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well that''s just the icing on the cake... on... the angel...
@kalina Oh, screw you.
@fbueckert I think you need a PR guy.
@Sterno I nominate you!
@FEichinger you wish
(for @Unionhawk)
"What @fbueckert really meant to tell you was 'Get bent.'"
is angel cake what I think it is?
I'd troll so hard. It wouldn't be good.
@Sterno Wow, you suck at the PR game.
just wondering
@badp I've lost track.
@badp That depends on what you think it is, but I think it's somewhere in the transcript for your reading pleasure.
Ask @FEichinger.
It'd be so fun to be a translator on your last day of the job.
It's his mental image, after all
(if you hated your boss)
And regardless, I don't think he's very open to constructive criticism. He's not quite in Scoot's realm of sensitivity, but he's a ton more aggressive.
@fbueckert No, he's not.
@fbueckert Perhaps he's just having a bad day.
@Wipqozn He's had several of them in a row, then.
Maybe a close friend tried to murder him today.
@JohnDoeSanta, Comments are flagged and removed pretty frequently, they're intended for specific purposes as outlined in the privileges section for commenting. If you've got a question or issue with the community or site policies, it's better to bring it up on meta. — agent86 17 hours ago
@fbueckert Perhaps several close friends have tried to murder him on several days.
@FEichinger of course what I meant is the "perfectly" "innocent" "idea" of "angel" "cake" that a "perfectly" "innocent" "angel" such as Kalina would "allude" to.
@badp Absolutely.
I can't finger quote fast enough.
Deleted my comment again. LOL. The censorship on this site is ridiculous. Freedom of Speech seems to be something this company does not embrace. — John Doe Santa 19 hours ago
@badp needs more finger quotes
@Wipqozn Possible, yes. In which case, he needs counselling.
@badp It's @FEichinger's mental image. @kalina just likes to bring it up over and over.
@Unionhawk To be fair, she spawned it.
Everytime someone uses Freedom of Speech incorrectly Zeus kills a puppy.
@Wipqozn Better that than a kitten!
@badp I am innocent
@fbueckert That's why I said puppy. I like kittens too much.
every time somebody disagrees with me I incinerate a kitten
@kalina No you don't.
you don't know that
@kalina I beg to differ. Now go burn a kitten.
@FEichinger brb
STOP BRINGING IT UP. Where IT is defined as angel cake. Having images of bloody hands poking out of cakes is not good for productivity. I get hungry from cakes. Bloody hands I don't mind.
@Arperum I blame @FEichinger.
I blame @kalina.
I blame @Wipqozn. That jerk.
@Unionhawk I blam whoever brings it up. Mostly @kalina
I had that crispy image at first, too. Then she started the ... slightly indecent stuff.
@Arperum I clearly specified angels covered in cake, not angels murdered and cooked into cake
Angel food cake is the most boring of cakes.
@OrigamiRobot No. Rice cakes.
And now I can't get that image out of my head ...
@kalina Still cake, still hungry.
@Arperum surely the latter would make you more hungry?
@Sterno Popcorn cakes? No, those taste like popcorn!
@kalina ಠ_ಠ
@FEichinger there is nothing indecent going on, the cake is providing cover
@kalina That would not neccesary be covered under hungry...
@Arperum A different kind of hunger
OBJECTION! This piece of evidence clearly contradicts the witness's statement!
@kalina ... Do I really need to dig up that other line you said back then?
They are completely tasteless and therefore awful.
@FEichinger no
@kalina Yes, that.
@Sterno Yea, those are great!
@OrigamiRobot Everything about you is wrong.
@Sterno They taste like popcorn!
GRAAHG. stop the food talk, now I'm hungry.
Okay, this isn't productive for me. Back to work.
@OrigamiRobot no they don't
Oct 21 at 14:20, by FEichinger
That is indeed quite nice a thought.
Proof that it is, in fact, your fault.
@kalina Maybe my tastebuds are broken in a good way.
This time.
Oh wait, I was supposed to show which evidence I have.
Everyone tells me lettuce is tasteless but I think it tastes great.
@OrigamiRobot everything about you is broken, but not in a good way
I could eat lettuce all day.
@OrigamiRobot I thought @Wipqozn was the turtle?
Oct 21 at 14:19, by kalina
@FEichinger well, be more perverted and think of an angel covered in cake
@OrigamiRobot OBJECTION! This piece of evidence clearly contradicts the witness's statement.
Q: Difference between BF3 and BF4

Wojtek 'Charkz' HordyniecSo, I'm completating the idea of getting BF4 as I enjoyed BF3. But what are the main differences, fixes, and new mechanics added to the game to make it not a remake of BF3 but BF4?

