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i love the combat system... but maybe i'm just an old fart, but i find the story and dialogues super cheesy..
Q: Which enemies can hurt me through walls?

Colin DI am planning to set up an AFK farm for various rare enemy drops and coins. My plan is to wall myself into a room surrounded by lava pits and maybe some traps on timers. I plan to wear clorophyte armor and a star veil to gain some automated attacks. I plan to set these up at various biomes and a...

Hour late update: "Yeah" is also an acceptable answer for "Do you really like candies?"
@Sterno What about "Quite"
Apparently it accepts: "yes","y","yeah","yeap","yep"
if I'm looking at the right javascript
The one with candies backwards accepts "c", "letterc", "theletterc"
Man, I should go update these answers!
@Sterno answer* :P
@Sterno You should. Flesh them out with references from the code.
The hat one is: "wet","itbecomeswet","itbecomewet","becomeswet","becomewet","itgetswet","itgetwe‌​t","itswet","itgotwet","itiswet","itiswetnow","itswetnow","float","floats","itflo‌​ats","itsfloating","itisfloating","floating","itfloat"
That's what I've been suggesting for them ever since we started talking about the answers being low quality.
Having connections with so many Fallen London factions can lead to quite a few... conflicts of interest.
Honestly, though, knowing all the possibilities really isn't important. Solving the riddle is the core problem, not knowing every possible solution.
@Sterno The best answer is obviously the one with the fewest characters.
@Sterno I'd prefer if we were just giving hints to the solution and then adding a code-referenced list of valid solutions.
I do see some value to people in hints, but man, I get annoyed when someone leaves JUST a hint.
It's like "No, dude, I asked because I want the answer"
Right now I'm dealing with a spy that wants to join the church, a devil that wants my help in some slightly heretical pranks, and a certain urchin that's drawn some infernal attention.
All in a day's work on the streets of Fallen London. :P
@Sterno That's why I said, hint, then full list.
@FEichinger I know. That is an acceptable method.
Though usually, by the time I'm googling it, I don't want a hint. I just want the answer.
I'd usually prefer hints myself, but at least the option to find the solution right there as well, if I'm still stumped.
@FEichinger I even answered a question this way! gaming.stackexchange.com/a/81053/3062
Though I didn't use spoiler markup, because I hate it.
Plus, it's hard to "accidentally" read all 12 steps of a solution
Q: What do the various spells do?

SaintWackoI have a couple spell grimoires, and some of the spells are obvious, or repeated from the original, but Teleport doesn't seem to do anything, and some of the others I have no idea what they do. What do the spells do?

