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anyone here play CoC?
@5pike It seems happened.
@5pike Surprised we hadn't protected that earlier.
@Wipqozn I was 32 at one point! Just not any more.
@Wipqozn Part of me wants to know how old you think I am, but part of me is scared, and another part of me is pretty sure I list my age in my profile.
@AshleyNunn poof goes the mindcanon.
@badp Oh?
@AshleyNunn nah
you'd already mentioned your age in previous discussions
@badp aww here I was hoping it was something cool that I got to ruin
18 hours ago, by OrigamiRobot
user image
sigh I do wish I were born, say, 10 years later than I was.
@Powerlord but then you wouldn't be you.
@badp I'm glad you understand where I was going with that.
so you are doomed to the eternal damnation of wishful thinking. FOREVER
@badp I could erase everything I'd done from 1997 to 2007 and nothing of value would be lost.
@Powerlord don't be too harsh on yourself.
those 10 years made you yourself. They'll prevent you from being your previous self in the future.
Pretty sure I'm the youngest in the room atm \o/
@Unionhawk GET OFF OUR LAWN!
Bleh. Today's another one of those days where I shouldn't even be at work. This sucks. :(
@Fluttershy hugs
I took a mental health day for the thousandth time
@Fluttershy ditto
Caffeine & music helps.
@OrigamiRobot You're the one in the red, right?
Q: Can I ask a question in search of a list of games?

SparrSay I want to know every game where the main character is a soldier, or every game with random level generation, or every game with orchestral music, etc. Is this an appropriate sort of question for arqade?

@SepiaLazers Nope nope nope nope nope
@Wipqozn No, that's a tumor.
@OrigamiRobot Well shit.
I didn't know tumors could look like people.
If I had a tumor, I'd name it Marla.
In other news, I'm going back to watching DS9. GOOD BYE FOR NOW!
@badp ...why do you think I'd prefer to erase them?
@GnomeSlice hahah so much win
@Unionhawk I'm still here
@kalina I know
@Unionhawk wait are you younger than me?
12 mins ago, by Jason Berkan
@Unionhawk GET OFF OUR LAWN!
Q: Can I extend the cheat screen time in NFL Blitz for the N64?

Zero StackRight before you enter the stadium to play the game, there is a short period to enter (more like mash) in cheats to be applied to the football game... Is there anyway to extend that short period to enter more cheats? I am only able to get 3 to 4 cheats in, but I could enter a lot more if I ca...

@Unionhawk wait how old are you?
@Unionhawk I'm younger than you are if the age in your profile is correct
stop being so young
13 mins ago, by Jason Berkan
@Unionhawk GET OFF OUR LAWN!
@kalina Sorry
I can't change the fact that my parents were late
for the first 10 years of me using the internet I was the youngest member of every community I participated in
this is a surreal feeling
I don't like it
@kalina You are getting old.
I'm going to the DMZ, where everybody is 40+
The youngest member in the community I co-lead is like 11
@kalina You liar, you've been there all along!
@AshleyNunn I need to take a mental health day. But when your dad's your boss, you don't get to take many of those. :\
@Fluttershy hugs Yeah, that is super unhappymaking :(
@kalina 19, 20 in March.
@kalina You are old.
@Unionhawk god I'll be 21 before you're 20
my life is literally over
@kalina Wait, I thought you were older than me
@Sterno A bit of a déjà-vu?
@Sterno coming from somebody who is twice my age...!
Apparently, out of the three people hired to do this job that I am doing, I'm the only one trustworthy enough to do it solo. Which means the other two get days off. x_x
@M'vy No. I was old before the Internet was popular enough for me to be the youngest member of a community.
@Fluttershy :/
@kalina 1.5 times!
@Sterno I meant, I saw that earlier on the DMZ ^^
@kalina Don't use ..! It's the most annoying thing there is
@GnomeSlice I know; I've had to remind myself that she's only a year older than me every now and then
@3ventic ...!
@3ventic ...!
@Fluttershy That really, really sucks :(
@3ventic you're wrong, as always, the most annoying thing there is, is xD
Q: Does the 3/8 attack effect created by Lord Jaraxxus count as a weapon?

