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Now everyone will think my name is Robert.
Guts will be ... SPELLED! The Typing of the Dead: Overkill is now available on PC: http://bit.ly/1dJaZ9R http://t.co/tybhle4MtN
holy shit
Holy crap, Angry Birds Star Wars is $40 on the PS3.
Does anyone know what Fiasco is? I think it would be fun to have a Bridge session.
@fbueckert Licensing costs?
If so: holy crap
@fredley If not, still holy crap.
@fbueckert Yeah, actually more holy crap
Holy price-gouging crap
cc @AshleyNunn @RedRiderX @JasonBerkan @Everyone who plays FallenLondon
Surely someone meant to type $4 and hit an extra 0 by mistake?
@kalina We could also just focus our cleanup efforts on tagging better rather than burning whatever doesn't fit in with our taxonomy.
@fbueckert Still published by Activision isn't it?
@FEichinger burning bad tags is just as important
@OrigamiRobot I'll join a bridge session of this game I only just learned about. sounds like fun.
by removing the tags that don't belong, people can't use them
Q: What's with Battlefield 4's range toggling on sniper rifles?

Xavier_ExI was playing through the campaign and when I first wielded a sniper rifle a tutorial popup appears at the top-right corner of the screen, explaining something about bullet drop distance and the alternate fire key (the key to toggle single fire/burst fire/auto fire on automatic rifles). I was in...

@kalina Except for the part where we decide anything that isn't a game tag is a bad tag, because reasons.
@OrigamiRobot I have heard of it through TableTop.
Which leads us straight to , too.
@FEichinger everything that isn't a game tag has the potential to be a bad tag, with exceptions
@FEichinger I so want to validly use this tag at some point.
the exceptions aren't apparent until you do the clean up
I don't think somebody from any other stack exchange should talk to arqade users about bad tags
I've said it before and I'll say it again: Arqade's tagging system is utterly ridiculous because the tags tell you absolutely nothing about the question itself.
@JasonBerkan is more likely to be valid.
What are tags supposed to be used for?
@FEichinger Either works for me.
@tugs Favorites and Ignored.
They are also used in the SEO.
@JasonBerkan Interested in playing?
@FEichinger tags are used to identify questions which are interesting to yoou
as such, game name tags are useful
while isn't
I'm not saying game tags are bad. I'm saying exclusively using them is bad.
So wouldn't more tags per question help?
Q: What happens in the Resident evil games up to revelations?

Glenn Hamilton-SmithI purchased Resident Evil:Revelations because it was cheap and the demo was good but only now have I thought to wonder, "what happened before this game" so could somebody tell me what happens in the previous games without spoiling what happens in Revelations. PLEASE NO SPOILERS AS I DETEST KNOWIN...

@FEichinger sticking more tags onto a question would be pointless
@OrigamiRobot I would be, but time would be an issue. I'm not available until after the kids are in bed (~9:30pm) and y'all are east of here, so that makes it even later for you.
I see :(
@Lazers Really?
@fbueckert what the fuck
that has got to be the most stupid question I've ever seen
@GnomeSlice This is clearly the convention we should go by.
@GnomeSlice So if I like games with a crafting mechanic, but have no specific interest in minecraft, the crafting tag would be helpful to me wouldn't it?
@tugs Depends on how you use it. The way we use tags right now, I don't think so.
That was a super fast close, and I had nothing to do with it!
Wow, this is a thing:
@fredley WTF
@tugs No, probably not. Why would you be interested in a minecraft question if you aren't interested in minecraft? It's not like crafting is some universal mechanic that someone can be an expert in.
That one slipped under the NOPE-dar
oooo, England...
@fredley That's just...
it's making me an alliance offer.
It has good naval power, but scotland is making a bit of a mess of it.
Don't think I want to involved in any of those wars.
@Unionhawk But it is a common mechanic that a lot of games have, and I might really dislike the whole fps control scheme but be interested in the crafting...
Oh what a shame, my weekly progress meeting on the help page stuff I'd been moved off of while I fixed real problems in our app has been rescheduled until mid-November.
sorry england, don't feel like getting involved in your wars.
It was kinda dumb to keep having meetings about it since I wasn't even working on it at the time
@Wipqozn I wish Ottomans could get a good Western ally.
Q: Where in Pokemon X can I find that character that won't let me pass because I wasn't a champion?