@Lazers Another potential problem with consolidated questions is that sometimes when asking, you don't know what the scope is at the time you ask, so it turns out that separate questions would have been better. Yet in such cases, unless it's terribly obvious, we don't close as too broad
and robots, and turtles, etc
@Sterno I don't think that's a reason for asking separate questions at all...
Rather, the opposite.
@Unionhawk Morning!
@Unionhawk No
@OrigamiRobot Fine, good almost-noon then.
@Unionhawk That's not the part I take issue with.
@OrigamiRobot ...
@OrigamiRobot If you're referring to "not knowing which way to go", I agree. I'm commenting more on the fact that its' really hard to narrow the scope sometimes retroactively, and we should probably be better at that sometimes. THis particular question is probably fine
but if Teleport needs a page-long answer all by itself, and you still have 8 spells to go... yikes
The problem is, the asker often doesn't know.
Which also means he might ask just about teleport if that's the one he's curious about.
(which is also fine)
Ugh, my bike tire went flat partway to the place I needed to get to today. -_-
@Unionhawk Mornings are never good.
@Unionhawk You are very capslocky lately :o
Random kitten turtle attack because I just saw it on imgur.
Someone needs to invent a kitten that doesn't eventually turn into a cat.
@FEichinger Hats are good. Even kittens wear hats.
Man, Google is so bad for spelling skills.
@FAE This stupid robot doesn't understand the concept of "good morning" meaning "Yes mornings suck, but screw you have a better one"
Anyway, someone let me know when the TF2 Halloween update hits.
@FAE Have you checked out any of the trailers for City of Titans?
I may have to do damage control when it does.
I couldn't remember how to spell "Renaissance" so I just typed in "renasance" knowing it was wrong but would be corrected. Then I clicked the link I wanted and learned nothing.
@fbueckert I'm backing at the Dynamic Duo level at the moment.
@FAE I had been thinking of backing of it.
But mostly, it just makes me miss City of Heroes that much more. :(
@fbueckert :(
I really hope the manage to reverse engineer it enough for private servers.
@fbueckert Same. They're very ambitious, but I really want something to come of this. Also I'm in an IRC chat with the project lead so I'd feel guilty if I didn't back at least something. :P
Somebody come kidnap me so I can have a vacation! :D Any takers? I won't press charges!
@Fluttershy I don't think that's how it works.
@FAE We need some good superhero games.
CoX hit all the right buttons, and the lore was amazing.
@fbueckert Indeed. :/ Nothing's there to fill the void.
@fbueckert Sure it is!
@FAE Random star is random.
@Fluttershy Yeah, I don't understand that one.
@fbueckert In case you decide not to back, do you want me to forward you the updates?
Methinks thou dost star too much...
@FAE That would be very useful, thanks.
Isn't the Elite beta is meant to start soon?
Seriously though, someone's going to run out soon.
@Fluttershy Too much.
If you want to read their ideas and stuff.
@Fluttershy I'm not out of stars yet. Not enough.
@kalina Is it too late to get in on this?
@kalina I like the Star Wars one
@OrigamiRobot I don't know, is it?
@Sterno yeah heh
@kalina Is it?
@kalina Elite?
@OrigamiRobot Is it?
@Fluttershy Elite!
@kalina Is it?
@Unionhawk Is it?
Any time I hear "elite," I think of Razor and Blade. If anyone gets that reference, I love you.
@Fluttershy Is it?
@Fluttershy nope, don't get it
@kalina You're probably too young to get it.
@Fluttershy Well then I've got less than no hope to get it then
Also, damn. It's "doth," not " dost." I can't even word right.
I'm ordering Indian. Chicken Tikka Masala. Mmmm.
Seriously? No one got that reference? You make me sad, Bridge.
@Sterno You're ordering a state?
Damn it.
@Fluttershy I got it, I'm just pretending not to.
I can't even blame the iPad for that one.
@Wipqozn What is it then? :P
Oooo... today is delicious sandwich day....... I may need to put pants on then.
@Fluttershy I'd say, but I don't want to steal your glory. So you can tell everyone.
@Fluttershy I'm sorry, nope.
Maybe I should have, but I didn't.
@Wipqozn I'm not gonna tell anyone. It's gonna sit there until someone gets it.
@Fluttershy But I get it, so you can tell us.
sneaky turtle...
@fbueckert Poke me on steam with your email and I'll set up an auto-forwarding filter, though I'll need a confirmation code from you for gmail.
@FAE My username at gmail.
Not sure how to do the confirmation code, though; do you need something from me, first, or just a verification after you set it up?
sends @fbueckert's email to ALL the spam people
promptly redirects it all straight to @Unionhawk's email
@Wipqozn I kind of want to email that guy. I'm sure he exists.
signs @fbueckert up for PETA mailing list
@fbueckert You don't know my email. (spolier alert: I killed unionhawk@gmail years ago due to spam)
@fbueckert It'll send you an email with the code in it, you'll have to tell me that code.
@FAE Shall do.
@fbueckert No idea what the expiration is on it.
@Wipqozn I'm on to your tricks. My great-grandma used to always say, "Never trust a turtle." Now I know why.
I'd go with, "my steam username @ gmail", but that's not nearly as professional.
realizes that if someone else now signs @fbueckert up for the PETA mailing list, it'll look like he did it
