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@TimStone Something like that.
That said, I did get one thing out of todays Deep Dive into crazy Bitcoin Sovereign Citizen Anarcho Libertarian Power Fantasies.
I learned how to beat any speeding ticket! Or, for that matter, any other manner of criminal, civil, or other charge that the jackboot of the state sees fit to try to stick me with.
> First of all I am not a lawyer. Follow this strategy at your own risk.

I have seen this strategy used successfully before fighting tickets. basically it goes like this…

You get to court, you are allowed to speak and you ask the judge…

“Do I have a right to a fair and impartial hearing in this court today?”

The judge should reply in the affirmative. Then you will ask…

“Your honor who is bringing fourth this complaint against me today?”

He will reply “The State of California.”

You will then ask…
Also, amazing video of a sovereign citizen idiot getting tazed: youtu.be/RfVbiefMdNU
@LessPop_MoreFizz It is fool-proof!
Oh wow, we have those here too >_>
@Macha They are everywhere.
They are cockroaches.
@RedRiderX It worked for Bilbo in the Hobbit!
I mean, everyone knows that when you catch an authority figure in a logic trap, you get to take all his stuff, right?
@LessPop_MoreFizz It's a good enough rule for robots.
Q: Would keeping a Pokemon in the PC stop the Pokerus countdown?

Shelby. SAs the title suggests, if I keep a mon infected with Poekrus in the PC, would it keep the ability to spread the virus indefinitely?

Fallen London is still down!
@LessPop_MoreFizz This guy is so full of himself it's painful
My min-maxing is in jeopardy!
@SaintWacko Well, it's painful until he gets what is ever so obviously is coming to him.
It says something that by the time he gets tazed, you are cheering for the dude with the taser.
@LessPop_MoreFizz No kidding
Just got to that part :D
smug little bastard
That must have been a really low voltage taser
He recovered fast
@SaintWacko probably.
Or perhaps he's gotten used to being tased :P
@SaintWacko I think both statements are plausible.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Ahaha
@LessPop_MoreFizz Oh wow.
I like the guy he's talking to at the beginning. He keeps looking around like he thinks he's on Candid Camera or something
@SaintWacko The effects of tasers end as soon as the current stops.
@Ullallulloo Oh, really? There's no nervous system recovery period?
@SaintWacko I have a teacher who got tased once, and he said that it was five seconds of the worst pain ever and then suddenly no pain at all.
@Ullallulloo Hm, interesting
@SaintWacko Not unless you lose consciousness. Which is admittedly, not uncommon.
@LessPop_MoreFizz So is this... like... state sovereignty?
@RedRiderX No, this rabbit hole goes far, far deeper than that.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Oh.
The basic idea, is that they claim that since they never entered into any contractual agreement that they are subject to the law... they are not.
They also have this crap about how they claim a person is a legal term and something akin to a company and it's just weird. My nextdoor neighbour is all into it since he lost his job
> The sovereign citizen movement claims that a person has the right under common law (or at least their bizarre sham definition thereof) to declare him/herself as essentially a nation unto themselves, and therefore may not be subject to the law of the land where they live. It is closely associated, among other things, with such extreme right-wing causes as the tax protester movement and the militia movement in the United States.
> The term freeman on the land is a pseudolegal term assumed as a title by some would-be sovereigns, deriving from a complex and not-easily-explained conspiracy theory involving admiralty law and the Uniform Commercial Code.
> Racists who believe that only white men have rights, as sovereign citizenship adherents they believe the ratification of the 13th Amendment was illegal and therefore slavery still legally exists, and the 19th Amendment being also illegal women have no right to vote and any election in which women vote is unconstitutional and null and void and a violation of the rights of sovereign white male citizens.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Oh I see.
I remember hearing of that sort of thing...
@RedRiderX Basically, they are crazy people.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Oh my.
How is part of it illegal when they never accepted any of it?
@RedRiderX Specifically, getting Scholar of Correspondence.
@Yuki Ah I see.
@RedRiderX Because they are too dumb to recognize the inherent contradiction in claiming that they have rights guaranteed by a document which they claim to not be subject to.
I'm still working on that too. :P
@RedRiderX I'm at Archeologist 2, I probably need one or two more expeditions to raise it to 3.
@LessPop_MoreFizz It's not an impetus for their stance?
There's a certain merit to the mindset in general (that is, disagreeing with the given law should certainly give you the option to impose your own laws on your own territory), but it's applied to crazy extent with irrational and contradictory backing to it.
@Yuki Yeah Expeditions are rough to prepare for.
> A lot of freeman ideas revolve around bizarre interpretations of entries in Black's Law Dictionary[2] — a favourite reference for freemen — and inventing or seeing distinctions where there are none to support their beliefs (such as "policeman" versus "police officer," "understand" versus "stand under," words in CAPITALS having a different legal meaning to those in lower-case, etc.).
@LessPop_MoreFizz Do they also ignore Amendments 14-18?
Or are they just stupidly arbitrary like that?
@Yuki they tend to deny 16 as well, because that's the one that allows for income tax.
14, 15, and 17 aren't really relevant to them.
18 was repealed 80 years and 2 days ago.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Wow.
If these people are supposed be "nations unto themselves", couldn't the government technically have them deported for being here illegally?
@Yuki This is the best solution.
I mean, I know why the government doesn't, because these people are too crazy to bother with...
Take them to the edge of international waters, and dump them.
@Yuki That gets a bit complicated, actually.
> They see admiralty law as being the law of commerce, the law of ownership, citizenship, and indeed anything else ending in "-ship." They see evidence of this in various nautical-sounding terms used in court, such as "dock," "birth [berth] certificate," "-ship" suffixes and any other fancy word they think might have a vaguely naval sound.
> Freemen will take this further by referring to the court as a "ship", its occupants as "passengers" and claiming that anyone leaving are "men overboard." This gives their legal arguments a hilarious nautical theme.
For one, the government would implicitly acknowledge their sovereignty. Which is clearly not in the best interests.
Q: Should we answer dota 2 questions with dota 1 information?

