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Q: When / how does Rylais passive proc on Lux E and passive?

TobyWhen you throw a Lux E (Lucent Singularity) under an enemy while having Rylais Crystal Scepter - how does the slow passive (from Rylais) proc with the spell? Does it add it's slow to the Lucent Singularity (which already slows the enemy champion) or does it proc after the spell was activated? Ho...

Q: Do pea pod upgrades count a extra plants in PvZ2?

DVKIn Plants vs Zombies 2, to get some stars you must plans less than 15 plants (where 15 is variable :) In those levels, do Pea Pod upgrades that go onto existing Pea Pod count as extra plants? The Encyclopedia seems to indicate this way - it explicitly refers to "multiple plantings" and "repeate...

Q: Is it OK to give an answer that employs external methods?

NiteCyperI suspect that this question is a duplicate, but I can't find it. I was looking at How can I respec my badass rank bonus stats? and did a bit of web-crawling on my own and seem to have found a solution. However, this solution requires a tool that is not provided or endorsed by the game. Is it ...

@spyder neat
My Portal 2 crashes when I try to access a game save.
Issue: My Portal 2 crashes when I try to access a game save. Resolution: Don't try and load a game save.
@JeffreyLin That sucks. Have you checked game integrity?
@5pike That will take the whole day..
@JeffreyLin It shouldn't
But that's the only thing that quickly comes to mind.
Oh, that's actually quite fast.
@Wipqozn World record!
All files successfully validated
@JeffreyLin That's either really good or really bad, depending on your standpoint.
Fixed it!
realy no one knows how to fix it?!
Q: How to fix this bug?

mpowerI have a big problem for this game. when I go anywhere anytime, my surroundings are dark. this bug is happening from start. this picture show what happens: also this video might explain the problem(2MB). how I can fix this problem? I installed all of the support programs including physX & VC++ b...

@fredley Sony probably owns the set
Love that they had shuhei do the unboxing
Jesus Christ, the comments are even more fucked up then before the update.
Yeah I read comments on the unboxing video to see if comments were better now. Yeah no, no they're not.
Possibly worse
Music video by Daft Punk performing The Unboxing. © 2013 Daft Life Limited under exclusive license to Columbia Records, a Division of Sony Music Entertainment
@mpower That just sounds like a more-awesome way of playing Batman
> For the second time in under a year—and possibly the second time in recorded history—New Yorkers managed to go 24 straight hours without shooting, stabbing or slashing each other.
That's just lazy reporting... if it's recorded history, look it up.
@Blem Yeah Sony...well not owns, but...kinda owns Daft Punk at this point and time
@Sterno They only recently invented stabdar so they'd know about the unreported stabbings.
Q: Which vehicle is more appropriate for the mountain stage of Hill Climb Racing?

MeysamWhich vehicle is more appropriate for the "Mountain" stage of Hill Climb Racing?

Mornin' Bridge
good afternoon @Zerofennec
Q: Can you interact with other Pokemon players over the internet and streetpass at the same time?

CrowbeakI was hanging out with a friend who has Pokemon X/Y, and we wanted to trade. We were registered as friends and had interacted in-game via both internet and Streetpass before, but we weren't able to see each other. Since we were at his house and he was connected to the internet, I tried connecting...