DiabloMonkeyI was fighting a Warlock who used L.J. and did not have the opportunity to figure out. I was wondering the following, all of which could be answered with the answer to the title question. Do effect such as Acidic Swamp Ooze and Harrison Jones destroy the 3/8 attack created by Lord Jaraxxus? ...

@Sterno How old? It was my bday yesterday :P
@kalina Should've known xD
@3ventic @kalina You're both wrong. The most annoying thing is lol'ing at the end of your own joke.
@ZeroStack 35. I think. I lost track.
@Sterno lol
@Sterno 55
@Sterno lol
@Sterno 93
I really stopped caring at 25, which is when I got a nice car insurance discount.
You're all wrong. The most annoying thing is @Wipqozn
6 mins ago, by 3ventic
@Unionhawk I'm younger than you are if the age in your profile is correct
@Sterno I just turned 24....
@Sterno Yeah... Not much else after that, really. AARP, maybe, but that's about it.
I think 3ventic is the youngest here, overall, even with all our people here
unless like Young Guilo turns up
So I'm only the youngest in the room when @3ventic and @RonanForman are not in the room.
@kalina We'll see next year..
@kalina Isn't @Ullallulloo younger?
@Unionhawk I'm always in the room
@Fluttershy hmmm
@3ventic THEN I'M OLD ALL THE TIME. I'm too young to be old!
he's 18
I find it easiest to just assume everyone else on the Internet, if I haven't personally met them, is a 45 year old man who lives in his mom's basement.
@3ventic is 18
@RonanForman is 18
We need days
I tend to just assume everyone is my age because I don't know what it's like to be any other age at a given moment in time.
@kalina The transitive property says they're all the same person.
So it makes it easier to relate to people.
no you don't, I feel old
I might just go curl up in a corner and decompose
@kalina Don't mess up the carpet!
Horray im not the youngest here! :P
@Yij is 19
When I walk around my school while the youngest are on a break, I feel really old.
They're so short and small
I am the youngest emotionally.
@3ventic hey do you have a problem with short people?
@kalina No, they just make me feel tall :(
What do you mean you people?
Age itself really never makes you feel older. It's usually life changes like "high school", "college", "working", "having a kid"
Everything after that is bad stuff :(
I felt about 22 until 2 years ago :P
Now I just act 22.
I still feel the same I did 5 years ago
@3ventic how tall are you?
The scariest thing I've seen in weeks
@kalina about 186cm
I hate life
@3ventic Had to google convert that.... dont judge.
@3ventic you are like a full 20cm taller than me
@ZeroStack ಠ_ಠ
Why did someone ask "What is 186cm?" on WikiAnswers...?
@kalina I'm like 30cm taller than some of my friends at school
Honestly, internet?
@Unionhawk I'm always terrified when I google a conversion and there's a WikiAnswers for that EXACT conversion
@Unionhawk lol wasnt me.
I hate being short
being short means I have to wear heels
so that I'm no longer as short
@kalina You're so short! :o
@Fluttershy DIE IN A FIRE
@kalina ... how short is short?
So that makes me... calculates a whole 4cm taller than @kalina
Guys don't mind short women. Women don't seem to like short men, though.
@AshleyNunn Think about the number of people there are, of course someone else needed to know that specific thing. But to ask on Wikianswers...
@Sterno short men are usually short in other departments
@Sterno This
@Sterno Hetero guys don't mind women.
@kalina You are proving my point.
that's not the actual reason, it's just weird being with a guy shorter than you I find
I like short women
@kalina I'm joking. I'm only... uh... 10 cm taller than you. =P
I prefer to feel like I'm being held by a guy rather than a little boy
and as such, I don't date people shorter than me
@Sterno telepathic guys mind women
@kalina Likewise, guys want to feel like they're holding a girl rather than their mom.
As long as woman is shorter than me, I am okay with that. Seeing as I am 6'4"
@ZeroStack Now I have to google that, thanks
@kalina "I prefer to feel like I'm being hugged by a woman, not a little girl, and as such I only date people with big breasts"
@3ventic ಠ_ಠ
What is 6'4" in cm's? - Yahoo! Answers ಠ_ಠ
@fredley your choice
@kalina Jus' sayin.
@ZeroStack I am....2 inches shorter than you :)
AAAND there's a wikianswers for that
@fredley I prefer to date guys who can satisfy me, as such, I'm single
@AshleyNunn You are tall
@Sterno My mom is short.
(Finding men taller than me is kinda problematic, so I tend not to care)
@kalina your choice
@AshleyNunn jeez
I'm 5'11", I'm comfortable with my height
@BenBrocka I have made peace with my giantess status
I can't stand when people don't use SI units..
My dad is 10+cm shorter then my mom...
@3ventic lol'd pretty hard to that
Why am I laughing at @fredley using feet' inches"?
@BenBrocka Also, I am built incredibly solid.
@3ventic I am 45ËšC tall
@AshleyNunn and thats awesome in my book!
@fredley I'll stick with 5'9".
