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@RedRiderX ...
@kalina What?
it's an ellipsis
@kalina And...
and cake
@kalina Oh.
Cake is nice.
So why can everyone speak English all of a sudden?
Of course.
there are a handful of episodes where the language barrier is a thing
but the bulk of the galaxy speaks English
didn't you know that?
@PrivatePansy 我不知道
@kalina Like the Mongols?
oh wow it's December already
right, sleep time
@kalina o/
@LpSamuelm Frayed Knights! Get on that shit!
Q: Adding java arguments to a multicraft server

chipperyman573In my multicraft server (multi­craft, it's for mine­craft) I am running out of PermaGen memory space (This is my crashlog if you want it). According to this StackOverflow question, I need to add the argument -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+CMSPermGenSweepingEnabled -XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled -XX...

Q: Why does everyone on almost every planet in the Pegasus Galaxy speak English?

Özgür KaplanWe know that Earth is the origin of humans in the Milky Way galaxy. The Goa'uld relocated people from Earth to other planets. As far as I remember the Goa'uld has rarely or never been in Pegasus Galaxy. So how come people in Pegasus Galaxy still speaks English? Did they come from Earth as well?

Q: How do I make an electrical engine pump out more MJ?

dylanCould anyone please tell me how to (if possible) make an electrical engine transfer energy from its own reserves to a machine, a lot faster?

@Ullallulloo So the reason is "because tv". I see.
@RedRiderX Pretty much.
@RedRiderX It's SFF, what do you expect?
Butts butts butts butts butts.
This game really is pretty nice looking
People who like space games should get this while it's on sale on Steam
@LessPop_MoreFizz Hello
Also thanks for singling me out in your pinned message.
@GnomeSlice It's true.
Ponies used to be off-topic.
@GnomeSlice TBQH, you're really more of an odd. But I wanted to make sure everyone knew you were included in my statement.
@Sterno They still ought to be.
Thanks I guess
Ah, somebody unpinned it before I could star it.
@LessPop_MoreFizz 100% agreement,
Especially pony butts.
yesterday, by LessPop_MoreFizz
FYI, If I haven't said it recently, all of you people are awesome. Even gnomselixe. Happy thanksgiving and thank god for autocorrect, slayer of drunk typographical errors.
^ For your Starring convenience.
Hey, I brought it back onto the stars list.
I'm glad the Bridge is alive again!
Q: If i play GTAV for too long will it brake

user62815Iv been playing for 5 hours now WILL GTAV brake? I love this game please tell me the answer please help thnx :)

@Fluttershy I wasn't aware that it had died
@Lazers wat
@Lazers What is this I don't even...
@LessPop_MoreFizz It's been pretty slow today.
@PrivatePansy Look at the user photo.
Kid is like 9.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Yes, and I'm a pony
Besides, I really don't think nine year olds should be playing GTA V
Today I drove past a real-life no scope cornshot.
@PrivatePansy when a question sounds like it's being asked by a nine year old with no idea how computers or the internet work, and there's a gravatar of a kid that looks like he's nine, the question is probably being asked by a nine year old.
@Sterno !
@PrivatePansy I agree. Parents these days...
Having played GTA V, I can state with authority that no one, of any age, should play GTA V.
Something about the Penguin logo on this book kills me.
@LessPop_MoreFizz wat
Q: Was Katy Perry dressed as a geisha at the American Music Awards?

Andrew GrimmWas Katy Perry dressed as a geisha at the American Music Awards? From The Independent The US pop star opened the glamorous ceremony at Los Angeles' Nokia Theare dressed as a Geisha to sing her latest single "Unconditionally", surrounded by a Japanese-themed set complete with floating l...

Oh Skeptics.SE
Or maybe I should simply say Oh Andrew.
Because dude has some serious obsessions going on.
@LessPop_MoreFizz God forbid someone from one culture dress up as someone from another culture
Q: If I play GTAV for too long will it break the disk for xbox 360?

user62815I've been playing for 5 hours now WILL GTAV disk break? I love this game please tell me the answer.

