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Heya, folks.
@FEichinger Hey!
@FEichinger hi
0% chance of getting busted, but I still got a DEA raid..
@5pike Fancy. How much meth do you have stored?
6.7 mil
evening all
Seems like that "I" am a good talker.
8mil here now (11k+/s)
Q: Vivillon's Pattern 3DS Locations - Who do I need to trade with?

RobotnikAccording to Vivillon's Pokedex Entry, they have different wing patterns depending on their original location in the world: Vivillon with many different patterns are found all over the world. These patterns are affected by the climate of their habitat So I've been doing some research, and i...

I can buy that stupid space hazmat upgrade, but I'm not trying to produce even more, I need more sellers.
I thought today couldn't get any worse
I ask this site for an address to use for multicasting that won't interfere with any other applications they're using
IT guy gives me the address their phone system uses
@kalina It just did? What's going on?
I start up our application
take down their phone system
And they go crazy over "the phone doesn't work anymore"
@kalina Oh, are we sharing horror stories of today?
I'm just going to go sit over here in this dark room by myself
So my business does work for this government thingo
we support a legacy application
@Robotnik @kalina is living in one of those stories right now.
@Arperum I know
So anyway I get this call
from an unknown number
I'm like "Who is this?"
eventually figure out its this government place
turns out they're moving offices
just decided to power cycles the MAIN DB SERVER
freaking everything down
all day
and apparently it's our fault
because we werent' prepared
to deal with something
At least you didn't just find out one of the applications your company writes has a hardcoded path to a settings file in one of its key components
they never told us about
@Robotnik You should have expected them to move and stop the server. why didn't your app tell you they were going to move?
@kalina I had that yesterday, hardcoded IP in some actionscript nonsense, now a server move later nothing works anymore of course.
@kalina Oh, did I mention that the app in question has all functionality in one class, connects to an outdated legacy document store that's license expired back in 2002, and stopping and starting the document store would force it to check its license
and then not run, obviously
@kalina lolwut
@Robotnik Set computer clock to 2001?
@MartinSojka Yeah. exactly. That's the fix
I just went into C:\ on one of these servers
and it briefly (for about 8 seconds) said nothing other than "This folder is empty."
@Robotnik Nope. But I never claimed it was, either.
this site has resulted in more bugs being reported about our software than nearly all of our other customers have raised individually
the ironic part is they're not even installed yet, and they've never used the software
@M'vy hi
Q: Post game mega stone for charizard still high price

WteverI beat the elite four, beat the rival again and went to buy mega stones for charizard cuz I chose bulbazaur in the beginning. Yet the clerks sells me the stone with a price of 1000000. Wts going on? Are there any things to be done to lower its price?

