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Also, how are we supposed to know you're asleep, in general?
Q: Defeating copperhead ing Arkham Origins

JenI defeated Copperhead in the steelmill, got the antidote, and went outside and told Alfred to send me samples of the gas... My objective is still to defeat copperhead. Where can I find her to finish my objective?

If @kalina is not here, she is asleep. Those are her two states.
This is true.
@OrigamiRobot no, I don't want to
my preferred method of doing that level was always leave the incompetent clumbsy people outside on the roof anyway
don't even need to kill the lobby guard that way and as such the problem never occurrsr
I agree
which is precisely what my tactic says
and as such doesn't need the bullshit about the additional guards
anyway, I'm bored, and I'm going back to sleep
sounds logical
@KevinvanderVelden arrived at the right time?
Q: Cannot ask if something meets a certain criteria?

Django ReinhardtRecently a question was closed because it asked which products met a certain criteria -- which is apparently strictly off-topic for Arqade. I don't give two hoots that the question was closed (it was already answered successfully for one thing), but I'd like to know more about the idea that any q...

@SepiaLazers How did I see that coming?
Also, morning, Bridge
@fbueckert You are psychic? :P
@AshleyNunn Could be. I called you liking Pocket Harvest, after all!
@fbueckert I love it
@fbueckert pretty much took care of it for you
@kalina His examples are all horrible and would be closed.
Q: Problems With Downloading Minecraft 1.6.4

Tim PavicI'm trying to find a minecraft 1.6.4 on the internet but I can't find it.Please tell me where to find a minecraft 1.6.4?

@AshleyNunn Huh, I didn't realize Pocket Mine was also a facebook game!
Oh cool, Roofdog makes all of their games facebook games as well...
Extreme Road Trip 2!
@GnomeSlice Me neither. :P but it is super fun
@AshleyNunn I have it on iOS, it's pretty good. I mostly just played it to unlock the exclusive cars in Extreme Road Trip 2 though. Although the music was excellent.
Oh, games with furries
@AshleyNunn Oh, you can't actually play it on Facebook?
I'm not a furry.
@GnomeSlice I have no idea
I haven't checked, been playing on Android
Well you sent me a request.
Must be that.
@GnomeSlice I did, from the Android app :P
@OrigamiRobot Which is good. Being lucid is much better.
@Zerofennec Your name and gravatar imply otherwise.
@Powerlord Also his "about me" section...
@5pike I'm at work and the Arqade site is usually blocked.
@5pike >_>
Q: Halloween items

Canadian LukeAfter the Treehouse of Horror event is done, I assume we get to keep our special items. What happens to our GOO collecting, and buildings/missions that produce GOO? I'm assuming a similar thing as the Whacking Day event, but I wasn't playing the game back then

@Powerlord looks can be deceiving, I'm a pokemon in training :D
@Zerofennec Googling "zerofennec" gives me a page on Midwest Furries as the second result
@fbueckert yes
I don't believe that controller question would be off-topic, unless there was a secondary factor like "it's an unreleased controller and you're speculating about it"
Granted, I don't know how common a nick zerofennec actually is. I know Googling Powerlord pulls up results about the band.
@Zerofennec your profile and then gnome's comments
@Sterno Agree. If it's asking about a specific controller, it's not a list question.
Why are we talking about furries?
I blame @GnomeSlice
35 mins ago, by GnomeSlice
Multiplayer shooter for furries?
@Unionhawk always blame gnomeslice
@KevinvanderVelden Except when blaming @Wipqozn.
Unless there's someone more convenient to blame I suppose
That jerk...
Any good answer to this guy's meta question is going to say exactly why we consider "criteria" questions to be bad.
There's got to be a meta somewhere doing that already
@Sterno one word answer for something that would basically be a shopping recommendation is why I'd say it was off topic
There's nothing more painful than Disgaea reviews by people who don't "get" Disgaea
@kalina That is not a shopping recommendation, as far as the "shopping recommendations are a class of question that are problematic" go
It's like reading a bullet hell game and they're like "man these bullets are hard to dodge, where's the cover button?"
I need to hotkey that or something.
@BenBrocka Really? In a review about a TRPG?
@Sterno Generally because they are list questions. List all games that meet <x> criteria.
@Sterno ok so out of the five questions there is one sample question that some of us would find acceptable
I wouldn't play Disgaea, but that's because I don't like TRPGs in general.
Relevant @GraceNote quote:
> I want to take an aside to address a particular argument that I've been seeing, and that's "These are just game-rec in disguise, KILL THEM". This is a hurtful argument to see, as the only comparison to game-rec is in motive, and we did not remove game-rec from our scope because of motive. It paints us as jerks because the barring reason is isolated as "We don't want to help people", rather than all the actual issues with game-rec.
substitute game-rec for shopping-rec
But anyway, yeah, most of those are bad. What's important is explaining to the guy why they're bad.
@Powerlord They ground their way to being able to crush their enemies without strategy then complained about having to grind too much and there not being enough strategy
Maybe if they played it like a strategy game instead of grinding so they didn't have to play a strategy game they'd have enjoyed it more
@BenBrocka Which reviewer are you ranting about?
And yes - people that have no idea about a certain genre, shouldn't review said genre.
I shouldn't read their reviews. The news is great, reviews not so much
Q: Binding a Minecraft command to a key