... The ... disk?
... Are you ... What?
Seriously, what?
@GnomeSlice well, no, the criticism is valid; there are real concerns about appropriation here because it's specifically taking on a costume of what is arguably an oppressed or marginalized group - but asking on skeptics about it is incredibly dumb and misses the point of the criticism entirely.
> The Grunt, the backbone of any evil army. Known for their low health benefits, abysmal pay, and high willingness to fire large quantities of ammunition around random targets. All expenses have been spared in equipping and training these entry level positions, meant almost entirely to attempt to curb any advances the player tries to make. The primary task of the Grunt is to absorb ammunition and attention while actually dangerous enemies attempt to kill you.
No, the disk won't break. This applies to all games not just GTA V, and this also assumes your console is in good working order. — Unionhawk 1 min ago
Link Between Worlds does NOT save your progress when you beat the game, make sure you save before the final dungeon
A: Is there a Relationship between the Final Fantasy games?

shiatazi noticed while playing ff VIII that that are small similarities in the map, tiny in fact as if to think of how our continents moved apart, although the land mass abd environment are completely different to most similarities except possibly the cactuar island the south east of the map, ive played...

Dum Answer is Dum.
@FEichinger yeah that's actually a decent question now
@GnomeSlice Meh, I still think it's a stupid question, but it's a valid one.
that's what I meant
Vote for pretty much anything you want, including games that came out years ago and games that aren't out yet.
@GnomeSlice ... That kinda defeats the purpose of "of the Year" awards, doesn't it?
@FEichinger Yeah, presumably they'll prune out votes for those things? One would hope so anyway...
As it is right now, basically you just type in the name of any game with an indiedb page and you can vote for it.
You guys should vote for Bleed
Q: If i play an xbox disk or a long time will it damage the disk love GTAV (GRAND THAT AUTO)

user62815Iv been playing for 5 hours now on my Xbox 360 brake? (GTAV) I love this game and I don't want to loose it...

@Lazers Are you friggin kidding me?
@FEichinger 'parrently not.
We need just one more reopen vote on the original, btw.
Whew. KSP Career ep. 11 is all recorded, even though I haven't started editing ep. 10.
@FEichinger And I just cast it...
mmm, beer
@Lazers lol
@FEichinger Who upvoted that?
@MBraedley What's wrong with it?
@GnomeSlice It has a content rating for a reason, that should be on the box and on every digital distributor's page.
@GnomeSlice Well besides that grammar, it shows no reasearch
Frankly, if you fear that a game that received an "M" ESRB may be inappropriate, you probably shouldn't be playing it to begin with.
A: how much inappropriate content is there in dishonored?

GnomeSliceESRB has a summary of the game based on the rating. Click here for a link. Content Descriptors: Blood and Gore, Intense Violence, Sexual Themes, Strong Language Rating Summary: This is an action game in which players assume the role of Corvo, a royal bodyguard who has been framed for tr...

Q: how much inappropriate content is there in dishonored?

user62393OK so i am hoping to get dishonored for the PC, but there's one thing that's blocking me. my mother and i don't appreciate inappropriate content so i was hoping someone could tell me how much language and sex there is and also is there a way to counter language and sex? it would be great if someo...

Asking if there's a way to tone it down seems okay though.
I'm pretty sure it's inappropriate
@MBraedley That's actually what I was looking for originally
@GnomeSlice Steam page
Oh. I forgot about Steam.
As I said: If you have to ask, it's probably not for you.
@FEichinger No harm in asking though, surely?
That's what makes this question a stupid (although, just as the other one: valid) question.
Also, Just Cause 2 is rated M and it's probably a lot less graphic than something like Dishonored or Dead Space
It's almost cartoony.
The base rating doesn't tell you everything
But he doesn't even say "I see Dishonored is rated M. Obviously there is some mature content in there. Are there any controls for reducing gore, language, and sexual content?"
That is a good question IMHO
I don't think we're doing the internet any favors by just repeating what can be found elsewhere online.
A: Survivors in Dishonored

user62393no there are no penalties for killing or knocking out survivors but some of them like the ones found in the dunwall distillery can give you upgrades for helping the. like for example i once got a free pistol upgrade for helping a survivor. also you can gain bone charms and various other upgrades....

That guy answered a question about dishonored.
@Wipqozn I was about to mention this.
Q: Is Skyrim kid friendly?

