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Hmm... I was thinking of picking that up this weekend -- though reviews look lacklustre. Maybe not.
I played about 4 hours and it's basically a buggy version of Arkham City
If you want more Arkham City, grab it (once the bugs are fixed)
I've simply halted playing it until all the issues are resolved
The greatest trick the gambling industry ever played was creating a form of gambling which never pays out a penny, and calling it F2P.
> Toronto mayor Rob Ford "drunkenly calls radio show" to defend Rob Ford
no idea who that is, but that's hilarious
Most gamblers I've spoken to get their enjoyment from the gambling, in the way gamers get theirs from gaming. The intelligent ones realise it's not a money-making exercise.
@BenBrocka Seriously?
Image not found is best image.
The whole Rob Ford debacle keeps getting better and better
@AshleyNunn Almost as good as Prenda!
@fbueckert This one is more interesting to me for its geographical proximity :P
> Microsoft says users "should not expect any level of privacy concerning your use of the live communication features such as voice chat, video, and communications in live-hosted gameplay sessions offered through the Services."
@BenBrocka He's the mayor of toronto. He was caught on videotape smoking crack.
@Powerlord A lot of the cross-references in their new terms of service don't make sense.
Q: how can i make The X Potion?

iMAGEboxi'm trying to make x potion.it says: The X potion is a legend. It is said that whoever manage to brew it and drink it would travel to a place where no one have been before. I don't know if this potion is just a legend or not, but I will write in this book everything I know about it. The X p...

Q: How long do Wrinklers need to suck before popping?

PearsonArtPhotoI'm currently at 5 Halloween cookies, and 552 Wrinklers popped. On a different machine, I am seeing similar poor performance. According to the below chart, the odds of having this happen are negligable of me having so few Halloween cookies/ Wrinkler popped. I have traditionally been popping the w...

