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It's over
And seeing the name Tristan in there reminded me that people who change their names are literally worse than Hitler.
> Winner is jonsca.
@Sterno I'll never change my name.
@OrigamiRobot "again"
@TimStone How many votes did Evan get?
@kalina That would be a terrible name
I still think I need to get become mod on some lame SE site so I can abuse my mod abilities in The Bridge
@Sterno Create an Area 51 proposal for old people.
@JasonBerkan "Mod for life" wouldn't be a very long tenure.
@Sterno You just made me scare my co-workers with my outrageous laughter.
He got 29 votes, of which
4 people only chose him
7 people chose him for first choice
9 people gave him second choice
10 people gave him third choice
Why do we care about Evan Carroll?
Phrased another way, who the hell is Evan Carroll?
He's like a professional SE troll.
He gets paid for it? Sweet gig. I want in.
@JasonBerkan The words "professional" and "troll" just... boggle my mind when conjoined.
He doesn't get paid, though Jeff Atwood called him once via phone
I could be misremembering, but I think he changed his SO name and avatar to Jeff Atwood and got banned for a year.
@MadScientist If you don't get paid, you're not a professional.
@Sterno check his answers on MSO.
And if you do get paid, you are a professional.
@badp Not sure how much that'll get you without 10k
I am a professional documentation reader
@MadScientist As much as it'll get me with 10k, since you need a diamond to see his deleted answers on his profile page.
in my last job, I was a professional chat.SE participant
@kalina very prestige
...now chat.SE is a professional documentation generator
one line at a time
all the docs
yay for documentation
all the time
@badp Does chat.SE get paid?
@Yuki I added "like".
I swear if I have to read one more knowledge base article with grammatical errors
@OrigamiRobot Yes! It does get paid.
I might just murder everybody in the office and burn down the entire area
@kalina Not sure if intentional.
@kalina cc @NSA
@Sterno broken keyboard
I know you're in the UK, but the NSA wil know who to contact over there
The USA basically owns the UK anyway.
British intelligence is just as good
@OrigamiRobot GCHQ
You're like a tiny state with bad food.
or NCA, most likely
"Nottingham was burned to the ground today, phrases like 'ellipsis is only three dots' was spray painted all around the region just outside of the fire"
.... xD
it's rare I want to actually punch somebody in the face
@Sterno This room in a nutshell
but you're right there
@Sterno is it bad that the "...." annoys me more than the "xD"?
@kalina Yes, you have been desensitized to the xD through repeated exposure.
@kalina No... xD
"...." by itself was insufficient. I needed something to elevate it.
To amplify its awfulness, if you will.
some people in this channel are probably really sick people in real life
@kalina Guilty as charged.
Q: What triggers a buying frenzy vs a fully stocked bonus?

Zero StackAfter fully stocking a floor, sometimes instead of getting a minor bonus, I receive a message saying that a buying frenzy is going on. To me, it appears to be randomly generated, but what triggers a buying frenzy as appose to fully stocked bonus?

Q: Do merchants ever run out of items, or can they sell items off their shelves?

KernelPanicDo merchants ever run out of inventory, or do they regenerate it after a certain amount of time? Also, does the merchant ever sell any of the items off of their shelves, or is that just for show? Shelves for reference:

@kalina Field Trip is kinda nice when you are having a trip
@kalina Tiny Death Star, obviously.
@kalina Many games that were on the various Humble Androdi Bundle
@kalina An SNES emulator; my favourite is SuperGNES
@badp I have those, most of them are nothing special
@kalina But look at all the rep you are missing out on....
@badp I have SNES9x
@kalina I found it to be kind of awful.
@JasonBerkan I played it for like 4 hours
@kalina My daughter likes Peekaboo Barn. She's young, like you.
@kalina Wow. I've sold my soul to Lucas, I haven't even bothered to install it.
@Sterno Oh, snap!
The last time I felt like I was obviously wasting my life was when I played SkyDrift
but Tiny Death Star definitely felt like wasting my life
@Sterno ...
@badp same people who made Ingress?
@kalina Yep, but it's not a game.
Basically when you're nearby obscure but possibly interesting places, it rings you and gives you a description
@badp That sounds cool
Google still think that they haven't dispatched my Nexus 7
and still give me the option to cancel my order
should I do it?
How many did you buy?
just the one
on play it says it will be dispatched tomorrow
should I leave it and see if they send me another one?
can they kill them off remotely?
@JasonBerkan Are you serious? You have to operate the elevator manually?
@badp I had Tiny Tower installed for like 2 days. It was one of the worst things I had ever experienced (in gaming).
@badp yes, this is basically all you actually do all game
Interesting talk
Pokemon == data
@kalina ..
@Unionhawk what's wrong with this, I think this is funny
43 secs ago, by kalina
@Unionhawk what's wrong with this, I think this is funny
No, it says right there it's from that department. Might have been a mistake.
1 min ago, by OrigamiRobot
43 secs ago, by kalina
@Unionhawk what's wrong with this, I think this is funny
14 secs ago, by FEichinger
1 min ago, by OrigamiRobot
43 secs ago, by kalina
@Unionhawk what's wrong with this, I think this is funny
Are my headphones broken again?
@kalina Noooo! You shouldn't quote yourself!
I have never bought headphones.
For a while, I used some earbuds I found in a parking lot.
Now I use the ones that came with my phone.
Hmm. No, it seems my audio is all messed up. Well then...
Yep. It's my audio as a whole. Lovely.
@OrigamiRobot ewww
1 min ago, by kalina
@OrigamiRobot ewww
Well that was weird.
3 mins ago, by FEichinger
1 min ago, by kalina
@OrigamiRobot ewww
They worked fine.
check football stream
layer of snow
"match abandoned"
I ain't even mad
@ori they had been in somebody else's ears...
Q: Is there any benefit to removing the X-Mas tree from my land?

