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@kalina lies
I've got a general Resident Evil lore question. Do I post it here, or on scifi? If here, what do I tag it as?
@Twon-ha It depends on the nature of the question.
If it is more gaming-related (gameplay, tips, console / PC issues, etc), ask it here
If it is about the narrative, speculations about the fictional universe, etc, ask on sci fi
@ThatHelpVampireGuy the question is if the viruses/parasites were ever used as weapons after being bought
scifi, then
@Twon-ha I haven't played the game, so I can't help you
You see, there's an overlap
You can ask about game plots here
But if it's not about the plot of the game, but about the fictional universe itself, scifi might be a better fit
@ThatHelpVampireGuy We do technically allow lore questions here, but it's a somewhat contentious thing.
That's a subtle disctintion
Also, I'm not a regular here so my opinion's value is near-zero
Q: Dwarf fortress: How to get dwarves to be sane about their armor?

ThanatosInitially, my dwarves were training (and charging headlong into combat) without armor, just normal clothing. Thanks to this question, I discovered two settings: In the military screen (m), I can set their armor to "Replace (r)" their clothing. This resulted in the military immediately stripping...

Yeah, I should probably get this one over to scifi too: gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/136477
though how, I don't know
@Lazers Lol, getting dwarves to be "sane".
Is there any comics.se?
If there is, try migrating it there
Hm, there are two but just proposed on Area 51
@Twon-ha Either flag and explain the migration request on flagging, or ask for the migration on Arqade Meta
@ThatHelpVampireGuy who are you
@kalina he's that vampire help guy
@ThatHelpVampireGuy thanks, didn't think of flagging it
@Twon-ha doesn't provide a sufficient answer
What would? His birth certificate?
@Twon-ha who are you?
@kal who are you?
@Unionhawk I am kalina, I bring the heat
@kalina I'm a bipedal hairless bird from Adelpha
also flightless
and beakless
I think it's time for some murder
Who're we killing?
these two casuals
How do you plan to go about that?
that's a bit elitist, yo
Technically speaking, she sets everyone in fire regularly.
On, even mobile
Don't listen to @kalina. She's just overcompensating because she's still so young.
Or because she's living in the UK. Probably both.
I'd rather be young that as old as you are
Also don't listen to me. Same reason.
Sternold is just grumpy because he's twice my age
@kalina Do you want the taxonomical answer or the philosofical one?
oh god, your spelling, I'm blind, I'M BLIND
No f's in philosophical.
@kalina yea I am speling so what you're porbelm?
@ThatHelpVampireGuy I said "your", not "you're"
Technically, that's a usage error, not a spelling error.
Q: Stuck in extraction mission after killing all aliens and bringing VIP to SkyRanger

RicardoI seem to be stuck in an extraction mission (rescuing some general) after (seemingly) killing all aliens and bringing the VIP to the SkyRanger (to the marked area). I think I killed all the aliens, but there may be some others hidding somewhere. I've swept the area twice but could not find the m...

@kalina Then your wrong. Learn hwo to spel. And some grammer to.
Your all jumping on him for a spelling error instaed of ansering his queston
are you two for real?
I'm sure I could get away with flagging as offensive
@kalina I'm just one. Are you drunk?
enough people on Stack Exchange find invalid grammar offensive
trigger warning: invalid grammar
I try to write correctly, but all this red underlining confuses me.
I'm trying to test if Clippy is in this room too. Are you there Clippy?
OMG A Clippy-free room! I'm not ever coming back to Super User.
..superuser has a clippy?
Wait, are you saying there's bots for this system?
@Twon-ha Lazers is a bot.
And so is @SepiaLazers
@Twon-ha Yes, both user-created (Root Access has John Calvil) and system-level.
And then there's Clippy.
What are the bots for? Is the API public?
@Twon-ha Some, as Lazers, are for feeding questions into chat. Others, Like Johhn Calvil, are built for fun to interact with users. Clippy is built to irritate users.
@ThatHelpVampireGuy sweet
@Twon-ha Do it like this:
how's that? at the start of a line?
Single items on a single line
Q: Are there websites to download sample minecraft scriptcraft scripts for newbies to get started?

curiousScriptcraft is a great tool for programming minecraft. To learn a programming language, sample source code will be a great help. Are there websites to download sample scriptcraft scripts for newbies to get started?