(aka polite way of being like I am fat in a lot of eyes)
@ZeroStack yay!
@fredley I can't stand using wrong units too
I'm 6'2"
@kalina I'm really tall.
@GnomeSlice high-fives, laughs at the unintentional pun
@AshleyNunn Haha! We are the same height.
@3ventic I am 5.84442137 × 10-23 megaParsecs tall
I can deal with metric or imperial but I hate "stone" and other weird measures
I'm 5.94 nano-lightseconds.
@GnomeSlice 6'2" isn't "really tall." =P
@fredley Pff I can do the Kessel run in less than that
@BenBrocka I like stone they make me sound skinny if you can't convert them
@Fluttershy Maybe I wasn't talking about my height.
I always imagine stone as being massive boulders because I have no idea how heavy the unit is
@MartinSojka Very good
@GnomeSlice Then you wouldn't have said "tall".
@BenBrocka This, me too.
@Fluttershy It's pretty tall okay!
> Um, isn't a parsec a unit of distance, not time?
@Powerlord It is
Now I'm tempted to watch the Family Guy Star Wars episodes again
@Powerlord Han Solo is just so fast it warps the actual distance of the run to be shorter
Oh, I don't know... it had its moments.
Family Guy usually has moments
Only moments, though. Their audience doesn't have the attention span for any more.
One of the funnier ones I can think of is when John Williams dies and they "have to make due with Danny Elfman"
I liked that one where there was the joke that's kinda funny and they stretch it out for 15 minutes
I weigh 647N on the surface of the earth
@BenBrocka @Powerlord There is a very interesting history about why Han said parsec, including a later retcon to say why the kessel run would be measured in distance rather than time.
My weight varies hugely though
@fredley Well, you probably want to add "... on the WGS84 geoid's mean sea level" to that to confuse everyone.
@MartinSojka I'm not trying to confuse anyone, I'm just using the correct SI units for weight
@fredley As opposed to mass? I applaud your correctness, then.
@MartinSojka Technical correctness
Who cares if it's obtuse? It's technically correct!
technically correct is the best kind of correct
"Did you shoot @kalina?" "Technically, the gun shot her."
I'm bulletproof
also, I might be talking about payday 2
Technically, guns don't shoot people. People shoot people.
I'm approaching row 4 of the most active chat users
@kalina You've always got to be competing on some front haven't you?
Quick, ban her!
No power in the 'verse can stop me.
@kalina ^^
@kalina In an alternate timeline in my head, this led to someone kicking you to be funny, you getting (justly) mad, 3 hours of drama, and 4 or 5 people, you among them, ragequitting the site.
Alternate timelines have the best drama.
@Sterno one individual with a power complex, right
In the end, we all realized that the greatest enemy was ourselves.
wtf is a xavix?
@Sterno it's certainly not productive for a community based site to push its members to the point where they don't want to be here
@BenBrocka This is amazing.
@BenBrocka -1, typo 'everely'
@BenBrocka I am not recognising any of these before the NES
@kalina Not even the intellivision?
There's a ton of very forgettable consoles before the PS2 and later
I think my parents still have my Atari in their basement somewhere. Pitfall was awesome!
Or Atari 2600?
I'm not even recognising these sega consoles before the megadrive
out of the first half of this image, I've recognised like 2 consoles
I like how terrible the names are for most everything up until the 90s
Lots of typos in this
Ah, memories. My foray into gaming began with Frogger on the Atari.
@Sterno I love Pitfall. I am terrible at it though
I hated that Sega Genesis controller.
@AshleyNunn It's always the crocodiles that get you.
@Sterno the 6 button one was alright
@Sterno Yes! It is awul.
the 3 button one looks weird
My dad still have like 9 SEGA Genesis consoles
@GnomeSlice Why?
@GnomeSlice I have a friend who has a few Dreamcasts.
@StrixVaria I dunno, he had one when I was growing up and then he got like 8 of the second generation ones from some guy along with a ton of other old computer shit.
He collects old computers.
@AshleyNunn He's got two of those. one white, one black.
@GnomeSlice Nice - my friend loves the Dreamcast more than anything, so he has a few in case one bites it
GAH! Why do I keep thinking today is Monday.
@Powerlord I have no idea but I am so glad it isnt
I'm so glad I had friends that had dreamcasts. If we didn't play Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 to death I'd have been so disapointed with the console
I recently threw all my old consoles in the dumpster. They'd been sitting unused and taking up space in the basement for far too long.
@Sterno ಥ_ಥ
We play a lot of Jet Set Radio.
I'm pretty sure my friend Nick has at least 2 of every video game console ever.
He has 8 N64s, and like 12 Super Nintendos. <_<
@AshleyNunn I hadn't heardo f that or most of the "forgotten classics" of the DC