@fbueckert In seriousness though, the "Sorry, we aren't <blah>". comments are pretty terse. It might be worth knocking out a few of the common ones with longer explanations about why they aren't allowed, so it sounds informative rather than potentially dismissive. I think some people read the brevity the wrong way.
Then doing a cut and paste job of the "prepared" ones when they come up
@Sterno Those people will probably read it the wrong way, regardless of whether or not I expand it or not.
Did @agent86 have a script for something like that, or was it just for close reasons?
@fbueckert Some still will. Not all, I think. And I think it benefits most people to know why things are off-topic, rather than just told that they are.
Yea, even if the OP takes it the wrong way, at least the explanation is there for everyone to read.
Well, I can definitely give it a shot next time.
Trillian just made me log in for the first time in about 2 years and I can't remember my password. :(
Beautiful ... Crashes with no log entries ...
@FEichinger the best kind of crash
@Unionhawk best kind of crash is a crash with no log entry which disappears when you attach a debugger
@OrigamiRobot November 1st is the 2nd best holiday?
@OrigamiRobot Friday?
@Sterno Yes. I refer to it as Candy Day
@KevinvanderVelden I love error messages that just say, "An error has occurred."
13 mins ago, by Sterno
@OrigamiRobot Everything about you is wrong.
@OrigamiRobot over here in dutchlandia we have to wait till 6 december for candy day :(
@Sterno Why is that wrong?
Heisenbug is a computer programming jargon term for a software bug that seems to disappear or alter its behavior when one attempts to study it. The term is a pun on the name of Werner Heisenberg, the physicist who first asserted the observer effect of quantum mechanics, which states that the act of observing a system inevitably alters its state. Similar terms, such as bohrbug, mandelbug, and schrödinbug have been occasionally proposed for other kinds of unusual software bugs, sometimes in jest; however, unlike "heisenbug", they are not as widely known or used. Examples Heisenbugs occur b...
@Sterno it's really cheap candy day, how do you people not know this?
November 1st is the day all the stores are discounting the Halloween candy.
Candy is gross.
@Sterno OLD
1 min ago, by Sterno
13 mins ago, by Sterno
@OrigamiRobot Everything about you is wrong.
... damnit robot!
Candy is the best.
@Sterno you are as evil as @Fluttershy
I could eat candy all day.
I wish there was lettuce flavored candy.
My wife loves sweets. I hate sweets. I'm pretty sure my daughter takes after me. We tried giving her a cupcake the other day and she licked it, threw it on the floor, and then ate handful after handful of green beans.
Then I could eat both all day.
Man, green beans are great too.
I could eat green beans all day.
@Sterno o.o there is something wrong with your kid.
Does anyone have a meta link to where we "aren't an asset location service"? I know we regularly close those questions, and I dimly remember a few old metas, but can't find them. It would be nice if we had a meta to back up what we do on the site.
I just don't know why you'd eat candy when you could eat things that are good.
@KevinvanderVelden She loves bacon. She's fine.
@Sterno ooh ok, no worries then
Food needs to stop being so delicious.
I can't eat it all.
@OrigamiRobot robots don't eat food.
Shows what you know.
@KevinvanderVelden 404?
@Unionhawk oh bloody hell >.>
@Unionhawk There, proper link edited in
Tried to link to the source page without checking
StackExchange isn't kidding when it says it might take up to 15 minutes to receive an email they send.
@KevinvanderVelden This is an OS crash, mind you.
@Sterno .....I don't even know how to respond to this.
@FEichinger you can still attach debuggers to an OS, it's just.. difficult
Right now I'm being presented with half a dozen "System error detected" messages on startup.
I do not like this.
@FEichinger dust off and nuke it from orbit, by which I mean back it up and reinstall
@KevinvanderVelden Yeh, I did just that a couple weeks back.
This yet again mirrors my horrible experience with do-release-upgrade.
Every time I end up with a broken install. Every. Single. Time.
@kalina I am not evil. :( I am nice and loveable.
@FEichinger =[
@Fluttershy you don't like cake or popcorn
@kalina I like tiramisu! And cheesecake. And angel cake.
@Fluttershy sorry, kalina makes a compelling argument. I'm gonna have to label you as evil
@Fluttershy @FEichinger likes angel cake too
@kalina I think you just like the idea of being the angel in @FEichinger's cake.
not at all
that's a pretty big jump to make!
You people have an unhealthy obsession with angel cake.
I have battenburg that I haven't eaten
primarily due to not being fully awake yet
@Fluttershy Welp.
@Sterno Not me! I prefer tiramisu. And cheesecake. Omnomnom.
Fun fact: my phone tried autocorrecting "Omnomnom" to "On bimbos."
so like you bimbos?
@kalina hmm that looks tasty
@kalina Nupe.
I thought all guys loved bimbos by default
@kalina Untrue.
@kalina I don't know if they're loved, so much as fun to play with on occasion
loved the concept of*
due to... the lack of effort required
@kalina Nah.
No more gaming for me
My father put away my gaming PC and disabled my internet.
set fire to him
Star list dancing, huh.
Guys, stop starring that. It's uncalled for.
I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do now
Still waiting to hear back from the emplyment center about this youth employment initiative thing
My guess would be whatever you were supposed to be doing when you'd been playing games
@GnomeSlice my usual alternative to not gaming is reading, but I think in your case you're best bet is to talk with your dad
@Sconibulus You can't apply for jobs for 10+ houyrs a day, that's not good for mental stability and such.
It's because I forgot to do the dishes last night
My mother was furious this morning
Fuck I'm stupid
@GnomeSlice I warned you about this
@GnomeSlice Sometimes even jobs we hate are better than no jobs. That's why I work at a granary. It makes me miserable, but it pays my bills. And it's easier to find a job if you have a job.
Forgetting to do the dishes doesn't mean you're stupid.
In fact that reminds me, I was supposed to bring a bag downstairs a couple days ago.
@Wipqozn main reason I like having company over. I finally get off my ass and do those things ><
(well that and the having company over bit in and off itself, but meh)
Today's Listening might be the last one for a while.
@Fluttershy Yeah, I know. I applied to a bunch of shitty jobs, but apparently I did that wrong too.
@KevinvanderVelden I am having a little LAN thursday evening until saterday evening, still gotta find place for placing PC's and stuff.

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