@fbueckert Nah, PRenda is way better
But I don't think there's anything in there more worrying than them sharing your address with third parties.
Not that the address on my xbox account is a real address -- it points to MS's UK HQ.
@TZHX Ha, nice
I don't think I'll be getting any of the next gen systems
I'm good with my computer
@Lazers Dupe!
I'm going to get an Xbox One, I think. Not really sure why. But I'm not generally allowed to use my PC for gaming.
@SaintWacko And it's just getting better and better!
They just lost a case where they sued ISPs for...obstruction? I think?
@fbueckert Oh, really?
@fbueckert Wow
How can you play Team Fortress 2 without using your PC for gaming?!
@Powerlord You can get the Orange box for consoles.
@SaintWacko And the fraud charges are starting to come home to stick. See that document Gibbs filed?
I don't think TF2 works on the Orange Box for 360, does it?
@GnomeSlice You mean the version that hasn't been updated in 5+ years and only has 6 maps (the PC version has... 53?)
I never got it to.
Basically, TF2 on the 360 and PS3 plays exactly the same as it did the day it was released. Bugs and all.
@Powerlord Yeah, that one.
TF2 on the PC plays very differently than it did on the day it was released.
And I don't think I've played TF2 for more than an hour since it went F2P. It keeps calling to me, but there's always something else that seems like it offers a better sense of progression.
I'm very glad SE didn't decide to one-box that URL.
@TZHX That's an intentional design decision. With the clear exception of 3 weapons, all the additional weapons in the game are tradeoffs from the default weapons.
The rocket launcher that shoots twice as fast and does more damage? Has a 70% smaller explosive radius.
(and considering that critical rocket blast radius will kill almost every class, that's a serious drawback)
I could go on, but with something like 100 unique weapons in the game, that'd take too long.
Block Falls Barrow? Get ready for the Skyrim mash-up coming to Minecraft: Xbox 360 Edition http://bit.ly/1f8p26w http://t.co/JPnpDAmOpR
So. I get pulled off my main project.
Am still expected to support the clients.
@fbueckert Promotion?
@badp Nope, they don't like me anymore.
@fbueckert :(
@badp Case of vague requirements, them misunderstanding implications, and deciding I'm to blame.
hiya bridge
To be fair, there's probably enough blame to go around, but I think I've done the best I can with what I was given.
Hiiya stack underflow
@ZeroStack heya
Yeh, I get that. But, I generally suck at FPS games -- so all that happens is I log in, pick heavy, hope there's a medic there to keep me alive.
@GnomeSlice love it hahahah
@AshleyNunn How goes it Ashley?
@fbueckert How much support can your middle finger possibly provide?
@ZeroStack Pretty well :) It's friday, I am going geocaching tomorrow, life is shiny.
@TZHX heavy is no easy class to play
@badp Or more accurately, it requires a lot of game sense to play Heavy effectively since they're extremely vulnerable to Spy and Sniper.
@AshleyNunn Fun :)
@TimStone Precisely zero, but I'm probably being too nice. I am still supporting them.
@Powerlord and scout and sticky bombs and backburner and ...
OTOH, sticky spam is very much braindead
@badp True. Oh, btw, have you played plr_hightower_event yet?
@Powerlord three rounds or so
as the stickyspammer
@fbueckert Did you have your meeting with them?
The spells are an interesting mechanic, even though they would horribly unbalance most maps.
Unfortunately my HUD kind of messes up spells so I kind of press H randomly and hope for the best
@Wipqozn Nope.
Email went into a black hole, as far as I know.
dunno where the zombies come from either
or the bosses
do they just... happen?
@badp Word of advice: When you hear bells start ringing, it means the green zombies spawned and the clock tower path is open.
Going through the clock tower nets you one of the 4 rare spells.
I knew the maps I played fairly well, so I tended to know where to shoot.
Uuuuuggggh... Evening.
As for the red/blue skeletons, they're one of the aforementioned rare spells (so are the team-colored Monoculus)
@FEichinger Well aren't you just full of sunshine. ;)
@Unionhawk Just, no. No. Friggin no. Noooo.
@AshleyNunn I'm as shiny as always.
Yes, shiny, much more fitting.
@FEichinger Pretty, but possibly useless?
or is it 5 rare spells... lets see... 1. Summon Skeletons, 2. Summon Monoculus, 3. Fireball rain, 4. Static shot, 5. Mouse (bad name, but it basically shrinks you, makes you move super fast, and you can jump repeatedly in air)
@AshleyNunn Why, thank you for calling me "pretty".
@FEichinger I assume you enjoyed the angel cake pings?
@Unionhawk Eight pings! One deleted message, too. You people are monsters.
Static Shock is a bad name too... maybe I should call it Gravity Well... it's a ball shape that slowly moves forward and sucks nearby enemies into it, damaging them repeatedly.
Hey all
@FEichinger And @spugs is in on it now too.
@RhysW Howdy.
@Unionhawk I saw that.
@TZHX How many maps have you played? Even not counting custom maps, the game has over 50 these days.
Eager to get to my pc today, got BF4, will be the first shooter i've actually played on PC
@kalina is a cruel person...
@Unionhawk Well, to be fair, the bar for "cruel" is pretty high with me, so she's not that bad.
@RhysW Sounds like it'll be great. :)
@RhysW :|
Yeah, im ready to be called noob a lot
@Unionhawk Cruel would leave more scars on my back than there already are and I kinda doubt she'll ever do that.
@FEichinger I... o...kay whatever.
@RhysW Do you have a gaming mouse and keyboard?
@RhysW You know I'm just going to ask why you haven't played Team Fortress 2, right?
@RedRiderX Mouse yes, keyboard no, they are different?
@Powerlord Team what now?
Oh man
Steam doesn't force you to update your games any more?
Fucking awesome
@GnomeSlice Fairly certain it never did hasn't for a while already.
Nope, nevermind, yes it does.
@GnomeSlice You could always disable auto-updating.
