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Q: Is there a place where i can build up Level 40 characters

Memor-XI'm on my 3rd play through, i had some trouble with Sin's Gate because most of my party apart from Will was bellow level 50, the ones that were Level 50 was the Eushully Mascots however the Command Cost is quite high so i can't have a full party with them Now i'm aiming to get Asmodeous which th...

Q: In Skyrim, Shadowmere has been lost for about 3 levels, how do I find her?

user62882So, after the DBH quests, I went to the new Sanctuary, and did a lot of other quests, including the main story line, Dawnguard, Hearthfire, and just started the Dragonborn DLC. I've been wandering around with the Aura Whisper shout, and I've not found her. The last time I saw her was when I bough...

@Wipqozn Now you're just filling the void with silence!
@FEichinger I don't mind that kind of silence.
@Wipqozn This is a remarkable apt song.
Just discovered this band existed.
The time of "carols" being repeated till something far past inanity is reached.
And the feeling being only barely purged by the application of copious amounts of confections.
Not that I'm complaining.
The children upstairs sang all of the verses of 12 days of christmas with random piano and trumpet interludes
they plan to sing one song every night
Isn't that sweet.
I don't hate Christmas.
I don't hate the effect Christmas seems to have on people.
I hate the effect December seems to have on people.
For the reasons previously described.
I just....wish it didn't mean loud children
....I should check when they are off school
Train booked for going back home for christmas. Whooooo!
I get to annoy @ChrisF in person for a couple of weeks.
It'll be so fun. :)
@RonanForman Hey that's great!
@RedRiderX It was only £7 too. But I bought a discount card so it cost me £77.
@RonanForman Sounds like a great deal.
Anyone need a new TV?
My new credit card came in yay! And the security code is just like my birthday 527 #RichBitch http://t.co/d5lW0NZ9OP
Soon to be #PoorBitch
@wipqozn Sufjan Stevens is a person not a band.
@RedRiderX 1/3 off train tickets for 3 years. So I just need to go home 10 times over that time for it to be worth it.
@LessPop_MoreFizz ... how are people still this stupid?
Also, he has released like 12 CDs worth of Christmas music over the past few years that aren't bad. He is very much a man of obsessions.
@fluttershy wealth begets incompetence.
That's more that I was expecting, I'm going to catch the train everywhere from now on.
Like I said, do you need a new TV?
@LessPop_MoreFizz Wait, is this not a joke?
527 is not a birthday, she must have done it on purpose.
@RonanForman May 27th.
Oh wait, american dates.
@RonanForman That could end up being worthwhile
@RedRiderX I hope so, it'll give me an excuse to go home more often at least.
Has anyone tried using that card?
@RonanForman I would advise against it.
Now, I wonder what the legal implications are. I mean, technically that's her fault and she has to bear it. But then again, this is a society in which stupidity with money is rewarded in court.
@LessPop_MoreFizz "Wait, did she post a picture of it too?" follows link "Holy shit, she did!"
I'm sure credit card fraud is still illegal, even if it is almost literally stealing candy from a baby.
Q: why cant i get post game items like the mega stones in pokemon x?

guest1111111I've beaten the game meaning I beat the elite four. I looked online to try and get the gyrados stone and the alakazam stone but it is not working. Why?