@Fluttershy That's specist.
@FAE 95670924
@fbueckert I just use several different emails and then forward them all to one central one.
@Wipqozn Yeah... >_> My great grandma was also incredibly racist.
@Wipqozn ...that's a word?
[email protected] is already taken.
Although, I just verified the link in the email, and it may make the confirmation unnecessary.
@Unionhawk It is now.
@Sterno We now know @GnomeSlice's email address.
@JasonBerkan I think it would properly be "[email protected]"
Speciesism (also referred to as human supremacismEnvironmental Culture: The Ecological Crisis of Reason By Val Plumwood) involves the assignment of different values, rights, or special consideration to individuals solely on the basis of their species membership. The term is mostly used by animal rights advocates, who argue that speciesism is a prejudice similar to racism or sexism, in that the treatment of individuals is predicated on group membership and morally irrelevant physical differences. The argument is that species membership has no moral significance. The term is used to embra...
@Sterno Crap. Got my meme wrong.
No, it's actually a word.
Redirects there.
@fbueckert Weird, I'd closed the tab because I wasn't sure if you'd be able to check now, and when I opened it, you were in the list without a prompt for me to fill it in. Let me know if you start getting stuff so I know it's working.
@fbueckert Ah, we should be good then.
Yeah, missed that.
@FAE No worries.
The Kickstarter I'm most looking forward to right now is Chroma Squad.
Sadly, it got pushed back by three months.
@fbueckert That'll teach ya to look forward to things.
@Wipqozn Not as bad as Star Command. That's over a year overdue, and they sucked at actually telling their backers until after the fact.
@fbueckert That's the iPhone game like XCOM, right?
@Wipqozn Somewhat. More like Star Trek meets Game Dev Story.
Except crappier.
@Ullallulloo DAmn. Fell for it.
@Wipqozn You can play XCOM on your iPhone. It's amazing.
The worst part about falling for rebecca black is I feel obligated to listen to it as punishment.
@Wipqozn Just admit you secretly enjoy it
@Wipqozn Punishment for what?
@OrigamiRobot It's a secret.
I never understood rickrolling and stuff. It's like when people would say "Look over there" looks "made you look!"
Time to start linking Manic Monday on Mondays
gawd, this is so fucking bad. IT'S FRIDAY TOMORROW IS SATURDAY"
They act like they tricked you into looking because you're dumb and they're smart.
@Wipqozn I have a three year old that struggles with that. Says a lot about the lyrical content of the song.
@OrigamiRobot sort of, except it gets in their head: see exhibit A, @Wipqozn
I can't do it. IT's just too bad.
No, I looked because you told me to look and I didn't assume you were lying to me.
protip, guys
You have hover on the internet though. :/
Hey, it's @badp, he's so cool.
do not paste make files onto your terminal
That's good advice.
I take it you did just that and something terrible happened/
actually I was running fish, which has an incompatible syntax with bash
@Ullallulloo So? Not memorizing a URL somehow makes me lose this weird game?
so probably 90% of the 2,478 lines I pasted didn't actually get to run
@OrigamiRobot that's not always the intention. Sometimes it's just a shared joke. They're laughing with you, not at you. That's what makes it meme-y.
@badp That doesn't really make it any better.
Now you don't know what it actually did.
I mean, maybe you aren't laughing, but its not to make you look dumb, I think
@Sterno But there is no joke.
@FEichinger that was the punchline.
@badp I'm far more worried about the 10% that did
@OrigamiRobot pretending you are a robot isn't directly a joke either, but its fun so we play along
@PrivatePansy how bad can it b
@Sterno But @OrigamiRobot is a robot.
We're not pretending.
You just find the rickrolling stuff particularly stupid.
If someone tells me too look at something, I'm going to look. It would be stupider not to look.
Stupidity isn't a factor!
If I click on a link and it's the Friday video, how is that "getting me"?
So the latest CipherPrime game's theme is "drugstep", something which I presume only @kalina would be able to appreciate
It's just "Look at this relevant video/link!" and it turns out to be Friday.
You are putting words in my mouth. I never said it was.
@Sterno I'm not talking to you, I'm just talking in general.
@OrigamiRobot I've got to admit, that is pretty clever.
Now I'm going to look at more Beartato because it is a funny webcomic.
Yeah, @OrigamiRobot is a handsome genius and we're all really dumb.
@Wipqozn I had to star this so people wouldnt think the first star was me :(
Or rather, so people would know someone other than me starred it.
Well balls, xMqHJrdXj0s is gone. RIP IN PEACE
Sep 24 at 17:09, by Wipqozn
I always star things about me that get a star just so people know I wasn't the one who starred it.
@OrigamiRobot I do that all the time.
@Wipqozn I know, I just quoted you saying it.
@OrigamiRobot I noticed after I sent my message.
@Wipqozn I assumed that was the case after I sent my message.
@OrigamiRobot I wish I assumed you assumed that after I sent my message so I could say I assumed you assumed that after you sent your message but I didn't so I can't.
cc @StrixVaria
@Wipqozn You're breaking my brain. Stop it.
Excellent. Mission accomplished.
Q: Does time pass while writing a book?

