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mmm 5am cereal
made with warm milk, due to it being FUCKING FREEZING IN HERE
2 hours ago, by OrigamiRobot
Shouldn't you be sleeping?
no I only woke up a few hours ago
after going back to bed at 9pm
Ah... This is the example @FEichinger needed of "you have a really stupidly unpredictable sleep schedule wtf"
... >.>
I reiterate: My speakers are on.
now you woke him up
@FEichinger Well, that's your first mistake.
(No, actually I was going to get up now anyway, so it's not that bad. But, geez. >.>)
"Boink" sounds horribly inappropriate.
pervert (inb4)
it's onomatopoeic with the chat ping sound
That is true, of course.
Does not make it better. Stop it!
You're asking me and @kalina to stop it.
Do you see where the logic does not work here?
did you just sigh at mem
because you might as well just rolleyes for all it will change
A loving sigh.
You're having fun, huh? >.>
no I'm bored out of my mind
if I was having fun I wouldn't have free hands to type
@kalina cough ... Alrighty.
2 hands? I-- nevermind I'm going to stop.
I'll throw a pre-emptive LIES out there, in anticipation of "you are all perverts and I am innocent"
no I'd be in a game
and thus wouldn't be able to type
you're all perverts
Mhmm. Yep.
@kalina Nah, that's just me.
you are all perverts
Psh. Well, then so are you.
Mmhmm cough
nope, innocent
Princess Pervert
I'm not the one who assumed masturbation when I was talking about playing first person shooters
You are not "innocent" by any stretch, dear.
Like you can't type when in-game. Like you don't.
nope, you have to tab out
Like you can't tab out. Like you wouldn't to play the "ping @FEi" game
so much effort to tab out
@Unionhawk Stop. Pinging. Me. Geez.
Besides, I didn't assume anything
And you, stop the boinking. Psh.
14 mins ago, by Unionhawk
You're asking me and @kalina to stop it.
@Unionhawk Well, Little Miss Technically Correct did what I asked.
@FEichinger She's done for now
For the next... who knows. @FEI
time for some boinking
Yep. Told you.
Oh, well ... FINE. Be that way. >.<
Ugh... I shouldn't be awake... Damn you, Rimworld...
@Fluttershy Rim...world?
@Fluttershy is this "intelligent AI" actually intelligent?
@kalina I dunno. It's still pre-alpha. I just got the email for it today. :P It's fun though! Kind of a Prison Architect in Spaaaaaace.
Q: How do I get a Patent Scrutinizer?

Ashley NunnI am working on my Heart's Desire, and need a Patent Scrutinizer. It said I could get one using my Luminary items, but I can't seem to figure it out. How do I get the Patent Scrutinizer?

I need a good game to sink hours into
@kalina I can't say much about this one, as I've barely played it. But I really enjoyed what I played.
@fbueckert I like Pocket Harvest so far! The missions are awesome
Location independent

Proposed Q&A site for people who want to or who live life travelling ...who work location independently

Currently in definition.

Enterprise Content Management

Proposed Q&A site for enterprise content management software administrators, users, and enthusiasts.

Currently in definition.

Body Care

Proposed Q&A site for professionals and amateurs interested in or working with wellness or aesthetics. Topics include manicure, pedicure, shaving, grooming, personal hygiene, cosmetics, styling and procedures included in the morning wash or any bathroom topic.

Currently in definition.

A: How far can an Enderman move in one teleport?

thebestanswerwell you have to find the ding dong and then do a backflip download a virus and then play call of duty zombies then go to the pack a poonch and teleport back and done.

Best answer ever.
Also: Good morning!
Well researched, would downvota again.
Morning @Arperum
@5pike That's kinda creepy.
@Arperum It's very creepy.
Have you noticed, that the guy doesn't blink?
@5pike AFAIK it's an image placed in front of some movie/gif. so yes he doesn't do anything at all.
@Arperum I'm pretty sure it's a human. You can see that he is not perfect motionless.
@5pike I can't see anything you can't do with an image placed in front. I still call photoshop.
@Arperum The guys in the background are also quite hilarious.
@5pike That's some kind of supposed ritual of we-beat-the-odds thing, teambuilding nonsense included. Or that's what the movies told me, or advertentions or whatever planted that idea.
@Arperum I think it's a stock video from gettyimages, but it looks like a clip from aliens, that try to emulate real human businessmen.
@5pike If it's a stock video it's a terrible one, but that's plausible yes. The alien option is possible too. Or a combination of both.
Q: OpenTTD : How to save complex rail block with signals to use it on other stations

PShahI created one complex rails layout design with signals for faster traffic. I wish to put same layout on another station (use it whenever I have similar stations). Can I save a particular design block and snap it on an area so I do not have to build it again and again ?

