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@MBraedley Ours either run normal or don't run at all
which means the ones that hit the areas with lower plow frequency can be interesting
@AshleyNunn Huh. I don't think Winnipeg has ever declared a snow event.
@fbueckert KW likes them - all they really mean is that if you are parked on the street they will tow you
because they are really declaring that "PLOWS WILL BE EVERYWHERE"
@AshleyNunn Ahh. That happens in stages for us; your street is assigned a letter, and you're not allowed to park on the street when it's your street's turn for plowing.
@fbueckert ah. Normally the city just goes around cars, and side streets don't get plowed so much , but this is like oh we have had a pile therefore plows all over town
Which also hopefully means the sidewalks will get plowed in high traffic areas so I don't have to like...make really intimate friends with all the snowbanks
@fbueckert Oh, it's all or nothing here. Technically, the law says that no one is allowed to park on the street overnight any time when the winter parking ban could be in effect (i.e. Nov. to April), although the city has softened their stance in recent years, saying that they'll only enforce it during storms.
@MBraedley We get far too much snow for it to be all or nothing; half the city would also have nowhere to park.
@Yuki That's gorgeous
@kalina You're aliiiiive!
@fbueckert Yeah, I guess we're graced with enough residential parking, especially for those with a house.
@MBraedley Yeah a lot of streets here are technically no parking from Nov-April
but you only get a ticket usually
the snow event means you have a risk of it being towed and the fine is greater
I don't super care, as I have no car, but sometimes snow event also means no GRT and without that, it means walking everywhere
@MBraedley Good job on not dying.
Why were you out in this horrible weather?
@Yuki For a site named "ViralNova" they sure aren't up on the times. I saw that last year when it was originally posted.
@Wipqozn Because I'd like to be able to drive to work tomorrow.
@Fluttershy mmmmh
@MBraedley I guess that makes sense.
@kalina :D
@Wipqozn I was in Truro to ring handbells this morning, went up last night. Was hoping the weather would clear this afternoon.
@kalina I'm gonna go out on a limb and say you're horribly hung over.
no hangover at all
I do feel like my IQ is in double digits atm though
Cow goes "moo", dog goes "arf". What does @kalina say?
49 secs ago, by kalina
@kalina better than single digits?
@AshleyNunn surely at around this point autonomous functions begin to fail
@kalina entirely possible
18 hours ago, by kalina
og o dysmf i[ o owo; fa;; pver
which means you are definitely better off then :P
It strikes me that now that Guilo is currently suspended, removing the kindle fire tag he added to questions (and only he used) is a great idea.
@fbueckert If it is not needed, buuuuuuuurn it
my heart is still beating and I'm still drawing breath, but yes I did get a slice of toast out of the toaster with a knife
@Slurpee flagged as asking for flags
@AshleyNunn I burned it when he added it originally. He insisted he needed it.
So now I've burned it again.
@kalina If the toaster was still plugged in, I'd say you're lucky you're still doing those other two things.
@kalina Don't get yourself killed, will ya.
I doubt he'll be back anyway
Maybe we should put a historical lock on that question. Would others agree that it would be closed as off-topic if asked today?
@MBraedley which?
2 mins ago, by Slurpee
http://gaming.stackexchange.com/a/146306/39358 flags
I am not sure it would be
@kalina Guilo? He's still using the rest of SE, so I guess he might.
under what criteria:?
@MBraedley Eeeh. Historical locks are something we don't really want to use a whole lot.
This game was way too short. =[
@fbueckert But good answers that are useful to the future.
@MBraedley debatable, it is asking for a list, some might see it as opinion based, but the way I see it there is probably an actual ideal boss order and it's a definitive list that won't expand any further
@MBraedley The whole point of a historical lock is, "This used to be acceptable, but isn't anymore."
If it's no longer acceptable, just burn it.
@fbueckert You don't really want to use them a lot, because you'd rather just burn old questions.
@AshleyNunn asking for a list
if it were asked today and somebody VTC'd it, I'd click "Leave Open"
@MBraedley our main issue with lists is lists that keep expanding
I'm with @kalina on this one, though; wouldn't close it either.
Which question are you talking about?
@3ventic your face
@FEichinger No, that has been the sentiment expressed previously.
It does have some historical value
We haven't used it yet, so I see no reason that this question is special enough to use it for.
Okay, I'm fine with leaving it open if other 3kers here don't think it should be closed.
@MBraedley Eh, it is a relatively bounded and specific list
I see nothing wrong with that question
If you're talking about the mega man question, it's just fine
nothing wrong with it
@3ventic have you fixed your #top prob?
@3ventic nice. what was the reason?
@fbueckert I don't see what your problem is with keeping content. Just because something is now off-topic doesn't mean that we have to burn it - it's still a question we asked and answered at some point; information we put to the Internet at large for reference.
A: Why does my javascript break anchors?