@MartinSojka No I mean really, that's how I 'fixed' it. change system clock. start app. reset system clock. Luckily for us the doc store isn't smart enough to pick that up
@Robotnik you also could reversed engineer the code and jump the licence checl, but that would take a long time ^^
soon I am going to overtake Grace on chat activity
oh god...
@M'vy remember, I had the timeframe of ASAP and a screaming client on the phone :P
"Your account has been temporarily suspended for making a competition out of everything."
@Robotnik Yeah I bet :)
@Robotnik just yawn loudly and proclaim you're "On Break"
ASAP for me is as soon as I feel like it...
Oh look, it's lunch time
back in an hour
If the customer is a bitch, ASAP can be a very long time.
@kalina I actually hung up at one point because the nice lady on the other end had resorted to profanities
"nice" "lady" and "profanities"
she came back slightly calmer
I wouldn't even refer to myself as a "lady" - I swear far too much
plus, fuck dresses
who thought it would be a good idea to walk around in something like that in the cold
that's not normal
@kalina pants are annoying as well
As soon as I'm home, pants off
jeans, but classier
like workware
i guess
Most comfy trousers
for @home
@RavenDreamer is that...
the steam box?
Is there a limit on "family" members?
@Robotnik That's ... still not a fix. Just a nasty workaround, where you were lucky it worked.
The "fix" is to buy the friggin' licence or migrate to something else.
@MartinSojka Hoho, we have a winrar
seriously though we've suggested it
but it's "not high priority"
apparently they've put forward a motion to start thinking about planning to replace the whole thing
or something
A client screaming at you on the phone is not a high priority? Sounds like a rather relaxing job.
Are you sure you're not working for the government? :)
@MartinSojka I did say govt department
Ah, ok. Missed that one. :D
@tombull89 As far as I know, no, but there might be a limit on the number of devices enabled for sharing
@MartinSojka So the followup is that I 'handled it very well' and apparently there will be 'severe repercussions' for the nice lady on the other line, although i doubt it
@3ventic Sounds nice. My family tree is hitting about a thousand living relatives now. If I used Steam, I'd made sure to include them all.
Gorram. It's a good day to check my email, apparently.
@MartinSojka It's the customer Gotham deserves
but not the one it needs right now
@MartinSojka You can't remotely enable sharing though, you have to login on the computer and enable sharing for that computer before others can use your games on that specific computer.
@3ventic That would make more sense - then I could add my brother and a couple of friends to it.
@3ventic TeamViewer exists.
@MartinSojka True, but I wouldn't want my account details on a computer I don't use myself. Not sure about you
Steam has such bad and leaky account handling anyway, I'm not sure I'd care, even if I used it.
@RavenDreamer Grats
@RavenDreamer oh, I also got that one.
I hoped it'd be tradable so I could pass it on to @GraceNote
eugh, I've gotten so bad at checking my email recently
@MartinSojka I am seeing it as a method of separating my groups of steam friends though
by having multiple steam accounts I use for each group
@kalina Cunning
Can you sign in to multiple accounts though?
Multiple pc's
It does mean having two sets of achievements to complete though
> The DEA has seized a Small House, it's a sad day for meth addicts everywhere :(
It means my bedroom can have it's own steam account
@Arperum Oh, so the raids do work.
Not like I care about 25 production or enything.
@kalina Sounds uneccesarily convoluted to me
Just have Steam VMs
You just summed me up pretty well there
I already have 3 pcs on, why would I want a vm as well
@Arperum The raid rate+success should be cranked up significantly, so that you actually have to look after the % rating.
They should also always take your most "valuable" asset.
@5pike I was at a rather low % when it happened I think (went away for a meal, saw that when I came back.
Most valuable asset is the cook
@5pike Yea, not some random crap thing.
Also: lawyers are stupid OP in the game.
@Arperum I've got 6, 11.5% chance of getting busted while selling 21k$ per second =p
I have 12 lawyers and have a 0% chance to be busted, in reality is it probably soemmwhere around -150 or something.
0% while producing 3.4 mil $ /s
0% producing 3mil
Time for an island state.
I have one, not the one below that though :p
I went away and bought the best I could buy.
second island state costs 10bil
The game is actually pretty neat in that you have more than one value to balance, not just your growth rate.
@MartinSojka Yeah, but the raid rate and success is to low to actually look out for it.
@Arperum Maintaining 0% chance of bust is as easy as it is pointless
At least, in theory. Needs lots of fine-tuning for it to work in practice.
Yea well, I can run a production deficit for a serious time now
Batches (purity is Blue Platinum)
114,393 per second (net)
SO not going to run out any time soon.
Not going to run out ever.
The "(net)" means what your dealers are selling is already subtracted.
@fredley I'm disappointed you didn't make a breaking bad game
@MartinSojka Oh I can fix that once I buy a couple more things for selling.
you should feel ashamed
@kalina I'm more disappointed at you
there is nothing to be disappointed in me for
My disappointment is tangible
I am perfect in every way
Apart from your total lack of innocence
I am so innocent that you can't even begin to comprehend
there are new born babies who're less innocent than I am
@kalina You are so innocent that you go off the chart of innocence and end up straight on the other side of the chart.
@kalina This is the case for almost everyone.
@kalina A newborn baby can easily acquire a few microHitlers by doing some horrific things, up to and including eating their twin and killing their mother. Not with malice or on purpose, of course.
I love that the upgrade for the diplomat is half the price of your first diplomat ><
Also, if anyone wants to cheat in this game: change your computer clock
@KevinvanderVelden wat.
That is pretty random design.
@Arperum it's pretty efficient design for a browser based game
@KevinvanderVelden Might be true. Still. I find it random.
Another random thing is this one:
I think what we're seeing here is all of these random clicking web based games are starting to mature to the point where they have sufficient depth to be interesting, rather than just mind numbing
"You found an extra barrel of meth, with 100 batches inside!"
@kalina SAM.
... while I'm auto-producing 200k batches per second.
@badp ...sam?
Steam Achievement Manager.
@MartinSojka You found some extra cash hidden in a shoe box, worth $91,445.1!
@kalina Hello
I'm making quite a bit more than that
@MartinSojka Yea, the game contains such stupid things, they really need to fix those numbers.
It basically bases your "finds" on how much you currently have "on the bank". I have a perfectly balanced production - zero batches saved, net zero production.
@KevinvanderVelden Why would you produce 200k meth/s+? We are not talking about the money value.
@Arperum I am?
I found that much money, not batches
@Arperum martin is making that much meth, I've got a net of 77 =p
I got a net of somewhere around 114k /s net but it's going to go down 105k in a bit when i buy out that rial gang.
212,200 batches/s to be precise.
Saving on the moon base and stuff. :)
@MartinSojka Where did you find this number? or did you count it out?
@Arperum pff, I'm still saving up for a police force of my own =p
@Arperum Counted it up; it's not in the statistics.
@badp is this a thing?
and 7M eaned per second, damn, that rival gang was huge.
it more then doubles my sales.
@Arperum Indeed
And still at 0%
El Presidente 0