PearsonArtPhotoI've heard much about Skyrim, and as I'm going to get an X-Box for Christmas, I'm taking a look at various games to see what might be of interest. I have 3 kids, ages 8-12, and I'm wondering about the appropriateness of this game for younger kids.

@LessPop_MoreFizz I was really confused until the edit.
Also, "My mother and I don't appreciate". Uh huh. Sure.
@fbueckert To be fair, the ESRB's website has terrible SEO.
Well, maybe not that bad.
Either way, the user has evidently played Dishonored already, so I'm going with Why on Earth ask the question in the first place?
But worse than us.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Also to be fair, that was 2 years ago. And in its current state doesn't suffer from the grammatical and focus problems found in this new question.
@Ullallulloo By that metric, everything has crappier SEO than SE.
@fbueckert idk
ESRB's site is weird.
Just asking for the content in a game is still not a good question though, obviously.
And our mission is to make the internet a better place. Are we honestly making it better by allowing technically valid, but utterly stupid questions like that?
@fbueckert You're the one usually arguing about "precedent", sticking to the letter of the rules, and stomping your feet when we deviate from our usual course of action.
So, by that logic, "technically valid" is the only thing that should matter.
@FEichinger And you'll notice there's no close vote on that question at all from me. I hate it, and think it's utter crap.
And I don't think it should've been reopened.
But I didn't close it.
@fbueckert Nothing has been closed, so nothing has been reopened either.
At the same time, I don't think we should be reopening questions just because they're technically valid.
@FEichinger I'm talking about the "Will disks get damaged?" question as well.
Egoraptor game?
I think there are some questions that really don't do us, or the internet, any favors at all, by sticking around.
That's one of them.
Yet, keeping it leaves the possibility to do someone a favor. While burning it eliminates that entirely without any gain for us.
The answer should probably be moved from the dupe to the original, but that's it.
Yes, because asking any random question that pops into your head gains us a remote inkling of maybe possibly helping someone else years down the line.
@fbueckert My mission is to have fun.
@fbueckert What do we get out of burning a question aside from stroking our ego for a minute?
@FEichinger Cleaning up crap.
Seriously, I can't think of anything. The question is valid, it is just stupid.
Leaving it does potentially encourage similar questions, which is a net loss for us though
Fast and Furious star just died in a horrific fiery car wreck. Cue: an internet full of dumb jokes and terrible terrible headlines.
There really should be a minimum bar of, "This really is too stupid to stick around."
We don't close stupid questions, we close off-topic question. Downvote stupid questions into oblivion, sure, but not close them.
Either way, that's my input into this discussion. Burn with fire crap, regardless of whether it's technically valid or not.
@BenBrocka And by downvoting it we show that we don't appreciate it, although we will provide an answer.
Questions with a sufficiently negative score can be deleted by high rep users. As it should be.
@FEichinger Downvoting is more of a deterrent for stupid questions anyways, since it actually results in a loss of something: reputation.
We don't need to close them too.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Yup, this too.
I don't think we should be closing questions for being too stupid, but I don't see anything wrong with high rep users going around and deleting crappy questions sitting at ascore of -10 for a month.
@Wipqozn To be fair, the people who do ask these stupid questions hardly care about reputation - or aren't affected by it because they don't have any to begin with.
@FEichinger Then let their question go negative, disappear, and they never come back, problem solved.
If they do keep coming back and asking stupid questions, they never gain rep. Problem solved.
I certainly understand where you're coming from @fbueckert, but I just don't think closing is the way to deal with it.
...non-mods DO need to close a question to cast a delete vote though
8 mins ago, by fbueckert
But I didn't close it.
@BenBrocka I though 20k could delete a question provided it's score was low enough?
And we have procedures in place for saying "hey, you're asking stupid questions and the community isn't liking it. Smarten up!"
This is where 20K rep would come in handy.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Oh, I'm not disagreeing at all. I'm just saying that what @Wipqozn said about it actually resulting in a reploss is kind of misleading.
4 mins ago, by fbueckert
There really should be a minimum bar of, "This really is too stupid to stick around."
@Wipqozn I only see the button on closed questions
That's what I was addressing.
@Wipqozn ie. delete.
If I could delete crap without it being closed, I would.
Ah I see. I thought you were saying we should have a "this is stupid" close reason.
@Wipqozn I wouldn't be averse to one. But given that we don't have one, I don't think we should use one of the others as a substitute.
Yeah, I must admit, sometimes it would be nice to have a "this is stupid" close reason...
In other news I'm going to bed.
I'm going to have to agree with @Wipqozn, it's getting somewhat late here. And my 2 hour recording session wore me out.
Q: Punkbuster keeps kicking me for weird reasons