Anyone here know anything about BASIC...?
@LpSamuelm I wrote a program in BASIC years ago, when I first started programming. A calculator.
Going to BASIC from new object-oriented languages is extreme.
I'm almost crying from how not dynamic it is.
I remember thinking it was dumb, but I can't remember why.
@LpSamuelm I see your problem now.
@Wipqozn Yeah, that's pretty much as far as I've gotten.
You're using BASIC.
@RedRiderX h8rs r BASIC's motiv8rs
Really though, arrays seem to be not be able to exist outside of variables or contain things other than numbers and strings.
Good Grief.
I've found out what the Sorrow-Spiders use the eyeballs for.
CC: @AshleyNunn @privatepansy @yuki @fallenlondoncrowd
Good Grief.
This is most disturbing...
I'm an automated service that tweets at people who post pictures of their credit cards and helps them know the risk involved. Made by @serenecloud.
307 tweets, 146 followers, following 1 users
This apparently needs to be a thing.
@RedRiderX I am so scared to ask
@AshleyNunn It's pretty much the worst thing possible.
I think @LessPop_MoreFizz would be interested.
@RedRiderX The sheer number of people who are like "OMG WEIRD NUMBERS ON THE BACK"
@red I wonder what the people who follow it intend.
@Ullallulloo Indeed.
Oh hey it's still up!
Oh my GOD, I just figured something out that actually works in BASIC.
I feel like a magician.
I find it wierd that there is a P. Capaldi ostensibly aged 6 in the grey box, and a Pete Capaldi age 15 in the written other stuff
I saved the galaxy and banged the chick, I guess. Now I want those expansions... I just found out they aren't coming to the PC version of the game though. ARGH
@ashleynunn it's the same P. Capaldi.
Those are clippings from decades ago.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I wasn't sure if they were taken from one thing or not, the way it was set up
The layout was visually confusing
Well, you can tell from context that the age 15 one is from 1973.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I don't need the whole thing explained to me, I am sure it is legit and truly him
I was just confused by the layout.
@GnomeSlice What game?
@Fluttershy Galaxy on Fire 2
I am really really enjoying it.
I loved it on Android until I hit the paywal for the demo...
Seems like the mobile ones got the expansions, and the desktop one didn't. =[
You should get it while it's on sale.
Q: Tekken TT2 - Using weapon items from costumes?

JontIn Tekken Tag Tournament 2, how do you use items of weaponry such as guns and grenades from the costumes? I can't really see the buttons there since it's so small. The items I'm talking about are the two items that the characters can carry on their Upper Body and Lower Body. It's not the clothing...

Damn, one of the expansions introduces automatic turrets... gimme...
yeeeeeeeeeeee I just bought a blueprint for a new railgun
I want to live in this game
Q: How do I get the missing stickers?

Ben BrockaI used the game completion menu in game to go back and fetch all stickers in each level. However, I'm missing 9 stickers. A Starman, a golden lucky cat, an 8 bit mario/luigi, and what look like circles with silhouettes of the characters in them. How do I get these extra stickers? I've beaten all...

I want to get me a nice mido ship and be a miner or something
It's so immersive
Where my plastics at
Still funny.
Ok, enough model building for me today.
Wow, V'ossk organs are freakin expensive
I'm just here to watch the octopods arm wrestle
Sanding down all those little nubs is rough.
@fbueckert whatcha building?
@fbueckert Nice.
It doesn't look exactly like that, but mostly.
@fbueckert very cool
Aww. Bela's rubbing her face against mine.
@fbueckert Awwww
That is super affectionate
@fbueckert Worst Gundam! Deathscythe is best.
@Fluttershy Unicorn is next!
And those were the only master grade models the store had!
@people who liked Super Hexagon:
QbQbQb is not available on IGS for $3.99 for Win, Mac, Linux and Android https://indiegamestand.com/store/708/qbqbqb/
not = now
I think I might have linked that before actually
oh well
@Fluttershy Veritech is best gundam
@fbueckert That is a lot of cute in one picture
@AshleyNunn It's all the cat.
Who am I supposed to make advances on now that Carla is gone?
Space sucks
@LpSamuelm How far into Frayed Knights have you gotten?
Have you met the guy who wants the egg to make the aphrodisiac yet? That conversation is hilarious.
@GnomeSlice Just past the first dungeon. Wasn't nice to beginners.
@LpSamuelm Yeah, I got wrecked my first attempt. You really have to make use of your healer.
@GnomeSlice Nah, but I'm looking forward to the legendary Chloe face.
@GnomeSlice So little mana, though.
Also if you try to rush through it you get mobbed at the final boss guy by all the enemies you left behind. There's some silly dialogue about 'wow who would have guessed leaving all these enemies behind us would come back to bite us in the ass'
@LpSamuelm Screencap it for me, would you :P
I want to use it
why cant I figure out when the hell I started uni
I am obsessed with Galaxy on Fire 2
Also, I have to summarize my qualifications
I dont have any
@AshleyNunn n/a
I apparently have to make up something
I ahve no idea what the hell to say
@AshleyNunn "I am awesome. Hire me or regret it for the rest of your life."
@fbueckert I wish I could put that
I was gonna go with a more wordy version of that, but I like the short version better
@fbueckert That's the Evan Carroll school of cover letter writing.
@WorldEngineer <3 Evan Carroll
Qualifications: Awesome, Amazing, 'The Shit', Super fantastic
headdesk I am just like ....oh lord no one will hire meeeeee
Q: When to use Tear Gas?