$32,501,000,000 — Partner with a dictator of an impoverished country for unchecked meth distribution

Sells 1,150,000 per second; -10% risk
@Arperum Yeah. Once you've got one that's it
Still, for a proper "Breaking Bad" inspired game, it needs quite a bit more dying.
Assuming you also have a moon base
@MartinSojka A time limit on the game would make it more fun
@fredley Moon base is about the same price.
@Arperum Whole game doesn't take longer than an hour to complete
@fredley not playing very active, doing work too.
@Arperum You're playing it wrong
@fredley I don't care.
@Arperum i DO
@fredley What is right then?
@Arperum Devoting every second to playing it until you complete the game
No breaks
@fredley A Break would be Bad, I assume?
@kalina can fly now
@kalina hey
@Shyam Why are you so focused on @kalina? It's weird.
yesterday, by tombull89
Because she's a girl?
@tombull89 As in: "Yay, a girl on the internet! Let's drive her back out! calls witchhunt"
@Shyam Yeah, stop doing this
@tombull89 Well, as far as we know...
9 hours ago, by LessPop_MoreFizz
These kids need to stop making terrible music.
Aren't their laws against this?
@Wipqozn No. The laws require it.
Q: Where is Mr Bonding?

RobotnikMr Bonding is the guy that hands out O-Powers (such as Capture Power, or Attack Power) for you to use on your friends. However I've only found him twice, once in the Gateway to Route 5, and once in Hotel Ambrette (Ambrette Town). So, what other locations does he show up in?