SynetechIs there a way to bind a Minecraft command to a hotkey? For example, I’d like a way to toggle between modes (survivla/creative) by pressing the Tab so that if I’m in a nasty pinch (like getting poisoned by a spider and being unable to fight back because the game suddenly lags really badly) and w...

Polygon's features are awesome. Their reviews are so-so.
Hearing people grind through the main story in Disgaea is like someone using iddqd and complaining Doom is too slow and easy
@Powerlord @KevinvanderVelden I know. It's very clear what I am, just having a little fun :3
It's relevant to point out that there's definitely wrong ways to play it, and it's not the most accessible game, but if you're going to review a game, review it for the people who might actually buy it, not the people who won't care no matter what
Is @kalina playing BG2 yet?
Ok, I am not particular fond of TRPG, but reading this line:
Disgaea D2 is a long wave of one battle after another, and it left me begging for fresh air
I knew that the reviewer never touched a TRPG before
Battle after battle are what TRPG's (and RPG's) are.
Break time!
I haven't played Minecraft in a while, but the updates may lure me back.
@Zerofennec I'm keen to get another vanilla Arqade server going
@Zerofennec play with mods! Vanilla is bad D:
Things are going well. One of them is going over my work right now. They seem quite pleased with my work so far.
I'm basically awesome.
Don't know if there's a server we can use though
@Wipqozn you're a turtle, of course you're awesome
@Wipqozn One of 'them'?
@fredley I may startup my server again.
@fredley Fellow dev.
How did I typo the first you're but not the second o.o
@KevinvanderVelden only map mods, vanilla is my favorite flavor.
@Zerofennec Please do
@Zerofennec bleh, mods make minecraft so much awesomer :)
@KevinvanderVelden Tried feed the beast... NOPE.
@5pike Yeah I don't even know what else they could possibly expect
"There sure are a lot of guys to shoot in this FPS 6.5/10"
@BenBrocka You know, uninformed reviewers grind my gears to the melting point.
Once upon a time we had a question on the site about what systems Zelda games have come out for, or something like that. I'm pretty sure it was closed and spawned a meta, but I can't find it. Does anyone know what I'm talking about?
@fredley nope
@kalina Why not?
because I never intend to
@Sterno I remember the question. I don't remember the meta.
@fbueckert Unfortunately, searching for deleted questions is a PITA
@Sterno formats should be covered on the tag wiki anyway
and as such, would make any question about them trivial
The one I'm thinking of was a little different than that. It was basically "tell me the history of all the zelda games"
@kalina Why not?
Is best game
It doesn't directly relate to this meta but it made me think of it and I'm trying to find it
@Sterno No, but if I saw it I'm sure i downvoted it because that sounds like a terrible question.
@Sterno are you sure that was a question
@5pike Yeah. I should just...not read reviews
BG2 > ME
I'm sure there have been a bunch of posts in chat with that particular image
@Sterno Oh, I think I remember that question.
which demonstrates that zelda's story is complete bullshit
@kalina No, it's not the timeline thing. It was an actual question
I wish there were a site that promised to only have someone who appreciates the genre review games
I might have a few details wrong but that was the gist of it
You wouldn't want me reviewing a sports game, I'd have 0 idea what I'm talking about
@BenBrocka That is actually a good mindset. Just play the damn game you are interested in and form your own opinion.
@Sterno would it not be better to search the chat transcript if the question has been deleted
It had to do with real-life Zelda game history, not in-game history
since lazers would have spammed it at some point
@Sterno I definitely have comments on it. Let's see if I can find them...
@5pike The point of a review is for you to figure out if i's a game you'd enjoy.
Q: How to send Riley out to Attack in Call of Duty:Ghosts multiplayer?