Shivan RaptorIt seems there is not much chance to use Tear Gas in GTA Online. Any creative suggestion on using this "weapon" ?

@ashleynunn lies.
If I can be employed, it is proof positive that you can.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I just suck at talking about myself
I now gotta list shit relating to my uni
like oh hey I suck at everything
I did nothing of import
This thing is not good for my self-esteem :P
If you're really stymied and want to scrounge up some money, I have multiple friends that have sworn by the results they got from this guy.
Nah, this is just to get career services to help me
so its okay
I am just like aaaaaa
also, this shit ain't gonna fit one page, the way they want it
@AshleyNunn I got my first full time job through those, after high school.
@fbueckert They will meet with me about my resume, if I make one following their templace
and then they will help me job seach
the goomba towers are so majestic at sunset
@AshleyNunn Sounds like you have it well in hand.
Some of the stuff you put on resumes is just professional BS. Sounds simple, but you spruce it up.
@BenBrocka Lmao I didn't even notice that
Yeah, I am just writing BS EVERYWHERE
@BenBrocka so romantic ;)
@GnomeSlice I hoped they wouldn't be so out-of-focus. But I thought it was pretty funny
Thank god for my obsessive LJing as a teen.
@AshleyNunn livejournal is useful somehow!
I happened to obsessively chronicle my life, which is helping for a few dates of things.
Twitter is the closest thing to a diary I've kept
I had two different LJ's which were my entire life for a long time
I don't know if the first one stil exists
I also wrote a lot of bad autobio poetry on dA but that is long gone
oooooo Coin Crypt update!
10 new coins
4 new enemies
A new class
Big balance changes--changed some coin distributions in chests, and stacks are now weaker
Fixed level transition crashing--I think!
Fixed some other stuff too
sweet. =]
I am now a millionaire!
...relevant assigment? ARE THEY FUCKING SERIOUS
no I am not putting that
no one gives two shits about the class projects
Sure they do
For example, I had a huge semester long motion graphics project, where we did everything, including storyboarding, scripting, illustration, client interaction (prof), and animtaion
Lots of good stuff in there
Holy crap this ship is agile
...not agile enough to avoid getting blown up, it seems
@GnomeSlice People give shits about that kind of thing in your field. They don't care about English papers unless it's academia. Publications? Sure. What you managed to grind out for a professor you hate but has low grading standards? Not so much.
@WorldEngineer Oh. Yeah I guess my field is different than that.
@WorldEngineer yeaaaah, exactly
no one cares about my damn essays
wooooo I can write stuff
so can anyone ever
there's a reason I list the conference paper I wrote but nothing else.
Mido system is best system
Damn... I'm only missing 2 blueprints and I'll have 100% completion on Rogue Legacy.
Is there a way to know how long a site has been a site?
Q: Screen On PS3 Goes Black When Controller Is On

DeondreSo here's my problem when I cut on my playstation 3 the HDMI works perfectly fine but as soon as the playstation 3 controller connects the screen goes black and stays that way . Please Help Me Solve This Problem I Have.

@Ullallulloo okay, that is nifty.
Wonder if there is a way to determine the age of betas that died
someone asked me how long I was alibraries mod
@AshleyNunn Area 51 might say.
and I was like...a while?
@Ullallulloo Never thought ot check there because, well, I never look there for much of naything
Libraries & Information Sciencelibraries.stackexchange.com

Q&A site for librarians and library professionals.

Closed after 380 days in beta.