It just says 'update required' now instead.
@RhysW Are you asking if there are "gaming" keyboards?
@GnomeSlice Steam doesn't force you to anything but spend more money than you want on games you may get around to playing in the next year.
@RhysW Welcome to the Bridge's "Crash Course Gaming". Have fun with @Powerlord for the next half an hour or so.
@Coronus may get around to being the key phrase here.
Team Fortress 2 is the sequel to the original class-based FPS game. Of course, TF2 tends to play a bit differently than most FPS games... although there is alternate weaponry, you get them via random drops based on how long you've played... and (almost) every alternate weapon has a downside to it.
@Powerlord By 'original class based FPS game' I'm guessing you mean Counter Strike?
@GnomeSlice It says that if the actual update doesn't start for whatever reason, I believe. (Reasons being "Internet connection insufficient" or "Hard drive space insufficient")
@GnomeSlice No, I mean Quake Team Fortress.
Which was released in 1996.
@FEichinger Are you sure? It seems like there's a queue now, and you have to add things to it.
@GnomeSlice It still auto-started the last update for me, so, I'm fairly sure. Could just be a setting somewhere that I missed, though. (Or a difference in the Debian client, actually.)
@RedRiderX yes indeed
And "Update required" has appeared for me under certain circumstances in the past already.
@RhysW Yeah, there is a market for gaming keyboards.
@Powerlord Dunno. Perhaps half a dozen.
@Powerlord ahh, i dont really have gaming friends, so i only come across things in places like this
@GnomeSlice Clearly I'm not connected to the Steam servers often enough for that kind of stuff to happen to me. :/
As I said, it's been a while.
@RedRiderX how are they different to any other keyboard?
@RhysW They mostly have more lights on them or have higher quality keys.
@FEichinger What kind of stuff?
@FEichinger I think this is just a result of @GnomeSlice's internet being horrible.
@Wipqozn Yeh, that's what I said a couple messages back, basically.
@RedRiderX Well I have Alienware gaming laptop, so I presume its built in as that
I don't think so, it's never done this before. This is something to do with the recent update to Steam downloads
@RhysW The big thing is that they will allow more keys to be pressed at the same time.
searching "gaming keyboard" will give you an idea about that.
@RhysW Well, TF2 is free these days, but free accounts are capped at 50 items. Until you buy something (anything) from the in-game store or something gives you a Premium upgrade (which, at $4.99, is a lot more expensive than just buying a $0.49 item from the in-game store)
@Powerlord Or if you bought it before it went free
@JasonBerkan ahh, Im fairly certain mine does this already
@RhysW Oh I see, well it does depend on the laptop a bit.
@SaintWacko Or if you buy The Orange Box on Steam even now.
@GnomeSlice I was referring to his "not connected to steam enough" comment.
Your large number of downloads is because of how bad your internet is.
But you should be definitely be alright to start out with.
@Wipqozn Oh I have a lot more than that
@Powerlord Does it still have a big community that plays it then? I've heard a few people say its got quiet
@RhysW Shoulda gone with Sager
35 things say they need to be updated
@SaintWacko Never even heard of it! It's like I live in my own bubble
@RhysW Heh
@RhysW store.steampowered.com/stats - 71,000 playing right now.
@RhysW The release of DOTA2 actually has shrunk things a bit, but I think TF2 is still the third most played Multiplayer game on Steam... can't check the stats to check now.
That's what I have
Sager NP8180
@JasonBerkan This stat is going to be inflated due to the Halloween event.
Two graphics cards, three hard drive bays
@JasonBerkan Jesus. Half a million playing Dota 2...
One of the last of the 18 inch laptops
I wish more of those players would play some of the other multiplayer games instead of just TF2 and DOTA...
@GnomeSlice Well, a lot of updates after the client update. I have only had an actual connection to the Steam servers twice since that update.
@Powerlord Dota 2 came with my laptop, but I havent played it yet
@SaintWacko Looks nice, performs just as nicely?
@RhysW DOTA2 is free, so even if it didn't, you could just download it from Steam. Assuming you have a Steam account that is.
@AshleyNunn you are a mod?
@Powerlord Steam yes, has the rest of my games on it
@RhysW Yep
Keyboard isn't the greatest, but the rest of it is excellent
Why did I add brackets around that? I know my link markdown!
@GnomeSlice They're free, big budget games by the same company that makes Steam... of course a lot of people play them. Incidentally, you know the stats thing linked earlier only counts multiplayer games, right?
@SaintWacko Cool, are they known for gaming or is it just one with good specs you found?
Did you guys know there's a Steam Sale going on right now?
@ZeroStack What @FEichinger said. :)
@Sterno Isn't there always a steam sale?
@Sterno ...for 11 more minutes.
@Sterno Apply fire.
@RhysW They're known for custom gaming laptops
@Sterno Steam sale? @KALINA YOU HAVE 11 MINUTES!!!1!one
Not as well known as Alienware, but a better value, in my opinion
@SaintWacko oh nice, Never heard of them to be honest
You're not paying a premium for a brand name
@GnomeSlice Plain Sight is dead as hell.
@GnomeSlice Ravaged was meh.
@FAE I played it once a while ago when I got it and there were a couple of people online. But not many.
Call of Duty: Ghosts: Digital Hardened Edition only $120!
In fact, Ravaged turned even worse in my eyes when they did that crappy rebranding.
@FEichinger I was hoping for like lots of vehicular battles with like 6 people in a truck like it showed in the trailer but there just weren't enough people, or people didn't want to play that way
Gun Monkeys lacks marketing a lot.
still fun though, I guess
Q: why doesn't my ps3 know I'm pushing buttons that I need to?

