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Back in the day when you had to dial a friend directly to play a FPS deathmatch with him
Whee, SQL query is running for ~1-2 hours now. Now we wait.
If it takes 2 hours, you're querying wrong.
@Sterno could be just data-basing wrong in general
Lack of indexes, not an appropriate layout for the type of querry
or just generally doing everything wrong? Who knows!
@KevinvanderVelden Oh you mean this extremely denormalized database is bad? I know. I just haven't been given time to fix the webapp to make use of the normalised version I made already.
@Arperum I was talking to sterno, I'm aware of what your predecessor dropped on you =p
@Unionhawk This. So much this. And the query got a lot better then when I started working on the goddamn thing. It took ~6 hours or so back then.
@Arperum well... if your queries are taking 2 hours, there's a case to be made that that time is better spent fixing the database
> The gameplay is heavily influenced by the Hong Kong action cinema genre, particularly the work of director John Woo, and it was the first game to feature the bullet time effect popularized by The Matrix
@Sconibulus I know I've told them repeatedly, but I can't fix everything in a couple seconds. And I'm not going to do any more unpaid overtime.
I didn't like Max Payne all that much.
@OrigamiRobot It was basically F5 - the game
But I liked it
I'm just not crazy about 3rd person shooters in general, but Max Payne's story basically had me cringing the whole time.
@Arperum as opposed to?
@Arperum explosions
@kalina Your... not-killing flags?
preposterous, there's no such thing
I got a bunch of random upvotes today, already.
Woohoo, 30 free rep.
@kalina duplicate flags don't necessary kill.
yawn Morning.
I... don't duplicate flag, I have close votes for that...
^ Yep
I didn't even know there was a dupe flag.
There is for < 3k
I had a dream that the elections were over and Ronnie won
Yeah but... psh... less than 3k
@GnomeSlice That wasn't a dream.
And if I made you double check, then MISSION ACCOMPLISHED
I would give you a 500 rep bounty to get you over 3k, but I'm so close to catching @badp
I need 400 something more rep to get to close votes. I'll get there eventually.
One of these days somebody is going to confiscate my rep.
@Arperum only 13 upvotes remaining (barring the inevitable downvotes)!
Because that's totally something that happens
@GnomeSlice can I confiscate your rep? I'd just need 7k or so
@KevinvanderVelden 13 upvotes != 400 rep
@kalina I was talking about myself
I'm at 2877 or so
I hit 3k like a month ago!
@KevinvanderVelden I was confused there for a second.
and haven't asked any questions or answered anything since then...
@kalina It would only take you three days to get back there. That's almost nothing!
@Sconibulus that's basically my problem to, I've got, 5 questions in 3 years now?
4 in 3 and a half year even!
you can do it all with answers
I have 10 in 10 months
it's not like you need to ask a question
I don't play enough games
Well that sounds like a personal problem
I have ~100 upvotes from two answers, and 7 of these didn't count because over the repcap. Those are like 1/3 of my rep or something.
@kalina yeah, but that would require me not to get ninja-ed (and also a question I can answer)
...those must be really good answers
And the only times I don't get ninja-ed are when I ninja @Arperum
Honestly, you just need a question you can answer with a really good title (thanks again @GnomeSlice for my top voted answer, I couldn't have done it without you)
@Sconibulus One of them was basically pulled from the sourcecode of Candy box, the other one is about some simple trick in minecraft for digging down. I thought it was globbally known, I was wrong it seems.
@Unionhawk My top voted answer is on a question ...
And then add some layout + screenshots. I just got lucky.
I must be doing something wrong...
And don't worry too much about being ninja'd, just make your answer better than everyone else's and you're good
Hmm can you select and move more then one app at once on android?
@FEichinger The one is getting up there for me.
@KevinvanderVelden I was going to mention something like that.
Anyway, gtg again.
Because I just decided a want to change the layouts of my home screens but now I need to move all these icons
Later, folks.
@RedRiderX I don't think so.
It's been a while since I've used the default launcher, but I don't think that's a thing you can do.
Maybe I'll put them all in a folder and move the folder
I still have a little bit of research to do and then I can post a rather large question and answer. Most of the work I still have to do is make a shit-ton of screenshots and write up the answer.
@Arperum well, it wouldn't be fair not to INB4 you
Now I have eleven questions, a different CKII question made me realize that I had no idea what I was doing!
@Unionhawk doesn't really need a good title, high quality will get you votes anyway
@kalina True enough.
Well, high quality on a question people care about (spoiler alert: answers give me no love at all)
pff minecraft
my top tag is steam
Yeah, it's just... frustrating that the really quick answers I do for that stupid game get 20 votes, and a problem that I take upon myself as a challenge and hash out for 3 hours gets 1.
@Unionhawk Welcome to the lowest common denominator.
Q: How do I determine a good Babysitter?

SconibulusHow can I ensure that my children are receiving an education befitting their noble birth? I've ended up trying a number of different things, from educating them myself, (which is only allowed sometimes, apparently) to giving them to a learned scholar, to giving them to someone with balanced, mode...

