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@boo with nearly a million people in it
rather than the tiny area with nearly 50 people in it
@kalina Meh, it's just odds
1 person in 50 in a 1/2 mile radius is far worse odds than a million in a 30 mile radius
I might as well have just given you my address the last time
@boo meh, just burn the entire place down. The single survivor will be @kalina
@kalina Not from the perspective of a nuclear strike!
@kalina Essentially you did
Hey wait, doesn't @RonanForman live in Nottingham? Do you live with him?
no he lives in York or something atm
@boo nuclearsecrecy.com/nukemap <--- have fun with that
due to university
no we're not dating
@kalina I'm back in Nottingham tomorrow.
@kalina Dammit, someone beat me to the first star.
@kalina denied it, so it must be true!
@RonanForman Dun dun duuuuuun.
@RonanForman Are you a sheriff?
@GnomeSlice Have I mentioned how much I hate you?
@tombull89 I can target a bomb on Nottingham and take out Leicester too, success!
Here's my home screen. All ye Europeans/Americans can also gaze upon the balmy weather we have here
@boo which bomb, though?
@tombull89 Largest US
@PrivatePansy Boring weather
@boo There's thunderstorm tonight
@PrivatePansy tonight being every night?
There was a thunderstorm every day I was there
Actually, in the rainy season you'd get thunderstorm just about every night
When I have an arsenal of 15Mt nuclear weapons, Nottingham is going first.
No wait, Newcastle first, then Nottingham
@tombull89 wtf this is scary
If you're looking to get rid of annoying accents, surely destroying Manchester should be top priority?
@GnomeSlice keeps my dad worryingly entertained.
oh we're doing home screens?
Posting android desktops, eh?
@TZHX High
@boo why newcastle? it's a nice and easy port to get from holland to england!
(5" Xperia Z1)
@tombull89 Wow. One Tsar Bomba would cover the entirety of Connecticut.
@boo ='[ will you give me advanced warning at least?
I really need to change the background..
Nuclear bombs are scary...
How can they make something so small so destructive
@boo Why are the icons so big?
what the fuck humanity
@PrivatePansy Nexus 5, KitKat
@GnomeSlice Practice.
@PrivatePansy Insane pixel density
@GnomeSlice physics
But be glad that it works, otherwise no sun :)
@boo Yeah, but still... 4 icons only?
@PrivatePansy Yeah, don't really want more on a device that size, or at least I don't
I do wish the widgets resizes properly
The email/Gmail widget's font sizes are annoyingly big
@GnomeSlice Sure, they're small in comparison to their effect radius, but nuclear bombs tend to be big. Tsar Bomba weighed 60,000 pounds (30 tons) and was 26 feet long with a 7 foot diameter.
@Yuki Heavy metals are... heavy
@GnomeSlice To be fair, we have (so far) done a decent job of not destroying ourselves.
@boo I'm not sure if most of that weight actually comes from the uranium or plutonium
@PrivatePansy No, I doubt it
@JasonBerkan We have come far too close for comfort too many times though
@GnomeSlice Please put a penny in the photo for scale
@PrivatePansy Scarily, scarily close to total annihilation
Nuclear weapons are the scariest things ever made
@GnomeSlice We must push little cart!
@PrivatePansy Most of the weight probably comes from the shielding and safety mechanisms.
@Powerlord ಠ_ಠ
...sorry, that reminded me of the Payload bomb cart in TF2.
> Now, I think we're being too harsh on Microsoft here. Making browsers is hard, and unless you have, like, 24 years of browser-making experience under your belt, there is NO way you're going to make a good one. Especially not on a device that's made and manufactured by a 3rd party (instead of in-house), and certainly not for a hardware platform that is completely and totally different from the CPU architecture you normally build for.
@Yuki Atomic bombs require a fair amount of conventional explosives to detonate too