@LessPop_MoreFizz Then we need laws against it. It's terrible.
I think it classifies as Turtle abuse.
@Wipqozn The corollary of Sturgeon's Law means that if they would stop making terrible music, we'd also get less good music being made.
Also, you're like 11 years old and hanging out with a 25+ year old in a panda suit that you found at the Chinese place down the street
Just a tad bit creepy.
Just a rad.
worse ^
he looks 6
@MartinSojka True.
@Wipqozn The scene at the bottom of the stairs at the end seems like it implies she did more than just hang out with the panda, IMO.
So, let kids have their fun. As long as I don't need to endure the fruits of that "fun", whatever it might be, they can keep doing that.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I...my god.
My Eternal Scout patch has arrived!
@fredley Wooooo!
@LessPop_MoreFizz It's awesome
@tombull89 Chow MO-MO-MO-MO-MIEN
@Wipqozn Wait there's like the same guy in that as Friday.
Is that company honestly still in business?
@RedRiderX A lot of these are all produced by the same company.
@RedRiderX Yes. They made a lot of money off of Friday.
@Wipqozn Oh, right.
All the people sharing the video because of how terrible it was.
I guess they would.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I thought the "Panda Express" reference was in regard to the restaurant, but now I'm worried I was wrong.
@fredley Oooh.
@RedRiderX Yeah!
initiates brain-bleaching
I...I just notice this scene
Huh, and I was just reading about how China uses its pandas in trade agreements. Does this mean that China is actually a panda pimp? These are dark times we live in.
Yeah, well. Patrice Wilson needs to die for sure.
@Wipqozn Gotta get me sum of dat Pixe Stix magic.
That's no pixe stix.
I think they're mispronouncing "jump rope"
My Chinese Immigrant friends response:
> That's Mongolian BBQ. So offensive.
Oh I thought that was the sugar overdose scene.
I was mistaken.
@RedRiderX No, it just keeps going.
@MartinSojka I'm really starting to get worried.
This guy seems to seek out young girls and has them perform music videos, which seem to contain highly suggestive material.
@Wipqozn the young girls seek him out (or rather, their rich parents do.)
He's providing them a service and charges them money for it.
@LessPop_MoreFizz That's less creepy.
> Ark's business centers on the recruitment/discovery of new young singers. The artists (or their parents) pay a $2,000 to $4,000 fee to Ark, and Ark then writes and produces music in collaboration with these artists, often producing music videos and promotion of the songs. The singer owns the master recording, and Ark retains publishing rights to the song and all the sales from the song.[1]
@Wipqozn Nah, it's still super creepy, it just kind of refocuses the blame.
@Wipqozn Disagree. I think it's substantially creepier.
@Wipqozn Still doesn't make it stop sounding like rape is involved somewhere.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I'll concede that you're correct.
Well, exploitation.
@MartinSojka That at the very least.
Q: Items Unique To Ice Biome?

ZibbobzI've been moving along my progression line at a brisk pace in Terraria lately, all the way up to a full set of Crimsonite Armor and weapons, a Minishark (I prefer it until I get a better supply of stars for the Star Canon), and basically all the meteorite equipment I want. I'm ready to take on t...

