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@fredley yup. And meds. And I'll admit the meds helped a lot but I was gaining weight so I stopped.
@spugsley Aw. I had (have?) insomnia, CBT was awesome for that.
@fredley yup :)
@badp It's spaghetti time
I have my knife and fork at the ready
@fredley MURDERER
hide your kittens
@fredley hope you feel better :(
@fredley the knife is to cut your bread in pieces for the scarpetta, right?
like you're so weak you can't break it with your hands.
@badp The knife is for bi (or even tri!)-secting the spaghetti
(scarpetta is when, after you're done eating pasta but there is still sauce in your plate, you pick the sauce up with bread. A no-no in terms of manners, but...)
@fredley the kittens are on your soul, not mine
@Braiam yep! all of their games forever, afaik.
I'm supposed to be going for dinner with a client in a little bit (freelance work), but I have yet to get an address of where I'm supposed to be.
now, who wants to come to the dark side :)
@Frank don't get axe-murdered
@Braiam I don't think the offer is valid for newer Debian developers :P
@spugsley I know the client; she's the one who owns that little anime shop I frequent so often.
if I'm in the debian keyring... yeah >:)
I forwarded the email to my manager, who's eligible. Maybe he doesn't care :P
@Braiam oh ok :)
@Braiam now to remember the passphrase for your private key :P
confuse @badp so he forget again D:
@Braiam I went dangerously close a few days ago
@Frank is it a driving position? maybe they want to test how fast you can get there!!
@badp Yes. Because I'm known for my mad drifting and lawbreaking skillz.
To be fair, though, I could probably drift right now without trying; it's almost blizzard conditions out there.
@Braiam I do this all the time!
@Braiam problem: sometimes your GPS likes to take you to street X in city Y when you asked to go to street X in city Z
(yes, it happened to me; yes, I had non-relatives on board; yes, we arrived one hour late)
that only happens to you @badp
@badp My GPS thinks I'm in New Jersey a lot. I live in NC :/
yesterday, by badp
Protip: agree at the moderator until he confuses
Don't you just hate it when everything that could go wrong goes wrong at the same exact time..?
@3ventic What happened?
Someone hacked my game server and people are yelling downstairs about who knows what...
That's not good.
Nope. Luckily it was only the game server
Quick to fix but all the players start jumping at you for the unexpected downtime of a few minutes
@3ventic And now immagine this on the scale of a popular MMO - oh god.
Yeah no thanks
150 people is already more than enough.
call client to get an address. She picks up and says she's texting me the address that second.
@TrentHawkins ...or GMail :P
Q: Different mark on Dauds hand?

JoshIn Knife of Dunwall when using Void Gaze and looking towards a Rune or Bone Charm, what is the symbol on Dauds hand, and why is it different from the Outsiders mark?

