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@fredley ∞
@FEichinger inf
@FEichinger inf+1=inf therefore MATH IS WRONG qed
@Unionhawk Oh god, not this shit again. We've been there. We've done that.
@FEichinger Indeed we have. MOVING RIGHT ALONG THEN
i wish i could queue for cata dungeons at max level, and lich king and bc heroics too
oh no
world of warcraft speak
my character is still listed on battle.net
i mean cataclysm, wrath of the lich king and burning crusade
taunting me to return
i'm doing shado pan right now
you should set them on fire for taunting you.
@kalina You shall not ... return.
I returned once for one month since quitting
dps of course, the group would have wiped by now if i had been tanking or healing. that the fun thing about dps, you can tab out and chat anytime you like
I did that while healing
@kalina Yes, and that was because someone paid it for you, wasn't it?
anyone fancy doing icc 25 heroic?
I do not currently have a single blizzard game installed on my pc
I actually have four WoW accounts
I only have 3
I have one on the US realms as well
and then my main account and two I used during a multiboxing experiment
i have 6 wow accounts, five in eu and one in us
my US one was on US Illidan
well seven actually if you count the ptr
that's a bit of a crazy realm
i wonder if they are going to kick me from this group, my dps is right at the bottom, 16k
I got a play free now mail, so guess i could play 7 days free
all email I get from blizzard is moved into trash
Diablo 3 is up to patch 1.0.8?
started a wizard yesterday, got her to level 4 and quit
my sorceress has been level 60 since a couple of weeks after the game came out
same with my demon hunter
I just haven't played them since... ages ago
I got the 4 other classes at 60
the tank is doing 25k
sucky tank
or wait you where doing old content
no actually this is level 85 to 90 mysts content
So, how's that "avoid WoW talk" thing working out for you, @kalina? :P
it's just not
worst of it is, I'm logged into my battle.net account now
@kalina NO sets @kalina on fire
runs away, since it didn't work
Gambling is bad.
gosh i managed to face roll my way through, by calling a molten thingy and the healer kept healing me
hpe they stick around long enough for me to tab back in and say thanks
so you didn't faceroll at all then, you got carried
i tried hard
no you didn't
how do you know
autoattack doesn't constitute "trying hard"
warlock on auto attack?
no, i was pressing buttons with my thumb on my razor naga
ooooooooooohhhhh, that's why it's so expensive. I'm 14 years ahead of everyone els ein admin power. Crazy kids.
i have all warlock abilities mapped so that i can use them with just one hand
@kalina You ... You should really stop that, you know.
i use bartender and the naga to allow this
i was not carried
i did the carrying
@axrwkr With one hand, huh.
I see.
at bottom dps, you were carried
and i was chatting to you at the same time
there is no argument
with one hand
do random scrubs have dragonslayer now?
hmmm, i see
do more random scrubs have dragonslayer now?
you think dps matters
@axrwkr as a disc priest who was very rarely bottom dps in random dungeons, yes it does
@kalina not sure what to say... i've only done disc in pvp, i only hope you had fun
hilarious fun letting dps die in a fire, because they stood in fire and weren't contributing as much damage as me
Not my job to carry you.
@kalina Sure, you didn't set them on fire.
no friendly fire in pve
except leap of faithing people into fire
it's more fun to heal in pvp and do some dps on the side, its very satisfying, i only ever did holy in pve, though I'm tempted to switch to one of my low level disc priests and see what it's like to heal that way in dungeons
I could stand in fire until I had no health, void shift my health with somebody else so they had no hheal
@axrwkr I healed that way in progression raiding
@kalina You've... clearly thought of this.
gosh, you put people in fire?
@Unionhawk I suspect she has also actually done this.
@Unionhawk we actually used to see how many people we would kill during raiding
we = the guilds priests
Grim Batol was hilarious for it, you could life grip the tanks to the edge and they'd walk off and die
@axrwkr You haven't met @kalina? She's our dearest. She sets fire to everyone. Everyone.
@FEichinger Yes.
Ragnaros was hilarious for it, because his pit is surrounded by lava
lifegrip to the edge, watch people walk off into the lava
ok... that's nice
void shifting people to troll them in pvp, just before you died
follow the same bad person around for the entire match until they quit
well... ummm, kalina, i've had a few beers, so I'm not as sharp as I might otherwise be, but may I invite you to do some arena with me?
And to our left, if you are very quiet, you can see the @kalina in its natural habitat.
I am NOT playing WoW anymore
that''s several years of my life I'm never getting back
@kalina Stop talking about it then
@kalina Good! Stay strong!
... was it the horde or the alliance?
I've been both
why choose?
i am both, i got my long strange journey achiev on horde though, did you get that one?
horde is generally better for pvp
alliance is generally better for the top of end progression raiding
my first character was alliance though
I was missing fire festival for that one, luckily i got 7 days free play around that time this year so i got it
did you get that one?
realm first level 90 priest... me... no
@kalina is that you?
5 months ago
i have a character on that server
@axrwkr I was only active for one month, it was many more months before that I actually quit
hmmm... i suddenly feel the need to edit a post i made recently
oh, the relentless clicking in Godus killed my mouse btw
left click on my RAT 7 MMO no longer functions
@kalina Ugh
@kalina WTF
and the mouse intermittently turns itself off
I've had problems with my sensor on my Rat7 forever. Every now and then it stops reading horizontal or vertical inputs for a bit
@MichaelDunfield mine showed those symtoms, + all of the lights going off + windows going "er... installing mouse drivers?"
@kalina That sucks
Q: Where do meteors usually spawn?