WandangLook at this question: Does Windrunners combo of windrun+bkb make her invulnerable? I immediately thought about techies who has mixed damage mines. This is included in the given answer because the dota wiki includes information from dota 1 too. Should we make it a standard to include informati...

Q: Do I have to have wrath of the lich king or any other pack to go to the places?

TheWoWquestionGuyDo I have to have Wrath of the Lich King to go to Drangonbolth-northern or even the Obsidian Sanctum to get the twilight or black drake dragon? To sum it up, do I need the Lich King to go to the Lich King's places like his dungeon, or Mist of Pandaria to get to level 90?

Dupe votes please
@FEichinger oh wow.
Is it a dupe? None of the other questions adjust if you can go to new areas (like the panda island etc.) if you have an expansion
@Macha We have like 7 slight variations on the same thing.
Mark it a dupe and fix one if you want. This one is not an improvement.
@badp Hm?
The ones you linked aren't dupes of it though. "Can I go to MOP areas with WotLK" is not the same as "Can I buy MOP without WotLK", which is two of the ones you linked
And it's definitely not the same as asking if you can even play the game at all without buying all the expansions.
@Macha The fundamental answer is the same; do I need expansions/which expansions do I need. They're all based on the same confused assumptions about how the whole thing works.
@FEichinger You're arguing that you can override laws in your property? in a "it's okay, it wasn't murder because it happened in my house and I decided that in my house it's only murder if I die?" sort of way?
@badp The idea of mere mortals creating a sovereign nation of themselves is something I approve of in general. People just exploit that idea to throw human rights and simple civilty out the window. (Which, if we were to go into technicalities, could actually be combated without butchering the idea itself, but that's a different discussion and with the extent of human stupidity just way too much effort.)
@Macha I just grabbed the first 3 links I could find and it filled the comment field. There are literally like 9 others.
@FEichinger wat
And Steamworld Dig complete.
Short game.
@badp I don't really get what confuses you all that much. I think it's very much valid (but not viable) to allow people to form their own nations and impose their own laws on that nation's territory - and mark and defend that territory, if they so desire. Their relations with other nations (such as the one they seceded from) is a completely different topic and could then be used - in your example - for imposing International punishment on that "new" nation, if necessary.
@LessPop_MoreFizz If someone "is a prepositional phrase" as opposed to a person, would harming that "prepositional phrase" then not be considered assault and/or battery?
Issue an embargo and control the border to that person's territory, restricting them from entering the surrounding nation, for instance. It's not a viable solution, because it costs too much and is a lot of effort for nothing, but it's still a valid solution.
Or even, take back the territory through the military, etc.
@FEichinger wat
The people that actually do this are usually out of their mind crazy and just want to avoid some basic human rights they disagree with (or get around simple law with 'technicalities'), but the idea itself is not terrible in my opinion.
@FEichinger If an idea you consider good is only ever used by crazy people what does that say about you? :P
Most of them don't even get it right and dig their own grave with contradictions and nonsensical behaviour (yeh, you can't just enter a different nation and then pretend their laws don't apply to you, that's stupid).
@badp Well, the sane people tend to agree with the laws of the nation they're in and as such don't "need" to secede.
@LessPop_MoreFizz This is hilarious
@FEichinger A secessionist movement is not enough to make a new country, or this would already be used in Northern Italy or Cataluna
@SaintWacko It really is a remarkable movement.
I would have to assume that you have to get the country you're taking territory, population and control from to agree first, perhaps through a war.
Only then you're your own nation.
@SaintWacko If you really want to go down the rabbit hole, check out the youtube links at the end to their various court appearances.
They don't tend to end well.
@badp Well, if you can defend the territory or the country doesn't make an effort to defend its own territory, that's part of it already. But of course your nation would not be acknowledged by the International community.
@FEichinger I have to assume that this kind of stuff does not work in an opt-in fashion
My point is simply that I approve of the idea in general - and that it should remain a valid possibility in theory, even if its practicality is not all too great.
"Hello Germany! You have been opted in to accepting the existance and independence of the Independent Singleton Sovereignship of Independent Feichingers. Please do not send me any more mail about the tv and radio tax. We the People aren't paying."
