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@Yuki Oh, you mean you didn't want this spyware installed?
@kalina We'll have to create a new category of hacking for that . . . Pink hat?
Pink Hat sounds like some dreadfully marketed Linux install for girls
@Yuki Correct.
@kalina Yay XSS 101.
@FEichinger Oh good. I haven't worked with JavaScript in a long time so I wasn't sure.
@BenBrocka "Girls! Into coding, but hate all the masculinity of your computer???? TRY PINK HAT! The only linux build made for girls, by girls . . ." Cue cheesy music.
@Yuki I wrote an AJAX fetch a couple of days ago x.x
@BenBrocka Ooooh, you ... You don't know what terrible things there are. "Pink Hat" would be one of the tamer choices.
gave up programming while using Apple Basic in the late 80s ...
@TimStone Ugh, now I'm tempted to get SimCity.... (xD)
Man, that apple IIe rocked!
I vow, from now until the end of time, that every time I accidentally type "...." instead of "...", I will append "(xD)" rather than correcting myself.
@Yuki I vow that from now, until the end of time, that you will be on my ignorelist
@Yuki I would argue that a 4 stop ellipse just means you had a longer thought . . . But, what do I know? I put spaces between mine . . .
Every extra period in an ellipsis is an increasingly awkward pause as the speaker draws slowly closer to you
@BenBrocka That's why I put in the spaces. It keeps my distance . . .
It also reflects the time it takes for me to put a thought together . . .
Guys! I just thought of something today that I needed to share. Especially with the Doctor Who fans in here!
And the fact that I learned to type in the days of prevalent electric typewriters.
In the terrible movie World War Z, Peter Capaldi plays a doctor for the World Health Organization. He's a W.H.O Doctor! A Doctor for W.H.O.! :P Doctor WHO. It's a conspiracy. hands out tin foil hats
atomic facepalm
A: Terraria iOS--NPC's not going to their houses?

joeyou suck you suck you suck suck a lamon

Best facepalm.
Post of the year!
@DavidM I've seen "better". But they were promptly deleted.
@5pike The misspelling of lemon is why I'm nominating it.
The rest is just a high quality answer to the question.
I spent an hour removing all instances of "alot" from the site, people being unable to spell is par for the course
@Fluttershy You ... are late.
@DavidM Oh boy, I overlooked the "lamon" :D
@FEichinger I don't care! I didn't watch WWZ until recently. >_>
@Fluttershy It was already brought up way back when there was just speculations about Capaldi becoming 12.
See previous comment. :P
@kalina alot is ALMOST excusable. It's a very common misspell because of the sound of the words in American English containing an elide (or some other linguistic term) making it sound like one word. Yes, it's wrong, and should be edited with all vengeance, but it's understandable.
@DavidM recieve
@kalina Yup. i before e except after c . . . trips up the best of them.
My personal hatred is for i instead of I.
@DavidM I can see "alot" getting accepted as correct, eventually.
@5pike Me, too.
Right around the time u will replace you.
I mean that seriously, too.
@5pike Just like "literally" meaning "¬literally", right?
OHHHHHH . . . my all time favorite. To instead of too.
Q: New Update to Factions Horrible

user2678408A lot of the people I play Minecraft with like factions. Now, I don't mean the most recent update to factions. It's horrible. We want the update previous. Where can I get this version of factions before mostly everything changed? And will it still work with 1.7+ servers?