Does this look good enough to use as my profile photo on like my portfolio and stuff.
I have a friend who I'm planning on getting to do a studio set, but not for a while.
@GnomeSlice I think you might want to have a more neutral background.
Plot twist: that's actually a picture of @badp
Fuck it, it's better than my stupid brain head guy.
I'd like to say I've had the balls to put my avatar in my resume, but I can't.
my thing ^
Whatever, I just cropped it.
I could slip my avatar in pretty discreetly if I wanted.
Oh my.
@GnomeSlice Looks good.
@GnomeSlice Do you have a fancier camera around?
Having a nice mugshot is always handy.
Yeah, somewhere, but I suck at photography.
I have a friend who's into it, gonna get her to do some nice shots for me.
Ah well that should be nice.
@GnomeSlice dis is you? :3
@spugsley ye
@GnomeSlice you has a very nice face :3
er, thanks.
@GnomeSlice now appears to be confused as well as @badp, it seems to be spreading
@GnomeSlice you look so much less 8-bit than your avatar led me to believe.
I've posted pictures of myself in here before.
@Ullallulloo the question title and content does not even match.
@Ullallulloo Oh my bad you edited it :P
@M'vy I tried to edit it to explain what he meant.
Not sure it salvageable.
If someone has the game, they could probably answer saying that it isn't possible if that's the case.
@GnomeSlice You have any experience with IndieGala?
@Fluttershy Yes.
@GnomeSlice On average, how long does it take for them to send you your keys?
@Fluttershy Did you buy a bundle, or something from the galastore?
@GnomeSlice Yeah.
@Fluttershy ...which one?
@GnomeSlice Oh. The former.
Usually right away.
well I'm off to go stay with my mom since I'm still sick and Ian left me to go to Seattle :(
@Fluttershy Try the key resender. Top right.
@GnomeSlice I tried that.
@spugsley :(
@Fluttershy ...huh.
I forget, I mean it's been a while since I bought something there, maybe it's changed.
@GnomeSlice I figured it out!
@Fluttershy Oh?
What was the problem?
IndieGala is a piece of shit.
@GnomeSlice I misspelled my email address. Fortunately, my misspelling was still available! So I made that account, and got my keys. >_>
@GnomeSlice I registered and it's not letting me log in...
@Fluttershy Heh.
@GnomeSlice I can barely even pull up the website
@FAE The user accounts are new, I dunno.
You used to just have to use your email.
It wasn't like that before
They recently added password protection and actual 'accounts'.
IndieGala's site sucks the big one.
@GnomeSlice If it's one of those sites that has limitations on character length or allowed characters but doesn't tell you, I'm going to scream.
@FAE I don't think so, but I dunno. Wouldn't surprise me.
@GnomeSlice Check yo' Steam!
@Fluttershy Hrm? In a bit, I'm on my laptop.
Have some works to work on.
Gonna take a break soon though.
@gnomeslice your avatar looks very familiar any hints?
@Ender You can guess all you want, but it's my original creation.
Touche lol
Wasn't copying anything either, although this cyclops variant was lightly inspired by cylons.
It's pretty cool
Thanks. Getting old though.
Had it for several years now.
Hey man, if it ain't broke, dont fix it.
@GnomeSlice Keeping your disguise until machines take over the world?
I remember the one with the eyes
on the far left, I think that was the one you were rocking when I first joined arqade
it was still gaming.se back then
Yeah, I switch it up every now and then.
@FEichinger tl;dr: NAA
@FEichinger Again? This was posted the other day except about half as long and had '...to be continued' in it.
It's also about minecraft, and the question is about skyrim
lol I just flagged it for low quality
I am so NOT digging through that mess
It's not even about skyrim
It can probably be salvaged by someone with more free time on their hands ...
@Unionhawk ?
But that's just a buttload of a mess.
It's a Minecraft answer (?) on a skyrim question, no it can't
what is a postbreak?
Like, when you extend your post into a second post
@Unionhawk Oh right, that's a skyrim question!
I hadn't even noticed that ...
There is absolutely no salvaging
@FEichinger I just said that twice.
I saw minecraft jibber jabber, so my brain switched off and just assumed it's a minecraft question.
17 hours ago, by Trent Hawkins
Same post, different time.
He's posted it like 4 times.
On the same question.
I'd say protect it, but the guy has 10 rep here... >_>
3, I guess.
It's probably a spambot.
Well, not anymore
@badp [X] SHREKT
@Unionhawk Oh right
I knew that
ttyl guys. off for now
@Ender Peace.
@GnomeSlice >_>
@Unionhawk Came in like a Shreking ball.
@GnomeSlice <_<
Q: I used cheats to get into the college of winterhold and now it is completely broken

FindaskweeWell, I talked to the master mage at the front gate and persuaded her. She asked me to cast magelight and I did and it didn't work. I used the noclip command to go through the gate and I got into the college. When I got in I had to listen to the mage. It gave me a quest to talk to him. In th...

@Lazers lmao
@Lazers "I messed with my game and now it doesn't work anymore!"
You sound surprised. Why's that?
In the case of Skyrim, messing up the game can have a better result than trying to do it normally..
@Ullallulloo I'd be more excited about this if it wasn't 3DS exclusive.
Go review my tag wiki edits so I don't have to stand that annoying orange indicator on my top bar :)
@Fluttershy What am I looking for?
@3ventic Depends on the messing.
@GnomeSlice I sent you a link on Steam.
I think that you need to start from the last save point and not use cheats this time. — Braiam 8 secs ago
@FEichinger true
@dcalixto :)
Calixto is the name of a serial killer in Skyrim.
(Random things you probably don't need to know)
Q: How to pass the cubes after defeating Gernot the Spire?

Hashirama SenjuAfter defeating Gernot the Spire there is some spiky cubes on the right side of the room. I don't know how to pass them or what item/spell I should find to be able to do it. So basicly i'm stuck there because the door from the left side is blocked.

@Lazers DIBS
A: How to pass the cubes after defeating Gernot the Spire?