> Watching freemen trying to apply their delusions to reality is like watching a video of a slow-motion train wreck onto which someone has dubbed delusional gibberish.
@SaintWacko Watch the video I just linked for as long as you can before your brain dissolves into goo and starts leaking out of your ears.
@badp Should, theoretically, be possible. The result should ideally be that this sovereignty is then not acknowledged and German law is still imposed - by force if I don't adhere to it.
Holy shit, the Freeman Successes entry is awesome
I don't see this as a definitive thing where you can just say you're a nation and then you've successfully seceded. Almost every such attempt would be in vain. But the attempt itself is and should be perfectly valid.
@FEichinger that sounds like grounds for civil disobedience, not pretending you've made your own country
@FEichinger so you're saying that this is a sane idea with no chance of success that is only ever used by people out of their minds
what does that say about you? :P
@badp Essentially, yes. Although there has been some success by actual crazy people having their oilrigs and whatnot as independent nations that stood for quite a while - not acknowledged and often faced with threats of military force, but perfectly valid attempts and nations that held their ground and upheld their internal organisation.
@FEichinger You're doing that thing where you are trying way too hard to find and explain the logical philosophical underpinnings of a thing that crazy people believe. It's not worth your time.
I'm pretty sure Sealand is just in the "not worth the effort" category for the UK, if that's what you're referring to
@FEichinger Dude, I'm just saying, if this was a thing that existed, they'd be using the hell out of it in Cataluna, northern Italy and the other actual secessionist movements around the world
It is not.
@badp They would not. You're still missing an important point: These regions want to be acknowledged by the International community. Which doesn't usually happen when you simply secede without preparing these International relations.
You can't just declare yourself independent without the agreement of the thing you're declaring yourself independent from.
@badp Well, you can. But the trick is that you need the agreement of everyone else besides the thing you're declaring yourself to be independent of.
See: Taiwan.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I don't know how well it's working for them (no, seriously, I don't)
I'm pretty sure the UK wasn't the first to recognise the US either.
@badp You can, but usually no one will care and will force you to pay taxes anyway.
But again, we are now doing that thing where we are trying too hard to think micro about the philosophical underpinnings of a belief held by crazy people and it is not productive to do that, so instead we should laugh at the crazy people and move on.
@Ullallulloo This, precisely, is what I'm saying.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I'm just pondering about how countries are born
which is usually peace treaties following wars
@LessPop_MoreFizz I'm going there because this is relevant independently of the amount of people that secede. The process is the same, the likelihood of it working out is different.
this is a relevant topic given Israel, Palestina and pals
@badp tl;dr: China, to this day, does not recognize Taiwan. Most of the rest of the world does. China is unable to enforce it's will upon Taiwan, because Taiwans independence is backed by the threat of forceful intervention by the US. So instead, China simply refuses to acknowledge the government of Taiwan, and claims that the island is a province in rebellion.
@LessPop_MoreFizz It's also worth noting that Taiwan claims the same in reverse
@badp Palestine is an interesting mention here, because they are holding territory, but they - and their border - have not been acknowledged by large parts of the International community.
But large parts of the community also do recognize Palestine as a sovereign state, so there's that.
@FEichinger And vice versa, vis a vis israel.
Also, I got my internet split between my college's proxied UDP ports and my phone's tethered TCP ports now.
Which is part of what causes all of these issues with their government and the Israeli border.
So I can use internet without worry while playing Dota 2.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I wasn't sure whether Israel still has anyone not recognizing them, but I'm pretty sure you're right.
Iran probably.
@FEichinger Pretty much the entire Muslim World does not recognize Israel, aside from a few neighboring states who have lost wars.
Notably, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Malaysia, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Malaysia, Syria, Yemen....
@LessPop_MoreFizz I know that most don't recognize the border (mostly due to Jerusalem), but I wasn't sure about the sovereignty. But that does sound about right, yeh.
Q: Duplicating information found elsewhere for newly released games