@GnomeSlice I dunno, engineered bioweapons can get scarier.
September 26, 1983 was the scariest
(That quote is about the Xbone version of IE)
saw a documentary about it
crazily close
> A training tape depicting a Soviet attack is inadvertently played on Norad computers. Senator Charles Percy (R-Illinois), visiting at the time, describes a scene of “panic.”
Isn't this... Wargames?
Because we have quite a few safeties on nuclear weapons. Several systems can recover from one mistake when it comes to nuclear weapons. Bioweapons on the hand...
@boo this was the closest I believe
> 5. September 26, 1983
Soviet systems report US ICBM launches. The colonel on duty, fearing a false alarm, doesn’t recommend a counterstrike. The “missile plumes” turn out to be the glare of the sun, but Soviet high command reprimands him anyway.
@PrivatePansy Nature came closer. Way closer. The last one was 70k years ago (Lake Toba), the next one will likely be whenever Yellowstone finally blows up and kills most of us off.
apart from whe the launch code is 0000000
@Powerlord facepalm
@MartinSojka most all
It was pretty much literally one person saying "No this is a mistake" or M.A.D. was on it's way.
@boo A few poor bastards will survive. There's always some.
@MartinSojka Maybe. People in mines might survive if they're far enough away.
Question is, would you want to survive a nuclear war?
@tombull89 Depends on whether I get laser rifles wazer wifles.
@tombull89 No way. Ground zero for me please. Being on the outskirts of a nuclear blast is far worse
Didn't more people die of thirst after Hiroshima than from the actual blast?
Basically, the end of humanity can be 5 minutes from now, and there's not a damn thing we can do about it until we finally move our arses out of the solar system, or at least establish colonies on different planets.
@boo I would assume most of them died of radiation poisoning
@boo Instant incineration is far preferable than a slow and painful death from burns or radiation poisoning
@KevinvanderVelden I thought the closest was the Norweigen rocket scare
The Norwegian rocket incident, also known as the Black Brant scare, occurred on January 25, 1995, when a team of Norwegian and American scientists launched a Black Brant XII four-stage sounding rocket from the Andøya Rocket Range off the northwestern coast of Norway. The rocket, which carried scientific equipment to study the aurora borealis over Svalbard, flew on a high northbound trajectory, which included an air corridor that stretches from Minuteman-III nuclear missile silos in North Dakota, all the way to the Russian capital city of Moscow. During its flight, the rocket eventuall...
@GnomeSlice Nope, that takes longer
@PrivatePansy Or thirst, seriously
"During its flight, the rocket eventually reached an altitude of 1,453 kilometers (903 mi), resembling a U.S. Navy submarine-launched Trident missile. As a result, Russian nuclear forces were put on high alert, and the nuclear weapons command suitcase was brought to Russian president Boris Yeltsin, who then had to decide whether to launch a nuclear barrage against the United States"
so...that could have turned nasty.
> "The Norwegian rocket incident was the first and only incident where any nuclear weapons state had its nuclear suitcases activated and prepared for launching an attack."
@tombull89 I'm not sure, the thing me and @Powerlord are referring to was during a time everyone expected an attack and was literally one man going "No, the system that is saying a missile is incoming is mistaken" and not reporting it upstairs
> "The siren howled, but I just sat there for a few seconds, staring at the big, back-lit, red screen with the word 'launch' on it," he says.
@Ullallulloo Analogue clock: no
> He says he was the only officer in his team who had received a civilian education. "My colleagues were all professional soldiers, they were taught to give and obey orders," he told us.

