something to be extensible, than to write something once and not worry about it again.
@TZHX That's not what I think when I think "hardcoded"
Q: Counter Strike 1.6 CPL_Flash

KUSHI know that the CPL_Flash thingy pops up when i have slow internet, But i dont, I don't know why it keeps doing it, i tried updating it and shit, but try downloading a new one, But it still pops up. If there is a solution please tell me.

oh. and sorry for the txt again. sorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry. — 1233asd 1 min ago
@Lazers They tried downloading a new internet?
I want a new internet
It doesn't have the character of the old one, though.
Do all the cats seems slightly too artificial?
and grumpy.
Hmmm. Maybe I'll stick with the old one, then. Cthulu never let me up.
@TZHX SE doesn't let low-rep users post too many links. If the log they try to post contains too many link-ish things, it won't let the edit through. Hence, the user tried uploading a *.txt ...
OK, so I literally facedesked myself a headache.
How stupid can you be?
Q: Do I have to land ships that contains parts I will not have access to, before updating addon?

MołotI'm playing career mode. I have 2 mini-stations at Mun and Minmus. But they contains parts from an add-on that did not have any technology tree entries and I added them as I felt right. Now there is semi-official mod to that add-on, that puts items in tech tree, so I no longer need a custom techn...

@FEichinger wat
But actually, wtf?
Just checking, but FTB_cracked_1.2.7.jar isn't the name for legit lib of feed-the-beast with minecraft, is it?
@TZHX I think it might be
@TZHX Pretty sure it isn't no.
I was wondering whether any of you know how to create a video like animations like this: youtube.com/watch?v=FSyAehMdpyI
It will take a long time with Blender and Microsoft Office Powerpoint certainly can't do that... So what software?
Thanks ;)
could be after effects or premiere or something like that?
@TZHX That is a negative. Doesn't look like it.
doesn't seem particularly complex
unless there's a small segment of it you were focussed on, Tim?

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