KrjaxI recently purchased the early access game, Starbound. From listening to some of the Stack Exchange podcast, I am under the impression that we generally don't want to duplicate information that is easily found elsewhere on the Internet. In the case of a new game where there is little informatio...

Ooo, Sir, You are Being Hunted is half off on Steam.
Remember the guy spamming cookies and brownies to Imgur? Well, there's cupcakes, desserts, cakes, and Sandwiches now.
Ham and cheese ought to be good enough for everybody
Salami being an acceptable replacement for ham in the previous sentence
@badp Cheese and Ham is a relative term nowadays.
Define Ham and Cheese.
@RedRiderX I don't have a definition for you, but I can enumerate some pairs
for ham/salami, either what we call prosciutto cotto or crudo works, and salame too, but if we Italians wouldn't call your weird meat products like that all bets are off
for cheese, well, the cheese probably needs to not give out too much water or the structural integrity of the sandwich will be at risk
@badp Indeed.
This is a good definition of Ham and Cheese.
but then anything from sufficiently dry mozzarella to provolone to asiago to branzi to brie to leerdammer will do
with the possible exception of parmigiano and grana padano, because they are on the opposite too dry and precious to figure in a sandwich sliced.
it's much more satisfying to make a stick out of those and wrap your ham around them
Q: Is there a way to copy a hero build in Dota 2?

Ajedi32One thing I often do in Dota is set up custom item builds, so that when I'm playing a hero all the items I like to buy as that hero are in the suggested items section of the shop, for quick, convenient access. Often, when setting up these builds I like to start with the default build or a build ...

lovingly, we have a specific word for this kind of stuff that's fit to go with bread: companatico
Q: Java memory usage ballooning to all RAM when running Minecraft Server

TomWhen I run Minecraft server, over time (a few hours to a few days) the memory usage by Java balloons to take up all available computer memory and the server performance then degrades: lags, players lose their connection, and minecraft shows messages like "[Server thread/WARN]: Can't keep up! Did ...

I guess the german respective word - because germans have words for everything - is along the lines of GUTNICHTVERBOTENBROTKOMPANIERUNGFOODSTUFFEN
@badp Stop it.
Seriously, as terrible as the language is, there's no need to make fun of it like that.
You only get to make fun of it like that when you've made an effort to actually learn it yourself.
28 secs ago, by FEichinger
You only get to make fun of it like that when you've made an effort to actually learn it yourself.
@FEichinger Once I do that my fake words won't be as fake; notice my use of the word "BROT" as opposed to, I don't know, BREADEN
My ignorance of German is guarantee of thorough fakeness of my german and purity of fun making
Q: What does sneaking accomplish?

jsnlxndrlvSneaking by holding the left-shift causes your character to be less detectable. How does this differ from moving or standing normally? Under what circumstances does sneaking prevent you from being detected wherein you'd be detected if you weren't sneaking?

'sides once you do learn the language you have more boring stuff to make fun of, such as the almost endless word they came up with to say 'likely' or 'probably'
or the other one for 'sorry'
and honestly no one gives a fuck about that
If I wanted, I could point out about certain predetermined point of breakage causing apparati you have around
but that's again underwhelming
user image
Image source:
A: Can I please be trusted to not to script a bot that dumps an endless stream of spam messages into the chat?

Shog9Yeah, this annoys me too. When I'm in the grip of a caffeine-fueled rant, callously ignoring anyone who tries to get a word in edgewise, I like to slap the enter key at regular intervals so as to let folks know I'm still typing. It's just good manners. So being told I need to send messages ...