Maricruz CovarrubiasWhile I playing Pokemon X in the earlier moments, I came across this character that won't let me enter because I wasn't a champion yet. Now that I have defeated the Pokemon Leauge Champion I wish to find that character, but the problem is that I don't remember where he is.

@Powerlord "What did you accomplish this week?" "Nothing" "When will x be done?" "Don't know"
@tugs Tags are there to categorize questions, not to categorize the game the question is about.
@kalina @Unionhawk @fbueckert They wanted everything up to RE Revelations, without spoilering Revelations, is all.
@JasonBerkan Well, I probably don't need to point out why having the Edit Request page working is a bit more important than having the Edit Request Help page done.
@Fluttershy I understood that part. I still think it's a crappy question.
@fbueckert I agree! I guess I could've left you off the pings.
@Fluttershy Ah. That makes at least a little bit more sense than how I read it. Still, what @fbueckert said.
Q: Can someone provide me with a summary of the Metal Gear Solid series?

ΗλίαςI am playing Metal Gear 4 on PS3. I have not played any of the previous games in the series and the plot is full of old references. Can someone give a quick summary on what happened up to series 3?

CC @fbueckert who can't see this anyway
And, incidentally, what you said.
@Unionhawk while the other two responses I got explaining tagging had to do with interest primarily
@GnomeSlice A valid point. But MGS is only like 4 games. Resident Evil is like a bajillion.
@Fluttershy Nah, no worries, dude, I'm not mad. It makes sense, but it still seems to be somewhat demanding. Tell me the story up to this point, but don't spoil anything.
> Your questions should be reasonably scoped. If you can imagine an entire book that answers your question, you’re asking too much.
@fbueckert Right. I agree the question is ungood. And I didn't think you were mad or anything. :P
Also, what can we tell them that a quick look on wikipedia (or the game's wiki) can't?
Even if it was asking for the synopsis of a single game, that's too much IMO.
@OrigamiRobot That their question is too broad in scope?
@Unionhawk I'm sure there's a wikipedia page for that.
@OrigamiRobot I have another vassal! Excellent.
In other news: Alice: Madness Returns is $5 on Steam. People should get it.
A telescopic sight, commonly called a scope, is a sighting device that is based on an optical refracting telescope. They are equipped with some form of graphic image pattern (a reticle) mounted in an optically appropriate position in their optical system to give an accurate aiming point. Telescopic sights are used with all types of systems that require accurate aiming but are most commonly found on firearms, particularly rifles. Other types of sights are iron sights, reflector (reflex) sights, and laser sights. History The first experiments directed to give shooters optical aiming aids...
I wonder how much of the world I can take over just by making people vassals and then annexing them.
@Fluttershy Is the original Alice on Steam yet?
That's what I get when I type in "scope"
That works, right?
@Powerlord No. :( EA even pulled it from Origin.
@OrigamiRobot If your question can't fit in the scope, it's too broad!
Also, munster is getting a tad bit too close for my liking.
It keeps eating other provines.
And they're hostile to me.
I'm pretty sure I could beat them up but still.
@Wipqozn What a munster.
@OrigamiRobot lololol
Relationships and Dating

Proposed Q&A site for people seeking answers to questions about dating, long term relationships, love, marriage or other commitments, and everything else typically considered a "relationship".

Currently in commitment.

Kind of surprised that made it to the committal phase.
@GnomeSlice I am a prosumer in this field
Bam! Luneburg is now part of denmark.
@GnomeSlice Heh. Commitment.
I would commit but I have nothing to post.
@Unionhawk Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
@origami Fiasco looks fun.
@AshleyNunn You can roleplay a pterdodactyl.
Life Hacking

Proposed Q&A site for people who are looking for clever solutions to life problems & experts that know how to hack life.