@kalina love that blog
@kalina You murdered all the alots?! You monster
user image
I have to dig up my old English texbooks, to see if there was a part about "alot".
Bwahaha this movie code quiz is great
@RedRiderX Noooo! Gosub! Burn!
@Fluttershy I think Capaldi knew he was going to be the Doctor before WWZ, so the role was kind of an in-joke for him.
@5pike How old? Alot is mostly a problem with typed language so it's probably fairly recent
@BenBrocka Let me think... I think I have some pretty old ones from ~1999
@5pike ಠ_ಠ
@JasonBerkan Why the HamStare?
I recognize the lego RCX calls!
@5pike [old] ... [~1999]
This is amazing!
HamStare @5pike
@5pike ಠ_ಠ
1999 is NOT old.
@JasonBerkan 1999 is, like, so last century
And get off my lawn.
@JasonBerkan I'm assuming you are ancient?
@Arperum Older than @Sternold.
@JasonBerkan Ancient. Certainly.
Anything or anyone from before 1984 is completely ancient.
@JasonBerkan Practically Prehistoric
@Arperum Then you'll have to lump me in with the ancients.
@Arperum Yay, I'm not old!
@Frank Oh? I thought you were younger.
@Arperum Nope; turned 30 a few months ago.
@Frank I'm still a couple years away from that. Yay!
@Arperum It will come sooner than you think.
@fredley You are just a little bit older then me.
@Frank probably, but I'll survive :)
Did the font used to display things like the page title (Review Queue, Top Questions, basically the heading below the tabs) change recently? It looks a little weird.
@BenBrocka all but the legitimate use cases
@Arperum I agree with this statement, you can increase it by a year or 4 as far as I'm concerned :)
oh yay
TIL: There's a game, where you combine a banana, a large rope and a knife with some super glue to create a fishing rod.
under two months in to my employment here and I've managed to cause a "oh shit" moment with our development team
@5pike Sounds like a Sierra game.
after getting told the lack of validation thing earlier wasn't that big an issue I might have accidentally dropped a large chunk of one of our internal databases with it
@kalina was it the XSS exploit?
just for fun
where accidentally = on purpose
Rather, sounds like pretty much every point-and-click adventure game.
and fun = setting fires like a crazy
@kalina hmm, lack of SQL validation, always fun
suddenly it's an important issue!
@Yuki It's a flash adventure game, apparently.
@kalina \o/
@kalina When an exploit you've found doesn't get anyone's attention, fire is always a good option.
If not the best option.
@kalina "No big deal. Nobody will ever do that." drops database "Oh, crap. What just happened? Fix it! Fix it now!"
@Frank yep
If any of your things contain sql-injection possibilities they should be dealt with. Or they should suffer bobby tables.
I'm just going to sit quietly in my corner by myself and avoid the running around that is happening
"@kalina you were right!"
@kalina I hope for them that they have a backup...
oh nobody cares about that database
How do you accidentally drop a database..?
@kalina Did you Little Bobby Tables your own database?
"Why are you calling me @kalina? My name is [DATA NOT FOUND]."
@MBraedley no it's a database full of support trying to recreate issues
nobody will miss it
4 mins ago, by kalina
where accidentally = on purpose
everything is an accident, that's why I'm so innocent
So that's how.
seriously, it's been six months, you should know by now
*sets fire to @3ventic* = "I may have accidentally just set fire to you and everybody you've ever known, sorry!"
@MBraedley I like how you turned Little Bobby Tables in a verb.
Q: a technical issue while assigning imperial items task

shezyI really like playing death star but I have found a technical error which I find a little annoying. I have built all 16 imperial levels on the game yet I keep getting tasks that say build another imperial level to find out what to assemble next.. I can't even skip this task as it requires 100 bu...

Only once have I dropped a production table.
That was...fun.
I've dropped plenty
@Arperum I guess it should really be "Little Bobby Tabled", since it's supposed to be in the past tense
@MBraedley Nah, "Little Bobby Tables" works.
or just "Little Bobby Table"
today has not been a very active day for me
@MBraedley Yea, but I blame that to a typo. "s" is next to "d"
still, only 1 hours 15 minutes to go
1 hour 14 minutes
@MBraedley Did would have been the past tense verb.
@Ullallulloo But you say "Did you run?", not "Did you ran?"
@kalina Yeah, you only edited like 100 posts
@3ventic Stupid i before e except after c
@3ventic She corrected a bunch of posts that had "receive" misspelled
If you’re receiving this email, it means we haven’t seen you in quite a while. In fact, it’s been so long that you’re in danger of losing your Summoner Name!