3venticMy own Javascript overwrote a function of the same name in the default scripts, which caused the failure. Renaming my scroll function fixed the issue.

@FEichinger Because that's the whole point of the SE network. It's no longer acceptable = get rid of it.
It's noise.
@fbueckert No?
Q: Can i see my ranking without having 10 games played?

WandangIs there a possibility to see my solo and party ranking without the 10 calibration games? And how can i compare those numbers?

And people will point to it and go, "Well, that was allowed! Why isn't mine?"
The historical lock exists for that very purpose.
@FEichinger Which we have not used
@3ventic ha! i often name my functions strange. that wont happen to me ;)
@fbueckert There isn't anything wrong with that particular question, it's on topic
I don't see why we should require a mod only close reason.
@Wandang I often name my variables strange, but forget functions
@kalina I agree. I think it's fine.
ok good, it didn't look like that was what you were saying
I'm arguing against the use of a mod only close reason, for no other reason than to keep no longer acceptable content.
@fbueckert That doesn't mean it's "not the point of the SE network".
@3ventic my projectpartners hate my naming. but i have a clear structure^^ they love to name their vars like temp1 to temp2
@FEichinger It's about signal to noise. No longer acceptable = noise.
@fbueckert really depends on the quality of the content
The point of the SE network is providing valuable information.
if it's high quality but now off topic, it's still worth keeping
and that has been covered multiple times in blog posts and on MSO
> However, every now and again, should the random number gods smile upon your progress, enemies will spawn an exceedingly rare unique weapon, which will be your exceedingly rare unique weapon after you kill the poor sap holding it.
don't trash high quality historical content
And I've seen enough whining on Meta.SO about questions that are no longer acceptable and pointed to as arguments as to allow their own, crappier version of it.
@fbueckert That's why the historical lock exists - to tell users that this is in fact no longer acceptable.
@Wandang I tend to name everything so that it has a part of my nickname in it, so that 1) it's not used anywhere else for sure and 2) other devs know that it's mine
@FEichinger And users. are. idiots.
@fbueckert Just because I've never used a reciprocating saw doesn't mean I shouldn't use it to take down a wall. Okay that analogy kinda fell apart.
But to keep it around despite that, because it's valuable content no less.
I disagree.
If it's no longer acceptable, burn it.
@3ventic nice idea. my collegues would not allow that.
@MBraedley a wall?
@fbueckert That doesn't mean that the lock reason is a bad thing
End of story.
Take a site that has gone through a lot of scope change
@fbueckert That has nothing to do with whether or not we should use system features for what they're intended to be used for.
@AshleyNunn Oh, no, I get what they were trying to do.
@fbueckert Stack Exchange is about high quality content, by all means burn all of the trivial questions, but anything of a certain quality level should be historical locked and kept
they might have questions that aren't on topic anymore but are still good solid content
then bam, lock em
even if it's off topic now, high quality is still not "noise"
@kalina This.
@kalina Yeah, you typically use a reciprocating saw during minor demolition to quickly remove a wall.
also, this discussion is pointless since we have no questions to use as examples
Its signal, just the wrong one.
I'd like to point out that we have not used it. Even when our scope changed, we didn't use it.
@fbueckert And?
We deleted the stuff that was no longer in scope.
Which works in a lot of cases
@fbueckert a lot of the early stuff that has already been deleted was actually crap though
Because that stuff was shit
Had they burned the old questions that belong to serverfault or superuser from stack overflow, I wouldn't know nearly as much about server administration as I do now
@AshleyNunn this
Just because we had no reason to use it yet, doesn't mean we should never use it.
Clearly, this particular question still has a lot of value, as is evident by the two answers that each have significant upvotes.
If we had decided this question today was off-topic, we should still not delete it just because of that - it's still valuable information. Keeping such around is exactly the point of the SE network.
marked as duplicate by WizLiz, Katustrawfic, shanodin, Oblivious Sage, 3ventic 2 hours ago
i was the first to mark it :/
@Wandang You didn't vote to close, you flagged.
@FEichinger And as I said, I disagree.
@FEichinger ah different things. to close you need a handful to review the flag? k
Not specifically that it's a bad close reason.
Historical lock doesn't affect Arqade all that much, because Arqade tends not to go through big scope changes. Ask Ubuntu, on the other hand, strikes entire release versions out of the scope every six months - should we burn every such question the moment the EOL note drops? That's pointless and nonsensical, it inhibits the site's information value.
A: Are the ships only different in appearance?