@GnomeSlice have you tried any of those? Transphoria looks like it could be mildly interesting.
@Twon-ha I haven't, although I've tried another game from the same developers as Transphoria, Lair of the Madhat
And it was pretty good, but really short
I've been meaning to try Guns & Robots, but I haven't.
Never heard of Retroverse
Ryzom is 2.2 GB. Pass.
Wait, LAN only coop? :(
I'll pass on Transphoria too.
@Twon-ha You could probably do it over Hamachi or something. They don't have any servers, it's like a one man studio
@GnomeSlice I understand, but I'd like a peer to peer implementation anyway
In response to everyone spamming everything with "༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ GIVE DIRETIDE"
And dropping Dota 2's metacritic score by 2 points in anger.
2 points? didn't it drop to like 2
@Ullallulloo oh no, not the metacritics
@Ullallulloo That isn't how metacritic is supposed to work.
@GnomeSlice I'm aware.
So WoW is doing a time-travel expansion now? Guess Metzen is officially out to lunch.
Q: how to get the thx helicopter mod without needing mine craft.jar in finder?

smiley faceI might have accidentally deleted minecraft.jar in ~/Library/Application Support/minecraft and I need it to download thx helicopter mod. How can I still download thx helicopter mod without mine craft.jar?

Q: Minion exp from the jungle wraith camps

sight wardDoes the ally jungler at wraith camp recieve shared exp when the enemy minions push and die to the turret at midlane?

@Lazers Ahahahaha
That tag
@spugsley Ooo~
It does make your legs seem ridiculously long though.
@Yuki step ladder :)
@spugsley Okay, that is super wicked
Very impressive.
@SaintWacko I get how they got there, but daaaaamn :P
@AshleyNunn that's pretty much my process for every picture now. Which is why it's hard to do a photo everyday lol
@spugsley I love it
Q: Is there an easy way to get 15 stack overflow points?

Jeff PoyznerI need to start up-voting some of the brilliant answers I see on this site. Is there an easy way to get 15 reputation points so I can start doing that ASAP? I don't mind putting in the work to do this, but I just don't know how to "game" the site yet.

@spugsley Wait, so why do it that way instead of just one picture?
@SaintWacko This way I can get up close to the subject and not sacrifice focus. I shoot with a 35mm
@spugsley Ah, okay. I suspect if I were a photographer I would have picked that up from the post :P
So it essentially allows you to have both close and faraway parts of the picture in focus?
@SaintWacko yup and after I get my main image, I switch the manual focus so I can get a realllllly nice fade out in corners and the like
@spugsley Your latest photos are wow
according to @spugsley this "hasn't been posted" and people "need to see it":
@WorldEngineer I've been on my game lately lol
also you are as pretty as Michaela Conlin :)
@IanPugsley also CC @LessPop_MoreFizz
@spugsley Alright, that's really cool
@SaintWacko oops, manual* focus :p
@spugsley Oh nice. Very imaginative and well done. Bravo!
@Krazer :D thanks
@SaintWacko OKAY FINE
@RedRiderX Ha
@spugsley Next time you should show more of that pretty face :D
@Krazer She hides it to protect us. We would be blinded by her radiance.
@Krazer bawwww all teh blushes. :3 I like to try to keep it mysterious. It feels less like art to me if I can see my face lol idk
@spugsley I like my version better.
@Yuki :3 I also like your version
Right well, that's my PCs packed ready for the move
@spugsley I don't mind it being the last thing I see >XD
omg wtf is up with you guys tonight? lol
I am home!
@spugsley HI PRETTY LADY
@Fluttershy Welcome home!
@Yuki Thanks!
cause I'm like 4 episodes away from teh boning
@spugsley You aren't done with that yet? O_o
@Fluttershy lol I don't have much of a life but that would be just sad
@spugsley I dunno how many seasons there are. <_< So I have no episode count. But it feels like you've been watching a lot! :P
@Fluttershy lol I've watched 5 seasons
there are 8
Q: Screen tearing when moving up and down quickly

MichaelI bought this game a few weeks ago and noticed I'm getting screen tearing in the middle of the screen. I've tried using in game v-sync and adaptive v-sync and neither seems to solve the problem. I don't see to have this issue with any other game. Also my fps stay under the the refresh rate of ...