Everyone should be playing Desktop Dungeons
that is one slow robot
@Blem well, it is lego
Who's Cave Johnson?
""All right, I've been thinking. When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade! Make life take the lemons back! Get mad! I don't want your damn lemons; what am I supposed to do with these? Demand to see life's manager! Make life rue the day it thought it could give Cave Johnson lemons! Do you know who I am? I'm the man who's gonna burn your house down... with the lemons! I'm gonna get my engineers to invent a combustible lemon that burns your house down!'"
@JeffreyLin ... that was the quote I was just pasting to send to you xp
@Sterno Shut up, @GnomeSlice.
@OrigamiRobot It's amazing.
SkyDrift amazing?
My motivation for people playing is so that people will ask me questions about it. I want reps.
Skydrift has hand-foot-mouth disease.
Babies are sick all the time.
@Sterno is that not their job? To provide a nice and safe place for all kinds of horrible diseases?
@Sterno I should probably have asked about the Skydrift vaccination while we were getting the other set of two-month shots the other day.
@Sterno I don't know what this is, so I am imagining a disorder which causes one to put their hands/feet in their mouths. Previous interactions with babies confirm this behavior. Conclusion: Epidemic.
lemme try that again
@OrigamiRobot A reasonable guess!
@BenBrocka They do.
A handful of Skittles counts as fruit for breakfast right?
@TimStone Yup
@TimStone The green ones certainly do
Anything green is one of your 5 a day
@TimStone Why only a handful?
If I eat them all now I won't have more for later :(
So much adorable.
@TimStone But the shop has more
@TimStone So buy more.
user image
This never gets old.
@OrigamiRobot Agreed.
I've seen it a few times, but it's still great.
Neither does this
@OrigamiRobot I hate that ghost. He's a jerk.
@OrigamiRobot Gold.
@GnomeSlice Very nice
Assuming you just have a sprite-sheet and modify background-position in the media queries?
@fredley Beats me.
@GnomeSlice Well that's how I'd do it
Probably though.
@GnomeSlice And yup, that's how it's done
Makes sense.
@GnomeSlice No thanks
Q: Why does HTML think “chucknorris” is a color?

user456584How come certain random strings produce various colors when entered as background colors in HTML? For example: <body bgcolor="chucknorris"> test </body> ...produces a document with a red background across all browsers and platforms. Interestingly, while chucknorri produces a red background as...

@GnomeSlice Yeah this is excellent
@fredley lol...
Who the hell is Francis?
My understanding is I should watch his youtube videos of him doing random crap because he's internet famous for posting youtube videos of him doing random crap.
@Sterno He's a character persona of boogie2988
And he's hilarious.
Poor Picard.
Such a great straight man.
Yeah, I figured out not to google "boogie2988" at work, because the first few images it pops up there are not friendly.
@Sterno He's very open about his struggle with weight, yeah. Fat dudes are nsfw?
@GnomeSlice When they're shirtless, yeah
@Wipqozn You just made me go read about why there are warp speed limitations. You're the worst.
@Sterno You're welcome.
@Wipqozn I'm not that old
@Wipqozn It led me to SciFi.SE. You're double-the-worst.
@MBraedley I didn't mean to imply you were.
@Sterno Excellent.
I hope I ruined your entire day.
what an asshole
@Wipqozn I wanted to quote @GnomeSlice in a reply to @Wipqozn, but I figured the flag troll would flag it and then they'd see the name gnomeslice in there and approve it
@Sterno I refuse.
@GnomeSlice does that mean that someone can just steal a thousand dollars from anyone they like?
@axrwkr I guess so, yeah...
@axrwkr And welcome back!
.radio-select input[type="radio"]:checked + label:before{ content:"✔" }
@BenBrocka I just read a Polygon news article and saw you commented on it and it startled the hell out of me.
@axrwkr Paypal refund policy works just like that, too.
that's outrageous
Huh. One of @Wipqozn's old answers got flagged as NaA.
@FAE turns out some people use more than one site
I think they'd rather risk pissing off some developers / sellers than risk pissing off a bigger amount of buyers. Specially when you consider the ratio of devs/sellers-to-buyers and the main customers are the buyers.
Of course, if you hurt the devs / sellers then no one wants to use your site and your business model is flawed.
Walk'n Play Support

Proposed Q&A site for game developers using Walk'n Play platform

Closed before being launched.


Proposed Q&A site for the art and science of sending email. All you need to know, or share, about: Abuse, Blacklist, Dedicated IP, DKIM, Direct complaint, Headers, Engagement,FBL, MTA, IP Cert,Reputation,Seed list, SharedIP, Spam trap,SPF,Transactional,Whitelist and more.