380 days
@Ullallulloo you are magical
We're in the top 10 on total questions! :D
Private beta started May 22nd, 2012.
.....you are a pro omg
@Fluttershy Only top 10?
@AshleyNunn I try. :P
@GnomeSlice You say that like it is a bad thing. <_<
@AshleyNunn he pro much!
I would have thought we'd be in the top 5
@Fluttershy indeed :P
@Fluttershy Then you can get excited about Catacomb Kids ;]
@GnomeSlice Above us are the four main sites, Math, Ubuntu, Tex, MathOverflow, and WordPress.
What's the difference between Math and Mathoverflow?
Also what, those aren't the main sites
@GnomeSlice SO, SF, SU.
Oh, I thought he meant 'this is a list of the four main sites'
@GnomeSlice Math Overflow is for Research Level Math
On closer inspection it appears to be five sites, so I guess I should have figured that one out of my own.
@GnomeSlice SO, SF, SU, and MSO
Math.SE for most everything else
Q: Minecraft gamerule keepinventory

joshI'm playing minecraft 1.7.2 and i put /gamerule keepinventory true and it says, that there's not a keepinventory rule. How do i keep inventory. I'm fighting the Ender Dragon and keep dying.

Why is there a difference?
We're fourth in traffic.
@GnomeSlice Because the nature of the work and the level of background required is very different.
same with CS and TCS
@WorldEngineer Oh.
They didn't reach their goal. =[
@GnomeSlice Basically, Math.SE is questions your math professor could answer. Math Overflow is questions that they'd have to ask another professor.
@WorldEngineer Oh. So it's like harder math
I get what you mean by research level math though
@GnomeSlice And they predate MSE by a long time.
I just didn't realize they would have their own sites
There's that too
They were a SE 1.0 site.
A: Chat oneboxing support for Soundcloud?

TheProgramm3r Note: The SE Staff have decided not to embed things in chat, only to link to them. This answer is invalid. Soundcloud has already released a way to embed links in web pages, so it shouldn't be hard to put it in chat. <iframe width="100%" height="166" scrolling="no" frameborder="no" src="htt...

this isn't even an answer
How fucking big is that gif I linked
it's still loading
@GnomeSlice He bountied the question too though.
@Ullallulloo =D
I didn't even notice
Why do all the pirates in this poor-ass corner of space have multi-million credit ships?
Maybe this system is poor because the pirates stole everything
@GnomeSlice Congratulations, you have just figured out the plot of just about every pirate story ever.
@FEichinger The story isn't about pirates though
It's about Keith T. Maxwell and his quest to sleep with Dr Carla Paolini.
I mean his quest to defeat the Voids and save the galaxy
Also the reason this system is actually poor is because it was only settled a few years ago.
Seriously though, these guys all have like the most expensive ships money can buy
Q: How to spawn the wither

joshI saw on youtube that the wither is hard to beat in minecraft. So I thought that I would kill the wither and prove I'm better then the wither. So I searched wither but it only came up with a wither skeleton. How do I spawn the wither. And how to i make the spawner.

Doesn't physx work even if you have an ATI (or non-Nvidia) card? I thought I read it then will work off the CPU though.
@user56652 It's possible for games to do it I think, but I don't know of any that do.
And it would be really slow.
It looks like someone on the PS2 forum got it working on an ATI card.
On the GPU.
Oh well. Raw performance > particle diarrhea.
Still if done right it does look nice. ME, and BL2 did it well.
This TES V: Skyrim question:
Q: In Skyrim, Shadowmere has been lost for about 3 levels, how do I find her?

user62882So, after the DBH quests, I went to the new Sanctuary, and did a lot of other quests, including the main story line, Dawnguard, Hearthfire, and just started the Dragonborn DLC. I've been wandering around with the Aura Whisper shout, and I've not found her. The last time I saw her was when I bough...

...has been mistakenly closed as a duplicate of a TES IV: Oblivion question.
Q: Tropico 4 - Teamster / Garage logic

Tejaswi YerukalapudiIt seems like no matter how many garages / teamsters I have working, they're never enough. My factory outputs reach 900+ while my docks are running on empty and not exporting any resources at all. Just as an experiment, I tried having 1 teamsters office and 2 garages per factory and this is still...