• Summoner Name: IS19331948e0102e
@kalina 23 minutes :P
@MBraedley That's what I'm saying. I think the only problem would be that you is plural, so you probably should have said "Did you Little Bobby Table" then. It's "Did you run?" not "Did you runs?"
@badp That summoner name is in such high demand, I would assume.
@FEichinger 8 minutes.
-37 minutes!
@FEichinger HATE
@Ullallulloo Okay, now we're just deconstructing the joke, revealing its flaws, and we're not English Language and Usage so let's just let my poor grammar go.
1 hour and 6 minutes
@kalina -1 hour.
@3ventic I know
@Arperum +30 minutes HamStare
I will do another soon
probably tomorrow actually
@kalina ♥
because I'm bored of reading league of legends posts
Dammit, I needed to go to the shop for something, and I stupidly forgot what I needed to get.
we should just declare LOL "not a game" and be done with it
@Ullallulloo "Little Bobby Tables" is a name.
@OrigamiRobot LATE. It is also a verb now. Since @MBraedley made it one.
@MBraedley Grammar is more important than literally everything else
@Arperum I am aware. I am saying you don't need to drop the s
@OrigamiRobot is arguing about language, this can only end with hilarity
1 hour and 3 minutes remaining
@kalina same with WoW
@Blem-baFett WoW is like the most profitable game ever made
@kalina Just another day in the bridge.
@Wipqozn true, I was far too specific with that statement
@kalina or the best promoted drug!
@OrigamiRobot chats, hilarity ensues
I wonder if the English.SE chat argues about language as much as we do.
@Wipqozn Probably not.
@Wipqozn They probably argue about games like we argue about language
Nobody argues about anything as much as we do.
I wonder if, back in the day, when Blizzard started writing World of Warcraft, they knew they were onto creating one of the quickest legal methods of relieving people of money that wasn't a tax ever to be devised
@Wipqozn they actually talk about games more than we do
@3ventic You are so wrong everything is wrong off to meta
@Arperum Gaming is, after all, off-topic on the Bridge.
burns down meta
Hey I was gonna burn down Meta!
@3ventic We are the best site on the network, I agree.
I ascended!
@BenBrocka You were to busy being wrong to burn down meta.
--- a/site/lib/db/exam.php
+++ b/site/lib/db/exam.php
@@ -1,317 +1,392 @@
@kalina Spoken word at best.
@fredley Congrats! I can do so any time, the gap is open, but I first want to finish some things first, kind of vague wich things it were though.
@Arperum I'm now a pastamancer, doing the pig ascension, whatever it's called
I would like to report that as a result of my illness I may have picked up a bit of brain damage
I've been seeing innuendos in everything today
@kalina Isn't that just your normal state?
no, this is worse than normal
Wait, no, that was me. Sorry.
58 minutes to go
@Arperum Disassemble your meatcar, bake keys into pie.
57 minutes to go
Stuff like that.
@kalina 12
@FEichinger it's fine, you may leave before me but you travel on public transport and therefore HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
@Yuki I might go hardcore again, not sure yet.
@Arperum I dropped my Bad Moon on account having forgot it was Crimbo again.
Why did Polygon have to hire the annoying guy from Penny Arcade Report
56 minutes
I came home 6 hours ago
you're a slacker living off your parents/your government though
you don't count
you should get a job so you can spend your entire life watching the clock until hometime
55 minutes
I was thinking: make those advanced saucecrafting things while I still have the skill. Or was I going to perm that skill? Blegh. Taking 2-3 years for an ascension kinda makes you forget your plan.
@kalina I'm also gonna grab a drink with some folk, so you'll be home way earlier than me anyway.
Says the drug abuser.
former drug abuser
@kalina Only because you're not allowed to!
besides, alcohol is a drug
54 minutes
@Arperum Perming the production skills is typically a good idea, but I'm not sure how many ascensions you have under your belt.
I think it's best to have a good 10+ ascensions (and permed skills) before you start perming the production skills.
53 minutes
@kalina slacker
@kalina We get it!
I'm not a slacker
because of my extreme diligence, the rest of the company is busy
@Yuki Something like 5 or 6 or something.And combine that with mostly random stuff permed. + that skill that allows two items per round.
52 minutes
@kalina because you "accidentally" dropped a DB table
@MBraedley oh no there was a whole load of stuff before that
@MBraedley Waaaait, what did I miss?
but yes, fundamentally
I got told no, I stamped my feet (dropped a database) and now I got my own way
@kalina o.ô
@Arperum Funkslinging is definitely an important skill. So good for stalling if you have enough gobs of wet hair.
51 minutes
29 mins ago, by MBraedley
@kalina Did you Little Bobby Tables your own database?
@FEichinger @kalina did a good thing, suprisingly
@FEichinger I found an issue allowing me to save naughty things to the database and them get reloaded upon a page refresh
stuff like javascript popups and iframes
they said it wasn't important
so I escaped out the sql query and dropped a database with it instead of boring user end stuff
now it's priority number one
@Yuki Yea, that's why I have it. I think I have 300 karma for permings this ascension, I finished a trendy path that was started when it was the active challlenge...
@kalina That is ... evil. Good, but evil.
50 minutes
@kalina dropped the databass
d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-drooooooooooopped the database
I would be terribly mad at you. And then I'd be terribly mad at myself.