So, he believes, if somebody else had been on shift, the alarm would have been raised.
Scary stuff.
@KevinvanderVelden Really scary
Q: How can I speed up SteamCMD download?

3venticMy app_update, on linux SteamCMD, is running extremely slow on my 100 MB/s network, so is there a way I could make it download faster? Maybe by changing the download location somehow? It also seems to be downloading in small chunks. App state (0x300502) downloading, progress: 1.12 (43790472 / 39...

Q: Recording screens across multiple computers?

Jamie HutberI've been looking at recording my screen whilst playing games. This is fine and I'm sure I can get that done easily enough. However, is it possible to record across more than one computer with multiple audios connected? This explanation might not be the best so, its best I show you with an exam...

@boo Why?
@Ullallulloo You have a clock anyway, and it's a waste of homescreen
@Ullallulloo cause we invented digital clocks for a reason.
@boo Big clock reads faster at a glance then that small thing in the corner.
@Arperum Analogue reads slower than digital
@Arperum You know you can put a bigger digital clock on your home screen if you want, right?
You people and your obsession with big clocks.
@Powerlord 10/10 would pretend typo again
Also, best page on the rational wiki: rationalwiki.org/wiki/Category:Challenge_articles
Any of the links from that page xp
@Yuki I have a bigger digital clock on my homescreen.
@Powerlord I like big clocks and I cannot lie
@FEichinger The typo was a braino of me typing "You people are your obsession with big clocks."
@Powerlord I know. I started typing before I saw the real typo.
@FEichinger I like how everyone just assumed he would typo cocks.
@KevinvanderVelden That's really Freudian.
@KevinvanderVelden We're talking tablets: clocks and sizes. Of course that's what happens.
@KevinvanderVelden Pages using this file
Have we ever managed to avoid the obligatory "Mine is bigger" or somesuch when talking about phones, tablets, or phablets?
@boo I stand corrected, bested-er page on rationalwiki
Morning, Bridge
@RedRiderX Thank you for your assistance
If you have a 1/2 hour to waste.
@FEichinger I think the biggest difficulty is fitting it in my pants.
@Powerlord I didn't think my 5" would fit, but it did quite comfortably
@boo meh, my 10 inch one is purely for home use (mostly bedroom).
@Powerlord I have an Chinese off-brand 3'', so I have no problems fitting it in my pants.
Q: no signal shows when xbox 360 kinnect power on

user63571it was all fine till today when i turn on the xbox 360 kinect.the green light turns to red instead of green and it shows no signal on the tv screen.tried other hdmi cable but still the same.is it the flash memory on the motherboard crash?plz help.thnx.

Surprisingly my ridiculously big 6.44 inch fits almost all of the pants I wear regularly
@boo @others-who-are-new-to-KoL don't forget to check the clan rumpus room when playing KoL, we have some interesting plants.
@Lazers C-C-C-Combobreaker
@Arperum I got a fair bit of meat from the plants
I also bought a sofa
@boo ~3k meat /day from the plants.
@PrivatePansy I'll stay classy and go with ...
@Arperum That much meat is not to be sniffed at
Mine is bigger.
Pff, where's @kalina when we're all busy starbaiting.
@FEichinger Mine is the biggest one available on the market right now I believe
We got a sales email offering us an 85" today.
@Arperum I'll probably donate it straight back into the stash.
@PrivatePansy Thickness (and flexibility) are important metrics too, lets not forget
Seriously? An 85" touchscreen table? What school is gonna buy that?
Hopefully, it won't be long before we can recoup the costs of the plants.
@boo It's incredibly thin, and the build quality is good enough that it doesn't flex (too much)
So, one of my friends got me to play Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance again.
I forgot how far you have to get into the game before you can get the Lure Key.
Since the Lure Key is the key to the transport rooms, it shouldn't be 3/4 of the way through the game. >:|
So we just refreshed the star list...using out-of-context stars...
Q: Is there any significance to the two coins under the first bridge in Super Mario 64?

Zero StackI noticed that there are two coins under the first main bridge leading into the castle. I am trying to side-flip and wall bounce to get them both, but do they have any use as I am not in a 'world' right now?

