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Oh. 634 games and 490 DLCs on my Steam profile. And I never played about half of them
Ahoy, Bridge
@spugsley How ya feelin?
@DavidM hi
@spyder Greetings!
@DavidM Heya :)
@SaintWacko You should be happy, not annoyed. :P
@DavidM it seems to be much better today. Still a little shaky after I eat and food still isn't very appetizing
@spugsley Not unusual
Just keep with the easily digested stuff.
@DavidM yeah but no more pain or burning since this morning
@SaintWacko We are? Why didn't you tell me! We could've been having so much more fun
@spugsley It's amazing how quickly our idea of "better" changes, right?
@DavidM hah yes
@SaintWacko you are on a date with the whole Bridge?
@DavidM they have me some sort of stomach acid meds. So I'm guessing that's what's helping? idk for sure
@AshleyNunn What have you been up to? Kissing hands, shaking babies?
@spugsley Which one?
@DavidM No, I learned from the plastic fake baby I had in high school that you lose a lot of marks if you shake them.
Ooh! Lightning Returns demo is out!
I should try that.
But if you really want your hand kissed, I suppose I could.
@DavidM Famotidine
@AshleyNunn Yeah, they no likey.
@Frank genre?
@spugsley That's the generic for Pepcid
@spyder JRPG. FF XIII-3
@DavidM yeah. It's pretty great. They said it would help with acid/inflammation type stuff.
@spugsley It's a bit old-school. But, it's REALLY cheap. And, it works.
@DavidM hah yeah. Seems to be working so I have no complaints. I have a follow up with my regular doctor on Thurs. Otherwise, yay for feeling better :)
@Frank do you played Divinity: Original Sin?
It's a histamine blocker. (An H2, as opposed to H1 blockers like Benadryl).
@spyder Can't say that I have.
Y'know what's not fun?
Breathing dust from battery corrosion.
@Fluttershy I wouldn't have guessed that as the answer. But, no. No it's not.
@DavidM but it is for stomachs, yeah?
@spugsley Yes.
@Fluttershy yeah that is ungood
@DavidM ok :)
@Ullallulloo Wow. That really sucked!
@Frank I'd recommend Divine Divinity first.
@Ullallulloo Yikes, that is crap
A mod approved it even.
@spugsley Small physiology lesson. Histamine has multiple uses in the body. One is the allergic reactions we all know and love. The second is causing stomach acid secretion.
@Ullallulloo ... wow.
Our bodies frequently reuse transmitters.
@Fluttershy I'm probably going to play the Lightning Returns demo instead of either of those.
It was approved by the two highest rep people on the site, one of whom is a mod.
@Ullallulloo oh ffs
@Frank I threw up in my mouth a little bit. >_>
@Fluttershy That's just the battery acid talking.
@DavidM oh interesting :) It's just weird that acid/inflammation/whatever crazy stuff is happening my stomach can cause that much discomfort. It was awful :( I thought I had like appendicitis or something
@Frank I kid. I know you like them, and that's fine with me. I just don't understand. :P
@DavidM I do have kind of a coppery taste in the back of my throat.
Like... I'm sure I'll be fine. But it is kind of weird.
@Fluttershy Gross.
I don't really know the treatment for that.
@Fluttershy We done like the same things all the time, and I'm fine with that.
I respect your choices.
@Frank We're generally on a similar page when it comes to games! Just not this particular series of games (XIII specifically. I love Final Fantasy)! But if my joking does offend, I'll stop. I mean no offense.
@Fluttershy It's joking, dude.
You'll find it rather hard to offend me.
Not that I'm saying you should try! Some people take that as a challenge, and that irks me to no end.
@Frank I know. I just wanted to make sure! I'm often bad at picking up on things like... everything.
Subtle hints of annoyance, or stuff like that.
@spugsley Do you know which body part seems to have the most direct line to the brain when it comes to reporting pain?
@DavidM no what?
@spugsley The anus.
@DavidM hahaha that's amazing. I did not know that
@DavidM For some reason I find this fucking hilarious
It's practically got a hotline to the brain.
@Fluttershy I make sure I tell people. It's hard to tell on the internet.
@AshleyNunn That and the platypus are proof of nature's sense of humor.
Such as galactic's comment on @Jason's nomination. That irks me.
@Frank He strikes me as a bit touchy based upon many of his comments I've read.
@DavidM agreed
@DavidM I have a toy playtpus and it is my favourite thing but I was so sad when I learned that real platypuses aren't as fluffy as mine
@AshleyNunn They're still cute though.
@AshleyNunn My kids have a Perry the Platypus doll. It's really cute.
I never did get my invite to the BeerSE beta. :(
Phineas and Ferb is a really brilliant show! I'm tempted to watch it without my kids . . .
Also... Any Wind Waker players in here? Not the HD one, but the original?
@Fluttershy Yes. Years ago.