user57146On Terraria I had mined a shadow orb so of course i got meteor, But when i destroyed another shadow orb today i can't find it. Last time it was an the Left ocean. Where could it be now?

My mouse is misfiring on both Mouse0 and Mouse1. I should probably replace it ...
so I bought my rat 5 home from work
which is intermittently double clicking when I left mouse after several more hours of godus
so I'm branding Godus as a murderer of mice
Ugh, now I can't play Frogatto fullscreen, it cuts off the top for some reason.
They're working on resolution options I guess, but that doesn't help me now
Remember Me is on sale
14.99 instead of 29.99
Still too expensive
however, you use a different currency.
Interested, but not enough to download it
@kalina may i ask why you quit
@axrwkr because 10 hours a day grinding daily quests for reputation, doing progression raiding, and all of the other bullshit mechanics they added as timesinks in MOP was far too much of a commitment
@kalina ok... i'm not sure what i can say right now, all the things i can think of, thought they are sincere, might be construed as trollish...
also the guild I was in full of people I actually know fell apart, because nobody felt they could be harsh enough to a bunch of people they had to speak to again in real life
bunch of people from world top 100 guilds couldn't take realm first on a backwater realm
@kalina i so you mean the dedication required... was like being in some sort of military arrangement?
Gooood morning.
@axrwkr I don't know if you've done proper progression raiding where you're aiming for double or single digit world ranks or not
but basically, if there is something available in game that will increase your item level by 1, you're compelled to do it, even it will take you all month to get it
Should say everything
@MBraedley this is a good user name(!)
A: When is it ideal to feed my pokemon vitamins?

ass lordeat fart you fucking cunt go smell your mothers ass your a total fart master

this guy likes farts
@kalina no not me, i have a soul drinker though that dropped when i was tanking death wing on normal with a guild ( my proudest moment) but apart from that i have only done random raids
And receiving offensive flags
@axrwkr yeah, I didn't take part too much in the 'casual' side of WoW
@kalina do you have a login on elitist jerks?
4 days a week from 7pm until midnight + daily quests + a potential 5th day if we're close to a kill + theorycrafting + everything else
@axrwkr nope
@kalina gosh
once it got to the point where I was actively playing WoW at work, I decided to quit
though i must say, i enjoyed the twilight council raids more than deathwind
@kalina Probably for the best
I joked about playing EVE but nobody really plays EVE
I have never played WoW
i mean bastion of twilight
WoW has the possibility of being visibly and publicly ranked #1 in the world
to get there, it costs you pretty much your life
lots of people still do it
@axrwkr tier 11 in cataclysm was a nice tier
pretty much the last good tier I took part in
since firelands and deathwing was crap
@kalina playing wow at work... i never did that, but i wanted to, i asked if it would be ok, not to my boss, just someone i work with, that's when they started treating me like some sort of junky
i mean, all i wanted to do was play a game
sounds like an addiction
take cocaine instead, it's less damaging to your life
not true
loads of people go on facebook and youtube while they are at work. so why can't i mine some ore or gather some herbs or do some fishing at lunch time?
Q: Is there any way to predict the outcome of a gem fuse?

