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Q: Can you drop your current spell without using it?

Colin DIn the TF2 Halloween update this year, you can pick up spells, that when cast do various things. You can only hold one type of spell at a time, and you can pick up more spells (when empty) as you roam around the map. Is there a way to drop your current spell (like the teleport or highjump) in or...

It's a composite, but still very, very nice.
@Unionhawk Likely. We end up with a lot of dupes in the Steam tag, partially because people go to answer before checking if it's a dupe.
Broadcom is working on native Android for the Raspberry Pi
no idea as to current project status
Q: GTA V Shooting glitch

AdonisHow do you fix the bug in gta v that when you shoot with any character your controller turns off? anything you guys can recommend? I'm on xbox btw. I cant advance in the game because everytime i shoot or bump into something in my car my controller turns off . this all started when I unlocked tr...

@BenBrocka lol
Q: Where is Uncle Grimmly?

JerryRoxIn Luigi's Mansion for the Nintendo Gamecube, the lights to the entire mansion shut off after I approach the door to the left of the Balcony. Then, Professor E. Gadd calls me on the Game Boy Horror and tells me I should find Uncle Grimmly before turning on the lights. He also told me that Uncle ...

sounds too good to be true
Q: How do I get the Epic Fantasy?

JerryRoxIn Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance, I want to make a spirit called the Tyranto Rex. I need 1 Epic Fantasy and 3 Intrepid Fantasy. I have the 3 Intrepid Fantasy, but I don't have the Epic Fantasy. My friend, who has beat the game 3 times, told me that getting the Epic Fantasy is hard. Where...

@JourneymanGeek Probably
almost tempted to give it a shot on a bunch of VMs ;p
oh right, it's 1 am
shouldn't be playing DNB this loudly
oh god
I guess it's not just GnomeSlice that gives me brain damage with his links
Circle of Life!
Did you ever find a game to play?
I played one of those batman games for 15 minutes or so
then decided I didn't want to play it and uninstalled it again
took longer to install than I spent playing it
That's the case with most games I buy.
Maybe you just need some Desert Bus to cleanse the palette.
Huh... Weird. I have "SteamApp621" through "SteamApp626" in my Steam library. <_<
maybe I need some chemical warfare
same reason
@Fluttershy diskpart
SteamApp626 is best SteamApp.
@Fluttershy install them and see wh at they are
inb4 half life 3
@Fluttershy 626 = Portal 2 German
@Fluttershy 621 = Portal 2 Common Files
@Fluttershy 624 = Portal 2 Client Binaries
@kalina Where are you finding this? I googled SteamApp626 and it found zero results. <_<
@Fluttershy 625 = Portal 2 French
@Fluttershy 627 = Portal 2 Spanish
@Fluttershy Google fixes it: "Showing results for Steam App 626"
@Fluttershy 628 = Half Life 3 internal alpha
622 and 623 actually don't exist, apparently
@Coronus What the hell! I did the search and it started showing "xapp626" stuff instead.
@Fluttershy Google hates you
@kalina Apparently.
@Fluttershy I noticed it only started happening since @StrixVaria was hired. I'd talk to him about it.
Oh wait. I searched "SteamApp623," which apparently doesn't exist.
@Fluttershy Is Portal 2 showing in your list as a separate entry?
@Fluttershy Then what is it doing in your Steam Library???
@Coronus I told you, Half Life 3 internal alpha
what is this I don't even
@Sterno your face
@kalina Yes!
fires up Mass Effect 3
@Sterno Lilo & Stitch. Not a great Disney movie, but not terrible.
> Stitch (also known as Experiment 626) is the main protagonist of the Lilo & Stitch film ...
Coronus provided the missing data.
Maybe it means I was selected for the Console beta. >_>
@Fluttershy The what?
Oh. Sorry. The Steam Box beta.
They're still pretending it's not a console...
They're just going to give them out to people?
I just found a super douchy photo of me from middle school.
And was disturbed to realize that at that time, I was closer to @kalina's age than I am now.
@GnomeSlice Have you not been following any of that? O_o They're selecting 300 people to help beta test it and stuff? Comes with a free copy of Metro: Last Light!
@Fluttershy Too bad it's not Skydrift. That game is amazing.
@Fluttershy So you just get a free one?
And no, I haven't been.
Although the SteamBox is actually something relevant to my interests, so I should have been I guess.
I want a GameStick.
That game was pretty crap
Q: What Pokemon in X & Y have access to Signature moves?