Like, one of my top answers is based on me knowing that Minecraft isn't advanced enough to have villagers that build their villages, instead of living in procedurally-generated villages, as they do.
That answer took me probably 2 minutes, all typing.
Hmm what Twitter app should I use for Android?
Or should I just keep using the website?
I use the stock app, personally
Not very often, mind you
You mean the official Twitter one?
It just wasn't stock on my device
I don't think it was for me either, but I mean the app called "Twitter".
None of the "Twitsuite" crap, or whatever the hell
@RedRiderX Tweedle.
Yeah, use something else if someone else recommends something else. I don't use it often enough to care.
@RedRiderX And if you want a homescreen twitter widget, use Falcon.
Tweedle is especially nice if you have multiple accounts.
Seriously, out of balance there.
Hmm okay
@Arperum Heh.
Heck, even WoW is in my top-tags... And I never even played the game >_<
It all comes down to views. I disagree that high quality immediately means high votes. High quality+common question=votes
@Unionhawk High popularity means high votes.
I don't think 'High quality' really comes into it.
I mean, a little.
A: Do Blasts Pass Through Obsidian?

GnomeSliceI LIVED. Based on this, it appears that yes, obsidian 'blocks' the effects of explosions. My health meter flashed, and my character said Oof! a bunch of times, but no damage was taken.

This answer is not that good
More like, comparative quality to other answers.
Oh ugh this stock twitter widget is bad
Also that question/answer doesn't count, it's on the memes page :P
@GnomeSlice but it was funny, and stack exchange is still a popularity contest
@RedRiderX twitter itself is garbage. what do you expect :P
@Wandang Why do you say that?
because i am to old for social networking
i used facebook a few month but it was only good for meetings
@RedRiderX Try Tweedle
@GnomeSlice This Falcon Widget is pretty snazzy
everything else was a stream of... quotes from philosophers which i hardly doubt the poster even understands and colorful pictures of memes and food ಠ_ಠ
@Wandang Eh I don't really do Facebook either.
@RedRiderX what do you do with twitter then
@Wandang Well, it is social networking, you get out what you put in. :P
my picture of it is that there a 2 groups
But yeah there are communities and preexisting conceptions of what each network is for
@Wandang I follow people I think are smart and that I'd like to learn from
first: following all celebs and just reading a celebs feed and retweeting stuff. akward and boring.
second: following each other (friends) that commentate on each posts they make
which is akward too because why do i need to do that 24/7
It's a chance to interact with them as well (I'd like to think, anway).
@RedRiderX that contradicts twitters 140 char limit
Meh..I use twitter as a form of newsfeed
do those guys not have a blog where they post quality articles instead?
@5pike Yes it can be very this
@5pike aa. i bleed when i hear that
google wants to integrate social searching in their search engine
maybe my "network" was too dumb. but i do not want to get search results recommended by them ಠ_ಠ
@Wandang Yes, but I realize there is a bit of a shift happening from following ALL THE RSS to letting your friends and people you trust help aggregate the content you should be looking at.
@Wandang Ah well there's the rub
i tried twitter 4 times
got banned every time after 3 minutes
And there is definitely still a place for dedicated sources and sites that you trust.
I'm just not sure how to bring them together yet.
I'm trying out flipboard, so maybe that'll work out.
i like news aggregation but i am sticking to big papers from journalists for now
yeah i use that
but without facebook as a source :D
i need to watch a tutorial on twitter
@Wandang Step 1: be famous
how to not get banned
@Wandang Well it might be the same list as how to not get banned here TBQH
Did you read the content policy for Twitter?
Not to be late to the conversation: I actually do NOT have a Facebook page. I've made the conscious decision that I didn't want one.
Q: Does length of answer necessarily denote low quality?

David MI'm almost certain I'm missing this when I'm searching meta. But, I can't quite find the answer, so I'm posting my question. I've seen a lot of "Low Quality" tags on answers that are short. Typically, these are questions that can easily be answered in a yes/no fashion. I can't think of a rece...

no i figured if pornstars are allowed to post nasty pics
i am allowed to follow them (because my imagination of following anything on twitter are quite limited)
@SepiaLazers It's about time you posted my question!!!!!
but apperently if you follow pornstars you get autobanned
@DavidM Same for me until I had to make one for a work thing
But there is zero stuff on there
@RedRiderX That's different. That's the Man making you have one.
@DavidM Yes quite :P
@AbbyT looks like a fun person and why does @Jin not have an mouse over effect?
@RedRiderX I would politely refuse.
I have a Twitter acct. But, I so rarely check it.
@Blem amanda is hot
joel is in SE
the guy from fogbugz
@Blem @Grace's is the bestest.
@OrigamiRobot Well it was really necessary to have permission for a work FB page and stuff.
Windows Explorer just freaked out because I was trying to upload too much through too many windows.
And I didn't have to actually use FB or give away my login or anything awful like that
@Wandang Checking one at random, Evan Stone has 12k+ followers, and when I check them, most seem to not be banned.
@Jin should have eyeball lazers on mouseover
Q: Saints Row 3 - stuck in takeover

RexI've barely begun the PC version of Saints Row the Third - and I simply cannot get past this part where I have to get rid of a gang operation comprising a huge bunch of crooks in an open park area, but wave after fucking wave of gangsters and helicopter mounted snipers keep spawning and I get kil...

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