Currently in definition.

@BenBrocka I've only ever seen it one other time with users here, saw @Powerlord comment on a Joystiq article. Though I also try not to read comments in general, so.
That said, I once benefitted from the Paypal refund policy. But that was because DX didn't want to refund me a broken item (they did, but they wanted me to pay shipping back, at a higher value than the refund).
@GnomeSlice That could be... interesting.
Check out the original Unbox video :) Daft Punk - Random Access Memories Unboxed http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rr12u1tk_rM&sns=tw via @youtube
@FAE Polygon is fairly decent at moderating comments
Q: How does the thunderstorm from Plant-fed Lightning Reeds choose targets?

DVKWhat are the rules/algorithm by which the thunderstorm generated by feeding Plant Food Upgrade to The Lightning Reeds targets its victims? Random? Closest? Leftmost?

Q: At what rate does the sun generate in PvZ2?

DVKThis Q&A contained 2 contradictory statements: Efficiency of Single vs Double Sunflowers at the start of the level Sun generated from the "sky" is generated faster than sunflowers-produced sun Opposite. So, between a single sunflower, a double sunflower, and "sky", what's the exact rate/speed...

@BenBrocka I've only just recently thrown them into my news feed, so I may read them more then.
@FAE just ignore the reviews. And opinion pieces aren't great. Their normal news is usually good though
@BenBrocka What's wrong with the reviews?
@FAE They're pretty awful. They seem to very often get people who don't like the sort of game they're reviewing. The person who reviewed Disgaea D2 didn't seem to really "get" SRPGs
@BenBrocka That's... unfortunate, and really unprofessional. I'd expect better, considering who started the site and all.
Yeah their reviews are hit and miss to the point I don't bother reading them
They're also on my shit list for not liking Borderlands 2 though so I'm a bit biased
It's not like they don't know how this is supposed to work.
@BenBrocka What'd they give it?
But I pretty much roll my eyes at any site that ranked a recent Call of Duty game above Borderlands 2, as much as I try not to compare scores otherwise
@FAE something "not bad not good" IIRC
Meh, Polygon has a couple of weird instances, yeh. But just like any other site, you basically have to stick to authors you're aligned with.
They just focus too much on minor (IMO) issues in games and I very rarely find myself learning anything from reading their reviews
Q: Where are the pumpkins in PvZ2?

DVKPlants vs Zombies used to have a nice "Pumpkin" plant that protected plants in it. PvZ2 does not have it. What's the official story with no pumpkins? Was it removed because it was against the new game's balance? Was it removed because they have/will replaced it with similar one? Do they have ...