HashbrownSo on top of getting kicked from Battlefield 3 games because of a 'lost connection to EA online' error I just recently got this gem; Game disconnected: you were kicked by PunkBuster. Stated reason: PunkBuster kicked player 'Hashbrown777' (for 0 minutes) ... RESTRICTION: Invalid Memory Image [130...

Q: Do you keep your rewards and score etc when you are kicked from a server?

HashbrownI know that in MechWarrior Online if you quit (or crash, whathaveyou) that any scores or accomplishments you have made in the match will be awarded to you at its conclusion (even though you're not in it). I was wondering if Battlefield 3 did the same. Like, it may do so if you quit (so the game ...

Just edited the Crawl tag wiki, if someone wants to pop in to the queue and confirm it
Discovered it was sending people to the Crawl wiki, which is bad
@SaintWacko Why?
@Ullallulloo It's horribly out of date
Like, really, really badly out of date
A good chunk of the information there is plain wrong
shrug, okay
I left the link in the tag wiki, but put in a warning that it's out of date
53 mins ago, by LessPop_MoreFizz
Fast and Furious star just died in a horrific fiery car wreck. Cue: an internet full of dumb jokes and terrible terrible headlines.
Not fast or furious enough with that link.
I also added information about the ##crawl IRC channel, and a link to the learndb
Q: can i convert steam games in my library to my steam gift inventory?

goldyfishis it possible to move steam games in your library to your steam gift inventory? i would like to trade my games for keys/metal/unusual's for tf2 but i can't figure out how to do so. Is it even possible? please help :P

This is the best gif on the internet. That is all.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I see what you did there.
Q: Can I get rid of the ghosts?

splattered bitsIn the daily/weekly Rayman Legends challenges, you race against "ghosts" of other players. I find these very distracting and most of the time have a hard time distinguishing between my player and the other ghosts. How do I get rid of those ghosts?

@James Nope. Rebel Bass is better.
@GnomeSlice Nice man
Can you guys see it, because it's still loading for me
There it goes
Q: The Legend of Hilda

Ed GrimmSo after playing A Link Between Worlds, it begs the question, Who would love to see a new game set in Lorule (maybe even a different version of Lorule), possibly titled "The Legend of Hilda"?

@GnomeSlice Oh hey, for once that's getting linked from someplace that isn't my hosting.
@LessPop_MoreFizz beesbeesbees.com
<--- I feel like that's a terrible tag.
@GnomeSlice When that gif first started circulating on the internet, I mirrored it onto my hosting and tweeted it, and somehow it ended up getting hot linked on a couple of fairly high traffic blogs and for a long time, the number one pull on bandwidth on my hosting was the oprah bees gif.
@LessPop_MoreFizz That's pretty funny, actually.
Is it still your number one bandwidth pull?
@GnomeSlice I haven't looked in over a year, tbqh.
I wouldn't be surprised, if only because the main thing I use my hosting for is email
@LessPop_MoreFizz At any rate, Oprah Bees is the best gif on the internet.
Q: Forge is not reading my mods?

user62819My forge is not reading my mod what it says it has the three forge mods but not the mod I'm trying to apply what should I do?

Q: Changing cd for Dayz

pinbazzI keep getting this error "Error opening registry path, run program as an administrator!" when trying to change my cd key for Arma 2 OA so i can play dayz. Any thoughts?

@Lazers hax
Q: Can mobs spawn on interactable blocks, or solid blocks occupied by interactable blocks?

ResorathI was trying to build a safe area for sleeping that doesn't have light. To prevent mobs from spawning, I only used half slabs (bottom half) and glass with a few exceptions. I needed beds, doors and chests which all must sit on solid blocks. Somehow, mobs are still spawning in this area, althoug...

Q: In the minigame Helter Shellter, how can I know which shells have the most pearls?

Ashley NunnI am working on Bowser's Tower, and am playing the Helter Shellter minigame. Is there a way to know, without guessing, which shell contains three pearls? If so, how?