DanieleYes, the ships are indeed different only in appearance. Except the PSYCHO (a tooltip should appear if you go over it), which will make every mode harder but also more rewarding.

Developer ^
But because it's used as an example of acceptable questions.
@DanieleGiardini, Rome (Italy) / Niš (Serbia)
Interactive stuff + indie games developer. Made HOTween for Unity. Working on Goscurry http://t.co/m3jVVJi8Go. I also draw: http://t.co/Ier5NFH2K9
7.5k tweets, 714 followers, following 669 users
@Wandang You need 3k rep to cast a close vote, which also gains you access to the close review queue
@Wandang No, closing is its own thing. You get the ability to VTC (vote to close) after you get 3k rep.
I just saw one Meta.SO rant about that.
Today's Listening:
@fbueckert That has absolutely no bearing on the historical lock feature, though.
3k is so long to wait for :/
Just because users are idiots doesn't mean we shouldn't use a feature that specifically disagrees with the idiot in question.
pls post more dota questions i can answer! :D
@FEichinger If that release version is no longer able to be used at all, what good does it do to keep that information?
@fbueckert Being closed with a historical lock should automatically disqualify that question from being used as an example of acceptable questions.
@fbueckert Not no longer able to be used - no longer recommended to be used.
@Wandang hardly, 3k doesn't take long at all
@Yuki And yet, people still do.
People still use it, for legacy software or because the upgrade process causes issues. The information we provide is still of use to these people.
The same we have with Arqade's old-but-off-topic valuable questions.
@fbueckert I disagree with this. There is good reasons for someone to be running an old version of Ubuntu. For instance, it may be an embedded system that has low bandwidth to the internet.
@fbueckert Then we need to point out that historical lock means "It's no longer an acceptable question, you idiot. Read the text.".
Getting rid of that information is a Bad Thing
Closing and not deleting is sufficient in most cases. The historical lock was used because those really highly voted posts on SO still cluttered the top questions, were occasionally reopened, occasionally deleted and undeleted and gathered lots of flags
@fbueckert And, again, this still has nothing to do with whether or not the feature is to be used.
@MadScientist Doesn't work on Arqade, where everything that's closed is slated for burnination asap.
@FEichinger I don't see why you would even use that close reason if people can still use it.
It's still a valid question.
@MadScientist All closed questions eventually get removed, except dupes, AFAIK
@fbueckert Because the question would be off-topic on Ask Ubuntu. It's no longer within the supported versions.
@FEichinger Yes, because we like to keep our site clean.
@kalina hmm thats odd. there is a duplicate to mine
@kalina or mine is a duplicate to theirs
@FEichinger AU only allows questions about specific versions of Ubuntu? Did not know that.
@Wandang flag the newest as a duplicate of the oldest then
@fbueckert Only about officially supported versions (and derivatives) of Ubuntu.
@fbueckert currently supported versions
changing every 6 months
@kalina should i copy my answer to their question then?
@MBraedley Not really. Someone still needs to delete them manually unless they are downvoted enough
That's why 8.04 is off-topic on Ask Ubuntu, and so is Mint.
@FEichinger Yeah, that's a valid usage of that close reason, then.
@fbueckert And so is for any old question on Arqade that could still be useful for someone.
@MadScientist And don't they need to be downvoted a lot for that automatic process to happen?
@FEichinger I disagree.
@FAE -1 score or unanswered and 0 score, if I'm not mistaken.
We have a different process here.
@FAE Only negative score I think. But I can't remember that stuff
@fbueckert You have a different process here.
@FEichinger No, we have a different process here.
I haven't seen anyone agree with you on this here.
If we did, we'd actually have a process for it.
I agree in principle but with exceptions - I wouldn't be in favour of deleting high quality content but anything even at "average" quality or lower can just die
fortunately it takes more than one vote to delete stuff
@kalina i cannot flag it as dup because i cannot find the duplicate with the search function
There are several games that can no longer be played. Our process is more or less, "Meh, just leave it alone."
@Wandang has the answer been accepted?
@kalina the dup question is called "How can you view your skill level after the latest patch?" if i enter that into the search box i get no return value
@Wandang you can use google and get the link
@kalina what do you mean. neither mine nor their got accepted
@kalina only accepted get found as dups? what do i do now
@Wandang the search function is terrible. Try googling it and adding 'arqade'.
@Wandang actually no, any and every question appears in the close as dupe reason
@ElfSlice to find what? i got the url, thats not the prob
but then SE search sucks very hard
Take this as an example:
Q: Which online delivery platform should I buy an indie game from so that the developer gets the biggest cut?