@galacticninja o_o Oops.
Q: I've lost Shadowmere - where can I find her?

pinkspongeSo I own Shadowmere from the Dark Brotherhood. However, I jumped on another horse for a few seconds, before fast travelling. I did a few quests, without even thinking about Shadowmere, and now when I need her, the horse that I rode for those few seconds appears. Anyone have any idea where I ca...

This is the correct one :/
Perhaps a mod can correct this
I have voted to reopen! And then I will vote to re-close!
Or that, I guess
I blame @Sterno
Q: Minecraft Server

joshI like to play on multiplayer but I'm having trouble finding servers. I have one server. And so I was wondering if someone could give me a server that is one 24/7. (I have version 1.7.2)

@GnomeSlice Have you voted to reopen that Skyrim question yet?
Q: How do I get a shark to attack me when diving?

Jeff MercadoI'm trying to finish up some challenges and one of them is to survive a shark attack 10 times. I somehow managed to get two sharks to attack me but can't really figure out how I did that. They only seem to want to take a bite of me and run away... but not an actual attack. How do I get a shark...

Q: Block Penalty Kicks?

JontIn Fifa 13, how do you block penalty kicks from the other team in a Penalty Shootout? The game didn't come with an instruction manual so I don't know much about the controls. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance! EDIT: I only saved a few goals with the thing called luck.

Yay! Now we can vote to re-close!
Q: If a survivor get's a ‘Sick: Gravely Ill’ status, is there a chance that they will still get better?

galacticninjaIf a survivor gets a ‘Sick: Gravely Ill’ status, like shown in the screenshot below, is there a chance that they will still get better, or is all hope lost? If yes, how do I increase their chances?

Q: What does clearing your cache three times do?

SeanWhy isn't once enough, and what is the purpose of clearing it three times for the following solution? Solutions1 Delete your gamertag, clear your cache, and recover your gamertag Unplug any accessories attached to your console, such as a headset, the Xbox 360 Chatpad, or the Kine...

Q: How do you put a shaders mod into pixelmon?

BlakeI have technic launcher and the shaders mod is the GLSL shaders mod, I am newer to minecraft and computers so please be patient and help me step by step I will greatly appreciate it. Pixelmon does infact run forge and the version of pixelmon is 2.3.4 please help.

Q: How does chain fishing work?

Shadow ZorgonHow exactly do I chain fish in Pokemon X and Y? Do i have to talk to the super rod fisherman, or what. I fish every time after the last, but I have no way to know if it is working or not. I run at the end of every battle instead of KO'ing due to limited PP.

2 hours later…
Q: Do I need to complete AC3 to understand AC4?

Dark DecipioI just bought Assassins Creed Revelations, 3 & 4. I already played 1, 2 & Brotherhood, so I started to end the Ezio story with finishing Revelations. I just watched some trailers for AC 4 and i'm excited and just want to start to play it. But I don't know if there are some relations to AC3...? ...

Q: Minecraft voxel minimap help please

FalseFlashWhen I was playing 1.5.2 I had voxel minimap and I used the teleporting feature a lot. Now I am using 1.6.2 and the teleporting does not work. I have some other mods,Buildcraft,Ic2,IronChests, and backpack mod.