Reminder: New Night Vale sometime in the next 6 hours or so
Hey, guys. I'm looking to get a pair of wireless headphones. Need input on which would be good. Since they'll be used a lot for gaming, I figured y'all would be a good group to ask.

Price Range ~150 USD.
Form Factor: Circumnaural
Connections: Wired & Wireless (Bluetooth preferred for wireless)
Compatibility: TV, PS3, Xbox 360, Laptop, Smartphone
Currently looking at the PULSE Elite headset. I'm interested in any opinions from owners, or suggested alternatives.
Oh, and microphone is optional. I don't do a lot of voice chatting.
Q: If I buy a game or DLC on one computer via Steam, can I play it on another?

JakeI wanna buy it on my friends macbook tonight, then play it on my pc tomorrow night.

Q: Best way to Scale Sprite up and Down to give illusion of a jump over a given timeframe?

MastroI have some code that I wrote that works, but I feel it could be better and wanted to get some feedback. The goal I had is to have a Sprite Scale up and back down in a timely fashion when a button is pushed so that it gives the illusion of jumping. I already know how to draw scaled images I'm m...

Q: how do you take screenshots on assassins creed iv? (ps3)

Corsellatumaybe there just isnt a way for some sort of copy write purpose. I tried to plug in a usb keyboard and hit printscreen, but when i went to look for it under photo; the only thing that was close to what i was looking for was but a software called Photo Gallery that i could only use if i download t...

1 hour later…
Q: What are all the different Super Training Ball types?

Samyam AI have noticed that each pokemon has a different type of ball that is "kicked" during super training. This is apparent by the Ball icon to the right of the name of each pokemon. I have seen that different icons mean different kind of skill in super training regimen. I would like to know the diffe...

@Lazers Balls.
Q: Stuck in Lost to the Ages quest

user62833I have collected the last of all 4 Shards, Katria showed up and said that I beat her on this as I reached there before her :) Every thing went normal so far! My current task is to Locate the Aetherium Forge. As I have already visited 'Ruins of Bthalft' so I fast travel there, some bandit attacked...

Q: Redstone torch on a block that is powered directly by another torch doesn't turn off?

UtkuAs far as I understood, if you power the block that a redstone torch is on, that redstone torch turns off. But as the question states, if I power the block directly with another redstone torch, former redstone torch does not turn off. Could you explain why this is the case? For clarity, I attach ...

Q: Games on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS 64 bit slow

user221000I have an Acer Aspire X1301 with factory settings; it has an ATI Radeon HD 4350. My computer has Ubuntu 12.04 LTS Precise Pangolin and Windows 7 Home Premium, both 64 bit. I only use Windows for games, because I find Ubuntu extremely slow with games, even with simple ones. How can I improve that?...

Q: How do I know if I spawned so bad it's not even worth playing

KalecI have started playing with friends online, and both of my spawns were horrible even with start bias turned on (hill tundra and plain desert). How do I know if my spawn spot is so bad it's not even worth bothering ? I'd rather not stay in a four hour game where I have exactly 0 chance of winning.

@Lazers That kinda defeats the purpose, doesn't it?
Not to mention that Civ V is balanced well enough for turning the table there.
I think the answer here is to play in an easier difficulty level
I've never come across a spawn so bad it wasn't worth playing
anyway, state of decay time
Yeah, the mapgen routine doesn't usually do that bad a job
Q: how to incorperate individuall cells with cellblocks?

MrMANIIm having a problem with my new cellblock. I did it all as the last one but i cant manage to incorperate the individual cells with the cellblock as the first one. making it really anoying to search the cells, because i have to do every one individually in stead of just "search cellblock" do anyon...

2 hours later…
Q: Where to find dragons?

Menno GouwDo dragons live in specific biomes? Are there even multiple types of dragons that live in specific biomes? I have put in a couple of hundred hours, slayed many forgotten beasts but never encountered a dragon. Most of the time i embark in a biome with a lot of tree's from wilderness to terrifying....

Q: ClassNotFound exception when attempting to load Minecraft backpack

Gigi180I am a total novice and posting for my child who downloaded a new mod and seemed to mess up her forge/backpack/mca. I think in trying to fix, I probably messed it up more. Here is the error report: Description: There was a severe problem during mod loading that has caused the game to fail cpw.mo...