Boluc PapuccuogluIt's a simple question, really. There is a game I want to buy, and it is available for the same price both from Desura and Steam. Now, it is developed by a an indie developer, and I want to support them, so I would like to know which delivery platform would pass on more of my hard earned cash to ...

so just copy the link to the question against you want to close it, and paste it in the search box
that's a highly voted question that is no longer on topic because of a scope change
If you have the other question up, you can plug the numerical ID into the dupe search box
I wouldn't be in favour of keeping that question
it's pointless having it around
@kalina It was asked last month.
I don't think we changed our scope at all about that.
@fbueckert I was about to say, I don't think that was a scope change based close at all.
how the hell did something that bad get 41 upvotes LAST MONTH?
It never WAS on-topic.
It's just highly upvoted because "indie".
But only if the question in question has an upvoted answer, iirc
@Braiam doesnt work: response is:
This question does not have an upvoted or accepted answer
@FEichinger hahahahaha. no.
@Braiam so i am unable to flag it
I didn't even look at when that got asked because of the number of votes it got and the absence of any drama in my short term memory over that question
if some1 else could flag this:
this is a dup http://gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/146307/can-i-see-my-ranking-without-having-10-games-played
@FAE If anything, I could see a use for a historical lock on games we can no longer play, such as City of Heroes.
I am disappointed in all of you
Well then, you can't then. Because the exact wording of a dupe close is something like "this question has an existing answer here:"
@Wandang Only moderators can close as dupe if the requirements aren't met.
@FEichinger i am asking for a flag
@FEichinger since i cannot flag
@kalina Hey, I downvoted and VTC'd it.
@kal I closed it, so nyeh
@Wandang Flagging and closevoting have the same requirements, aside from rep.
@kalina That's gonna take a lot of delete votes. <_<
And said requirements are that the dupe target must either
- have an answer of positive score, or
- have an accepted answer, or
- be created by the same user as the duplicate
No kidding
@FEichinger ... i still have no idea what to do at this point since flagging does not work either way for me
Q: Minecraft - Replacing all blocks generated of one type with another type?