@KevinvanderVelden hi
@KevinvanderVelden Morning!
Q: Battlescreen not working in Battlefield 4

martonaI have a multiple monitors, and I'd like to run Battlescreen on one of them. The issue is that the browser just displays a page that says "Loading Battlescreen" with the blinky cursor, but nothing happens after that. I'm using Chrome but also tried IE with the exact same results. OS is Win8 x64...

Unaccept votes > Down votes
Q: Is it possible to launch Battlefield 3 or 4 campaign without Battlelog

Bram VanroyI was wondering whether it is possible to launch the singleplayer campaign for either BF3 or BF4 without the use of the browser. This is useful when 1. You don't have an internet connection at that moment 2. Battlelog is down.

@qwertyk31 hi
Q: i defeated wall of flesh but nothing happened

iMAGEboxi killed Wall of Flesh, he droped Breaker Blade and Sorcerer Emblem but didnt droped pwnhammer and im still on normmal gameplay and not on HARDMODE. can anyone help me? what can i do?

Q: How do we tag Terraria versions?

3venticTerraria is out for the PC, Xbox 360, PS3, and Android and iOS devices. As far as I can tell, the Xbox 360 and PS3 versions have little to no difference as seems to be with Android and iOS versions. (Someone who actually owns the games on those devices will need to confirm.) But the thing is tha...

@fredley kill it with fire
@KevinvanderVelden It's wonderful
@5pike there's also a zip bomb that decompresses into 4.5 petabytes... and itself
@KevinvanderVelden Ehhh...what?
@5pike it's a zip file that decompresses into itself and a large file :D
@5pike hmm can't find the file with the extra data, but here's quine zip swtch.com/r.zip
I wouldn't directly link to it. Someone might uncompress it
@5pike not a problem, they'd just have a zip file identical to the first zip file
And I think most computers can store an extra 440 bytes =p
@KevinvanderVelden Oh.. I see.
It takes a long time to uncompress it anyway
plenty of time to cancel
@fredley has a degree of trolling from the Rebecca Black university?
@JeffreyLin You're surprised?
@fredley that you had to get a degree! You just seem naturally talented at it.
@KevinvanderVelden I... what?
@fredley you're a natural at trolling, why'd you have to go and get a degree?
@KevinvanderVelden Degrees are conferred upon people regardless of how hard they worked to get to the required level of talent
It's not like I was studying nights for my trolling degree
@fredley meh, it's not as if you have to apply somewhere to troll, why waste the time and money on a university.
@KevinvanderVelden I... didn't.
@fredley oh, well that's good then
System requirements: 16 MB of RAM; 32MB recommended
@3ventic Jesus Christ, what taxing requirements.
@3ventic 32MB recommended, but what if I have 64MB, is that bad?
@fredley Doesn't fit requirements; support not offered
> 28.8 or higher baud modem for head-to-head play
Or something like that
> Multimedia PC with a Pentium 133 or higher processor
Haven't processors become smaller (and hence, lower) since then?
> A big part of Monster Truck 1 is, of course, Army Armstrong yelling stuff like "Bigfoot is doing it in the Air" at you. Well, here's a taste of what's to come! Army's been at it again!
@3ventic crap, guess we'll have to wait for 3D processor chips to run this again
@3ventic I've just got a Pentium, I've got to wait another 132 iterations.
I want to buy a windows 8 phone so I get a good excuse to play mobile games on my desktop PC
@3ventic ...what?
Why are people being so confusing today
Because it's tuesday
if I'm not totally mistaken
let me check that
Yes, my computer thinks it's Tuesday, too
@3ventic it's not tuesday, everyone knows tuesday is a myth created by the establishment. Like belgium
@KevinvanderVelden Tuesday is a conspiracy that only leads to Friday
@3ventic Nope
@fredley Yup
@5pike That... mouth looks so wrong
@KevinvanderVelden Belgium is not a myth, a Belgian establishment is a myth though.
@5pike These weird formed windows are awesome and terrible at the same time.
@5pike That was painful to watch
A: Minecraft Launcher won't run latest version of Minecraft (v1.7.2)