Like on Game Cube.
@DavidM I'm trying to remember if the Pictobox allowed selfies, or if that was just added in the HD re-release.
@Fluttershy aye
I love how @LessPop_MoreFizz shows up right after I mention BeerSE. <_<
@Fluttershy No idea.
@DavidM awww I love Perry!
@fluttershy gimme email address I will fix that.
@LessPop_MoreFizz It'd be the same one I use to log in here, right?
Yeah or I think any email might work? Not sure.
Any email will work for the invite, jsut make sure you set up your sign in to match the ones you have.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Are you on Steam, so I don't have to give it out in a public chatroom? :P
@Fluttershy Have you noticed that every Zelda game since OOT is basically the EXACT SAME GAME just re-skinned with a few new things thrown in?
@DavidM oh god yes
@DavidM Yes. And I'm very much okay with this. :3
@Fluttershy Zelda = fun. Equation end.
@Fluttershy IDK . . . It just seems . . . redundant.
That is all.
I tend to get bored
then again a lot of gaming bores me lately
It's all new to me again! I quit gaming for years!
but I also am just like a grumpasaurus forever too lately
But really, if you find a formula that works, and you can deviate enough to keep it interesting, I'm fine with it. I think the stories are fun enough to keep me coming back.
@fluttershy will be in a moment.
The FPS era really did me in. All that rendered 3D stuff gave me a splitting headache, and made me dizzy for hours.
@DavidM have you boarded the Skyrim train yet? Because, it's amazing
@spugsley I'm still playing Don't Starve
@DavidM haha ok :)
Oh, @Frank, you mentioned interest in FF XIV, right?
alright guys. I'm off to watch Call the Midwife and then sleep
night night!
@Fluttershy Somewhat, yes.
Made it half-way through winter tonight. Then I got killed by my freaking boomerang. And, I didn't have enough stuff close to the touchstone, so I died AGAIN.
@spugsley G'night!
@spugsley g'night
Looking at my finances, I'm sitting rather pretty, especially if I get a job in the near future.
@spugsley Call the Midwife? Wot's that?
@DavidM yeah I was so mad the first time the boomerang did damage to me
@DavidM great show about midwives. I gotta run so ask @AshleyNunn to tell you :) She also loves it
@spugsley BEST PLAN
@Frank Two friends of mine recently got into it, and they love it. They said it was the most Final Fantasy-like Final Fantasy since X. So... That sounds promising.
They played pre-ARR, too.
Remind me some time to tell you of my personal experiences with midwives.
@DavidM BBC show about midwives in 1950's East End London. Very awesome.
@AshleyNunn Sounds neat.
@Fluttershy Thing is, I hate playing MMO's by myself. That's what single player games are for.
@DavidM I am sorta addicted to it.
@Frank This is true.
And it is one of the few shows I liked better than the books that it is based upon
@AshleyNunn Cool.
BBC does some good stuff.
@DavidM They really do :)
They did a great documentary on what we find disgusting and why.
It was really awesome!
It's lousy beer. Adding citrus helps to hide that fact. — LessPop_MoreFizz 12 mins ago
(The question in question, for those not on beer.se is: Why do people add a Lime to Corona.)
@LessPop_MoreFizz I will drink to that.
Isn't that why some beers here are like drink me really fucking cold?
@LessPop_MoreFizz AHEM . . . There is another reason.
@AshleyNunn That's part of it;
Corona, and many other Mexican beers actually got their starts as a means of providing potable drinking water for workers building railroads, etc. Beer and other alcoholic beverages have been used for centuries as a means of preventing water contamination. The citrus was originally rubbed on the outside of the bottles as a means of cleaning them. The acid content was believed to be anti-septic.
Plus it masked the shitty taste.
Really, with that though, it's more that Coors was literally unable to distinguish their product in any other meaningful way without engaging in literal false advertising.
So they came up with this idea:
"We can't claim we're the best tasting or the cheapest or the most natural or the whatever... but what if we just talk about how cold our beer is?"
And... people bought into it because idiots.
@DavidM Well yes, but I like my flippant comment better. See also: The origins of IPAs.
@LessPop_MoreFizz It tastes like shit, warm or cold. :P
Cold hides bitterness. American beers are frequently carbonated by addition of pumped CO2. CO2 is VERY bitter. Hence, the American preference for ICE COLD BEER HERE!
@LessPop_MoreFizz I just drink it because it's cheap. <_<
@LessPop_MoreFizz Sadly, the Original Coors Banquet Beer isn't that bad. But, it's their Silver Bullet that made them famous. And that stuff tastes like a bar rag that someone wrung out.
@DavidM well what do you expect when your grain bill is 95% "Rice or Corn, whichever is cheaper this week."
As in, if I'm drinking beer for the sole purpose of getting drunk from said beer, I will get Coors because I get more bang for my buck that way.
