@BenBrocka And all updates take forever and you are about to connect to the internet are you sure you want to connect to the internet there are other people on the internet these other people on the internet might say bad words to you on the internet because these are actual people they are not programmed by us so we can't control what they say are you extra super sure you want to do this?
I'm getting more and more annyoed by my lack of a second monitor at home, I might get one in a reasonable timespan. I said that about a new PC for a year though...
like with Android Cactus I could clearly tell some levels were just missing and some were just mock ups graphically. That's fine. But if the GAMEPLAY is incomplete...that's bad
@BenBrocka Spacebase DF-9 kind of ha[s|d] the same problem, although at least what was there made me feel like if they continued down the right path it'd turn out pretty nicely.
@BenBrocka I always thought the point of Early Access is showcasing the gameplay to hook people and use the money they pay for access to fund the other stuff.
I mean, nobody expects breathtaking graphics out of Early Access so it's a good way to get attention for your game if it has interesting gameplay but you don't currently have the money make the graphics hook.
Only other early access game I have is Mercenary Kings. Aside from just being sort of thrown into the action I wouldn't really know it's early access, granted I'm not super far in it yet
Today's Listening is the result of a fascination with the sound and aesthetic of 80s electronic music and science fiction, combined with a healthy love of chipmusic and old video game sounds.
@tombull89 ;]
@tombull89 I haven't actually made it to any of the tests. Is stuff like the hot-air balloon still there in MP?
im going to buy usb flash drive for xbox 360 games to install on. i saw 512 GB usb flash drive 2.0 and im going to buy it if i will be able to install xbox 360 games on it. can i install xbox 360 games on more then 32GB usb flash drive?
@tombull89 yes really. stackexchange will not allow me to share info about site. its Chinese only for today(december2) is special sale its 15$ its awesome. — iMAGEbox8 mins ago