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Q: Adding armor to my hunter

ParalyticFor the life of me I can't remember how to add equipment or armor to my hunter. Been a while since I've played, and I have put together a set of leather armor that I would like my hunter to wear.

@GnomeSlice There's an iPad game called "Quest of Dungeons" coming out that might give "Legend of Dungeon" a run for it's money in the bad name department.
@Sterno I thought Bravely Default already won this competition.
@Powerlord At least it uses words that don't appear in every single other generic RPG game
@badp What? I don't have "hate". And certainly not enough for you to borrow some!
@FEichinger You don't have hate because you are hate.
and we like you just like you are.
Although I guess not enough to actually meet up?
That's kinda sad.
You just fear that I would horribly horribly murder you if we were to actually meet up.
@FEichinger I've simply assumed that you didn't want to.
So many arguments
Arguments? Where?
This isn't how I like spending my Friday nights
@FEichinger --with-arguments --user=kalina
...kalina said in a chatroom on the internet.
Nothing wrong with chatting
Oh, I agree, it's just not a very... hip way to spend your Friday nights?
@Powerlord Hah.
Neither is sitting in a room with your room mate, his friend, and their girl friends arguing about dumb shit
@kalina I would say "Time to go out to the bar!"
Except that'd by hypocritical of me since I don't go out to bars.
In waiting for them to trigger my hatred
@kalina ... How is it possible they haven't yet?
Won't that result in fire? In an enclosed space? With people?
@JasonBerkan Your point being?
I don't lose my temper
@FEichinger Her computer is in the flat.
In getting quite agitated
Yeah, apartment sounds better.
Fucking phone
I say I'm
It corrects it to in
You can't ragequit without rage.
I didn't rage quit. I gave up. There's a difference
@JasonBerkan True enough.
@kalina And deleted your account because of non-rage reasons.
You are the world's first calmquitter.
Yeah totally
@Sterno I don't think she was talking about that.
I don't know what anyone is ever talking about.
Get off my lawn.
I wasn't calm. I just said I wasn't raging
That's what I did today
Deep breaths
(the chat thingy)
One day, @kalina's neighbors are going to be on the news. Her apartment will be burning in the background. The police will be looking for her. And I'm pretty sure absolutely none of them will say, "But she seemed so nice..."
It will be "She was always carrying that flamethrower around."
@3ventic Um... OK? Chat for what?
website <-> game server
@3ventic nice.
Well, I meant what game, but whatever.
MTA San Andreas
@ste that's totally unfair
@Powerlord Probably not Dungeons and Dragons - DM to player ratio too high.
Character encoding is a pain
That reminds me, I wonder how much demand there would be for a Source rcon client for Android.
I'm on my phone
I'm leaving chat forever.
Get over it @ste
No you're not.
@Sterno Now, now, she wouldn't carry a flamethrower. Far too obvious.
Time for me to raise my voice.
This suggested edit and the current revision sets my sockpuppet alarms tingling.
@Frank Why? Could just be that the user saw the suggested edit in their inbox, figured it was a good idea and made the edit themself.
Q: What is the limit on dropped candies?

crazybrainsI'm playing Candy Box 2 and on the Candy Box home screen you can drop 10 candies, I'm already in the room with huge candies and all the dude is doing is eating them, is there something after those candies that he is eating or does he just eat them no matter how many you drop?

That was my exact thought
@FEichinger An exact edit? That's too much of a coincidence.
@Frank Copy & Paste is a thing that exists.
Do rejected edits even show up in your inbox?
I'm not sure. New inbox might well keep that kind of stuff around.
@Sterno I dunno, the name actually makes sense. A quest comprised largely of dungeons.
No they don't @frank
But even then, both reject votes were within seconds of each other, the user might have caught it before and just not voted.
I wouldn't read too much into a single instance, really.
He came to make the edit but didn't bother answering the comments..?
Apparently if I start yelling I scare people
Who would have thunk
Well, yes, that would happen, I suppose.
What are you suggesting
It's so quiet now
I'm bored
I'm suggesting that getting yelled at by you would probably scare the shit out of anyone who knows you.
Time to watch crappy TV shows
Look away @OrigamiRobot
I'm loving how ruined this TV is
Plasma TV with massive burn in marks all over it
... That suits you.
Q: Not getting what I should in Woodycraft

CarsonI'm immortal rank in the minecraft PC server ''Woodycraft'' and I'm not getting what I should such as: Fireball, speed, tnt and kitty cannon commands. Also, I can't go and notify the Woodycraft staff members because it says I don't have permissions to go on the help page... Please help!