Currently in commitment.

tvtvtv sports
@BenBrocka Heh
@fredley noooooooooooo
@Wipqozn She'd be really good at it, too!
@GnomeSlice ....?
@fredley That picture.
@fredley I can't help but read that and imagine a less-interactive version of Beyond Two Souls. That turned out well
@OrigamiRobot I think that there are a lot of stablity decrease events which only spawn if you have 0 stability.
2 seems to be the ideal stablity to buy yourself to. I don't encounter a lot of stablity decrease events at 2, and a decent amount of stability +1 events.
I really wish my diplomat wasn't named Adolf.
@Wipqozn If EU4 is anything like every other game from Paradox: Open save game in text editor. Rename character.
@MartinSojka But then I couldn't complain about my diplomat being named Adolf.
"Adolf? Your name is 'Barrack' now. Deal with it."
@OrigamiRobot One thing you need to be aware of with navies is that your ships aren't automatically upgraded like your soldiers are. You need to manually delete ships and then rebuild them. There's no "upgrade all heavy ships" option"
It took me a while to realize that.
Just change his name but still complain about it. It's like homeopathic complaints, all the complaining, none of the things to complain about
@Wipqozn Which makes sense; infantry you can just hand new equipment. Ships you can retrofit to a degree, but usually have to be scratch built to take advantage of new technology.
@Wipqozn Oh I didn't even know my land units were automatically upgraded. I've been doing that manually T_T
@OrigamiRobot You do it via the military menu.
IT lets you choose what to change them to, and then it automatically changes all of that unit type.
@Wipqozn Yea, I thought that only affected what units are built going forward.
@OrigamiRobot No sir.
@fbueckert Yeah, it make sense.
I've been wasting so much time and money T_T
Yes, yes you have.
I believe units take a hit to morale when you change though, so it's best to not do it during war.
Eh, I'm rolling the dough anyway. I control Constantinople.
@Ullallulloo is playing the wrong EU!
@fredley Is this a cry for help, @fredley?
@OrigamiRobot I know. :(
Oh god
@Ullallulloo I got mine for $22 if that helps.
Religious revolts are happening.
My 2nd playthrough will be much better.
oh god
the protestant religion is going all over the everywhere
@OrigamiRobot That sounds like it would be kind of amazing.
Video for anybody who doesn't know what fiasco is like:
Q: Can I still get Factory Zero achivement if I don't save anyone in DE:HR Missing Link?

RudiI'm going for Factory Zero achievement, and there's point in main quest where I get a choice who to save. If I wait for timer to expire, next quest will automatically start. Will I lose Factory Zero if that happens? (my assumption is not based on Factory Zero description, but I'm not 100% sure,...