@3ventic yes, this is the bridge, nice to meet you.
@Lazers I'm sorry Mario, but the princess is in the castle.
You want something to star that can't be taken out of context?
First of all, I must protest against the new menu: I protest! .. ok that's done.
@M'vy hey, long time no see.
Worst TV show
Hey @Kevin!
@boo TBBT with no laugh track? I'd rather stab myself in the eyes
@tombull89 It's really, really bad
TBBT is bad enough with laugh track.
I found a hardcover copy of Thomas Friedman's Hot, Flat, and Crowded at a used book sale for $4
Oh, beautiful ... cable just cut out.
@PrivatePansy Ah, no worries. I should go check that place out
I will miss that chat link in the top bar :S
What the hell happened to the star list in here
@M'vy It's in the left-hand menu for some reason.
Q: New top bar quick reference guide / Where has the link to <X> gone?

kalinaOver the last 24 hours - since the new top bar has been rolled out - a number of different people, established and new users alike have asked questions on where a specific link has disappeared to with the new top bar design. Where has the link to <X> gone?

@kalina Tablet talk.
@TimStone wut !! ... ok
I'll need time to process that one I guess.
@FEichinger any mod around to that
@Braiam BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. Right. Because that's ever gonna happen.
Q: New top bar quick reference guide / Where has the link to <X> gone?

FlykSince the new top bar has been rolled out - a number of different people, established and new users alike, have asked questions on where a specific link has disappeared to with the new top bar design. Where has the link to <X> gone?

copy pasta
or close to it
@3ventic Psh, MSO.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Clearly, he's the Medic. After all, TF2 takes place in the '60s, right?
@Yuki The more people using them, the better. I can't use them right now because hardcore. But once I finish this run I'll go softcore again.
2 mins ago, by FEichinger
@Braiam BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. Right. Because that's ever gonna happen.
@FEichinger figured that one long ago
@LessPop_MoreFizz better than the silly hats our ex-queen wore
@KevinvanderVelden Isn't silly hats a trademark of the Dutch monarchy?
@Arperum Aren't silly hats a trademark of wealth period?
@Yuki dutch silly hats are extra silly.
@Yuki That too.
I mean, look at all the funny headgear that showed up at that marriage in Great Britain awhile back.
Bloody hell, can I ever click on a new song by Heather Dale and go "Meh"? Seems I can't so far.
@3ventic WHO IS THIS @kalina IMPERSONATOR?!
@Powerlord It's @kalina
Probably grace
@Powerlord it's me!
@GraceNote Are you having weird dreams again?
@RonanForman I see you read up.
@GraceNote I got the ping.
And that you read up.
Yes. The presentation with Keiji Inafune was shortly after a rather extended stint involving the mafia.
I had a weird mafia related dream recently
I don't remember much about it
but I remember it being weird because I woke up after setting fire to somebody
whereas I'd usually sleep through that
Did kid Ronan propose to you there too?
I don't dream about internet people
Q: When, if ever, is someone in the seaside shack?

boo Does this message ever change? Do I need to come at a certain time?

Internet people are some of the most fun to dream about. Because you don't have any limits to what they do look like, they can take on all sorts of appearances based on whatever your fancy.
Though I admit that I have actually made at least one person appalled at the depiction they ended up as.
Actually I made the entire room appalled by it. It was kinda funny to see everyone's reaction.
I dreamt about inflicting the world with some sort of forced change via sonic waves. To make them Newtypes or something.
I played too much Dynasty Warriors: Gundam last night, I think.
I had a dream once where I set fire to a huge field of marijuana on a windy day and everybody in the nearby area got high
I remember it because I then started thinking about how many fields I'd have to set fire to in order to get the entire planet high
I see ... @GraceNote is talking dreams again.
@kalina hmm... I kinda want to send that question in to what-if.xkcd.com
@KevinvanderVelden Worth a try.
@kalina Did you come to a conclusion>?
@FEichinger To be fair I only really described the one about 10 hours ago.
@FEichinger I see... @kalina is talking about getting high again.
Q: What is the right order to play Skyrim?

Monje LocoI've read in some Skyrim related sites that many players have had problems with: 1) Items in their inventory that are related to quests but don't work as expected. (Plantea's flute, amulet of Talos, the 4 little things used in The Lost Ages quest, etc.) 2) Related issues to quest that requires an...