WizLizWhile crafting gems in Infinity blade III , I couldn't find any way to predict the outcome of the craft. Are there any receipes or speficif crafting one must do to get specific gems (like +High damage, or Defense against all elements) like it was possible in Infinity Blade II.

i'm going to try and do some random dungeons with my tank warrior now, this is the second character i created ever
with this character i remember having lots of fun doing random lich king heroics, and then it all went wrong when cata came out
all of a sudden. i didn't know what to do
Q: Aquatic Cave Bunnies

ZibbobzDeep underground in Terraria, whilst fighting skeletons and killer bats, I came across the most fearsome creatures yet imaginable. Aquatic Cave Bunnies! AAAH!! Okay but seriously, aren't these guys only supposed to spawn on the surface? What gives?

night elf warrior tank... i miss ashenvale so much
why did they do that
oh ashenvale
WOW causes cancer.
anyone fancy alterac valley?
Oh no! My cardinals that were loyal to me are now loyal to spain! (p.s. I'm spain)
but yeah, made spain, so fancy.
Take that @Fluttershy!
@Wipqozn that made no sense to me
@axrwkr Playing Europa Universalis 4.
@Wipqozn still means nothing... anything to do with football?
It's a video game. I jusy formed Spain. The game starts in 1444 when spain didn't exist, but I was playing as CAstile which is one of the major founding powers in Spain. I just formed it.
founding of what?
When I switch to spain everyone who was loyal to me as Castile remains loyal when I became Spain, but there seems to be a bug where it still givea a message for certain things thinking I'm still Castile.
@axrwkr I just made Spain.
hang on... the game is called?
Europa Universalis 4.
is it fun?
Q: Anyone has table of piercing and damage for each tower in bloon tower defense?

Jim ThioFor example http://bloons.wikia.com/wiki/Bomb_Tower says that it hits 10 times as much against MOAB. Well, 10 times what? How many hits, for example, from a moab mauler would pop a zomg? Snipper tower takes 23 hits. ZOMG itself takes 5500 normal hits to pop. How many time do we have to hit wi...

Q: Making sense of the Stock Exchange in GTAV

Django ReinhardtAs a little experiment, I invested all of Franklin's money on the LCN in one company: Maze Bank. I then sent him to sleep over and over for a week (game time), checking his portfolio every time he woke up to see how the stock was doing. What I saw baffled me. The stock fluctuated 1 or 2% for t...

in what way?
Morning, Bridge
@axrwkr The best way.
@Wipqozn What'd I do? D:
@Fluttershy You know what you did.
The most views any EOU question has is 147. That makes me sad.
@Sterno what does eou mean?
@Sterno Damn kids these days, don't have any respect for the classics!
It all needs to be bang bang and boom boom!
@Wipqozn And Pika Pika
Q: Why does my Greninja keep shaking?

Alex BraultFor the last couple of battles, I've noticed that my Greninja moves from side to side each time he comes out of his pokéball. He's also more energetic than my other pokémon on the Pokémon screen and he receives boosted EXP despite never having been traded. I've been to Pokémon Centres multiple t...

is it possible to LOSE at rock paper scissor as Wyatt?
Q: Is it possible to lose at Rock Paper Scissors as Wyatt?

badpI've played through Wyatt's segment of 400 Days twice, without losing a single round of rock paper scissors. No matter what I do or what I say during this section, it seems that this chapter is completely on rails and I have no choice but leave my buddy behind. Knowing the franchise, this can't be

@axrwkr It's either Etrian Odyssey Untold or Eastern Oregon University.
@Fluttershy ok... is that on a stack exchange site?
Q: What is a viable site for tracking the "Borderlands 2 $100k Contest" targets?

Brandon BouquillonI have having a very hard time finding a site that reliably lists and udates the info about the Borderlands $100k contest. The "official site" is basically an endless sign-up loop that just keeps showing me the rules and regs, but does not list the actual targets. I was wondering if there is a s...

Ah, @kalina is still my favorite pokemon.
if there is a pokemon called kalina, I am renaming
@kalina I nicknamed my Charmander @kalina
@kalina wrt your recent question, you're essentially drawing circles with the mouse, right? That's what I take the instruction to mean
drawing circles with the mouse?
Q: How can I rewind memories during memory remix?

kalinaI've gotten to the Olga Sedova memory remix after she's tracked me down at Tommy's bar - The Leaking Brain - and caught me off guard. Unfortunately, I don't seem to be able to work out what to do? The on screen prompt says: Rotate the mouse anti-clockwise until you find a memory glitch. Hold...

that seems equally as stupid as what I was doing
which was following the on screen pictures of a mouse being turned around
@OrigamiRobot Fitting.
ok so that actually moves the video back, in a fashion
that's got to be the most retarded method of controlling a game I've ever come across
wait what

 The Litter Box

General discussion for pets.stackexchange.com. Pet pictures an...
"The Litter Box"? What a shitty name.
@kalina should I answer then?
sure, 15 free rep for you
@kalina Remember Me's PC controls are stupid.
Q: What are the conditions for the Hardmode bosses to spawn naturally? When do Hardmode boss summoning items drop?