For some reason I saw that and thought "A new episode of TableTop already? They just finished Betrayal at House on the Hill last week!"
@Powerlord It was a while ago so it feels almost new.
@RedRiderX That episode is over a year old.
32% of my provinces have converted to Protestant. A number which keeps growing.
@Wipqozn Stupid protestors... :P
@arperum I honestly don't think the "cake" and the "angel" "hands" are arranged like that
Well, on the bright side, if too much of the country converst I can just switch religions.
Protestant does have some nice bonuses.
+10% tax and -10% tech cost.
I'm hungry. I should go eat food.
@Wipqozn Usually a good thing to do when hungry.
...what's the name for the kind of software bug that was fixed but shows up again in a later version? Starts with an r I think...
@badp If you cook a cake with "Angel" as a base ingredient and didn't prepare it properly there might be large part left, that can then later stick out of your cake.
Oh right, regression
@Powerlord retrobug? wRong codebase used?
@Arperum No, the word I was looking for was regression.
@Powerlord I made my post already, to lazy to remove it, decided to post anyway.
stupid macros going off.
I don't know about this new Batman game
In Arkham City, there was a reason criminals were everywhere. The whole section of the city was a prison.
Question... if a microscope makes small things look big, does a macroscope make big things look small? And why would you want to do that?
This game, a prequel, takes place before it's ever made into a prison, yet it's pretty much the same city map, with just as many or more criminals hanging out on the street waiting to murder Batman. And no civilians.
FML one arm fell off my glasses.
@AshleyNunn I hate when that happens
@AshleyNunn That is so annoying, had that on a holiday once.
@AshleyNunn I did not immediately read glasses in that sentence :D
And it is well and truly broken. Something snapped somewhere.
@AshleyNunn Did the lens stay in?
@AshleyNunn Hey! Your name is blue again!
@james I think if my actual arm fell off I would not be posting here so calmly :p
@AshleyNunn I dunno you tend to have a fairly calm demeanor :)
@AshleyNunn Yeah, that would be one of those full-on panic moments.
@coronus yeah, so that is one good thing at least.
"Welp, my arm fell off. Dammit."
@Unionhawk Yup that is about what I would expect.. Then some bemoaning about not being able to make cupcakes as well.
@james calm I might seem, but I think even that might be a bit much.
@AshleyNunn Nothing like a good old morphine drip to keep you giggling, no matter what happens.
@OrigamiRobot where did you buy EU IV for $22? All I can find is €40 something.
@AshleyNunn Well then I give unto you a:
@James Aww, that makes me want my kitty already.
@Arperum gameholds.com/… + a whopping 5% off coupon
@fbueckert Remember, they do not all turn out happy after climbing out of a popcorn bucket :)
Aww heck yes kitties make stuff better
@OrigamiRobot If you look via the steam store or paradox shop it's more then double that o_O
@AshleyNunn Aww, my arm fell off. But kitties, so it's all good!
entertain me
@AshleyNunn Objection! This evidence disproves the witness's latest statement!
@OrigamiRobot Is that Carter?
@fbueckert Yes
(I'm too lazy to find the Dual Destinies image for the autopsy reports)
Oh, yes. In other news, I went clothes shopping on Saturday, and bought a shirt that needs honest to goodness cufflinks! I'm so fancy now.
He's saying "Hey, stop playing EU IV and pet me"
No shirt should require cufflinks.
Cufflinks have no business existing.
@OrigamiRobot Does he ever express this by sitting on your keyboard?
@Sterno Why not? They're pretty fancy.
I'm not a fan of fancy.
@wipqozn @OrigamiRobot Any video on youtube that should convince me to be stupid and buy EU IV? since I'm not entirely convinced yet.
@Sterno I am, though. Looking classy is fun.
If you want to look classy, all you need is a monocle, top hat, and optionally a pipe.
There's a fine line between classy and hipster. Tread carefully!
@Sterno I think a pair of gorgeous blue cufflinks is well into the classy territory.
As long as some sort of sweater vest doesn't get worn over your shirt, you're probably okay
Though cufflinks should never be described as "gorgeous". I've got my eye on you!
@Sterno I don't do preppy.
How do I get superglue off my skin?
@AshleyNunn ...
...well done.
At least I have glasses again
@AshleyNunn I never would've thought of doing that. Kudos to you for fixing your glasses yourself.
@AshleyNunn Time, basically. You can pick it off slowly, but eventually it will come off.
Overlord Complete Pack is on sale on Steam again, I see.
@AshleyNunn As with everything, Yahoo Answers will never let you down.
It's almost as good as SciFi.SE
@jason thanks, I figured it was just time and picking.
@fbueckert the eyeglass place didn't want to try to repair them, so I did it myself. Also made an eye appointment so I can get new glasses eventually.
Short version: Use nail polish remover
@AshleyNunn I recall my first pair of glasses. Those things were so heavily taped and superglued.
I abused the crap out of them.
@fbueckert I am hard on mine same as anything else I own. My dad soldered a pair together for me once when I fell and snapped them at the nose
I bought a bunch of $20 pairs of glasses from Zenni Optical. It's awesome to have cheap backup glasses
It makes me sad that if you try to buy glasses from your eye doctor, they costs about 10 times as much.
Jeez, did Valve put every game on Steam that's even vaguely related to Halloween on sale?
@Sterno I wish I could get away with that. My lenses are coke bottle thickness, if I don't spend $150 to make them thin.
@AshleyNunn That takes talent. I've managed to pop the lenses out of their frames by running into friends accidentally, but the only time I've broken the bridge is when I sat on them.
Also, I wonder if they shut down the filters where I work. Normally I can't access Steam
@GnomeSlice Well...at least they didn't try to push it through anyway, I guess.
@JasonBerkan I'd check there anyway, just to compare. If you don't want bells and whistles on your glasses, they're pretty damn cheap
@TimStone Yeah, props for that. That must be a shitty thing to hear though, from your fans.
@GnomeSlice That's a surprisingly responsible decision. And money refunds!
@jason mine are thick too, but you can still get cheaper than glasses place glasses, my whole family does and we are blind as bats. (I know, bad simile is bad)

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