GnomeSliceDefeating Gernot should have given you a new type of magic: Void The side magic for void is a teleportation spell. It fires a slow moving ball of energy. Activating the magic again will teleport you to the energy ball's location. Fire the magic spell through the cubes, and then activate it ag...

Q: How do you quick travel in Lego Lord of the Rings?

ChrisFI've just picked up LEGO Lord of the Rings and even though I've only completed the first four levels I'm finding tedious to have to walk, run or (rarely) ride back to the previous locations to complete side quests and visit the blacksmith at Bree to forge Mithril items. Is there any way I can "q...

I'm bored
Apparently someone decided it would be a good idea to mix Dutch Hardcore and DDR speed J-Pop...
Wooo! My game now has an inventory
I can pick up items, and use them!
@fredley Can you urinate on them?
@GnomeSlice ...
Tempted to flag...
@GnomeSlice no
But what if you need to throw someone off your scent?
Jun 19 '12 at 15:10, by GnomeSlice
flag flag flag flag flag
> Night comes and werewolves start spawning. You can’t fight; you can only flee. Werewolves would track you by scent, sound, and sight. Cross streams to cover your scent. Piss on a rock then throw it away from you to lead them astray. Eat berries that make you less stinky. Eat berries that make your piss more stinky.
So when do The Long Dark or Stranded Deep come out?
@Fluttershy I don't knooooooooooooooow.
Did you back The Long Dark through their site?
@GnomeSlice No. I never could get it to work. :(
@Fluttershy whut
I think you can still do it.
Q: I can't join any servers on minecraft pe version 0.8.1

Rubberducky58It never freaking works whenever I try to join! Does anyone have a solution to this. My internet works fine too.

@Fluttershy The Long Dark looks pretty annoying with the way it notifies you of your condition.
@GnomeSlice What about SERKET? [ ]? [×]?
@OrigamiRobot Eh? Really?
@badp sekrets!
@GnomeSlice [?], gotcha.
Let's put it down as a [ ] and then mark it up as [×] at the most dramatic moment possible.
@Fluttershy There is no HUD or anything. The character just says out loud "I'm getting hungry." and stuff like that.
@OrigamiRobot I like the sound of that.
@Fluttershy I don't know about you, but I know if I'm hungry at any given moment. I don't need to remember saying something out loud.
I get what they're going for, but if there is no kind of constant indication system, it's really disconnecting.
I don't want to start a saved game and go, "OK, what did I say last time I was playing?"
And if they character is frequently reminding you, that's even worse.
@OrigamiRobot I can understand this, and it makes more sense now.
That's something that will probably come up in beta. I do like the immersion aspect, but I agree that a constant cue would be ideal.
Sure, you don't want to give people the exact data like they show in the debug, but just putting "Hungry" in the corner or even in the pause menu is way better.
Hell, make the character's stomach growl!
Having your character constantly talking about his own status is far less immersive than a simple HUD to me.
@Fluttershy Have you heard about Eidolon?
@GnomeSlice Yis! Heard about it about 20 seconds ago.
@Fluttershy From me?
@GnomeSlice Yes.
When you ask someone if they'd heard of something, with a link to that same something, then it has been heard about. :P
I've really been jonesing for a good survival game.
Dec 19 '13 at 23:26, by ElfSlice
Eidolon is now on Steam Greenlight. It's a narrative exploration game set in a massive, post-human Western Washington.
Vote that shit up @Fluttershy
Also show it to @OrigamiRobot
@OrigamiRobot Hey. Look at that. ^
@Fluttershy He has me blocked.
@GnomeSlice Oh yeah. But he can still see transcript stuff.
@Fluttershy Also, it's not a survival game, but check out Lifeless Planet.
At least, I don't think it is.

Shamil Salbanovi just realised that there are 2 Crit Quintessences, 1: + 4,46% crit damage AND 2: 1,86% crit damage AND both with the same price of 1025 IP. Can anyone explain this? why would someone ever buy the 1,86 crit, when you cant get the double, with the same price.