Q: Will there be commands in mcpe 0.8.0?

ArmandoI want to know if minecraft pocket edition 0.8.0 will have commands.

Is MCPE 0.8 even released yet?
Also, good morning, crazy people.
@fbueckert beta is
@LessPop_MoreFizz Two or three instances does not an epidemic make.
Q: Problem over starting phase in Fifa14

HarshitIn my PS2 fifa14 or even fifa13 it is not moving ahead of the wallpaper where it shows messi till tht point everythng is great i cn choose language and memory gets saved but after that its lyk jam?? encountering thiis prob in both Fifa why so??/

Q: Caught a shiney bellsprout, will evolving it to victorybell lower its trade value?

JerI caught a shiney Bellsprout and before i level it up and evolve it, i was hoping to clarify whether or not it would be wise to keep him as bellsprout.

Muhammad Radikal Idealis (born on July 1, 1991) is an Indonesian footballer who currently plays for Persela Lamongan in the Indonesia Super League. References External links *
Ahoy people etc.
@Unionhawk Puhoy there!
Q: How can I capture the flag without falling to my death?

Edward KenwayI'm now at a point where I can fight bigger ships without my ship ending up as bunch of floating scrap, but I'm having some trouble with capturing the flag on those ships. I use the quick elevator thingy to get up to the top platform, but unfortunately there is a guy already standing there just ...

@GnomeSlice Way ahead of you, man. Already got it.
@GnomeSlice It's hard.
it's funny because he said "hard"
Oh, context, my absentee friend.
Out-of-context stars, wheee
@Unionhawk The non-reply-link-ping sells it, actually.
Well, that too.
Aaaaaand, pinned. Nice.
...Well. Is that an achievement?
Is there such a thing as a dechievement?
Achievement get: Out-of-context pin.
Q: How do I use mortars?

Edward KenwayI know that my ship has mortars, but I haven't figured out how I actually use the damn things. I must have missed a tutorial popup, and I didn't find any way to fire them by trying out stuff randomly. I know that most weapon switching happens by looking in a specific direction relative to my sh...

room topic changed to The Bridge: General gaming chat room, wherein everything is fireproof and LAZERS are the new fire. [-....] [badp-headcanon] [-doge] [-fun] [jin-fanclub] [lazers] [-ponies]*
Q: I didn't find 1.6.2.jar

MikaryaI went to minecraft, then versions, then 1.6.2 and i didn't find 1.6.2.jar! I already search and I never found anything! I'm sorry if I've got some languange errors, english isn't my first languange. Can you help me, please?

Q: Unlocking "The End" (achievement)

WielandAfter hearing that Super Meat Boy is finally available for Linux via Steam I've gone back to playing it and imported my already existing save game into Steam by moving it to the steamapps folder. Now I'm facing the problem that the achievement "The End" is not getting unlocked, although I've bea...

Don't mind me, just advertising my videos
Q: Are file modifications, third-party programs, etc. available to increase framerate?

Meraj99With the fact that AC4 is very graphics-intensive, most people get a terribly low FPS while playing it. For me, the maximum I have gotten is 24, and my average is 15-20, even while playing on the lowest graphics settings. Are any file modifications, third-party programs, etc. available to increa...

Q: Is the Playstation 4 Back-Compatible?

ReanimationDoes the PS4 have backwards compatibility? If so, how far?

@Lazers Yeah! Sympathy upvote! >:(
Today we remember Rosa Parks’ bold stand and her role in ending racism. http://t.co/uxIj1QmtkU
It's totally done. Not a thing anymore. Thanks Rosa!
@LessPop_MoreFizz I... but... sometimes I think it would be cool to live in america. Then this
Q: If i play an xbox disc or a long time will it damage the disc GTAV (GRAND THAT AUTO)

user62815I have been playing GTA5 on my Xbox 360 for 5 hours. Will this cause any damage to the disc? I don't want to cause any damage to the game.

One delete vote please.
I need 6k more reps. :(
I need like, alot-k more reps
@kevin being from the land of Zwarte Piet, you don't have much of a leg to stand on in calling America racist. Just sayin'
@LessPop_MoreFizz that is true, though our active racism is usually towards people from Marocco
I'd call Zwarte Piet pretty active and overt racism.
Q: Can a Dualshock 4 replace a Xbox 360 controller on the PC?