Moonlab Alpha or El Presidente?
@5pike I was going to ask: "what happens when you run out of meth?" I'm going to go for El presidente. And I'll see what happens. still 10B to go though.
Since my break, I was raided 6 times by the DEA (could always talk my way out of it) and found 2 trucks full with cash.
@fbueckert Looks cool. Sure hope it beats the ToS sequel though
you just sell what you produce.
@StrixVaria wat
@StrixVaria Goo you!
I really really really wish Pokemon added a screenshot function, at least something like ACNL
That new horde feature looks awesome.
I found a horde of seviper and a Zangoose, but the seviper beat up the zangoose before I could catch it
There are so many pokemon apparently available this gen.
@StrixVaria I love it. It feels so much less limited, even before the national pokedex
@BenBrocka I can't wait to play (starting next Friday).
I'll just go play White 2 and pretend I'm cool now.
though all pokemon still aren't available inside a single generation. But the cloud savey/transfery thing seems to make upgrading generations MUCH easier for the future
@StrixVaria I'll just go work some more and then hope somehow a 3DS comes magically falling out of the air.
Assuming you're not working for free, can't that help you buy a 3DS?
Nintendo's cutting the price on refurbished 3DSes too
@Arperum Buy a used one - they are tons cheaper.
@StrixVaria I don't really have the option of randomly buying whatever I want, got to watch what I buy somewhat. I have 5k euros saved and that is for emergencies like ending in a car crash and having to pay for the hospital.
Yeah I'd recommend a refurbed/used one over the 2DS unless for some reason you like the form factor
@5pike Cheapest i found was 100 euros or something around that. I can get a new one for 150
What about "new pokemon game" isn't a spending emergency?
@Arperum Check your local classifieds site. I regularly see 3ds's going for 50€ (sold by angry parents).
@Arperum I have never had that much in savings O_O
Wait, that's a lie. I did when I was saving for a car.
@OrigamiRobot That's from saving up from when I was a child, partly and partly from when I still lived with my parents.
I'm kind of looking into buying a house too, so paying for the loan and things like that. (true, having an own house would spare me the 500 euros rent I pay now)
I can't even dream of rent that cheap around here.
@OrigamiRobot Don't have an own car, my car is from my job.
@StrixVaria Hiring from a friend of my parents, and in february the contract is over and she'd want 850 euro, and I can't pay that much.
Why are you guys posting videos of young girls again?
I bought a festival ticket of about 100 euro in august, and by the end of the month my spending money kind of ran out. Got my pay just in time though.
Q: Does +Spell Damage effect traps?

DiabloMonkeyThe hunter has 2 traps that deal damage (Snipe & Explosive Trap). I was wondering if those are affected by +Spell Damage like other spells. And if they are affected, when does that happen? Does the spell damage of when you cast the secret lock into the card, or is it calculated based on the ...

^ this is better
Yeah - got a PSU adapter, now I can install my SSD
Q: How to beat the training ground in Ninja Village

TeraTonI'm on my first playthrough of Ninja village on android and have finished everything else, except the training grounds. I'm currently stuck on lvl 145 and can't seem to figure out the right hero combination to beat the level. My army is maxed out and the ninjas I'm using are all lvl 30. my format...

Q: How can I preview a Halloween paint on an item?

vendyHalloween paints are still working. There is a program called TFMV which lets you preview loadouts and paints on TF2 classes by scanning the VMT files for each item and making an easy interface for editing them (then loading them in HLMV), but it (somewhat understandably) doesn't include any of ...

I might switch my mind this weekend though and get me a 3DS and one of the new pokemons.
@Arperum We only want your best
@Sterno I don't get this
@fredley It's a bear playing tetherball. What's not to get?
Which one should I get assuming I get one?
@Arperum I'd get the one with the least retarded pokemon
@5pike Somewhere where I can see the differences quickly?
Just killed an Emolga with Volt Switch. Feels good.
@Arperum JOIN..... US......
I appreciate you not waking me up, alarm clock. As always.
@Arperum I'd have to google myself.
Mhh... the one from IGN looks good
If you are still indecisive, flip a coin.
Oh no. I just opened Visual Studio and my company is out of ReSharper licenses so I guess I don't get to use one. This is the worst day ever.
@Sterno This sounds like a good excuse to Not Work until somebody fixes that.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I doubt my employer will see it that way.
@Arperum Fairly minor set of pokemon, evolution stones and mega evo stones
the IGN list is good but omits the stones
@Sterno "Sorry boss I can't come in today, I have the Pokerus"
I don't understand Pokemon
@Sterno Nobody does
Considering dropping $200 to buy my own ReSharper license. Hrm.
@StrixVaria This is the problem with skipping generations. I have no idea what that is.
@OrigamiRobot Yeah I have a hard time telling what's gen 5 or 6
@BenBrocka I've played 1, 2, 4, and now 6.
Slight resemblance to...
@OrigamiRobot I only missed gen 5
@BenBrocka This is gen 4 isn't it?
I'm considering bringing my brother in to Arqade. That kid has so much Pokemon knowledge it scares me.
@OrigamiRobot Oh yeah that's Pachirisu the other one is the gen 5 pikacopy
too much gif :(

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