Oh, Starbound pushed out an update today. Need to get a video made.
@Mana The star list is not meant to be cleaned up anyway. It is a Permanent Record of Context Free Innuendo.
On the one hand, I want to play a video game. On the other hand, I have wasted so much time futzing around with savescumming an almost irrelevant thing that I have lost all interest in the game itself.
Please tell me that I'm not alone in this horrible fun-destroying behavioral quirk.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I've never savescummed, so... sorry. :\
@LessPop_MoreFizz Yes.
@Fluttershy weirdo.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Like spending so much time trying to get one minor detail perfect that when you finally succeed, the rest of the game seems trivial?
@OrigamiRobot Not even trivial per se... I've just... lost interest in bothering with the rest.
Q: Fallout 3 problem with mouse and keyboard on Windows 8.1

joroAfter ~5 min mouse and keyboard stop working, game is still runinng, if i set bEnableAudio=0, game working fine but no audio, can some one help with this, thanks in advance. My pc is Acer V3-772G with OS Windows 8.1 64bit, NVidia GTX 760M, Sound is Realtek High Definition Audio, 16GB ram, CPU i7 ...

@LessPop_MoreFizz Could always play The Witcher instead?
For me it's like "What am I supposed to do now? Play the actual game? yawn"
Like, "YES! I've finally gotten the first randomly generated shop to stock the items I want. Now other shops in the game will be largely irrelevant, and I am completely disinterested in actually playing the game anymore."
@OrigamiRobot YES.
Nothing is more interesting than hitting f5 and then clicking on a couple of menus and seeing what the shop has and deciding whether it is better or worse than my last save file.
@Fluttershy But I don't have it installed right now... :/
@LessPop_MoreFizz :(
"Oh, I've finally got the best item in the game. Time to try it out!" use it once "Whelp, that was fun, time to find a new game."
I need to finish 1 and 2 before 3 comes out.
@Fluttershy Same here ... But I keep forgetting to store my save files when reinstalling my PC, so I have to start over again.
@FEichinger I have to start over as well.
@OrigamiRobot Yeah, exactly.
@Fluttershy You really do.
I'm debating getting a new computer for Witcher 3. I think my current machine is going to choke pretty hard on it. :/
@Fluttershy I should do this too.
@FAE Yes. everyone should who hasn't.
And laugh at the creepy/gross sex scenes.
and kill monsters.
@LessPop_MoreFizz you meant "and murder monsters"
@Braiam No I didn't.
@Braiam You must not have seen the trailer.
The dope-ass cinematic trailer.
@GnomeSlice I don't even know what you all are talking about...
@LessPop_MoreFizz Vimeo > Youtube for this.
@GnomeSlice True, but I wanted fancy onebox.
If @MAna has quit does that mean there is 4 mod positions open now?
> seen 19 mins ago
@GnomeSlice Holy shit. I really need to get playing through the first two games. And Holy fucking shit awesome graphics.
I should play them as well.
meh, YT is slow today...
I have no knowledge of the Witcher, but that trailer is fucking rad.
@Arperum In fairness, that's a cinematic trailer, not game engine.
That said, CDPR does some of the best cinematics in the business
Q: Just got xbox live but was playing offline before and want to transfer my Forza4 cars to my gamertag instead of having to start all over

MikeI have been playing Forza4 under player 1 offline. I just got xbox live gamertag and noticed none of my cars or achievements are there. How can I transfer player 1's cars and achievements to my gamertag profile so I don't have to start from the beginning again?

@LessPop_MoreFizz Still. Awesome none the less.
(Their other RPG in the works that I'm super psyched for.)
@LessPop_MoreFizz Oh whoa I didn't know that was by the same people
@GnomeSlice Yup. CDPR are going to have a Very Busy 2014.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Nothing really happens in that trailer, and yet I want to play that game so bad!
@Blem I beg to differ that nothing happens in that trailer;
I think that trailer tells you that a lot of things have happened.
A massacre has occurred, at the hands of a scantily clad woman with cyborg scythe arms.
The police have confronted her.
Bullets are largely ineffective against her, but not useless.
and she has finally been brought down and an officer has her at gunpoint for an execution style shot to the head.
and now it's being reported on the news...
I'd say it tells us quite a bit.
You don't need a lot of dialog and action to tell a complete story sometimes.
It's like the old Hemmingway bet, that he could write a complete short story with a beginning, middle, and an end, in only six words.
He won it.
> Baby Shoes. For Sale, Never Worn.
Q: splinter cell not being awarded play styles

Terrya similar post was post here concerning a similar question. mine is not just on one mission but the awards are not given on missions completed on ghost and panther I have achieved the points the gold style emblem and bar but will not register achievements this happens on solo and coop (should hav...

@LessPop_MoreFizz That's depressing...
@GnomeSlice Indeed.
But it's a remarkable demonstration of economical storytelling.

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