NolonarThe PS4 is now released in the EU, but due to shipment shortages is not available for sale unless pre-ordered a long time ago. Luckily, it seems as though Dualshock 4 controllers are availble for sale in a number of shops already. I've long decided to buy the PS4 as well as a second Dualshock 4 ...

@LessPop_MoreFizz I meant more like the n word or stop and frisk things
Then you don't understand what overt racism is.
@LessPop_MoreFizz which is why I said active, not overt
@Fluttershy What's wrong with it?
@Fluttershy cause people are dumb and think this will get sony to reconsider it
@GnomeSlice It's a crap question that shows zero research effort.
@GnomeSlice it's a 5 second google-able question. While it shouldn't be removed it also shouldn't be upvoted
Damn, a Metro-North train derailed. 2013 hasn't been a very good year for commuter rail. :/
@timstone yeah, you see the photos? Super ugly.
It's decades of underfunding and poor maintenance coming home to roost.
@Blem whoa
Today's listening:
Q: What is the chance a survivor will get better?

kalinaWhen a survivor falls ill or is seriously injured, there is a chance that they may become infected and may not heal from that injection. This will result in the survivor turning into a zombie, who will then attack other members of your party at your base. An ill survivor may be highlighted with ...

Q: Civ5 BNW Emperor Mode Domination Victory

super9I've tried playing domination victory a few times now on emperor mode. In every single play, In addition to the unmanageable unhappiness, as soon as I kill off the first civ (around 1050AD or so), the rest of the civs start denouncing me and will declare war on me within the next 10 turns. This...

Bela's attempting to chew her own tale.
I'm a genius. 3rd time I accidentally knocked out my laptop's battery.
Go me.
@fbueckert Awesome :D
Is she succeeding in reaching it or just going in crazy circles? :P
Carter chases his own tail all the time.
@AshleyNunn Nope, she's catching it.
@fbueckert Nice. Because Norbert keeps his curled up, he never really had much interest in it, although my mom's one cat will still chase his in circles
@AshleyNunn Usually, she's fine. But when I'm holding her, and she can see it twitching, she goes after it.
Anyone know of a good online multiplayer dominoes game?
@fbueckert aww, kitten <3
Did anyone else's mind go straight to pizza there?
Just Cause 2 Multiplayer mod is now on Steam.
@Unionhawk Already had pizza. Looking for a game :p
@Unionhawk mmm pizza :D
If I didn't have awesome plans for cooking dinner already, i would consider pizza
Although I am amused that I am not the only one who auto-goes "Dominoes = pizza"
Q: Finishing predator challenges with proximity detonator

Let_Me_Beis there any way to finish the worst nightmare challenges (number 6 in particular) when I already upgraded to proximity detonator? The proximity detonator seems to block the takedown option.

She just knocked over my water cup.
@fbueckert Was there much in it?
@AshleyNunn Lots
@fbueckert I currently have christmas lights strung out across the house, and my cat keeps going after them
@AshleyNunn I think the main thing is that Dominos doesn't suck anymore. Or at least, not as much as it used to.
@fbueckert oh, fun
@Unionhawk Agreed.
Also, who was it who recommended Elsword to me?
@AshleyNunn She got some on my armrest. So I picked her up and used her to dry it off.
@SaintWacko I was helping my mom decorate yesterday and her four cats were like...really, you are just setting up a giant cat playground right?
AUGH THE TRUMPET IS BACK. (Or some other loud brass instrument, I can't see it, but it sounds loud and horn like)
Huh. The Bridge just auto-refreshed on me.
@fbueckert Blame @badp
I think today's lunch will be to finish off what's left of my taco salad supplies.
Is there any way to make Steam stop pausing downloads when launching games?
@Svish I believe that's one of the next updates. Currently, playing a game = pause downloading.
@fbueckert I think I am having an apple dumpling or two for lunch ;P
@AshleyNunn I've had taco salad for basically a week straight now! It's so good!
@fbueckert So jealous :P
@fbueckert Well that's both annoying and great to hear, hehe
Oh, right, and it's my dad's birthday in a few days.
Gotta make sure to call him.
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