Jenny ShoarsIs there a mod or other method by which I could have a world in which wherever one type of block would normally be generated another type would be instead? Specifically, I was thinking it would be interesting and difficult to attempt playing in a world where all generated wood would be generated ...

@FEichinger well then mine is no dupe
@Wandang You can't flag as duplicate because the dupe target does not fulfill the requirements. Nobody can flag for that, only a moderator can close.
@FEichinger thought same question is enough?
i can flag mine for deletion
@Wandang It is not anymore.
@Wandang Not anymore. SE changed a lot of stuff about close voting recently, and included these requriements there.
that might be the best solution
@Lazers Dupe (already VTC'd)
feeling like a Magikarp right now
@Wandang used Splash!
deleted by Wandang just now
it worked
Here’s an idea: I’ll setup an indiegogo campaign for $200-300 and if you guys fund it I’ll actually update to iOS 7.
@ElfSlice might work...
and that's scary...
Winter sales on Desura and GoG are underway.
I played Skydrift. It was not amazing.
someone around playing fallen london?
I need to get rid of my nightmares :(
How many skydrifts was it?
Q: Infernal furnace goodies

AndalurFrom the Thaumonomicon: "By capturing a Blaze and harnessing its energy within a furnace crafted from obsidian and netherbrick you have created a highly efficient and fuel free furnace. So efficient in fact, that occasionally it will produce bonus material in the form of nuggets or other items[.....

@Sterno You are objectively wrong.
will stack exchange feature forwarding in the future?
@Sterno Did you use a controller or your keyboard?
@Unionhawk Skydrift = 0.5 Skydrifts. I blame deflation.
@Wandang what?
like wikipedia. you ask a question and will be forwarded to another question that has the same content
just another title
Controller. But I also really, really sucked at it and I'm not sure why.
@Sterno What specifically were you having trouble with?
Also good, controller is the way to play
I didn't crash much or anything but I still lagged way behind and only finished (in8th!) with 4 seconds to spare
@Sterno Did you remember to boost and stuff?
Even at the race start, the AI all shot ahead like they started with boost and I didn't
@Sterno Did you remember to apply throttle?
The plane will coast along slowly if you don't
Usually is, for anything involving vehicles
@ElfSlice maybe not. Is that different than boost? I felt like i was going super slow but no buttons seemed to speed me up except the boost one
@Wandang yeah, the duplicates automagically redirects you if you come from a search engine
@Unionhawk Yeah but like, you can complete the whole thing without using throttle if you really want, it has like a cruising speed.
@Sterno Did you try the right trigger?
Yeah. Maybe i need to check my bindings
@Sterno Strange. Try it with the keyboard and see if that was your problem
That would explain it though.
if you using kb use the W
If you weren't getting any throttle response that would definitely explain your issues
SkyDrift on keyboard is uuuuuuuugh
It should look more like this:
3 mins ago, by ElfSlice
except slower because I am the best
The tutorial kept telling me keys to press instead of controller buttons to press, so maybe something got messed up
Well, I am the fifth best.
@Sterno Uuuugh that's annoying. I didn't even do the tutorial on PC because I owned it previously on Xbox 360.
I'll try again and mess with controller settings
@FAE this, probably
I've never even tried it with keyboard
I also just played some SR4. Over the top goodness!
@fae can you tell me now if Hobbit pt 2 improved on the previous?
@Sterno Yes in some ways, no in others, IMO.
If you're on Steam, I can rant at you there.
best movie
I'm not at the moment.
SR4 was a little meh, honestly
Though it might lie and say I'm currently playing Starbound, because it likes to do that.
@Sterno It says you're 'Snooze'
SR4 is already better than GTA5
Just for riding a nuke.
@Sterno Just Cause 2
@ElfSlice That's been linked before. Just not sure if it was by you or not.
@Yuki Probably was.
@ElfSlice old
@Sterno So? Also, not really.
I like Saints row over gta if only because I can jump in a car without anyone caring.
@Sterno Hollywood has once again conflated "strong characterization of female character" with "strong female character", which is ugh, because everything about that inserted plotline is bleeeeeeh. Smaug was amazingly rendered. Some of the other special effects were surprisingly bad though. The introduction of the character who kills Smaug earlier in the plotline is actually a benefit over the book version. Unfortunately your issue with the action just kind of gets worse in this one.
And summon cars on a whim
Don't forget Crackdown guys
@Sterno The pacing is such that the action is like ACTIIIIOOOOOOOOOON but then the quieter parts feel slow in comparison. Not nearly as bad as the first though in that regard.
@FAE Oh well. Not every movie has to be a style I like, I guess. I know a lot of people who liked the style of The Hobbit
I'll take a pass sounds like
@Sterno If you were lukewarm on the first part, I'd say maybe save your money, but if you like dragons, go see it. The scenes with Smaug were seriously impressively done, but I'm a nerd for dragons.
I thought Dragonheart was so cool when I was a kid. <_<
@FAE we all had our dark (very dark) past
@FAE I thought, "How to train a dragon" was kinda funny.
I'm a bit of a nerd for dragons myself.
@fbueckert That movie was so fun!
@fbueckert I'm a big fan of Michael Whelan's art and sculptures.
Say what you want about Dragonheart! That movie was impressive for its time!
How To Train A Dragon was indeed awesome
Eragon was pretty crappy though.
Q: How do i get platinum?