@Fluttershy Bones is in its 9th season right now
That's a lot.
@Yuki This is accurate
It's an @AshleyNunn!
@ToxicFrog It is :) I am rather distracted, at my parents and also playing Fiasco with Bridge denizens and we are being terrible to each other :P
So very terrible.
Am I missing out on shenanigans here?
@PrivatePansy There are drugs and guns and horrible people.
And most of them are being horrible to me. :P
@RedRiderX I haven't been mean to you tonight yet
@WorldEngineer It's an awesome game.
You totally dissed me behind my back.
@RedRiderX oh yeah I really did
You're so mean. :P
Q: GTA 5 switching from a big garage to a small one?

user59226So I feel really stupid right now, but I recently owned a 6 car garage and wanted 2 more cars but mine was full. I simply thought "Oh I'll just buy another 2 car garage and put them in there." I use an old tv so reading things are a little difficult and I mainly skip over things. After I bought ...

@GnomeSlice Ah yeah. Thanks!
@Fluttershy After playing it for a couple hours today, I recommend it. Great music, and the gameplay is solid.
It turned out to be better than I was expecting.
Q: I delete my .minecraft file now how?

DJViriousDXI using minecraft cracked 1,5.2 alpha from AnjoCaido, and I want to download the version 1.7.2 beta and that was fake , so I deleted my .minecraft now I can't open my minecraft !!!!!! Please HELP

@GnomeSlice That's not a very constructive comment to leave.
@FAE It's going to get deleted anyway isn't it?
I guess you're right.
@GnomeSlice The question will. The user won't.
Now @Fluttershy's comment won't make sense if I delete it though.
too late, deleted
@GnomeSlice I can edit it.
That was rude of me.
I am ashamed.
@GnomeSlice That looks like an interesting KS
@James Yes!
Apparently they had one already and didn't do so well.
@GnomeSlice Looks like they put more into this one, they have more tech there.. But the delivery date is making me pause a bit.. end of 2015... thats 2 years and 2 months..
@James That... is quite long, even for a really detailed game.
If it's indie, that is.
Some big name games can take longer than that.
Aye, definitely struck me as odd man. I have it on Watched for now, we shall see.
@GnomeSlice This saddens me
@FAE I knooooo
@GnomeSlice :(((
support all the things!
Q: What determines how much experience I get from a hearthstone match in play mode?

thekbbSometimes I win handily and get a little experience, sometimes I squeak out a victory and get a lot. How is experience earned?

Q: civ 5 - Question about using resources outside of 3 tiles - but within 5

user59227I did a lot searching and cant get a clear answer. If a resource is out of the 3 tiles but within the 5 tile border do we still get the resource benefit? Do I have to improve it? I know it cant be worked, but if I can get the resource, and I do improve it, do I get the gold too? I ask this becau...

kickstarter sucks, indiegogo supports paypal so it's better
@GnomeSlice I wonder why it did not do well, it looks like it would..
@James marketing probably
I haven't seen any articles about the game anywhere
no press coverage
wow, even though I rarely back stuff, I've probably spent more on kickstarter than I have on other games over the past few months
Although Super Motherload didn't get funded. =[
@Ktash Haha, these are awesome
@LessPop_MoreFizz I have finally begun watching Twin Peaks.
it is a good show.
Question for the Bridge hivemind: is FEAR 3 any good? Bearing in mind that I don't care about the storyline and didn't find the original scary, so problems with those won't affect how much I like it.
Q: Does floor order matter?