But as usual a 2 minute gameplay video is more useful than reading most full written reviews
@FEichinger that's the problem, fuck that. I shouldn't need to know authors on a personal level to be able to suss out usefulness from a review
Call of Duty games are fun if you only play multiplayer
Single-player is a terrible shitopia of badness, though.
@Sterno Yeah, same with BF
@BenBrocka An interactive medium will always add subjectivity to reviews. You'll gain nothing from reading (or listening to) what a random author that very much contradicts your own views writes.
I should consistently feel that the author of reviews really appreciates the genre of game they're reviewing and is criticising from a place of appreciation and knowledge. If I don't feel that, I don't read their reviews
But I definitely agree that there were some weird assignments for reviews ...
I think I partied too hard last night. And I have a flight to catch later today.
About the only reviews I read anymore are Rock Paper Shotgun
If you pump out reviews by people who clearly would never have liked a game of X genre in the first place it does major harm to my opinion of your reviews in general
Now, I only watch reviews after I had a chance to actually play the game.
I don't see much point in watching reviews after playing/buying the game, unless you want to know if everyone loved/hated it as much as you did
@fbueckert Which one is that?
I have posted some crappy answers in my day. I've deleted some of them.
@BenBrocka Here's the thing, though: They also need a balance with people who are unfamiliar with the genre. Chuck a game at a random author and you get a result for the everyman, not just someone who's deeply invested already.
@Wipqozn Your Rifts class answer.
It definitely was an answer.
@FEichinger Yeah, but there are many, many genres the everyman doesn't get anyway. It doesn't make sense to pull that strategy for niche games
@BenBrocka Yeah, that's pretty much it. Just to satisfy my curiosity, and to see if the reviewers know their shit.
Who gives a shit what the everyman thinks of a bullet hell shooter? COD kiddies aren't going to play it anyway
When your review just boils down to "I don't like this genre and this game is of this genre" it's just complete trash
@fbueckert The only thing I ca think of is that I didn't address this:
> Also any recommendations on which class should I play? I am coming over from WoW, and have played every role. Loved shaman and hunter.
but that should have been edited out fo the question anyways.
It could be useful as criticism of that genre, if written well, but it's hardly a useful review for a game in particular
@Wipqozn I agree.
Flagged as "made me go read SciFi.SE".
@fbueckert I just edited it out and everything.
Regardless, though, that was my very first flag dispute!
@BenBrocka This is the most annoying thing ever.
@fbueckert That is surprising.
@Sterno I don't often review the flag queue.
I didn't even know there was a flag queue.
I thought that was mods only
Of my ~200 flags, 26 are things I disputed
Holy geez!
I finally got a badge that isn't bronze.
Q: How frequently do the zombies drop keys?

DVKSomeone mentioned in this Q&A that you can get keys when zombies randomly drop them on any level. Is there an estimate of just how frequently this happens? (e.g. what's the probability) Is the frequency dependent on the zombie type you kill or the level?

@LpSamuelm Congrats!
I will pretend it's not superficial.
@Sterno All of mine that were disputed were actioned in the direction of my flag.
So I count those as helpful
@Blem heh
@5pike Took me a bit to spot what was wrong
@5pike wat
@GnomeSlice You see it?
@5pike Yes.
@5pike Is it the heavy airbrushing?
@LpSamuelm There should be an award for stuff like this.
Q: Can a single Lightning Reed kill 3 camel zombies?

DVKI was answering this Q, and proposed 2 Lightning Reeds as a way to kill 3 Camel Zombies. However, I'm unsure if they can be killed by just 1 Lighting Reed (with no other plants). So, if we have a Lightning Reed on leftmost square, and 3 camel zombies coming at it, will it be able to kill all 3 ...

Q: Batman Arkman Origins

Harleyhow to unjam the jammer signal; can't find the jamming device? I use the bat senses and sees the jammers symbol but it seems to be in another part of the room behind a wall, during the battle with bane.

@5pike is it him checking his cellphone he's holding in his right hand?
I mean, he could simply be doing that you know =p
Treasure Adventure World is now available for preorder on the IndieGameStand store.
@KevinvanderVelden Look at the guy "acting" in the background.
@KevinvanderVelden Look at the guy with the broom.
hmm, I thought you were talking about him checking his watch at the wrong hand
But jup you are right :(
Come on, guys. "Airbrushing." Best joke of today.
@LpSamuelm no, puns are bad and you should feel bad for making one
Agh, why can't I star my own posts?
@LpSamuelm because then we'd have a pun in the star list and we don't want that.
@KevinvanderVelden Take that, Kevin!
@LpSamuelm pun's still not starred you know :)
@KevinvanderVelden OH MAN! Stuff is going down.
Noohs! it got starred =[
@KevinvanderVelden I don't like star wars.
Oops, I did it again.
Talking about stars is old news. Nowdays we like to talk about struts!
@LpSamuelm you quoted britney spears. Your opinion is invalid.
@KevinvanderVelden Not sure if I should be more disturbed by the quote itself of by the rapid correct identification. o.ô
@KevinvanderVelden Dude, you're like toxic.
@FEichinger little sister that was a tween when britney spears was popular. The brain bleach doesn't work :(
Bridge needs a britney-spears tag.
Ugh, how do I syntax
Aaaand I win.
I fell into your trap.
Thank you very much.
I realized my mistake right after clicking the button.
Well, you should've realized it before clicking the button.
@FEichinger Well you should go open an unsuccessful fast food chain.
... Right ... no.
@FEichinger You're too good at this.
The humility will follow me for seconds, if not minutes.
@LpSamuelm Well, I've learned from the best. The one and only Queen of (removed).
@FEichinger I'm drowning in my own tears. Ritual suicide is an option.
In all seriousness, I am disproportionately devastated.
Entertainment, yay!
@LpSamuelm all the typos
@KevinvanderVelden You saw nothing.
@LpSamuelm It's forever in history.
@LpSamuelm chat knows all @LpSamuel, and it never forgets.
~Bacon come and me want go home~
I have a question, for people using windows 8
Is it possible to do this?
@5pike I imagine it would be.
So long as you can customize the dashboard thing then it's 100% possible.
Why....would you want too?
@Zerofennec Pranks
You're a madman.
Q: Minimize Portal 2 diskusage