Anonymous PiSay I am writing an extensive novel about Creepers in a book in Survival. Should I worry about crops growing, furnaces baking, the sun setting, etc.?

Time Travel Joke

Mar 27 at 17:52, 28 seconds total – 5 messages, 4 users, 0 stars

Bookmarked Mar 27 at 17:53 by OrigamiRobot

If anyone understands why @ShotgunNinja's message is the funniest part of that, I will give you $1
@OrigamiRobot bingle bongle dingle dangle, yickedy doo, yickedy da, ping pong, lippy-tappy-too-ta
@kalina And?
David Tenant is so fancy.
@OrigamiRobot I was going to attempt a @Wipqozn and claim to get it, but let you explain it, but @kalina has me beat.
@OrigamiRobot you owe me $1
and I'm serious, since for a change that's more than I've earned today
@OrigamiRobot But his part is in the correct order. Kinda ruins it a bit.
@kalina That's the correct reference, but not why it's the funniest part.
@JasonBerkan This!
@Sterno Two more questions duped to our catch-all game completion question.
Ah, what the hell, I'll give @kalina and @JasonBerkan both $1.
@OrigamiRobot One USD? That's 1.04 Canadian. I'm rich!
I hope PayPal is acceptable.
When I was a kid, the Canadian dollar sucked versus the US and my grandma in the states would send me a money order on my birthday. I always loved the way $15 of her dollars became $19 of mine.
@JasonBerkan It only makes you rich in Canada
@JasonBerkan Nah, she must have known. $15 is too round a number for a grandma check.
@OrigamiRobot Actually, she would send $1 per year, so I got $15 when I was 15.
Ah, that's more like it.
@JasonBerkan I am serious. I always pay my bills.
@OrigamiRobot I'm going to wager that I'm the 1% on The Bridge. However, if you absolutely insist, my e-mail is the same as the one that Wipqozn had starred.
@JasonBerkan So you're myusername@gmail?
@Unionhawk Aren't we all?
@JasonBerkan ...no?
Well, we should be.
If @JasonBerkan won't take your money you're welcome to buy me a steam game, @OrigamiRobot.
I'm pretty sure @kalina has "somethingaboutcake@gmail", anyway, and I'm "myfullname@gmail"
@Unionhawk I don't actually have a cake related email
Also, I should play EU4. I need to finish up my game as Spain.
Well fine then.
To be fair, @kalina's cake obsession isn't nearly as bad as it may seem.
Hey look. I have a beep boop e-mail.
There's no such thing as a bad cake obsession.
@FEichinger Wat? @FEichinger defending @kalina? WHAT HAS THE WORLD COME TO
@Wipqozn agree.
@Unionhawk ... I'm a bit shocked at that myself right now.
Now I only owe @kalina $1.
The sad part is that my PayPal account is primarily used by my wife to purchase digital scrapbooking stuff.
Q: EVE Online starter pack on Steam: can I start later?

Ivan VučicaI don't really have time to play EVE right now, but in a few weeks I presume I will. If I purchase a EUR5 starter pack currently on Steam sale, will the 30 days of game time start ticking down only after I activate the account, or will it start ticking down immediately?

Also, I just want to remind everyone that @Fluttershy hates cake and popcorn.
@OrigamiRobot I charge interest at 500% per day
@Unionhawk Yes. @Fluttershy is a monster.
@kalina I'll just send $1 to [email protected]
that's not me
As far as I know, it is.
I don't think she can charge you interest if she refuses to give you a method of payment.
Maybe you can give her 5 Steam trading cards
@Sterno I'll just donate it at the grocery store and write her name on it.
@OrigamiRobot buy one of those stupid stars they sell at movie theaters when you buy your ticket
I hate Facebook. "Like this if you hate <some terrible thing like cancer>"
Man... The first 5 hours flew by. Now it's like time has stopped.
@Sterno I hate those things.
Q: What do you do with the Unicorn Horn?

DavidI found a unicorn Horn in the Dessert Castle. Anyone can give ma a Hint what to do with it?

Q: On dragonvale how do you get rainbow dragons?

Molly KayneWell I was going to get a rainbow dragon on dragonvale but apparently I couldn't. I think it might be a glitch, that they aren't on for sale (they aren't on that edition etc.) apparently they wasn't in store. Please, if you think you are a Master or Misstres know I all, then could you please leav...

The worst is people who get mad when you Snopes their stupid chain posts

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