Not that kind of burn
My phone's updating?
I'm confused, I assumed I'd have to upgrade for any more updates
Oh right. Wonder if kit kat is available for my phone
Nope. No updates
My phone's reaching the end of its lifecycle, I feel. It's about a year and a half old, or so
@Unionhawk If it's an Apple product, that sounds about right.
Nevermind, it actually is. Huh, interesting.
It's confusing, because they have already started rolling out Kit Kat in the US.
Oh my god
Yay google rollouts and bigger yay motorola rollouts
@kalina It's planned for "late Jan/early Feb" for the rest of the world.
The Battle.net EULA reads:
> You are entitled to terminate this for any legitimate reason as may be specified by applicable law or relevant court decision, subject to prior written notice by mail to the following address: Blizzard Entertainment, S.A.S. – Customer Service, 145 rue Yves Le Coz, 78000 Versailles, France.
Q: MCP "Fatal Error" Upon Decompile

JakeI'm attempting to install MCP on Mac OS X 10.6. Here is the error and where it takes place: == Updating client == > Adding javadoc > Renaming sources - Done in 8.85 seconds FATAL ERROR Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/Jake/Desktop/mcp903/runtime/decompile.py", line 143, in decom...

The italian translation thereof translated that to "subject to prior written notice by e-mail"
It's probably installing the new "net neutrality is no longer a thing in the united states" build that verizon probably has put together. It's fine.
It literally tells you to e-mail Blizzard Entertainment, S.A.S. – Customer Service, 145 rue Yves Le Coz, 78000 Versailles, France.
@Sterno You can't! You won't know what happens in 4 days! You can't not care! You are not allowed!
Wait, did I just channel @Frank?
(wait... was it Frank who was always posting that? I can't remember)
@Powerlord @fredley
> Connectivity while roaming has been improved
Data roaming in Canada somethingsomething
Security patches have been included
(undocumented) Net Neutrailty is dead! FREEDOM!
what an exciting update
@Unionhawk are you upgrading to 4.4?
@badp To probably 4.0.5, or something like that
I'm so glad Net Neutrality is dead so that ISPs can charge websites a bajillion dollars so their traffic doesn't get slowed to a crawl.
@Powerlord Yeah, how will poor ISPs survive otherwise?
Incidentally, FCC, Congress told you exactly what you need to do to ISPs, so why aren't you doing it?
Hell, they (the FCC) should have classified ISPs as Common Carriers decades ago.
It is widely known that ISPs in the US are charity organizations giving their services for free to whoever wishes to receive them.
It's only fair websites pay up.
Actually, you know what, Google should start presenting Comcast, Verizon, and the like with a bill.
A larger bill than the ones Comcast, Verizon, and the like are presenting to them.
Then, maybe the ISPs will realize that this cuts in both directions.
Actually, I stand corrected, 4.1.2. Can't remember if I had 4.1 or not.
@fei I have to wait for htc
@Unionhawk Is it a samsung phone?
@badp Motorola.
First gen Droid Razr Maxx
@kalina I know, so do I. I looked it up. They rolled out on the Google version in the US back in November, and all the others are slated for later this month.
(Oh, and while we're at it, FCC just make DNS poisoning illegal to stop them from redirecting google.com to something else so they can't get around consumer outcry that way)
Surprised me because I figured the delay was because Sense wasn't ready, but apparently it very much is.
Okay, no, I had 4.1.2 before this. This was literally just a verizon thing.
@Unionhawk I avoid that now with my brand new Nexus 5!
I just broke @badp's event!
Friday and going home time... bai!
Guess it won't be in four days.
if that was true I would have to ban you all the way to ten years ago
Q: Is there a DLC version of Bioshock Infinite coming? Or should I grab it cheap and buy the DLC separately

SouthclawI've spotted Bioshock Infinite over at Green Man Gaming for £6.24. I do really want this game but I've been holding out as I do with most games (lack of cash, not much time to play) I know I'll play this though, love the series. The main reason I was holding out is because I do like the look of...

Q: Does this game actually exist?

iLikeDirtI remember playing a certain game in the late 90s or early 2000s but for the life of me I cannot find any evidence that it actually exists despite my best Google-fu. I'm hoping folks here can help me identify the game from the following things about it that I recall: The gameplay is turn-based ...