rubo77Portal2 uses 12 GB on my Disk if I install it via Steam. If I only want to play the Multiplayer Which files can I delete, so it still runs?

CC Chiptune fans @Krazer @BenBrocka
Morning, Bridge
@SaintWacko Morning
I love the cover art too
So, apparently Elop is under consideration for next CEO of Microsoft... might be interesting, especially since he apparently said he'd sell off the Xbox division if he took over.
@Powerlord o.0
StoryNexus is down!
@Powerlord Not really what he said.
> He would consider ending Microsoft’s costly effort to take on Google with its Bing search engine, and would also consider selling healthy businesses such as the Xbox game console if he determined they weren’t critical to the company’s strategy, the people said.
This is from Bloomberg, although its not clear what people they're referring to
> three people with knowledge of his thinking.
No names mentioned, though
Q: How can I disable the Palpatine 'Where've You Been?!' screen?

Zero StackWhen I launch the Tiny Death Star game, it always shows Palpatine in a chair, saying how much I have made while not playing the game. How can I disable this screen so it immediately shows my Tiny Death Star first?

Isn't Xbox one of the more profitable bits? And it was integrated into their core hardware thing recently I thought
@BenBrocka Last I checked, no.
Saying "I'll do this" and "I'd consider this an option" are quite different.
The Xbox division iirc has cost more money than it has made.
@Powerlord It's been called "incredibly profitable" as of this year digitalspy.com/gaming/news/a512543/…
Might have had crazy upfront/research costs though
MS's business is in operating systems and productivity software. Anything other than that isn't really important to them -- but to think they'd be pumping money in if it wasn't getting them anything back is silly.
@BenBrocka Forbes disagrees (as of January this year)
> And Microsoft makes nothing from its xBox/Kinect entertainment division, while losing vast sums in its on-line division (negative $350M-$750M/quarter).
@Powerlord That reads very much like an "I hate Microsoft" blog post.
'Far Too Loud' is also FTL
@BenBrocka Not really, as there's a lot of expense involved there. But the Entertainment and Devices Division has been profitable this year.
I think that the per-unit return has probably increased promisingly as time has gone on, but overall sales figures have declined as well so the bigger picture is slightly different.
Guess that's why they're focusing on at-launch profitablility
I'm not sure why I'd need an XBone. I can already watch TV.
maybe if you want to play the new halo game, i can imagine people getting it just to do that
I know my joke is good when I have to explain it!
@Sterno it's just that you have to reach a certain age to get it.
Q: How do I complete the "Fill a business with all Skill 9 workers"? (Tiny Death Star)

Camop82I managed to place x3 skill 9 Bitizens in a food service job but the Emperor won't let me collect. Does it have to be all lvl 9 and dream job? Does it have to be something like Retail or Service, not Food? Anyone else get stuck on this mission?

@Sterno I'm surprised there was no mention of the fish AI.

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