RetrosaurKinda curious about this. I know Greninja gets Mat Block and Water Shuriken (signature moves). What Pokemon in X&Y have access to signature moves, and what are the moves?

My favorite part of every RPG is playing a good guy who steals everything not nailed down.
Bonus points if I'm a paladin.
that's a think box
@Sterno I hate when karma systems punish this (unless I'm being evil) when it marks items in dungeons/etc as stolen
if no one's going to miss it, it's hardly theft by video game standards
I think I've only seen that in Skyrim.
I just noticed this from a year ago in the FTL patch list:
> Colorblind mode (available in options) makes many color pallette changes and adds additional symbols to help out our colorblind players. I apologize for the delay in getting this into the game!
Fallout NV occasionally does it
If I didn't already own the game I'd buy it.
Open World games are occasionally lazy about what's "owned"
I love it when companies consider the color blind, like myself. It's so annoying when you can't play puzzle games without turning the colours on your TV into basically black and white.
Yeah, puzzle games and stuff really should include that stuff, or at least use more than color to show differences
Super Puzzle Fighter is basically impossible if you're colorblind
@BenBrocka I bought it and experience this.
I have to turn the colour on my TV basically off to see it.
@Sterno you are really old though
It's a shame, it's a very fun game
@kalina I'm normal age. You're a kid.
@Sterno I am legally an adult
@kalina 'legally' is basically 'technically'
i.e. the best kind of adult
and technically correct is the best kind of correct
I know
Still a kid. Just an adult kid.
It must be so hard to be as old as you around all of us young people
@GnomeSlice Full points for taking it in a new direction.
@FAE Yeah I know, but the quote was just too wtf
@kalina It is very difficult.
> Suzie's a normal girl with an extraordinary ability: when she has sex, she stops time. One night she meets John... who has the same gift. And so they do what any other sex-having, time-stopping, couple would do: they rob banks.
That's an awful concept, but also extra awful because her name is spelled Suzie instead of Susie.
official: SEX CRIMINALS #2 is BANNED BY APPLE for sale via comixology on iOS. Not the iBooks store though. Because it's hilarious that way >
Silly apple
@ben thoughts on the new YouTube comments?
Are they enabled now?
I haven't been around youtube lately. Been meaning to get back into recording
@GnomeSlice Apparently it's free on Comixology. #1 is, anyway.
SEX CRIMINALS #1 is now FREE on @comixology #sexcriminals #brimping
@badp This is the one that requires G+ isn't it?
There is no good end to one's acquaintance with the Chessemonger.
@FAE yes. At the wizard just pick the option that makes you a Google+ page
All roads are bathed in blood.
and you can use a pseudonym on G+ now
@badp ...welp, guess I'm never leaving youtube comments again.
at least I assume you can since >75% of the people following the sirtaptpa page are using them
Pages are unlinked to your main account and I've been told you don't have to upgrade your main Google account to Plus to own a G+ page
@BenBrocka Did they change the "we only allow pseudonyms that are approved by us/popular enough/established by our whatever metrics" policy?
@FAE There is never a valid reason for leaving YouTube comments anyway.
Plain Sight added to the current Flying Bundle
@FAE anything goes for Pages names.
@Sterno I leave comments on friend's channels.
@FAE I assume so? like I said, the vast majority of people following my page have pseudonyms
yeah you just pick your page name and go, andi t's not visibly attached to your "real life" account in any way
The side effect is your Google+ account if any gets a new YouTube account with no content or subscriptions, which is weird
@badp It made me a new google plus account.
I wonder why my phone will no longer stream HD youtube videos
@badp I seem to remember you tweeting about the fact that you can't ever unlink those and if you delete the G+ account your YT channel's deleted?
@GnomeSlice I call racism: No Mulan.
@Yuki Was looking for her too. :(
@Yuki Pocahontas is in there.
@GnomeSlice Pocahontas is not Asian!
And whoever the girl from the one with the frog is.
@GnomeSlice She's not Asian either!
When I type youtube into chrome it autocompletes with the Friday video.
I don't know why, but I want it.
@fae your channel gets soft-deleted until you reinstate your G+ account, yes
whereas your comments get hard deleted
Oh teh noes, I'm so attached to my youtube comments
@Fluttershy $8.99
Seems a bit high.
@GnomeSlice Here's the artist if you want more like it...
I'm going to agree... if I'm going to buy a game right now, it had better be a multiple of $0.
@Ktash Thenks.

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