@GnomeSlice Pretty much every old console has an emulator now.
In fact I'm not sure what games I had other than SA 1&2 and the compilations that game with the DC
@Sterno ಠ_ಠ
ChuChu rocket was awesome though
I miss my Dreamcast. Played one of the best RPGs I've ever played on that.
@Fluttershy Which?
@BenBrocka Have you ever played Typing of the Dead? I love that game, it is so ridiculous
@AshleyNunn Grandia II.
I never finished Grandia II, but it was really good.
@Fluttershy Ah, yes :)
Skies of Arcadia was one of my favorites on Dreamcast.
I've not played it myself, but I know of it
I still have a working Dreamcast
and I have Jet Set Radio for it
The best only RPG I have played to completion is Skies of Arcadia (GameCube)
@StrixVaria I'm sad I never got to play SoA on the Dreamcast.
But I got my money's worth out of my Dreamcast with Grandia II, and Shenmue.
Grandia II makes me think of Grandia III, which makes me think of:
The new version of The Stanley Parable is supposed to be out in a few hours.
@Powerlord I am not sure what this is
@Sterno Even if it weren't for the art style, I'd be able to tell that was Penny Arcade because of how unfunny it is.
@Powerlord I just finished typing this into my to do list: "Add The Stanley Parable to my Steam wishlist."
@Powerlord yeeeeeeeeeee
@Powerlord I may be older than you, but you definitely have me beat when it come to being a grumpy old man.
@AshleyNunn The Stanley Parable is an interactive story type thing for the PC.
@Powerlord I already bought it!
SERIOUSLY, that's the second time in 2 days that chat has done that to me
@Powerlord ...
@GnomeSlice Really? I thought it wasn't due out for another 40 minutes.
@Powerlord ????
@AshleyNunn If you click a reply button as chat scrolls, it replies to the wrong message.
@Powerlord That happens to me ALL THE TIME
@Powerlord It sounds.....confusing
@AshleyNunn Well, the original Stanley Parable basically had a narrator saying that you were doing such and such and you could choose not to do it to change the story being told. And get the narrator mad at you.
@Powerlord Interesting.....
I mean I need new distractions like I need another hole in my head
but I am curious
Like the narrator would say "Stanley walks through the left door" and you could choose to go through the right door
@Powerlord Ha, that's awesome
I'm just wondering how much has changed for the new version.
The Demo version of the new Stanley Parable is in fact its own game... nothing in it will apply to the final game.
Unfortunately, said demo also doesn't really have the branching story the original did.
If you're interested in the original (free) Stanley Parable, you can still get it, but it requires Steam and the Source SDK 2007. (Windows Download, OSX Download)
@Powerlord Does it? There's a download through Desura.
@GnomeSlice It's a Source game, so yes.
The Source engine is built with heavy Steam integration. Not surprising, since it's the Half-Life 2 game engine.
Insofar as that after 2 pages, there's still no tutorial, just a guy ranting about how "twits in dirty glasses" make him feel stupid
> There are any number of planning committees that have plans to make it a "Recommendation", but such plans are still in the planning phase – and don't plan on that changing anytime soon.
... How do you use the <a></a> tag here?
Say "plan" one more time, please.
I'm going to back this
@ZeroStack [The text](the link)
Maybe I said it backwards
there we go. Thank you
@Sterno plan
@Sterno what
I'm such a scamp.
@Wipqozn No, this was the proper response.
@Wipqozn Oddly, overall I'm finding the monsters, FOEs included, on levels 16 and 17 easier than those on 14
I'm also about level 45 right now, which makes me mathematically better than you.
@Sterno Hehehehehehehehehehehehe...
I hate when @GraceNote laughs. It makes me scared.
But yeh. Early parts of the 4th stratum are considerably easier than the end of the 3rd stratum, FOEs included.
I haven't been in a fight on 18 yet. Just got a new bundle of quests I need to run around 17 a bit more for.
My favorite Pokemon NPC is Black Belt Igor in the Reflection Cave. His starting quote is: "BATTLE!", lose: "DESPAIR!", post-loss: "TRAIN!"
I have quite a few quests to finish in the third.
At least, back then they were and it seems to be holding on true now.
Inspirational shit right there
I should go back and do them.
I might need to go try fighting the golem. I'm sick of that thing sitting in my quest log.
Did you do the quest which required to survive 8 days on floor 8?
@fredley concept art already looks beautiful
@Wipqozn Oh, they bumped it to 8 days?
@GraceNote I could be remembering incorrectly.
I really liked the world of Uru even if the online thing was a flop
I haven't done it yet. It just seems like it would be really boring and time consuming.
'twas 5 days in the original. Was worth some good trainin', doing it the moment the quest opened up.
Yay flag spam.
Q: Which "Thing" stickers are effective against Bowser?