Q: Is it possible to 'Subscribe' to a chat room and receive a notification on activity?

RobotnikSome of the less busy chatrooms may not receive messages for a few days. To save people 'checking in' every couple of hours, it'd be nice to be able to subscribe to particular rooms, and receive a notification when they see some activity. Of course, if somehow I've missed this already existing ...

I have arrived.
No you haven't.
And noble chat sticks
Noble chat must be the unreactive brother of our chat
@uni hey yes I have
@pri yep
@uni have
I disagree
Ok, that looks kinda cool.
Are there add-ons for mobile chrome?
I don't think so?
Otherwise we'd probably have the "make mobile chat suck less" add-on.
I mean can you use scripts?
*users scripts
Ah forget it
9 mins ago, by RedRiderX
And noble chat sticks
That said, someone would have to bother make a compatible mobile-chat-fixing-script.
Hmm dare I tempt its use?
Firefox has extension support, but unfortunately GM doesn't support the mobile version
and firefox is bad
I was mostly wanting to use the moar stars script
if I zoom out, it doesn't let me click the links outside the original zoomed-in view
You should write a book "The null that hates me". ;) — Shadow Wizard 2 days ago
Go vote that comment up
So doctor who legacy is neat
Oh right... That's another game that I should play
@FEichinger Tomb Raider is one of those games where they spent more time on the multiplayer than they should have. It does have good multiplayer, but I guarantee that's not what most people bought the game for.
well, enough of that noise
@Yuki Tomb Raider had multiplayer?
@kalina Exactly my point.
And it's actually fairly good/okay multiplayer.
I played it a couple times and it wasn't bad.
nothing long lasting though, right?
you wouldn't play it constantly over a period of time?
If I keep up my average reputation gained per day, I'll be 10k in 8 days
@3ventic downvotes
Knew it
I mean... cool, grats, etc
more people with access to the mod tools
I just want it so I can see all the deleted crap
I'm sure we can provide you with a variety of the best deleted content on arqade
I'm going to bed now. Good night.
I can't look at that. My eyes won't let me.
now I've sat at my PC I'm feeling extremely tired
I might just go to bed
because that's what people should always do when they get tired on a Friday night
That's what people should do when they get tired, full stop.
that's not the way it works and you know it
@3ventic What tomb raider or DWlegacy?
Ugh mobil
Never said it's how it works, just how it should work :P
@kalina it's not even midnight!
I know!
How bad is that?
@kalina for a 20yo, pretty bad
I have been up since 5-30am though
and tomorrow I get to sleep until lunch
In that case, I'll forgive the early night
and I've done pretty much nothing but listen to angry people arguing about mundane things since I got home
and that's actually quite tiring
@kalina sounds mundane
oh god
I just wanted to set fire to them all
did you at least light up a candle?
no, there was no fire involved
you can't allow your murder to bottle up!
it'll burst out all at once.
it'll be fine, it will dissipate as I sleep
If they start arguing again now that I'm winding down to sleep though, there may be a quadruple murder
@kalina Are you just describing the bridge?
the vast majority of the people in the bridge are alright
@kalina One shudders to imagine what inhuman dreams lie behind that innocent mask. What dreams of chronic, sustained cruelty?
@badp way to go with the TF2 reference
@kalina er... hudda hudda huh?
That's so creative of you, @badp!
@FEichinger Hey, at least it doesn't reference 4 days.
Oh for heaven's sake ...
@badp Why? What's in 4 days?
it's definitely 5 days
@badp TF2 had a similar passage in one of the update stories
@Coronus Stack Exchange are sending out free angel cake to all users with more than 1k rep
So yeah, this is a thing
@PrivatePansy old
@kalina Brand new, actually
@PrivatePansy no, you're not the first person to mention it
and thus, it's old
@kalina ... That would be awkward.
2 days ago, by MBraedley
This is a thing!? I might be reading these to my nieces and nephews in the not to distant future.
@FEichinger I have no idea what you're talking about
@kalina SURE YOU DON'T.
what were you thinking of?
@kalina Yum
Hm, I wonder what each strip of those tastes like.
I know, right
@badp pretty much the same tbh
Yeah, I think the colors come from food coloring
it's just sponge and colouring
@kalina I'm just thinking of what you wanted me to think of!
It's all your fault.
Your fault! Nobody else's.
nope, innocent
*innocent face*
You are not innocent. Anything but.
you are not innocent, you cannot judge me!
I am innocent. Can I judge you?
you're not innocent either

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