@GraceNote You're a crazy person and your dreams are crazy and what on Earth is going on with your dreams?!
@Lazers I recommend starting with Skyrim.
@KevinvanderVelden can do if youw ant
@boo no, I got high
I hate dreaming so much that I sleep deprive myself so that I don't dream (or at least don't remember my dreams).
@FEichinger Well, basically, Ronan won a prize from the presentation. It was like some kind of special ribbon. Apparently a special ribbon that comes as a pair, and for most people, you give the second ribbon to a loved one or someone you're proposing to.
That's what was going on, basically.
@GraceNote I did not want to know.
... Reading again, I really didn't want to know.
grace and ronan sitting in a tree
@Powerlord I recommend starting with building a PC and getting the unofficial patches and not playing a Bethesda game on a platform without console ><
The kid was too young to know this, though, so it was done purely out of admiration and respect.
@KevinvanderVelden I would actually argue against this for Skyrim as there are just so many mods on PC that aren't available on console.
@GraceNote Now I'm just offended.
@RonanForman You were half your age!
@GraceNote I bet @Sterno wishes he was half his age.
@Yuki you're arguing in favor of playing it on a console or in favor of playing it on a PC?
@GraceNote Are we working on the: I get younger every time we meet. thing?
Hejudas even I can't say I knew anything at all when I was 8.
@Yuki Are mods a bad thing?
@RonanForman No, I'm working on the "You're I think 18 now if I remember the years right, but the you in the dream was probably only about 9."
@GraceNote I don't believe you ever were truly 8. You are too crazy for that.
@Yuki He means the in-game console, which isn't available on consoles. :)
@KevinvanderVelden Well, I'm not quite sure what your argument says exactly. I was more arguing against the point don't play a Bethesda game on a non-console platform.
@MartinSojka Oh. Well, that's just confusing.
You sat with your Dad at the presentation. Barely came up to his knee.
@Yuki yeah. My argument was play it on a PC so you can fix the bugs you will encounter.
@RonanForman Wait. Does that make you River Song to @GraceNote's Doctor?
@Yuki maybe consoles should be renamed gametvsportboxes?
@Yuki Well, that was deep.
@Yuki Read that as River Tam to @GraceNote's Doctor
@Yuki Heh, It was just that every time I'd be on mumble Grace would think I was younger and younger.
@boo Still kinda appropriate.
@RonanForman Because your voice totally went down in age every video I watched!
@FEichinger River Tam >> River Song
@RonanForman Side note, did your mom ever hit on @GraceNote?
@boo Never disagreed with that.
Q: Is there a way to reorganize what slots bitizens are working in?

DannyFor example, my Jedi Jump Up has a level 9 dream job in the 1st slot, an 8 dream job in the 2nd and a 5 dream job in the last and most valuable slot. Or similarly, My Trianing Remotes has my one lvl 9 dream job in the first slot and the other slots are filled with regular lvl 9's but it would mak...

And over the course of two answers and 12 hours, I've jumped to the top of the top users page.
Quote of the meeting: "Why would you pay if you can just poke around for free"
@kalina "Social guilt" is a nice one.
Steam is offline?
Q: What is the cost per level progression in the game?

David MI'm currently at 61 levels and my cost of building a new level is over 520K credits. Is there a fixed amount the cost goes up by or is it a progression? Admittedly I haven't been paying enough attention. Sometimes it seems to go up a few thousand, others 10s of thousands per level. I'm asking...