Zero StackI noticed with the holiday patch that there are new trees and shrubs that spawn on my land. One popped up today, being specifically an X-Mas tree - which costs 25,000 gold to remove. Is there any benefit to removing this X-Mas tree? Is there any benefit to leaving it there? It is noticeabl...

@kalina You don't know that.
Wow this game is old. The highest screen resolution it goes to is 1440x900
@JasonBerkan In real football all you do is kick the ball
@Unionhawk When I was young, we had 320 x 200 pixels AND WE WERE HAPPY! Get off of my lawn!
which you can't do with snow
@OrigamiRobot ...
@badp Yeah - in that game they tried 2 point conversions after the touchdowns rather than try kicking a convert.
@OrigamiRobot That is the part that would thoroughly worry me. Where have they been?
@Sterno I've been Fluttershy longer than I've been Tristan! That means I'm not literally Hitler, right?
@Fluttershy No. You're literally twice as bad as Hitler because it's been so long we forget who Tristan really is
Just like Ickleislands/Pixel/Kalina/whatever-she's-calling-herself-this-month
Android Enthusiasts is such a quiet site
@Sterno I have been kalina longer than the others
@kalina Hitler was Hitler for a long time, too.
Hitler was only ever Hitler
That's what they want you to think.
But then he was Dead Hitler and now he's Robo Hitler
@Ullallulloo wat
@kalina I'll bet Hitler was Adolf when he was a kid
Not even TF2 ever enjoyed such a trolly update
Now I'm envious
@badp They removed a hero from the game.
@SaintWacko he was still hitler
@kalina So were his parents!
Bet ya didn't see that coming.
@kalina ....
Which is worse... 4 dots for ellipses or people who say "looser" when they mean "loser"?
Who cares how many dots as long as it's more than 1?
Only a looser uses 4 dots for ellipses....
more dots = longer pause
@OrigamiRobot ......................................................
@Sterno "use/suppose to" when they mean "used/supposed to"
@Sterno I don't wanna be Hitler. Or worse than Hitler. :(
@OrigamiRobot "Supposebly."
@Ullallulloo Valve's ingame canons have been taking a turn for the dark lately
The latest TF2 comics has four mercenaries lined up to be hung, nooses on their neck
@Fluttershy I have never heard/seen that
of course it being TF2 the resolution is nonsense humour but still
I hate when people say "I resemble that" when they mean "I resent that", and they're not just trying to be clever.
Of course, I hate it when they're trying to be clever, too.
@Sterno I never understood "I resemble that"
@OrigamiRobot My ex-wife said it. A lot. I've also heard "onced" and "twiced" in place of "once" or "twice." Taquitos pronounced "tuh-QWEE-toes," and tortilla as "tor-TIL-uh."
Also, that was in response to your reply about Supposebly.
@Fluttershy Onced and twiced? Who... I... wat?
Also, Walmarks. That means Walmart.
@Fluttershy well, at least there's a good reason she's your ex.
@Fluttershy Sadly, I have both heard this spoken and seen this written.
@KevinvanderVelden That isn't why she's my ex. <_<
@Fluttershy well it should've been =p
I think the actual reason is a better one. >_>
@Fluttershy probably is, but I'm on the internet making a dumb joke and dumb jokes aren't funny if you bring silly things like facts into them.
This is true!
Q: How to you use the Battle Data

Memor-XUnder the Omake menu where you can view the image gallery, scene and music reply there is an option called Battle Data, when you click on this it has you try and select a save game. i have completed the game on normal and even the final CG with Eruru is shown in my gallery and i can access the O...

Anyway off to bed! Time to see if I wake up at 2 am again thinking it's time to leave for work (hint: it wasn't, I could've bloody slept for 4 more hours :'( )
JC2MP is the shit
@GnomeSlice Oh, shit!
that was this weekend!
It's still going
For how long?
Q: Does the distance between nodes effect the advance of the Rebel Fleet?

ChargingPunWhen jumping between nodes in a sector, does the distance to the destination node effect the advance of the rebel fleet, or is it only the number of jumps? I read this question, but it did not address distance versus quantity.

I admit I took way too long to get the joke in panel 3 :D
Q: Is rebel advancement determined by the distance between two beacons?

EnderIf two beacons are farther away from each other than others, does this greater travel 'distance' give the rebel fleet more 'advancement' than shorter distances?

You know what's fun? When a deploy to production fails.
@SaintWacko like 3 more days
@Powerlord Heeey, you too?
@Powerlord Ouch
I had one of those
Q: Can I play any Quake 1 mods without original game?

akavelI've found quite a lot "mods" on http://quaddicted.com, and I've tried some open-source Quake engines (QuakeSpasm, DirectQ), but they all seem to complain in this way or other, that I haven't got the original game contents. Is it possible to play any quality, free content with some of the free Q...

@Powerlord Not if you use lowercase
Updated something across all partitions, it went into production, and only then we discovered that for some reason it was deactivating one of the partitions -.-
That was not good
In our case, the actual re-deploy process failed when it was unloading the old version.
New Deal: OIO for Windows and Mac - Beat the Average for Puddle bonus game http://goo.gl/fb/HD9aD #indiegamestand
@AshleyNunn And then... THE BRIDGE CRASHED! That is the end of my fears
@boo What weather widget is that?
Also, now my debugger doesn't want to attach to my local copy of the app. sigh

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