No wait, morning, yeah that's it.
@boo ooh pretty, needs more fantasy books though :)
Also, best insecticide ever: "The library also hosts a colony of bats who come out at night to feed on the insects who would otherwise eat the books"
@KevinvanderVelden Interesting fact: the guy who wrote it was my tutor
@boo the guy who wrote the Boing Boing article, the guy who wrote the CNN article or the guy who wrote the book? =p
@KevinvanderVelden Wrote the book
@boo that's the coolest option :D - Or wait, knowing Cory Doctorow would've been awesome to
@KevinvanderVelden Yeah, I wish.
Also happy birthday Holland, apparently Saturday was the 200th anniversary of it's founding.
I just read this ><
@KevinvanderVelden I'd think it was an older nation... Even Belgium is nearing the age of 200 (in 2030, so still some time)
Afk, meeting :)
Right so, arrived at the office 45 minutes early
Nowhere to park...
@kalina That's stupid. 45 minutes early should result in loads of place...
Entire industrial park is rammed
I want to go back to bed. or at least back home. too much work planned for this week.
Mmmm bed
My brain feels fried. And I didn't even have to do anything for it.
Right so
Let's do this
Kaaaaliiiiinaaaaaaa... Jeeeenkiiiins
@kalina That makes me think of Magica, the goblin shamans in that game are trying to summon some evil being by shouting "KAAAALIIIIIMAAAA". It never works though, probably because they are a letter wrong.
@Arperum Eh, I'd say it was founded when they kicked out the Spaniards in 1581, but ultimately they can decide whatever they want as the founding point. Also, it's "The Netherlands" in English, not "Holland". I blame Napoleon for the naming confusion.
@MartinSojka Belgium was founded in 1830, when we kicked out the Dutch...After having kicked out the French, the Burgundians, Spain,... in earlier times.
@Arperum Yeah, I meant the Netherlands, not Belgium. :)
Q: What does Enemy Within research tree looks like?

Sergey GrinevI have problems getting Edison achievement so is there any shiny diagrams like in What does the full research tree look like? for an expansion?

Back from meeting-ville
@Arperum and yet despite all this kicking people out, you still can't kick your goverment to get some work done =p
@KevinvanderVelden Which government do you mean? We have way too many...
@Arperum kick half of them out until they start working :)
@KevinvanderVelden The kicking people out only happens when Belgium stops being lazy...
Wich is a very rare event.
@Arperum it seems to be a rare event for the world in general I'm afraid :(
Oh god... I'm getting a problem where a mail that says FW:"mail name here" as subject, that starts with the text "original message from:arperum to otheremailadres +other default fw mail blurb" is NOT a forwarded mail, because the person who received it was walking away when it was sent.
Hah, Farming Simulator 2013 Titanium Edition is in the Flash Sale.
@kalina You are at your new job?
I doublechecked the code, told that it was indeed forwarded, since I don't send mails to random mailadresses. After five minutes of "no, it's impossible that it is forwarded, the original receiver returned and got asked it they forwarded that mail, and guess what, they did...
@Arperum good thing is it only took 5 minutes
@KevinvanderVelden Yea, if that person had gone to a meeting of an hour i don't know what I should have done...
@Arperum barge in, pick him up and shake him while shouting "DID YOU FORWARD THIS EMAIL?". Then calmly walk away.
If it looks like a bird, flies like a bird and smells like a bird, it's probably a forwarded email.
Note: don't EVER show him the email. Just exactly as I said
@KevinvanderVelden That would probably get me fired, since the person that forwarded the mail was part of the head of this company where I'm as a consultant...
@Arperum hmm, well crap
Videotape it and shout your way to internet fame :D
You should be able to get a few bucks of ad revenue out of it
@KevinvanderVelden Oh well, that other employee is probably a little bit more receptive to the truth as told by me.
In some perfect world everybody will believe me, even when I speak the truth.
Just Cause 2 Multiplayer Beta this weekend - last one before first release!
@boo yes
@kalina How is it?
Will tell you once I'm doing something other than browse a knowledge base
@kalina Sounds fun
Screen positioning good?
Back against a wall in an office with 3 people in it away from the plebs
I mean... Support team
@kalina Sounds ideal
Benefits of automating all the things: A task that usually takes an hour is 5 minutes
Downside of automating all the things: fixing a typo takes an hour -,-
Stupid pinkey finger, don't automatically add ' everywhere!
Q: Can you set up an all-CPU-player game with no humans?

KaiWhen you set up a new game in Civ V, it appears that there must always be at least one human player. I was wondering if it was possible to set up a game with no human players - the 10-year Civ II experiment got me interested to see what would happen if the same thing were attempted in Civ V, and...

Q: Is there any way to revive a dead character

giorgos123In State of Decay I got killed with one of the characters that I have availiable by a zombie. For me he is my main character and I don't want to play without him. So is there any kind of cheat or modding to revive him or just go back to older saved game before he died without starting from the be...

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