@Fluttershy This is the only time it is acceptable.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Yup
My parents usually only have Blue in their fridge. It makes me a sad panda.
@AshleyNunn I always liked Blue.
When I was in college, it was all Natural Light, all the time.
For the whole two weeks I was in college.
@Fluttershy The Beast!
Milwaukee's Beast (Oops, Best)
@DavidM There are so many better things!
@AshleyNunn That is true. But, for a run of the mill production beer, it ain't bad.
I am such a pickypants now. I mean if someone else is buying, I will drink whatever, but if I am buying for me, I get so picky.
@DavidM This is true.
I pretty much quit drinking years ago ...
I reached a strange place in life . . . no one worth drinking with anymore, always had to drive somewhere, etc. etc.
Pretty much, drinking was an activity I pursued while trying to pick up chicks. Getting married made that obsolete.
I like drinking, I just lack the funds to indulge.
I have this curse. I remember everything that happens when I'm drunk. I still have no power to control my behavior, but I remember all the dumb shit I do.
And, instead of being a happy drunk, I'm an irritable tired drunk.
I am a very happy drunk, but I can also drink a lot before I get to that point, and I will remember all of it. I am not all that good for drunken stories, because I generally can keep some of my brain about me.
@DavidM becomes sentimental?
@spyder No. Easily irritated by people around me. And, I get sleepy.
Plus, years of inhaling anesthetic gasses makes your liver hyperactive. So, it costs a lot . . .
Ah, yeah, that would make it less worth it.
I'm becomes sentimental when drunk. But this rarely happens because I know when I need to stop :)
Actually, the last time I got really drunk was in residency. I was playing tour guide to everyone since they were all new to New York City. We went down to a dive bar in the meat packing district and were drinking Pabst Blue Ribbon.
For anyone not familiar with PBR, the Beer Encyclopedia describes it as a "Chewy, Working class beer".
I walked a mile in the snow tonight to go to a bar that had BCBS on tap
PBR - former working class beer drunk by hipsters because reasons
So, we were shooting pool, and drinking tons of PBRs. And, we drank the place out of cans, so they switched to bottles. A couple guys were chewing tobacco and spitting into the cans. One of the guys didn't realize that we switched to bottles, and took a big swig of tobacco juice.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I approve of this, based on the description
Then we wandered home 40 blocks, staggering uptown drunker than Boris Yeltsin.
@DavidM You poor thing.
Honestly, if you've never seen the face of someone who just inadvertently drank tobacco juice, it's something to see!
@WorldEngineer That's a fair assessment.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Speaking of hipsters . . .
Gah! So much to update just to get onto the PSN store!
@LessPop_MoreFizz Is this legit because it scares me
@ashleynunn no it is a photoshop.
@LessPop_MoreFizz oh good that means i dont have to hate humanity quite yet
Although one could argue that it is an accurate interpretation of the subtext of a real Coachella Lineup Poster.
Also, Fear was a real punk band and they were fucking awesome.
And yes, that is an honest to god mosh pit full of New York Hardcore Skinhead dudes skanking across the stage and throwing punches at each other on the set if Saturday Night Live.
Also, New York's All Right If You Like Saxophones is a great song.
I bought a self-published author's book at the con last weekend and it sounded decent but it really isnt and they confused peaked/peeked and I am sad I spent real money on it
I keep trying to read it and it just hurts my brain
@AshleyNunn what kind of book?
She calls it "semiautobiographical sci-fi fantasy"
@AshleyNunn zomg O_o
@spyder yeah, that really should have been my first clue, huh? :P
@AshleyNunn it's sounds... huh... crazy. Sci-fi plus fantasy and blah-blah-blah-biographical
@spyder yeah it is kinda weird, and very purple-prose.
@AshleyNunn like Call of Mass Effect: Origins
@spyder Yes, that is a good way to sum this up :P
@AshleyNunn so it's fan fiction with the IP infringement stripped out?
@LessPop_MoreFizz Nah, I think it is legit, because I can't see any IP coming up with any of this chaotic ridiculousness
You say this like that is a fact that has stopped fanfic authors from engaging in chaotic ridiculousness before.
This is patently false.
I am well aware.
That wasn't really what I was saying, either.
Personally, I only read fan fiction by the great ShakespeareHemmingway. As the master of the form, he renders all others obsolete, and thus, easily ignorable.
The King's Garfield is just a master class. It's the Pale Fire, the Waste Land, the Death of a Salesman, of it's genre.
Payday 2 is totally a gunporn for me :D
Q: I can't remarry after reseting dawnguard dlc

StriderCybHi everyone i'm sorry if a disturb but i'm going crazy after i reset my dawnguard dlc. I've played dawnguard against vampires and when it was finished(main quest) i downloaded the Serana marriage mod from nexus and i married serana, but i decided on give dawnguard another run so i turned it off, ...

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