Nick TI'm occasionally granted Level Mover droids to shuffle the decks in my Tiny Death Star...but I can't tell if sorting the floors in some unknown way matters at all. Other than using the lift to deliver people to different levels, I don't see any relevance to the position of each part of the tower...

I swear. I finally build up a perfectly good camp/city. I manage to recruit two more colonists. I get started on a big hydroponics farm.
Every time I get close to a nice stable colony, I get swarmed by psychotic squirrels.
@ToxicFrog haven't played it but I do have a delightful story about the first FEAR if you're interested :3
@spugsley Am I part of this story?
@OrigamiRobot yarp :3
@spugsley I like todays
@Ktash thanks! Did you see my little before and after thingy? :D
@spugsley I did! That was very cool :)
:D Yay. I just felt like sharing
@Mana I presume you now see how much of a rip off of it Deadly Premonition is
Also, don't forget to watch the Japanese Lost Episodes:
(No spoilers, just weirdness. Super super weirdness.)
flops next to
gives googley eyes
offers blankets because it is holy crap cold
takes blanket, throws over the both of us, and snuggles up for heat
I am at my parents on a futon and it is coooooold
@spugsley We have lots of blankets
Bridge cuddle pile?
Cuddling with two beautiful ladies... in some past life, I must have been Gandhi
wow it's after midnight
feels earlier
@spugsley I like the way you think :P
Q: Do I have to mod my xbox 360 console to play region free games?

user59232Do I have to mod my xbox 360 console to play region free games? I bought my Xbox 360 in Japan so I would like to know if i have to mod my console to play region free games as I live in south africa...

@LessPop_MoreFizz How important, I was going to go to bed
@GnomeSlice You can bookmark it and read it in the morning when your brain is fresh, but it is Important
Oh my god this is so long
But it sounds Important
I'll star it.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I knew a lot of this but daaaaamn
@AshleyNunn yeah, it's not so much that it's new as that it's very well presented
@LessPop_MoreFizz yeah, I havent ever seen it all together like this
@AshleyNunn note the link by the author to his other piece for the same mag on geek culture - also an essential read
Ian is a smart dude.
yeah, I want to read it eventually but I am out of oomph for heavy stuff toniht
@LessPop_MoreFizz Most of my coworkers viewed their gigs at Funcom as having “arrived.” Almost all of them had come through Red Storm, one of the most respected studios in the country and an industry linchpin in North Carolina. The stories they told were galling: gross underpayment, severe overworking, and middle management treating the cubicle farm as a little fiefdom all their own.
yup, NC
@spugsley Yeah, Ian is in Raleigh
Q: HELP!!!! Somebody PLEASE!

samHow do I turn off the Minecraft 1.7.2 super secret settings off on my MAC??? HELP I tried F3 and F4 nothing is working.Escaping repeatedly all things on blogs - Anyone out there please help!

@Lazers Wha?
Super secret settings?
@Lazers such punctuation
Haha! take that, inflatable O-Ring! I have fixed you! ... Kinda!

Proposed Q&A site for proposed Q&A site for site for polyglots, learners and geeks interested in both natural and constructed languages.

Currently in definition.


Proposed Q&A site for IT Service Management Professionals and Experts

Currently in definition.

A Very Good and Relevant Answer. Best I would Say. — user59238 17 mins ago
"If I do say so myself. Oh, hey, I do, look at that."
Q: Why do I see message "the world fades" on The Dusty Path?

naomikI am wandering around in the open map of The Dusty Path. I have HP and Water remaining but the world just fades to white and returns me to main screen. I see this message the world fades How can I continue questing? I lose my spear and my torches and my meat. This is frustrating.

1 hour later…
Q: What's the benefit of destroying titles?

NixI am the ruler of three kingdoms. Some of my vassals have a -20 opinion penalty, because they "desire this and that kingdom". There is an option to destroy a King-level title, however it comes with a -50 opinion modifier for all de jure vassals. Apparently, I can hold as many kingdoms as I like,...