can't blame me, I didn't write the software
That's why I'd be mad at myself afterwards!
and doing stuff like that is well within my job description
But first I'd be mad at you for giving me even more work.
not my fault the network guys haven't given me privs on the sql box to backup the database first
I did ask for it
@kalina And then proved why you shouldn't have it.
@JasonBerkan hardly
@kalina "Can I drop the DB?" "Sure, it's impossible anyway." drops DB
@JasonBerkan oh no, she needed 0 rights to do that, that's the problem
I am actually familiar with SQL
@JasonBerkan No, no, for what she did, she wouldn't have needed it. But to make it a "safe demonstration", she would've needed it.
they've got me doing c# with no knowledge of c#
@kalina which is a programming language! You can program :D
expecting me to break things
@KevinvanderVelden I had this conversation recently and was told SQL was not a programming language
I mean, what you did would get you fired at any place I have worked. You are untrustworthy.
looks at @FEichinger
@kalina Don't even say it.
I still disagree.
@JasonBerkan I am completely trustworthy
it wasn't a production database
@kalina it is turing complete, it's a programming language
no hamsters were harmed in the production of this development activity
Also it can do this:
@KevinvanderVelden @FEichinger disagrees
@fredley @FEichinger disagrees
@kalina well he's factually wrong, not my problem
You can perform this action again in 14 seconds - retry / cancel
@KevinvanderVelden That's a pretty loose definition of a programming language.
Anyway, drinking time.
Now look, you've told him he's wrong and he's going to go drink himself to death
@Arperum perhaps, but it's a valid one
I hope you're all happy with yourselves
44 minutes
@KevinvanderVelden whatever. Going home time.
@FEichinger remember! Don't to hard drugs like alcohol, do soft drugs like pot!
Please unicorn eat tacos with me
43 minutes
42 minutes
@kalina ... I suppose you could try to smoke that, vaporized metal is probably bad for your... everything though
hey, I'm only 400 internet points away from 40k network wide internet points
@kalina aw, cute
@fredley you don't get to aw, cute me
not only did I overtake you by the end of 2013, I also made it onto the second row!
@kalina Shhhhh
I have more network rep than you
It's all I have left
Not by the end of 2014 you won't
@kalina shhhhhhhh
Probably not even by the middle of 2014 at this rate
you should just admit defeat now and bounty all of your internet points to me
36 minutes
chat hates me
constantly limiting the speed I can chat
I think the chat limiter should go off reputation
@KevinvanderVelden but does it do that while you're compiling things?
32 minutes!
31 minutes!
@badp make this chat limiter SCHTAP
actually don't
you'll just ban me
I am completely innocent
@badp I'm not sure what you mean, but it is the result of the query, each result has 1 column with the proper text in it
thought I'd get that in there before you went ahead and did it anyway
@badp you're not me
@kalina I am 100% innocent
it's fine, I will just keep spam clicking the retry link until my message appears on the screen in the correct colour
@badp :o
"100% innocent is copyright 1993-2014 kalina"
Good thing it's no trademark!
damned legal systems!
@kalina Ugh, stop reminding me you're younger than my sister.
sets fire to @badp
@OrigamiRobot Ugh, dispose of your sister in a fire and you'll no longer have this problem
28 minutes
@kalina This will only change the problem to "Ugh, stop reminding me you're younger than my dead sister."
@OrigamiRobot she's also younger than my sister, I don't see why this bothers you
@Yuki stops the original problem
The original problem of having a sister?
the original problem of daring to complain about it
@badp She's also younger than my sister, I did not realize this until now =/
I'm not sure I like all of these comparisons
@kalina What, would you prefer to be older than their sisters?
@kalina well yeah, young children often don't like things for silly reasons
@Yuki ...
@KevinvanderVelden ...
25 minutes
@kalina is that your chat limiter timer now?
@KevinvanderVelden no
Shame, would've been quieter
that is the amount of time until I get to head off home
I say head off home, there is a car parked in front of my car
Course, I'm going home now so spam away :)
so I'll have to wait until that car goes
@KevinvanderVelden ...
how rude
24 minutes
until I don't have to see your ugly avatar in my face anymore
@kalina parallel parked or do you have the worst parking lot ever?
far too few spaces for the number of cars
7 minutes
woe is me
if you doge more I will alert @badp
woo it worked
5 minutes
@OrigamiRobot flagged
so leave
@OrigamiRobot flagged
@Unionhawk flagged
@OrigamiRobot ...
@fredley ...
Doge is only really popular on the Bridge because it bothers a lot of people. People who are very vocal about it bothering them.
seriously where is a moderator when you need some accounts deleting
they're constantly here when we don't want them here but when they're needed they're busy cleaning their banhammers
I think I'm going to play Dota2 tonight, because I never want to play a game as bad as ESO again
That bad? Wow.
@kalina I was just...doing some...things... tosses a human-sized bag labeled "modabuse" out the window
@kalina What was so bad about it?
Also, Morning, Bridge
@kalina Try Big Rigs 2
> "I never want to play a game as bad as ESO again" = "I'm going to play a MOBA."
I am confused by your logic.
@Yuki it was a statement of how bad ESO was without breaking the NDA
@kalina How about Search and Rescue Simulator?

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