@fredley Spot on!
@kalina Baldur's Gate 2
@Sterno Excellent call
inb4 "boring"
BG2 best game evar
@kalina Play with every combination of NPC party members. It's worth it.
@fredley You can't stop the rashidg.
Then solo it
I'm kinda curious why these dumb tries at crap always only make a single post, if I would go on a rampage through a system I'd make as many posts as possible.
@fredley I only managed to finish BG2 once, it is just a really, really long game
@MadScientist But so rewarding
@MadScientist Also it depends how many subquests you get sucked in to
I started it quite a few times, but the only time I finished it was with a rather broken solo Kensai/Mage
@MadScientist I've got a savegame that's half way through with that
Best party:
I did cheat somewhat and removed the max XP limit for the solo game. That made it rather easy at the end
Also this.
One day I will do this
@MadScientist Did you beat Kangaxx?
@fredley Have you seen RimWorld yet?
@fredley I think I did beat him after a few tries. Imprisonment is by far the most dangerous spell if you're solo
@Fluttershy No...
@MadScientist Yeah
@MadScientist Or flesh to stone
@Fluttershy OH GODDAMN YOU
@Fluttershy Oh few, ended 4 days ago
@fredley Paypal is still active!
I figured you might like it. :P
@Fluttershy Maybe, I'm not so stoked
I thought it might be BG2-like :(
@Fluttershy I need dis
You're sure they didn't just copy and paste the truth from elsewhere?
@TZHX Surely if it is truth then it is universal, so copy and pasteage is irrelevant?
Q: Can I unlock the 'Hardware Enthusiast' Badge with a PS3 controller in MotioninJoy?

RobotnikI'm having a little trouble earning the 'Hardware Enthusiast' Badge - the only requirement I have left is to launch a game through Big Picture with a controller. I have my PS3 controller connected to my computer and I am running MotioninJoy with it emulating an Xbox 360 controller. What i've tr...

Truth is rarely universal. Or true.
BG2 best game
Brothers: A tale of two sons best game
I'm getting BG2 pangs now. I need to play it.
New Enhanced edition coming out in 10 days!
That's $25 I won't see again.
Q: Duration (remaining) for Living World content

JoetjahEvery few weeks, new Living World content is released. And with that, every few weeks the old Living World content stops and goes 'away'. Currently, Blood and Madness is running at the same time as Tower of Nightmares. Normally, the old one (BaM) would make way for the new one (ToN). Is there a...

Q: Deer Hunter 2014 Hack

JackI have a big request I am looking for a hack to game Deer Hunter 2014. Does anyone know of acting?

@Lazers ...?
@fredley why does this answer still live? o.o
@Unionhawk I think they want to know where to find a way to pirate the requested game.
@KevinvanderVelden Mods are lazy and inefficient
@Arperum I'm going to save my vote for later so we can destroy it again, because it's going "product rec" right now.
And I have a feeling it may get opened if it goes that way. Or maybe not, because I have no clue. But who knows.
Q: Where should I aim my chain shot?

Tater596Traditionally, chain shot was used to cripple and break the masts of enemy ships, however, I am having a hard time telling if I am doing more damage to a ships movement by aiming at the masts or just aiming at the ship in general. Where should I aim my chain shot for maximum effect?

Woooo 8k!
Also: Morning all :)
@ZeroStack I assume you are aware that you just asked for that round number to be destroyed?
@ZeroStack better make a screenshot =p
@KevinvanderVelden :P
@ZeroStack Denied
@Arperum lol all for the better. I enjoy rep.
@ZeroStack unless it was a down vote
@fredley I have proof! lol It only lasted for a little while.
@KevinvanderVelden oh I did not think of that lol....
@fredley At least he's smart and screenshotted it (oh wait he did)
Q: Getting electrocutioners gloves after missing them the first time

JenI'm playing Arkham Origins on PC, and after I knocked out Electrocutioner I didn't take his gloves...didn't see a way too. I'm up to defeating copperhead..at least that's my mission objective, although I can't find her. I thought I would deal with Riddlers towers, but am up to the one where I n...

@kalina hi :)
@ZeroStack The .com is taken by a squatter.
@5pike I saw that.... whores
I wonder how much the guy wants for steam.com
@JourneymanGeek @fredley take notes. This is how you do it.
@JourneymanGeek well played.
Anyone in the US have US cellular and have billing issues in here? I tried out their service for ~ 12 days (on a 14 day trial) and ended up not going with them... well Every week since last month I have been getting bills in the $400s. They just changed their billing software and it has been having major glitches
I heard that someone got a bill for $20,000 lol.
@ZeroStack A "glitch"? Are they trying to fix this or are just like "lol, pay up bitch"?
A: Can Framing Frame Day 1 still be completed in stealth if the extra restroom guard spawns?