@3ventic no you got hellbanned
People feel, after a while, obligated to reward creators if their experience was positive and they know the option to pay exists - and other people are paying for it already. How long that takes and how much they want to pay, well that varies from person to person.
@3ventic That's called "heavy load", I believe.
@Lazers So grindy...
@kalina 5pm exactly
@3ventic Steam is so down, even issteamdown is sluggish!
@FEichinger Steam goes down > Steam status checkers go down from overload
@3ventic okey....
lol, mine took... 1ms
@Yuki Wow, we don't have enough questions :)
Steam Translation Server works!
I guess probably because the wiki is so damn good
"Supporting Article" really means "article this was straight up copy & pasted from" gaming.stackexchange.com/a/144945/3062
Steam has weekly sales running again it seems
It was originally a quote.
Steam is down - installing Origin
oh god, why
I can't think of a good way to say "I can Google too, dude. What I'm looking for is actual info from someone who played, in words that make sense."
To be fair, the guy's original answer was totally in his own words, back when the answer was "No, you can't do that"
> removed edits because everyone is getting a buttcramp about it
Now he's aware that you can, somehow, via the latest patch, and is trying to update his answer to be correct. Except he doesn't know the details of how to do actually do it
You can be blunt.
Is there any difference between buying an Ouya 16GB and buying an Ouya 8GB + a 8GB SD card?
@EonRustedduPlessis I appreciate the time you're taking looking for this, and trying to keep your answer updated as the game changes. I think it would be beneficial to get rid of some of that extra info... we don't really need a copy of the full wiki entry on pixels. That 51% number is actually kind of misleading. The main points we care about for this question is "Can you save them somewhere?" (the answer appears to be "Yes") and "How do you save them somewhere?" (which I'm not sure we know the answer to) — Sterno 53 secs ago
I'm the King of PoliteTown!
Or maybe mayor. I'm not sure PoliteTown has a king
I'll have to get the city council to pass a resolution to rename Mayor to King
@Sterno I don't think PoliteTown's Council would be polite enough to do so.
@FEichinger the first thing to enter policy is stop to be polite
Wow. The City Council of PoliteTown is a bunch of dicks.
Nah, they would be too polite to pass any resolutions, because each councillor would politely let another councillor speak first.
If they could even get in the council room, as they all politely held the door for each other.
Now I can't help but think of the masterful political stylings of Jar Jar Binks
Padme was pretty much the worst senator ever, letting him take over for her. If she hadn't died in childbirth, her people would have killed her.
Hi chat.
Hi guy in chat.
Q: What is Ascension?

ParalyticI am confused by what the wiki says about ascending. Is it the end of the game? Is there more quests after ascending? Some light shed on this would be greatly appreciated.

Hi other guy in chat.
Q: How do spells improve?

SquiddyI just learned a Heal Self I spell and in hovering over it, I see that it is rank 1 of 11 and improves at level 2. How does it increase in rank and level?

Q: Can I control the rotation of the abode?

user50849Around settlements, it's usually a priority to squeeze in the abodes as tightly as possible. When I did this the first time, I managed to get a fairly straight grid, maximizing the number of abodes under influence of the settlement. However, when it comes to building my second settlement, I not...

I think I broke chat with a picture of Jar Jar.
> Not really raging about it, but I'd like to know why this is being done? I understand it's beta and all but personally, I also understand that my card was charged for 13,99€, so excuse me when I'm a little annoyed about this.
People really don't understand Early Access
I don't understand it. Pay us for an unfinished game that we may or may not finish, and it may or may not be the game you expect when we are done.
You understand what it is. You just don't understand why you'd want to buy at that stage.
Given that I don't buy games until they are > 2 years old (and all the hype surrounding them has died down), that is very true.
Yeah, these people don't understand what they've signed up for whatsoever.
Honestly, it comes down to the fact that every goddamn developer these days wants to be the new Mojang...
So they release their game in beta and hope it becomes the new Minecraft
Well, why get paid next year for what you can get paid for today?
This is true.
I think it helped that minecraft is a game that works with early access, it's infinite, so loads of people will be playing it the whole time as it is made.
Kind of like Starbound
@Sterno nop
I already sort of got bored of Starbound..
Some games just don't work that way. I think KSP is one, it's kind of got a set list of things you want to do, and when you run out the game is over.
I need to wait for the game to be more done
KSP to a lesser extent than some, even.
@3ventic How is that different than Minecraft?
There have been some pretty godawful early access games that really just don't hold up well in a dynamic beta.
@Sterno it's not about building stuff?
What's the difference between the OUYA 8GB Console and the OUYA 16GB Console ?
1 has 8GB 1 has 16GB, I imagine.
Probably just storage space. But I could be wrong.

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