KatieKI've reached Bowser in his castle, and I've lost the battle quite a few times. It seems that, for all of the space they take up in my album, the "thing" stickers I've got aren't very effective against Bowser. Which "thing" stickers are most effective (do the most damage) against Bowser?

Q: Where can I get a new parachute?

Zero StackI saw this question, which then sparked mine: Outside of a mission/job, where can I get a new parachute? Are the locations to getting a parachute different in online play vs single player? I have had one in my inventory earlier, but I used it when I bailed out of a helicopter. My character ...

@Lazers I had happily forgotten that this game existed until this question was posted here. Thanks Lazers!!!
@Wipqozn Yeah. If you want a really easy way to do it, just run around the wyvern's room. No encounters in there.
You can even play around with the auto-walking features to have your guys walk in a square forever
@Sterno oooo good idea
I'll just do that the next time I watch an episode of DS9
which will be sometime today
Also, I don't know if story mode will be different, but when the clock hit 7pm it automatically asked me if I wanted to camp, and then i'd sleep until 7am. So it was half-days, really
@Sterno ...you get free camp?
But during that it did a bunch of story mode dialog, so maybe you won't have that.
I've never had any sort of message about camping.
I never even knew you could camp.
@GraceNote Yeah. Although with the health/tp spring right there, what's the difference?
I also have no idea what it does.
@Sterno No one camps for healing.
@GraceNote I did in the early parts of EO3. Well, the TP, anyway
Anyway, the time it took me to cycle through the dialog during those "camping nights" is probably the same as it would take the time for you to pass running around the wyvern room
The fishing quest on B14 is worth it, too. If you win you get 4 Amrita IIs
That said EO3 had the best time passer in the game, so...
@GraceNote Yeah, wasn't there a skill to rest in 1 hour increments?
@Sterno TP items aren't a big deal when you have abard with Peace Ballad.
Was it just the farmer, or someone else who had it?
Peace Ballad is the best.

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