UnionhawkAn alternative approach in case you don't have Joker skill (since it's a very situational skill, and one might not necessarily have room for it in their build) is as follows: (assuming you have the smooth talker skill) At this point, you have entered the bathroom and killed the bathroom guard in...

@5pike well I ended up calling them after laughing myself to tell them that I wasnt going to pay 400+ for 12 days of service. They said yep dont worry about it, and I ended up getting another bill in the mail yesterday.
So I am thinking I am going to go into the store soon to ask about it. But their customer service is taking a pounding.
@fredley Dude, I still have this game
Monster Truck Madness 2 is awesome.
I just dont want it reporting to my credit report, etc
There were these portapotties you could run into and push around and one of them would always make noise like there was somebody in it.
And you could abuse the helicopter that brought you back to the track to get on top of buildings and stuff.
Man that game was awesome.
@Unionhawk ?
@OrigamiRobot I decided to post the "No you don't need Joker, you just need to do this" as an answer
3 mins ago, by Unionhawk
A: Can Framing Frame Day 1 still be completed in stealth if the extra restroom guard spawns?

UnionhawkAn alternative approach in case you don't have Joker skill (since it's a very situational skill, and one might not necessarily have room for it in their build) is as follows: (assuming you have the smooth talker skill) At this point, you have entered the bathroom and killed the bathroom guard in...

Joker is a terrible skill for stealth anyway
I'm not convinced there is an extra guard in that situation anyway.
There might not be. I'm not certain.
cc @kalina
Q: Is it possible to hunt crocodiles using blades?

Tater596For many animals in the wild, my technique is to climb a tree and air assassinate them as they walk underneath, or hide in a bush and whistle them over to ambush them. However, I don't seem to be able to engage a crocodile with blades. I am only having success targeting and killing them with fire...

cc @3ventic
cc @RonanForman
cc @OrigamiRobot
@Unionhawk What
cc @Lazers
@AshleyNunn How did geocaching go?
I know I've been in missions with the bathroom guard multiple times and I've never had to do anything differently.
@3ventic If the bathroom guy spawns on Framing Frame, is there really an extra dude to worry about, or does he count as a wanderer?
@ZeroStack Awesome. Got muddy as can be but found 20 caches that day :D
@Unionhawk He's an extra dude
I ran into that problem on one of my solo runs
@AshleyNunn 20 in one day! That's pretty good.
I'll take @3ventic's word over @OrigamiRobot's then.
@RedRiderX Yeah, it was pretty awesome.
Or at least he can be an extra dude
I'm not sure he always is
Found some interesting places, a few cool treasures (seriously I love caches with tradeables in them!0
But when you see a dude in the bathroom with a hat, you should assume plan B, yes?
@AshleyNunn awesome! Ignore my ignorance.... but now what do you do with those 20 caches? I've never done it.
@Unionhawk Anyway, I'd change the answer from "in case you don't have Joker" to "Don't use Joker it is awful"
In fact, I'd call it a dupe of @kalina's question anyway. This just means @kalina's answer is incomplete.
Not even
@ZeroStack You write your caching name (I am Araleith) and the date you were there on a logbook that is in the cache, and if there is room, you can leave/take tiny toys and such (tradeables) - there are also things called tracker bugs that are assigned numbers that you move from cache to cache, just to see where they end up. Then you usually track all of your findings online (on geocaching.com)- each cache is assigned a letter code for you to look it up.
> a crew member with the Joker skill to convert the seventh guard, if that guard spawned
^ From @kalina's answer
@AshleyNunn that sounds pretty badass
In response to the new question, she added it.
@ZeroStack It is a lot of fun - I have found really neat spots that I wouldn't have otherwise (secret beaches, tiny little towns, etc)
@OrigamiRobot curiously enough, he added it (the asker of this question).
I know.
In any case, an incomplete answer is no reason to ask a new question.
It's a pretty cool hobby, I've hidden a few secret beach caches myself.
@GnomeSlice Wut?
I'm tempted to roll it back because Joker is awful, and, as I have demonstrated, it's not a requirement.
This Monster Truck Madness 2 star has got me all nostalgic. I loved that game.
That was like the game I played the most growing up.
I did what?
the joker edit wasn't by me
@Unionhawk It's pretty useless, yeah
Why would you wake me up with such nonsense
@kalina I blame the robot.
Multiplayer shooter for furries?
@Zerofennec well, seems like you arrived at the right time xp
@kalina So you can properly address the 7th guard situation in your answer.
as I said, I blame the robot
Also, how am I supposed to know when you're asleep? My cameras have been on the fritz for a few weeks now.
@5pike I don't get it.
@GnomeSlice It says "No"

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