Cole BusbyHow can you send Riley out to attack in Call of Duty: Ghosts Multiplayer? I've seen him attacking people but the description only reads something like Nothing like man's best friend watching your back. Does this mean that he can only defend a given radius around the player or can you speci...

It's not meant to be "this is crap", unless all you do is look at the score and argue in the comments.
@kalina That is a good idea, but I ran out of effort units to give about 5 minutes ago
And it's time for lunch
@Wipqozn Yeah, but the wrong perspective can make a review useless for the people who actually buy a game
@Wipqozn And how should I know that by watching some random snippets of a game?
@Wipqozn looking at just the score can be useful if you know what the reviewer likes and you do it multiple times
@Sterno Oh, that's a different question, then.
@5pike Because it gives you an idea of what the game is about and how it's played.
I have no doubt 90% of game reviewers would give harshly negative scores to most bullet hell games, but that does nothing to help me decide which bullet hell games are good for their genre
That way you can kinda see the intersection of things the reviewers like and see if it's something you might like
If watching a video doesn't give you a solid idea of what a game is about and if you'll enjoy it then you're watching the wrong videos.
Or reading the wrong reviews.
@KevinvanderVelden that's the problem though, I don't have time to learn all of these people's inclinations and who understands what genre
Anyone play Dwarf Fortress?
Has Lazers been around from the beginning?
@Wipqozn yeah, video footage of the actual game I'll watch
@Zerofennec jup
@Wipqozn Reviews usually don't show you that. Let's plays do
but reviews themselves are too hit and miss...from a surprising amount of outlets
@Sterno quite a while at least
Oh God I regret ever visiting the DMZ
@Sterno remember this particular query has 'history' in it, w hich is going to be filtering quite a few results
@BenBrocka that's why I like zero punctuation and total biscuit, they seem pretty consistent and usually explain WHY they don't like something
Also This
Though of course ZP is 90% humour so
EA gets no more of my money.
@fredley Event notification in chat are pure evil and guaranteed to be about an event that you don't have the slightest interest in. And you can't easily get rid of them
Was going to say, ZP is funny and occasionally has some relevant criticisms but it's more about cracking jokes than whether the game is good
@KevinvanderVelden I use ZP like a legitimate review service
@fredley REVENGE!
if he says a game is bad, I purge knowing it existed from my memory
@MadScientist brb, it's userscript time
@Adnan :(
They haven't got a cent from me since they stripped their games from Steam and put them into Origin.
@kalina I've liked a few games he absolutely hated, but that was because he disliked specific things I have no problems with
@fredley It's alright, we still like you guys.
Skyrim/Oblivion for example
@Adnan no you don't
Morning, Bridge
@Zerofennec duno, I bought ME3 + SimCity
Good....*checks clock*...morning to you too!
@Zerofennec I DO!
then again, I didn't like SimCity all that much (preferred it in beta) and ME3's last 15 was terrible
although the Citadel DLC was awesome
@Zerofennec I only buy origin games from sources, of which I know that EA won't get a dime.
@fredley well we won't ever come over here again, as long as you promise to keep Kalina over here :3
There are surprisingly many
@LucasKauffman he has no control over me
@kalina was the free DLC thing any good? Or just a slightly different ending or what?

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