so EU IV. probably the most fun I've had while also having no idea what I'm doing
Fallen London's back up.
cc @RedRiderX @AshleyNunn @SaintWacko @PrivatePansy
@Yuki YES
3D printed pizza is coming sooner than you think http://ow.ly/rxhIo
@RedRiderX YES
> Something terrible has happened.
@RedRiderX Just click through and you'll be fine.
@RedRiderX is anyone here named "thestandardmodel"?
@FAE @PrivatePansy
@RedRiderX oooh okay
Rebecca Black has a new video... Saturday.
@Powerlord wat
@Powerlord Hey, this one is actually decent
@GnomeSlice no it is not
@ThomasMcDonald Nah, it's not terrible
not according to the first minute and a half
that's about how far I made it into it as well
It's still pretty terrible.
Now I want 3D printed pizza
@GnomeSlice I think I preferred food that's actually prepared as, you know, food
@Powerlord It would be an interesting curiosity if nothing else
Does the song at any one point actually discusses how Saturday is better than Sunday due to Sunday's almost-Monday-ness?
Q: Unnecessary dot in badge notification

3ventic You've earned the "Popular Question" badge for How do I protect myself against cold weather on the surface?. See your profile. The ?. is bugging me a lot. Can something be done about it?

> Yesterday was Friday. Today is Saturday. We gonna live like there's no tomorrow. Wouldn't have it any other way.
So... no
goes reread Il Sabato del Villaggio, Leopardi's poem about Saturday
@Powerlord oh dear, the arrangement on that track isn't actually bad
I feel so torn
I feel like I'm required by law to at least not like it.
@kalina This is what I'm saying.
@powerlord that's actually kind of the point, if you think about tomorrow it's almost-Monday Sunday; ignoring its existence is the key to enjoying your weekend!
I don't think the law requires me to hate it as much as Friday, though. So there is that.
@union the first dozen references to it in the video were kind of cute but she should've stopped there
@badp I watched about 30 seconds at most before I decided I was done with RB.
Yeah that's just about when it downs on you that's she's going to keep referring to Friday
NN people
In a short while it'll be revealed anyway that Rebecca Black actuality is a two years delayed copy of @Kalina
@badp More than 2, I think you'll find.
Regardless that should make for some lovely discography
The "Why is this 16 year old at the party"-look
Wow, Fallen London is slower than slow tonight
and my "h" key apparently has a mind of its own
Besides kalina will be always* a loud 18yo lady in my heart mind canon
@AshleyNunn "h" keys are wild. Gotta watch out for those
@Ktash I think I need to clean my keyboard out
Q: Candy Box 2 When I am in quests I am constantly walking forward, is this normal?

ElectricOrange79I have no idea if this is normal but when i am in quests like fighting the nougat monster, i can not stand still, i am constantly walking forward towards the monster. This makes beating the nougat monster very hard. Plz tell me if this is normal or what i do to stop walking forward.

Maybe it's crying out by overreacting to your typing
What kind of tears would Ashley's keyboard cry?
Stress? Joy? Sorrow? Grease? All of the above?
Maybe spiders.
@badp I'd say all of the above
no spiders
my cat eats those
Wow really?
The closest thing I've seen my cat eat is butterflies
A single inflight nom
If he thinks he can eat it, he eats it
Sounds awfully non-discerning for a cat
Are you sure it's not an elf dog?
Entirely possible, he is really good at fetch
Elven dogs are cool too.
Unsurprisingly there are tons of GIS hits for "elf dog"
Disappointingly none of them is about a dog that is literally an elf
My cat eats just about anything. Then again, she's a kitten, so it's natural to figure out what she can and can't eat.
Yeah, Norbert is 3, he should have that figured out ,but no, everything is good
Bela eats little scraps of deli meat I give her.
@Ktash thank you :3
@spugsley You're welcome, beautiful
@spugsley HI LADY
I just had the best Rogue Legacy run ever.
I like today's too. It's a great concept :)
awww thanks :)
Anybody want Really Big Sky? Or Nightsky?
SURPRISE! We're working w/ @GearboxSoftware on a new episodic game series, 'Tales from the Borderlands,' in 2014! http://t.co/sT4VVychnB
@Fluttershy What makes you think an FPS series would make a good point and click adventure game?
To Telltale that is
@Powerlord There's a lot of lore on Pandora. :P It could be interesting.
Q: How can I tell premium cars apart from standard ones?

cloudymusicIn GT6, the divide between "Premium cars" (cars with fully-rendered cockpit views and higher-polygon exterior models) and "Standard cars" (cars with generic shadowed cockpit views and lower-polygon exterior models) still seems to exist. Since I like playing in cockpit view mostly, I'd like to sti...

meeps @AshleyNunn
@ToxicFrog is busy tying tiny strings to tiny ornaments for her tiny Christmas tree
That reminds me, I need to show you how to make turtle modules tomorrow so you can make more origami christmas ornaments :)
@ToxicFrog Yes please! :D
I wanted to make a pile for my family, they'd like them
my mom loves the sonobe cube I made her :P

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