I've been working on a puzzle game for Ubuntu Touch and I'm facing some issues with animations. The problem seems to occurs when GridView animations (add, move, remove...) play too fast.
Something like that it is explained here: http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5.0/qtquick/qml-qtquick2-viewtransitio...
I'm not sure how, but for some reason my character was using a flashlight in one hand an axe in the other. I'm not sure I managed this, and I also managed to switch back to only using one item without knowing how.
How can I assign a different one-handed item to each ahnd?
Ok, here's another one.
As represented in the visual, I have a redstone torch attached to a block, that is, a redstone lamp. But as represented in the visual, by my extraordinary drawing, the redstone torch actually exist in the block which's borders shown by red. Since my redstone lamp is next ...
I've downloaded Far Cry 3 through the steam account on my laptop, then copied the files to the Steam account on my desktop PC. I've put the game folder into the common files folder, just as I always do when I copy a game from another computer. This has always worked before. But this time, steam i...
@LessPop_MoreFizz I've heard of a service that allows merchants to convert accept USD from customers which are immediately converted to bitcoins, send over to merchants, and converted immediately back to USD. I think this is the definition of insanity, if I understand the process correctly
@3ventic The probability of you actually being able to mine one using your desktop computer's processing power is so low that the coin you mine won't even pay for the electricity you use
@3ventic It's the same as a gold-backed currency, except backed by math-hardness, completely digital, and lacking the infrastructure and regulation that make existing currencies (relatively) stable. Also it's what the cool kids are doing.
Actually, I've always thought that's how bitcoins should be priced (tied to the current price of electricity and cheapest source of computing power), and therefore shouldn't be this volatile. But my understanding could be wrong
it's a more thorough, more complete, more total failure than items-as-currency, because tulips weren't designed to suck as a currency, whereas bitcoins are.
I want to download a huge online game onto my laptop, to do so, I can't seem to be online in steam on my pc. Is there a way to do that? Going forward, I can't leave both online on steam to get updates while I'm not playing on either?
It is a great way of handling illegal transactions while people still believe in them, if I had a shop i would accept them at a lower rate and sell them asap
Also, when you get to mask of the betrayer, use the console or grab a mod to increase the party size maximum by 1. It makes an already kind of easy game slightly easier, but it makes the dialog much much better because DERP OBSIDIAN.
@FAE When your ownings gains value faster than any investment can possibly do simply by doing nothing, then the optimal thing to do is do nothing rather than investing
@badp but there's also a nonzero risk of those earnings losing value just as fast. The trick is to sell at a profit. Every second you hold in an attempt to maximize that profit, you increase your exposure to risk.
Right now, with entrepeneurs and whatnot starving for loans and funds to get business going on replacing those that are failing, bitcoin is the last thing you want to do
@LessPop_MoreFizz I prefer to see bitcoins as vanity items; people want them because people want them and the more people want them the more they cost. Under this model, bitcoins are probably going to plateau to something silly...
until the countries get a large enough share of bitcoins through illegal operation shutdowns and finally grab the bull by the balls
afaik the US has not yet cashed out the bitcoins seized from the silk road operation
The US owns 29657.5 bitcoins. https://blockchain.info/address/1F1tAaz5x1HUXrCNLbtMDqcw6o5GNn4xqX; http://markets.blockchain.info/ says if the US cashed out, the BTC would lose 86% of its value
The battle screen application doesn't seem to work for me.
I get the error, "Battlelog could not find an active game. Please make sure you are connected to the same local network or try the troubleshooting guide."
The troubleshooting guide doesn't help.
I'm running the app on an Asus Memo H...
Whenever I run Minecraft on Linux it causes the entire PC to crash after a few minutes.
I have tried different versions of Java for the same result. Forced power cycle is the only way to recover as the graphics shut down.
Has anyone else had this problem? Is there anything I can do to try and t...
It's funny because someone on HN was giving away 1 BTC to anyone that asked in a thread I saw back when they were worth like $0.06 or so. I wonder how many people took him up on that offer. Or how much early bitcointip stuff on Reddit is worth. Still, too risky for me to care :p
As computing power increases, someone is going to come up with a way to do brute force reclamation of abandoned bitcoin if the bubble hasn't burst yet.
> Think of the first few thousand people with email addresses. They had to pay for those and there was hardly anyone else to correspond with. It wasn't user friendly, or easy to set up, but the idea of an unlimited, nearly instant, global messaging protocol was fresh and exciting. That's exactly how it feels to send and receive bitcoins, it's like emailing money.
> The price can only go up. Anyone buying into the market has to cash out at a higher price to make money and anyone with coins won’t want to push the price down. So unless someone comes along with many many coins and just wants to dump them on the market to devalue their own worth there are no factors currently to push the price down.
@Blem you didn't! oh my god you NEVER ONCE had to pay for email addresses.
You do need an internet connection and an email server, which cost money, but that's money spent into having an internet connection and a server, not an email address.
The US owns 29657.5 bitcoins. https://blockchain.info/address/1F1tAaz5x1HUXrCNLbtMDqcw6o5GNn4xqX; http://markets.blockchain.info/ says if the US cashed out, the BTC would lose 86% of its value
@badp Also, you can just look at that site to see that "the price can only go up" is a lie as well. And I would like to think Bitcoin enthusiasts would follow that site.
I just got the second character in my party (Esther). Now I can exchange familiar between characters. I just have been told that some characters will be a better match with some familiars. I have also been told to go to into "Friend & Familiars" menu to check which match will be best.
I don't k...
I've played Assassin's Creed 1 some years ago and I've just finished the second part in the series. It is true - the sequel is far better, but both of them(especially the second game) seemed to have no story at all. In both games, the actually interesting narrative comes at the end(the last 1 or ...
> I will be starting a company in the coming months that will be doing business with people throughout my city, particularly in the hoods. I see this as a great opportunity to get bitcoins into the hands (or computers/cell phones) of those that need them most.
> Each Super Money transaction gets checked and re-checked by network administrators to make sure that it's being used for legitimate purposes. For example, BitCoin is about 80% used for child porn and building bombs to detonate at major sporting events. Our Network Administrators comb the transaction log and DENY any such use. If you are giving your money to some political whack-job party like Wikileaks, we will find your address and call a fucking SWAT team on your house to kill your dogs.
> It was very tedious for participants to wear our prototyped sensing system as the boards had to be recharged every three to four hours, which resulted in participants having to finagle with their wardrobe throughout the day.
I'm using an "enduring cry" gem, which is described as:
x Endurance Charges granted per one hundred nearby enemies
There will always be a minimum of 1 if there is an enemy nearby, but I'm not really clear on what is considered 'nearby', and, to behonest, even what is considered to be a hund...
also the news sidebar reminds me of good ole Gnome
> For a limited time, the US gov't has granted all BitCoin users amnesty--provided they send rogue BitCoins to David for proper disposal. Your transactions are $100 per cent Safe.
100 DOLLARS PER CENT SAFETY?! Shut up and take my... oh wait.
I am asking that do I have to have wrath of the lich king to go to drangonbolth- northern or even the Obsidian Sanctum to get the twighlight or black drake dragon? To sum it up, do I need the lich king to go to the lich king places like his dungeon, or mist of pandaria to get to level 90? Please ...
Whenever I use my pickaxe, a little indicator under it keeps going down:
Presumably, this indicates the remaining durability of said pickaxe. But I'm not sure how it works. Is that pickaxe getting weaker as the indicator goes down? Or is it perfectly usable until it suddenly breaks? Is there a...