Memor-XI've been using the mine for a while, i only have the iron hammer and iron axe, while mining i've upgraded almost all my tools to gold and got a couple of diamonds to upgrade the gold tools to ultimate however the last thing i need is black lumber i have plenty of black branches but the iron axe...

Q: What do you do with the items that are made on Imperial levels in Tiny Death Star?

user64022 You 'collect' them when done and have an inventory of them. Can they be sold?

Eragon was no good, agree
@FAE I didn't see it, but I assume it's because there wasn't enough dragon.
@Yuki No, it was... pretty objectively bad.
Not judging anyone who enjoyed it, but it was not a very good movie.
I'd only go see it for the Jeremy Irons and John Malkovich.
@Yuki This, pretty much.
Huh. Just looked at TV Tropes and, apparently, you shouldn't mention Eragon to Robert Carlyle (of Stargate: Universe and Once Upon A Time fame). He gets really angry.
@Yuki He probably really regrets being a part of it. :P
@fbueckert One of the best animated movies I've seen in recent times
@Yuki Was he in that? I saw the movie, but don't really remember it.
Q: Is there a way to find out where to deliver the '?' bits that don't change when the elevator starts?

user64022 the ones that are supposed to trigger a 'cutscene' when delivered to the right level

@MBraedley He was Durza.
Is anyone else still playing Harvest Moon, from those that picked it up months ago?
@fbueckert I am not.
@fbueckert @BenBrocka had restarted playing I think, pre-pokemon
@FAE But not you?
@fbueckert Not yet, nay. Still trying to finish pokemon. I got caught up finishing my Vivillon collection.
@FAE I played Pokemon enough to beat the Elite Four...and then my interest promptly died.
@fbueckert ah, not interested in the post-game stuff?
@FAE Usually, I'm a completionist, but for some reason, I don't really care about the latest game.
@fbueckert Gotcha
Playing Pocket Harvest, that mobile farming game from Kairosoft just made me want to play Harvest Moon again that much more.
Q: Can AIR BLOCKS be part of your ME network?

EnderI'm having an issue with my ME system resetting when I'm not around, supposedly due to chunkloading issues. I have several(3) wireless ME Access Points set up. The Access Points themselves are chunkloaded, but I'm fairly sure their range extends outside of my chunkloaded area. Will the unloadin...

@boo What's its name? Gold factory?
@3ventic Yup
Q: Missing decorating droids

J3zm0n7eMy 5 decorating droids disapeared from the arrival level where I had stored them in the hope they wouldnt get cleared by Vader and the Emp on their purge on app resume, just like the decs should this happen?

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