1 hour later…
Fine I'm awake
Don't lie
I'm packing away my PCs into boxes as we speak
i hate untangling cables
even more so immediately after waking up
I am moving today!
I'm buying my first tablet computer today
Oh yeah, I need to pack all the electronics in my bedroom
Morning, Bridge
@kalina, what are you doing awake when I'm awake?
@Yuki New shaders and things
Pokemon Y and Fire Emblem Awakening get!
@PrivatePansy Nice!
My job is so awesome.
I went out for Indian food yesterday for lunch, and it was paid for by the company.
Sometime next week I'll be getting my PC with linux on it (right now I'm just using a mac since it's all they had).
On which I plan to install wine and King of Dragon Pass, and so I'll play Kong of Dragon Pass during all my breaks.
I'm sure @LessPop_MoreFizz would approve.
I'm jealous
You should be.
Q: Can I change gender upon starting a New Game Plus?

NolonarI just bought P3P for my PS Vita on the PSN and upon starting a new game, I was notified that the gender influences the story somewhat. New players should start as the male protagonist, while the female protagonist offers a different viewpoint for veterans of Persona 3. Since I'm new to Persona...

Q: New spells in Falskaar

BreCanI am searching for the two new spells in the Falskaar mod, but I had no luck so far. Anyone know where I can start looking for them?

Q: Once I've decided to use a VIP, can I change my mind?

Doozer BlakeOnce I've decided to use a VIP (accidentally), is there any way to get them out of the elevator? I selected an upgrader and don't want to use them yet. Am I out of luck, or can I do something to get them out of the elevator? I've tried using the Menu, and tried to maybe select another VIP from th...

I am bored
I wonder if it was a good idea to set the 3DS profile region to US, then enter an Alaska ZIP code when it asked for one
I first set it to Singapore, then realized the store basically had nothing for Singaporean players
Q: can I play the same game but on two different play disks on xbox 360

KingTomkinI'm not sure how to say this but I used a friend of mine's grand theft auto v and I installed it and everything but I'm going to buy my own grand theft auto v soon but I would like to know if I can use my play disk to continue my story mode or do I need my friend's disk?

Q: The Amazing Spider Man Lagging

Gurkamal SinghI Am getting lag while playing The Amazing Spider Man. Also Tried d3d9.dll Generator, Still No effect. I have Intel HD Graphics Family, 4.00 GB ram. Plz Help

I don't know, which state should I put myself into?
I know that Alaska has no sales tax, which is always a plus
@Wipqozn I thought newspapers were supposed to be broke.
@3ventic Oooh, what are you getting?
I got a nexus 7
@3ventic Ah.
I'm thinking of getting one of those too.
At ~$260 it's almost a impulse purchase.
This is the highest resolution screen in our house right now
@3ventic It would be for me as well. :P
Forget even DPI.
1920x1200 is pretty big
My PC screen is just 1080
@3ventic My laptop is just 720. :P
All my other screens are super weird aspect ratios.
Q: Is there limited space in the Arrivals area?

Doozer BlakeIf I save VIPs in the arrival area, they will keep filling space. Is the Arrivals area limited to 5 spots which I can see, or will that expand? If I save 5 VIPs, will that prevent more VIPs from generating, or will they continue to spawn and allow me to save, or use them?

I'm tempted to upgrade to the newer Nexus 7
Q: Do I have to unlock the elevators in order?

TeraTonIn tiny death star, do I have to buy all the elevators to unlock the next one, or can I somehow unlock them all? I would not like to waste bux on elevators that I am upgrading away from immediately.

@GnomeSlice I should have known better than to click that link.
@Sterno Apparently not.
@Sterno You should know by now to never click gnomeslice links.
Well, that and the fact that it went to Chive, which is basically just pictures of semi-nude girls
I saw a guy in the grocery store the other day wearing a Keep Calm and Chive On shirt. It's hard to see that as much different than wearing a shirt that says "I really enjoy playing with myself."

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