Luke ArchibaldI'm trying to play skyrim on my ps3 but since it says I have to press the x button to go to the main menu it doesn't work,hell even when it worked my controller won't listen to me because it just made me walk into a wall so I pressed the start button and it worked but after I tried pressing the c...

@Sterno What a steal!
@AshleyNunn awesome! I saw one of your posts before it went into beta from Area 51 and laughed hysterically. I can't remember which one though.
@GnomeSlice I played it when it released and there was an okay amount but it is just empty now.
Gun Monkeys got so dead the developer starting pushing out free steam keys to people who idled in an empty lobby for a few minutes
@GnomeSlice The beta was horrible, so a lot of people didn't bother anymore.
@RhysW Yeah, I hadn't either, before I started researching gaming computers. I almost got an MSI, but found the Sager instead
It is massive, though
@ZeroStack Haha I have no idea.
Metal Drift is the fucking bomb. More people should play it
@SaintWacko ah mines a small one, for easy transport
You guys should play the demo. Apparently it lets you play with premium players now
@GnomeSlice How many SkyDrifts?
@FEichinger One at least
@ZeroStack Most likely the cat patting your face one
I know that one got me
@RhysW That is my favourite of my questions I have asked
I'll never understand how games like Torchlight 2, which have been on sale repeatedly, continually top the best sellers during sales. You'd think everyone who cared would have bought it by now
@RhysW Had to get this backpack in order to carry it
@SaintWacko Yeah i bought a case, but realised only recently they made it just big enough for the laptop, no where to put my cables or mouse :(
@Sterno They're great introductory games.
Assassin's Creed 4 is $80
Are AAA game prices going up?
Gimbal is coming to Steam as well, it got greenlit.
@RhysW :(
Hey there Bridge, is it time for some Video Game ?
@Sterno I'm fairly certain they are
@Shiester Not right now, we're talking backpacks and keyboards!
Oh, nevermind, that was the collector's edition.
I can fit my laptop, its cables, a cooling pad, mouse/keyboard, and all sorts of other stuff
This backpack is huge
@Shiester This is the bridge. No videogames here
@Sterno Collectors editions used to be 50 dollars though not 80!
Oh, great ... Fire Dept just rolled up across the street ...
@kalina, you missed!
Free weekend for Magicka. No one has an excuse not to play it now
wwwwwwwwwwwwwooooooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwww im gone for like a billion years because I accidentally someone with a car and I come back and nobody wants to video game this plase is terrible im never comin back here see u tomorrow
@Shiester sprays with water bottle no, bad user, get back in your box
A billion years is a long time.
@Shiester You're as old as @Sterno?
Oh well, looks like they just needed a ladder to get someone out of an upper floor flat, no actual fire. Sorry, @kalina, I was mistaken. You're actually innocent.
@GnomeSlice Makes me think of that game that came with ... xp? ... so long ago.
@FEichinger Is this poke kalina game? I like that game
@RhysW No, "poke @kalina" is a different game I would get suspended for talking about.
@FEichinger pervert
The Burrow looks interesting.
@FEichinger like, on facebook right?
@Unionhawk Sorry, it was too easy to let it slide :(
@GnomeSlice that intro video was nice
The ping @kalina game, on the other hand, is totally appropriate.
@Unionhawk Very much so, in fact.
At this point, though, it doesn't seem her speakers are on this time.
I'm hoping Full Bore will get greenlit in the next round. They say they're up to the 95th % now. That game is fabulous.
She surely appreciates me returning the pinging favour from last night. Am I right, @kalina? ♥
@GnomeSlice how far can you burrow?
@ZeroStack I don't know, I haven't played it.
Also Cubicity has a demo now.
Seems like it could be fun, $5 is pretty cheap
right im off home, later all
I'm sure @kalina appreciates it, and is totally not going to intensify the "ping @FEichinger game" later.
and so i dont miss this fun game @kalina hehe

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