DoorknobA while ago, I saw the message "You feel vibrations from deep below...". The Destroyer spawned and promptly destroyed me (since I had just entered Hardmode and only had Molten Armor). Why did the Destroyer choose to spawn right then? What are the conditions for it, the Twins, and Skeletron Prime...

So this is what the is for
@badp Thanks, I didn't realize it had entered beta
goddammit The Walking Dead this section is BORING I just want to GET OUT OF THE CAR without going through ridicolous ROCK PAPER SCISSOR dialogue trees
@FEichinger tell me about it
to be fair, the rest of the controls aren't bad
@badp i have only seen season 1 and 2 on sky, how many seasons are there?
I had no issues beating the crap out of people, haven't died yet
haven't suicided off ledges
but this rewind thing is awful
i love zombie stories
@axrwkr The TV series has ridicolous rock paper scissors dialogue trees?
i have had many happy dreams where i was surviving a zombie appocalypse, though i must admit its not a nice idea
Nobody cares about the TV series, psh.
oh... you were refering to the game
i didn't play that much
only a little, up to the bit with the shot gun when the car crashed
@LessPop_MoreFizz It's a video game!
@axrwkr Okay. You now go back and play the rest of it. Go. GO.
@MBraedley so what? Some franchises make a point of realism
@FEichinger its a long ting, as they say
and then they let you minigun civilians in an airport willy nilly
what the actual fuck?
@badp thats what left for dead 1 should have been like
@axrwkr what.
@badp theres this game on xbox called left 4 dead
its amazing
@axrwkr I'm aware.
@badp and it was over too soon
@axrwkr It's a multiplayer game and a sequel came out.
@axrwkr I'd wager the vast majority in here at least knows L4D.
left 4 dead 2 is better..
with workshop maps and all
Welcome to PC gaming, btw :P
@3ventic its good, but i wanted to play the first one more, i tried multiplayer but it was wierd having strange people shouting at me
@axrwkr single player L4D is absolute garbage
@axrwkr Co-ops are to play with friends
@3ventic maybe i have no friends... or maybe my friends dont play that game, or games at all, pick one
@axrwkr That's why you play with strangers and make some of those strangers friends you play with
@badp The bots are actually pretty good
anyway, a game should be good on single player... might as well be chess
@MichaelDunfield what?
@badp In Left 4 Dead.
The AI team members are surprisingly good.
@MichaelDunfield They can't climb ladders if you're downed on either end
@axrwkr A game that's designed to be Co-Op multiplayer is bound to be shit in single player.
Eh, I haven't played it in a long time. One of my friends brought it over once and we played.
you always have to be the one that charges in headfirst
only then they advance past you, typically getting in the way of your gunfire
then they automatically waste medkits
I always want to be the one who charges in headfirst
@FEichinger well if left 4 dead was not designed for single player... well, i must say, its a fantastic game, i loved it on single player, i was seriously honestly scared while playing it, same goes for gears of war 1
@MichaelDunfield dude, no. It's the zombie apocalypse. There's no room for heroes in a zombie apocalypse.
@badp It's a gaaaaaaame
That's the whole point of the genre
gears of war was the first xbox 360 game i played... it was meant to be halo 2, but there was a scratch on the disk so i returned it and they didn't have a replacement so they gave me gears of war
or was that halo 3
Anyway, I played through all the scenarios with my friend, and haven't felt the urge to pick the game up myself since. It was good, but eh
no it was halo 3
to be fair the scenarios kind of doubled in number, at least in L4D2
@axrwkr If you are a fan of Gears of War you need to play Vanquish.
@badp Oh, nice, there's more than four?
also it makes no sense to have them wait for you to charge forward when they have 80 HP and you're in the red
I've played the second one too, but only once.
@badp Can't you ask them for their medkits?
Anyway, all things considered I thought the AI was pretty good.
@MichaelDunfield the AI in L4D? They get you killed.
@MBraedley Eh. Not my experience.
How hard can it be to lose at RPS
rock paper scissors
About 1 in 2, then.
and the save point is either 6 minutes before or 1 second after you win.
@MichaelDunfield So far I'm 4 in 5 and I want to lose.
@badp ?
@MichaelDunfield He's trying to change the outcome in TWD.
And horribly failing at that.
and now I have to play the entire fucking sequence again
what were they thinking?
Welcome to gaming
anyone fancy doing hour of twilight? i can tank or heal, i will pay 500 gold when wowhead.com/item=72864/pauldrons-of-conviction drops
Well, that one was quick.
didn't see it what did it say?

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